> "He was a man of honor & integrity," Troye wrote of Powell on Twitter. "Trump's disgusting & vile statement about Powell is another blatant reminder that he doesn't care nor have the capacity to understand and respect those who serve our great country."
> The researchers found activation of the hippocampus and the anterior medial temporal lobe when the sleeping children were played words they had previously learned. This activation correlated with how well they had performed when they initially learned the words a week earlier. medicalxpress.com/news/2021-10-brain-toddlers-memory-words.html
@Cerberus he was caught sexting with underage girls (and caught again after being convicted). But also he was an outspoken NYC area representative -and- his (now. former) wife was the primary aide to Hilary Clinton during her campaigns. (all this in the few years before Trump.
Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera (; c. 22 BC – AD 40) was a Roman-Phoenician soldier born in Sidon, whose tombstone was found in Bingerbrück, Germany, in 1859. A historical connection from this soldier to Jesus has long been hypothesized by numerous scholars, based on the claim of the ancient Greek philosopher Celsus, who, according to Christian writer Origen in his "Against Celsus" (Greek Κατὰ Κέλσου, Kata Kelsou; Latin Contra Celsum), was the author of a work entitled The True Word (Greek Λόγος Ἀληθής, Logos Alēthēs).
Celsus' work was lost, but in Origen's account of it Jesus was depicted as the...
Anthony Weiner is a former member of the United States House of Representatives from New York City who has been involved in multiple sex scandals related to sexting.
The first scandal began when Weiner was a Democratic U.S. Congressman. He used the social media website Twitter to send a link that contained a sexually suggestive picture of himself to a 21-year-old woman. After initially denying reports that he had posted the image, he admitted that he sent a link to the photo, which was described by Pittsburgh Post-Gazette as an "erection barely covered by a man's underwear" and by iPolitics as...
I chose this example because of its borderline nature. Some (like you) might consider the whole thing overblown. But the story is the -only- thing he'll be remembered for. So does it go in the obituary or not? To not put it in would be near blindness to reality, but on the scale of sexual crimes, it's not the worst.
@Cerberus It was totally relevant in that it caused him to lose one election and then because of a felony conviction he did not (or could not?) run again.
@Cerberus now it's 'semantics'. he's not a convicted war criminal, and the label war criminal is applied a bit too wantonly. But one could consider death counts and chain of command and he'd be on the list of people responsible and so 'war criminal' is not a crazy thing to consider.
@Cerberus we're debating here what journalism schools have taught future obituary writers many times over. I was initially tarted the conversation about twitter comments
> Moscow's mayor announced four months of stay-home restrictions for unvaccinated over-60s on Tuesday and the Russian government proposed a week-long workplace shutdown as the national death toll from COVID-19 hit yet another daily high.
And it's because the authorities botched the proper testing and manufacturing process rules.
@Cerberus Putin wants the Russian vaccine to be "admitted" and "approved" by the West.
He thinks that the malicious West refuses to authorize Sputnik on purpose. To hurt Putin.
And this is his reply to 'the West'.
If he lets foreign vaccines to be freely sold in Russia, he will have admitted that the Sputnik vaccine was rightfully turned down, that the trials were run poorly, paperwork was done poorly, and manufacturing protocols were written poorly and Good Manufacturing Practice rules were not satisfied.
This will be contrary to all the blaring propaganda that started saying in the summer of 2020 that we're the first with the working vaccine.
23-yo Siberian boxer Ilya Medvedev killed a bear that attacked him and his two friends on a fishing trip.
The bear first attacked a 48-yo man, and killed the man.
Then the bear attacked Ilya, but he managed to deal him several blows with a knife.
The third man loaded Ilya into the boat and delivered him to the medics. He is now in intensive care in a very serious condition.
The bear has died.
By coincidence, the surname Medvedev means "of bear", with medved standing for bear
from medu/medv - honey and ed - to eat
> Bear taxon names such as Arctoidea and Helarctos come from the ancient Greek ἄρκτος (arktos), meaning bear,[7] as do the names "arctic" and "antarctic"
Oh! So the word arctic also is cognate with bear
> The word Arctic comes from the Greek word ἀρκτικός (arktikos), "near the Bear, northern"[4] and that from the word ἄρκτος (arktos), meaning bear.[5]
A 42-yo Moscow woman got her two daughters infected with covid on purpose, believing that she would then get infected from them, and will get immunity, because "it's best to carry the disease in an easy form". Her friend was having a mild covid, so she brought the two girls to her, and they stayed for several hours at the friend's flat.
Affective forecasting (also known as hedonic forecasting, or the hedonic forecasting mechanism) is the prediction of one's affect (emotional state) in the future. As a process that influences preferences, decisions, and behavior, affective forecasting is studied by both psychologists and economists, with broad applications.
== History ==
Kahneman and Snell began research on hedonic forecasts in the early 1990s, examining its impact on decision making. The term "affective forecasting" was later coined by psychologists Timothy Wilson and Daniel Gilbert. Early research tended to focus solely...
@Cerberus Because vaccines became available in big numbers then, and because infections peaked then, and the government required a certain proportion of workers in some businesses to get vaccinated
The FSB and the Army are not allowing cellular operators to use the better radiowave ranges for 5G, so it won't be adopted soon here.
The ranges allowed for use are only suitable for ultrashort distance use.
So, 5G in Russia will only appear in the center of big cities.
Maybe some bribes, really big bribes, will help solve the issue. I don't know.
To me, 4G is good enough. But I like the idea of ultra-fast Internet.
@Cerberus You see, the Russian vaccine was available since November 2020. President Putin's press-secretary Dmitry Peskov did not get vaccinated, and fell ill with covid in May 2021.
Russia is full of antivaxxers.
Today Mr. Peskov said that he won't get the vaccine yet, because "my antibodies are still high".
More than that! I hope you're sitting down. Dmitry Peskov was carrying a kind of pseudoscientific amulet around his neck in the spring of 2021, hoping that the amulet, exhusing "chlorine ions or atoms", will protect him from covid.
And! After Mr. Peskov fell ill with covid, he said that "it was a pity that I took off that amulet. Maybe I would have stayed healthy".
The journalists laughed at him, and he took off that amulet.
It's like some African country, it's unbelievable.
The level of moronity is unbelievable.
Russia is the country that gave the world such people as Dmitry Mendeleyev, and the Press Secretary of our President is carrying some oompa-loompa around his neck to protect him from the virus. At a time when a vaccine is available.
The last several hundred years is a time like no other in human history. It's impossible to predict what will happen. Too many factors like peak oil, climate change, overpopulation.
In the 1990s, my dad said "soon a new generation will appear, who never lived in the USSR, and they will not vote for communists, and there will be good reforms and development." I said: "they will see corruption around them, and will see a beautiful USSR in old Soviet movies, which are truly masterpieces, and will think that USSR was great".