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Ein übelr Betrieb.
mein Deutsch is so schlecht und die deutsch Klasse ist so langweilig und ich lerne nichts
>: [
Wo ist diese Klasse?
Auf der Uni?
in die Uni
Arbeit macht frei!
deutsch als Fremdsprache B1.1
Was lernt euch?
heute haben wir ein CD gehört über ein Mann der heißt Andreas und er arbeitet in einem Restaurant und schreibt einen Roman
wirklich unglaublich wie langweilig das war
@Cerberus I don't think so. I made that all up. There may have been a siege in the past year.
also, hoffentlich werde ich einige deutsche Leute kennen lernen, damit ich Deutsch sprechen kann
@WillHunting Yeah. I know how it is. If someone were to ask me, I'd be really excited that they even bothered to inquire... but then I'd really have nothing to say. "Not much"
Freitag gehe ich nach Nürnberg und in drei Woche gehe ich in die Niederlande
Niederländische Leute sind so freundlich! ^.^
And the German they speak is so much more refined than in Bavaria
@Cerberus Obamacare merely requires that all have some form insurance,w/includes minimum levels of provided care. Those minima are still punitive, as I’m betting this incident shall prove. Suppose it’s th a70/30 plan w/o max out of pocket. Call it $4k/ICU day, plus perhaps $15k per skin graft. There will be a lot of other changes, but at 30% of $70k is $21k. A 30k annual salary has about that for take home. How long would it take you to pay off a bill equal to your annual salary?
Surely at least 5 and probably 10 years. During which time you will incur interest, lengthening it.
And you will be miserable about it for all that time as your life's choices are boxed in around you and you become essentially an indentured servant.
if I made such a small amount of money I would just give up and go live in the woods with the nice woodlands fauna.
That would not be allowed.
You would be sent to debtor's prison.
Rocks are hard.
how would they find me in the woods?
@Mitch Yes, IS conquered it.
also, man, the big forest animals would protect me.
because they will be my friends.
they would eat you
They'd like you so much
nooooo. friends don't eat friends!
@Mitch Meh it's still fairly similar.
@Cerberus Oh. So that's how well informed I am.
@GeorgePompidou not all at once at least
@GeorgePompidou Wo in den Niederländen?
@Cerberus erst gehe ich nach Amsterdam um die Koninkliijkliikiiiijjlijk Concertgebaeououworkest zu sehen
nicht zu hoeren?
@tchrist Why don't they have cheap plans that cover 100% of everything?
darüber freue ich mich am meisten
@Cerberus hahahhahahahahah
und ich gehe auch ein Tag in Den Haag
@GeorgePompidou Vielleicht sehe ich dich dann dort.
wohnst du in Amsterdam?
Cerb can see everything in the Netherlands from his house.
@Cerberus Economics. Something for nuthin and yer chix for free.
oh! ^.^
except for the back of his house. That's his Achilles heel
@Mitch Everything up to several meters into the next alley.
@tchrist He should apply for a visum and move here!
Flee his debts, too.
plans ninja attack against Cerb's com center
forces deployed
My comm center is a window.
es ist da so schön in Amsterdam. wenn ich Nederländisch spräche, würde ich am liebsten da wohnen!
@Cerberus Do you know happens to people who wait 10 months for skin grafts after major fire damage?
forces stopped by mom in bicycle with baby strapped to her chest
@GeorgePompidou I will wave at you if I see a hippo in the audience.
she scolds them about not bringing an umbrella
forces return to base
aber mein letzter mal in Amsterdam war vor viele Jahre. ich erinnere mich nicht viel
@Mitch wetsuit
@tchrist that's way to late
@tchrist He should flee from his debt and have the rest of whatever needs to be done done here.
@Cerberus I'm going on May 15th to the Mozart concerto and Schubert symphony
I'm so excited! it's the best orchestra in the world.
@tchrist This is a stealth operation. you can't wear a wetsuit and capri pants. They clash
@Mitch Are you sure that wasn't a hooker with a lump of bank notes?
@Cerberus And become an international criminal put on America's no fly list to be immediately arrested and extradited upon identification?
@Cerberus You're tempting me right? OK the only possible response to that is...
@GeorgePompidou Yay! Although to be honest I always find those rankings a bit silly. Top class, sure. But is it really "measurably" better than the Wiener Philharmoniker?
What, those are different in the Netherlands?
@Cerberus yes, you're right. I guess a better point to say is it's the only "great" orchestra which I haven't seen yet.
Babies are not legal tender here.
do you see them frequently?
Somewhat frequently.
But I probably usually see other orchestras in the Concertgebouw.
@tchrist I have this weird feeling that in the US hospital debt does not affect your credit rating or is 'acted' on.
Or is that just the emergency room?
@tchrist I doubt that will happen if you don't fly back there?
@Cerberus But they are tender. You failed to say anything about the mom.
She's hot.
But imported from Eastern Europe or Latin America.
umbrellas procured. missions is now a 'go'
Hi Mitch
team approaching back alley
I intend to see more, but the cool thing is Amsterdam is a 3 hour direct train ride from me, which is super convenient. costs 40 euro for first class.
@Gigili Hey! how's it going?
Fine, thank you.
Alles in ordnung?
I'm coordinating a ninja strike mission on Cerb's apartment. He won't be able to see it coming.
@Gigili Alles gut. und Sie?
ja, und Sie.
danke und tschau
bis morgen
ninja's curiously stop in alley
@Gigili spaeter
that was a quick visit
@Mitch fire
_what is that smell _
@Mitch Yeah, I am awesome like that
abort mission
Wait...it depends on the cheese. I mean really, people make fun of Limburger, but it's way milder than Roquefort or Gorgonzola.
@Gigili Awesome!
@Mitch Do you use whitening?
@Gigili Are you going to go to any soccer games?
Such a bright smile
@Gigili I don't know what that is!
oh teeth whitener?
@Mitch Tomorrow night, probably
@Gigili nice!
Do you get off Fridays?
ah, I forgot, that I must a dry cleaner find.
weißt jemand wie dry cleaner heißt auf Deutsch?
I know. I don't trust the wet ones either
I guess not dry. I just need someone to wash and press my shirts.
Just cleaners (translated) is probably good enough
and I usually do that at the dry cleaners
it's not exactly dry. all the chemicals are liquids
In Dutch, it is stomerij.
it's definitely not dry. they wash them in a standard waschmachine
what is 'clean'? "sahn"?
it's the shirt washing and pressing I'm looking for in particular
So ein Sauberei?
that's also clean in German. and a used to be pretty cool F1 team.
I think it's Reinigung.
That sounds better
Reinigung sounds good.
maybe should I my german neighbor ask.
Rust, reinheid, regelmaat!
google translate say Reinigungen, so that's something.
Maybe should you it your neighbour ask.
I wish google translate had Schwitzertüütsch
@GeorgePompidou Yeah, but how do you ask? You'd have to explain things, and that's the worst.
I really like it.
@GeorgePompidou They have Latin. Does that count?
no he speaks such great english, heh.
gah, they have Latin and not Schwitzertüütsch?
@GeorgePompidou They don't have scots English, which arguably has more speakers.
I mean, arguably so does Moldovan Romanian
wait Schyzertutsch is like really bad Bavarian, right?
but that would be really silly.
to me it sounds more like Dutch or something
Yes, We'd just be having arguments all day and that just wouldn't do.
it's really clunky weird German
Just ask a real person
Or better...buy new shirts
grützi abend!
but then you'd have to ask someone at the store where the 'shirts' are.
and we're back to square one.
I can speak a reasonable amount of german to get around.
I was actually proud of myself… my first day in Germany I get on the train from Frankfurt to here, and an old lady asks me if I know this is first class and what am I doing here
which is nuts… I assume I may look a bit too semitic for her taste or something
so I was able to give her some attitude and ask if maybe in Germany old ladies are tasked with checking tickets rather than conductors.
she was asking you politely to leave?
then she asked if I have a first class ticket.
old german ladies. man...so entitled.
so did you leave?
no I took my place in sitzplatz 12
and put on my headphones and that was the end of that.
But they do warrant some respect since they're old and ladies.
@Mitch Yeah that old German ladies man. What a douche he is
Really, she just wanted the cabin to herself.
not if they're… racist? I still can't wrap my mind around what made her think I don't belong there
I dress shockingly well and am very handsome
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 that guy, his brother is the most interesting man in the world.
it must have been my big nose and curly hair.
@GeorgePompidou Your youthful complexion and demeanor were clues to here that you might be a schwarzfahrer, not bothering to pay the full amount.
also, a reminder of her own mortality, presumably much shorter than yours.
schwarzfahren on the intercity. I wonder how many do that.
@GeorgePompidou um... all the time... by the youth... I've heard.
Oh on the trains? well yeah, moving up to first class.
you'll buy a cheaper ticket then hang out in the cabins.
@GeorgePompidou Picture of you as you would dress for 1st class?
By the way, did you have a ticket for the 1st class?
I dress for the day man, not for the train class in which I'm riding
and yes of course I did
So picture.
I'm no schwarzfahrer, and I don't know anyone my age who would schwarzfahr
I have switched to 1st class on days when 2nd class was crammed.
Kids these days. No sense of propriety. Or appropriate dress.
Tons of people do so here.
looks for a picture of me dressed for the day
Didn't you hear what happened to the ninjas? And that was a younger mom with a baby (or cash, depending)
Which day?
I don't really ever photograph myself.
See she was envious, having scrounged for years, denying herself luxuries, that now in her retirement she can indulge every so often in the privilege of a first class ticket.
well, I did today with a bottle of Schwip Schwap to demonstrate to my girlfriend how delighted I was with this beverage. but that doesn't have much of my outfit in it.
@GeorgePompidou prove it. pix please. We need photographic proof of that rarity
just sweater and coat.
no. but the sweater is hugo boss.
and my trenchcoat is quite tasteful.
That means nothing to me, whether your supervisor at work gives you clothes to wear or not.
why would one's supervisor have business giving their employee clothing?
OK... the puns are not coming out right.
@GeorgePompidou ok back in business... I told you that means nothing to me!
I only got your pun when you said there was one.
I still haven't.
vielleicht bin ich nicht so klug.
Anyway...yeah the od lady was uptight, but it was because of your youth. If you asked here, she probably was sincerely looking out for you, and didn't want you to be caught (assuming that you were schwarzfahring)
@Cerberus I know. That means it is a bad pun. also it's a bad pun if it's too obvious. a fine line
@GeorgePompidou you said you sweater is from hugo boss. I don't know these fashion things.
oh! haha
I suppose it's better than what I thought initially.
that is, her thinking that I'm from the east or some other place.
which reminds me of a joke (reminded by 'friends eating friends')...
@GeorgePompidou I can't remember... are you from the US but parents slavic?
@Mitch I don't want to believe that because if it's true then I was really kind of a sarcastic prick to her in my attempted response—and that is then unwarranted.
parents Romanian. not slavic.
@GeorgePompidou well... she was still being prejudiced for whatever reason. and also, she did probably want the cabin to herself.
@GeorgePompidou oops. Balkan then?
but what was the point of that, I can't remember.
oh I know.
I might look a little… ashkenazi? I dunno.
Have you been to England or France?
well, if you meant exclusive or, then no
I'd actually expect worse there.
well... it's difficult
difficult to say. depends on looks and age etc.
the type of or you intended?
obviously inclusive.
orders food from lieferheld
I do not understand what is difficult
@Cerberus Have there been any problems with XP so far after its end of life? I am interested to know.
are you still torn on which operating system to use?
Now I am just interested in what I asked. But I am still using Linux.
Are you in Germany now?
@GeorgePompidou OK now the joke I promised.
I find it hilarious because...
Well, I bet like you I don't particularly get it.
But the fact that other people think it's funny, for that particular joke, that I find really funny.
Q: Which is grammatically correct, "self-employed" or "self Employed"?

TommySelf-employed farmer Belle Vue. (Belle Vue (Community name) is a proper none)

Q: Is it grammatically incorrect to split two separate items as adj1, or adj2, noun? For example: adj1, or adj2, n = adj1 n and adj2 n

dramundoI'm writing some content and a coworker stated that the following was incorrect: You have the option to use the red, or green, ball. or should I be saying: You have the option to use the red ball or the green ball. Is there one that is more grammatically correct than the other?

Ok @Rob, I’m nearly ready to pull the GRAMMA CORRECT trigger.
@Mitch I get it. It is very simple.
Q: Is there a correct abbreviation for "Interest" or "Interested"?

HynesAccording to AllAcronyms.com, an acceptable abbreviation for "Interest" is "Int." Yet I am unsure that this is correct. What is the correct abbreviation for "Interested" and conversely "Not Interested"?

@Mitch If I can get, so can you.
@WillHunting Hmm problems, like which?
@Cerberus Virus?
Why would there be any problems?
@Cerberus No more security updates?
@WillHunting Cerb doesn't install updates
The last time I updated my Windows was years before Microsoft stopped making security updates for XP.
Q: Which one is correct: "You've got no life of/for" your own?

see mun Teh"Let's face facts here. You took care of your parents for so long, you've got no life of your own." "Let's face facts here. You took care of your parents for so long, you've got no life for your own." Thanks a lot.

Q: Which one is correct?

ozfrtI wrote this but I'm not sure if it's correct:

his Windows has been unsupported since he bought it
I never bought it.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Anyway, I really miss Kit. I hope she returns to the Hotel soon.
It came from some old CD.
@WillHunting she's probably just busy
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 OK. She is like my daily dose of inspiration.
My browser is well protected, and I don't install random crap.
Q: I`m just curious about how to speak "anti-" is correct?

ellisI`m just curious about how to speak "anti-" is correct? it`s like ant/ai/ or ant/i/??

That's on the front page.
I install many programmes, but I throw them at Virus Total / Jotti Q first.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 But like you said, the magic was in me all along.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Wow.
I also use Office 2003.
Which was last updated ten years ago, probably.
I don't care for ribba.
@Cerberus I am thinking of doing the same in future. I will get one final copy of Windows and Office and use them for life.
Sure, why not?
@Cerberus I totally regret wiping out my hard drive with Linux. Linux sucks, don't try it.
But you have to be a responsible user with a well protected browser, otherwise it would be irresponsible to do what I do.
You wiped out your hard drive?
@Cerberus Yes, no more Windows on it.
We have Linux at work, and I have to say I don't enjoy working on it, if only because it is Different From What I Am Used To, even though I greatly support the idea.
@Cerberus because if you want anything new you will eventually not be able to make it work on your computer. e.g. no browsers support Windows 2000 and most don't support XP.
By the way, does Adobe Reader currently have the "previous view" button?
@WillHunting Well, then make a clone of your current Linux, then install Windows 7, see how you like it. If you don't have a copy lying around, order an OEM CD from Ebay for €25.
You should not use Adobe Reader. Use Sumatra or something like that instead.
Adobe Reader is the best.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Well, sure, there are limits. But 15 years on XP is doable.
Let's hope 15 years on Windows 7 is also possible.
@WillHunting I heard it is slow, and vulnerable to viruses. I haven't used it since...2000?
@Cerberus nah, 15 years is too long.
there is already new hardware that won't work on XP and lots of software that won't.
@tchrist If you have such a trigger, my advice would be to FIRE AWAY!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 15 years ago was almost prehistory as far as operating systems are concerned.
I think IE 4 was still the dominant browser, duking it out with Netscape 3.7.2 or whatever.
@Robusto IE 5 at least
Windows 2000 was what all the cool devs developed on.
Linux I don't think had been invented, had it?
No, I'm wrong about that.
But 2000 was closer to the release of the internet than it is to us, by a factor of two.
Apple was selling for $12 a share, ready to be broken up and sold.
The World Trade Center was still standing.
Iraq was still intact.
Bush had not yet had the election stolen for him.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 But still plenty that does. You don't need the latest hardware.
XP is from 2001.
I'm sure I can continue to use XP and my current computer for another year.
I probably will, since I lack money.
And I can continue to do all the things I normally do.
So far, I have only once or twice encountered a programme that I wanted but couldn't install.
And I have been using Office 2003 since forever. Never have I seen any function I really wanted to use in newer versions. Perhaps there are such functions, but they are apparently not very well known or prominent. Conversely, I curse the ribbon we have on the work laptop.
There is hardly any space left to read the actual document.
Especially in Excel, it's absolutely horrible.
@Robusto Linux is from 1992
By the way, I am using XP SP3, which is fairly recent.
the middle ages isn't recent Cerberus
Sure they are.
That's only 500 years ago, which is not so long ago in human history.
The thousands of years before were...longer.
1 hour later…
@WillHunting I get it in the sense that it is funny that people, even if they like and respect the pig almost like a hero, he's still mostly considered food. But I would think even if they wanted to eat him, they'd still just slaughter him whole instead of little by little. So it doesn't directly make me laugh.
But the fact that it is a funny joke to others, that I find hilarious. like cannibalism jokes. Like the far side comic about the chickens at the dinner table, "Eat your soup, it's good for you. Besides, it's no one we know"
1 hour later…
fucking communist Wohngemeinschaft
they make me clean up sometimes >.<
3 hours ago, by Robusto
No, I'm wrong about that.
heh. that's a funny group of lines.
does it make the slightest shred of sense that downloading things from my server is faster through a VPN than not through one?
orders faster
like, 2.5MB/s compared to 100KB
marvels at this thing

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