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01:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

Did you have a nice Bulls game, @Rob?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I'm sure the WS was good for you too.
@Robusto Five hours' worth.
Who you got looks good?
Who I got?
Jimmy Butler is the man.
Derrick Rose is getting back in form too.
Mirotic is awesome too, but I don't like sitting Noah for him.
I haven't watched basketball for a minute.
I like it because I used to play it before my knees went bad.
I wish I could still play it. More fun even than biking.
More fun than tennis?
Tons of shit is more fun than biking. :P
Way more fun than tennis.
Biking is excellent. You just climb on and go great distances under your own power.
That's what bothers me. The distance.
Why would that bother you? It's one of the attractions.
Every day, eight miles out, eight miles back. Except weekends, when it's 15 out and 10 back. Except if I try for something a little more.
Seriously, that's not far from the truth.
It's raining and windy here today and I didn't get to go out. Now I feel all crashy and shit.
The hits just keep on comin'.
Sorry, beisbol.
KC scored?
4-1 KC?
oh yeah
1 hour later…
8 hours later…
@Robusto why did you hide this uncomfortable truth up your ass for two years?
To keep the VC guards from finding it, of course.
Everything's a fuckin' travesty with you, man! What is all that shit about VC? What the fuck has anything got to do with VC? What the fuck are you talking about?
Them's good burgers, Walter.
Also, Dude, Venture Capitalist is not the preferred nomenclature. Nonsoviet American, please.
Hello Agent Skilly.
What's going on?
We just determined that the truth is not out there. At least it wasn't for the last two years.
Well, it's out there now.
But it's not a nice affair.
You know what they say about the truth...
You can paint the facts with many shades of it.
Well, only fifty.
fifty shades?
there's just as many ways to leave
just slip out the back Jack
Hard to do logic in your sleep.
Very few can.
@JohanLarsson I think it's an excellent comparison, even down to the flags :P
Using flags to represent languages immediately and unmistakably marks the author as a moron.
So no idea why someone decided to circle these particular two, all of them are equally hilarious.
You talk like a flag and your shit's all retarded.
Using "faux pas" is only correct if you use it correctly. In all other cases, using it is a faux pas. — RegDwigнt ♦ 31 secs ago
What is it with today and its questions?
How is it different from any other day?
Much different, that's how.
Literally the entire front page is garbage.
Nihil sub sole novum.
And I’m out of close votes.
Ere yet the new sun has risen.
@RegDwigнt Just like the "National Enquirer" :P
We are more like the National Lampoon.
— What does *dog* mean?
*a beat*
— It means go fuck yourself!
*canned laughter for twenty seconds*
Q: Reason of "a + university"; article with respect to pronunciation

HK LeeAs far as I know there exists ten vowels : Five is short and the other is long. My question is about j-pronunciation An hour : Even though $h$ is not vowel, in hour, it is pronunciated as a-pronunciation as like alarm. Hence we need article "an" A university : Here why do we put "a" ? It is pro...

What do you think, is he talking about Ancient Latin or Old English, what with the ten vowels five and five?
Because if he isn’t, it’s nonsense.
Also, what’s $h$ supposed to be?
It's short for shitton of dollars.
@MετάEd oh you do know some of his names, just not others.
Christopher George Latore Wallace (May 21, 1972 – March 9, 1997), better known by his stage names The Notorious B.I.G, Biggie, or Biggie Smalls, was an American rapper. Wallace is consistently ranked as one of the greatest rappers ever and one of the most influential rappers of all time. Wallace was raised in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. When he released his debut album Ready to Die in 1994, he became a central figure in the East Coast hip hop scene and increased New York's visibility in the genre at a time when West Coast hip hop was dominant in the mainstream. The following year, Wallace...
B.I.G. was notorious alright. Christopher Wallace wasn't, but then he didn't go around calling himself The Notorious Christopher Wallace, so you really can't accuse him of doing it wrong.
@RegDwigнt Not so different from other days, really.
@Robusto if you're looking at it now, you're too late to the party.
I deleted lots and lots of crap earlier today.
That is highly unusual.
On a typical day I only close or comment.
My point is that most of what I see these days on the front page is crap.
My point is that what I saw today was more crap than the daily menu I'm normally served.
That's it. We have two points. Let's draw the line :D
I have seven more points left.
You can take your line and draw it across somewhere else.
@Robusto page three ain't so great either
@RegDwigнt I think it has a cumulative effect.
@Mitch Nonsense. Page three at least got boobs.
Boobs? Where?
On page three.
Back to the reading comprehension class for you.
frantically searches
I see no page 3 and no boobs.
Page 3 is a colloquial term for a feature formerly included in the British tabloid newspaper The Sun. The phrase originates with the publication of a large photograph of a topless, bare-breasted female glamour model usually published on the print edition's third page. The feature first appeared in the newspaper on 17 November 1970 and on the official Page 3 website since June 1999, which it still continues. The terms "Page 3" and "Page Three" are registered trademarks of News UK, parent company of The Sun, although the feature has been imitated in Britain's other 'red top' tabloids and by newspapers...
It's been around for 45 years. You have a lot of catching up to do.
Rob's copy has page three ripped out
... and the crossword filled in just to dig the knife deeper
Everything comes at a katie price.
Someone must have ripped the boobs out of my edition.
Or is it "on"?
get a new edition
Internet archive to the rescue!
We need new prepositions.
I think the address is redtube.com.
Many new prepositions, so new that they can only mean one thing.
@RegDwigнt England's way of getting men to read the news
@Robusto Donald Trump is a new preposition and yet nobody needs him.
@Mitch you misspelled "not read the news".
Do you use the new preposition donaldtrump try something else?
Doesn't parse. I think you're using it as a conjunction there.
Donald Trump can be a conjecture, but never a conjunction.
"Shut the fuck donaldtrump"
That works
That's not a preposition, that's half a phrasal verb.
donaldtrump yours
When I find myself donaldtrump times donaldtrump trouble, Mother Mary comes donaldtrump me.
Speaking words donaldtrump wisdom, let it be.
The universal preposition.
That gets away from what I wanted, which is lots of prepositions that can only be used in one sense.
Just remember: John McCain isn't a hero.
What do you want to bet, if Trump gets the nomination, that he and McCain don't try to walk that shit back together?
"Try"? Best buddies, day one.
They will probably marry and have seven children even before the inauguration.
If that happens I will have lost the few remaining shreds of respect I still hold for McCain.
Why wait, just let them fall already.
Life is short. Plus they won't wait for you, either.
"No, seriously — and I'm really rich, so I can afford to say this — John and I have — I'm talking mega-rich, top one-tenth of one-tenth kinda thing — we've had, we've always been sure that my opinion about history is, it's a history of winners, and John and I are both winners, even if we sometimes get captured or distracted — we have the best damn politicians money can buy."
"Ooooh, Robusto is holding a shred, maybe we should postpone the wedding to May, honey?"
"I'm talking elite politicians here."
People constantly forget one crucial aspect about having the best damn politicians money can buy: you still have to go ahead and actually buy them. But people are cheapskates, so instead they buy Sarah Palin.
"If I'm elected I'll have Mexico pay for our politicians. You just watch."
@RegDwigнt She was a budget politician in the midst of a recession. You can hardly blame the Republicans for being frugal.
Oct 16 at 14:47, by Robusto
@RegDwigнt I can blame you for anything. Watch yourself.
Why? Am I going to do something fantastic? Hmm, let me get out the mirror.
Mirror mirror on the wall, who's robustest of them all?
Hey, it's me!
Another day, another day saved. My job here is done.
and in my hour of darkness / she is standing right in front of me
Q: I am looking for two single words, both similar!

UsernewWhen someone throws something or someone out of a window, we have a word for it: Defenestrate The meaning of defenestrate given by Oxford Dictionary: formal or ,humorous The action of throwing someone out of a window: 'death by defenestration has a venerable history' I am looking for...

No need to be breathless about it, dude.
And trump my hour trump darkness she is standing right trump front trump me. FTFY
Umm, perhaps you have us mixed up with the Word Golf site, which does not in fact exist. — Robusto 9 secs ago
I am looking for two married words, both similar.
I am looking for two hot female words to accompany Donald Trump to the next debate.
Trump is always accompanied by more than enough words.
I'm talking hot words. The hottest. Only the hottest female words will be able to accompany Trump as he conquers the convention.
I can offer: tabasco, chipotle, sahara for $3000 each.
No, seriously — and he's really rich, so I can afford to say this: for $30000000000000 each.
The Sahara is where I go for tea.
Sahara is just short for Scarlett O'hara.
Scarlett O'Hara is Scarlett O'Tara
From Mr Chips to Scarlett.
@Robusto spoiler alert. she slaps him in the face, they make out, then at the end they die horrible deaths.
or live horrible self-satisfied lives of leisure.
and somebody loses a thumb... or two
and that's just the song.
And then there's the director's cut with three more hours of intolerable suffering.
For some reason it's called "The English Patient", however.
Because you have to be patient, and it doesn't hurt to be English, either.
They were going to call it "The Patient English" but no one would come if they knew they would have to have skills to see the movie.
@Robusto It does hurt a lot during the three hours of intolerable suffering.
The English try to keep a stiff upper lip through that sort of thing.
@Robusto that must be it. They lured people into cinemas with this false advertising.
Beforehand, no viewer knew they were lacking the skill to watch, and afterwards, every viewer was dead.
It's a skill in itself not to watch :P
But as an ad for a rmantic adventure in a sandy desert... bookings have skyrocketed.
Visit the beautiful minefields of Mali. See the nuclear testing sites in Algeria... glass created by the powers of the Sun! Live like Matt Damon at the filming site of 'the Martian'...and don't make it.
Shit did I give too much away?
I wonder...are there any non-sandy deserts?
most are just rocks... or rock
also snow. antarctica is mostly desert.
yes that seems like bending the rules, but there it is. define 'desert' then apply the rules.
Directly to the forehead.
the oed says "often sandy" :P
Well you came and you gave without taking, but I sent you away, oh sandy.
I'm just repeating footnotes I heard to a national geographic show on PBS I heard a long time ago. So basically it's true.
Footnotes now come in audio?
Yeah, I know!
Which part is the audible one, the notes or the feet?
I would think the feet.
@Mitch Caveat emptor: next up they'll make you smell the foot notes.
Usually it's swearing by the announcer when the camera man drops his latte.
@RegDwigнt smellorama has been tried and failed. You probably don't remember the movie "Cheesequake"
You obviously don't remember that I do.
This wasn't an American thing, was it?
Cheesequake...look it up on IMDB
Sharknado was better.
@HeatherBrown Are you some kind of pommes frites eater?
Freedum fries.
@RegDwigнt Sharknado was no better
Sharknado was yes better.
End of discussion.
No I think you just started it.
You err again.
A desert is a barren area of land where little precipitation occurs and consequently living conditions are hostile for plant and animal life. The lack of vegetation exposes the unprotected surface of the ground to the processes of denudation. About one third of the land surface of the world is arid or semi-arid. This includes much of the polar regions where little precipitation occurs and which are sometimes called "cold deserts". Deserts can be classified by the amount of precipitation that falls, by the temperature that prevails, by the causes of desertification or by their geographical location...
Sharknado 3 started what the first one ended.
@skillpatrol Nice! I win!
Congrats :D
Your mama is a barren area of land where little precipitation occurs.
except I can't read to confirm my winnings
Hence the smelly audiofeet.
@Mitch I believe that means apple fries? My French is not great. No, I do not apple fries.
@Mitch mobile?
Technically it means apples of the earth fries.
It's an ellipsis.
@HeatherBrown That's OK. I can't elope.
And technically that means fruits of the earth fries.
@skillpatrol lazy
What do you think Adam ate, an actual apple?
@RegDwigнt THat's what the picture has.
Just like Jesus's steely blue eyes
@Mitch In English before the 20th century, desert was often used in the sense of "unpopulated area", without specific reference to aridity;[5] but today the word is most often used in its climate-science sense (an area of low precipitation).[6] Phrases such as "desert island"[7] and "Great American Desert" in previous centuries did not necessarily imply sand or aridity; their focus was the sparse population.[8]
@Mitch Yeah when the Bible says "apple" they draw an apple, and when it says "forty" they draw forty. And then they wonder why people call them dumb.
@RegDwigнt what?
forty is forty. are you saying you're a liar?
THat's the only interpretation that makes sense.
Forty is many. Just like apple is fruit.
Also that you're a commandment breaker. THat's the politest thing I can think of to call you.
@RegDwigнt I do not hear your words.
Do you think Ali Baba made acquaintance with exactly 40 robbers? Do you think Jesus spent exactly 40 days in the barren area of land where little precipitation occurs?
Really. I can't hear anything at all except this boinging sound.
@RegDwigнt Yeah. Why not?
Because listen to the footnotes.
Forty days on a boat without mentioning kangaroos was a little weird but...
No way you will not make Australia home.
@RegDwigнt Let's not forget The Flood, where it rained for 40 days and 40 nights.
Yeah now that was quite some precipitation right there.
@RegDwigнt Actually, I've never read the word "apple" in the Book of Genesis. I've just read "fruit", which was the "fruit of knowledge".
For all we know, it was an extinct variety of grapefruit.
Now go show me a medieval picture of Adam eating a grapefruit, and I will show you a hundred of him eating an apple.
It was the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, iirc.
He stared into the abyss for too long.
Eh, I was close enough. I'm not religious.
I'm saying you're right.
I'm saying everyone else is wrong.
Especially the religious.
@RegDwigнt I was responding to @Robusto's correction of the name of the fruit.
@HeatherBrown More of an amplification, really, an elaboration.
This one goes to eleven.
This little piggy goes to hell.
Not after the WHO saved it by saving us from cancer.
Hell, I can get you a toe by three o'clock. With nail polish.
This is a family restaurant.
For your information, the Supreme Court has roundly rejected prior restraint.
You're not wrong, Walter. You're just an asshole.
What do you need that for, Dude?
I'm guessing Heather hasn't had a chance to catch up on TBL yet.
Shut the fu... when do we play?
I don't roll on shabbas!
I bet you told that Kraut a fucking thousand times!
Also, Walter, Kraut is not the preferred nomenclature. Pennsylvanian Dutch, please.
Three thousand years of beautiful tradition.
Do you like sex?
@Robusto Nope. Couldn't find it on Netflix or Amazon Instant Video.
Yeah, Netflix stopped showing it at the beginning of October.
Why would you stop "showing" a digital copy that costs you nothing.
Free money? No not for us thank you go away.
But if you have iTunes you could pay $5 and watch it.
@RegDwigнt Hey, ask them. I'm only reporting the news, not causing it.
I don't believe in Apple.
I believe in Grapefruit.
@HeatherBrown You and @Cerb will get along nicely then.
The extinct variety.
The thing is, Apple has every movie ever made, available for streaming. It's hard not to be tempted by that if you're a movie fan.
Well. So does Vkontakte.
But they don't charge you five bucks apiece. Not even five roubles.
It's available on Google Play, I'll purchase it there.
Yeah, but who wants to support the Russian mob?
"Support"? By not paying?
I don't think the word means what you think it means.
Yes. It only encourages them.
I've got like $20 on my Play Account from their Rewards thing, anyway.
@Robusto But the shitton of dollars thrown at Apple doesn't.
Well, how about you pay Apple nothing, then. To encourage them more.
But we'll get right on that. I hear they assigned four new detectives. Got us working in shifts.
Do you see what happens, Larry?
I don't like supporting Google, either. But you gotta do what you gotta do.
It's hard not to totally like Amazon. But I go along with their incredible service and their infinite selection, waiting for the day when they are going to jerk the rug out.
Which will happen once they have ultimate retail hegemony.
It's long happened around these parts.
They behave most inappropriately in a number of ways, and there have been a number of scandals in the recent years.
But hey, no one else sells Nazi insignia in Germany, so you gotta do what you gotta do.
See? Here in America you can get Nazi insignia wherever you buy your guns.
Are we awesome or what?
@RegDwigнt No, Donny, these men are cowards.
Why are we talking about Nazis?
Well, someone's gotta do it.
So we gotta do what we gotta do.
@HeatherBrown @Reg always talks about Nazis. He's an Englishman in New York a Russian in Germany.
Actually I'm a gay in knighthood, you're reading the wrong Wikipedia again.
You're as different as knight and gay then.
I constantly regayn strength.
Gay schlafen
Ich schlafe doch.
So süß
Wily Werewolf just finished installing. Going to reboot. See you soon.
What? I thought it was Wily Coyote. You've installed a buggy Chinese knockoff!
Nope. That's Wiley E. Coyote. I have the not-so-buggy South African original.
Just because it says möp-möp, doesn't guarantee it's South African.
The md5 checksum checks out. Godunov for me.
Better than Yeltsin.
Which reminds me. Why don't I make like a Yeltsin and mute commies.
Because communists offer valuable insight to the darkest nature of human greed?
@HeatherBrown He twists words all the time. To "mute commies" for him is a new take on "commute"; it means he's going home.
Isn't an egress just a male egret?
I have no egrets about anything I've done.
Happy Dog Day!
@Mitch Those are adorable puppies and I'm upset with you for reminding me that my apartment complex does not allow these deities of frolic.
@HeatherBrown My apologies. I'm just fighting my own fight against the tyranny of that excrescent malaise of ailurophilia, which is to say cats are dumb.
Down with cats!
Stupid, stupid cats.
Cats just aren't good pets.
Today is National Cat Day.
They don't let you love them, they don't play, and they will eat you if you die.
I have cats. So does Tom. We would never be so uncouth as to suggest that there is anything wrong with dogs, however.
As we speak my cat Bosco is sitting in my lap, cuddling.
@Robusto When they lick you, they're just testing how easy your flesh will separate from your bone.
That may be, but at least I know they'll be provided for.
Besides, my wife will probably continue feeding them anyway.
My ex-wife was a cat person. We should have known it was a doomed relationship.
@Robusto Stay very very still and it won't kill you. I'll call the SWAT team.
@tchrist Exactly. Such things are a specter haunting us, just like the cats themselves. staring.... staring... must look away ... can't ... punches self in gut ... now in face ... The horror...the horror.
You know those scifi shows where a person is shrunk down to the size of a pencil? The cat would totally recognize you, and then totally eat you. After pithing you, so you could squirm a little but not get away. and if you managed to wriggle a little bit out of reach, they'd swat you. a bunch of times.
Ha ha. It's funny because it tries so hard.
You get the attendance award, no doubt.
So obviously under your cat's spell. You probably like it too.
Another cat lover heard from.
Cats and dogs!
Please not in the same sentence
Okay. Cats. Dogs.
@Arrowfar Is it raining?
Hi @HeatherBrown. Yeah I know the expression :)
So are all dog owners aggressive like this? I haven't been keeping track.
I'm not aggressive :)
@Mitch Btw nice, nice and nice word.
I had to use the dictionary.
Must be how you get after having to go out and walk your dog in the rain while picking up its shit and putting it in a bag for later.
Are all cat owners this defensive?
Only when under attack.
Nobody was attacking you, we were just commenting on the callous nature of domesticated felines.
Big cats are fine by me, though.
You don't start nothin', won't be nothin'.
@terdon What are you doing here? Did you follow me?
So how come books only get dog-eared, never cat-eared?
Because only dogs have cute, floppy ears.
Cat ears are too pointy.
I'll take my answer offline. Got to go.
Cats ears would be stupid. Like the cats they're on
By the way, I'm not slandering cats. I'm telling the truth.
@Robusto cats are the ones that are offensive
@Mitch I see. Doubling down on the whole asshole thing, is it?
@Arrowfar Excrescent? yeah, that's good for hiding an insult.
As is ailurophile. Ugh. I'm not saying they should all be shot.
That's it. I'm just not saying it.
@Robusto How come it's a catastrophe, not a dogastrophe?
I have to admire your persistence. Mosst people give up ona joke once they realize it isn't funny anymore.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 typing on a tablet. Sucks.
@Robusto Only if you have a lame tablet without one of those neat Bluetooth laser keyboards.
This is a bluuetooth keyyboard, on my lap.
I rest my case.
@Robusto It's not lasers.
On a revised English paper, what does "NP" stand for?
Noun Phrase? No Problem?
Could be noun phrase.
Is that bad? It's a paper I got back from my teacher with a bunch of comments for revisions and I'm seeing those letters quite a bit
I would ask your teacher for clarification.
Alright, will do
NP=noun phrase @onlineth
01:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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