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Ha ha! Like I would
Ha ha ! Like I would actually have a clue. It was in color if that helps.
Was The Doctor cute?
Was it Christopher Eccelston?
58 secs ago, by Mitch
Ha ha ! Like I would actually have a clue. It was in color if that helps.
You can't tell if a guy is cute?
I thought the sidekick was cute. Does that narrow it down now?
@KitFox Nope, never. That’s Cerb’s choice of words, not mine.
@Mitch Not really. Was it a woman?
Don't take this the wrong way but ...hmm something tells me this is questionable tact...but do you happen to also like...
@KitFox Surely anybody can tell whether anybody is cute. To pretend otherwise is lying to someone or other—perhaps to oneself.
@Rob decided to play through what parts of WTC#1 I know a bit of tonight. It really is fun the way things are so different, one to the next.
Puppies are cute.
And poody tats.
@tchrist Yeah. I've been rocking the Italian Concerto again, since we were talking about it. I'm definitely rusty, but it shouldn't take more than a couple weeks to get it back under my fingers. God I love this piece.
@KitFox yeah. she would have been hot had she been wearing something other than jeans and a hoodie. Consequently she was merely just very desirable.
Came at the right time.
@Mitch Was she blonde with an overly large and painted mouth?
@Robusto I must be tripping: your just now mentioning sent it cascading through my brain as though I could hear it. Must because I’ve just been playing or something. Kinda odd.
@Robusto I did not know you speak to God.
@KitFox I'm a dude, I don't remember details like that...I think what I just said was about as articulate and informative as it gets.
@tchrist I have three fabulous recordings of it: Glenn Gould, Ralph Kirkpatrick, and Wanda Landowska. I can never decide which I like better.
@Mitch Why do you say it when you mean you yourself? :)
Lemme check hm.
Oh...she was shorter than the 'Dr'
So do I also like what?
Well, I am under the impression that every regular in this chat is bisexual.
@tchrist no I meant it about what I -said-. Inside my head I am articulate and informative.
@Robusto I have Gould, Kirkpatrick, Dubrovka, and the Don Dorsey send-up.
@Mitch So is everyone else, I’m sure.
@KitFox sorry, all this tweening has got me off track.
@Mitch I said it for you.
@JasperLoy You just want them to all be available, you glutton!
@tchrist lol
@Mitch Which track was that?
@tchrist No. No. I don't think so. Some people also have chaotic thoughts -inside- too.
But guys, really, for the 9000th time, I will tell you that I am hetero.
@Mitch No, I meant that everyone else in your head is probably articulate, too.
Who can give me IPA for a typical Czech pronunciation of their cognate for Paul, “Pavel”?
@tchrist I'll accept that. Ok, no, not everyone. Some of them are kind of silent.
@Mitch It's making me crazy. You've got to tell me what other show you thought I might be into, but thought it might be insulting to ask!
@tchrist I don't know. Who?
@KitFox I like watching Gilmore Girls.
@KitFox I was trying not to do that but it ended up being that way, and now I am pretty sure I will what's the word for it...not anger..not upset... oh yeah insult you.
OK out with it...the Twilight series.
Hahahahahaha. Fuck no.
@Mitch Yes, I think Taylor Lautner is so cute.
I found the Dr. Who dialog not as up to standard as the Twilight dialog/plot/etc.
You have no class.
But...do I have a point?
I have no idea.
> Pavel Nedvěd (Czech pronunciation: [ˈpavɛl ˈnɛdvjɛt]
Ok. They don’t reduce unstressed syllables I guess.
I guess I'm just not entertained by stories about -made up- magic. Whereas Harry Potter is for real magic.
Harry Potter = HP = Hewlett Packard
@Mitch Sure. It depends on what your looking for in your entertainment selections.
So, can you explain to me what is so good about Dr Who?
No, I don't think so. Let me see if I can find a video clip that will though.
@Mitch In principio creavit Deus caelum et terram.
@Mitch "The triumph of intellect and romance over brute force and cynicism"
Which is naturally unheard of in America, where the smart girls who wear glasses are always made fun of and never asked on dates.
OK...IMDB'd it. Yes, the one I saw was with Christopher Eccleston. and no I really don't see what people see in him, looks = not much, character = execrable. And the sidekick (Rose?) turns out to be of course hot blond and big lipped, but she seemed quite ... as my wife would say... 'acceessible'.
I'm just being objective here.
That was a particularly crappy season, IMHO.
David Tennant was a thousand times better.
without yet clicking on that link it looks from here like a Saturday Night Live spoof of ..something.
@KitFox But you actually think Eccleston is hot?
Matt Smith is suitably goofy. I like him a lot, but I don't crush on him like Tennant.
@Mitch No.
David Tennant was a playful, yet broody, romantic interest kind of Doctor. Matt Smith is a fun, playful, yet terrifying-undercurrent-of-power-don't-fuck-with-him, kind of Doctor.
@tchrist oh yeah that was my other topic for the day...wtf it's the twenty first century and people still spend time in public even considering that stuff, two thousand year old campfire myths? Stuff to scare kids with and for old ladies to drink tea over and stupid teenagers to blow themselves up over?
That's his natural accent there.
For comparison.
@KitFox ok finally saw it. it's not funny because I don't get it!
@tchrist I don't know the latter two.
@KitFox I just got that clip for ya.
@Mitch I didn't say it was funny. It was the part with the phrase I was looking for.
Oh wow, that is David Tennant?
8 mins ago, by KitFox
@Mitch "The triumph of intellect and romance over brute force and cynicism"
@tchrist that's fascinating.
@Mitch Yeah. He's frigging adorable.
@RegDwighт Isn’t that cool!?
Some people have too much time.
whoa media overload!
The C#m fugue from book 2 has fricking butterfly animations.
Oh, haven't seen that one. Hold on.
Them is not helping.
Super odd.
Them is covering up important thing.
I actually think they mean something.
Eww, now they have become midgets. I mean, maggots.
Nature is gross. Gimme less nature and more Bach.
Das stimmt.
Chrysalides, or however you say that.
Die Natur ist nicht wohltemperiert.
Per definition.
@tchrist I try to not say that. Whenever I can.
@RegDwighт Call ’em pupus. People’ll understand ja.
I read in wiki the other day that you had another nick.
Something with something.
Don't remember a letter.
@RegDwighт Who me? Thoth.
Yeah something.
Long ago and far away, ’fore these chilluns was even hatchèd.
I only know Thor.
Owl-headed god.
I was really into Zelazny’s Creatures of Light and Darkness as a kid. And it’s still cool.
Or ibis? No, that was Horus, wasn't it?
Horus was a falcon or something.
Oh that's right.
Anubis the jackal.
Horus is a horrible name. It reminds me of Bogus, which is a Whoopy Goldberg movie, which is horrible. Horrible.
You should read the Zelazny. It is in print again.
@RegDwighт Horological.
Sekhmet the lioness.
Nov 15 '12 at 16:20, by Robusto
@RegDwighт That's half of the joke. The other half is that she is famous for anything.
What was the crocodile-headed god of the Nile? I can't remember his name.
A black Goldberg is well, an odd variation.
@KitFox Sekhmet was a planet in Jet Force Gemini, if memory serves me right.
Nov 15 '12 at 16:19, by RegDwighт
@tchrist It only just occurred to me that her last name is Jewish.
@RegDwighт Also the goddess of vengence.
Well, you know, they say that Sammy Davis Jr was only part of the Rat Pack because he was their token Jew.
@KitFox yeah my point being, all planets in Jet Force Gemini had very cryptic names, and nobody has ever figured even one of them out. Not even the devs. So TIL Sekhmet does mean something else.
Oh, I think they all toked up.
@RegDwighт I see you are back to the owl.
@RegDwighт Well, that makes me feel cozy.
@Robusto Double jeopardy was yet another horrible movie, this time without Whoopy, who'd have thunk.
@JasperLoy I have been for like this long.
@RegDwighт I have not seen you in this chat for 9000 years.
@RegDwighт I was sufficiently aware not to see that.
Anyway, in lieu of Whoopy, Double Jeopardy had Ashley Judd. Judd. Which is like Jude. Which is not a Beatles song but German for jew. Coincidence? I think not!
It's judes all the way down.
Herschel Schacter just died. He can say hello to them on the way down.
I remember that from Band Of Brothers.
Now I can never listen to Heil Jude again.
@Robusto so was I, but only after the fact. Sometimes sufficiency is not sufficient; timing is important, too!
What's the most important element of comedy?
@Robusto well yes. Hey jew, don't make it bad.
@RegDwighт That’s don’t take a bad.
It's almost like Let the Mighty Igel Soar.
Take a swan song, and make it bitter.
That was yet another horrible movie. Black Swan.
This chat is horribly moving today.
And yet I like Natalie Portman. But not with wing stubble. She sucks with wing stubble.
@KitFox I just saw your blog and that you are nanowrimo winner.
@JasperLoy blinks
@Robusto Dude. I am, like, her biggest fan. Like, you know. But that movie. Goddamnit.
@KitFox Is there only one winner or many?
@Robusto You prefer unshaven or unclipped?
What's worse, it was directed by the same guy who made The Fountain, IIRC.
And The Fountain is like on my Top 10 Ever.
@JasperLoy Oh. Oh! No, you get the badge if you write more than 50,000 words in November. Anyone can earn it.
@KitFox Ah, but it's still a feat!
Yes, thank you.
@tchrist If you're going to 86 the wings, you have to do a full Brazilian. I'm just saying.
makes notes about Brazilians
Nov 29 '12 at 22:53, by RegDwighт
Brazilians are not funny.
I don't like my leg hair.
Make that note as well.
Speaking of which, dreams are real, dammit.
makes more notes about Brazilians
Perhaps I should do a waxing as well.
Jasper, nobody wants to see you waxed. Or unwaxed.
Just leave the wax alone and step out of the room.
@tchrist well I don't need to tell you how horrible these movies were.
If an owl does waxing, it will have no more feathers.
münches on stifling another scream
Funny how some things cannot be unseen, but nothing can't be unwaxed.
Count the litotae's. Count them.
And that is the unvarnished truth.
It’s remarkable what you can do with superglue and a merkin to fix what ails Jasper.
I am glad I have no chest hair though.
C'mon, people, we can't unthink these thoughts. Can't we leave some things unsaid?
Superglue, you say.
I apologize for the faux em dash.
HAC means wet, yes?
No, that means "us".
That's not German, Rob. That's Russian. Make notes.
OK, translation please. I read the Angela Merkel part just fine.
Oh I thought you were making a translingual joke.
They lost me at the caption.
Oh, that. Yes, I was.
But I don't understand the rest of it.
Great, tranny to the rescue.
Except for "in Germany" ...
"Angela Merkel: the very best superglue we have here, in Germany".
To preserve the word order.
You know, I think it was funnier when I didn't understand what they were saying.
Yow, superglued merkins galore.
I don't think the text is the point.
With those demotivational posters, it never is.
Then what the fuck are we doing here? Text is entirely the point in chat.
Anyone can write a crap caption to a great picture.
@Robusto you so backwards. I am videochatting right now. Shouting at the monitor. In 3D.
I just shouted, in 3D, "you are so backwards". That was fun. You must try.
You're 3D videochatting and in here chatting?
I have never done videochatting.



Should try it out one of these days.
@tchrist .sdrawkcab ton ,sdrawnwod s'tahT
OK, OK ... you know how I pride myself in knowing Japanese culture? Well, I never really watched any anime except Cowboy Bebop. Up until yesterday. I watched some anime because Netflix has a whole fucking genre devoted to it. And ... well, I'm back to Square One with my understanding of all things Japanese.
Them peoples is fuckin' weird.
Did you watch Akira?

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