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"[A]n individual whom is paid"? — Robusto 18 secs ago
@KitFox: Meet me in another channel.
tunes in Tokyo
@KitFox there aren't that many conversations taking place. i'm just barely following one, and only if i'm taking part in it, and even then...
@MετάEd wow, I didn't know that guy was Berry Gordy's kid.
Maybe y'all could ping a cornbread when you're playing such a game.
this stuff?
@axrwkr FORBIDDEN never mind
@KitSox why do people go on about cornbread all the time
@KitSox why is it so special?
@KitSox i dont remember ever eating it
@KitSox does it actually contain corn?
Dude, knock it off with the pings.
Plus, I'm a bot.
@KitSox k
@KitSox oh dear
And yes, it's made with cornmeal.
have you tried it?
!!wiki cornbread
Cornbread is a generic name for any number of quick breads containing cornmeal and leavened by baking powder. History Native Americans were using ground corn (maize) for food thousands of years before European explorers arrived in the New World. European settlers, especially those who resided in the southern English colonies, learned the original recipes and processes for corn dishes from the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Creek, and soon they devised recipes for using cornmeal in breads similar to those made of grains available in Europe. Cornbread has been called a "cornerston...
You are quite delicious.
Oh! You'll give me a complex.
Do you have a favorite song, @corn?
Oh! Did you see Sox's new trick?
!!parentuser 33258
Hah? Right?
!!parentuser 74095
gasp What's this? RPG.SE!??
I had no idea.
!!parentuser 58869
axrwkr, London, United Kingdom
1.5k 3 8 21
Matty McMattmatt and I worked that one out.
There's a Stack for that.
Stack Apps?
I can't touch it. Too embarrassing.
@KitSox eh? what's this about ?
My my my music hits me / so hard / makes me say / oh my lard
@axrwkr I was showing off Sox's new trick.
@KitFox what is it?
@axrwkr She'll find any chat user's parent profile.
@KitFox what is a parent profile?
is this your parent profile?
because you have more rep on that one than the others?
It's whatever SE site you used when you first logged into chat. Or whatever you changed it to after that.
It is my parent profile, but not because it is my highest rep.
I changed it from SO ages ago, and anyway now I'm a mod, so I ought to leave it.
Oh. We ought to do that. @Matt! What about a whois for site moderators? There's a flag for moderator...
That's probably crazy complicated, since it wouldn't use chat site info.
how do you do it?
Do what?
Find the parent user?
ya got me shook up, shook down, shook out on your lovin'
@KitFox how do you get kitsox to respond to your commands, and how does it work when it responds to them?
what does it do?
Oh, she's a bot-script. You can invoke her by using !!.
@KitFox help, listen, eval, coffee, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, norris, parentuser, urban, parse, tell, mdn, afk, awsm, color, convert, define, findcommand, fuckable, get, github, google, hang, inhistory, learn, mustache, nudge, spec, stat, summon, unsummon, timer, todo, undo, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube (page 0/0)
lisa, pamela, angela, renee / I love you / you're from around the way
She doesn't run all the time, but she should be around for a while longer tonight. Myself, I'm off to bed.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Oh that makes me want to play GTA.
Good night!
Good night to you!
Bummer. Doesn't recognize my face.
!!mustache Bradd Szonye
Maybe he's mustache resistant.
OK bai!
Aw, no mustache!
!!mustache tchrist
Hm, for some reason I thought he had a face avatar, even though I know he doesn't.
Et voilà.
@KitFox Thank you. For the story you posted earlier.
@tchrist You're huge.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Not sure if I should go ahead and click the star now, or wait to see if it gets better.
anyone wanna try to solve some Java quiz?
I made them up
for fun, while I was doing push ups
We are not speaking Java.
An English language quiz might do.
5 hours later…
@KitFox how would it work?
Whois kitfox
or would a moderators command be better, to tell us who are the moderators of the site the room belongs to?
maybe an owners command too?
I can't seem to get the data from the pages that hold the information we require. I guess SE must filter XHRs to the users page and the room info page
Oh, that would work. I was thinking something like a "whois english mods".
I have to go get ready for my day and stuff. I won't be back for ages and ages, which means I'll miss rallying people for NaNo.
Is that a hint? does someone need to rally WriMoers?
Maybe, if someone wants to do that.
It's not a command performance.
Anyway, gotta shower. Lators!
@KitFox this works for owners:
var infolink = $('#about-room').attr('href');

$.get(infolink, {'tab':'access'}
, function(data)
    var dp = new DOMParser();
    var doc = dp.parseFromString(data, 'text/html');
    var cards = doc.getElementById('access-section-owner').getElementsByTagName('a');
    for(var i = 0; i < cards.length; i++)
        var ownerlink = 'http://chat.stackexchange.com'+cards[i].getAttribute('href');
I almost have something for mods, but it misses off waiwai (or includes a bunch of mods who are not specific EL&U mods)
What's it do?
It gets all the mods and community managers
or just the elected mods
Gets as in produces a list of?
    for(var i =0; i < data.items.length; i++)
OK cool.
that's the list including community managers
@Cerberus how's life in the aftermath of the gale?
@MattЭллен It seems our problems are over.
The only news I see is about countries with power lines above the ground, they still have major outages.
global warming solved! No more financial crises! Needless government spying, over!
@Cerberus serves us right, eh?
Well, there is probably a good reason why you hang your lines on poles.
Like population density?
It may be too expensive if you have a lower density.
I'm not sure.
I don't know
easier than digging tunnels, I suppose
it is underground within cities
I think
Could it be rocky ground, then?
I don't see loads of power lines criss-crossing Oxford's skyline
@Cerberus maybe
"The figure of 486 km/h (302 mph; 135 m/s) during the F5 tornado in Bridge Creek, Oklahoma on May 3, 1999 is often quoted as the highest surface wind speed."
I have no idea.
@skullpatrol "And I hereby quote it again to increase the number."?
Hey cool Cerberus is not gone with the wind.
Hey cool Reg is not washed away with the floods.
I could use a plantation or two, though.
Can I have slaves?
@RegDwigнt Frankly my dear I don't give a damn :-)
but do you give a dijk?
@Cerberus we do not have floods. But you kill people with trees because you can't handle a little air movement.
people with trees: are they the cause or the result of society's ills?
Let's just say they are. Let that sink in first.
@RegDwigнt You did have them, in April.
@MattЭллен I can construct a dike around the plantation if I have to, sure.
I've written up my answer for today, about "sentence adverbs", which I think is a dubious term.
On Linguistics.
> Sentence adverbs are dubious. — Cerberus
flaggy flag the spammy spam:
A: When to use "cannot" versus "can't"?

dddfpenid penid penid penid penid penid penid penid penid

Dubious adverbs are sentenced.
@RegDwight Thank you for making the effort. But may I suggest that you leave out the 'give-a-fish etc'. It comes across as extremely patronising, and is in any case unnecessary. Sometimes I feel we need to remind ourselves that many of these subscribers have languages of their own, in which they are perfectly fluent, and of which we know possibly nothing. — WS2 50 mins ago
@MattЭллен You steal my answer! You copied it word by word!
Yeah, like I have languages of my own, in which I am perfectly fluent, and of which you know possibly nothing.
The language of your inner mind?
What the heck. I've been leaving that comment forever, in an effort to be nice. Turns out all this time I was patronizing.
Manguage - language of man
Fair enough, I'll just kill stuff with fire and not say a word.
WS2 is an odd one. I though they were French, but apparently they're just old and British
You think WS2 means WS + WS?
> Nowadays I strive to speak the Queen's English.
Hear, hear.
She approves.
Unless it's copyrighted.
Then she sues.
litigation before coronation
interrogation before litigation
Interrogation before execution.
@Cerberus how can she approve? If he speaks her English, what is she left with to speak?
She's the queen so she doesn't need to speak.
You've no idea. Imagine one day she goes visits the Parliament to speak to the Chamber of Secrets, and then she discovers her English has been stolen. What a quandary! She'd have to resign out of shame.
@RegDwigнt Good point. Copying is stealing, so she her label has nothing left to say.
And then you'll have to change all your money. All of it. Dude. Like. Are you even thinking?
@RegDwigнt She'll have to speak in a vulgar accent, then.
You assume she is physically capable of such disgrace.
She could whisper it into a servant's ear?
I bet they've seen her do all sorts of things.
Which part of physically do you not understand? Is it the "ally" or the "hysi"?
It's the p and also the c.
That is most very unfortunate indeed.
I thought Greek didn't have a c.
Attila imported a few seas here and there.
Did he conquer Greece? I don't think so.
That's your problem right there. You don't think.
Just think so and voila!
I think therefore I am
I eat therefore I am.
I thought I wasn't supposed to think.
And you weren't. But then Attila came along and imposed a new rule.
"Kill-and-rape (this is one rule)"?
That's two rules.
How about that?
Sounds legit.
Rebus sic stantibus.
I knew you couldn't defeat such a bureaucratic solution.
I could but I got lazy.
And what's with the ablativus absolutus?
Yes, what is with it?
In public international law, clausula rebus sic stantibus (Latin for "things thus standing") is the legal doctrine allowing for treaties to become inapplicable because of a fundamental change of circumstances. It is essentially an "escape clause" that makes an exception to the general rule of pacta sunt servanda (promises must be kept). Because the doctrine poses a risk to the security of treaties as its scope is relatively unconfined, it requires strict regulations as to the conditions in which it may be invoked. The doctrine is part of customary international law, but is also provided...
Ah, I see.
There was mention of having secret vaccinations here. Because parents from the Bible Belt are afraid to have their kids vaccinated in public.
So you could call a nurse to your house to vaccinate at home.
Defying the community's belief that God will take care of it.
If they are true believers they wouldn't vaccinate anyway. And if they aren't, what's the frigging point of staying in that dumb community they don't believe in.
Vaccination would actually provide a nice incentive and opportunity to finally drop out.
But they don't think that way, apparently. Calvinists are hypocrites.
Take your stance. Take it either way but just take it already.
@Cerberus aye.
It's all about peer pressure.
But perhaps some will drop out, in fact.
The other day I was thinking how much smarter and better polytheism is.
But you probably mean how many smarter.
I mean, it got that one thing right where no God gives a shit what humans do. They have their own stuff to take care of. Their own lives, their own lovers. Their own dumbshit children. They go to their own parties.
That rings so true.
Well, it depends.
More to the point, if once in a while they do have a look at humans, they actually can relate. They understand exactly what's going on. Can offer help and advice.
But the monogod?
Many gods start wars and continue them for generations.
He ain't even married, FFS.
But he is.
To all nuns.
All he does is watch TV all day.
He has bad reception up there.
@RegDwigнt Housing prices. Even Solomon in all his glory...nope, wrong metaphor. somethety something eye of a needle... nope that's closer but the opposite metaphor. Something about taxes and Caesar?
Do you have non-vaccinators in your respective countries?
I mean, just think of it. Think of being forced to watch Reality TV all day, seven billion programs, on seven billion channels, all at once, 24/7, all day long. No pee breaks. Fuck, not even a commercial!
And you can't pick and choose. It's not like you can go "oh hey a supermodel in a shower, I'm watching that". No. You'll have to watch Silvio Berlusconi in a shower, too.
And Angela Merkel eating a sausage with mustard.
And myself typing this, with that shitty dumb grin on my stupid face.
Mmm a sausage with mustard.
That doesn't sound like such a bad job.
@RegDwigнt Okay, that would be annoying.
You don't get to eat it. You get to watch it being eaten.
I thought Merkel was God?
Or is she just a graceful Angela?
Not in monotheism, no.
But she rules Europe.
And she spanks Obama.
And actually, look, it did occur to the Christians what I'm just saying. They tried to fix it. They introduced Jesus. And then they tried to shoehorn him into God with that Trinity nonsense.
That has to be the most counter-intuitive doctrine ever thought up.
It sounds like...a typical compromise in a Dutch 3-party coalition.
Especially since we know that after his death, Jesus went to India to study Buddhism. Well, according to Buddhism anyway.
The Cerberean condition.
Is that really what Buddhists say?
@Cerberus that sounds like a beuraucratic sexual position
It kind of is, I guess. Father with son with vague puff.

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