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No fisting or giggling in chat!
@mahnax Boo!
@WillHunting Ohai.
@Mahnax No work today?
I have to write a French skit though.
So-ry is what I keep thinking of now!
You know, that video?
I'm afraid I know not what you mean.
The one you made.
Oh, that 'un.
I love this video, but it's a little obscene.
@Mahnax It's stupid.
@WillHunting I know.
@Mahnax No need to delete it!
@WillHunting I might get reprimanded.
@Mahnax By who?
@WillHunting I don't know.
Anyways, skit.
What? A video? And I missed it?
@KitFox It's just someone punching another, that's all.
We did Dirty Harry and Green Eggs and Ham for the French skits I remember.
But the sentence after it is the best part.
Please? Please?
I love this video for no apparent reason.
@KitFox Why is Harry dirty? Why are eggs green? I also noted that the ham may or may not be green.
@Mahnax I suppose it has a certain sort of charm.
@KitFox Yes, yes.
Thank you for sharing.
I do not have readily available stuff to make a video or I will put one up and let you hear my voice.
My stupid cough has lasted for many days.
All 10k users should cast as many delete votes as possible.
Q: Incorporating indirect third person pronouns

Jakub ZaverkaI am sure this has been asked before, I just don't know how to put the problem in a few words. I am concerned about using third-person pronouns when refering to a person indirectly, througt status, occupation, role, etc... Example sentence: A free person can do whatever (he / she / he or she / ...

I D-VTC'd.
Anyway, just like I have been hopping between linux distributions, I have also been hopping between dictionaries. I have yet to settle on the ultimate one.
But while there are many comparative reviews for the former, there are almost none for the latter.
Announcement: Clicking on a question closed as duplicate brings you to the unclosed question. There seems no way to navigate to the closed question in this case.
The above applies when you are not logged in.
Well, maybe it has been like that for long and I did not realize.
News flash: Community is the funniest TV show ever.
9 hours later…
this one looks off topic or not constructive:
Q: Does this sound vulgar or have sexual connotations?

gphilipI'd like to ask you to help me clarifying if a brand name sounds sexual/vulgar/queer for native English speakers. It is "I Job You" which is a social job recommendation site. However, we had some feedback about the name that is has some sexual connotation (blow job? had job?) How do you see it?...

and too localised, too
seems quite appropriate, since I'm a drummer:
@MattЭллен Where is that from?
Nowadays it is quite hard to get stars in this room.
Wait, there is American kungfu @kitfox?
Blue Valkyrie needs coffee badly.
In fact I would say the answer for name of fixed sequence of moves in martial arts since there are so many kinds is simply sequence. QED.
@WillHunting Really?
@Robusto Thanks, no need to pity me!
@WillHunting it's my linguistics profile
I'm just saying it's not that hard. Look at the list of starred posts to the right. Most of them are not worthy of starring, IMO.
yesterday, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
Well that's how soulless people react.
Dinner time. I will watch Predator on TV later.
@WillHunting In kungfu, they are called forms. That is what kata means anyway.
@WillHunting have fun! don't get to scared :D
@MattЭллен You're proving my point.
He is here to prove your points.
It's almost my raisin debtor
Feb 11 '11 at 14:56, by Robusto
Actually, that is my raisin d'etre in a nutshell.
That reminds me of cooter tap.
cooter tap? Oh! I said it, now I get it :D
It's kind of like cooter grass.
Hey, I learned how to make a C# library last night.
sweet :)
what did you make?
Something that didn't work.
that's a good place to start
But now I know how to do it!
Q: What is X that Y called?

Armen TsirunyanI am having difficulty with finding the natural word order in the following passive construction: What/How are people called who do a lot of unnecessary work? What/How are called people who do a lot of unnecessary work? What/How are people who do a lot of unnecessary work called? ...

"Sorry about the title, but I didn't know what to call it except something that I don't ask."
Oh. That's a little meaner than I meant it to sound.
I don't understand what the title means.
Do we use "How do you call people...?" in English? I always though that was a big pineapple marker.
Does anybody have an opinion about using Hungarian notation in Javascript? Examples: oMyObject, sMyString, aMyArray, etc.? Such crutches aren't necessary in strongly typed languages, but I wonder if JS would benefit. I see that used in some frameworks, etc.
the answer to "how do you call X" is always "with your mouth"
@MattЭллен No. It's "Pick up the freakin' phone, pineapple!"
@Robusto I do it to keep track of what's what.
@Robusto I'd still go with Joel Spolsky's explanation of how to do it.
I'm not sure that question is on topic anyway.
I can't remember where that is now...
It seems handy for public class members, but not necessarily for private vars.
It's also helpful with the Intellisense when I can't remember what I named my string, for instance.
(Because they all group together.)
@MattЭллен Yeah, I used to think so. But I'm in a group now where we have people who don't speak English and will name function arguments things like "notThis" ... ragequit
That's a true story, BTW. So next time you think I'm being grouchy, pause for a beat and pity me.
I worked with a guy who named his functions stuff like "Shit" and "Thingy."
@KitFox and then he died of forgetting to breathe?
@MattЭллен Yes. I've read every Joel on Software column. I wish he was still writing them, actually.
BTW, notThis turns out to be an integer used in a switch statement farther down in the 85-line function.
Wow. Great name.
I mean, you can't make this stuff up.
Does the switch determine if this or not?
> then to sneak the Hungarian=good, Exceptions=bad thing on you
This is true? Generally people feel the other way around?
In refactoring, I would turn "notThis" into "currentDisplayedPopupIndex" or something that is at least informative.
I don't use hungarian notation, at all, and Exceptions a sensible amount
So you implement the IDontDoHungarian interface in all your code? smirks
I have a hard time understanding why not.
Why not, @Matt?
why no hungarian? because I have autocomplete. I call my variables what they are
no need for lots of little letters at the front, like breadcrumbs in bed
Hmm. I like my cookie crumbs.
But I like group things, so I guess that makes sense.
And since I tend to name related things similarly, it helps me distinguish.
Well, I do abbreviate, because I'm lazy when I type things for the first time.
I changed the resolution on one of my monitors (so it would be more similar to the plebs), and I keep "tripping" my pointer over the threshold between the monitors.
Feels like my shoes are too big or something.
heh :D I do that at home between my little, old monitor and my big newer one
> That’s because j might be of a type that has operator* overloaded and it does something terribly witty when you try to multiply it.
Love it.
> The way to write really reliable code is to try to use simple tools that take into account typical human frailty, not complex tools with hidden side effects and leaky abstractions that assume an infallible programmer.
Why I love Joel Spolsky.
I am not sure if I feel inspired or discouraged.
When in doubt, feel inspired.
Today I will get my Excel 2003 export function to work.
Today I will finish this grabbable line thing.
Hi @Cerberus :)
Is that a command?
Or is it what you're doing?
Commute. Laterz.
> The 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine.
So close.
@Cerberus yes to both
Ah! You don't take half measures.
I remember once I asked for a half pint of cider, the barmaid laughed at me :D
She must have been a light woman...
Oops I have to run, bye!
I got one in the end. Which is a good thing, considering how strong that cider was
cya @Cerberus
Good for you! Bye!
hi @MrShinyandNew :)
I have been working on optimizing a monster DB query. I got the plan's "cost" down from 2,000,000 to 50,000. And the execution time went down from 1.5h to 13h. Sigh
Oops, Cerb left. I wanted to ask grammar boy something.
@WillHunting If only there were a site where you could do that...
@MrShinyandNew安宇 ah! oh. :(
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Whoa.
Anyway maybe you guys know this. In the sentence "It can be used out of the box" is "out of the box" an adverbial phrase modifying "used" or is it an adjectival phrase modifying "it"?
Maybe it can be viewed in both ways.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 obviously you optimized for the wrong thing. any insight into the greater characteristics?
@WillHunting I'd go with adverbial - "out of the box" is describing how it can be used
@WillHunting i'd also call it adverbial
@JSBᾶngs What I don't understand is that I am actually removing work.
pronouns are not generally modified by prepositional phrases
@MrShinyandNew安宇 yeah, but sql engines can be tricksy things. it may have compiled the old version into something that's actually better than your new version
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Anyway my copy of the Blue Book by Jane Straus has a foreword by Grammar Girl!
Grammar Girl is everywhere, it's true.
[insert helpful wisdom for @MrShiny here]
I wish I knew stuff so I could help you.
@KitFox You have helped him practise his skills!
The US spelling practice and license for both noun and verb is so confusing.
@WillHunting Why is it confusing? Lots of words are both nouns and verbs and have the same spelling. Requiring a different spelling is confusing.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Oh, it is confusing because one uses c and the other s. In BrE, both nouns use c and both verbs use s, a more logical state of affairs.
Damn. Mtg. Later.
Magic the Gathering at the beginning of the day is always a chore
@MattЭллен but i begin most of my days with Magic
@WillHunting I don't see how having a word change its spelling when it gets nouned or verbed is logical.
@JSBᾶngs perhaps it's Magic before coffee that's the problem then? ;)
@MattЭллен that seems more likely
Ow, man, my morning is being morning way too early and the coffee is already not. Is yours like that too?
grumbles sadly at empty cup
@aediaλ hands over some decaf tea
@MattЭллен Awwh thanks!
dives in with coffee
smiles to self
evil plan is working
I mean, thank you for the tea, but seriously, decaf, @Matt? How do you live?
hey, @Matt, over here in Canada we have this tea called "English Breakfast". Is that a thing over there?
Oh I've always wondered that too!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Yeah! Twinings English Breakfast tea
what about "English Muffins"?
But do you really drink it with breakfast? Like is it a thing?
@aediaλ Oh, I don't even drink tea. I run on pomposity
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I'm not sure. I know we have muffins. English muffins might be a thing
A muffin or English muffin is a small, round, flat (or thin) type of yeast-leavened bread, almost always dusted with flour or cornmeal, which is commonly served split horizontally, toasted, and buttered. Muffins are eaten either as a snack alone or as part of a meal. History An old English nursery rhyme, "The Muffin Man", describes a door-to-door purveyor of muffins. The rhyme was known at the time of Jane Austen in the early 19th century, and a muffin man is mentioned at one point in her novel Persuasion. The muffins sold at this period were made of yeasted dough and baked on a hot gr...
@aediaλ Yes, but also at other times of the day. There is probably tea related etiquette about what tea should be drunk at what time, but I don't know it.
In Canada (and the US I think) an English Muffin is completely different from a muffin.
A muffin is an American English name for a type of quick bread that is baked in small portions. Many forms are somewhat like small cakes or cupcakes in shape, although they usually are not as sweet as cupcakes and generally lack frosting. They may be filled with sweet fillings, such as chocolate, toffee, lemons or blueberries. Savory varieties, such as cornbread muffins or cheese muffins, also exist. They generally fit in the palm of an adult hand, and are intended to be consumed by an individual in a single sitting. Outside the United States of America, muffin can also refer to a disk...
@MrShinyandNew安宇 yeah, we have those and call them muffins along with the sweet kind
Mmm. Muffins.
I think they're commonly known as breakfast muffins
giggles uncontrollably
@MattЭллен How are you to know if you are getting the kind that is optimal for soaking up butter or the kind with blueberries in?
@aediaλ Just put butter on it regardless.
@aediaλ it's all in the body language
@MattЭллен that looks... amazing
Yeah, it's making me drool a bit :D
My stomach is telling me to lick the screen. Stop it, stomach. It's not even lunch yet.
Apparently we call English muffins English muffins
Mmm. Muffins.
Stop this stuff about food please.
My stomach is making unpleasant noises at me.
Anybody happen to know off the top of their head the lambda expression for adding an entire row of data to a datatable?
to a datatable? do they have methods for taking enumerables?
table.addRow = data;
There we go. Making stuff up since '96.
shakes head Nevermind. I'm sure I can figure it out.
First you lambda the data in a pan with some bacon. When the bacon is cooked remove it and set it aside; add some cooked rice, onions, chopped tomatoes, and cooked chicken. Fry until the rice is crumbly (not sticky). Mix in the bacon. Then put it in a wrap.
Oh sorry. I was thinking about my club-sandwich-fried-rice-wrap.
stomach roars
yeah I'm getting hungry too
@KitFox i really don't think you need a lambda for that
It's 9 AM though, I'm not allowed to be hungry.
@KitFox I'm assuming that the data is in the form of an IEnumerbale<T>, so this would be the linq query:
Oh, you are still thinking about that?
Oh, wait, no, you can't do that in linq
@KitFox not anymore
I haven't worked with datatables recently, so I forgot that you can just insert the data.
Thanks though!
no trouble
Hey, want to hear something funny?
Not really funny. Just a little funny.
We spent ten minutes in our meeting talking about the options for a file cabinet that the project lead for a different project (who never attends these meetings) needs to decide upon.
It is funny for many reasons.
1. It's a file cabinet.
bikeshed painting
2. None of us have anything to do with the file cabinet, except that our off-site storage goes in it.
3. It has been on our agenda and discussed in every meeting since July.
:D 3. is my favourite
We meet every other week, so it's not as bad as it seems.
No, that's still pretty funny.
That's actually fantastic.
That's only about 14 meetings, or 140 minutes of discussion about someone else's file cabinet.
You need to get some other irrelevant items onto the agenda
Discuss how much office space the dean needs
Maybe your team can come to a decision about Cerberus
We always come to the same happy conclusion: the lock needs to work.
Also, one drawer needs to be big enough to fit the fireproof box.
I need that as a poster on my wall.
To remind me to be nice.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I once had paper on the agenda for months. Like, the stock of paper for one specific note to be sent to like five people a month. It was of urgent concern because apparently the watermarks didn't match completely because they reflected the batch of paper or something.
I was just thinking of that :D
I saw macaques playing with the otters at the San Diego Zoo.
awwwter... oh I just got it
runs off to recaffeinate
a few months ago i almost ran over a pair of river otters crossing the road near my house
fortunately i stopped in time
they were adorable. a mother and a pup.
Here is my confusion. Was Excel 2003 xml-based as well?
@MattЭллен So then what are crumpets?
Well, this nice little bit of code I found uses a whole bunch of xml to construct the excel file.
Crumpets have little holes in them.
crumpets are crumbly
@KitFox er, i would avoid that
@Robusto that's different, you don't slice those open. they have lots of pores, about 3mm in diameter all over the surface
@KitFox I think it came in with 2007
@JSBᾶngs It seems like maybe it is building an Excel 2007 file instead.
Can someone tell me why the "wintry/summery" question has garnered so much attention? I am at a loss to explain it.
@KitFox I don't think so, I don't think there was any xml in teh Offices until '07
@Robusto because it's just turned spring? no idea.
That's what I was thinking. On the other hand, it looks like my co-worker's related function creates an html table and exports that as Excel 2003.
That will use some sort of COM-Interop
A StringWriter and an HTMLStringWriter.
Actually, it looks like he only uses the StringWriter.
Oh, on a positive, slightly related note, I am allowed to do my Comm. Tech projects in HTML. Yay!
@KitFox so does it just write the html to a file and save it with an excel 2003 extension?
@Mahnax yay! you spoke to your teacher? Was she/he impressed with your self-motivation, determination, and politeness?
@MattЭллен It must. I'm still examining it.
I think I will try this method and see what happens.
Q: Have definition; searching for matching word

RickGiven the definition: "the adoption of an ostensibly defensible position, less because one actually believes in it than for the sake of ruffling feathers," what word springs handily to mind?

Dupe? The questions don't start out the same but the ground covered by answers is very similar.
@aediaλ It's not exactly the same, but it is similar. The OP's definition in this case was rather awkwardly phrased, IMO, leading toward ambiguity.
And the question title surely helped illuminate matters too.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 He was impressed with my HTML talents, I suppose.
Have square hole; searching for cube
"Stop it! You're wasting tape and resources!"
"What resources?"
no magic with multilines
Fine, don't format nicely then.
@MattЭллен It's more like: "Have 93.3 cm square indentation sometimes filled in the past by fluids, need something that fits."
Q: How should one address a police officer in the US?

raxacoricofallapatoriusWhat is the correct way to address a police officer in the US in a non-emergency situation (such as asking directions)?

Two of this 'un cause travel.se gave us the extra
we really ought to merge these
Well, when I write it out the way he does, Excel scolds me that the file format is not what I say it is.
huh. how confusing
I don't know why I thought this would take anywhere less than a week.
I had a nice data handling method, but couldn't figure out why the drivers weren't available on the server.
@KitFox Excel just likes to scold people. It's a Microsoft product. Nothing personal.
And the interoperability stuff is all forms based.
What is a mixed construction? I've not heard of this before
Q: Is this sentenced of "mixed construction"?

MosheIn English class, we've discussed the following sentence and considered if it is of mixed construction: The increase in the number of times his name appeared on such lists after the poem was published was enough to make him famous. Is this sentence ok, or is it mixed construction?

I think it is when the subject shifts.
I can't think of a good example.
@matt I have added a "fairly" in my answer plus a link, haha!
@WillHunting are you talking about periodical?
@MattЭллен Yes!
Well, regardless any link, periodically won't mean frequently to me, just regularly
@MattЭллен Sure, words are not well-defined anyway.
and now I understand mixed construction
I am having an apple and yogurt for lunch.
mixed together?
No. Apple first, then yogurt.
Good choice
I may have actually corrected a long-standing computer issue.
oh really? What's that?
this could be off topic:
Q: Use of "groin" as a verb

ShyamI came across this line when reading Owen's Strange Meeting: It seemed that out of the battle I escaped Down some profound dull tunnel, long since scooped Through granites which Titanic wars had groined. What does the last line really mean? Going by the dictionary, groin as a verb...

Well, my computer would periodically just freeze. Mouse pointer gone, no keyboard response, etc.
@MattЭллен I saw, I read comments, and I didn't vote. I can't decide.
@KitFox it's sort of analysing poetry, but it could also be that the analysis is constructive, so it's OK to keep. I can't decide either.
It's sort of which is on-topicish, but also kind of gen ref and kind of poetry interpretation.
Hello, Kashi. You are going for a dip in my yogurt.
om nom nom
seven whole grains!
@KitFox How did you stop your computer from freezing up?
I disabled the service that apparently crashed it when it tried to start.
excellent. which service was it?
It was probably crashing because I had disabled the parent service.
It's one of the ones that controls the biometric id verifications.
I can't remember now which it was.
Related to the TCM service.
It's not important. I was curious, just in case it ever happened to me
Turner Classic Movies, that is.
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