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"windows? this is a window? Why's it got stickers all over it?"
"No. I think it's some kind of typewriter. Look, we've got all these typewriter keys"
Perhaps you are overestimating their computer skills.
How so? :)
Well, do you really think they would be able to turn it on?
Or do you think they stumbled upon a computer in a library?
Haha :D maybe they've thrown some children off one
I remember the first time my mother was going to "work" on a computer. She sat down, then asked, "now what?".
Awwww, lol
@MattЭллен Haha, is that what they usually do?
@MattЭллен She didn't even consider turning it on.
@Cerberus Not that I've ever seen. But in my mind, yes
@Cerberus maybe "they" should install on-buttons in computer seats
Ah, on-buttons.
I misparsed three times before I got it!
ooop! sorry.
But very good idea.
You know, my mother still can't get over the fact that she has to press the Start button to shut down.
@MattЭллен Certainly not.
I mean, afternoon!
huh? @WillHunting
it's morning for GMT @cerb, so it's morning for everyone :D
@MattЭллен That God's gift is not the same as God is gift.
@WillHunting oh! well, quite :)
@MattЭллен Right! Of course.
Centre of the world.
@Cerberus Do you need to? Isn't there a shut down to click on?
@WillHunting Nope.
@Cerberus it is better in Win7, there's no start button
I have to say I am actually getting used to the stupid Unity shell.
and only two clicks to shut down
Perhaps Mark Shuttleworth is a man of great vision after all.
@MattЭллен Oh God, I know what she's going to say. "Why have they removed the start button? Now what do I do?"
1. on the "windows" button,
2. on shut down.
@MattЭллен What do you mean?
@WillHunting they've renamed it to, well, the windows logo
so it's not "start" anymore
Someone made the observation that Windows 7 is a lot like GNOME shell. More clicks to get things done and useful buttons missing.
now that keyboards have Windows keys in them, it's easy to figure out
@WillHunting Really? What buttons are missing?
Windows+D=show desktop.
@WillHunting I would say that there are fewer clicks to get things done, in comparison to XP
I can't think of any buttons I miss
@MattЭллен Like when?
@Cerberus The Shutdown button! There are workarounds though!
@Cerberus well, shutting down for one. application switching is easier too
@WillHunting Well, I don't have one either. Start > Shutdown.
@MattЭллен Hmm I've been using this program called Vista Switcher for ages.
For now, I announce that I am sticking to Ubuntu LTS forever.
@Cerberus does it give you the preview frames?
Note that for now can be used with forever.
@Cerberus cool
It is too frequent to upgrade every 6 months. Once every 2 years for LTS is good.
yeah. I'm not looking forward to win8. it's too soon for me to pay for a new OS
I'm not bored of win7, yet!
Yes we should not use pirated Windows.
but I suppose MS feel like they need to compete with the upgrade cycles of the various Linux distros
silly really
The problem with Debian is that the Iceweasel doesn't work quite as well as pure Firefox and it ships with missing firmware by default. The problem with Mint is that the default update does not work the same as that in Ubuntu or Debian.
So Ubuntu, you won me back! Yay!
@MattЭллен Hmm but it only shows previews if the windows are not minimized. Otherwise it's just number, window title, icon.
@MattЭллен They say three years is their plan now.
@Cerberus Also the run box in 7 actually finds the programme, rather than giving up if it's not in the path
@MattЭллен Win 8 comes with built-in PDF viewer, software store and can be carried on live USB.
@MattЭллен Ah OK.
Well, 3 years is ok for rich people.
Well, I only use that for a few things anyway.
(I think my position in the upgrades debate is known.)
@Cerberus still, not bad. 7 does do the preview for all windows, even games, I think
But I must say Ubuntu has contributed much on its own: Ubuntu One, Ask Ubuntu, Unity shell, safe release upgrades, software centre, free CDs in the past, a very long LTS version, fixed release dates.
@MattЭллен Oh, that's cool. I suppose it doesn't cost as much memory/CPU if it's native.
@Cerberus yeah, I don't notice any lag
I'll be saying goodbye to XP for good, soon. my work PC is getting upgraded :D
no more waiting 15 minutes for Visual Studio to load!
You don't have programs that you need which won't work (as well) under 7?
@Cerberus well, I might have to keep a VM of it, for testing purposes. I'm not sure if we're going to be supporting XP
@MattЭллен Now that sounds like a good reason.
@Cerberus no, thankfully
at least, I hope not!
You'll soon find out then, hehe.
the new box is apparently arriving on the 20th
Oh, an entire computer!
That's nice.
yeah! I guess I could keep XP, but I do like 7 better
If you're not hooked on XP for some reason, and you get 7 for free, why not?
It'll be like a late birthday present from work :D
@Cerberus quite!
@MattЭллен You should tell them to wait till 8.
Oh, when was your birthday?
@Cerberus it'll be a week on Sunday
I think 8 will suck.
@MattЭллен Ohh was it last Sunday??
I think 8 will be innovative for tablets, but not offer anythig for desktops
@Cerberus no, next!
my birthday is a week on Sunday
Ah, got it.
I sort of subconsciously thought you meant January the 20th, and that it was still before that date.
I know! I'm not the most articulate this early in the day
Hmm now we must think about presents.
@Cerberus The usual three.
oh dear no! I'll be 31, it's hardly a mile stone :)
@WillHunting Oh?
@Cerberus Guess?
We'll try to think of something.
@WillHunting I think I'm missing a reference here!
@Cerberus up votes :)
@Cerberus Upvotes.
I am still trying to figure out who gave me 10 upvotes that time, though they were removed automatically.
not that I want up vote for my birthday (nice as they are), just that that's what Will means by presents
Oh God, it's snowing.
@Cerberus Lovely.
good luck, demon dog, I hope you're not snowed in!
@MattЭллен Why is one eye bigger than the other?
The flakes are not very dense (yet), but I see thin layer on the sidewalk.
@WillHunting it's medical condition. ;p
@MattЭллен Then I'll have to eat up all the food in the house. Hmm...
I could start just in case?
@Cerberus the inside of my car was frosted up this morning
@MattЭллен No! That is bad, bad.
4 more days and I can change my user name, back to myself I guess.
slaps winter in the face
You brute!
I was scraping the windscreen thinking "this isn't making much difference..."
@Cerberus so gallant, kind sir
It was a pleasure.
But the forecast said rain, so I guess snow is better.
@WillHunting Or something else! Maybe JLo :D
@Cerberus less wet, that's for sure
@MattЭллен Though everyone has started calling me Will!
Arg they've changed the weather! Now it's -10 until Tuesday.
@WillHunting Never!
Maybe I am Will Turner from Pirates of the Caribbean!
@WillHunting I was in two minds just now. I almost said Jasper
@MattЭллен Aye, the Americans would use of two minds instead of in.
@Cerberus no! wrap warm. Does Hades keep a fire going?
@MattЭллен He does, but it's too far down.
Maybe get him to turn it up a bit?
I mean, he surely doesn't want you to freeze! Who would stop the souls getting out, if you're shivering in the corner?
People never listen.
I told him this.
typical poor worker management
Thank you!
he needs to learn to invest in his employees to encourage them to grow within their roles!
I'm considering whether I shall get back to bed and try to sleep, or go do things first and take a late afternoon nap.
hmmm. tough choice
@MattЭллен Argg now the management speak is getting out of hand.
@Cerberus hehehe, sorry, I got carried away :D
The snow doesn't look very appealing; but I won't have to go far, and I don't feel sleepy.
sounds like a late afternoon nap would make more sense
@MattЭллен You're turning into @Aedia, with her "let's consider a committee that is to set up a meeting regarding the formation of a session about...".
@MattЭллен I guess you're right!
I've already cleaned up and sorted out my Documents folder, today (first time since 2003-ish).
@Cerberus well, we need these committees, otherwise how will we know how to think about how to make decisions?
@Cerberus :O although, I don't know when I last organised mine
@MattЭллен I suppose she and you are right, but...I find all this too decisive. I must ponder the implication of such committees first.
@MattЭллен Yeah, well, the only reason I did it is because of on-line backups.
@Cerberus best to form a committee to decide a schedule for pondering the implications
I don't want to back up unnecessary files.
@MattЭллен Very good idea! I guess. Or perhaps we should ask Aedia first so that she may set up a draft proposal...
@Cerberus yeah! I accidentally backed up a whole bunch of stuff twice because I selected the wrong options
@Cerberus excellent choice.
@MattЭллен Whom do you trust your belongings with?
I have used Idrive for a few years now.
@Cerberus I have an external HDD that I give to friend if I'm going on holiday :)
@MattЭллен Ah, good.
But no on-line back-ups?
One can eke out 12 GB of free space at Idrive.
no, nothing like that.
Or 15, actually.
Why not?
Do you not trust 'them'?
just never seemed necessary
It's easy and automatic.
yeah, I'd be uneasy with all my data exposed to the cloud
Do you use Dropbox?
yes, but I've only photos on that
and they're not even my photos!
@MattЭллен You could put it on a Truecrypt thingie first, so that they could never open it.
oh, and recordings of my band
but that's all backed up on my external HDD
Have you heard of these programs that let you and a friend swap back-up space on line?
and with other people
@Cerberus no. sounds interesting. tell me more!
@MattЭллен Two people install this program and assign space for the other person. Then the program automatically backs up selected folders from one person to the other person's computer on a schedule.
Of course it is encrypted first.
So he won't be able to access your stash.
Oh! so similar to dropbox
but with encryption
and no online storage
And unlimited.
so nothing like dropbox...
And you each have separate folders that the other person cannot see.
hmmm. I shall see if I can find a partner for such an operation
So you could buy a hard drive for your friend and have him back up 1000 GB permanently (I presume differential back-ups are possible).
it's quite a nice idea
If you provide him with the extra space he will need, how could he refuse?
@MattЭллен Yeah. The only thing is that it is sort of out of your control.
I mean, what if he messes up his hard drive?
I presume you can check whether your files are safe at any given time.
@Cerberus well, so's anything that's not on my own box. and even then, what with how windows works
Hmm what do you mean about Windows?
well, MS can force updates onto your computer, so there's no telling what they might mess up
Oh, can they?
at least I think so
How? I have updates turned off.
Hey, did you star me?
hmmm. I'm not sure but I think they could if they had to
@Cerberus not I
Or is it some anonymous, ironic star?
they probably don't in your case
They can't or they won't?
I really hate it when some company can do things to my system.
Such as when Amazon accidentally deleted a certain e-book from all Kindles all over the world.
Or was it Amazon?
oh, they did. on purpose I believe
At least Google is careful with changing things in Gmail or such, unlike Facebook.
that's why I stay away from kindle
Wise. But don't other e-book sellers have that same ability?
@Cerberus haha, yeah FB is totally gungho about changing things willy-nilly
@Cerberus possibly, I still don't have one. I'm looking for one where I'm sure they can't do that
@MattЭллен Yeah. I logged in yesterday, and the entire layout had changed again.
I can never find anything.
Really? what had changed?
I didn't notice anything
@MattЭллен Hmm but do those even exist? (I personally don't see the advantage yet, since I can read paper books for free from the library, and I don't want to have to walk around with an expensive, vulnerable, large piece of equipment).
@Cerberus The advantage for me is that I like having my text books all together in a lightweight format. I don't know if such a reader exists
This layout is new to me.
(Looking at a friend's page.)
@MattЭллен Hmm understandable. And all your textbooks are available digitally?
@Cerberus ah, the timeline layout. I've decided to keep mine normal for the time being. timeline doesn't appeal to me
@Cerberus probably. I haven't checked. even if it's only half, that would be a great space saving
I had no idea.
@MattЭллен I suppose that makes sense.
And you don't need only certain pages from those textbooks?
(In which case I'd make photocopies.)
@Cerberus I have no particular purpose for them, so their entire contents is important! ;)
Haha, eh...
for example I've been dipping into various parts of my neuropsychology books recently. Looking at vision and action, and separately the neurology of writing
although I've only found things about the neurology of reading written text
@MattЭллен Oh! Interesting.
which is somewhat frustrating
@Cerberus indeed! although I can't remember it off hand :D
Hmm that would be quite different.
I suddenly found myself watching an episode of Frasier.
Through some Facebook link.
which one?
@Cerberus i've been looking into it for this question:
Q: Does writing something down help memorize it?

LaurentThis is a question inspired by this recent question on the Chinese Language & Usage website. Someone asked why they needed to learn how to write Chinese characters, since today we mostly use computers or text messages to do so. Several users replied that writing Chinese characters help remem...

Actually I don't know what it is about yet, the episode. I like Frasier, but I don't know the show too well.
heh. I don't know if I've seen that one.
it was very popular over here for ages
@MattЭллен Interesting.
I would say writing does help.
Because you spend time and effort doing it.
@MattЭллен Yeah I love their irony.
And it is about the only American accent that I like.
That of Frasier and Niles, I mean.
It's quite upper class American, the accent.
That they enunciate well makes it nice to listen to
@MattЭллен Perhaps that's it, hehe.
Then again, upper-class British or Dutch don't articulate particularly well.
Yeah, our toffs are very in-group when it comes to pronunciation.
they don't try to make it easy for the rest of us :D
Toffs, haha.
The drool is dying out here.
The drool that happens at the end of words.
Vestiges remain among the younger generation.
drool, as in they drip saliva at the ends of words?
When you pronounce the syllables after the accented one in a sloppy manner—at least I've heard that called a drool somewhere.
It is supposedly accompanied by drool.
If you say "LA-boratory" as "La-fuzzy sound", some saliva may escape, hehe.
@Cerberus hahaha. Yeah same for ours.
Hmm don't Americans do that at all?
They should be waking up by now.
almost 7am
for them
If they want to get to work by 8.30. I'm assuming the typical American cummute of 60 minutes.
yeah, I get up at 06:30 so I can get in for 08:00
I mostly make it too!
Wow, that's early.
Do you really need to be there at 8, or is it to avoid traffic?
yeah, to avoid traffic and to increase the chance I have a parking spot when I get home :)
Oh God, the Problem.
quite. I was thinking of cycling in, but I was worried I'd freeze to death
A reasonable worry.
Can one say that?
say what?

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