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Q: Acknowledges - transitive verb question

DeanIs the following grammatically correct? Signing below acknowledges you agree with the terms. Or does it need to be Signing below acknowledges that you agree with the terms. I can't think of another transitive verb where this would be okay, but it doesn't have a definite "feeling" of wrongne...

This is a dupe in disguise.
Q: Are there rules about using "that" to join two clauses?

kiamlaluno He will understand that I was not joking. He will understand I was not joking. Which of the sentences is correct? Are there any specific rules about the use of "that" in the sentences I reported as example?

2 hours later…
"Watching children run with their arms outstretched just to throw their arms around their Grampa's neck..."
Something cheery for a snowy morning.
> "Anyway, I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody's around – nobody big, I mean – except me. And I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff – I mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them.
> That's all I'd do all day. I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it's crazy, but that's the only thing I'd really like to be. I know it's crazy." — Holden Caulfield
I remember that.
I remember that it made me cry.
And as a parent, it makes me just want to grab that kid and squeeze him because he's not ready to be grown-up yet. It's not fair.
But then A Separate Peace made me cry too.
And that kid was kind of a prick.
I should probably read Catcher in the Rye
It's very good.
It's a classic for a reason.
What happens in Catcher, though, takes you by surprise. Up to that point you think Holden Caulfield is just an irascible prick.
I read A Separate Peace in high school.
@Robusto I don't want to think about it. I'm going to cry all over again.
Sorry for the spoiler. It didn't occur to me there were people in here who hadn't read that book.
@Robusto it's ok, I think the statute of limitations has passed on that one
I read Of Mice and Men for the first time last year.
That also made me cry. You'd think I cry at the drop of a hat.
But I don't really.
It was reading Steinbeck that really solidified my commitment to the union movement.
The Grapes of Wrath was just something else.
To understand American literature you have to read at least these five books: Moby-Dick, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Great Gatsby, Of Mice and Men, and The Catcher in the Rye.
Oh my god. I never read Moby Dick!
I totally forgot!
That's why we go over this stuff.
uhoh. I'm 0 for 5.
Anyway, in current affairs, this story brings me a tiny bit of hope, but mostly it reminds me of despair. thestar.com/news/article/…
They're all good reads. Even Moby-Dick, which is long but immensely entertaining and utterly fascinating.
Yeah, long books have never put me off.
It always mystified me in school when the other kids would say "Are you going to read that whole book?"
Um, yeah.
Because reading this one book is the same as reading two shorter books.
So who cares how long it is?
Lately I've been selecting books because they're longer.
Like, I read Wheel of Time, and it was kinda long, and I read A Song of Ice and Fire, and it was longer (per volume, but fewer volumes), and then my friend said "from now on I'm only reading epics, so maybe I'll try the Malazan series", and I started reading that and it's FREAKING LONG. All good reads though.
And I never felt they were too long.
Oh, speaking of long stories: tolkein lego creations: secure.flickr.com/photos/baericks/6608182527
Damn it. I forgot I have a meeting to prepare for.
Does your mom actually say "om nom nom"?
Most of those sentences came from real "conversations" with her.
I can't imagine my mom saying that.
She's one of those people who says "Lol"
Or sometimes even "El oh el"
Now, my kids' mom, she would say that. In fact my kids say it too. My son can barely talk but he leans up to me and says "Om!" and pretends to bite me.
"You know, like how people laugh in chat."
you: "I know mom, geez this is so embarrassing!"
"Mom, it means 'laugh out loud.' You could just do it."
"It does? Oh."
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Cute. I am fond of om noms.
And yes, my mom really does talk like that and yes, she really cares that little.
I now have this impression of you and your mom being the same now as when you were a teenager
No. I grew up.
@Kitḫ heheh. That single sentence is almost an entire blog post in itself.
I need to get a blog post together. It's been a while.
Holy crap it's been since October! That's it, no sleep for me tonight.
I could write pages about that.
Years of therapy and all.
I have a feeling that if I ever finish a book, it will contrast my dysfunctional relationship with my mother and my strong, loving relationship with my children.
My writing seems to slide annoyingly in the direction of interpersonal relationships.
I shouldn't say dysfunctional though. It's functional insofar as I don't have a relationship with her anymore.
Or rather a very distant one.
@Kitḫ That makes me sad for you. And thankful for my personal circumstances.
Well, don't feel too sad. I have a really wonderful and fulfilling relationship with my mother-in-law.
She has done me a world of good in healing that wound.
That's good to hear.
I think she feels the same. Her other daughters-in-law don't seem to understand her the way I do. And she doesn't have any daughters of her own.
I'm always glad when people get along with their in-laws. It makes a big difference. My best friend can't stand his in-laws at all. But the best thing for them would be for them to move up to Canada to live with him and his wife, because they're not too functional for a variety of reasons, however, that will never happen because he'd probably go crazy and end up divorcing his wife.
But the alternative is that they will deteriorate until the situation is a crisis, and that will put lots of pressure on his wife. However, I don't really see a solution. It's a shame.
I feel very privileged. My family has accepted other boyfriends with various levels of warmth, but both of my brothers confessed to me (after I was married) that they were pulling for my husband because he felt like part of the family.
I love my brothers dearly, and like to get together with them. Having everyone get along (now) makes it so much easier and more satisfying.
Big family parties!
I have a situation where my wife doesn't really like my brother's wife for reasons I don't understand and it's caused some tension.
Oh, and we invite Mom and share the responsibility.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 That's unfortunate. No common ground?
@Kitḫ I honestly have no idea what the basis for the dislike is.
Women are weirdly competitive.
Anyway, I have a meeting. Later!
But it's driving a wedge between our two families and makes me a bit sad at Christmas and other family times.
...or maybe not.
Noöne is in yet.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 So have you asked her about it?
Yo @Kit, do you have a bar? I spent mine for a 3/7. QQ
Um. I have an imminent meeting, but I'll do what I can.
@Kitḫ we've talked about it, she can't/won't explain it and gets angry and defensive.
That's really too bad.
Yeah I must be off to a meeting, too. Laters.
yeah. It's weird. she was like that with his previous girlfriend too. And I honestly have no frickin' idea what the problem is.
Does she like your brother?
as far as I know, yes.
I can tell you what I think, but I don't know if you'll get mad.
@Kitḫ Let's move this talk to the other place.
first I have to recover my password
Q: How do I know when to eliminate the word "that"

retroindigoI see the word "that" used very frequently in newspaper articles. It usually is used after the word said. Some example: He estimated that it was between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 8 a.m. on Thursday morning that workers realized there was diesel fuel coming up through the ground. The fire chi...

one working week down, N to go!
@MattЭллен What time is it for you? 13:30?
no my math is wrong
Friday is half day day!
I wish we had that
instead I have to just goof off for half the day
I do work for an excellent company
I mean, "compile code"
@MrShinyandNew安宇 :D I guess they figured that out
well, five eighths, a bit more than half
@MattЭллен Well, if you simply round 5/8 up to 1 you can goof off the whole day.
well, that would mean working the whole day :D I got 3/8ths off
@MattЭллен Surely you can work this problem to your advantage.
Hint: Round the 3/8 down to 0.
@Robusto rounding the 3/8 off to zero has the same effect as rounding the 5/8 work to 1: he works the whole day under your inaccurate math.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 You call it inaccurate. I call it providential.
Besides, which math do you prefer: math that gets you the result you want, or math that doesn't? The answer is clear enough even for a mathematician to understand.
You're doing math like Creationists do science!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 That's by intelligent design.
I'm going to buy the Asus.
I advertised it as "recommended by knowledgeable people".
I wish I had friends who bought me computers.
@Cerberus guffaw
It is a collective gift for a graduation/birthday.
Did you qualify it with what we had knowledge of?
Of course not.
@Cerberus A "collective" gift. Boy, that sure smacks of socialism.
@Robusto Thanks!
@Robusto smacking, that sure seems like torture
How would you call it, then?
@Robusto only if the government buys it for you with everyone's money
A SOPA "gift"?
Like AIDS?
I just woke up.
@MattЭллен torture, that smacks of Americanism
I hate single-word-requesting you, but how would you call a present that you buy together with friends to give to someone?
a joint-gift?
Right, joint.
@Cerberus a group gift?
joints, that smacks of drug abuse
Another good answer.
Not use?
"A present from all of us"
present, that smacks of time-ism.
ok this is getting out of hand
The point is that this present involved my collecting money from lots of people.
smacks everyone
@Cerberus yeah nevermind
chronistly, @Kit, I expected better of you
What's wrong with present? I like it better than gift.
@MattЭллен expectations, that smacks of determinism
smacks you for nitpickism
@MrShinyandNew安宇 determinism? That smacks of no free will
and sillyism
"...so this is what I've finished, and what I need from you guys is the formula for calculating the average gains in the aggregate."
"Hmm, yes. Are those columns sortable?"
ah, the client's ability to focus on the important problems
Is the second line supposed to be an answer!?
@Cerberus A socialist gift, naturally.
@MattЭллен free will? that smacks of mysticism
Of course.
It's bad enough they were fifteen minutes late, and spent the first ten minutes talking about the air quality in China!
@Kitḫ You should have asked them what that had to do with the price of tea in China.
1 min ago, by Matt Эллен
ah, the client's ability to focus on the important problems
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Oh, no. Then they might have told me.
@Kitḫ I think that'd be grounds for summary execution. Or at least, summary pie-in-the-face.
Robots are less silly than people. Draw your own conclusions.
You did bring your pies, right?
or maybe a pie chart?
@Cerberus do you have some crayons?
@MattЭллен Also, "I don't think the average age is useful information there" (from the guy who requested that we add it) and "The grade column should really come before the number of students."
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Shit. No donuts either.
Mmm, donuts.
@Cerberus That sounds like a Jasper-ish thing to say, only you misspelled QED
@MattЭллен Haha, just draw them in the sand!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 It was supposed to be more cynical, but...
@MattЭллен my daughter used to ask me to "draw everything".
I don't see you; I just see a transparent mist!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 A difficult task!
Are you hidden behind a Tor network?
@Kitḫ excellent. he must be fun to work with :D
If you type two lines, how will I know they are both yours, and not two different anonymous people?
@MattЭллен Yeah, seriously. I'd say "do you want me to draw a squid?" and she'd say yes. "do you want me to draw an airplane?" yes. "Do you want me to draw the scent of a flower on a sad day?" no reply.
I learned English for two weeks and teacher told me that I should learn pronunciation before grammar because it's easier to learn pronunciation. Is that true?
Ehm I don't think the order matters a great deal.
@Anonymous You need both to communicate orally. So I'd do both at the same time.
Not one then the other.
@Anonymous I suppose it's easier to practice pronunciation, because you can just tape someone who pronounces things and then tape yourself and judge the difference
@MrShinyandNew安宇 yes. This is the important bit. Ignore my pedantism, @Anonymous
Yeah, perhaps when you are JUST starting out, right at the very beginning, it's good to drill pronunciation, because you can make some easy gains right at the start, and you can just memorize some words and phrases. But after the very beginning, you have to learn vocabulary and grammar.
"Can you change your default email account for me, because that email went to the other account, but it didn't get forwarded like it was supposed to."
"I have the account you want set as the default. I don't know why it went to the other account."
"Oh, OK, well, if you could just set that one as the default for me, that'd be good."
Unless you're concentrating on writing.
(When I was starting to learn Chinese, it was very helpful that we drilled on pronunciation. But Chinese pronunciation is simpler to learn than English, so it's easier to drill it all up front).
We did word exercises to practice pronunciation.
Rhyming words.
@Kitḫ Poor dear. Do you want to hit someone to vent frustration?
@Cerberus Well, I'm doing that.
@Cerberus she already smacked the whole room
Oh, good.
still smarting
11 mins ago, by Kitḫ
smacks everyone
He was asking because I sent him an email with a bunch of passwords for new teacher accounts that he needed me to drop everything and create.
Is it good to have a teacher who correct me every sentences that I speak incorrectly. I mean incorrect grammar?
I'd say it depends.
@Anonymous That depends on your learning style, I suppose.
He hadn't noticed that he hadn't actually sent them their login information though. And it's been over a month.
So I guess that was a high priority emergency after all.
super! it's like your birthday and Christmas have come at once!
You want him to correct you a lot, because that way you will learn faster; but you don't want him to do it all the time, because that will inhibit the flow of the conversation, and it may make you feel bad.
@Anonymous it's good to be corrected and to get feedback. But it's also good to practice carrying on a conversation without constant interruption.
I'd say focus on one or two grammar points at a time and practice those in conversation.
Have your teacher correct only those parts. And maybe pronunciation too.
@Kitḫ yes, and practice pronunciation of the vocabulary words you are using in those conversations
jinxes everywhere!
I will tell my teacher to correct me on some specific parts of grammar :)
We should all rename ourselves to "jinx"
Thank you all of you guys. I always get good suggestion from here.
we bow
inclines head gracefully
@MattЭллен Anyway, he's trying to make it out like it's my fault when there isn't even a problem.
@Anonymous Personally, I want my teacher to correct me when I make a mistake that I don't notice. But if I know I've made a mistake, I don't need it pointed out. Of course, it's hard for a teacher to know if I know I've made a mistake, but as you work with your teacher he or she will get to know how much you know.
@Anonymous you're welcome
inclines heads awkwardly, accidentally pushing antique vase off the table
@Kitḫ Time for hard-core violence.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Maybe time for lunch. Hey! It's taco salad day!
can't incline head because Lego minifigs aren't articulated at the neck
@Kitḫ Gaaaaa! Why do they do that?!
@Kitḫ yay!
@MattЭллен Small penis is my guess.
Although to be honest, I try not to think about it that much.
Maybe I could ask his current wife, since she works here now.
better not ask.
Hey Mrs H, was it you who was working on the gay site?
inclines head too late
@Cerberus not you too
"Hey, is B a prick because he's got a small penis? I mean, can you even feel it?"
giggles I hear there's a cream for that...
but yes, that was me
I mean, not you too, calling me "mrs h"
But I always do that.
it's like a disease
You calling women a disease?
They are a minority!
Shame on you.
Men are so funny.
Lunchtime! BRB.
Women are so ironical.

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