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onfocus = "form.elements['focus_field_id'].value=this.id; this.select()"
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Yes, that's what I was thinking.
I'm not sure if the form variable is visible from the onfocus, you might have to find it first, like document.getElementById('formid')
Oh right, I suppose I can leave that inline. It's short enough.
But if I have to find it, I should put it in a script block.
I'll just put it in a function for good measure.
Q: Where did the `&` character come from, and why is it here?

Gabi PurcaruI'm sorry if this was asked a million times before, but neither google or english.se search won't help me out. I'm wondering what's the reason behind introducing this character and what's the difference between it and and, could you please help me out?

Gen Ref?
I already voted
Think it's a dupe.
No wonder
You're searching the dupe?
I was. I guess it's not actually a dupe, or if it is I can't find it.
Maybe under ligatures...
it will stay there if no-one else finds it "guilty", democracy wins!
I don't see another. I agree that it is gen ref, but as I noted in my comment to him, if you don't know the name of the character, you can hardly be expected to find the Wiki article on it.
Somebody here linked me to a great post on the history of the ampersand (other than Wiki) the last time '&' came up. Of course, I've forgotten who and what it was, other than that I had to read it on my phone because my work blocked it.
I didn't know the name of the symbol, still I found the wiki article. :P
I simply wrote "& wiki" in Google
@Alenanno tch pft Well then.
Oh, right, I can search for my own whining.
@Kit tch pft?
Jun 21 at 17:07, by JSBangs
i recommend this: http://www.shadycharacters.co.uk/2011/06/the-ampersand-part-1-of-2/
@Alenanno Stupid teenager sounds of disgust. I was joking.
@Kit I wasn't getting offended. Also because... I couldn't understand it xD :D But disgust at me because I could find it anyway? Just wondering.
Yeah, that's what I was being playful about. 'cause I was trying to be all clever and such about how he couldn't find it without knowing its name, and then you were all like, um yeah you can.
Ahah I see, how you said it, made me laugh
Cool. Thanks.
Gotta go now, catch y'all later.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Well, I can't make this work, but it did give me the idea to split my original validation function into the validation part plus the focus shifting part. I think that will work.
@Alenanno A bientôt!
@KitΘδς Do you have a publicly available sample? If I looked at it I could maybe suggest something more concrete
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Hmm.
Let me see if that's ok.
Q: English learning guide line

joneI'd like to learn english in the coming two months by myself. But firs of all i need a guide. like, where shall i begin? reading gammar book? Vocabulary? or conversation? and how can i divide My time for each lesson. My target is to be well in two month! I really appreciate your any kind reco...

^ off-topic
@KitΘδς if it is I think jsfiddle could be a great help
Oooh. Cool, thanks.
I'm still waiting to hear back. Thank you for trying to help.
@JSBngs Do you need a certain rep level to chat?
20 pts I think
@KitΘδς i think so, but it's pretty low. like, 20?
@Matt jinx
Cripes. I've been telling new users that they can always stop by chat.
But I suppose they can't if they don't have the rep.
yes. They can't. they must be disappointed.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū For off-topic questions, like "What's a good book for ELL?"
@KitΘδς What is chat explains the rep level
@KitΘδς It's asked so frequently, I wonder if we shouldn't just answer it as CW
ELL? I know ESL, but what is ELL?
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū English language learner
Eurasian Leather Lovers
oh, yeah that too
@MattEllenД Right. Of course there's a chat FAQ. So it's 20 rep SE-wide?
@Kit Grammar in Use: Cambridge. By Raymon Murphy
If that's the case, I don't feel so bad.
@KitΘδς it looks like it
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū I have that book!
@Jez are you around?
@MrShiny @Chaos @Matt That was just an example of a question that's more appropriate for chat.
I wasn't actually asking it.
@KitΘδς huh? sorry I've lost track of what's being talked about
Please have a look at that and feel free to amend.
A: Comment encourager les gens à écrire en français? How to encourage people to write in French?

Alain PannetierRingard ? Let's see how all this would work: "Hello welcome on the stackexchange network (SEN for short). SEN features among other things a fine selection of language oriented communities. japanese.stackexchange.com (languages: Japanese and English). german.stackexchange.com (languages: Germ...

@KitΘδς oh i see. I was just replying to Chaos :)
I didn't realise there was a reason for his information!
@AlainPannetier Oh my head. I started reading it in English and it wouldn't go and then I was reading it in French and it broke again.
@KitΘδς It's "more appropriate for chat" because the "powers that be" have decided it to be so. But If you ask me, I'd broaden the scope of the site a bit. But Jeff Atwood seems hell-bent on allowing only fully-objective q's and a's that can withstand nuclear war and soil erosion for centuries.
It will be like looking at my passport
@MattEllenД And every sign in Quebec.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 it's not based on nuthin. Forums devolve and lose their best members if you let the quality drop. Admittedly we know this isn't the only reason the best members leave, but poll questions and discussions tend to end up as poor questions, and if you start allowing them then the site quickly degenerates into a popularity contest.
because they're easy to ask and answer
@MattEllenД devlove?
@KitΘδς The title is not mine. In one word, there is an attempt in FLU at the moment to institute French as the "preferred" language and this is my contrib (to prevent this from happening). You'll be able to join in once the Beta is over in 4 days or less.
@JasperLoy lol! devolve
hi Jasper :)
@MattEllenД I know you've got devlove, you can't fool me.
4 hours ago, by KitΘδς
@MattEllenД I agreed with you, but also edited according to simchona's suggestion.
@KitΘδς I love devs, it's true
What was my suggestion?
@simchona Um, the title wording.
@AlainPannetier I thought we only could not post, I didn't know you could not view the site during private beta either.
I think it might have been Samthere's suggestion
@MattEllenД I'm not saying that we should allow ANY questions at ALL, but rather that for a site about english language and usage, questions and answers that are subjective but are about EL&U resources seem like a decent fit. Sure, people might disagree about particular answers, but so what, they can vote, etc. Since we close for dupes, we could have maybe a handful of questions for different kinds of references, tops.
@MattEllenД Wha—? Really?
@KitΘδς Err...when did I make this brilliant suggestion?
@JasperLoy. I don't know. Do you have read access?
@KitΘδς If simchona doesn't remember, then it's my best guess, since Samthere was commenting at the time
@simchona Heh heh. blush I swear I read the name twice, I could have sworn it was you. But it wasn't, so never mind.
@AlainPannetier No, but I will join in a few days when public beta starts. The URL goes to a login page.
@MattEllenД Yeah, you're right. In my brain, I see it clearly as "simchona."
@KitΘδς I'm just everywhere.
@simchona Kittens are universal.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 That's reasonable to have a list of good references. I think we have one somewhere. I don't think we should allow subjective questions simply because policing them to keep the crap out would be a full time job.
@JasperLoy, I'd be glad when you guys can all join in.
@AlainPannetier I have to do some real, actual w-o-r-k for a goshdarned minute and here you all are back to incomprehensibility. Good job, team.
@MattEllenД Well, lots of the questions we have are already subjective. It's language, after all.
3 hours ago, by ChaosGamer ΕΛ-Υ ēel-ū
Of course. i'm not gay.
@simchona why did you just get your wooden spoon out? stirring does not need to occur
@MattEllenД Because he brought up Nazis yesterday. I have a bone to pick.
@aediaλ We couldn't let the occasion go unused.
ok, but maybe in a different room?
@MattEllenД I'm not being left alone with him in chat. Ever again.
Yeah, let sleeping stones soup!
@simchona ok
If not, don't ask.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū seriously this doesn't need to occur
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Why is it any of your business what my sexual preferences are?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 you make a good pioint
How is it your business whether I'm gay or not?
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Because you made it sound like being gay is a bad thing.
Then you are terribly mistaken.
There, there, easy.
@simchona I'm with @simchona on this one. That statement did seem to suggest that.
I do not care if anybody else is gay. I do not think being gay is bad. I only do not perfer men.
It's interesting how there is hear, hear and there, there.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū To be gay is to be happy. Let's all be merry and gay.
it is interesting. I don't think the terms are related
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Thank you.
@MattEllenД Also, as far as things being closed, "general reference" seems like a quite heavy hammer that gets wielded a lot around here. But that's another topic.
I do not have time for this. Simchona, I am not gay. Period.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū That was never my question.
Yes it was. you asked me whether it was true that I am not gay!
Or maybe you ahve short-term memory loss.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I'm quite happy with gen ref. I'd rather people did their research first.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū No. I quoted your statement, and said "really" in disbelief not at the quote contents but at the quote wording.
rolls eyes Why are you two arguing?
@Kit stay out of this.
@KitΘδς i'm taking Kit's side here. this whole conversation is dumb
I have no idea whether this argument is a hostile or friendly one.
@JSBᾶngs this
Apparently I can only care about homosexuals if I'm...homosexual?
Everybody stay out. I mean it.
After all this room is incomprehensible.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Then get a room.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū dude you're in a public space. just stop it
@KitΘδς Nuh uh. Not staying alone with him.
one of you can be the bigger person
Otherwise both of you just shut your yappers.
@Kit You get a room.
@Chaos Go take a break, please.
@simchona You might take your own advice.
You picked this fight.
I thougth you ahd bone to pick with me. Giving up? I thought so.
Everyone have a Kit Kat now.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Not every fight needs to be won or lost.
31 secs ago, by KitΘδς
@simchona You might take your own advice.
@KitΘδς I did. And I'm backing up. I'm also not snapping at everyone.
@simchona say for yourself.
The Kit Kats are not working.
@JasperLoy Alas, I am too far away to be of much help.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū I'm backing out of this ridiculous argument. Don't throw more blows now.
....Tomberone is better.
Is that like gravestones in milk chocolate?
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Toblerone?
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū toblerone
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū That has caramel filling right?
@KitΘδς yes
@KitΘδς Nougat
@MattEllenД No, really?
No, it's a long, chocolate trumpety thing that changes pitch if you stretch it.
@KitΘδς yeah
@MrShinyandNew安宇 thwack
@KitΘδς Oh, you're hitting me now? Did we set up a safe word first?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 snicker
I like Ferrero Rocher.
@MattEllenД the greatest of all chocolate fillings
@MrShinyandNew安宇 The safe word is apotheosis.
@JSBᾶngs Agreed.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I only know that as an antivirus.
Aug 10 at 16:11, by JSBᾶngs
@Robusto safe words are for wusses
I sense a disturbance in the force.
@JSBᾶngs Safe words for safe play.
@JasperLoy I sense a disturbance in my face
Well that was fast.
@KitΘδς That might be a difficult one. Arrr! Apothecary! nnnnn yarr! apostate!.....
hi @slhck
Yoda here is.
waves @slhck Saw the flags too, eh?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Preposterous!
@Mana Hey there! (yup...)
@Manaಠдಠ Soon you will too.
Well. They've been taken care of now.
"Nothing to see here, move along Sir!"
@Jasper Wait, I just said that I saw them. holds head What?
Here's a reminder for you folks: be nice
I keep seeing flags from this chat room.
wow i haven't seen so much of attendance..26
@Manaಠдಠ Sorry I forgot you have over 10k, thought only mods.
@Borror0 We have people from all countries, hence many flags here.
@Borror0 Our usual mod is on holiday. He keeps us in line.
@BogdanLataianu Half are dormant.
@KitΘδς Anyway, I must haul sail did ye need any further help with yer fornicatin' validatin'?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Thank you for your efforts. I can't share the page at this time, though.
@KitΘδς Ok.
Have a good weekend, mateys.
cya @MrShinyandNew
Wait @MrShinyandNew ! You didn't say "apotheosis"!
Good lord, we should flag just to generate traffic.
Meet all sorts of new people that way.
5 minutes without Reg and this place is mad
I guess he'll have to take us with him next time.
@Jez With Reg it is more mad.
I would advise that you guys talk to Chaos about cooling down his attitude.
More civilly mad.
@JasperLoy I was waiting for that ;-)
@Manaಠдಠ I did provoke him, and so I apologize.
Almost every single argument I've seen on here lately has him against someone else.
@simchona Did you apologize to him?
I apologize to everyone, actually. I behaved badly, and I created a disturbance.
I thought the whole thing was a friendly one.
@simchona fair enough. Either way, you guys definitely need to get the hostility in here sorted out.
@ChaosG: I'm sorry for picking a fight with you. I saw something you had said in transcript, and I took it badly.
Whether that means taking a break from the site, a meta-topic, suspensions, whatever, just get it done, yo.
You never know what the other party is thinking though. Once sentence can be interpreted in multiple ways.
@Manaಠдಠ Acting like a mod already.
@Manaಠдಠ I see you are practising your modship.
@JasperLoy Is he going to the moddership?
@JasperLoy Indeed. As I was typing that sentence I was just thinking to myself "omg these cinnamon raison rolls melting in my mouth are DELICIOUS"
@simchona He's the leading candidate in Gaming's current election cycle.
@simchona Maybe papaship.
@Powerlord Thanks for the info.
@Powerlord It was a bad pun. But I did know he was running, just not how well he was doing. thanks!
@simchona It seems that you are particularly sensitive about sexuality issues. Is there something you would like to share with the group, so we can understand better?
@simchona It's still in primaries, but in Primaries, Mana has the most votes.
@KitΘδς I have problems with people who have problems with LGBTs.
@simchona I understand that, but you are quite aggressive about it. Why so? Have you or someone you care about been the victim of violence because of perceived sexual orientation?
I've hypersensitive to it because its one of the issues I can't get over. His comment was like..."haha! Me gay! As if!" as if it were a bad thing.
@simchona Same here.
@simchona it's
@KitΘδς I've had several people think I was lesbian, but I've never been a victim of violence. It's one of the issues I need to jump on, though--maybe because I've been through high school and heard a lot of s*** and never done anything.
@simchona I think shit is OK here.
@simchona Well, I notice that the comments that were deleted were asking about your sexual orientation. But why do you feel that you need to "jump on this issue"? Why does it matter to you if people think you are a lesbian or not?
So when he said what he did, and then went on to imply that I needed to be lesbian in order to understand, I snapped.
@KitΘδς Because it was rude of him to ask. He also asked it in a snide way, like "are you lesbian? No? Then stay out of this"
@simchona OK. I think I understand your rationale there.
But why did you pick the fight with him in the first place?
@KitΘδς Because he brought up Nazis and was racist yesterday, and I hold grudges.
You guys have the lamest offensive flags.
@KitΘδς So I jumped on it because he was being offensive again. At least, in my opinion.
@Shog9 Hello soldier!
Gaming had a foul-mouthed Sponge Bob. You have "Really?"
@simchona What do Nazis and racism have to do with sexual orientation?
@Shog9 Hahahaha
@Shog9 Especially with the ample opportunities available in this room
@KitΘδς Things I Take Offense To
@KitΘδς He managed to snap at aedia, segueing from the beer brand "flying dog" to joking about Nazi brands
@simchona I hold grudges too, so I am quite feminine in this aspect.
@Manaಠдಠ Someone said I look like Sponge Bob.
@Shog9 Offensive flags? Does it really not tell you whether a flag is a Moderator Attention flag and which is an Offensive/Spam flag?
@Powerlord It probably does.
@simchona I understand that you feel morally obligated to speak up when you hear someone being racist, or sexist, or bigoted, or ignorant, and I appreciate that drive.
I look forward to next week, when we'll switch from "sigh. Whose turn is it to deal with the latest ELU flag?" to "hey @NewELUMod, deal with it"
@KitΘδς I apologize when I take it too far.
@MichaelMrozek ?!
@MichaelMrozek There won't be a new one for a while I think.
we're getting a new mod!?
@MichaelMrozek We just had elections in May...
Oh, I'm confusing you guys with Gaming. Well now I'm sad again
@MichaelMrozek I was about to say :P
@MichaelMrozek Do you want to join us instead?
@simchona I kindly suggest that attacks ad hominem will not change a bigot's mind, not even if it wants to be changed.
@Manaಠдಠ It's your fault; I saw you and vaguely remembered you were in an election, and concluded that it must be for this site
We could still send the new Gaming mod to deal with it. I mean, assuming there aren't anymore Sponge Bob flicks in the meanwhile
@JasperLoy My English skills are sorely lacking
@MichaelMrozek Don't worry. I'm apparently the sole editor on EL&U.
@simchona editor?
@JasperLoy Kit sees other names and thinks it was me
@Michael heheh, whoops :D
@mana It looks like you will come out no.1. After all, you have my blessing.
whatever, we'll see what happens.
I put a lot of money into bribing @Shog9 to fix the results, so I wouldn't worry too much about trivialities like "voting"
@shog9 Nice website you have there.

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