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@MoreAnonymous yes gotta blog on QM biology its a genuine paradigm shift™ in play in front of our eyes, exciting! :)
4 hours later…
On this one though even I'd bet against him :/

"'t Hooft has said that his theory implies that quantum computers cannot factor large numbers. So if quantum computers are actually shown to work, this will be a good reason to dismiss 't Hooft's theories, unless you can tweak them so they don't actually make this prediction." - Peter Shor
@MoreAnonymous shor is one of the top living computer scientists + its cool hes one of the rather rare few who engage lively with cyberspace, but actually think hes biased in favor of his own algorithm. think there is mounting evidence that QC noise means it will not scale ideally, think the signs have been there for years and are increasingly clear both experimentally and theoretically...
I guess ur referring to this quantamagazine.org/… ?
(atleast on theory level)
If ur referring to the above I think this might be interesting: https://www.scottaaronson.com/blog/?p=902

Also the Gil has lost to Scott after openly declaring a certain number of qubits are impossible ... Some years later the experiments pulled through :)))
I'll have to search for the blog post where Scott explicitly talks about that experiment and how they defeat Gil's claim :P
Are u interested? (can dig it up)
9 hours later…
@vzn Thank you!! After massively re-editin my math question it got answered!! They proved it :))) But it took one year or insights for me to explain what I thought :P
Maybe I should re-edit my reformulation of the quantum ladder operators ... Feeling sooo good :)))
Also about your latest post "collatz match" ... I'm sure you already know "Mathematics is not yet ready for such problems" ... I mean even if you find a solution i suspect something like this might happen "https://www.maa.org/external_archive/devlin/devlin_01_05.html" ... But still I'll applaud you ...
" ... many mathematicians were initially unhappy that much of the proof was a brute force computation ..."
2 hours later…
@MoreAnonymous SA is a brilliant theoretician but he seems not to have much engr background. he has some idea about soap bubble computers, dont know if he realizes how inaccurate they are, have to read anything hes written on the imprecision involved in engineering, think Kalai recently cited soap bubble machines. QC is like Babbage machines for the 21st century and anyone into QC should seriously study the history of the Babbage machine for extraordinary parallels.
@MoreAnonymous am a huge fan of the 4 color thm, heard about it when young, have always been fascinated, its a huge inspiration for me, have cited it many times in blog, yes there is some strong parallel to my work. some days, do feel like maybe am closing in on a solution... other times its a bipolar swing between mania vs depression yikes but such is the saga/ psychology of the worlds hardest theoretical problems and sustained work on them... o_O
in The h Bar, Jan 25 '18 at 5:03, by vzn
@Secret thx for the shades-of-gray thinking! somewhat similarly, preskill recently says we're entering NISQ era, noisy intermediate stage quantum, sounds about right. https://gizmodo.com/weve-entered-a-new-era-of-quantum-computing-1821807439 also has arxiv paper for people allergic to popsci :)

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