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@vzn not sure how active u are in physics stack exchange but it's bounty time!!!!
Q: Does the Copenhagen interpretation (+ "quasi-classical apparatus") allow one to bypass a derivation's objection?

More AnonymousBackground So I asked this question, where I'm thinking about this joshphysics's answer: And the gist of what I get is (from the answers and the chatroom) within interpretations of quantum mechanics which say the measurement is non-unitary one can definitely make the case that the derivation c...

11 hours later…
@vzn Hi vzn. Why "ghost"? Because I am less active now than I used to be? I spend more time on physics now. And since I have decided that David Mermin is my physicist hero, I even read a lot of stuff that I should already know, at least in theory. But reading facts in David Mermin's style is a pleasure, even for fact that I already know.
@MoreAnonymous hi your respondents all mostly have good advice, youre a little too new to the site to experiment with bounties, its not prohibited but not adviseable either. btw have been following up on some of your refs, was semi delighted to read some of the remarkable refs on the woit pg you cited, they are very intriguing, maybe you would like to discuss some sometime. it never ceases to amaze me how vast QM research is and how remote/ unknown yet significant some of it is...
Haha .. sure
@ThomasKlimpel you were once a extraordinary chat aficionado, did you loose nearly all taste for it? it seems so... great to hear you havent lost taste in physics, but how far can you get without collaboration? :)
@vzn also ... I'm glad u liked it ...

Here;s something on why it should be significant but not amongst the refs I mentioned
To be fair ... Wirting a question like:
The below is a labyrinth of positions one can take on this argument. And I feel there are 2 ways out (way 3 or way 4)of this maze. I'm asking for which way is better? (See Questions for what I mean by "better")
May not be the best ... but I only did it because otherwise so many others would be bewildered
@ThomasKlimpel I read ur user profile on PSE .. Any idea on how to improve my bountied (but not bountied) question?
@vzn "semi delighted" not "totally delighted"???

I mean why semi?
@MoreAnonymous lol semi delighted... there is a kind of bittersweet feeling here, a sadness that some very serious work into foundations/ interpretations is so obscure, almost nobody pays much attn to it. am continually running over remarkable refs from the past that get very little attn, many serious researchers are working on alternatives to Copenhagen interpretation and have (painstakingly!) created a very sizeable edifice but mainstream attn to it overlooks it at best or devalues it at worst...
@vzn before that derivation I was under the impression all interpretations are equal ... But now I found a question where "
physical cases the this "quasi-classical measuring apparatus and the Copenhagen interpretation" seem to work for that the original objection stops (way 3)?"

This is amazing!!
And it's my question ... :)
@MoreAnonymous still dont follow what derivation you are talking about, again the self-contained problem/ issue with your post... did not follow up on your refs yet because feel you should have made this much clearer :(
To be fair .. the size is already so massive to make it self contained its gonna be multiplied by 4 times
@vzn the derivation is "The proof (I questioned) " section
in The h Bar, Sep 10 at 23:40, by More Anonymous
Also @bolbteppa u might like this post:
↑ was looking into Curie-Weiss model, find it a bit hard to follow historically, but am impressed, like it, think its substantial, have had similar ideas that have been pursuing for years
Yea... here's another link:
Does the section I mention make it clearer?
"derivation you are talking about" -> "The proof (I questioned) " section
born rule... have looked into it carefully. have found a remarkable connection but would be tricky to dig it up again. basically there is a striking resemblance to classical mechanics/ EM formula... rarely remarked on...
Really?? interesting ... If u have these links somewhere that would be nice
@MoreAnonymous have written copiously on the (geneal) subj of interpretations in my blog
@vzn any specific post ?
@MoreAnonymous this is my last general writeup vzn1.wordpress.com/2018/05/25/fluid-paradigm-shift-2018 it cites borns law briefly, the idea is connection/ analogy to EM energy density...
@vzn thinking about gravity too hard does make you want to re-interpret QM ... As in the sabine post I tell u theres good reason for thatt
this ref seems relevant/ somewhat along the lines of my thinking... 27. [quant-ph/0604178] The Born Rule in Quantum and Classical Mechanics
Everyone who like general relativity starts doing that:

Sabine: Superdeterminsim
Hooft: His own version
Penrose: His own version
gotta run thx for ideas hope to continue conversation later
@vzn same ... Im really tired I'll have read that blogpost another time
ps am huge 't hooft fan have cited him a lot

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