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@vzn who isn't? The only reason he manages to work on his own version of QM is because he's 't hooft :P
5 hours later…
Someone answered my question!! But is silent after some comments :/

5 hours later…
@MoreAnonymous 't hooft while certifiably brilliant is a hardcore contrarian and doesnt have a lot of followers and/ or defenders among the orthodoxy, this can be seen at points in the Physics chat history.
hmmm ... haven't seen his name mentioned there yet ... so its possible ..
Maybe I should try to mention his name some time and see what happens :P
@MoreAnonymous few ppl do it but a lot can be found/ learned by searching the chat transcripts. we've had many epic discussions over the years...
Theory salon or hbar ?
Wait .... wahhhh

Balarka Sen has rejected the “moderation” climate as too harsh and has announced his resignation from participation in the room in protest
What happened???
@vzn just read ur Erdos ... Have u seen "counting to infinity"?
Its a gr8 movie about a mathematician
@MoreAnonymous "counting from infinity"? this one about Zhang? hadnt heard looks great gotta check it out! zalafilms.com/films/countingindex.html are you talking about this blog? vzn1.wordpress.com/2013/03/29/… forgot to mention this other great book there, read it yrs ago, luvd it, inspiring! :) MY BRAIN IS OPEN: The Mathematical Journeys of Paul Erdo amazon.com/MY-BRAIN-OPEN-Mathematical-Journeys/dp/0684859807
@vzn ... yea thats the movie!! zalafilms!! he's like the guy I wanna be Yitang Zhang
@MoreAnonymous yes zhang one of my heroes too am interested in twin primes conjecture also :) vzn1.wordpress.com/2013/10/04/… vzn1.wordpress.com/2016/04/01/… ... he came out with his breakthru around the time started my blog, synchronicity :)
@vzn did I tell u once I managed to create my own original math formula?
@MoreAnonymous ...?
@vzn Yea I even showed it to a measure theorist who said it was interesting but I couldn't it published since it was essentially a "conjecture" and at best supplemented to a "heuristic proof"
It has basically:

A Measure theory = Dirchilet series
I was sooooo frustrated that everythin I ever did was always done before I worked on an obsure yet promising problem and suceeded
Found it!!!
Q: A rough proof for infinitesimals?

More AnonymousI discovered the following relation for arbitrary $d_r$: $$ \lim_{k \to \infty} \lim_{n \to \infty}\ \sum_{r=1}^n d_r \left( f(\frac{k}{n}r)\frac{k}{n} \right) = \lim_{s \to 1} \! \underbrace{\frac{1}{\zeta(s)} \sum_{r=1}^\infty \frac{d_r}{r^s}}_{\text{removable singularity}} \int_0^\infty...

Obviously I dont interpret this formula as the title suggests but oh well ...
@vzn lemme know ur thoughts
I can show u follow up posts where I try to disprove it :P

But it "magically" works :P
@MoreAnonymous (+1) relation involving Riemann function Zeta? if so you should call it out
"should call it out" = ???
@MoreAnonymous you use Zeta without mentioning it in your prose. you seem to have some deep ideas but your writeups are hard to follow & dont really lead/ communicate the key ideas.
@vzn yea ... Its an old idea ..
I would re-edit the whole question now if I had to
which reminds me, re math films (+ inspired yet hard to follow style), one on your esteemed countryman, defn this is unmissable... seen it? vzn1.wordpress.com/2016/05/10/…
Seen it!
And loved it!!
@vzn do u want me explain what that formula is going on about??
@vzn do u think it's worth re-editing that question??
@MoreAnonymous it looks like something significant but am not much knowledgeable on Riemann. would like to attack it empirically. have a neat ref relating it to fractals along with Collatz. :)
(I'm not sure what to expect)
@MoreAnonymous think the real higher goal is to try to build up a cyber social group that can spend time/ attn on such problems. there are not that many people working on number theory world wide and it seems many are not into social networking.
@vzn hmm .. Maybe ur right ?? I give up too soon ...

Either way I think I can explain the problem I was attacking now fairly simply :))
All u need is a notion of Riemann integration (Integrating by subdiving area into rectangular strips)
Advancec: a notion of limits
@MoreAnonymous so you are in india now? are you going back to academia?
@vzn To attack empirically put all $d_r =1$ for all $r$ ... thats step 1
@vzn In india where I have a job but the job in boring and I can be on stackexchange all daayyyy ... But Im gonna start doing some physics in my spare time :)))
@MoreAnonymous what kind of job now?
@vzn data scientist intern ... But dont even have the degree yet :/
Doing it simultaneously (the online degree) ...
@MoreAnonymous hey not a bad job at all these days. actually very cutting edge. what kind of data anyway? did you do data science in UK also?
@vzn Nope this is my first job ... before that I wanted to do academia hence 2 masters one in theoreical and the other in mathematical physcis
Though I am rusty atm
@vzn Right now I'm part of the locations team (Google map aint gr8 in India)
@MoreAnonymous aka geography? what are you guys tracking?
@vzn So my company is like a food service version of Uber ...
We are the middle men between the restaurant and the customer ...
ah ok theres some major startups for that in US lately see them advertised (in restaurants) havent tried em... apparently they (workers) sometime end up in front of me in restaurant food lines with big orders o_O
Can we not talk about work :(((
Not really passsionate about data science :(((
I mean it's cool I just like my math and physics
(wasn't a massive fan of computational physics though I recognise the importance of it now)

Either way I think I can explain the problem I was attacking now fairly simply :))

All u need is a notion of Riemann integration (Integrating by subdiving area into rectangular strips)
Advanced: a notion of limits
Can we please talk about the coooool math formula?
Me like me math and physics:P
lol passionate about datascience! for me its largely outside of job...
@vzn what is ur job?
Sep 12 at 17:34, by vzn
@MoreAnonymous corp job java + web + big data
Oh yea ... I forgot .. Sorry about that ...
Also I'm curious on what ur first instincts of empircal attack are?

Like I mean u have obscure double limit on the left and a limit with a zeta and the dirichelet series on the the right
@vzn lemme know how it goes? Maybe u'll have a new insight
@MoreAnonymous my research heavily involves fractals + data science techniques. (very?) few others are going in this direction. but note that eg data science + ML is showing up more in physics lately. wanna write a blog on that, have lots of links...
@vzn While it's great ... I'm also of the opinion there's point of the time evolution of the universe if u only have a black box (AI) telling u how its gonna evolve

@vzn I swear I can explain the problem to anyone who knows the idea behind integration limit as a sum
@MoreAnonymous found that news also, exactly the kind of thing am tracking for a blog...
@vzn if we could get an intermediatory box (say one that test for violations of GR, etc) that would helpful
@MoreAnonymous anyway all this is great, have been tracking many of the same topics you have, but invited you in here on QM interpretations... urge you to continue your focus on it... its very strange to me at times how many are pursuing it yet apparently how far away most of the approaches are from the real target...
in Computer Science, Dec 23 '16 at 2:06, by vzn
> People stumble over the truth from time to time, but most get up and go on as if nothing had happened. —Churchill
@vzn Yea ... I'm hoping glS will edit his answer in light of my last comment ... Think he understood what I was on about
@MoreAnonymous you ask about/ mention SE editing a lot. its really not very preferred on SE systems, they permit it very effectively but the use of it is not so widespread... ie use and design diverge somewhat...
@vzn but still u've convinced me to re-edit that math.stackexhange formula ... Also if u get ur head around the heuristic proof u might appreciate the "number-theoretic combinatorics" involved
@vzn Should I ask a new question then?
THough I'd have to remove the old one or something then :(((
@MoreAnonymous how much have you looked into Riemann? what have you studied? have a neat ref for you if you get around to it... but wonder 1st what youve looked at...
@MoreAnonymous try asking clearer more self contained questions :)
@MoreAnonymous want to hear a little )( more about your job, just the basics, we can move on to other topics... can certainly relate to the idea of work being stultifying at times... o_O
@vzn Is it okay if we do that another time
Riemann in this context yea ... Infact its high school level:

I've done physics math and learnt some elementary number theory on the internet
(Also I rediscover stuff time to time ... Such as the mobius functioin)
^this is the math u need to understand the problem (not solve it) :P
1 hour later…
@vzn I've edited it ...Must say I'm glad with the quality of question I've asked :))))

Have a look and lemme know ur thoughts some other time?

I'll also keep u updated on QM (esp. if it enables u to increase applicability)
1 hour later…
@vzn you probably have already heard of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_biology right?

Roger Penrose was a pioneer
2 hours later…
Hrm. I've come across a number I know I've seen before. Trying to fit sin(ln(x))/x^2 over the nuclear force, I tried to "normalize" the length on the assumption that the nuclear force exhibited curvature. As it transpires, if the nuclear force exhibits curvature, the nucleus has to be larger than a meter in its own reference frame. I know I've encountered that before, anybody have any pointers to where I might have picked that up?
(That is, the idea that the nucleus might have internal dimensions greater than a meter)

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