@Zophikel have written about that extensively on my blog. interested in diverse areas such as complexity theory, quantum computing, number theory, robotics, AI etc...
@Zophikel try IBMs simulator/ tutorials etc., its new yet probably one of the best available.
are you thinking of going to college & majoring in CS?
@Zophikel what year are you in HS? youre going to have to learn to spell better if you want to go to college...! although in your defense my ~2.5M line codebase for work has many misspellings, presumably by foreigners eg indians/ asians o_O
@Zophikel ah ok, not much time to make a decision, time running out! make sure you run spell check on your admissions letters/ essays! :P ... what are your extracullcierls anyway?
ah yeah just googled that. am thinking maybe of another Michigan university (Ann Arbor), the main one, guess UMFlint is different. but still looks worthwhile
@vzn yeah I have little sisters my mom didn't go to college my dad went to collage in Ghana then did a college program here but failed to get his masters degree
@Zophikel ok sorry to hear that. :( but maybe you are still capable of spelling correctly? afaik many with that disorder can... (maybe some are good at it?)
@Zophikel (it would have helped a lot if you revealed this aspect earlier...) hope that you have some kind of treatment possibility. do you have any therapist? many schools have a psychologist or at least counselor...
did you click on my movie link yet? do you have access to netflix? re LIGO analysis, try dropping by the physics chat room sometime, some would be interested, you might find stuff to chat about, how long have you been in SE chat?
@Zophikel yeah its good to be flexible, math underlies many fields, excellent foundation skill, am deep into math myself vzn1.wordpress.com/category/math
> “I think we have at least half a dozen major breakthroughs to go before we get close to human-level AI,” said Stuart Russell, a professor of computer science and engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. “But there are very many very brilliant people working on it, and I am pretty sure that those breakthroughs are going to happen.”