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Isn't $X \mapsto ${free abelian group on all maps from a (whatever kind of) manifold to X} a "chain model" for (co)bordism?
I was under the impression that it was
(with dimension as grading and boundary as differential)
this answer: mathoverflow.net/questions/67169/… leads me to suspect otherwise
probably another stupid question:
Is there a difference between an R-coalgebra and an affine scheme over Spec(R)?
(apply any finiteness words you want)
@PeterNelson i'm confused -- shouldn't an affine scheme over Spec(R) just be some Spec(A) --> Spec(R)? or do you mean affine group scheme
main reason for confusion: Ravenel-Wilson and other things by Wilson refer to Hopf rings as "ring objects in CoAlg" (and even to Hopf algebras as a group object in coalgebras)
(for my confusion, that is)
However, my brain has gotten used to replacing the words "commutative Hopf algebra" with "group scheme"
there is a difference; if R is a field, then an R-coalgebra gives a formal scheme over Spec R, but in general R-coalgebras only transmute to R-schemes if they're sufficiently nice
there is stuff on this in section 4.8 of strickland's fsfg, which is terse and difficult to make sense of unless you've also read demazure's lectures on p-divisible groups part... 1, probably?
demazure does the field case, neil points out that over not-fields things can go awry and gives a good enough condition to define a subcategory which a) does have a map to formal schemes, and b) that map preserves some colimits
fsfg is formal schemes and formal groups?
yes, sorry
and not finite subgroups of formal groups
oh goodness, yes, very sorry. i rarely look at that one
i started because functorial philosophy for formal phenomena was titled fpfp.pdf
it is definitely time to leave the office
these things both seem somewhat helpful, thanks
@PeterNelson notice, I believe, that $R\times R\to R$ gives a coalgebra structure on $Spec(R)$
or comonoid, or whatever.
it doesn't seem immediate to me here that one needs to worry about formal phenomena
oh wait....
are you taking coalgebras over $R$?
nevermind. I'm dumb.
yeah wtf. are they talking about formal things?
@JonBeardsley who are they
maybe one can make the same kind of formal arguments that demazure makes to go from corings to affine schemes, i dunno.
this is what eric was saying
Ravenel and Wilson
I mean, whoever is saying that affine schemes over R are the same as R coalgebras.
@JonBeardsley no, no one was saying that. Except Demazure does, if R is a field, and Strickland does, if there are some conditions on the coalgebra
okay. so your question is not really answered
I think Eric pointed me to places that answer it to my satisfaction
But.... do those places deal with it when your not working in formal schemes?
you don't have the option of not working in formal schemes
I mean, I do have that option. I do that all the time.
Do you mean that such a correspondence cannot exist outside of formal schemes?
Or do you mean something like anything Ravenel and Wilson do is going to be sufficiently completed or something?
yeah. if you have some coalgebra (without necessarily being part of some Hopf algebra structure), and you're tasked to build a scheme out of it, you do... what?
Well, sure. Okay, that's fine. So you're just saying that Ravenel and Wilson must be talking about formal schemes here, because otherwise the statement doesn't make any sense.
I'll accept that.
one option is to try to take linear duals to produce an algebra, and then take Spec of that. that works OK if the coalgebra is finite, but if it's infinite then duals are troublesome, and the way you get around this second hurdle is to say 'no, wait, i meant formal schemes'
yes, an alternative answer is 'this is what makes R-W sane', but i think there's more than that to say
I just read about a cool description of the Brauer group in terms of corings that expands it so that it's always in bijection with the relevant second cohomology.
Some kind of generalization, called "Azumaya corings" or something.
Of course, then what's the point right? I mean, we use the cohomology group to try to understand something we're interested in. So if we just make the things we were originally interested in bigger, we've kind of missed the point.
idk, understanding the difference in the constructions as being a specific, analyzable source of the general discrepancy is valuable
a coalgebra is a filtered colimit of finite-dimensional coalgebras, each of which is dual to some finite-dimensional coalgebra and so may be regarded as describing some scheme, and then you can think about this filtered colimit as an ind-scheme. i think?
Yeah. That's the "formal" issue we're discussing.
In other words, formal schemes are (in my mind at least) basically just ind-schemes, and the process you describe is precisely how you get the correspondence Eric is referring to, I believe.
@Peter: a commutative, cocommutative Hopf algebra describes a group in two senses. first, the multiplication describes a group object in cocommutative coalgebras. second, the comultiplication describes a group object in (commutative algebras)^{op}. it's in this latter sense that commutative Hopf algebras can be thought of as affine group schemes. this correspondence is contravariant.

cocommutative Hopf algebras, on the other hand, should be thought of as formal groups, and this correspondence is covariant. and hopf algebras which are neither commutative nor cocommutative are just some biza
coalgebras over a field are filtered colimits of finite dimensional coalgebras
holy crap! luc illusie is still alive. sweet!
derp. amitsur complex is just the dual of the cech complex.
good picture
Yeah, I really like it.
I just looked up what the amitsur complex is. The first thing I thought was "oh, that thing has a name?"
Yeah, exactly!
It's also the ANSS, btw.
I think I would call it "the cobar construction"
Which I guess was callan's comment awhile ago
haha, equalizer in french = le noyau de la double fleche
lol, cosquellete
Yeah, shit, Illusie is the bomb man. I wish I could hang out with this guy.
Ummmmm, how should I think of the nth coskeleton of a simplicial set?
I mean, the nth skeleton makes a lot of sense, it's the same up to degree n-1 or whatever, and then filled with degeneracies, but what the hell is the nth coskeleton?
a k-simplex of the nth coskeleton of X is an (n-skeleton of a k-simplex) of X
in other words, everything up to dimension n is the same, and everything above dimension n is uniquely contractible
example: cosk_n(S^n) = K(Z, n)
2 hours later…
i.e. one way to think of it is as a functorial postnikov cotruncation
10 hours later…
dumb question (?) what's an example of a map of spaces that becomes an isomorphism stably
oh hrm it can only mess around with \pi_1 I guess
so examples of the form X \to X^+ ?
I don't think I know when that's an isomorphism on \pi_1^s ...
man I want to anti-star that modular forms
weil just trolling so hard
what's wrong with modular forms? Or well, maybe the quote is just not that good?
@ArnavTripathy a torus stably splits as the wedge of spheres, e.g. the usual torus becomes S^1 v S^1 v S^2; i can't visualize whether you can map onto this unstable thing in a way that stabilizes to an equivalence, though. you can definitely hit the S^2 with a pontrjagin-thom collapse...
@Arnav a map X -> Y becomes a stable isomorphism precisely when it's an integral homology isomorphism. so plus-constructions on pi_1 are the canonical examples
if pi_1 acts perfectly on some parts of the higher homotopy groups, you can also do plus-constructions there too
ah, that's better
oh haha the ring structure on cohomology obstructs the existence of my suggested map
ah, so for instance if you want a finite example
you could take the map from the 3-sphere down to the Poincaré sphere or anything like that
sure, that's a great example
there's also this inclusion S^1 -> X where X is a 3-cell complex, which is a pi_1 iso and H_*-iso, but where the target has nontrivial higher homotopy
that everybody busts out when you want to show that "pi_1 iso + H_* iso ≠ homotopy equivalence"
@JonBeardsley i had a mind blowing incident earlier this year when i was reading SGA and then i found out Illusie had just arrived for a short visit and was a couple offices down the hall
2 hours later…
Hmm, the greek letters in the stable stems, where can I read about them? Ravenel?
the miller-ravenel-wilson paper where they're originally constructed is pretty readable
but, sure, also ravenel
there's also some lecture notes by ravenel titled 'a novice's guide to the stable homotopy groups of spheres' (or something close to that) which i've been meaning to read and assess. probably they're discussed in there, maybe you can be a guinea pig
I found this one: people.virginia.edu/~mah7cd/Foundations/… Is that what you meant?
I think I will read it after kochman
@JonBeardsley: You could meet Illusie at the Algant summer school on monodromy! (events.math.unipd.it/monodromy/?q=node/4)
yup, that one
i'm also personally fond of steve wilson's bp homology: an introduction and sampler, which talks about the greek letters in brief around the stalactite pictures
not everyone seems to take to it, though
what tips do you have in general for people starting in stable homotopy theory and want to learn more?
i feel underqualified to answer, but: be both omnivorous and voracious about reading; find just a few things you really like and learn them very thoroughly, so that you can use it to contextualize the sea of other things you'll encounter in passing, lest you get lost / bogged down in the jungle of available ideas; spend particular effort trying to figure out how other people think about things behind the curtain, so to speak, of the theorems they formalize and present
pick a question and try to answer it as you go -- this is part of contextualization, the things that stick with me most strongly are those that tie directly into something i want to know about
idk, there's lots of generic-but-maybe-not-obvious advice to give
@EricPeterson This sounds like sound advice in studying math in general, am I correct?
of course, there's nothing special about homotopy theory
not underqualified, just not qualified: Whenever I have done so I have benefied (and more importantly greatly enjoyed) from reading older maths. If you are not even in grad school yet you have a heck of an amount of time to learn about the early great successes in the field (as well as related fields)
yeah, there's benefits to both ends: earlier math that's been worn smooth and recognized as Great is extremely pretty and inspiring, and fresh-off-the-stove math that's still ragged and confused is intriguing and tempting
another silly question for everyone: the wikipedia article on linking numbers claims that they're generalized by cup products. i don't see what is meant by this...
and i guess a third option: reading about great math before it was worn smooth is also inspiring; lots of exploratory and contextualizing things get dropped from the picture when material gets e.g. placed in a textbook
i know that in a compact oriented manifold, cup products are poincare dual to transverse intersections of oriented submanifolds. but there are no interesting cup products in, say, S^3 for computing linking numbers of circles... and removing a circle to look at homotopy classes of the other circle seems asymmetric
@Eric: and motivation! lots of motivation gets dropped
my recollection is that you can calculate a cup product in the complement of both circles
this may be a little bit sketchy, but I think that the cohomology is dual to the compactly supported homology, and the corresponding generators there are Seifert surfaces for the two knots; you calculate the linking number by intersecting them, which in general position gives you a sum of paths from one circle to the other
seems plausible. thanks!

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