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It seems that can survive on MathOverflow Meta for relatively long time (compared to other sites). This was posted 45 minutes ago:
in Charcoal HQ, 4 mins ago, by SmokeDetector
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (94): PhysicsOverflow just went live by Cristopher Moore on meta.mathoverflow.net
On the positive site, MathOverflow Meta isn't visited that much - so probably even if a post there survives for an hour (or even longer), that doesn't bring too many views.
Now it's gone.
Q: PhysicsOverflow just [in 2014] went live

DilatonThe new site is now up and running (outside the SE network) here https://www.physicsoverflow.org/ PhysicsOverflow is meant to be some kind of a rebirth of the untimely passed away Theoretical Physics SE and a little physics brother of MathOverflow. Compared to the former theoretical physics site,...

I’m voting to close this question because it is no longer relevant in 2021. — Federico Poloni 4 mins ago
1 hour later…
@NikhilKumarSingh Now I noticed that I gave a wrong link in my comment. In any case, this was the link I intended - and you can see that there is one deleted answer: data.stackexchange.com/mathoverflow/query/1479912/…
1 hour later…
BTW that was already the second spam answer on the question about PhysicsOverflow - that is why the question got protected: meta.mathoverflow.net/posts/1608/revisions

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