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@ToddTrimble I will just point out recent fedja's post.
A: Requests for reopen and undelete votes for on-hold, closed, and deleted questions

fedjahttps://mathoverflow.net/questions/379145/geometric-combinatorial-problem-in-the-euclidean-space This question was deleted by nobody less than @ToddTrimble just 10 days ago after having 9 upvotes and a few answers. The problem is neither ridiculous, nor fully resolved, and I see absolutely nothin...

Probably it is worth reminding that an answer which was deleted by a moderator cannot be undeleted by regular users. (But I suppose you're aware of this - if you tried to cast an undelete vote, you saw a pop-up explaining this.) — Martin Sleziak 3 hours ago
Yep, I know that. That's why I also tried to attract the attention of @ToddTrimble to it though I'm not really sure if the at symbol works in the answer body. Any other moderator would do too :-) — fedja 58 mins ago
You may want to flag Todd (flag any of his comments anywhere). No idea if this happened here, but it could be it was deleted by mistake. — Andrés E. Caicedo 26 mins ago
If you decide to respond there, you might also explain that @username does not work in posts. And that flagging posts is better than flagging comments, since for flag on posts a mod can also leave some kind of reponse.
Now that I see that it says "Last seen 38 mins ago" in your profile on meta, it is quite likely that you have seen the post anyway.
(I remember the new questions on meta go into the moderator inbox. bit not new answers - which is part of the reasons why I pinged you here.)
@fedja I suppose you have already tried to to contact Todd Trimble in some way. I'll just mention that I pinged him here.
I will add that writing '@username` in a post does not actually notifiy that user.
> Moderators can either mark flags as helpful and delete the comment, or leave it intact and decline the flag. They cannot manually dismiss comment flags, so borderline flags may be marked declined (though some mods may go through the extra step of marking it as helpful and then manually undeleting it). Also, they cannot provide a reason for dismissing a comment flag.
I will stress this part: "they cannot provide a reason for dismissing a comment flag." If you want to flag in such way that the moderator is able to leave some kind of response, it might be better to flag a post rather than a comment. (Naturally, with a custom flag, if you're trying to contact a moderator.)
13 hours later…
@MartinSleziak Thanks very much for bringing this to attention, Martin. Dear @fedja, I was contacted by the OP via flags three times for about this post, asking it to be deleted. In general I am extremely reluctant to accede to such requests, but the OP explained that it was a matter of some urgency, and was profusely apologetic. I cannot go into more details, except that the urgency was understandable and I think I made the right call, although I regret the loss of rep for you, etc.
1 hour later…
I have responded here: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/56897449#56897449 I understand why the situation seems confusing, but it was not deleted by mistake, and there was nothing sinister going on. The other moderators can see what happened as well. — Todd Trimble ♦ 34 mins ago
Thanks for taking the time to respond, Todd Trimble!

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