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Q: Ron Graham (1935-2020)

François G. DoraisAs you may know, Ron Graham passed away on July 6, 2020. In the past, when a famous mathematician passes away, many community members feel that they should be remembered on MathOverflow in some way or another. For obvious reasons, such memorials need to be carefully designed to honor the life and...

3 hours later…
> Often, individuals post their own memorials, which are sometimes well received by the community and sometimes not. There has never been a formal discussion of this topic.
When I was trying to check whether there were similar discussions on meta in the past, I have found this:
A: The question 'Mathematical work of Jonathan Gleason' disappeared

Todd TrimbleDisrespect to whom? I don't think it was disrespect to anyone, certainly not Jonathan Gleason. At most it expresses a firm belief that the question is off-topic for MathOverflow. But as I said in a comment there, announcements of someone's passing have occasionally found a more lasting home at ...

> On reflection, there is precedent in saying something commemorative about the passing of MO users specifically, for example mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1218/…. So my own feeling is that you could probably go ahead and write something here, if you are so moved. I join others in expressing condolences.
A: Grothendieck's passing

Todd TrimbleThe question at MathOverflow has now been closed; I have added a brief explanation as to why. For now it will neither be deleted nor locked, so that comments can still be added by members of our community. I propose that a soft question be asked not specifically with regard to the passing of Gr...

I can understand discomfort with memorializing (cf. comments here: mathoverflow.net/questions/81821/in-memoriam-torsten-ekedahl‌​), but this situation might be a little different (as AG was not personally known by most of us here, and in fact has had little contact with the mathematical world for over 20 years). But, we should discuss. I'm not trying to push anything, just proposing a possibility which could be very educational. — Todd Trimble ♦ Nov 16 '14 at 1:42
Todd Trimble referred both times to the question "In memoriam Torsten Ekedahl" and the corresponding discussion on tea.
Q: In memoriam Torsten Ekedahl

BalazsThis is not a question, just very, very, very sad news. Our community has lost one of its most active members. I am posting a letter I received recently. From Carel Faber and Sandra Di Rocco: November 23, 2011 Dear colleagues from the Algebraic Geometry community, Unfortunately, we have some ...

There is a thread on this very sad news on meta tea.mathoverflow.net/discussion/1218/… Still, since not everybody reads meta, under these special circumstances I think making an exception to the rule no meta content on main is very justified. — user9072 Nov 24 '11 at 16:53
seems to be still down, here is Wayback Machine and my archive.
@ToddTrimble I guess you linked this thread on tea just as an example of a past thread commemorating a specific person, right?
I don't see there any discussion whether such stuff is on-topic on MO. (Which seems to be one of the things that François G. Dorais is asking.)
Although, there seems to be an implicit agreement that meta is ok - since in the past instances nobody objected. There were some objections raised to pots on the main site:
I think MathOverflow is not a good place for an online memorial. If one is set up, however, I ask that a link to it be placed here and in the meta thread. Indeed, if I or some other member of MathOverflow is told about the URL, we can arrange to link to it from this post and the meta thread as well. Condolences. Gerhard Paseman, 2011.11.24 — Gerhard Paseman Nov 24 '11 at 18:00
9 hours later…
Yes, I suppose the impetus was mainly archival. I think you summarized well the past history and thinking about this.
"MathOverflow is currently offline for maintenance" I guess that increases chances that people come to chat. :-)
@ToddTrimble Did the moderators discuss between themselves whether there are some plans to get the archive back online?
I am pretty sure you've seen the related post on meta: Tea archive (mathoverflow.tqft.net) seems to be down.
(Sorry for bothering you with this, but since we happened to be online at the same time, I thought that I might as well ask.)
Ok, so the claim that we're online at the same time was too optimistic. But there is definitely no urgency to this question.
5 hours later…
@YCor A few days ago we discussed migration in this room: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/9369/2020/6/1
Q: Questions migrated more than 60 days ago no longer link to their revision history on the origin site (possible license violation)

Sonic the Masked WerehogIn January 2014, the migration banner on questions migrated from other sites was changed to link to the revision history of the question on the origin site (the migration stub), and said revision history would be kept visible to all users even after the stub was deleted. This was done to comply w...

It explicitly mentions that it is difficult to find from where the post was migrated in the case of older posts. (For recent post it is possible - that's what we discussed before.)
Unrelated to this - I saw your recent comment:
The question to discuss how to deal with memorials is good but doesn't match the title... I'd feel uncomfortable to discuss it here. — YCor 2 hours ago
I have tried to find whether there were some related discussions in the past - I have summarized above what I've found.

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