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4 hours later…
12:11 PM
What mathoverflow.* sites/domains exist? I am asking this after seeing the question: Has word “mathoverflow” trademark?
I see that mathoverflow.com redirects to MO.
The domain mathoverflow.in is mentioned in the question. I see that mathoverflow.biz also exists.
Is there some tool to find such domains which somebody owns and domains which are unused?
4 hours later…
4:40 PM
So MathOverflow now reached 100000 questions.
The question which is currently No. 100000 based on the API is Concerning the Dixmier and the Jacobian Conjectures.
However, the screenshots I have are only with one less and one more:
Of course, the question which is No. 100000 can change over time - due to migrations, deletions, undeletions, etc.
I will add links to discussions about some milestones on other sites: What was the 10 millionth question? (Meta Stack Overflow), Identify our millionth question (Meta Mathematics)
As you can see there, the question No. 100k can be identified using API: api.stackexchange.com/2.2/… and there are also various SEDE queries. All of them will work only with questions that remained on the site - so the exact question with this number can change over time.
In any case, congrats to MathOverflow on reaching 100k questions. Probably it is a milestone worth recording in History of MathOverflow.
5:05 PM
It seems that some questions have been deleted in the meantime, since this is what I am getting now:
5:25 PM
And now I see Asaf Karagila's question as the number 10000:

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