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Recently it was brought to my attention that my explanation for my account deletion on MO given as part of the moderator election on Mathematics made its way to this site's meta site. There I now found this comment:
@PaulSiegel: I think In general, if someone objects to something, but doesn't describe to what exactly they object, this sheds a bad light on the seriousness of the objections. — Stefan Kohl 11 hours ago
I hesitated for a while, but then decided I will still react to it since it is a nice example of one of my frustrations about the site. The problem I have is not that the comment is somewhat unfriendly, I can deal with that, and I am not always friendly either, so I better should be. The frustration about this comments comes from the following fact.
It only has a chance to work due to lack of information.
The footnote made reference to my nomination, which contains the following as part of a longer series of comments. "(I realize that I did not discuss the cause of the frustration [that caused the account deletion], but maybe this is not crucial here. I'd answer in chat though if somebody asks.) – quid♦ Oct 3 at 14:35"
Yes, I did not discuss what specifically frustrated me about MO in a nomination for a moderatorship on a an other site. Yet not because I cannot or do not want to articulate it, but because it was in my firm opinion not the right place for the dual reason that it is not really relevant there and also and mainly since I felt it would haven been in rather poor taste to hijack a prominent place to vent my old frustrations over this site.
The offer in the comment stands. But some of my frustrations ought to be well-known on this site anyway. It is not as if I was shy to speak my mind about the site on its meta, which further adds to the oddity of the comment quoted above.
But on the off chance it was missed: I find the pressure to use a real name objectionable.
To name but one example.
To end on a more positive note I'll reiterate that I consider this site as a good and useful site and my time spent there as overall a good time (this includes the majority of interactions with the author of the comment quoted above).
Best wishes to everybody and see you elsewhere in the network.

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