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3:02 AM
Q&A software is online software that attempts to answer questions asked by users (Q&A stands for "question and answer"). Q&A software is frequently integrated by large and specialist corporations and tends to be implemented as a community that allows users in similar fields to discuss questions and provide answers to common and specialist questions. There are numerous examples of Q&A software in both open source and SaaS formats, including Qhub, OSQA, Question2Answer, and Stack Exchange. Communities such as Quora or Stack Exchange are closed source Q&A sites. == History == Q&A software is often...
6 hours later…
9:16 AM
During the strike, MO must rely mostly on the site's own user in order to remove spam. So I'll point out a recent spam post: mathoverflow.net/q/448429
This should be flagged as spam, so that it's removed. See also: What should I do when I see a spam post on MO?Martin Sleziak 1 min ago
10:14 AM
@b_jonas I guess you probably mean something different when you say it's "solved already" - but if you know some software which would be suitable to host the content of MO, perhaps you could post an answer on meta: Is there a software solution if we do cut the cord from SE?
@MartinSleziak I may have been unclear. Making a new forum that can replace MathOverflow is hard and likely not solved. There's an easier problem that you want to solve in advance, long before the current site gets unusable for any reason. This is organizing a way to tell all users where the new forum is, once someone has made one. A new forum won't work well as a community unless enough users know to look there.
The hard problem of a new forum also isn't only about software of course, but of hosting and moderation.
Well, that depends on what you consider hard.
Of course, MO operated long time outside SE network. So at the time, they had some solution.
@MartinSleziak Yes, I was there, but moderation and hosting are not a problem that you solve once and it stays solved.
There is at least one previous forum that I participated on, then it stopped, and I only found out where a large part of the community moved to after several months of delay after a new forum was set up by a different organizer.
Admittedly that may have been partly my fault for not looking harder. I assumed that there wouldn't be a replacement forum, I underestimated how well organized the community was. But I wasn't the only one who only found out several months later.

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