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Q: Is the $200 million, PM Justin Trudeau, promised for a new intelligence directive, on top of the $1.3 billion allocated for the border plan?

Jasper SiepkesIn response to the impending US tariffs, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised (amongst things) $200 million for a new intelligence directive (emphasis mine): I just had a good call with President Trump. Canada is implementing our $1.3 billion border plan — reinforcing the border with new chopp...

Q: Having a regular 24 die how can a professor fairly select a student to be questioned in a class of 26?

seraxHaving a regular 24 die how can a professor fairly select a student to be questioned in a class of 24+n? Where n is an integer and : 0<n<24. Suppose n is equal to 2, so the class has 26 students. Of course the professor could use a different method such as a random number generator online (which ...

Q: Help me understand BJTs better. Resistance of Base Emitter on BJT

Chris WalkerFrom my understanding, bjts will have a diode from the emitter to the base. I was measuring the resistance of a BJT and found that the resistance between the emitter and base was about 500kohms when it's off. I was not able to find that information in the datasheet. But I was wondering if that 50...

Q: Why were Jewish fathers allowed to sell their daughters as slaves?

lvg30306Mishpatim allows a father to sell his daughter as a slave and requires the Master to provide sustenance and “conjugal rights". What does this mean as far as human trafficking of one's own daughter?

Q: Children born in the UK to a French father

ZaraI am a British national as well as my kids, they were born in the UK but the father is French and he is the named father in their birth certificates. We are not in contact and I have no clue where he is now, I have been trying to get him to pay for child benefits and I gave up that battle after I...

Q: Does John's Prologue mean the Father was not able to declare or manifest or reveal Himself by Himself?

Revelation LadThe Prologue, John 1:1-18, ends by stating Jesus is with the Father and doing something: No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. (John 1:18 KJV) No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is in the boso...

Q: Correctly attribute the ID of the plot with the biggest area to new layer

BAE_23I have a cadastral map and buildings. I want to attribut the cadastral map ID for each building for the plot in which they mainly lies. For buildings which are lay completly within a plot there is no problem (purple polygons). I can later aggregate by ID, even with multiple buildings in one plot...

Q: Does converse of Lagrange theorem hold for group of order 30? In general does it hold for group of order pqr?

user1382316Suppose $p,q,r$ are distinct primes. Let G be a group of order $pqr$. Does the converse of Lagrange theorem hold for this group? That is I want to know if $d$ is a divisor of $pqr$ then does there exist a subgroup of $G$ of order d? Now by Cauchy’s theorem we know that there are subgroups of orde...

Q: Reasons for algae like life in the early ocean to have high vanadium levels?

RougePlaneteerSo, for an idea I have for my planet, I need to have early algae-like life in the early ocean to make use of decent levels of vanadium (which is in relatively high concentration on the planet), in what ways would they theoretically be able to make use of it, and for what reason would they evolve ...

Q: Why Does This Gate Drive Circuit Purposefully Forward Bias The Body Diode of an NMOS?

zigzidaneI've inherited a design to update that features this strange gate drive circuit. It drives a capacitive load (don't want to provide too much info in case of dox). Forgive the ugly NMOS symbols please. I'm confused by two things: Why use two separate gate drive ICs with only high-side outputs, in...

Q: How do I add a second light onto this existing switch?

ElephantToothpasteIn our first floor bathroom in our two story house with a crawl space, I would like to add a wall sconce a couple feet above the existing light switch. The box has two switches, one for the exhaust fan, and one that is a motion sensing switch for the vanity light on the other side of the room. ...

Q: Performance consideration for cascading style sheet implementation

Matheus Dias de SouzaI have the plan for an UI component hierarchy. Each UI component contains zero or more children UI components, and each UI component may set an optional theme. A theme is responsible for skinning a given hierarchy of UI components, mostly influencing over the property values. A theme may link a c...

Q: Identify this mysterious function

Борат СагдиевGoing through some old computer programs I found this function which has no documentation or comments. I'm wondering what is its purpose, perhaps someone could identify it? Here is the function definition: $$ v(k, p) = w(k, p, k)\\ \:\\\:\\ w(k, p, m) = \begin{cases} 1 & p \leq 1 \lor k \leq 1\\...

1 hour later…
Q: Why, in philosophy, is there such a deference to ancient books and ancient philosophers?

user107952In a philosophy class, one usually reads books by ancient or medieval philosophers, like Aristotle or Plato or Kant. But in a physics class, one learns of Newton's laws of motion, but without usually reading Newton's book. My question is, why is there such a deference to old and dead philosophers...

Q: Post-Apocalyptic movie with girl with red hair and a bus or van with "Pandora" written on the side

SteveVI was traveling on Sunday and saw parts of a live-action movie someone in the row in front of me on the plane was watching and haven't been able to identify it. I only saw bits of it, but it appeared to be a mad-max type world. Here are some scenes I remember: The red-headed girl was sitting i...

Q: Difference between \C and I flag in Vim substitute command

VivekIs there any difference between using \C vs I flag to perform case-sensitive search and replace with Vim substitute command. For example: Replacing Foo with Bar seems to work with both of the below commands. :%s/Foo\C/Bar/ :%s/Foo/Bar/I I tested this locally and didn't observe any differences, ...

Q: Why is \symsfup generating glyphs with serifs?

HerpDerpingtonConsider this example: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{unicode-math} \setmathfont{latinmodern-math.otf} \setmathfont[version=sans]{New Computer Modern Sans Math} \begin{document} \[ T|\symsfup{T}|\symup{T} \] \mathversion{sans} \[ T|\symsfup{T}|\symup{T} \] \end{document} which re...

Q: Unable to import a polynomial from Mathematica to Maple

joshI would like to import a file created by Mathematica that contains a polynomial in InputForm into Maple and have reviewed this thread: Transfer mathematical expressions but not able to get it to work. For example, I have the polynomial 2+3xy^2-4x^3y in Mathematica. Using Export, I save it to dis...

Q: Blue Skinned Alien pigment

RougePlaneteerI have an alien race that has a blue colour skin, around 48CAEF in the below image, with of course variations due to different levels of pigmentation between and within ethnicities. My question is, what real, reasonable to biologically synthesize, pigments can I use in order to pull this off. I d...

Q: Why is every proof given under Christianity susceptible to doubt ? Why is there not a definite prove of God like mathematical theorems?

trading is loveHuman emotions and reasoning doubt every proof that is given under Christian theology .Why do not they have definite prove that eliminates all sources of doubts? Like in mathematics "1 + 1 = 2" ," "All right angles are equal to each other", "Sum of two sides in a triangle is greater than the thi...

Q: There Is No Puzzle

Beastly GerbilNot inspired by KaMiZoTo's game-jam winning 'There Is No Game'. (I highly recommend not playing first, if you haven't before - it only takes 5 minutes to complete) Hello solver! I... I have bad news. Actually, there is no puzzle. So, I hope you're not too much disappointed. You can still watch...

Q: How can I modify the how the autocomplete for my custom entity reference field works?

Alan DixonI have an extension that defines a new custom entity ("Representative"). I have a field that is an entity reference field, referencing this new entity. In defining the entity, I failed to define a "title" field, so the auto-complete behaviour is not very nice (all I can select is the id!). Accord...

Q: Generators for the (semi)group of positive/integer-valued exponential-polynomial functions

Yifeng HuangLet $\mathbb{N}=\{0,1,\dots\}$. Polynomials that live in the semigroup $\mathbb{N}\langle \binom{x}{k}: k\in \mathbb{N}\rangle\subset \mathbb Q[x]$ take nonnegative integer values at $x\in \mathbb N$, even though such a polynomial might have minus signs and/or denominators in its coefficients. Th...

Q: Unexpected roundoff with fpeval length comparison

rallgThis MWE shows it all. Same with pdflatex or lualatex: \documentclass{article} \newlength\mytemplength \setlength\mytemplength{8.5in} \newlength\myotherlength \setlength\myotherlength{8.5in} \edef\myresulta{\fpeval{\mytemplength<8.499in}} % expect 0, meaning false \edef\myresultb{\fpeval{\mytempl...

Q: PGS solver leads to boxes spinning out of control or sliding out of stacks

Zoler1337I'm trying to implement a PGS solver for collision response, but I'm currently stuck. How the problem manifests is, for the example of a box resting on the ground, if the box is given a small rotation then it might spin out of control after a while. Also, boxes in a stack are not stable but slide...

Q: What happens with low pull-up voltages for the LM393 comparator?

flawrConsider the LM393 comparator: https://www.ti.com/product/LM393 As far as I understand the output is basically the collector of an NPN transistor, with the emitter tied to ground. Consider it with the typical application with a pull-up resistor to Vlogic. Now consider a supply voltage of e.g. 10V...

Q: Get rid of additional spacing due to \color in newtcolorbox

Crob \usepackage{tcolorbox} \newtcolorbox{tbox}[1][]{ #1, before upper={ \everydisplay{\color{red}} } } \begin{document} \begin{tcolorbox} \[a^2+n^2=c^2\] \end{tcolorbox} \begin{tbox} \[a^2+n^2=c^2\] \end{tbox} \end{document} I just want to change the color of math mode in my cust...

Q: Put text on each mounted pdf's last page

mf67Is it possible to put a foot (end) note on each mounted pdf's last page? I could do it by \includepdf[pages=1-3]{file1.pdf} \includepdf[pages=4,pagecommand={//some text//}]{file1.pdf} \includepdf[pages=1-2]{file2.pdf} \includepdf[pages=3,pagecommand={//some other text//}]{file2.pdf} but it woul...

Q: Why is standard error always zero

John HenckelHypothetically, I want to determine if a coin will be heads every time I flip it. So I design an experiment with $N=5$. So I toss it 5 times and I get 5 heads. I want to measure my confidence interval, so I need the standard error. $\hat p=1$ $SE=0$ and confidence interval is $(1,1)$. But intuit...

Q: Grammar/meaning of Xが何よ

user3856370Harry has just told Hermione that he's not as good a wizard as she is. She replies, 「私なんて! 本が何よ! 頭がいいなんて何よ! もっと大切なものがあるのよ...」 (Harry Potter, Japanese TL) I don't understand the grammar of 本が何よ. I find it unusual to have a が-marked subject before 何. My thoughts are that 本 is marked with が for em...

Q: Continuous function that maps the rationals to the rationals

IvanLet $f:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ be continuous and such that $f(x)\in \mathbb{Q}$ if $x\in\mathbb{Q}$. My question is: can the function be nowhere differentiable or is there a point where it has a derivative? Other than the Weierstrass function, I am not familiar with any other nowhere differentia...

Q: Why does iTerm2 on MacOS Sequoia keep adding `com.apple.provenance` to my files?

floatingpurrI'm on MacOS 15.2. I've recently noticed that when I create a folder (or a file) in my home dir with iTerm2 (thanks to Linc Davis for this hint), the attribute com.apple.provenance is added to it. E.g. (please note the tag @), $ mkdir foo $ ls -l drwxr-xr-x@ 2 myuser staff 64B Feb 4 23:01 f...

Q: Why does the Rambam use different language for loving and respecting your wife?

michaelIn Hilchos Ishut, Chapter 15, Halacha 19, the Rambam writes that you should respect your wife more than you respect yourself, but love your wife equal to the amount you love yourself. The difference in language is noticeable. Why when it comes to respect is a written that it should be more than y...

Q: Why `\allowbreak` not working

Eugene ZhangI have met with a problem with the justification of a paragraph using \allowbreak in LaTeX. The MWE LaTeX code is as below: \documentclass[11pt,twoside]{article}% \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{geometry} \newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}[section] \begin{do...

Q: What is the largest 6-digit number ABCDEF (where ABC = 2DEF) which can be expressed as the sum of the first n natural numbers?

nicolauscTo make an example with only two digits: $21$ respects all the criteria, because it can be expressed in the form $\frac{n(n+1)}{2}$ (where $n=6$) and the second cipher equals the first time two, but clearly it is not the largest $\le 999.999$. I sincerely don't know where to start. This question ...

Q: Why would a near future, interstellar empire still have military units/divisions using ‘antique’ weapons (Cavalry, bolt-action rifles, long bayonets)?

MalachiBackground: At the point in history where my story takes place, 2048 AD, most of Earth is unified under a single, semi-totalitarian empire, The Empire of Earth. (I say “most of Earth” because Scotland, The Vatican City, North Korea, as well as parts of Saudi Arabia, Poland, and the Baltic states ...

Q: TMobile took money out of my account. How to proceed?

user48956I recently noticed 3 ACH withdrawals from my bank account from TMobile, totaling $800. My wife has a TMobile account but these transactions weren't associated with it. We don't use this bank account to pay bills. My bank won't reverse the transaction (>60 days old). TMobile aren't acting, althoug...

Q: Being Physically in front of the Kohanim

AmiWhen I was in Israel this past month, where they do Birchas Kohanim every day, I saw people move to physically be in front of the Kohanim whilst they were doing Birchas Kohanim. Is there a requirement to physically be in front of the Kohanim to receive the benefits of the blessing? Is it ok to si...

Q: The definition of closed forms in DAG, and Hochschild cohomology

andresBackground Recall (or learn!) the definition of a $k$-shifted $p$-form on a derived stack $X$: it's a cohomology class $$[\omega_0] \in H^k(\textstyle{\bigwedge}^p \mathbb{L}_X).$$A closed $k$-shifted $p$-form is not just a $k$-shifted $p$-form satisfying some property, but is instead a cohomolog...

Q: How to tighten a loose bottom bracket?

Brian VarI'm new to road bikes, bought this old Peugeot road bike last year. Today when I was cycling I noticed the crank was really loose both sides and I couldn't change gears. So I stopped the bike and managed to hand tighten this threaded bottom bracket on the non chain ring side (left side). But it's...

Q: How can the USA government freeze stay in effect after the M-25-13 memorandum was rescinded?

SamThe President of the United States has the authority and responsibility to manage the different agencies under the federal bureaucracy (e.g., DEA, DOC, EPA, and so on). As such, a Presidential Memorandum is a directive issued by the president "to manage and govern the actions, practices, and poli...

Q: Antenna - vertical & beam antenna transmit at the same time?

MikeIs it possible to use a vertical antenna and a vertical polarized beam antenna at the same time? I have a friend that lives about 7 miles away & I can talk to him on 220MHz FM just fine on a vertical antenna. Another friend that lives about 13 miles away, but there’s a 2000’ foot ‘hill’ between u...

1 hour later…
Q: In what context does it make sense for a Hamiltonian to depend on temperature?

chloeThis question is about the beginning of Chapter 2 of Statistical Mechanics of Lattice Systems by Sacha Friedli and Yvan Velenik. (pdf link) Introducing a mean-field approximation to study the Ising model, the authors define the following Hamiltonian on page 58 of the linked PDF: $$ H = - \frac{d ...

Q: Why was I not allowed to board a flight to Cyprus?

localhostI posted Does the spouse of an EU citizen need a transit visa for Cyprus?, where I couldn't travel because I did not have transit visa, but this year I travelled to Pakistan via Abu Dhabi and as I didn't had visa so stayed inside the airport, same with Dubai, as I didn't had visa so stayed in air...

Q: A well-quasi-ordering of finite interval orders?

Richard StanleyAn interval order (always assumed to be finite) is a finite poset $P$ that is isomorphic to a set $\{[a_1,b_1],\dots,[a_n,b_n]\}$ of closed intervals on the real line with the ordering $[a_i,b_i]<[a_j,b_j]$ if $b_i<a_j$. Equivalently, $P$ has no induced $\boldsymbol{2}+\boldsymbol{2}$, i.e., the...

2 hours later…
Q: Determine Centrosymmetric String

tshLet's define a centrosymmetric string as follows: First, add spaces to the end of each line to make the input a rectangle \$ A_{m×n} \$, the number of spaces added should be minimized and possible be zero. The input is "centrosymmetric" string if and only if you get the original rectangle if you...

Q: Assigning the same random color to all points of a mesh island

Andreas ReschIs there a way to assign the same random color to all points of an island, so that the face has a uniform value? In the image below you can see the weird gradients that form on each island because of the different values of the corners. I need them those faces to be uniform. And I also need to use "

Q: What exactly does 又 mean in 輸了你贏了世界又如何?

lugasI was just listening to 輸了你贏了世界又如何 by Ukulele and realized that I don't really understand what 又 is supposed to mean here. Tried skimming through the definitions on Pleco but I still find myself confused. I wonder what it means here.

Q: What is this large-leaf plant in the Philippines?

Lars BosteenI would be grateful if anyone could identify the plant in the images below. Location: Cebu Island in the central region of the Philippines (USDA Hardiness Zone 14). Description: Please see images below. The plant is currently 1m 40cm in height (approx. 55 inches). Where I have looked Google i...

Q: Terminology used with fire-fighting aircraft

CrimsonDarkIn another question, I asked about finding information about aircraft involved in extinguishing a forest fire. In describing what the aircraft did/do when they collect water from a lake, I used the term "skimming", and "skimming run". What terminology is usually used in the industry?

Q: Smart enumerated notes enviroment

Ak2399I'm looking for creating an environment called notes where it acts like the enumerate environment but it also detects how many \items have been used to create different outputs, the desired behaviour is like this: \begin{notes} \item something \end{notes} \begin{notes} \item something 1 \item s...

Q: Interpreting God doesnt exist

jmazaredoIm just curious on how aetheist do the no God thing Even saying "God doesn't exist" requires us to have some idea of what "God" is. So, even denying God's existence creates a concept of God in our minds. We can't deny something without first having some understanding of what it is we're denying...

1 hour later…
Q: Bad letter of recommendation although good thesis

Moin SenI had a very toxic relationship with my master's advisor, and I am very confident that they would not provide me with a good letter of recommendation (LOR) if I were to ask. Based on consulting with another mathematician, I believe my thesis work itself is very solid, and will be published. The t...

Q: Do Adam and Eve in Eden symbolize God and Christ in Heaven?

OneGodOneLordGenesis 2:18, 2:21-24 NIV YHWH God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." So YHWH God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then YHWH God made a w...

Q: How to respond to evaluation comment that I have a brash personality?

AnthonyThis week, I received my annual evaluation and it was mostly positive. The only negative points were related to my personality and manner of interactions occasionally with peers. I was told I had a brash personality. Specifically the following: Can be very self assured and dominant in my interac...

Q: Regex a string with a space between words

Asheimport re texto = "ABC ABC. ABC.png ABC thumb.png" regex = r"ABC(?!.png)|ABC(?! thumb.png)" novo = re.sub(regex, "bueno", texto) print(novo) I'm trying to replace the ABC word with exceptions. I only want to replace it if it doesn't follow the word ".png" or " thumb.png". The string would be...

Q: Japanese cloisonné manufacturing technique

TrailSurferI tried to find out about the manufacturing technique of this bowl but haven't found much: AI also gave contradictory answers that silver wire is used somehow. The technique is called "Japanese cloisonné" or "plique-a-jour". The steps are as far as I know: Creation of a skeleton-bowl with openi...

Q: What is the advisory service like?

AIRWAYLOVERWhen speaking about air traffic control service or flight information service, it is quite easy to understand. But the advisory service is a little vague to me. Could someone explain to me how advisory service works?

Q: AES-256 GCM Usage

Ahmad MaazI have worked on a project focused on parallelizing AES-256 GCM mode using CUDA/OpenMP, achieving significant performance improvements. I would like to continue developing this project and explore its real-world applications. Through my research, I found that AES-256 GCM is widely used in VPNs, s...

Q: In John 6:66, how many disciples deserted Jesus after he told them to eat his flesh and drink his blood?

Joshua B From that time on many of His disciples turned back and no longer walked with Him. (John 6:66, ESV) How many disciples abandoned Jesus after he told them to eat his flesh and drink his blood?

Q: Recommended for Admission

itsmeandie1I applied to the M.S. Curriculum and Instruction program offered by the University of Wisconsin, Madison recently (my application was marked as complete on January 27). On February 1, I received an email from the program coordinator that they've recommended me for admission and my application was...

Q: Abishag's words to David - how?

AviIn Sanhedrin 22a it is reported: אמרה לו אבישג לדוד: נינסבן [שא אותי לאשה]! אמר לה: אסירת [אסורה את] לי כיון שיש לי כבר שמונה עשרה נשים. אמרה ליה [לו]: חסריה לגנבא, נפשיה לשלמא נקיט [כאשר חסר לו לגנב מה לגנוב, הוא עושה עצמו כאיש שלום], ואף אתה כיון שאינך מסוגל לבעול אותי אינך רוצה לשאת אותי לאשה...

1 hour later…
Q: Is it safe to place a wireless charging coil on top of a lipo battery pack?

Timothy WongI'm a hobbyist and playing around designing some projects for fun. I am currently thinking of adding wireless charging to a small watch I am designing. Because it's a watch, there is not much space for the coil to sit. Given that wireless charging will introduce heat to the circuit, is it safe fo...

Q: How can I slice multiple items at once on a mandolin

SkylerI have been using a mandolin to do slice many things lately, hard cheeses, cabbage, even frozen meats, but when something is made up of bunches its very easy for things to get messy, and I was wondering if there are any simple hacks for slicing a large quantity of something. As an example, say I ...

Q: A question about the Künneth theorem for cohomology

Mehmet OnatLet $G$ be a compact topological group (is not Lie group!!). Let $X$ be a compact $G$-space. Consider the Borel fibration $X\longrightarrow X_{G}\longrightarrow B_{G}$. Assume that $\left( E_{r}^{\ast ,\ast }\right) $ is the Leray-Serre spectral sequence of the fibration $X\longrightarrow X_{G}\l...

Q: Standard User can see file on UI, but is not able to get it in "with sharing" Apex Class

Mariia IllarionovaI have a ContentDocument that is created by System Administrator. It is linked to the st user Account which owner is Standard User. Standard User can see ContentDocument on UI, but if I call SOQL SELECT Id, LatestPublishedVersionId FROM ContentDocument WHERE Title LIKE :tmpVar1 WITH USER_MODE in ...

Q: How does God sustain His own attributes according to religious philosophers?

SyedGod is traditionally conceived of as an omnipotent and omniscient being. These are properties of God which presumably never change and always remain to be the same. What keeps them from not changing? We can, for example, imagine a very powerful being who loses his/her power later on. There is not...

Q: How much can an observer know about its own quantum state?

sensorerLet me state my background: I am familiar with the usual formalism of QM, of how measurements are modeled, measurement problem, decoherence, etc. In thinking about the process of measurement, I was thinking about how an observer's knowledge is encoded in its state and how much the observer can kn...

Q: How can I make the lemma appear in italics in the text, but in roman in the footnote?

MaximeI am encountering a difficulty with the reledmac package: I would like the \edtext lemma "cuer" to appear in italics by \textit in the main text, but the word "cuer" should appear non-italics (roman) in the footnote. I have seen that there is a command to disable italics (\Xlemmadisablefontselec...

Q: VIC-II Border Flip Flop Comparison Values

GalliumPhillipsI have been reading up on the total horizontal and vertical "resolution" of the VIC-II here, I am specifically interested in the image that shows the total number of pixels and lines on the screen. The image shows that the screen area not including hblank is 403 pixels wide. I then read section 3...

Q: Priority interactions at the start of precombat main phase

HythonwolfAssume I control a Vedalken Orrery and want to cast Syphon Mind (or some other card which allows me to force one or more opponents to discard a card), and that my opponent has one card in hand, being a sorcery or some other nonland card they cannot use until their main phase and they have priorit...

Q: Contour label positioning on ridges and waterlines

gotjoshI find the normal possibilities for label placement on contour lines aesthetically chaotic. I would like to have a way to place the labels on the ridgelines and waterlines. I have done manual processes and created a model that can help to automate a process that is nearly satisfying, but I feel ...

Q: Parrallel Capacitor Math iceWerx

K_TIn the iceWerx schematic, there are a few places where the 5v power supply line is split into smaller voltages, for example here: The voltage is reduced to 3.3v. Going through the capacitor math (assuming the 100N means 100 nanoF): C_Total = Sum (C_12...C_17) = 20.4 μF What is the purpose exactl...

Q: The uses of Transmutation magic in the Metalworking Industry

BabiBabaSetting This planet is a fantasy world colonized by humans with pre-industrial technology. Magic exists, but the spells that can be cast at any given place and time depend on the positions of the moons. Through generations of trial and error, people have developed a solid understanding of which s...

Q: How to have cell height uniformity in row in combination with RaggedRight and tabular

Arlindi FrakullaSo I am trying to make a nx3 table and the text can be whatever, the problem lies with the ragedright I am using this so the text wraps. Now I want for the table cell heights to be uniform height by the longest cell in the row (due to text wrapping). What do I need to change such that I can make ...

Q: Capacitors on Input Side of Two Regulators

ScruffersAs per schematic below, two LDO regulators (one 3.3V out, one 5V out) both constructed as per their datasheet and both connected to the same VIN. Can/should C1 and C3 in the schematic below be combined? Or should they remain separate but in PCB design be placed as close as possible to their corre...

Q: Can someone steal your music by copyrighting it with copyright.gov before you do?

soundslikefiziksIf you've published your music through Youtube, or through any other online social media and you have the date of upload and the social media account registered on your name and your email. And then a few months or years later, someone registers your music on Copyright.gov and starts using it wit...

Q: Packing Efficiency of Diamond

Arjun GhoshI was trying to find the packing efficiency of diamond using its crystal structure. Diamond can be viewed as an expanded FCC structure in which carbon atoms occupy alternate tetrahedral voids. Clearly there are $4+\frac{8}{2} = 8$ atoms per unit cell, now since a carbon atom is in the tetrahedral...

Q: Damaged chainstay on carbon bike while on indoor trainer

ArnesenWhile moving my bike on a wahoo kicker, I stupidly managed to impact my chainstay with the trainer. What can I do to fix this damage? Anything? How do I assess if this is safe to ride with?

Q: can a uniform linear array (ULA) be used to estimate both elevation and azimuth angles?

ananyaI wanted to clarify that, If an ULA has certain crab angle with the velocity direction, then it can be used to estimate both elevation and azimuth angles of the target, is that right? If that's correct, what is a practical value of crab angle which is used and how much range of azimuth and eleva...

Q: Discontinuous step response plot

NaraghaziI am trying to plot step response of a system with an approximated delay. This code a = 2; pa = PadeApproximant[Exp[-s], {s, 0, {3, 3}}]; sys = TransferFunctionModel[pa/(s^2 + s/a + 1), s]; out = OutputResponse[sys, UnitStep[t], {t, 0, 20}]; Plot[out, {t, 0, 20}, PlotRange -> All] produces disco...

Q: "The server you are trying to connect to does not seem to be a WMS server. Please check the URL" error when using Ordnance Survey's API in QGIS

CraigI'm new to using OS APIs. I have tried following the instructions for use in QGIS, but when I click 'connect' QGIS reports The server you are trying to connect to does not seem to be a WMS server. Please check the URL I have used the URL provided by OS, which starts: https://api.os.uk/maps/rast...

Q: Combining Multiple SphericalPlot3D with Different Origins

KaiHow can I plot four SphericalPlot3Ds, each centered at one corner of a tetrahedron? Naturally one would want to combine them with Show, but then they would simply overlap since they share the same origin point. It does not seem that I can use Translate and I don't see any option to change the loc...

Q: Problems of variable selection for inference through one-at-a-time/bivariate double-selection lasso p-values

warburg_effectI apologize for the likely-incomprehensible title, as it is the best that I can do given my competencies. I do medical research but I entered the field with a medical degree, instead of a mathematics/statistics background, and rudimentary understanding of biostatistics that is enough for me to un...

Q: Performance issues in parameterized queries accessing a view in SQL Server

jkohlI am currently facing an issue with parameterized queries in SQL Server that I do not understand where it is rooted in. I broke it down to a simple example: Lets assume a table that holds data about some child entity as well as the parent_id and a corresponding index on the parent_id. The data is...

Q: Do native English speakers tend to over-pronounce Spanish names? -- specific example "Nicaragua"

quiet flyerDo native English speakers tend to over-pronounce Spanish names? I am listening to an native English speaker talking about "Nicaragua". The "g" sound is completely missing, it sounds like "Neek ah rah wah". Specific question-- is this a common pronunciation among native Spanish speakers who actu...

Q: Making sense of formulas of non-standard length in set theory?

NikSI’m trying to understand the implications of this question and the posted answers/comments. What I think I understand so far is the following: Suppose we have a metalanguage and a $\mathsf{ZFC}$ universe $V$ whose $\omega$ is isomorphic the whole numbers of the metalanguage. Within $V$ we can def...

Q: En vs em dash and the one on the keyboard

Gemma HI am simply wondering why the dash provided on my laptop keyboard is always marked as a spelling mistake in my Word document, no matter how I choose to use it. This is the dash right next to the 0 on the line of numbers keys. When I right-click on the 'mistake', it simply says, 'En dash or em das...

Q: How can I lubricate a security hinge?

Pete B.I had a door installed, about a year ago, that leads from my garage to the main house. It has the new security hinges on it. I cannot tap out the hinge pin as there is a top and bottom to the hinge that is larger than the hole. Well, the hinges started squeaking and my typical solution is to tap...

Q: A very difficult combinatorial game problem

APGG_B08In a game, a player needs to guess the correct arrangement of the numbers 1, 2, 3, …, 10, each having an associated percentage value. If the player correctly guesses the order of some of these numbers, then the percentage of these numbers will be added together and the player gains that percentag...

Q: Simplifying the equation

ThankYouForFlyingRyanair The equation of the line $ l_1 $ is: $$ l_1 = \frac{x-2}{1} = \frac{y-3}{2} = \frac{z-4}{2} $$ And what I tried doing is: $$ \frac{x-2}{1} = \frac{2x-4}{2} $$ so then: $$ 2x - 4 = y - 3 $$ $$ 2x - y = 1 $$ $$ y=2x+1 $$ I don't think this is the correct equation of the line since there is no comp...

Q: Is Dilthey's dichotomy about HS and NS prescriptive or descriptive?

StarckmanWilhelm Dilthey (1833-1911) proposed to distinguish between humanities which aim at understanding, and natural sciences which aim at explaining. From my understanding of the history of Western science/knowledge: (1) Greek Classical antiquity is marked by a huge variety of intellectual disciplines...

Q: Checksum In layer 3 and layer 4

Darevil294I'm little curious about the checksums in the IPv4 header and transport layer protocol. I have 2 questions: (1). Does the layer 3 checksum in the ipv4 protocol calculate the checksum of ipv4 header + layer 4 header + layer 5 header or the checksum in layer 3 only calculate the ipv4 header checksu...

Q: Why is the calculator taking a long time to load since Windows 11 24H2 update?

Rodrigo LiraWindows forced me into the 24H2 update two days ago. The biggest problem I'm noticing is with the calculator. Usually I press the calculator shortcut button on the keyboard and can immediately type numbers and the calculator app will pick the numbers as I'm typing. Since the update, the app takes...

Q: How can we live a regular life while so many are in severe distress

Oana TrufinOne of my interests is helping other people, contributing to the general well-being of others, but it is difficult to choose what action to support as there are so many issues and limited resources (time, money) plus my own engagements (work, kids etc). Furthermore, when contemplating the sufferi...

Q: The cartesian product of a simplicial complex and a topological space

Zhen LinLet $K$ be a simplicial set and let $X$ be a topological space. Define: $$K \odot X = \int^{n : \mathbf{\Delta}} K_n \times \left| \Delta^n \right| \times X$$ The above coend is computed in $\textbf{Top}$, the category of all topological spaces. (For the purposes of this question, I do not want t...

Q: Geometry Nodes: Stretching of one side

Andrew RI just started studying geonodes, and I ran into a problem. I need to end up with a cube with a deformed front side (as in the example). I found a video tutorial and put together a setup that almost works, but I couldn't apply the warp effect to just one side of the cube. I would be very grateful...

Q: Gun rotation issue on my First Person Rig - Is the rotation axis mixed up?

cppadawan040As you can see, the gun rotation for my IK rig behaves weirdly when rotating. I'm not sure what the problem is. Here's a link to the blend file: Also, maybe I'm overthinking this, but: I've made the gun a "child of" the hand (bone constraint) so that I'm animating the arms only and exporting it ...

Q: Terminating a 50 ohm cable (source) into a 1 Mohm oscilloscope (accounting for parasitics)

andreaI'm aware of another thread where a 50 \$\Omega\$ feed-through is mentioned as the best solution (Terminating a 50 Ohm source into 1M Ohm oscilloscope input). The point is that matching the far end of the cable with 50 \$\Omega\$ works, until the parasitic capacitance of the oscilloscope input co...

Q: Ubuntu 22 Bad CA certificate

g4b0Gpg stopped working on my Ubuntu 22.4.5 LTS, probably after an upgrade. It can list my keys, that was working signing git commit since the last update. $ gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format=long /home/g4b0/.gnupg/pubring.kbx ----------------------------- sec rsa3072/WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 2024-06-0...

Q: Why p-values are sometimes exactly zero in mgcv GAM?

rokkoI'm using GAMs to model how phenotype levels change with time. We have phenotype measurements for 4 time points. When there is a substantial effect of time, the p-values for the smooth term of time are equal to 0. Here's a simulated example: d <- data.frame(x = c(rep(1,20), rep(2,20), rep(3,20), ...

Q: Knight and Knave, But With a Twist

Blue HerringFinally, you've made it to PuzzleWorld™! You're eager to enjoy activities such as riding the world-famous Non-Euclidean Coaster, taking a leisurely boat ride across the river with some number of wolves and sheep, and spending exactly $100 at the gift shop afterward. There's just one problem: two ...

Q: Has any country (other than Israel) supported Trump's plan to 'take over' Gaza and expel Palestinians from there?

sfxeditUS President Donald Trump, in his usual flamboyant style, has announced that the US will be taking over Gaza: New York Post (Feb. 4, 2025): “The US will take over the Gaza Strip, and we will do a job with it too,” Trump, 78, said at a press conference ... “We’ll own it and be responsible for dis...

Q: How can I smooth a jagged pixel mesh using Geometry Nodes?

Megan LoveI have a pixel like mesh, is there a way to smooth this out to have organic smoothness to it? Something that has the effect similar to Ctrl+V > Smooth Vertices although this doesn't yield good results. Anyhow I would like to achieve this using Geometry Nodes? Is that even possible or not? I trie...

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