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Q: Covering a smoke alarm horn

Picot MomentaTo clarify: the intent is to install a low frequency sounder beside the smoke alarm and use the low frequency sounder to meet the decibel requirements, as this will produce a less piercing tone. NFPA 72 permits fire alarm notification appliances to be used for this purpose. Therefore, it would be...

Q: Strange Shading Artifacts

Xinyu Sunny I'm fairly new to Blender modeling and I'm following a Blender Guru Chair Modeling Tutorial. At Some Point, I realized there were weird shading artifacts in my geometry, as you can see in the picture. I'm pretty sure there are no unnecessary vertices overlapped and the face that has shading prob...

Q: DIY pulse oximeter circuit - phototransistor shows no reading

macius_oI am trying to do a project using Raspberry Pi Pico H, that will work as a pulse oximeter. I have designed the circuit in the image (note: the exact pins on the photo might not match with the code because I have changed it several times, but trust me the pins in the code are what I have connected...

Q: How do I view my notification history on iOS?

StevoisiakEarlier today I noticed a notification appear in my iPhone's Notification Center. At the time I had something to do, so I didn't check it right away. A few minutes later, I went to check the notification center only to find the notification was gone before I had a chance to read it. Is there a wa...

Q: futex for a file in /tmp directory: operation not permitted

user4035$ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS Release: 20.04 Codename: focal $ uname -r 5.15.0-125-generic I am trying to work with coq theorem proof assistant installed with snap using Emacs and proof general. Unfortunately, I got...

Q: Firefox says image download from iCloud contains a virus or malware

user2153235I downloaded an image from iCloud, which ends up as a zip file containing a JPEG file and a MOV file. This is because the iPhone takes a motion image (MOV) over a brief interval of time, and then generates a JPEG still image. Firefox complained that the file contained malware, which required me ...

Q: How to set a PointerPropery in an Attributes node?

Noob CatSo I am aware that you can create a custom property directly in Blender, and use it into an Attribute Node, but in my case, I would like to try to use my pointerproperty as an Attribute, it is written in python and is of type Object. Here is how it is in Python: from bpy.props import PointerProp...

Q: Complete list of Environment Canada weather stations in Ontario

User1974Where does Environment Canada have weather stations in Ontario? Specifically, weather stations that are used to create Environment Canada weather forecasts. There is a map on this page: https://weather.gc.ca/forecast/canada/index_e.html?id=ON But I don't think the map includes all weather statio...

Q: How to keep meat in a dungeon fresh, preserved, and hot?

RhymehouseI'm making a universe where game tropes are justified. One of them is dungeon food. In many videogames, the protagonist can find meat behind breakable walls and all sorts of random areas. This food is always edible, never goes bad, and is in a great, hot condition. Pests also never reach and eat ...

Q: How is this sentence divided? "まぁまぁと"

Kawase_K A!? 君…! 死んだとか、法事の場で 忌み言葉を発してはいけません!」 B「こわぁい……助けて…」 C「まぁまぁ君たち」 A「まぁまぁと繰り返しを連想するのも忌み言葉です!」 The dialog is a back and forth between 3 people. They are at a funeral. I used the letters to show who is talking. I'm stumbled on how to take the last dialog exactly. The character seems to complain ...

Q: Voltage offset from op-amp inverting amplifier

user201341I'm trying to scale a digital I/O output from 0-3.3V to -1to-2V. I've decided to use an opamp inverter configuration so that 3.3V maps to -2V and 0V maps to -1V. This would give: Vout = -0.303 * Vin - 1 So I've designed the following schematic with a gain of 0.3: The input at R1 is connected to ...

Q: How the size of a rule is connected with the box before/after it?

VladimirI am trying to understand how the height/width of a rule is determined in LaTeX. Here is the example below: \documentclass{article} \begin{document} % This \hrule is as long as the following box (string) \hrule height 1pt As a philosopher, he was a leading representative of 17th-century rational...

Q: Elliptic Curves over finite field which contains Klein's-4 Group as a subgroup

ZetaF_2004So here's my question which I got from a practice problem set on Elliptic Curves. Let $E:y^2=x^3+ax+b$ be an elliptic curve over $\mathbb{F}_p$ ( $p$ is prime $>3$) For which polynomial $x^3+ax+b$ does $E(\mathbb{F}_p)$ contain Klein's-4 group as a subgroup? My approach: I can figure out such c...

Q: What is the need for angle-action variables in describing integrable systems?

EthanI am currently reading Chapter 2 of Theoretical Astrophysics Vol 1 by T. Padmanabhan. Here he discusses integrable systems in Hamiltonian mechanics. The idea of angle action variables are introduced as a convenient tool to study integrable Hamiltonian systems. However I do not see the usefulness ...

Q: Fibers of generic smooth maps between manifolds of equal dimension

Matthew KvalheimI have heard that the following is a "well-known" Claim. Let $M$ and $N$ be smooth manifolds with equal dimensions and $M$ compact. Then a generic smooth map $f\colon M\to N$ has finite fibers, i.e., $f^{-1}(n)$ is a finite set for all $n\in N$. (Here "generic" is with respect to the $C^\infty$ t...

Q: Do I have the option of running cable for an electric dryer through either the attic or crawl space?

VincentMy dryer has its own 30 amp 240v circuit in the panel box, wired using a 10/2 Romex and 3-prong receptacle. I plan to replace the 10/2 Romex and 3-prong receptacle with 10/3 Romex and a 4-prong receptacle for better safety. Currently, when coming out of the panel box, this 10/2 cable is bundled w...

Q: How could a city build a circular canal?

EkulnagromWithin my setting, magic exists as a system of writing that has to be encased within a circle. Usually, these circles aren't any larger than the writer's hand. However, the primary villain of the novel is attempting to create a magic circle large enough to affect a continent, and plans to do so b...

Q: On a sheet of choir music, how do you interpret two notes represented by two heads on a single stem?

Mark DulleOn a sheet of choir music, how do you interpret a stem with 2 heads? For example, on the bass clef staff, who sings the note represented by the top notehead on the stem, and who sings the bottom one? Example:

Q: Is there some conditions to get Price of Midas, or is it just really, really, rare?

MaladyI've been in 70+ Nights, and used Changes of Fate tons of times, but only saw Price of Midas once in the Well of Charon, and without enough Life to buy it at that. People online seem to say that it really is just rare, even in the first game, but might there be conditions attached to finding it? ...

Q: Can one produce Pantone Metallics with LaTeX?

TeX ApprenticeThe queston is: Can one produce Pantone Metallics with LaTeX? And how? We have been looking at the three packages: colorspace, spotcolor and xespotcolor and they all seem to define the Pantone colors via (or using) the CMYK values. An example from the colorspace package is: \AddSpotColor{PANTONE}...

Q: A cartoon about a man who uses a magic flute to save a town from an invasion of rats, and later uses that flute to kidnap the children

FlatAssemblerI vaguely remember watching a cartoon movie whose plot goes like this. The movie begins with a boy named Hans and a girl (I don't remember the name) playing on a meadow. The girl's kite gets trapped on a tree, and she asks Hans to climb on the tree and free that kite. Hans refuses to do that unle...

Q: Existence of norm 1 vector in Hilbert space that gives distance via inner product

summersfreezingI am trying to prove the following: Let $H$ be a Hilbert space, $Y\subset H$ a closed subspace, and $x \in H \backslash Y$. Then there exists a unique $z\in Y^\perp$ with $\| z \| =1$ and $\langle z,x \rangle = dist(x,Y)$. I know that I can find a unique vector $y\in Y$ with $dist(x,Y)$ and ...

Q: How did Jahnke and Emde create their plots

Alex BenitezI asked my supervisor about how plots used to be made before computer graphics were a thing, and during this discussion, he showed me a plot from a 1933 book "Tables of Functions with Formulae and Curves" by Jahnke and Emde. Here is the plot: My question is, how were these plots made? In the pre...

Q: 5V input tolerance on ATF16LV8

PhotonThe features clause in the datasheet (https://www.microchip.com/en-us/product/atf16lv8c) specifically mentions "Inputs are 5V Tolerant", but the DC characteristics specify VIH to be MAX Vcc+1 It's unclear whether I can power this chip using 3.3V and still be 5V input tolerant. I would guess tha...

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