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Q: Analyzing optocoupler circuit

Sean MI'm trying to determine the forward current of the optocoupler in my circuit diagram below. The optocoupler PN is 4N49U, and the POWER_ENA is driven with 5V. With circuit analysis, I know that I can calculate the current through R1 if I knew the forward Vf; however, from the graph on the datashee...

Q: PostGIS bbox intersection operator && not working as expected

Toshkata TonevWe're using GeoServer with PostGIS and we discovered that the geometries we got do not appear on screen from the map on certain zoom levels. Here are the examples: The point: ST_GeogFromText('POINT (6.757222222227628 51.28083333337435)') The view box area: POLYGON ((-67.17774826543301 28.11342...

Q: Why did Paul need a supernatural vision in order to believe in Christianity?

Avi AvrahamBackground Paul is described as a highly educated Pharisee: I am a Jew born in Tarsus in Cilicia but brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, educated strictly according to our ancestral law, being zealous for God, just as all of you are today. - Acts of the Apostles 22:3 More zealous t...

Q: How to formally prove negation can't be created using conjunction and disjunction?

a_floating_pointThere is the following in my electronics textbook: If possible: Create a AND-gate using only NOT-gates and OR-gates Create a OR-gate using only NOT-gates and AND-gates Create a NOT-gate using only AND-gates and OR-gates The first two points were shown using de morgans laws: $A \land B = \ove...

Q: does macos updates update/reset firmware as well

CarriMegrabyanIf I’m not mistaken, on macOS, the firmware is integrated into the operating system. When a macOS update occurs, does it also automatically reset or update the firmware?

Q: When I remove outliers my regression model R2 metric drops, model become worse, is that even possible?

ml.freakI could really use some advice and clarification on an issue I'm facing. I'm working with a dataset that contains outliers, and I'm analyzing how these outliers affect regression models. I have three scenarios: Raw dataset (with outliers), Winsorized dataset (2% of the extreme outliers adjusted),...

Q: Estimate of error for Google-Rating

OctaviusOverview. For a private project of mine I am looking into Google's rating system. There you can rate e.g. a local store with 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 stars. I obtained data from a rather large facility in my area and calculated the mean rating $m$ as a function of the number $n$ of ratings submitted as we...

Q: John Conway's Research on Combinatorial Game Theory in Go and Related Literature Recommendations

Rei WongWhile studying combinatorial game theory, I came across the influential work of mathematician John Conway (known for Winning Ways for Your Mathematical Plays and the "Game of Life"), which has profoundly shaped the analysis of abstract games. However, I have been unable to locate any direct refer...

Q: A question about the divergence theorem in curved spacetime

J. DelaneyThe divergence theorem in curved space time is (see e.g. A Relativist's Toolkit by Eric Poisson, p. 69 eq. 3.22) \begin{equation} \int_\mathcal{V} d^4x \sqrt{-g} \nabla_\mu v^\mu=\int_{\partial \mathcal{V}} d\Sigma_\mu v^\mu \tag{1} \end{equation} where $\mathcal{V}$ is a region of the spacetime...

Q: I'd been depressed

prof1589I hadn't felt happy at all since 2019. In fact, I'd been depressed. Since the start of this year, however, I've been feeling great and most of my symptoms have disappeared. In the above sentence, does the past perfect "...I'd been depressed..." sound natural? I know it's possible to say "...I was...

Q: Lineman's pliers don't close all the way

User1974I have some new DeWalt lineman's pliers (DWHT70276; never used). I noticed the cutters close tight but the gripping jaws don't close all the way. Is that by design? What if I want to grip something thin? Edit 2: The Home Deopt stock image shows the gap too. https://www.homedepot.ca/product/dewa...

Q: Did boiling water crack my toilet?

cookieI've poured boiling water in the toilet because I didn't know that it could crack from that. I heard a sound from it when I poured (around the whole bowl). My partner says that if you let it cool down naturally and it's still whole it's ok. Does anybody know? Is it dangerous to use?

Q: Sum of inverse sum of roots of unity

Helixglich Suppose $\omega$ and $\zeta$ are roots of unity of respective order the odd numbers $p,q$. Compute $$\sum^p_{i=1}\sum^q_{j=1}\frac1{\omega^i+\zeta^j}.$$ My conjecture is that this sum is $\frac{pq}2$ up to a sign when $(p,q)=1$, and $0$ otherwise. I didn't manage to prove it. I only found the f...

Q: Breakable option not working as desired in environment created by \newtcolorbox

Alan C.I've defined environments with the package tcolorbox that I want to break over pages. However they don't break as expected. When a box is broken over two pages, a full box is drawn around the portion of the box on each page. I think the box on the first page should not have a bottom border and ...

Q: Unknown coaxial connector on German Multimediadose/Antennensteckdose

AbdullWhat kind of coaxial connector/port/socket is that on the left of this German "Multimediadose"/"Antennensteckdose" (I use WISI DB 64 as an example)?

Q: The solution to Agatha Christie's "Problem at Sea"

Qiang XuNear the end of the story, Poirot unravelled the mystery. He turned to General Forbes. “It was you, General, who gave me a valuable hint with your mention of the music hall stage. I puzzle—I think—and then it comes to me. Supposing that before the war Clapperton was a ventriloquist. In that case...

Q: Obscure Characterizations of the Primitive Recursive Functions

TomKernI received a wide variety of interesting results asking about the many equivalent characterizations of regular languages previously Obscure characterizations of the regular languages and now I'm interested in characterizations of the primitive recursive functions. I am aware of: The standard def...

Q: Prove that a monoid is trivial using some specific conditions

MockingbirdI want to prove that a monoid $M$ with a distinguished element $x$ satisfying the following hypotheses: for every $y \in M$ there are $u,v \in M$ such that $y=uxv$; there are $\bar{u}, \bar{v} \in M$ such that $x=\bar{u}x\bar{v}$ (this is just 1. specialising to $y=x$); for every $y \in M$ and e...

Q: Who are the recent U.S. tariffs paid TO, and HOW exactly are they paid?

DeaneTrump has put a 25% tariff on Canadian goods. So, if I want \$100 worth of maple syrup from Canada, I now have to pay $125. Who gets the extra $25? Like, literally who is it paid to? Do I pay it to someone? Or does the Canadian company pay it to someone, then mark the price up? Who do they pay it...

Q: Current driver feedback configuration for AD815

user451625I was recommended to use AD815 current driver to drive a load of 1.5uH inductor. I know that it has good bandwidth, but as you can see, its spice structure is like a regular op-amp. I want to convert the PI controller into current, so this is my input for AD815. What feedback configuration shoul...

Q: Can the Judgement Tarot Card create a Legendary Joker?

StevoisiakThe description of the Judgement Tarot Card says Creates a random Joker card (Must have room) I've seen Judgement generate Common, Uncommon, and Rare Jokers, but I've only ever gotten a Legendary Joker from The Soul Spectral Card. Is it possible to get a Legendary Joker when using the Judgement...

Q: is there a way to use PlotLayout option in the ListPlot environment and produce each plot in different colours?

user444Suppose I have the following data file, which I need to plot using the ListPlot with option PlotLayout -> "Row" data = Table[{i + j^2, j + RandomInteger[] i^2}, {i, {1, 2, 3}}, {j, 1, 10}]; ListPlot[data[[#]] & /@ {1, 2, 3}, PlotRange -> Full, PlotMarkers -> {"OpenMarkers", 8}, PlotStyle ->...

Q: How do I add the real device noise of the aer simulator in the old version (0.42) of qiskit?

Haoyuan linI wish I could add the noise of a real quantum computer when using aersimulator. Normally, this requires the following code to be used: provider = IBMQ.load_account() backend = provider.get_backend('ibmq_vigo') noise_model = NoiseModel.from_backend(backend) But apparently, IBMQ has been complete...

Q: Numbers around a circle, part 3

PranayThe numbers 1, 2, ..., n are arranged (in an arbitrary order) evenly around a circle, and n is odd. At each step you can add 1 to two adjacent numbers. For what initial arrangements can you make all the numbers equal in a finite number of steps? Source: Inspired by Oscar Lanzi's attempt to answe...

Q: If Jesus cannot glorify himself, but the Father is the One who glorifies him, then how can Jesus be God?

OneGodOneLordJohn 8:54 Jesus replied, “If I glorify myself, my glory means nothing. My Father, whom you claim as your God, is the one who glorifies me. If Jesus cannot glorify himself but the Father is the One who glorifies him, then how can Jesus be God?

Q: Why does linear systems linear?

DUC TAN LEPeople always say a system is linear because it satisfies both superposition and homogeneity properties, but that doesn't explain the reason for the term "linear". Does the system have any thing to do with straight lines or something like that?

Q: Uniqueness of Sylow 3-Subgroup in a Group of Order 3333

algi_mLet $G$ be a finite group of order $|G| = 3333$. How can one prove that $G$ has a unique Sylow $3$-subgroup, i.e., that the Sylow $3$-subgroup is normal in $G$? I tried to approach this by considering the number of conjugates that the Sylow $3$-subgroup has, but this didn’t lead me anywhere. I al...

Q: Location of drawing

Jacqi BarkerI have a watercolor sketch/ painting my dad made and would like to know the location in the drawing. Any ideas?

Q: Indoor Cat palm is dying :/

varun emmanuel vivek I bought a cat palm a couple of weeks ago and have watered it twice so far. I do not get direct sunlight into the room and the indoor temperature is always around 18-20 C. The leaves are turning brown everyday. I've been spraying the leaves with mist every day thinking it might be because of lo...

Q: Can a dwarf make nonmagical ranged attacks through a Prismatic Wall if the red layer is destroyed?

PyrotechnicalThe Prismatic Wall spell seems like it's intended to be the pinnacle of control by virtue of making charging through it seem like a suicidal option. However, as I was reading through it, I realized that the spell's description doesn't seem to have a catch-all for the violet layer which had been p...

Q: Does the axiom of choice enable shorter minimum proofs of non-halting than ZF alone is capable of?

NickIt is well-known that ZFC cannot prove the non-halting behavior of any more Turing machines than ZF alone can. However, does the addition of AC permit shorter minimum proofs of non-halting behavior in ZFC vs ZF? If so, is this in a trivial (or contrived) sense or in a more extensive way?

Q: Application of tariffs to individuals

DJohnMIn view of the current possible application of trade tariffs between the United States and other countries: Do such tariffs apply to individuals bringing purchases between countries, simply as a part of ordinary life? The residents of Pt Roberts, WA, (an exclave of the United States) for example,...

Q: How many notes does this harp run comprise of and which ones?

CybranIt starts in the bass clef on E and ends in the treble on E but is that just a big skip from the D# to the E or are there notes filled in between? Thanks

1 hour later…
Q: Infinite Arcsin Summation

Uvindu DassanayakaI am trying to evaluate the infinite sum: $$\ \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \sin^{-1} \left( \frac{2 (n^2 + n + 1)}{(n^2 + 1) (n^2 + 2n + 2)} \right) \ = \pi $$ I suspect that the terms inside the arcsin function might allow for a telescoping sum, but I am unsure how to properly manipulate the expression t...

Q: If Christ did miracles because he is God, then are the apostles also God because they too did miracles?

OneGodOneLordMatthew 10:1 Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness. Acts 2:43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. Acts 5:12,15-16 The apostles performed many signs ...

Q: Gmail's DMARC policy

HysiiI'm trying to understand how large email providers handle their DMARC records. I've taken a look at Gmail, and I'm a bit confused as to why they don't have a policy set for the main domain (p=none). If I understand correctly, the DMARC check would fail, but anybody referencing the policy would be...

Q: Is every locally small elementary topos well-copowered?

Martin BrandenburgAn elementary topos can be defined as a category with finite limits, exponentials, and a subobject classifier. These notions do not make a size restriction on the collections of morphisms. So in my understanding, an elementary topos does not need to be locally small*. A Grothendieck topos, howeve...

Q: Unidirectional SFP - 1Gbe speed

Ariel NarboadaThis does my head in. My Google skills seem to fail me about searching for a unidirectional SFP optical module. For a security application, I have two boxes. Each box (A & B) has a copper (1Gbe) and fiber converter (link). Boxes are 2 km apart. Internal network in each location is via copper and ...

Q: Reaction time vs code cycle time (FTQC)

CityRat7I think I understand the concept of code cycle time - which is roughly the time taken to perform all the physical operations associated with (let's say the surface code) a full round of stabiliser checks and reset. For matter based systems with slower code cycle times in the Hz to kHz regime, wha...

1 hour later…
Q: Does the finite 1D Ising model have a phase transition?

DanDan面Suppose we have an 1D Ising model: a linear chain of $N\gg1$ spins that can take values of $\pm1$, governed by the Hamiltonian: $$H=-J\sum_{i=1}^{N-1}\sigma_i\sigma_{i+1}$$ It's a well-known fact that this model has no phase transition in the limit $N\to\infty$. But, let's consider the case of fi...

Q: DFBETA in regression model diagnostics of influential points

user27842288Belsley (1980) mentioned how DFBETA are calculated for linear regression models "DFBETA values are usually calculated via equations that relate the least-squares fit of a model calculated with $n$ observations to the fit with $n -1$ observations (as opposed to recalculating the full model $n$ tim...

Q: Meaning of "sitting" in "For the Dead" by Adrienne Rich

wavI'm trying to translate the poem "For the Dead" by Adrienne Rich. The last verses say: the red coals more extreme, more curious in their flashing and dying than you wish they were sitting long after midnight What does "coals sitting" mean? Could the meaning be something like, "the coals are sti...

Q: Are there forms of consequentialism besides utilitarianism?

user107952I have always thought of consequentialism and utilitarianism as being the same, but now I wonder, are there forms of consequentialism besides utilitarianism? I would love to see some references by any moral philosophers who espouse a non-utilitarian version of consequentialism.

Q: Is the scientific method a creation of philosophy?

user107952I know that science used to be called natural philosophy, but is the scientific method itself a creation of philosophy? That is, did the scientific method originate from philosophy? I would also love to see some references by philosophers of science about the scientific method and its origin and ...

Q: Logic in Type Theory without Curry-Howard

Suraaj K SI was learning type theory from one of Andrej Bauer's courses here: https://youtu.be/OEGXNEPddYw?si=nUXvg7xmQSxkbL9E I thought it was pretty good, and I was wondering about whether I could get some further explanation about something. In the lectures, type theory is introduced (informally) as an...

Q: When to "fly runway heading?"

ChrisSuppose I'm taking off IFR with a heavy crosswind. Tower instructs me to fly runway heading. When exactly should I turn to runway heading? Immediately after liftoff can't be right- if I haven't reached the DER yet there is no guaranteed obstacle clearance. And as a practical matter there are ofte...

Q: Running a separate ground 240v

MikeSo I have been searching for an answer on this but so far nothing exactly like I am thinking. I am installing some Cadet 240v heaters using a previous water heater line that was abandoned because I installed a tankless system. It is some old 10g 2 wire Romex in fabric on a 30a 240v circuit. I hav...

Q: How can I properly transition exposed NM cable from a ceiling joist around a structural beam into a finished wall?

qq4In my basement utility room part of a circuit is exposed NM cable running in the ceiling, stapled to joists. I would like to extend this circuit into a finished wall. The problem is there is a structural beam in the way, preventing what I consider a nice transition into the finished wall. How mig...

Q: What is meant by 'ten degrees of shadow' in 2 Kings 20:8-11?

Kadalikatt Joseph SibichanWe read in 2 Kings 20:8-11 (NKJV): And Hezekiah said to Isaiah, “What is the sign that the Lord will heal me, and that I shall go up to the house of the Lord the third day?” Then Isaiah said, “This is the sign to you from the Lord, that the Lord will do the thing which He has spoken: shall the s...

1 hour later…
Q: Possible package clash -- XeLaTex + mla + graphicx?

crmdgnI'm using MacTex 2024. This code \documentclass[12pt,letterpaper]{article} \usepackage{mla} \usepackage{graphicx} \begin{document} \begin{mla} Blah blah text text \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=0.75\textwidth]{photo.jpg} \end{figure} \end{mla} \end{document} produces these errors: LaT...

Q: Inrush current limiter

Jordan MarshallI am designing an input inrush current limiter for an input voltage of 15-70V DC and a max current of 3A. I have simulated the attached circuit in LT spice and all seems to be working properly. However, I referenced this circuit from somewhere else and I am wanting a more detailed explanation of ...

Q: Geo Node Hair Equivalent to 'Intercept' Curve Info?

Spring E. ThingI'm working on migrating my ecosystem from the legacy Hair system to the geo nodes Hair system. With the legacy Hair system, I often applied tone along the hair strands in the shader editor using the Intercept output of the Curve Info node: This output as you probably know was a representation o...

Q: Older Sci-Fi book where business people would make long-term business decisions and then go into hibernation?

forrestbroSci-Fi book where business people would make business decisions and then go into hibernation? This is an older Sci-fi book, probably from the 80's or 90’s. I never read the book, but I had thought the blurb on the back of the book sounded interesting and it stuck with me. (not sure why I didn’t r...

Q: Secure Boot and HDD Firmware Viruses

XotericDoes secure boot stop the boot process if you have firmware on your HDD that has been tampered with? In other words, do HDD firmware viruses get detected with secure boot?

Q: Words of Nagarjuna About Women

WisdomWhat is the meaning of "her way of turning her head" below? By her smile and her looks, Her pride and her false modesty, Her way of turning her head or closing her eyes, Her fine words and her fits of anger and jealousy The provocativeness of her walk, Woman drives a man mad. The net of lust is ...

Q: Why does the damping coefficient not vary with mass?

MaeraI know that changing the mass of an oscillator (assuming that we are talking about spring-oscillations) will impact the velocity of the oscillator, (according to $\omega_n=\sqrt{\frac km}$). So, heavier masses have lower velocities, whereas lighter masses have higher velocities. Since the damping...

Q: Parallel timelines with show/hide option

Annie.E.Hello fellow world builders, I would like to keep track of the biographies of several characters as well as chains of events in relation to each other. For example "When the King declared war against, char x and y were just getting ready to have their first baby". In my head I visualize this as t...

Q: The area of a parallelogram is the difference in area of the rectangles formed by its projections. Why?

SRobertJamesLet $OX$ and $OY$ be perpendicular. Choose arbitrary points $A,B$. Drop the perpendicular from $OA$ to $OX$, and call its foot $A_x$. Likewise, drop the perpendicular from $OA$ to $OY$ and call its foot $A_y$. And for $B$, calling them $B_x$ and $B_y$. We now draw three parallelograms: Paral...

Q: Do Not Find the Fox in all possible ways

Parcly TaxelDo Not Find the Fox is a non-game where you repeat the following up to 16 times: Pick an empty square in a 4×4 grid Draw a tile from a bag – there are 5 Fs, 6 Os and 5 Xs at first – and place it in the picked square (you pick the square before drawing the tile) You win iff you fill the grid with...

1 hour later…
Q: How do you use small details (like birthdays and names) to flesh out your characters?

james aleryI’m diving into world-building and character creation, and I’m curious about the smaller details you use to make your characters feel more real. For example, how do you decide on birthdays, ages, or even zodiac signs? Do you find that these details influence your characters’ development and how t...

Q: Romanian Olympiad 2018

aarbee Let $\mathcal F$ be the set of continuous functions $f:\mathbb R\to\mathbb R$ such that $e^{f(x)}+f(x)\ge x+1,\forall x\in\mathbb R$. For $f\in \mathcal F,$ let $I(f)=\int_0^ef(x)dx.$ Determine $\text{min}_{f\in \mathcal F}I(f).$ The solution exists on AoPS, and it's as follows: Note that $e^y ...

Q: Do any official rules govern the construction/creation of, or improving of, a wizard's tower?

NeomerArcanaI've a player, a necromancer, who wants a wizard tower. They, and I, are unclear on whether there are rules relating specifically to a wizard tower. In my players view, a "wizard tower" is a tower, unique to a wizard, with some underlying magic about it. For example, an invisible tower, a tower t...

Q: Is there any difference between VSI and VVI?

AIRWAYLOVERCould someone explains to me whether there is a difference between a VSI and VVI or not?

1 hour later…
posted on February 03, 2025

From Bernard and tagged as qgis,tiles,utm,basemap,tile-server

Q: Who maintains architecture IDs (and OS ABIs) for ELF format now?

DannyNiuThe latest spec for ELF list many architectures that can be used with it, but some self-assignments are made in the wild (e.g. Chinese LoongArch). Is there anyone coordinating these assignments? LANANA doesn't seem to have such list, or am I missing something?

Q: Exact solution to a DDE using DSolve

Glenn WelchConsider the following DDE: D[f[x], x] == a*f[x - r] Experimenting by hand, I was able to discover an exact solution. f[x_] := C[1]*Exp[x*LambertW[0, a*r]/r] + C[2]*Exp[x*LambertW[-1, a*r]/r] D[f[x], x] == a*f[x - r] // Simplify (* True *) The documentation states that DSolve is able to solve...

Q: How to list old states of a channel?

Grunge DreamboatIn Core Lightning, if I wanted to call dev-sign-last-tx for an old state of a channel, how would I list all the previous states to select from for the given channel?

Q: I have a problem either with Kartvelian languages or regular sound changes

Leana AgachiFirst thing you learn with historical linguistics is that there are always regular sound changes and if there aren't it's an exception that you have to explain. Well i have noticed that that isnt the case many times. For example can someone explain why proto-kartvelian *t- sometimes yields t- in ...

Q: Is there a security benefit from adding a dedicated router to a network of 1 PC?

Vilx-If I have a single computer with a direct connection to the Internet (and a real external IP address from the ISP), does it make sense security-wise to put a dedicated router between the computer and the internet? Additional considerations: There is little chance of additional devices appearing ...

Q: What is the reason behind having different airspaces like ATZ, CTR, CTA, TMA?

AIRWAYLOVERCould someone explain to me in simple words what is the reason behind having all the different airspaces like ATZ, CTR, CTA, TMA?

Q: Using abs2 function for automatic differentiation

SmiliaIn a Julia code to approximate the characteristic function of $]-\infty,0]$ (being $1$ on this interval and zero elsewhere) I saw this implementation : # Heaviside regularization function G(x, threshold=0.) n = 10. # regularization stiffness if - 1/(2*n) < x - threshold < 1/(2*n) ...

Q: Make 2026 using digits: 2, 0, 2, 5

WOWOWTry to make the number 2026 using the digits 2, 0, 2, 5. Rules: Use all four digits exactly once. Allowed operations: $+,−,\times,\div,!$ (factorial),$!!$ (double factorial),$!!!$(triple factorial),$x^y$ (exponentiation),$\sqrt{x}$ (square root). Parentheses and concatenation of digits are allowe...

Q: When is an incidence algebra representation-finite

MareLet $P$ be a finite connected poset and $KP$ the incidence algebra of $P$. What is a good reference for the classification when the incidence algebra $KP$ is representation-finite? Here representation-finite means that there are only finitely many indecomposable $KP$-modules. Some years ago the...

Q: Numerical crossword puzzles

VosoniI am considering to create a mathematical puzzle in the form of a numerical crossword. What I mean by that is a puzzle similar to a normal crossword but with digits instead of letters that form interesting integers instead of words in the "down" and "across" fields. The questions could then sound...

Q: Local accuracy of the daily precipitation forecast

JakubI'm currently evaluating the accuracy of available weather models (e.g., ECMWF forecasts as provided by windy.com and open-meteo.com) as part of a side project. I’m not a weather expert, but I'm interested in comparing the forecasts with ground truth measurements. For ground truth, I'm using data...

Q: Unary languages accepted by k state NFA

domotorpGiven an NFA (nondeterministic finite automaton) $M$ over a unary alphabet, denote by $L_M\subset \mathbb N$ the lengths of the words accepted by some computation of $M$. Every $L_M$ is ultimately periodic by the pumping lemma. I am looking for explicit bounds on this period assuming that $M$ has...

Q: Runaway Argument error due to restatable in newenvironment in Latex

Clément MichaudI'm trying to wrap a restatable block in my own environment using \newenvironment to be able to customize my blocks and restate them but when I try to do that I get the following error: Runaway argument? ! File ended while scanning use of \thmt@collect@body. \par <*> ...mp/84...

Q: 3.3V supply to a 2.5V component

K_TI am looking through the schematics for the iceWerx and also at the ice40hx datasheet trying to understand how they have pieced this together. On page 3-1 of the datasheet, there is this diagram which specifies recommended operating conditions for V_PP_2V5: Which suggests that the ice40 device n...

Q: Catalogue of works of Valery Glivenko (1896–1940)?

Peter LeFanu LumsdaineDoes anyone know of any list or catalogue of the works of Valery Glivenko? He worked in Moscow, but his most widely-cited papers are in French (as e.g. those in the Wikipedia page above). I wondered if he also published further in Russian; the often-fruitful Math-Net.ru didn’t bring up anything ...

Q: Is it many or few that will enter the kingdom of heaven?

Sara PI am comparing these passages with what appears to be a contradiction. Are there many or few being saved? ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭8:10‭-‬12‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬ [10] Now when Jesus heard this, He marveled and said to those who were following, “Truly I say to you, I have not found such great faith with anyone in Isr...

Q: CE and CC cascade Amplifier

AlexWhy there is no capacitor between the load of 270 ohm load resistor and the CC Amplifier? I know that CC amplifier is used to increase the current gain but I do not understand why the capacitor is not there. Absence of capacitor will bring the ac voltage superior imposed on dc voltage to the load.

Q: USB2640/USB2641 external EEPROM MSB/LSB of USB_SER_NUM register and default format for the other registers

Christianidis VasilisThis issue is solved and I just post here what I have learned. Originally, I made this question to Microchip: I am looking at the datasheet of USB2641: https://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/aemDocuments/documents/UNG/ProductDocuments/DataSheets/USB2640-USB2641-Data-Sheet-DS00001947C.pdf And I want ...

Q: Thick Black Diagonal Line on MBP Screen - Doesn't show up on a screenshot

SkyTrailHoping someone can help me fix this problem. A thick black diagonal line has appeared across my MacBook Pro Screen. Weirdly it doesn't show up on a screenshot. I've taken a photo of it here:

Q: AES-GSM-SIV nonce reuse

hunterI'm trying to understand exactly what nonce-misuse AES-GCM-SIV mode mitigates. Wikipedia says, "In the event a nonce is misused (i.e., used more than once), nothing is revealed except in the case that the same message is encrypted multiple times with the same nonce. When that happens, an attacke...

Q: When are the CLR and ALR transformations applicable?

Mike SurowskiOut of the three logratio transformations (ALR/CLR/ILR), I see most people recommend using ILR, as it is mathematically the 'correct' one. However, still I was wondering, when the ALR and CLR transformations are actually useful? I noticed in geochemistry that CLR is popular, as it preserves all t...

Q: How strong is a Turing Machine that can't control its head movement?

user14492577I have two variants to this question: The machine always moves to either left or right with a 50-50 chance. The Machine has the option to stay in the current cell or move to left or right with a 50-50 chance. Is this machine as strong as normal Turing Machines?

Q: Why is read aloud/immersive reader reading out some of my equations in Spanish and some in English?

rbeolivI have a Word document where equations have been written using the equation editor. That means that they read out loud well when I use immersive reader or read aloud functions. However some of the equations are read out in Spanish. I don't know why - I have set the proofing language to English. H...

Q: Papa Doc’s capital idea

HadimsvIn the Big bang theory Pilot Episode guys are solving a crossword puzzle: here is the script: phylum, which makes fourteen across Port-au-Prince. See, Papa Doc’s capital idea, that’s Port-au-Prince. Haiti. I understand that 'capital idea' is a pun. The first meaning is papa doc's great idea. Bu...

Q: What are the differences between "shameless" and "shameful"?

InsatiableI’ve been struggling with this little problem for a while now, so I thought I’d share it to see what you guys think. If someone is described as “rude,” it usually means that they have a rude behaviour. Similarly, if someone is described as “optimistic,” it means that they have an optimistic behav...

Q: Item publish even item in draft state while using custom code

Arun SharmaIn one of our projects, we are facing an issue where our item is in draft state but it is published to the web while our custom code is called. However, in the case of normal publishing, it is respecting the workflow. So the question is, why is it not respecting the workflow state while using cus...

Q: Have any Hybrid Encryption Schemes been defined for Quantum Resistant algorithms?

hunterNow that several quantum-resistant asymmetric algorithms are in the process of being standardized (or indeed are already standardized), and Google has integrated the recently standardized ML-KEM algorithm into their BoringSSL library (which I understand is used by Chrome desktop) - have any Hybri...

Q: What is the most popularly supported issue that people want made as an amendment to the Constitution?

chausiesThe 26th amendment was in 1971 (voting age was lowered to 18), and the 27th (and last) amendment was 20 years later in 1992 (Congress can't increase its pay under certain circumstances). It's now 30 years later, and I'm wondering what is the most popularly supported issue people want added to the...

Q: Strange error executing any sf command for a recently refreshed non-preview sandbox

PatlatusI have a script to setup dev user on a new sandbox, and when I executed it today, it worked just fine on an old sandbox (which is preview sandbox) but failed on a recently refreshed non-preview sandbox. sf data upsert bulk -s User -f us.csv -w 500 -i Id --json > upsert.json { "name": "NOT_FOUND", "...

Q: Trying Out DDD : How to enforce data integrity and immutability

koussay issaouiI've been transitioning from type-safe programming languages like Dart and Java to Python, and I'm trying to enforce Domain-Driven Design (DDD) principles in a language that naturally leans towards flexibility. The challenge is that Python's typing system is gradual—meaning it allows many potenti...

Q: Why does the voltage drop across a given resistor change when I add more resistors to a circuit?

HFTfE Why exactly does the voltage drop in R1 change when I add another resistor to the circuit? I understand that it has to change according to Ohm's Law (V = IR), but how does the amount of charge moving through the entire circuit change how individual particles lose energy/potential difference diff...

Q: Creative commons non-commercial license impact on copyright owner's rights

D. KovácsThe Creative Commons license CC-NC 4.0 variants (e.g., CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 1) state: NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes. As the creator/license holder, am I allowed to use my own material for commercial purposes (e.g., sell it), and still distribute it under CC-NC ...

Q: Is this ceiling light wiring correct?

jasonI wanted to replace an indoor ceiling light. First, I needed to paint the area underneath the current light, so I removed the light from its brackets and found this wiring. I am not an electrician, but based on the other light I just replaced in another room, this doesn't look correct (for exam...

Q: The universe of discourse as a superset of the constants in the language

SamLet us forget about function symbols for simplicity. $\def\MMM{\mathcal{M}} \def\LLL{\mathcal{L}} \def\DDD{\mathcal{D}}$ I've been wondering whether the usual definition of a model in first-order logic is equivalent to the following: The usual definition of a model is as follows: Definition: A m...

Q: How to add arrows from one point on one plot to another point on second plot in tikz and pgfplots

Mr.PriceI have the following code to plot 3 lines from which 2 are just a translation of main plot 2 points up and down. I want to highlight that fact by adding arrows pointing up and down (of length 2 point) from middle plot to two other plots. How can I do that nicely in tikz and pgfplots without manua...

Q: How does a TLS client certificate prove the identity of the client?

WoodManEXPAbout TLS Client Certificates How does a TLS client certificate prove the identity of the client? Yes, only the client has the private key so a client-key handshake can be completed. But how does that prove to the server it is dealing with a trusted client? Anyone can acquire a certificate key pa...

Q: Best notation for tensor product with associativity

Dan RI want to express the product of a three-dimensional array by two one-dimensional vectors over some ring $R$: $$r = A \cdot b \otimes c$$ where $A \in R^{\ell \times m \times n}$ $b \in R^n$ $c \in R^m$ and the output $r\in R^\ell$ is defined in the "obvious" way by $r_i = \sum_{j=1}^n\sum_{k=1...

Q: How can I use some semi-exotic characters in a source-code listing?

JohnBelow is some text that I copy-pasted from the Isabelle theorem-prover interface. shows "P ≠ Q" and "P ≠ l" and "l ∩ m = m" and "∀P. P ≤ P" and "S ⟶ T" and "⟦U⟧ ⟹ V" and " ℝ ≠ ℕ" I'd like to typeset this with the listings package, thus: \documentclass[11pt,notitlepage,openany,oneside]{book} \use...

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