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Q: Indicator LED driver with minimal components

user1461959Can I use logic inverter to drive low power indicator leds ? I want to use minimal amount of components. Idea is to get 2V for leds with a regulator and then directly drive the leds with a logic inverter. Input would be 1.8V or 3.3V. Leds would be Red XL-1608SURC-06. Voltage should be between 1.9...

Q: Asymptotics for the volume of a 'large' spherical cap

Tomer MiloLet $S^{n-1} \subset \mathbb{R}^{n}$ denote the $(n-1)$-dimensional unit sphere. For $x \in S^{n-1}$ and $\varepsilon \in (0,1)$, we define the $\varepsilon$-spherical cap $S(x,\varepsilon)$ by: $S(x,\varepsilon) = \{ u \in S^{n-1}: \langle x,u \rangle \geq \varepsilon \}$ Let $\sigma$ denote the...

Q: What exactly does 'Model the target vocabulary items—sports camera, smartwatch, tablet, etc., and have them repeat after you.' mean?

QuiqueI came across the following sentence: Model the target vocabulary items—sports camera, smartwatch, tablet, etc., and have them repeat after you. Is the use of the verb model inappropriate or misleading in this context? I looked up its meaning in Merriam-Webster's Dictionary (online), the Oxford...

Q: Rewrite or Transpiler - How to move away from a proprietary SAAS solution

surfmuggleWe are using a Software as a Service platform that allows to create custom code which integrates in the platform an all its features (dialogues for common objects like Account, Customer, Adress, and so on) and a GUI Desginer to create dialogues and Reports. The plattform uses a proprietary strong...

Q: 1980s/1990s thriller where wife discovers her husband is a homicidal maniac

Eliza FloydThis was a 1980s or 1990s thriller movie. A wife apparently suspects her husband of cheating on her. So one night she follows him in her car to a motel in some desert area. He meets some woman (a prostitute or his mistress) at the motel. They take a shower together and an erotic scene begins in t...

Q: To what BBC competition did Arthur C. Clarke submit The Sentinel, and who won it?

BenderBoyOne of Clarke’s most well-known short stories is The Sentinel, which was a sort of precursor of 2001. It was written for “a BBC competition” in 1948 but wasn’t placed. In The Collected Stories Clarke writes that he has “often wondered what did win”. The short introductory note does not elaborate ...

Q: Thermogravimetric analysis of nickel(II) acetate hydrate

crvenikupusBased on the thermogram of nickel(II) acetate hydrate, I have to determine what the individual mass losses of the sample correspond to and write the chemical reaction equations. Also, I need to determine which nickel(II) acetate hydrate it is. The measurements were performed in an oxygen atmosphe...

Q: Why were Moshe and Aharon allowed to testify for the new moon if they were relatives?

B''H Bi'ezras -- Boruch HashemB"H Bava Basra 159a and Rambam Hilchos Adus chapter 13 discuss how it's a "decree of the king" that relatives do not testify in the same group of witnesses. But the verse in parshas Bo 12:1 says that Hashem tells Moshe and Aharon that this month shall be for you the beginning of the month, implyi...

Q: Error: IPA characters in bibliography

Gustave FlaubertI need to add an IPA character to the title of a bibliography entry. LaTeX shows me the following error: "Package inputenc Error: Unicode character ʁ (U + 0281) not set up for use with LaTeX". How can I fix this? MWE: \documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage...

Q: Power polygon and matching ground

Eyal78For power polygon that primarily carry DC, how critical is it that it is located above a ground plane? If it is important, how crucial is it that the polygon completely overlaps the ground plane beneath it? Additionally, if overlap is important, how significant is it that the ground plane remains...

Q: Why does the ninth amendment carry so much less weight than the other bill of rights amendments?

el duderinoAmongst the bill of rights, the ninth amendment seems like somewhat of a black sheep-- the consequences of basically all the other bill of rights amendments are regularly discussed in the context of the modern day, with the possible exception of the third amendment. But even the third amendment i...

Q: Qiskit: Memory Error while using Statevector(qc)

Vijay SamantI’m using qiskit(==1.3.1) and trying to get the statevector of a quantum circuit. However, I encounter an issue: qc3 = QuantumCircuit(20) print(new_state.shape) #(1048576,) qc3.initialize(new_state) statevector = Statevector(qc) MemoryError: When I run Statevector(qc), I get: numpy._core._except...

Q: What is the probability of winning this version of bingo?

Nico ZaczkowskiConstruct an $n$ by $n$ bingo board, and choose a value of $k$ such that $k$ is an element of the natural numbers. For this first example we will set $n$ equal to $5$ and $k$ equal to $2$. Instead of placing unique numbers on each of the bingo squares, we will be placing $1$ of $k$ symbols. Each ...

Q: Using BJT Transistors as Switches

msalaz03I am designing this board for my University's Design Team and thought of two designs. One of them slightly overcomplicated things and the other was simple. The more complicated one included using BJT transistors (TIP32C) as switches in order to act as a on/off switch. Although I've taken an elect...

Q: How would a spacecraft figure out it's own orbit, without help from earth?

SomnambulistI was looking into this as a tangent while reading about Orbital Determination, but I can't seem to find any literature on the subject. I am trying to make my own solution but can't quite seem to figure out the numerical approximations, so am throwing this out to see if someone else has an idea. ...

Q: Reasons for high levels of vanadium in soil

RougePlaneteerI am working with a planet that I wish to have high levels of vanadium in the soil, in order for organisms to take advantage of. What (scientifically plausible) reasons would I be able to give for these levels to be high enough for flora and fauna to evolve around it on a mass scale. I already ha...

Q: How to use `unknown .code` in `expl3` to achieve the effect of the key `color` in `tikz`?

myhsiaJust like the title described, we know in tikz, the name of the key color could be omitted, that is \tikz \draw [color = red] (0,0) -- (1,0); equals to \tikz \draw [red] (0,0) -- (1,0); I'd like to achieve this effect via expl3, but I failed. One can get the error message Package xcolor: Undefi...

Q: Does Oatey "Purple Primer" expire? Is it usable when brown?

Evan CarrollThis is my can of Oatey Purple Primer. It's clearly brown, but has the same delightful aroma. Is this usable?

Q: Can my American Miele washing machine use a European part? (Same except 60Hz vs 50 Hz)

MarkMy Miele washing machine needs a new cold water intake valve. Miele sells it for $247.00 and other American sellers are similar. In europe (on ebay) a part that looks exactly the same (for a Miele) sells for under $20.00. The only diff is it's 50 Hz and ours is 60 Hz. Both are 220 Volts. Can I...

Q: Fastest win against xkcd's AlphaMove?

Hauke ReddmannOK, this is silly, but... Newest xkcd AlphaMove sorts all legal moves alphabetically and plays the middle one. If the moves are even, it rounds down. What is the fastest win? (AM will begin with 1.f3 2.e4, so executing the "Shepherd" will be tricky) ExplainXKCD gives a GIT with a working program ...

Q: Search for old robot sci-fi story about an astronaut on a planet, with a robot guarding his camp

RhinoI am searching for an old sci-fi story that is about an astronaut on a planet, with a robot guarding his camp. Unfortunately the robot doesn’t let him back in the camp. At the end he does it with a trick by acting like an animal. The robot then doesn't see him as a threat and lets him pass. What ...

Q: When to you use Perfekt and Präteritum for Modalverbs?

ViperTheGuyImagine a modalverb like können. When should we use the Präteritum and Perfekt forms of the verb in a sentence? For example: Simon konnte nicht an der Prüfung teilnehmen. Or Simon hat nicht an der Prüfung teilnehmen können.

Q: My BMC bike has a loose brake lever that touches the grip, and the wheel can spin (makes minimal contact)

user100893This lever has been loose before but never enough to touch the grips. Brake pads seem okay, it still makes contact with it but the wheel can still rather freely turn (I can ride with the lever fully down) What can I do or tell a mechanic that's wrong specifically? Or price range?

Q: Insert full page image

GasamI want to include to my first page (only), an image to full first page but I found that the image appears on all page. How to do? \documentclass{article} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{background} \backgroundsetup{ scale=1, angle=0, opacity=.4, %% adjust contents={\includegraphics[width=\pap...

Q: Error in textbook proof for minimality of cyclotomic polynomial?

Tala CruzI am looking at the proof for the irreducibility of the cyclotomic polynomial $\phi_m(x)$ in the text Problems in Algebraic Number Theory, Second Edition by Esmonde and Murty, and have come across this in the proof (Exercise 3.4.9): Let $f(x)$ be the minimal polymonial of $\zeta_m$ and suppose $...

Q: Scifi audio story from YouTube

N. ChronA couple of years back, i read (listened) to a story about an alien female with her child, that met a human, who helped them find a ship to earth.. When they got there, her (alien) daughter got abducted, and she sought the help of the space station's human officials, who declared an amber alert a...

Q: Trouble with 'cv' api version 3 and 4

Ken WilliamsI'm having a little trouble getting the results I need with either version 3 or 4 of the API. I want to query for contacts in a certain group, and get the email addresses for all of them (for exporting to a distribution list). There should be 74 results: $ cv api3 Contact.getcount sequential=1 ...

Q: Does a relativistically spinning disk rising normally along its axis gain linear momentum as its rotation increases?

Daniel HeskLet's say I have a non-rotating disk of rest mass m moving in the z-direction with some non-relativistic speed v. Its z-momentum is mv. Then I apply a force in the x-direction tangential to its edge, and spin it up to a relativistic rotation. The disk now has a relativistic mass m' > m (I know th...

Q: Is it possible to do a self guided hike through Camino de Costa Rica?

pevikI found various info about Camino de Costa Rica track (map), but no info if it's allowed to go it on my own without a guide (although article on wikipedia suggests it's possible). If yes, is it even possible to try to do it as a backpacking (at least parts which go out of the civilization). I'm n...

Q: Is this proof approximating with euler number correct?

JimI am seeing this identity: $$(1 - \frac{1}{m})^{kn} \approx e^{-\frac{kn}{m}} $$ I think this has been derived as follows: $$(1 - \frac{1}{m})^{kn} = (1 - \frac{1}{m})^{\frac{kn*m}{m}} $$ We set $$a = \frac{kn}{m}$$ $$(1 - \frac{1}{m})^{kn} = (1 - \frac{1}{m})^{\frac{kn*m}{m}} = (1 - \frac{1}{m})...

Q: Marvel comic panel where an older Katie Power talks to her younger self about Franklin Richards

FuzzyBootsIt popped up very briefly on my Facebook feed, and the feed reset itself before I could see the context. It had what looked like an adult Katie Power speaking to her younger self. The art style was very colorful and cartoony, and looked modern. The bit that I read had the older one talking about ...

Q: Chassidish Hat Identification (not Borsalino/Biber/Hoiche/Shtreimel)

yosef202001I live in Golders Green, London, if this helps. Many Chossids here will wear a hat that is of a similar material to a Borsalino (although studier/stiffer, not really thicker), but not the shinier felt of Biber hats etc. The brim is flat and ever so slightly turned up, and the head is not pinched ...

Q: Numbers around a circle

PranayThe numbers 1, 2, ..., n are arranged (in that order) evenly around a circle, and n is even. At each step you can add 1 to two adjacent numbers, or swap the numbers radially opposite. Can you make all the numbers equal in a finite number of steps? Source: this question was asked on math stack ...

Q: Do all high-ranking foreign diplomats sent to the U.S.A. meet with the president in person?

Michael HardyArticle II, Section 3 of the Constitution of the United States says that the president "shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers." Construe "high-ranking" in the subject line above to mean one is the head of one's country's permanent diplomatic mission in the U.S.A., normally bearing ...

Q: An element of order 9 in the simple group PSL(2,8)

Taras BanakhAccording to Groupprops, the simple group $PSL(2,8)$ has exponent 126, which is divisible by 9. Therefore, the group $PSL(2,8)$ contains an element of order 9. I would like to see a concrete matrix that has order 9 in the group $PSL(2,8)$.

Q: The only isosceles triangle with a special construction

ttarchalaAn isosceles triangle ABC has a base AB. A segment of length equal to the base AB connects two points on the legs, point P on AC and point Q on BC, such that the length of both segments AP and CQ is also equal to the base AB. How to calculate the angle at the vertex C of this triangle? Illustrat...

Q: Why Shouldn't Emergency Slides Have a Manual Control to Prevent Unintended Deployment?

ronenfeI’m concerned about the automatic deployment of emergency slides on airplanes and the potential for unintended activations, which lead to unnecessary work for the crew and costly mistakes. In my opinion, automatic deployment, while designed to improve evacuation times, causes unnecessary disrupti...

Q: How would you "stun" a spaceship (i.e. incapacitate it nonlethally)?

Christopher BennettIn a plausible interplanetary setting, what weapons or defensive measures might a spaceship use to deter or incapacitate an attacking ship without destroying it or killing its crew? I'm working on something in my Troubleshooter series, a hard-SF setting in the early 22nd century in which the prot...

Q: Has Peter Stormare played a good guy?

EthanI'm not intimately familiar with Peter Stormare's filmography, but everything I've seen him in that I can think of, he plays the villain, or at least or evil and unlikeable character. What movies, if any, does he play a good guy, or even just a neutral character?

Q: Partial sums of expressions involving binomial coefficients and factorials

tomosAre there any general principles of when it's possible to evaluate a partial sum as in the title? For example, according to https://sriasat.wordpress.com/2015/03/22/number-of-permutations-of-prime-order/ the number of elements of prime order $p$ in $S_n$ is $$\sum _{0\leq k\leq n/p}\binom{n}{pk}\...

Q: General formula for the "filling probability" with respect to a finite collection of IID random variables and a finite collection of events

GalenBackground Given a finite collection of IID discrete random variables $\{X_i\}_{i=1}^n$ with probability mass function $\Pr$, and a set of finite events $S = \{ E_j \}_{j=1}^m$, the filling probability is the probability of observing each of $E_j$ at least once. I think the filling probability i...

Q: Reset password on HP LaserJet MFP M430 printer

Alex HenrieI bought a used HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP M430. It's a compact multifunction laser printer/scanner combo. The web interface is protected by an administrator password, which I don't know. How can I reset the printer to factory defaults and clear the password?

Q: How to turn off monitor and don't enable screen blanking in Arch Linux?

Dave JarvisBackground For some reason, X11 / lightdm crashes when pressing the monitor's power button. Instead, running xset dpms force off puts the monitor into low-power mode, which is fine and works around pressing the problematic power button. Running Arch Linux. Problem After pressing a key to switch t...

Q: Is the limit of a sequence of distributions necessarily bounded?

Kenanski BowspleefiFor convenience let's work on the circle $S^1$, although I am curious about distributions on $\mathbb{R}$ as well. Suppose $\{u_n\}_{n\geq 1}$ is a sequence of distributions on $S^1$ such that each sequence $\{u_n(\phi)\}_{n\geq 1}$ converges in $\mathbb{R}$ for each $\phi\in C^\infty(S^1)$. Then...

Q: Divorce - using savings to buy a house to move into before divorce process is initiated

aaaDetails Bob and Alice have agreed they should get divorced, but they haven't done anything about it yet. Things aren't particularly amicable and it's likely it will all be executed according to the fine detail of the law. They have 2 young children and they all currently live together in a 3-bedr...

Q: Basic Algebraic Word Problem to find dimensions of Rectangular Garden

DRCA rectangular garden has a length that is 3 meters longer than its width. If the perimeter of the garden is equal to 30 meters, what is the length of the garden? L = length W = Width Here is my solution: $l = w + 3$. Perimeter of a rectangle: $P= 2l+2w$. Substituting the known perimeter and its e...

Q: Numbers around a circle: Part 2

PranayThe numbers 1, 2, ..., n are arranged (in an arbitrary order) evenly around a circle, and n is even. At each step you can add 1 to two adjacent numbers, or swap the numbers radially opposite. For what initial arrangements can you make all the numbers equal in a finite number of steps? Source: ...

Q: Which is better/correct ? no remainder or remainder zero?

Humberto José BortolossiFrom didactic, linguistic, and mathematical perspectives, which is more correct to write: "The division of 4 by 2 leaves no remainder" or "The division of 4 by 2 leaves a remainder of zero"?

Q: Representation stability formulated as rationality in generating function of symmetric functions?

Yifeng HuangWe know that for a sequence of real numbers $(a_n)$, the fact that $\lim_n a_n=a\neq 0$ is equivalent to saying that the generating function $\sum_n a_n t^n$ has radius of convergence $1$ and a pole at $t=1$ with residue $a$. Often if we expect a limit, we would like to think of the generating fu...

Q: mysql error relating to cache table when trying to installing wordpress prodn site locally. "Field 'id' doesn't have a default value"

TofuwarriorI'm installing a copy of a site locally. I'm totally new to civi but not new to development or wordpress and have a bit of sysdamin experience so I can find my way around the command line ok. When i try to flush the cache using cv and also when I try to access the site using localhost it throws a...

Q: Minimal cardinal for families of sequences without a common lower bound

Pierre PCConsider a collection $A$ of positive sequences $x=(x_n)_{n\geq0}$. It is easy to see¹ that if $A$ is countable, then there exists a positive sequence $y$ such that $y=O(x)$ for every $x\in A$ (equivalently $y=o(x)$, equivalently $y_n\leq x_n$ for all $n\geq N_x$). If we allow $A$ to have the car...

Q: What is a core idea that most philosophers agree on?

TheMatrix Equation-balance The importance of using reason and critical thinking to understand the world and seek truth; this includes the belief that through rational inquiry, humans can arrive at accurate conclusions about reality, ethics, and the nature of existence. https://homework.study.com/explanation/what-two-thing...

Q: Non-existence of continuous function with infinite derivative

IvanIf a continuous function $f:\mathcal{R}\to\mathcal{R}$ satisfies the condition $$\forall x_0 \in \mathbb{R}, \; \lim_{x\to x_0} \frac{f(x)-f(x_0)}{x-x_0} = \infty,$$ it is a simple argument to show it cannot exist. Is the same also true if the condition is modified to read $$\ \forall x_0 \in \ma...

Q: Rendering images by space-filling fractal curves

Vitaliy KaurovAny ideas how to implement something like this? I stumbled upon this interesting video. Here is a small part in animated GIF: and here is a high resolution frame to look at details. Relevant code ideas: 1. Space-Filling Fractal Curves Graphics[PeanoCurve[4]] Graphics[HilbertCurve[4]] 2. Conti...

Q: Is the reality of the consciousness of the other a logical assertion?

DanielFBestOther than going back to basics and possibly offending many of the philosophers here, by recalling that consciousness itself, as a tenet of beings not ourselves, is not a certainty, and also attempting to avoid solipsism, I would like to ask what it is which gives us a cause for believing that ot...

1 hour later…
Q: Does Hebrews 1:5 teach that Jesus is unique among the angels, or that Jesus is God and not an angel?

OneGodOneLordHebrews 1:5 ESV For to which of the angels did God ever say, “You are my Son, today I have begotten you”? Or again, “I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son”? When it says "to which of the angels", does this mean that Jesus is not an angel, or that Jesus is singled out from among...

Q: Verses that talk of stricter judgement / accountability on church leaders

ChrisHow are Christian leaders supposed to deal with verses that talk of God's increased judgement on church leaders? Such as: James 3:1 "We who teach will be judged more strictly" Hebrews 13:17 "Your leaders... must give an account" In fact, I see most people in churches do exactly the opposite. ...

2 hours later…
Q: Applying L'Hopital to the log of an expression

Starlight The limit below is solved using multiple methods. $$\lim_{x\to\infty} \frac{x^n}{e^x}$$ However, I am trying to solve it using the comment made below the question: Only one application of l'Hopital's rule is necessary if you take logarithms first. $$\lim_{x\to\infty} \frac{x^n}{e^x} =\lim_{x\...

Q: Why one sentence here is correct but another following the same logic is incorrect?

ShyamI am not a native speaker and I am very confused about this rule in English that says "Stative verbs(generally) do not come in continuous/progressive form." and when they do come their meaning changes. Consider this scenario- "You just entered a room full of nice smelling flowers" you would say "...

Q: How do I deal with upper management's overfixation with frontend/aesthetic/visuals?

HafCutting the story very short, I got into the unlikely position of CTO in a small company just by sort of being the only developer at some point in time, but actually having no abilities nor experience in leadership or management. This means I'm constantly acting as the buffer between upper manage...

Q: Can I recombine gas lines into one larger pipe?

MatthewIn CA, USA, within my walls my gas line branches to multiple appliances including one 3/4" line to the garage and a second 3/4" line to an adjacent utility room. I would like to move both appliances to the other side of the garage. Rather than extend two 3/4" lines can I recombine them into a sin...

Q: I dropped a MySQL database, restarted mysqld, but the old AUTO_INCREMENT values are still present

user1742494I'm trying to clear out the MySQL database and restore the SQL --no-data to bring up a fresh installation of my web app. I also tried SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0, then TRUNCATE TABLE 'table', then SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1. I still can't get rid of the AUTO_INCREMENT values. I know I'm missing so...

Q: Bismarck North Dakota, a simple riddle

BenthegeolologistSeuss’s third Not a bird Or ruby on Lady’s finger On this evidence I linger through the smoke and brine I choke Give to this thing What’s due to a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Q: Why might a 15% tariff cause prices to rise by more than 15%?

Allure(Not sure if this should be on the Politics SE) Source Many retailers and trade groups opposed the Trump tariffs on Chinese goods, saying they'd need to raise prices due to the extra cost. The Footwear Distributors & Retailers of America, a trade group that represents the U.S. footwear industry,...

Q: How can I publish an old state of a channel?

Grunge DreamboatLet's say that I operate two lightning nodes both running Core Lightning, with an open channel between them. By accident, one of the nodes (node A) goes offline forever and I lose all access to it, and it just so happens that the channel balance is such that almost all of the satoshi balance is i...

Q: Why does adding an intercept change roc_auc_score in python?

Serge KashlikWhy does adding a constant change the value of ROC AUC in python sklearn? import pandas as pd from sklearn.datasets import make_classification import statsmodels.api as sm from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score X, y = make_classification(n_samples=10000, n_features=2, n_informative=2, n_redun...

Q: Time series models - ML based vs classical methods - cases with changing trends and additional features

user9343456I'm new to the field of time series and have been reading up about it. It seems there's no overwhelming consensus in favor of either ML or classical methods for forecasting problems. ML methods seem to work well in higher frequency time series or ones with higher no. of time steps. But classical ...

Q: An AsyncStreamWriter that allows to asynchronously write to a Stream

Charles HeningtonI'm hoping this should be mostly asynchronous, looking to make this 100% if not close to 100% so. This class was created to ease converting image formats, but it has an unlimited number of use cases. For example, we could use it to pass to an HttpWebRequest like such var request = (HttpWebRequest...

Q: What is the book on Legendre's number theory that Riemann read?

GeometréIn many biographies of Riemann(ex : Prime Obsession, MacTutor...), it is said that Riemann mastered a 900-page book on Legendre's number theory in just six days... However, the actual name of the book is not explained in any biography I have seen, and even though I searched for Legendre's books w...

Q: Does Sun reflectes the light?

kelinI've seen this question in the prose of Pelevin, where it's only used to evoke thoughts. However, it's interesting to approach the question from a scientific point of view. My first though would be that all stars are considered "Black body" when we do temperature calculations, thus it should abs...

1 hour later…
Q: Nuclear fusion question

Matthew TuethNeutrons have slightly more mass than protons. When 4 hydrogen protons fuse into a helium atom (2 protons and 2 neutrons), why does the helium atom have slightly less mass? I understand that some of the mass from the four protons are converted to energy but two protons and two neutrons (helium at...

Q: Move frommobilephone closer to fromrule scrletter

GudrunCommunity, How do I move up frommobilephone fromemail on the right closer to the fromrule? This should be the line below the name. There is a gap between fromrule and frommobilephone. I wish to reduce it. I studied the manual for KOMA, but I could not find the right paramter. The "box" to which f...

Q: C++20 Singly Linked List with Iterator

user1446642Below is the code I wrote to implement a singly linked list. To keep things simple, I omitted things like copy constructor. Aside from general feedback, here are some specifics I would like addressed: C++20 features Did I implement iterators correctly? Should I add anything to the iterators (e.g...

Q: Are jails liable for negligence when prisoners get hurt?

chausiesIf sexual harassment or poor/dangerous working conditions happen in a company, that company is often liable for damages, or gets fined by the state/an appropriate government oversight body. For example, if a company doesn't put up wet floor signs, or the recent Activision Blizzard case over wides...

Q: Make the QGIS browser also show .txt files

MortenIs there any way to make the built in QGIS browser show .txt files too? It can show them if they are named .csv but I need to read CSV files from another application who names them .txt and it needs to work relatively automated. The "Tables" folder in the image below also has .txt files. And I ne...

Q: Does `std::strong_ordering` in C++20 require a total order?

yqZhang4480I am implementing a three-way comparison (operator<=>) for an enum class representing Rock-Paper-Scissors. My implementation compiles and returns std::strong_ordering, but I am unsure whether it meets the formal requirements for std::strong_ordering, particularly regarding transitivity. Here is m...

Q: What's the source of saying VeHu Rachum and Shir Hamaalot in Maariv within the nusach?

David BH In Tehilas Hashem we say at the start of the Maariv Service: וְהוּא רַחוּם יְכַפֵּר עָוֹן וְלֹא־יַשְׁחִית וְהִרְבָּה לְהָשִׁיב אַפּוֹ וְלֹא־יָעִיר כָּל־חֲמָתוֹ: יְיָ הוֹשִׁיעָה הַמֶּֽלֶךְ יַעֲנֵֽנוּ בְיוֹם־קָרְאֵֽנוּ: שִׁיר הַמַּעֲלוֹת הִנֵּה  בָּרְכוּ אֶת־יְיָ כׇּל־עַבְדֵי יְיָ הָעֹמְדִים בּ...

Q: How do you create a Cube made out of smaller Cubes? With textures and Physics

puuf lolI'm trying to figure out how to create something like this: Spent the whole day researching and these are the two most common answers: Create ''Arrays'' with the modifier until I have a cube made out of smaller cubes, which is fine but how do I add a texture to the whole bigger block since its ...

Q: Import a custom Python module in a Python script inside another script in the Python console of QGIS

YvanouI'm using QGIS in Windows. I wrote some functions in a Python script (named my_script.py) that I would like to import in another Python script but each time I do that, I have this message, even if the scripts are in the same folder or if I changed the script folder paths in the QGIS preferences: ...

Q: Translation of 最後の言葉を人の波に消されて

Jihyung KangThis is the first line from the 80's Japanese song "Believe" by 孝子岡村: 最後の言葉を 人の波に消されて I see that the translation goes like this: The last words are washed away in the wave of crowd My question is, shouldn't the correct rendition of the sentence be something like 最後の言葉'は'人の波に消されて or 最後の言葉を'が'人...

Q: My very general triangle

Hauke ReddmannI'm ashamed to ask this, since I invented and solved it in five seconds with my neocortex tied behind my back, but the uniqueness (given the relative "natural" conditions) is cute. I want to draw a generic triangle T; alas, my constructor can only do steps of 10°. I don't want T to be obtuse (for...

Q: Film about a woman who is murdered and rebuilt as a cyborg

DavidSaw a film my family recorded in the 90’s about a woman who is murdered by a man and left in a ditch, she’s rebuilt as a cyborg, who works as a spy. Remember scenes including her sitting for a mirror, showing how much she is stitched up and one where she escapes into a city encountering people wh...

Q: Swiss-system: why 9 rounds?

DanijelI recently played a 50 people Swiss tournament with 5 rounds. How many rounds are "enough" for a fair assessment of the winner? Is there a mathematical background behind the decision that Swiss is usually 9 rounds? Is 5 rounds much worse? How does it depend on the number of participants?

Q: Why do strain gauges often have two wires connected to the same pad?

user386164Strain gauges are sensors used to measure strain in a material by detecting changes in electrical resistance. They consist of a thin conductive wire arranged in a specific pattern over a foil, which is adhered to the surface of the tested material. When the material deforms, the strain gauge stre...

Q: Meaning of ארץ הצבי

Reb HarveyIn Daniel 11:41 it refers to Eretz Yisroel as Eretz Hatzvi: וּבָא֙ בְּאֶ֣רֶץ הַצְּבִ֔י וְרַבּ֖וֹת יִכָּשֵׁ֑לוּ וְאֵ֙לֶּה֙ יִמָּלְט֣וּ מִיָּד֔וֹ אֱד֣וֹם וּמוֹאָ֔ב וְרֵאשִׁ֖ית בְּנֵ֥י עַמּֽוֹן׃ What does Tzvi mean here in this context (it usually means a Gazelle or beauty), and is there any other...

Q: I'm having trouble drawing the hands. I just need simple hands pushing and pulling the box. Can anyone help me with this?

Ismael JoaquimJust like the figure below: The following is my MWE. \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{amsmath,esvect} \usepackage{amssymb} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} % Block being pushed \draw[fill, color=orange!80, draw=red] (0,0) rectan...

Q: StrChar on consecutive spaces

CactusI'd like to get characters at specific indices from my argument. I'm trying to use \StrChar, but it seems that it collapses consecutive spaces: \documentclass{paper} \usepackage{xstring} \begin{document} \newcommand\cellbits[1]{ \phantom{8}\makebox[0pt][r]{\StrChar{#1}{1}} \phantom{8}\make...

Q: How to properly draw overlapping features in QGIS

Cecilia MI want to copy the below image and so draw polygons of different colors, where each color is a known interval. But I was wondering which is the correct way to achieve that, since it already happened to me that drawing overlapping polygons in the same layer resulted in some said polygons being hid...

Q: What are the established theories on the dynamics between a state, its people and minorities?

maliebinaI've been reading about Max Weber and Charles Tilly's theories on the monopoly of violence and state-making, but one big question mark in my head is the role of civil society. From what I understand, "the people" willingly subjugate themselves to a state if the advantages (protection, stability) ...

Q: Format a date from "data format" to "text format"

mf67Is there a package (or macro) that turns, e.g. using a command \formatdate \formatdate{2025-11-25} into “25th November 2025”? I tried to understand Change date format but I was not successful.

Q: Autogenerating numbered pages with a prefix

David JacksonI need to generate pdf documents of a specific length (e.g., 456 pages) with nothing on them but page numbers and, ideally, a prefix. The reason that I need to do this is so that I can 'number' existing pdf documents by using pdftk to overlay the page numbers on to an existing pdf. Here is what I...

Q: Use of possessive in academic writing

TorI'm editing a paper (natural science) after receiving review comments, and one of the reviewers wants me to change for example "the fate of the methane" to "the methane's fate" because it is "tighter". While I obviously agree that the second version, using the possessive, is a bit shorter and...

Q: treating the rule itself as a pattern

SoonMy goal is to count cases of {"Yes", _, _} -> "Yes" and {"Yes", _, _} -> "No" in the set below using HoldPattern to treat the rule itself as a pattern. When I try code 1 as below, the expected result {1,3} shows. Could I know why the code 2 as below does not show {1,3}? trainingSet = {{"Yes", "Yes"...

Q: Animation/cartoon about a boy who has a small flying robot (alien, I think), looking like a seagull, which can transform into armor

Kacper MichońskiI recently remembered an animation that I watched a long time ago. I think it was around 2017, but I don't remember its name. The boy goes to school and, in the meantime, he fights enemies. During the fight, he puts on an armor of his robot, which is silver. If I remember correctly, the robot is ...

Q: Abstraction in python, are ABCs required (writing a lesson)?

IfFishThenStickerAfter reading the definition of abstraction from the textbook, I feel I understand what it is, however whenever I google 'abstraction python' or similar, I find tutorials and explanations of ABC (Abstract Base Class), @abstractmethod that kind of stuff. After exploring a while I think I understan...

Q: Should I mention a finished manuscript that has not been submitted nor posted on preprint websites in a CV?

mathFraI have searched this website and could not find a post that precisely asks my question. I am preparing my CV for a postdoc position in Mathematics. I want to include my research works. Yet, I have prepared two different sections: published works (that have already been published in peer-reviewed...

Q: Do composite-boson-states live in symmetrized or antisymmetrized Fock Space?

MichielAn even number of fermions make up a boson. Is this state described by a vector in antisymmetrized (fermionic) Fock space, where the resulting vector can somehow be connected to a bosonic state, or is it empirically motivated that an even number of fermions forms a boson and therefore we describe...

Q: Why does Luke skip mentioning the lamb of offering in Lk 2:22-24?

Kadalikatt Joseph SibichanWe see an account of Infant Jesus' Presentation in the temple, in Lk 2:22-24( NKJV): Now when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were completed, they brought Him to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord 23 (as it is written in the law of the Lord, “Every male who opens th...

Q: Is it fair to date one source of the "Christian humanism" tradition to the Renaissance period?

StarckmanJacques Maritain dates one source of Christian humanism to the Renaissance period in his book Humanisme Intégral (1936). Among secular humanists, some seem to reject the idea that there really is any Christian humanism tradition: Andrew Copson refers to Christian humanism as a "hybrid term... wh...

Q: Is there any rule to decide which country needs a determinant in French?

Franck DernoncourtE.g. "La France", "L'Andorre" but "Monaco". Is there any rule to decide which country needs a determinant in French?

Q: Change mesh color in geometry nodes based on value

Tony LawI've got a very simple geo node setup that generates a random float between -0.190 and 0.200 and outputs that using string to curves. I'd like the color the output based on if it is negative or positive. I'm using a switch plugged into a set material node. If I plug the geometry into the output s...

Q: Is there an alternative for ResearchGate Projects?

Artem LebedevI am looking for a place to publish things that are not good fit for peer reviewed publications: projects that failed for God knows why, small curiosities, side explorations. "Projects" was a good fit but they killed it. The key to to be able to engage with the audience, have an opportunity to he...

Q: C++ Demonstrating a Simplified Container Accepting std::initializer_list as a parameter (Under-the-Hood Behavior)

samI am trying to implement a very simplified version of a container to demonstrate how a container accepting an std::initializer_list as parameter might look under the hood. Is this implementation accurate? template <typename T> class Container { public: Container(std::initializ...

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