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Q: What type of screw head type looks like four recessed overlapping squares?

SethAnyone familiar with what type of screw bit driver I need for this?

Q: Unexpectedly short star lifespan

visiliiI have a very rough idea for a setting where humanity discovers that stars, in fact, burn out much quicker than we imagined, so a human colony is stuck orbiting one of the last remaining stars in Galaxy (I like the idea of humanity surviving during heat death of the universe, but the time frame o...

Q: Covering Maps and Connectedness

Maurizio BarbatoLet $R, X$ be topological spaces, with $X$ path connected and locally path connected, and let $p:R \rightarrow X$ be a continuous surjective map such that every $x \in X$ has an open neighborhood $A$ having the property that the restriction of $p$ to each path component $C$ of $p^{-1}(A)$ is a ho...

Q: Does a successful Math PhD need knowledge from other academic disciplines?

Airbus A319In high school I loved math intensely, but mostly due to a desire to win over others: I was average /below average in other subjects, and my math was way beyond the second in my grade (Back then I could earn 8/15 in the AIME contest and everyone else in my school couldn't do a single question). I...

Q: A problem with the justification of a paragraph in LaTeX

Eugene ZhangI have met with a problem with the justification of a paragraph in LaTeX.The MWE LaTeX code is as below: \documentclass[11pt,twoside]{article}% \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{geometry} \newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}[section] \newtheorem{corollary}[theor...

1 hour later…
Q: How to find frequency of noise in a sensor signal that is not periodic?

DanielI have a custom sensor I am building and I want to try and filter out the noise. The sensor changes its values when a force is applied, otherwise, if no force is present the signal is flat. I want to filter out noise that may be present. I am using an Arduino Nano Every to read the signal from a ...

Q: Why do I need to wait for my opponent to press their clock?

Darren HI was recently playing in a small local tournament with some amateur players. In one game, my opponent made a move then got up for a walk around the playing hall, but did not press his clock. He is a younger player and it was obvious that he had simply forgotten. After a couple of minutes of thou...

Q: Girl acquires a dollhouse that seems perfect. Table has miniature wood cells in it. She gets shrunk. Squirrel on the cover

FuzzyBootsI read this book as a child, somewhere in the late 1980s to the early 1990s. I'm fairly certain that it was labeled as YA fiction. It was a paperback that I think I acquired at a neighbor's yard sale (she had grandchildren, so that doesn't necessarily date it as being that much older). A girl (I ...

Q: Index into a Fibonacci tiling

emanresu AThe Cartesian plane can be tiled with increasingly large squares like so: This tiling can be generated by starting with a square of side length 1, placed at the origin 0, 0, and then repeatedly adding a square to the side of the resulting rectangle anticlockwise of the previous square, starting ...

Q: Entra / InTune MFA Issue

Cory GlantonI’m working in a very small school environment. They’re on M365 A3 licenses and using Entra along with InTune for mdm. We have (at least in theory) disabled all MFA so that all users (specifically for the students) can just sign in without needing to use Authenticator. The issue is some students ...

Q: What is the expected RMS voltage output of a 24VAC / 40VA doorbell transformer

st2000Installing a smart doorbell which specifies 16VAC to 24VAC with 30VA capacity range of acceptable power input. Consequently I removed the old 16VAC with 10VA capacity transformer and installed a new 24VAC with 40VA capacity transformer. But before connecting the transformer to the (expensive) sma...

Q: I'm a DM and how do I handle faerie fire in my campaign?

lost-warforged59My player likes to use Faerie fire outside of combat, and the spell calls for a dex saving throw. Example: if I'm hiding a mimic and my player casts this spell, I would have to roll dice for the dex saving throw for the mimic. Now that I did roll dice, my player would know that there's a creature...

Q: Why some glider airfoils have a plateau of Cl at around 5 deg AoA?

SOAR1123So I was reading an article about the Concordia sailplane (http://lesgpr.free.fr/construire/concordia/ConcImagine_WV_e.pdf) and one graph on page 5 caught my attention. It shows there's a slight dip of Cl at around 5 deg AoA. The HQ 17 airfoil used on ASW22 has a similar trend. My intuition say...

Q: Canonical transformation along the eigenvectors

User198From this: Normal mode oscillations. If the Hamiltonian turns out to be a quadratic function of coordinates and momenta for a system of $N$ objects, e.g. $$H=\sum_{ij} M_{ij} q_i q_j + \sum_{ij} M_{ij} p_i p_j$$ then you can simply do a canonical transformation along the eigenvectors of $M_{ij}$...

Q: Intercepting HTTPS traffic with a trusted root cert and packet capture from the WiFi AP

Milind RI have an application in Android (version 6, so quite old) whose communication I want to monitor. I have installed my own root certificate in the user store and Android warns me correctly that data can be monitored. I have access to my WiFi AP and have captured packets from there, which when load...

Q: the cow, the pig, and the horse

prof1589I know the following two sentences are correct: 1. The cow is a useful animal. 2. The lion is the king of animals. In this case, cows and lions are represented as categories of animals. The definite article is used, but no specific reference is meant. Also, the sentences are definitions of the ca...

Q: How to prove this equality between these two angles?

MamanI try to solve the following problem: Let $M$ be the midpoint of $[AB]$ and $EB = AD$. Then we have to prove that : $\widehat{ADM}= \widehat{MEB}$ (without using congruent triangles and trigonometry). My idea is to use alternate or corresponding angles and parallelism properties. Also maybe I wi...

Q: Can a planet rotate on a 90 degree axis and be tidally-locked?

Hunter Zamastil I'm working on a creative writing project. I researched a bit into Uranus and it's near 90 degree tilt. I was wondering if a rocky planet can have the same kind of axis rotation while also being tidally-locked. If so, then can the planet have an orbiting moon too?

Q: in linear regression, are fitted residuals orthogonal to regressors

kara890I am studying regression in Wooldridge's Econometric Analysis. The regressors are treated as random. He says that a basic assumption for consistency of the least squares estimates is the "population orthognality condition" ("Assumption OLS.1"), which is $$ E(x'u)=0. $$ The linear model here is $y...

1 hour later…
Q: Is there a reason why people use \begin and \end with tikz, when you can load it with way fewer letters with \tikz{}?

JasperI want to make an inquiry into why people commonly use \begin{tikzpicture} and \end{tikzpicture}, instead of just \tikz{}. The reason for me asking is that I would prefer when making an MWE to use the smaller syntax, as it is less cumbersome to type. Most posts declare the environment using the \...

Q: `PaddedForm[]` and related functions produce incorrect number of digits

Felix KaszaI would like to display the integer 321 as 00321. Fortunately, someone already thought of that: PaddedForm[expr,n] prints with all numbers in expr padded to leave room for a total of n digits. Here we go: (* NumberPadding has no effect on the result except *) (* for making character positions v...

1 hour later…
Q: Would a lack of metallic ore prevent technological development?

Mr. ZI'll get straight to the point: On one planet of this vast universe, there is a sapient species who, despite being around for even longer than humans have, has not had any technological development besides basic wooden tools, like native Americans used. My explanation for this is that their plane...

Q: Find side length of a right triangle with a square sitting inside.

Antony Theo.Problem statement: Let $\triangle ABC$ be a right triangle with $B=\frac{\pi}{2}$ and a unit square sitting inside the triangle as shown in the image below. Find the length of the side $AB$ The only solution I could think of was: By the Pythagorean theorem $$AB^2=AC^2-BC^2\iff(y+1)^2+(x+1)^2=4...

1 hour later…
Q: What is left behind when a Type 1A supernova occurs?

CPlusWhen low or intermediate mass stars die, they collapse into white dwarves. When high mass stars die, they go supernova and their cores collapse into neutron stars or black holes. However, if a white dwarf accrues enough mass by pulling mass off of another star beyond a critical mass, a runaway th...

Q: Getting information about a RAR file's content

viuserThe first lines of the rarpath module (see here for context, the rest is not used here): import enum import re import typing from pathlib import Path class RarVersion(enum.IntEnum): AMBIGUOUS = 0 V3 = 3 V5 = 5 And shared module: import pathlib SEVENZIP = pathlib.Path("C:\Program ...

Q: QGIS labeling interval contour lines only

bigdog61I created contour lines in QGIS with a 50m spacing and also styled the interval lines (every 250m) using this expression: if("ELEV" % 250 = 0, 0.5, 0.1) This works fine, but when I add labels they don't appear for the interval lines, only regular (in-between) contours. I only want labels for the ...

Q: Linearity of expectations: the number of HHH in a sequence

user1325970Question (Book: Problems and Smapshots from the World of Probability): A fair coin is tossed twelve times. Denoting heads by H and tails by T, the result can be written as a sequence of twelve H's and T's. Let X be the number of H H H that can be read in this sequence. (Example: When the sequence...

Q: Why is the theta term in the classical Yang Mills a total derivative?

StackUserI am currently reading and studying Yang-Mills theory from David Tong's lecture notes. The convection he uses for the curvature is the following, as seen in equation (2.4) in his notes: $F_{\mu \nu} = \partial_\mu A_\nu - \partial_\nu A_\mu - i[A_\mu, A_\nu]$ In equation (2.22), David Tong intr...

Q: Book or movie where AI/computer takes over then forces the last living humans to live out with them and he makes them into a blob and just tortures

Victor VazquezI remember I heard this as one of the top five AI scary movie/books but I just forgot the name of the book or movie. If y'all can please help me out I would really really appreciate it.

Q: Does the 10' speed penalty from the Slasher feat's Hamstring feature stack with the Weapon Mastery Slow?

K.L.R.Slasher feats says: Hamstring. Once per turn when you hit a creature with an attack that deals Slashing damage, you can reduce the Speed of that creature by 10 feet until the start of your next turn. Weapon Mastery Slow says: If you hit a creature with this weapon and deal damage to it, you can r...

Q: Subliminal influence to aid alien invasion

AndrewI read this in Asimov's in the early 80s. A movie projectionist realizes that the films he's showing have strange subliminal images (alien faces - football-shaped and words). He reports this to his boss and is fired (the boss has already succumbed, I think). He ends up fleeing and hoping to resis...

Q: How often do authors rewrite chapters?

stories of the world How often do you rewrite or significantly alter chapters of a work, completely changing the narrative or perspective of the story? For example, creating a completely different chapter if something isn’t working as planned. One example of this is J.K. Rowling, who made several changes to the first...

Q: Can you soften hard avocados by freezing them, and then de-frosting them?

Samuel MuldoonSuppose that you have some avocados, and that the avocados are under-ripe and hard. Suppose that we leave the peel on, so that the green flesh of the avocado does not oxidize and turn brown. Can you soften hard avocados by freezing them, and then de-frosting them afterwards? Most vegetables turn ...

Q: Is there a working text-only addon for Firefox?

Ne MoFirefox reader view is good, but it doesn't remove all of the images and so on, which can be a distraction reading and are a problem over unreliable connections. Until today, I was using Textise this, but the textise website seems to be down. Is there another extension I can use? I tried nur tex...

Q: How much time does a spacecraft at perigee take to reach the apogee of GTO?

AshvinWhen a launch vehicle launches a satellite to a standard Geostationary transfer orbit (GTO) at 200 km x 35786 km, how much time does the satellite needs to coast to reach its apogee from perigee?

Q: Is hyper-volume of black hole region of 4d spacetime finite? Is there a formula?

Martian2020In Four-dimensional_space: The hyper-volume of the enclosed space is: $$ \mathbf {V}=\frac 1 2 \pi^2 R^4$$ So analog of volume in 3D is hyper-volume in 4D. However web search for title of the question finds numerous links but pertaining to 3d space volumes, not hyper-volumes. Spacetime is 4D, I...

Q: Can I withdraw from a 403b without having a hardship?

Alex ReynoldsI would like to ask if it is possible to withdraw from a 403b without having a qualifying hardship. I understand that there is a 10% penalty on top of added income taxes. I understand that it is best to leave 401k and 403b accounts untouched until retirement. My question is solely and specificall...

Q: zsh: History is skipping commands and integers+, how to correct this?

atodDoes anyone know what's occurring with zsh below and how to get the same behavior I show with ksh and bash? I'm noticing zsh on MacOS v13.7 is skipping even commands numbers in its history output, while ksh and bash behave as expected. zsh history count is also wrong, it is 6 vs 7 commands. zsh ...

1 hour later…
Q: Chemical and elemental compositions of Neptune and Uranus

blademan9999Does anyone know what the chemical and elemental compositions of Neptune and Uranus are? I've done some googling myself, but can only find results for their "atmospheres."

Q: Mini-series, space cadets defending planet with mechanoids

KeinoLooking for a series/mini-series. I think I last saw on Disney in late 90s. The first episode was about 3 maybe 4 space cadets (different factions, different color accented uniforms) that were punished and made to retrieve some sort of satellite in earth orbit near their space station. Something ...

Q: Looping over file to \draw circles from each line

JohnI want to loop over a file and draw a circle for each line in the file. The file has column x-coordinate, y-coordinate, radius like this: sources.dat 4,8,2 5,0,3 2,6,4 and I am trying to use the following script to do it: \documentclass[tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{pgfplots} \begin{document} \...

Q: How to use \pgfmathdeclarefunction in beamer?

flawrI like using pgfmathdeclarefunction for writing functions that I reuse multiple times in the same tikzpicture. But now I realized that it does not seem to work well with \documentclass{beamer}, as soon as I put this tikz-plot in a \begin{frame} it complains. Without it there is no error. I would ...

Q: Showing an audio waveform from sample audio data with user interaction for zoom in/out

Ahsan Habib Swassow I want to show an interactive audio waveform like this. I've extracted the sample data using AVAssetReader. Using this data, I'm drawing a UIBezierPath in a Scrollview's contentView. Currently, when I pinch zoom-in or zoom-out the scrollView, I'm downsampling the sample data to determine how man...

Q: Why must the values of the parameters in a linear regression model be estimated?

BeginnerCode776I don't understand why one cannot find the true values of the parameters α and β in the linear regression model. Why must they always be estimated? I read it has something to do with the error term containing other variables ($x_2,x_3 ...$), but I don't fully understand it.

Q: How to produce proof of doing a reading project?

BoayI am a Physics undergrad who wants to be a mathematician. I am thinking of doing a Reading project in a pure math topic under a prof, for the sake of knowledge itself and also to build my profile. But how do I produce proof of doing this project? This is not a part of an official program. I was h...

Q: Why was Orlando exiled in the novel by Virginia Woolf?

Robert Mark BramAt the start of chapter 2 of Orlando by Virginia Woolf, Orlando is exiled. In the summer of that disastrous winter which saw the frost, the flood, the deaths of many thousands, and the complete downfall of Orlando's hopes—for he was exiled from Court; in deep disgrace with the most powerful nobl...

Q: How to allow find but forbid find -exec in sudoers

SebMaI'm trying to allow the find command in sudoers but forbid find ... -exec rm or find ... -delete. Here is what I have done : $ sudo grep find /etc/sudoers.d/myUser myUser ALL=!/usr/bin/find * -exec * myUser ALL=!/usr/bin/find * -delete * myUser ALL=/usr/bin/find * $ But when I try a find * -exec...

Q: How do I avoid making female coworkers uncomfortable?

Charles DavidsonI am 47 and recently, I was reported by a 19 yr old female coworker because she stated I made her uncomfortable. The problem is HR was not specific about what I did exactly and I had to interact with the woman sometimes because she scheduled client's appointments. I congratulated her when she got...

Q: Should we mention chapter/section of a book we are citing?

J...SWhen citing a book, espcially a large one, is it better to also mention the chapter of the book so that it is easier to find? How is it usually done? My field is computer science if that matters. Papers that I have seen generally doesn't mention chapter name/number when citing books. They just se...

Q: Geometry nodes - Texel Density

BicukowHow to find Texel Density Value in Geometry nodes. Since there no UV Area Node it seems impossible.

Q: QGIS modeler - merge optional vector layers

ErikWithin the modeler I want to merge vector layers after processing them (similar to this question), but the layers are optional. At least one is handed to the model (otherwise it wouldn't be run), but there may be up to four layers in any combination. Any processing of the optional layers is depen...

Q: Was Legendre not happy to see his terminology getting replaced?

Tay ChoiIn Some Milestones of Lemniscatomy, Norbert Schappacher says Abel calls the functions $\varphi$ elliptic functions—much to Legendre’s chagrin, who used this name for the corresponding integrals, and did not like to see his terminology chucked. Can anyone help me find the original source where ...

Q: How to draw the base (geometrical face) of a cone surface by asymptote

rockyI'd like to draw a cone surface including it's base (geometrical face). The code I have right now is: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{asymptote} \begin{document} \begin{asy} import solids; draw(surface(cone((0, 0, 0), 50, 100, (-1, -1, 1))), rgb(1,1,1)+opacity(1))...

Q: Unknown RJ45 connector on network card

wojtiqsPlease help me identify the RJ45 connector of the network card. There is a manufacturer's logo on the housing that I don't recognize. Who is this manufacturer? The designation is MJFR0845, I can't find anything. The connector has many coils embedded inside it with an unknown configuration. I sold...

Q: Sometimes bones movement(G) gets blocked after parenting them to another bone and sometimes move freely

island7blueits my first rigging. sometimes when I parent a bone to another I can move(G) the child freely but some times parent blocks it and I can only move it through parent, I don't know what I'm ignoring, any ideas ? I already tested the Connected and Disconnect option and its disconnected. project fil...

Q: Advised fingerprint length to give recipient with PGP-RSA signed message?

tellWhat is the advised length of fingerprint, in hex characters, to give the recipient of a PGP-RSA-signed message, so that they can be sure your public key is genuine? Or to ask the same question differently: given a public key, what length of fingerprint is sufficient for checking purposes such th...

Q: Solder mask bridge

Eyal78From what I understand, PCB manufacturing has a limitation on the minimum width of the solder resist—it cannot be too thin, typically not less than 5 mil. In many components, including those with a 0.65 mm pitch, the spacing between pads can become smaller than 5 mil. This reduction in spacing is...

Q: Why joint inconsistency is considered rationally tolerable?

spacemonkeyCan somebody help me parse the following paragraph on SEP in the article on Epistemic Paradoxes: Formulating a paradox as a set of individually plausible but jointly inconsistent beliefs is a feat of data compression. But if joint inconsistency is rationally tolerable, why do these philosophers ...

Q: How does Paul differentiate the mind from the flesh?

Jason_Romans 7:24-25 - New King James Version 24O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? 25I thank God — through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin. Paul here seems to distinguish the mind from ...

Q: Are alkali oxides soluble in water?

BeginnerAll alkali oxides react with water to form strong alkaline solutions of their hydroxides. Does the fact that they react with water in itself say that they are soluble in water? I understand that solubility and reaction are two different things. So, is it possible to know whether they are soluble ...

Q: What are the most significant differences and similarities in their policies of German CDU/CSU and AFD parties?

NoDataDumpNoContributionGermany is currently in the last weeks of a short, intense election campaign for a new parliament (Bundestag) after a failed vote of confidence in the parliament last December. According to polls, the center-right party CDU/CSU is predicted to get most votes, followed by the far or further-right ...

Q: is it possible to break a module into several sections

feynmanThere are certain reasons to write certain variables and expressions in different adjacent sections or subsections. Is it possible to span a module over sections or subsections like this to separate different things in different sections (also for cosmetics): mymodule:=module[{}, (*section 1*) f=...

Q: 8 coins show heads, the other 8 show tails. Flip coins to make them all tails in less than 8 moves

Hemant Agarwal Sixteen coins are laid in a row.The first coin shows heads, the second coin shows tails, the third coin shows heads, the fourth coin shows tails and so on. On each move, you are allowed to select as many adjacent coins that you want and flip all of them. Can you obtain a row of sixteen tails in ...

Q: Pull-up and pull-down resistances technology in microcontrollers

marco73itI am making measurements for the characterization of pull-up and pull-down resistances in microcontrollers GPIO interface. I am currently working on a STM32 microcontroller, and in particular the STM32F103C8T6. A ST Microelectronics employee on the ST Microelectronics forum told me that pull-up a...

Q: Why is "Expensive doesn't mean better" workable and acceptable?

user421993Expensive doesn't mean better. I saw this sentence as a title on CNN two days ago. It looks interesting and unusual because the word “expensive” as the subject in here is commonly used as an adjective rather than a noun (confirmed by double check in Oxford English Dictionary) I am curious about h...

Q: Can "ugly" or "unattractive" be a protected class?

chausiesIf women are systematically underpaid at a company, that's strong grounds for a lawsuit. Same for Blacks, or gays, or older people, etc.. But what about ugly people? If a company systematically discriminates against ugly people (either through not employing them or paying them less), is that grou...

Q: Proving that the convolution of nonzero compactly supported measures is again nonzero

Bruno BThis is a self-answering question, as allowed by MSE's policies. This is mostly due to me figuring it out while writing the question, so I might as well "share with the class", I thought. The measures considered here are complex measures, I apologize for forgetting to specify that in the previous...

Q: Services started in user slice, "systemd --user" and "(sd-pam)" remain running

RichlvObserved some systemd related processes never stopping. Investigating, they are connected to Java-based services, potentially caused by those being started up manually via su. $ sudo loginctl user-status username username (1014) Since: Tue 2025-01-28 04:03:56 CST; 2 days ago ...

Q: Story about time traveller who's come back to keep Marilyn Monroe from killing JFK?

Jeff DegeI'm trying to remember title and author of an SF short. A man is being interviewed by police about an assassination. His story is that he'd come back in time in order to prevent the assassination of JFK. As his story unfolds, it turns out that his method of doing so was to poison Marilyn Monroe, ...

Q: C99: Is an inlined function still a sequence point?

Sonic78Adding inline to a function suggests the compiler that calls to the function be as fast as possible. (ISO/IEC 9899:1999 § Dependent on the optimization level, a compiler might also decide to "inline" a function (substitute the call with its instructions). ISO/IEC 9899:1999 defines in Anne...

Q: How to fill a gap with faces between ceiling and floor

ma1169I'm trying to modify a model a little. I want to extend the geometry to fill this empty area As you can see these faces are flat faces(it's just an edge) How can I extrude these edges and merge the new faces with the ceiling and floor like this(I want it to merge with the floor and ceiling) wh...

Q: Explanation of Article I, Section 2, Paragraph 1 of the US Constitution

SamThe paragraph reads as follows (bold added by me): The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State ...

Q: Is "all creation" ever spoken of as having been literally born?

Mike Borden He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation: - Colossians 1:15 NASB This seems to introduce a category mistake if "firstborn" literally means "first in time or succession to be born" because it would necessitate all creation to have been "born" later. Does this ever occ...

Q: How to train a model to estimate the coefficients of a coupled ODE?

MuhammedYunusConsider the coupled ODE system below (Lotka-Volterra equations): $$ \frac{dx}{dt} = \alpha x - \beta x y, \\ \frac{dy}{dt} = - \gamma y + \delta x y , $$ How can I train a model to estimate the positive parameters $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\delta$, $\gamma$, given trajectories $x(t)$ and $y(t)$?

Q: Is the SRP of SOLID (or any) principle relevant to the grouping of packages?

armoured-mooseSpecific example question: I am writing multiple different software packages, in different repos, that each do different things. Many of these packages produce something that we want to visualise/plot. Do I bundle plot functionality in each package or do I write a separate package to do the plott...

Q: What is the crest on this 'book' cover?

MousentrudeI would like to know what the crest is on the front this 'book'. I say 'book' because after the first few pages it has a hidden compartment. I've tried google-lensing it and chatting to AI, but nothing's coming up (my google-fu isn't great though) and I don't know what else to try. It was found a...

Q: Comprehension Bias?

Trent GarciaI'm new when it comes to researching philosophy, so I don't have any books, I haven't gone to any lectures, etc. However this thought has been brewing in my mind the last couple of days, and maybe some great philosophers call it something more catchy. Here's how it goes, I was thinking about how ...

Q: Nesting commands with only one optional argument

the_gurujiConsider the two following ways to define commands \Foo and \Bar \newcommand{\Foo}[1][Foo]{\textbf{#1}} \newcommand{\Bar}[1][Bar]{\textit{#1}} \NewDocumentCommand{\Foo}{O{Foo}}{\textbf{#1}} \NewDocumentCommand{\Bar}{O{Bar}}{\textit{#1}} The first way raises an error when evaluating \Foo[\Bar[Ba...

Q: Creating Intransitive Graphics

towergloveConsider the following code and resulting image: Graphics[{Red, Disk[{0.9, 0}], Blue, Disk[{-0.9, 0}], Purple, Disk[{0, 1.5}]}] At the moment, the blue disk is on top of the red disk and the purple disk is on top of both the red and blue ones. Is there a way to plot these disks such that the bl...

Q: How to find radius of a circle enclosing exactly 2025 unit squares?

bajun65537At one of my recent job interviews I was asked to determine the integer radius of a circle that completely encloses exactly 2025 unit squares - with its center located at the center of a square. Sort of a brain teaser to break the ice. I was not asked to present any formal proof, just to explain ...

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