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Q: How to check the Automatically Pack Resources toggle value?

QwertymamaI want to be able to determine the value of the "automatically pack resources" option in blender through script. Right now the only thing I can do (to my knowledge) is bpy.ops.file.autopack_toggle() to toggle the auto pack resources option but I want to check if its on or off. How would I check t...

Q: How make leftbar like this?

Yi WangI want to add a leftbar with my environments, but I can only get a single vertline, so i want to konw how to make leftbar like hatcher's Algebraic Topology pdf.

Q: Pseudolikelihood compared to likelihood

SinaLets assume we have a discrete multivariate probability distribution with density $f_{\theta}(X=(x_1,\ldots,x_n))=\frac{g_{\theta}(X=(x_1,\ldots,x_n))}{Z}$ depending on some parameter $\theta$. I have specifically written it in this form to denote Z as the difficult to compute normalization const...

Q: Is it valid to apply equivalent infinitesimal substitutions to evaluate a limit if the resulting limit does not exist?

ten_to_tenthFor example, to show that $\lim\limits_{x\to0}(x^2+1)\sin{\left(\dfrac1x\right)}$ doesn't exist, I'd argue that $(x^2+1) \sim 1$ as $x\to0$. Thus $$\lim\limits_{x\to0}(x^2+1)\sin{\left(\dfrac1x\right)}=\lim\limits_{x\to0}\sin{\left(\dfrac1x\right)}.$$ As $x\to0$, $\dfrac1x$ becomes arbitrarily la...

Q: Use of "Her" in general cases - purely stylistic?

NomadI am currently reading "Zhuangzi: The Complete Writings, translated and with introduction and notes by Brook Ziporyn" and in the Notes On Translation section, and throughout his other direct contributions, Ziporyn uses "her" and "she" for general cases, whether it be for the generalised reader, t...

Q: nicematrix package: valid pdf output but invalid dvi (or xdv) output

Stephane CI am trying to build dvi images from latex files using the nicematrix package. The pdf output of pdflatex is fine. But the dvi output of latex is messed up. My symplified input tex file is, say, table.tex, and looks like this: \documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{article} \usepackage{nicematrix} \begin{d...

Q: What does the DFT amplitude response function mean?

MartelIn the context of DFT, the following function can be used to estimate the contribution of each DFT bin to the near by ones, right? $$ |X(m)| = \left|A_0\frac{N}{2}\frac{\sin(\pi(k-m))}{\pi(k-m)}\right| $$ With $A_0$ peak amplitude, $k$ number of cycles over the sampling time, $N$ number of sample...

Q: Is that possible to use the <label> option with \AddToHookNext command?

ExplorerAs this link's solution with how to fix the small bug with XeLaTeX of the first page's opacity expired in TikZ, it worked with the HookRule declared. However, I confrant with the situation that I want to change the First Three pages' background to be three differernt pictures. With PDFLaTeX, it w...

Q: Why does negative transitivity, but not transitivity, of strict preference implies that indifference is transitive?

Kai LeDefinitions: Let B be a finite set. Transitivity of Strict Preference: For all $x, y, z \in B $, if $x \succ y $ and $y \succ z $, then $x \succ z $. Negative Transitivity (NT) of Strict Preference: For all $x, y, z \in B $, if $x \nsucc y $ and $y \nsucc z $, then $x \nsucc z $. Transitivity of...

Q: Why is #states not working with 'item' type?

gbmapoI have a form in which one of three HTML formatted texts is to be displayed depending on the selection of one radio button among three. In a previous version of Drupal (I am now on Drupal 10.3.10), it worked and now it doesn't work any more: the three texts are displayed as soon as the form shows...

Q: Conversion of yearly values of 3M Tbills to daily rates

Md AgI am trying to convert a time series of yearly values of 3M treasury bills into daily returns (yields) since I want to simulate a portfolio based on them. The data is downloaded from this link: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/RIFSGFSM03NA and it has a description : "3-Month Treasury Bill Secon...

Q: How to teach Shapes?

Ashish ShuklaGoodmorning Teachers!!!!!! A HUGE HUG TO YOU ALL OUT THERE. Ok so question is, I am planning to teach kids and do it properly so was going through Chapter 2 of 1st Grade Maths Text Book from NCERT India (here) so this is about shapes and before I REALLY Read it, I started thinking, the knowledge ...

Q: Is there a Frobenius endomorphism for matrices?

AaronGiven $A\in \operatorname{Mat}_{n\times n}(\mathbb F_p)$, is there a nice formula for $A^p$ somewhat generalizing the Frobenius endomorphism for the underlying finite fields? My thinking is that if $A$ has eigenvalues $\lambda_1, \ldots, \lambda_n$, then the coefficients of the characteristic pol...

Q: 酿: another meaning stuffed in?

Stumpy Joe PeteThe primary and original meaning of 酿 is "to brew" or "to ferment". There are a few other meanings that Wiktionary lists, but most of them are obviously related to the primary meaning. However, it's also used in 客家酿豆腐 (Hakka Stuffed Tofu), where the 酿 means "to stuff (meat into something)". Where...

Q: Why don't sound waves violate the principle of relativity?

AryaanThe principle of relativity is that all inertial frames are equivalent. That is, there is no experiment that can be done to distinguish two inertial frames. This is because Newton's laws seem to hold true in all inertial frames. However, consider the following: say a man is in a car with velocity...

Q: How should I clean old windows?

MatthewI have a window which faces a busy street and it hasn't been cleaned in years. So it has layers of hard water, tarry road grime, dirt etc. When I clean it using typical glass cleaners it still has a rough feeling and a slight haze. I know it isn't pitted or damaged because if I go at it a few tim...

Q: translating exhibenda est

Christina EastwoodThe words exhibenda est occur in Pliny's Letter XIX from book 5: cui tanto maior humanitas exhibenda est. I'm very rusty and I'm struggling with this verb. Is it passive, subjunctive, gerund?

Q: In what state does a laser engraver remove metal from a surface?

user6061When using a laser engraver, the material being engraved is physically being removed after being energized by the focused laser spot. Is this due to the material melting, then boiling or is it sublimating directly or something else? When I asked an engraving sales engineer directly, he said "You ...

Q: Check if a label has been previously defined

MaestroGlanzThere's a very similar question here: How to test if a label exists. But the solution doesn't really work. \documentclass[a5paper]{article} \usepackage{etoolbox} \begin{document} \ifcsundef{r@erstes}{ undef before }{ def before } \section{This is a another section} \label{erstes} \ifcsundef{r...

Q: Can two morphisms with distinct codomains be equal? Can two empty functions be unequal?

Paul FabelSuppose $A$ and $B$ are unequal sets, and the set $E$ is empty. Suppose $f:E \rightarrow A$, and $g:E \rightarrow B$ are (the unique) functions. Must $f \neq g$? This is essentially the same question Are all empty maps the same?. Rebooting since such a fundamental question should have a clear ans...

Q: How can I calculate the break even point for Chromatic Orb versus Fireball?

PyrotechnicalMy sorcerer just hit 5th level, so he needs to consider whether he's going to take Fireball, however, he really likes his Chromatic Orb and branding is important. So I started thinking about if there might be a point when Chromatic Orb could realistically deal more damage than Fireball. The Chrom...

Q: How much does the airline make in a really cheap ticket?

SAS2PythonI recently bought a ticket from Vancouver BC to LAX on a low-cost carrier. Here is the price breakdown I found in the ticket: Description Amount Taxes Total YVR Airport Improvement Fee $25.00 $1.25 $26.25 ATB - Promo Fare - Transborder $2.99 $0.15 $3.14 Handling...

Q: How to Ensure a Query Runs in Parallel in PostgreSQL?

Purushottam NawaleI have a PostgreSQL 16 database setup with the following configuration: -- DB Version: 16 -- OS Type: linux -- DB Type: oltp -- Total Memory (RAM): 64 GB -- CPUs num: 32 -- Connections num: 200 -- Data Storage: ssd show effective_cache_size; --48 GB show effective_io_concurrency; --200 show huge...

Q: Can a weak foundation in a fourth year PhD student be fixed?

MathematicsTLDR: I am a fourth year PhD student in theoretical physics. My undergraduate learning was shallow and I feel that I have only a shallow understanding of the mathematics used in my field. I worked as a grader for undergraduate maths courses and found it difficult to follow student proofs. Is i...

Q: How many subgraphs of this variety of complete graphs have no intersections?

Nico ZaczkowskiConstruct a circle and place nodes on the circle equally spaced apart. Connect every node to every other node with a straight line/edge. Choose $2$ of the points maximal distance apart from each other, and consider every path to get from $1$ of your selected nodes to the other. Here are the $2$ c...

Q: Test for multiple font conditions

deddedI want to extend the solution of this to also test for weight and shape. (This is to adapt a solution for this problem with Cambria.) But I don't know how to combine multiple equivalence tests in an expression (need to "and") I've also found that \updefault returns "up", not "n" which is returned...

1 hour later…
Q: Who is Paquin and the green casque in Ezra Pound – Canto LXXXI?

wavIn Canto LXXXI by Ezra Pound, who is Paquin and what is meant by the green casque? Pull down thy vanity,                                     Paquin pull down! The green casque has outdone your elegance. I just found that Anna Paquin was a fashion designer, is she related to this poem?

Q: Help Identify What This Balun Is Please?

user33316I am trying to identify this balun, could someone please help because I have no idea - See picture below. Is from a triple dipole wire antenna with a resistor pack - See link to more pictures. Antenna is around 23+ years old and I would like to replace/update. All pictures are here: https://imgur...

Q: What is the etymology of "call number," as in a library book?

QuuxplusoneOver on the Software Engineering SE, folks are wondering about the etymology of "call" as in "call a function, call a subroutine." I believe we've incontrovertibly traced it back to the notion of a "library" of subroutines that can be called up at will by giving their "call number," just like boo...

Q: Mix and match multitool?

SimonHI'm trying to find a multitool to keep in the pocket of my son's wheelchair, but can't seem to find anything that has all the right wrenches to fit the various different bolts on the chair. The main sticking point seems to be the prevalence of T30 bolts everywhere. Most bike-centric multitools wi...

Q: Megahertz oscillation in BJT differential amplifier

try_exceptI'm trying to learn about low noise audio amplifiers for a personal project and I'm reading The Art of Electronics for the "low noise" part. In section 8.5, the authors present a "better design for the Naim Preamp" which seemed interesting so I tried to replicate it on LTSpice. The circuit works ...

Q: Cannot read from floppy to a specific memory address using BIOS CHS

ptsIn my boot sector code, I'm using the following code to read a sector from disk (floppy if DL == 0, HDD if DL == 0x80): mov ax, 0xfe1 ; Read destination segment. mov es, ax mov ax, 0x201 ; Read 1 sector. mov bx, 0 ; Read destination offset. mov cx, 1 ; Cylinder 0, sector 1. mov dh, 0 ; Head ...

Q: Find the largest n such that 2013 can be written as the sum of squares of n different positive integers

John O'neilThis question was found in a past olympiad test. My initial thoughts would be to express these squares as different variables $a_i$, but I cannot find any optimal way to somehow factorise these. Even if I did, I have no way of trying to find the maximum. I did try to use Lagrange's four square th...

Q: Is Goodstein's theorem provable in ZFC-Replacement?

Carla_This answer says the (i'm assuming usual) proof of Goodstein's theorem doesn't work in ZFC-Replacement. Is Goodstein's theorem provable in ZFC-Replacement? I was going to ask whether ZFC is conservative for arithmetic sentences over ZFC-Replacement. But then i realized it's not (assuming consiste...

Q: Scroll by one line in LibreOffice Calc

lonixIn various programs, it's possible to scroll the document up/down by one line. For example, in IDEs, that's typically done using Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down. I'm referring to scrolling the entire document up or down by one row (similar to how the mouse scrolls the entire document up/down by a few rows)...

Q: How to solve middle circle area, in simplest radical form

ShadowKnight700 In this problem, I need to know how to solve the area of circle $O$. I first made variables, $x$=radius of circles $P, Q, R, S$ and $y$=radius of circle $O$ Then, I created an expression called $2x+y=4$, with the variables in mind. The problem is that I do not know how to proceed, and any help w...

Q: Is an idempotent ideal a direct summand in a finite-dimensional algebra?

semisimpletonLet $R$ be a finite-dimensional $F$-algebra, and let $I\subseteq R$ be a two-sided ideal. Suppose $I^2=I$. Is it then true that $I=eR$ for some idempotent $e\in R$? Equivalently, must $I$ be a direct summand of $R$? The answer is yes, if $I=xR$ for some $x\in R$, or if $R$ is commutative. There i...

1 hour later…
Q: Animated show featuring a team of three teens who gain powers

HawksThere's a 2d animated show I remember watching as a kid. The main characters are a team of three teens, two guys and one girl, with the leader being a black character. I think how they got their powers was going into an abandoned factory. Later in the show one of the guys gets turned into an ali...

1 hour later…
Q: In The Three Body Problem, Trisolaris requires two transmissions from Earth to determine its position. Is this an IRL thing?

MonkeyIdiotWhen Ye Wenjie received a broadcast from the pacifist on Trisolaris, it told her that if Ye Wenjie didn’t transmit back, Trisolaris would be incapable of finding and invading Earth. However, it also claimed that a second transmission would be sufficient for Trisolaris to find Earth. As I recall, ...

Q: My Image-as-Plane is not very accurate

Olaoluwa Obiwumi I imported an image file as a plane in blender but the colors appear less saturated than the actual image. How do I change it to be more accurate?

Q: Changing chapter header style

Lao-tzuI'm typing an amsbook file. However, the current chapter header of each chapter looks like which I don't like. I want it to be like **Chapter 1. Vector Spaces** (boldface, centering and no breaking of lines) How can I achieve this in amsbook document class in a systemic way? T...

Q: Counting Rota-Baxter words

Wheat WizardA Rota-Baxter word, \$w\$, is a string made of the symbols a, (, and ) such that the following are satisfied: The (s and )s are balanced. aa, )( and () do not occur as contiguous substrings. \$w\$ does not begin with a ( and end with a ). That is it either begins with a or ends with a. If ((\$v\...

Q: "Angst vor etwas haben" What does it mean exactly?

desmoI've always taken Angst vor etw/jdm haben to mean "to be scared/afraid of something/someone". But I am not sure what to make of a Duolingo listening exercise I just did. Part of the listening material goes Hallo ich habe Angst, mich als Pirat zu verkleiden für den Karneval. Was mache ich, wenn al...

Q: Why did the US Congress ban TikTok and not the other Chinese social network apps?

Franck DernoncourtFrom my limited understanding, the reason given by the US Congress to ban TikTok is because the Chinese government could allegedly use it to spy on US citizens. Why didn't they ban the other Chinese social network apps then?

Q: Why do water and ice and have the same vapor pressure at 0 °C?

unstableI've seen that at the melting point of water, 0 °C at 1 atm, water and ice have the same vapor pressure. But I can't figure out, intuitively, why this is the case. The enthalpy of sublimation of ice at 0 °C is greater than the enthalpy of vaporization of water, so it seems like it would be "easier"...

Q: Can towing my kids bike backwards damage the rear hub

KiwijunglistI want to tow my kids bike upside down because it is much easier to mount to the back of my cargo bike. Kids bike is woom2/3 with freewheel hub (i.e., no coaster brake). I wasn't sure if towing the bike for several km with the rear wheel rotating in a backwards direction would cause damage to the...

Q: Understanding the subscriptShiftDown and subscriptShiftUp OpenType Math parameters

Apoorv PotnisAs per Microsoft's Typography documentation, the subscriptShiftDown parameter has the description The standard shift down applied to subscript elements. Positive for moving in the downward direction. Suggested: os2.ySubscriptYOffset. and the superscriptShiftUp parameter has the description Sta...

1 hour later…
Q: How does Windows 98 decide about CHS or LBA access?

ptsHow exactly does Windows 98 decide about CHS or LBA access of a specific HDD device or a partition within it? Let's suppose that the BIOS has reported that it supports LBA access for the HDD device. I can think of looking at the partition type byte or looking at byte 2 of the boot sector. msload ...

Q: How was the tropical year determined for the Gregorian calendar?

lee pappasThe 1582 Inter Gravissimas Papal Bull of Pope Gregory XIII used Italian chronographer Aloysius Lilius' determination of the tropical year, to go from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian. So how did Lilius' determine 1 tropical year is about 365.2425 days? That's my question.

Q: A strange symbol like `¿` of \meaning with pdflatex but normal in xelatex

ExplorerThe MWE is as below: \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \meaning\sin \end{document} With xelatex engine, it yield as normal: macro:->\protect \sin While with pdflatex engine, it result an strange symbol maybe the encoding problem... macro:-¿“protect “sin I maybe have read about that ...

Q: Missing citations in thesis

alcithoeI just handed in my senior thesis and because of a mix-up in deadlines, I had to rush it to be done quickly and ended up forgetting to credit a large portion of the proofs to where I got them from. I wrote that I closely followed the text in the introduction, but not explicitly that I also either...

Q: How to achieve a white background for e-commerce?

MikeI do watch photography and must take 100s of photos of different style/color watches. My goal is to create a more pure white background without having to do any post production. Any changes to my camera settings or lighting setup I could do to achieve this? See a few examples below. Camera: Nikon...

Q: Numerator and Denominator functions of a simple rational

KlangenIf you type this in Mathematica: x=3/9; Denominator[x] you get: 3 But obviously, the denominator is 9 I did not ask Mathematica explicitly to reduce x to the lowest common multiple. I checked the documentation of Numerator and Denominator, and there was no mention that these functions actually...

Q: Leetcode 93: Restore IP Addresses

CrSb0001(Source: Leetcode 93: Restore IP Addresses [Medium])(Topics: [String] [Backtracking]) The problem is as follows: Definition: A valid IP address is defined to consist of exactly four integers separated by dots. Each integer is inclusive between 0 and 255. For example, '' and '192.168.1....

Q: How long is copyright owned by a company?

benwiggyIf a company owns the copyright to a work (e.g. produced by employees as part of their job), how long does it last? I know that in the US, copyright is based on when the work was first published or created. However, I'm primarily thinking about UK/EU where copyright is normally defined as 70 year...

Q: Which regression model to use when response variable is 'day of the year'

el88I have a detection dataset with days of the year (i.e. 1 - 365) that a tagged animal was redetected (i.e. redetection_day) at the location where it had been released previously (i.e. release_location). There are multiple tagged animals from five different release locations and some animals were r...

Q: Question about semisimple modules

ProofSeekerProposition. Let $R$ be a ring, $m \in \mathbb{N}_{\ge 1}$ and $S_1, \ldots, S_m$ simple $R$-modules such that any two of them are not isomorphic. If for every $i$ we have that $M_i$ is a module which is a direct sum of simple modules isomorphic to $S_i$ and $M = M_1 \bigoplus \ldots \bigoplus M_...

Q: Anime clip. A noble purchases a fairy that he sees locked up in a tent

kelpI saw a clip of an anime (on Instagram or TikTok) but I can't find it. A man, possibly dressed as an aristocrat or noble or some warrior wearing white or blue was walking into what seemed like dimly-lit tent circus tent of some kind. Seeing the fairy (a pretty girl with long hair) locked up, he t...

Q: Hedging and (non-) martingality of American option

FridoThe American option remains a tricky thing to understand (at least for me), for I was reading this excellent question and corresponding answer by @Kevin. I'd like to understand the issue from a more practitioner oriented point of view, with as little maths as possible. Let's suppose then we know ...

Q: What is this round vent cover on our chimney?

Robert JosephDoes anyone know what this strange cover is, sticking out of the wall from the chimney? 100 year old house. What can we do with this? Want to remove it somehow, but not have toxic exhaust fumes fill the house!

Q: Piano technique: Emphasizing finger movement

HNHNDuring my lesson today my piano teacher told me something that gave me a pause and I want to get additional perspectives. While we were working on scales, she commented that I should emphasize my finger movements more (lifting individual fingers up and landing them on the keys), and that my hand ...

Q: How to redefine the default Computer-Modern-Math as operatorfont with unicode-math?

ExplorerI was using the \DeclareMathOperator* in amsmath to define some \mathop. The Following Example worked without ctex package. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \DeclareMathOperator*{\hugeX}{X} \DeclareMathOperator*{\hugepi}{\pi} \DeclareMathOperator*{\hugeLambda}{\Lambda} \begin{document...

Q: Phase shift of a phase shifter circuit from "The art of Electronics"

Velibor SimovicIn the book "The Art of Electronics" a phase shifter circuit is presented page 89: The phase shift of the output voltage is defined as 2·tan⁻¹(ωRC). When I calculate the phase I always get 1/(ωRC) under tan⁻¹. Is it possible that this is a mistake in the book?

Q: Has the standard model really accounted for all field interactions in the everyday regime (except gravity)?

Dave44Sean Carroll has stated that that all possible field interactions in the everyday regimen (except gravity) are accounted for in the Standard Model. But all the experiments we've done so far to test the Standard Model's accuracy have only ever involved colliding 2? 3? particles at a time. What if ...

Q: distro-info-data package outdated but some unattended upgrades are taking place

PhantomMenaceI am noticing the following entry in my /var/log/unattended-upgrades/unattended-upgrades.log WARNING Could not figure out development release: Distribution data outdated. Please check for an update for distro-info-data. See /usr/share/doc/distro-info-data/README.Debian for details However sporad...

Q: Puzzle: Defeating the copycat challenge

JoshuaQuestion inspired by this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou43LuIa_no Assuming your opponent has the black pieces and will copy your move whenever possible and will play ridiculously strong chess otherwise, find an opening pattern to get a significant opening advantage. (I have found a sol...

Q: 3D Capsule Color Turns White in Illustrator – How to Fix?

Towsif MustafaI'm working on a 3D capsule in Illustrator using the 3D and Materials effect. I started with a red color for my object (as seen on the right side of the screenshot), but after applying the 3D effect, the capsule turned white. Does anyone know how I can make the 3D effect keep the red color? Thank...

Q: Inequality between differential operators in a Riemannian manifold

leoI'm studying for a project the theorems of Lichnerowicz and Obata about the rigidity of metric tensor $g$ in a closed Riemannian manifold. I have a problem with the proof of Lichnerowicz theorem: $$\text{If a closed Riemannian manifold $(M,g)$ satisfies $Ric \geq (n-1)kg$ for some $k>0$,}$$ $$\te...

Q: Why does I Cor 11:26 omit the Resurrection of Jesus?

Kadalikatt Joseph SibichanWe read in John 6:53-56( KJV): Then Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For My flesh is f...

Q: "Da" vs "a" in a sentence

user20374I have the following sentence: "Ti dirò tutto quando verrò da te" which means "I will tell (to) you all once I will come to you" Question 1. As far as I know, "da" usually means "from", e.g., one has "Da me a te" rather than "Da me da te". Is there any rule of thumb as to when "da" can mean "to" ...

Q: Does paid parking in the UK also apply to motorbikes?

rveerdI am planning on visiting the UK by motorbike this spring. I will be visiting the Peak District and Snowdonia national parks. I understand that most parking in the parks and towns is paid parking. Does this also apply to motorbikes? If it depends on the location, how can you tell if you need to p...

Q: Use long-living certificates on iPhones

TomSI would like to use our company's iPhones in the office network. In order to reduce maintenance work, we use an internal PKI with a CA that issues long-living certificates (10 years or so). In order for the devices to trust those certificates, we install the CA's certificate on all our client dev...

Q: Why the compression and rarefactions regions are smaller in high frequency sound waves?

nani chan I saw this gif and I am confused about why the compressions and rarefactions are bigger in low frequency sound waves

Q: Why does lsof -F pc print file descriptors even when not specified?

Mohit KumarI'm using the lsof command to list processes using port 53 on macOS. I want to display only the process ID (p) and command name (c) fields, but the output also includes file descriptors (f), even though I only requested -F pc. Here is the command I'm running: sudo lsof -nP -i:53 -F pc +c0 Howeve...

Q: Does php5.6 php7.4 from ppa:ondrej/php have all and latest security patches

The nothingLike the title say: Does php5.6 php7.4 from ppa:ondrej/php have all and latest security patches ? I using Ubuntu 22

Q: What's the translation of pass down in French?

Franck DernoncourtI read on Google AI Overview (Search Labs): "Pass down" is a phrasal verb that means to give or teach something to someone who is younger, less important, or at a lower level. It's often used within a family. It's sometimes use a noun, e.g. "here's the passdown from [insert Boss name]". What's ...

Q: Injection of torsion points of elliptic curves

NickLet $ E: y^2 = x^3 - x $ be an elliptic curve over $\mathbb{Q}$. The numbers of points $ E(p) $ modulo $p$, for primes $p$ of good reduction, has a common factor of 4 arising from the injection of the torsion subgroup $ |E(\mathbb{Q})_{\text{tors}}| \hookrightarrow E(p) $. When $p \equiv 1 \mod...

Q: Zhuyin (注音) for characters with just initials

fluterLearning the Zhuyin(注音) system, I notice for those characters with only the initials(聲母), there are two different ways. First is initials only without finals, e.g. 資(ㄗ), second is for like 希(ㄒㄧ), it comes with final(ㄧ), is there any pattern and why this difference? I found they are the same way i...

Q: Arrow alignment problem in multiple reaction schemes

NicolasI am trying to show what would be obtained in 3 possible cases except that, with my code, I have an alignment problem that makes everything unsightly (in particular for the central arrow which would be judiciously better placed in front of the horizontal line). I think it is linked to the fact t...

Q: Enumitem package question text in new line, with no indentation in whole paragraph

miltosI have the following MWE. Please note that in question 2, where the text is more than one line, the lines after the first one have an indentation. How can I eliminate this and all lines of the paragraph would be like the first one? \documentclass{article} \usepackage{enumitem,ulem,lipsum} \makea...

Q: How can this set of fomulas be satisfiable?

LeeLet $S:=\{ R \}$ with unary R and let $\Phi:= \{ \exists xRx \} \bigcup \{ \neg Ry | \text{y is a variable} \}$ How can $\Phi$ be satisfiable? I suppose $\{ \neg Ry | \text{y is a variable} \}$ means the set $\{\neg Rv_0, \neg Rv_1, \neg Rv_2 ...\}$ which covers all the variables. If there's a ...

1 hour later…
Q: Older sci fi book/story with time tunnel and robot ants reanimating a skeletal corpse

JudyMy husband wants to track down a sci fi novel or story he read in the late 1970s or early 1980s. He remembers the initial situation: a time tunnel has one end in Greenwich Village in the early 1960s. A man rents a house with a shed on the property. Soon after moving in, he finds a string of an...

1 hour later…
Q: cardboard counter - what game?

user3692899Google image search kept coming up with dice (for the number side) and military patches (for the icon side). I found these in a plastic baggy in a collection of random gaming stuff, and it doesn't match anything I can remember. They do seem to ring a bell for me as being a complete set of 'comman...

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