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Q: How much influence do the below 3 SCOTUS precedents have for Trump voiding birthright citizenship?

AnthonyPresident Elect Trump has said he wanted to void birthright citizenship as a means to curb illegal immigration to the USA. The 14th amendment of the Constitution guarantees that "all people born in the US and subject to the jurisdiction thereof are citizens of the US and of their state of residence"

Q: How to report abuse of legal aid services?

wgwzOften legal aid services have a clear caveat requiring that you are eligible if your household under is under X% of the federal poverty level. X can be 125 to 200. If someone is abusing this by using legal aid services while being at a household income above these levels, where and how might one ...

Q: Why Webb telescopes' sunshields are too thin?

Amir reza RiahiThe Webb telescope has 5 layer of sunshields, the thickest of them have 0.05 millimeter thickness, and others are even thinner. I can not understand why it has to be extremely thin.

Q: How to apply for Turkey eVisa

localhostI am Pakistani passport holder with US valid visa, I have a transit in turkey for 22 hours. What options (cheapest) do I have for visa if I want to exit the airport for the time? And how do I apply for quickest visa?

Q: Debian doesn't recognise Desktop directory, and instead uses the entire home directory as the desktop

somebodywhodoesntknowmuchI was recently messing around with my Desktop directory, and I screwed it up rather badly. I had a backup, so I deleted the directory, and replaced it with the backup. Problem is, now Debian doesn't recognise this home directory as anything but a normal directory, and so it's confused, and now us...

Q: Is it ok to say "when Moshiach comes, we will find out who is right" to someone of a different religion?

Rabbi KaiiThe reason I ask is because it might come across as you are not sure about your Emunah, and it might be construed that you are saying their religion could be right. These might be problems. It might also be fine, especially in a proper context - fostering a goodwill conversation. As we know, it's...

1 hour later…
Q: Is there a connected graph whose spectrum consists of a single eigenvalue?

c.p.Suppose $G$ is a graph whose spectrum (i.e. that of its adjacency matrix $A_G$) consist of a single point $\mu$. Can $G$ be connected? Equivalently: If $P_G(\lambda)$ is the characteristic polynomial $\det (A_G-\lambda I_n), $ being $n$ the number of vertices, then $P_G(A_G)=X_G^n$ is zero by Ham...

Q: Calculus theorem

Jean-FrI was re-reading some old notes I took and I found this property written on it. However I don't manage to find this expression again on the internet, nor remember if it was true. May you help me find it if it is a valid expression? \begin{equation} G(t) = \int_{a(t)= 0}^{b(t)}g(t,\tau)d\tau ...

Q: How energy conservation works in conserved angular momentum scenerio?

HimalayanImagine a body with moment of inertia, $I$ and with angular velocity $\omega$. If no torque is applied, and moment of inertia is reduced to $I/2$, the angular velocity goes to $2\omega$. Thereby, angular momentum stays conserved. But it is evident that rotational kinetic energy is doubled. So...

Q: Corporate space exploration/espionage

Patrick DailyI read a novella, around 80-82, about a world run by corporations or possibly guilds, sending 3 separate ships to a world that may have been a Trojan point world. Each ship was very small, only one or maybe just a few highly trained operatives. They had specific weapons associated with each group...

Q: To prove that the roots of a quadratic equation aren't real using real number system.

CP of Physics Here is a question from Calculus by Tom M. Apostol. It goes as : Prove using real number axioms and theorems that there exist no real $x$ such that $x^2+2x+2=0$. Here, the real number axioms mainly refer to the order axioms and it's theorems . How I have tried: I like to go by taking each case ...

Q: Four fours, except with 1 1 2 2

vgdominionAs the title says, this is the Four Fours puzzle, except with the digits 1, 1, 2, 2. For those who aren't familiar, the goal is to make positive integers using at most two 1's, at most two 2's, and a predetermined set of operations. The following operations are allowed: +, -, *, /, parentheses t...

Q: pictures about a manwha with a blonde FML with knight armor

DKlaudiosaw those pictures on a video but couldnt find out where is from, idk if i image browsed in a wrong way but here it is

Q: What is type of probability is involved when mathematicians say, eg, "The Collatz conjecture is probably true"?

madfd adfdIn mathematics, probability means how likely a random event is to occur. But I've also heard mathematicians use this word in other cases too. Here are some examples to make you understand what I mean: For example, They say The Collatz conjecture is "probably" true. There is no random event happe...

Q: Sous vide pouches puffed up - Is this product contaminated?

GreybeardFor years now, I have cooked a beef joint Sous Vide for 18-24 hours at 133F (57C) with a final sear in the oven. The meat is not blanched or pre-seared prior to Sous Vide cooking, just seasoned with salt. The results have always been excellent. Upon removing from the Sous Vide bath, there is som...

Q: Which event ID is being returned when requesting LastBootTime?

ConanTheGerbilIf I use any of these powershell commands to return the LastBootUpTime... (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).LastBootUpTime or Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_operatingsystem | select csname, lastbootuptime or Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName myserver | Select-...

Q: Can the Turing barrier be behing the AI (neural) training wall and hence - there is no chance to break the AI wall?

TomRThere are serious hints that current deep learning approaches of LLM (or VLA - Visual-Language-Action models generally) may be hitting a wall https://www.pcgamer.com/software/ai/open-ai-co-founder-reckons-ai-training-has-hit-a-wall-forcing-ai-labs-to-train-their-models-smarter-not-just-bigger/ Th...

Q: Does Psalm 104:4 imply that HaShem created the angels on Day 2?

OneGodOneLordPsalms 104:4 He makes his angels spirits, his ministers a flame of fire. The context here appears to surround the Genesis creation narrative, and fits between the light of Day 1 and the appearing of dry land of Day 3. There angels are not mentioned anywhere in Genesis despite the fact that they...

Q: Hooking backspace character

StiglI have already found the proper hook for when the character is inserted(post-self-insert-hook), but how to hook when a character is deleted? Also, how to get the character that was deleted, I am trying to make a similiar extension to smartparens and I need if the first paren is deleted to also de...

Q: Does Acts 20:28 say that the church was purchased with the blood of God or the blood of the Lord?

OneGodOneLordActs 20:28 in most translations read, Keep watch over yourselves and the entire flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which He purchased with His own blood. However, variants in Greek actually render it "the church of the Lord", which would im...

Q: Double factorial power series closed form expression

Niels SlotboomI have the power series $$ \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{z^k}{k!!} $$ Now, the even terms can be summed into something like $e^{z^2/2}$, given that $(2k)!! = 2^k k!$. I am aware of the expression $$ (2k-1)!! = \frac{(2k)!}{2^k k!}, $$ but I can't quite figure out a closed form expression for the series...

Q: I fire a mortar vertically upwards, with rifling. When it falls which direction does it rotate?

Hugh PerkinsI fire a mortar vertically upwards, with rifling. When it falls which direction does it rotate? Let's ignore whether mortars can actually have rifling and assume it does. So, during the upward trajectory, if one looks vertically upwards, the shell is rotating clockwise. This is the same direction...

Q: Creative usage of поилка

TruubehüeterIf I used поилка in the context of a conversation about bars … would it be understood, that I am using this word to refer to a bar? Especially, would it be understood such, that I deem the so described bar as one that is shabby and serves low quality drinks? or would it just sound wrong/weird? ...

Q: What is the expect lower bound for the Goldbach's function?

Alma ArjunaThe plot below shows the number $g(n)$ of ways to write an even number $n$ as the sum of two primes (sequence A002375 in the OEIS), which is known as the Goldbach's Comet because of its relation to the Goldbach's Conjecture. The plot seems to suggest we can bound $g$ below by some slowly increas...

Q: What's the name of the form of the song "12 Days of Christmas"?

GeremiaWhat's the name of the form of the song 12 Days of Christmas, or the "style" of the composition, where a new "verse" is accumulated as follows: A AB ABC ABCD ABCDE ABCDEF ABCDEFG ABCDEFGH ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHIJ ABCDEFGHIJK ABCDEFGHIJKL ?

Q: Listen to this page mode in Chrome - Where is it?

sfinjaThe following official Google Chrome support page describes a feature called: "Listen to this page". However, when I follow all the instructions on that page, I still can't find that elusive Listen to this page menu item. I noticed the note that says that this feature "isn't available yet on all ...

Q: łatwy—syllable structure?

philoWith Polish, I've always the problem of how to divide pronunciation into syllables. Note that, in this thread, I'm exclusively concerned with phonetic syllables, not orthographic. So what, precisely, is syllable structure of 'łatwy' ? Is it [ˈwɐ.tfɪ] or [ˈwɐt.fɪ] ? (I tend to the former, because ...

1 hour later…
Q: Well-defined game stops

Tristan F.-R.In Aaron Siegel's Combinatorial Game Theory, on pg. 75, he defines stops as: Let $G$ be a short game. The Left stop $L(G)$ and the Right Stop $R(G)$ are defined recursively by $ L(G) = \begin{cases} G & \text{if } G = \text{some number} \\ \underset{G^{L}}{\max}(R(G^{L})) & \text{otherwise} \en...

Q: With a sense of humor, just for fun. TeX and 3d printers

MBEPlease, do not be too serious. TeX is the digital version of Gutenbergs typesetting. Now, how about taking it the other way around? With TeX and modern 3d printers, it should be possible, to produce ancient matrixes. Is there something existing like that?

Q: How does Electrum ismine() work?

GeremiaHow does Electrum ismine() work? All the help says is: Check if address is in wallet. Return true if and only address is in wallet Does ismine() check if an address could be derived from the master key, or does it simply check if it's in the list of already-derived addresses in the wallet?

1 hour later…
Q: Reductio ad Absurdum

koutySee below is a quote from the book "An Introduction to Logic an its Philosophy (Peter K. Schotch 2006)" that I I don't understand. Bold text in parenthesis is a comment I added to make the text clear. This particular derivation (reductio ab absurdum) is nearly always the cause of tears, or at le...

Q: Is my planet habitable?

colrelOkay, so I've been trying to figure out the mechanics for a thing I'm writing. It is supposed to be Earth but after an event I'm not yet specifying, combined with humans being humans and destroying their own planet -- the air has been polluted and got to the level of requiring them to wear masks ...

Q: How to obtain Cyrillic letters with polyglossia and main font TeX Gyre Pagella?

Frode Alfson BjørdalI use LuaLaTeX with \DeclareMathAlphabet{\CMcal}{OMS}{cmsy}{m}{n} \SetMathAlphabet{\CMcal}{bold}{OMS}{cmsy}{b}{n} \DeclareMathAlphabet{\CMbfcal}{OMS}{cmsy}{b}{n} \setmainfont{TeX Gyre Pagella} \setmathfont{XITS Math} to facilitate Unicode. But this does not combine well with my need to obtain Ru...

2 hours later…
Q: Why do most philosophers of religion believe in God?

user80226When philosophers at large are surveyed, we observe this distribution: N = 1771 (source) But when we filter by area of specialization (AOS) = philosophy of religion, we observe this distribution instead: N = 141 (source) Why?

Q: TOPtesi with Latin Modern fonts

miticolloConsider the following MWE: \documentclass[tipotesi=custom]{toptesi} %\setmainfont{TeXGyreTermes} % workaround: a font with bold sc glyphs \begin{document} \indici % culprit \chapter{Title} \end{document} compiled with latexmk --halt-on-error --file-line-error -lualatex ./foo.tex Everythin...

Q: Extract signer information from portable executable (PE)

HorstI'm trying to analyse a piece of malware in form of an .exe I don't really want to put this file in a windows system for obvious reasons. To gain more insight I'd like to look at the signer information. Using binwalk I confirmed there's a PKCS7 embedded: $ binwalk --signature -o 78047102 malware....

1 hour later…
Q: Confusing usage of これ and の

Tree 「地 球にはドーホーを捜しに来ました」 「どーほー?」 ⠀⠀ちょっと迷ってから変換する。あ、同胞ね。え、これの仲間? The context is that the main character meets a peculiar person who is wearing an astronaut while fishing. The first person speaking is the astronaut suit wearing person, and the second person is the main character. これ and の here is real...

Q: It's a Wonderful Life Mr. Potter

ListsOfArraysIn "It's a Wonderful Life," Uncle Billy accidentally gives Mr. Potter the deposit money for the week instead of the banker. This leads to an auditing issue, but more importantly what legal issues would Mr. Potter be in if he were to keep the money? Later on in the film there is a scene where Geor...

Q: Using eigenvalues of an differential operator to numerically solve another differential equation and use the solutions to perform integration

Sadman SakibI am trying to use eigenvalues of a differential operator in another differential equation to find solutions of the later. Next I want to use the solutions to perform a numerical integration where I want to use solutions for two different eigenvalues. plain text code: a = NDEigenvalues[-Laplacia...

Q: Movie where a city is being divided by a huge wall

FilipI watched a movie when I was much younger and I would like to rewatch it, but I don't remember much. I think the city was divided by the huge wall to protect the inside from the outside world. The inside was much more safe, rich and all the other things than the outside world, but there was some ...

Q: Retro PC: How to Install Windows XP to SSD Using PATA to SATA Adapter On ICH1 Through ICH6

Jeff TillwickI purchased a PATA to SATA adapter with a JM20330 chip to use with a cheap SSD on a retro PC (Celeron 1.2GHz on socket 370 with ICH2 chipset) running Windows XP. I booted the Windows XP installer CD and it could not detect the drive, but the system BIOS detects the drive just fine. So I installed...

Q: POVM Post measurement state

Amit GabayI came across this exercise trying to understand POVMs and I can not figure it out: Suppose Alice and Bob share a composite quantum system in the state $\rho^{AB}$. Alice performs a measurement on her system described by a POVM $\{\Lambda_x\}_{x \in [m]}$, and records the outcome $x$ in a classic...

Q: PostgreSQL Daemon Not Working

XotericI'm having trouble creating a successful daemon. Before PostgreSQL went to naming their folders with an @ symbol, I had a working daemon, but now something, somewhere has changed that I can't figure out. If I run: sudo -u _systemuser /opt/homebrew/opt/postgresql@14/bin/postgres -D /opt/homebrew/v...

Q: Can Ancient Joker choose a Suit you don’t have?

StevoisiakThe Ancient Joker’s description says: Each played card with [a given suit] gives X1.5 Mult when scored, suit changes at end of round Can the Ancient Joker select a suit that I don’t have? For example, can it select Diamonds if I don’t have any Diamonds in my deck?

Q: A probability inequality used Chernoff bounds.

Eurekaimer$X_1,X_2,...,X_n$ are independent random variables with $P(X_k =1)=2^{-k}$,$P(X_k =0)=1-2^{-k} $, for $k\ge 1$. Let $S_n=\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}X_i$. Use Chernoff bounds to show that $$ P(\mathop{\sup}\limits_{n}S_n>1+\delta)\le \frac{e^\delta}{(1+\delta)^{1+\delta}}, \quad \text{for any} \quad \delta

Q: What is the angle?

Simd The puzzle is by the brilliant Catriona Agg.

Q: Locating the Sylow subgroup containing a subgroup

scsnmI construct in MAGMA a subgroup $H:=2^{1+2}\circ (4\times 2^3)\leq G:=SL_8(9)$ where $\circ$ means a central product over a subgroup of order $2$. How to find in MAGMA the Sylow 2-subgroup of $G$ which contains $H$? I tried getting one Sylow 2-subgroup and then finding out all its conjugates. Did...

Q: Balancing Magic Numbers and Readability in C++ Code

wepajakegI have written a C++ program that calculates the floor of 64 divided by n for values of n from 1 to 64. I'm trying to get a faster SWAR algorithm that avoids costly divisions. The problem is that the SWAR method uses a lot of magic numbers. I used constexpr functions to show the origin of the mag...

Q: Find the word pairs

Simd GCHQ: (3) ENIGMA ROTOR SCALE The following list consists of pairs of words which are in some sense 'opposites' - and an odd word out. What are the pairs and which is the odd word out? BOXING DOWN ERGO GROG HISS HOME MAIL OGRE OPPO RATTLE REFORM SILENT SITES TILT TOMTOM WASH U...

Q: Are sentences like 'How odd that is!' SOV and can sentences like that be made with verbs besides 'to be'? What is 'how' exactly in these sentences?

ScellaToday while texting my friend, I decided to jocularly send 'How very queer you are!' To me, this sentence sounds correct, but I can't quite understand how it works. Is English not an SVO language? Why would the complement precede the subject and the verb? This looks like an OSV/SOV sentence to me...

Q: In Mad Men, does the Dr Pepper Machine from 1960 prevent people from taking more bottles than they paid for?

Yu Zhang In the TV show, Mad Men, season 3, Ep 6, there is scene at a hospital after a British accountant gets his foot chopped off by a lawn mower. There is a Dr Pepper machine and once 10 cents is put in, we can open the narrow door with a handle and take out one bottle of drink. From what I observed, ...

Q: (Vietnam 2007) Given a regular 2007-gon, find smallest positive integer k so we when we pick any k vertices, there are four consecutive ones

abeginnerHere's the complete problem statement. Given a regular $2007$-gon, find the smallest positive integer $k$ such that among any $k$ vertices of the polygon there are $4$ with the property that the convex quadrilateral they form shares $3$ sides with the polygon. This is from Problem Solving Metho...

Q: Extracting City Blocks from OSM in QGIS

ahmed I tried using [Place - City-Block] as Key-value while using QuickOSM plugin in QGIS, however, it only produces road center lines not the city block polygons that appear on the OSM basemap (see example attached). Any thoughts on how can I extract the city block polygons? Thanks in Advance, Wagih

Q: Oral tradition after Rav Ashi

Rakhem HaokipThe Rambam in the introduction to Mishne Torah counts 40 generations from Moshe Rabeinu to Rav Ashi (compiler of the talmud) in the transmission of the oral law and lists the names of these sages. My question is, do we have any book or authentic source that writes further the after Rav Ashi, the ...

Q: Did the Israelites defecate when eating the manna?

OneGodOneLordIn Exodus 16:1-36, we read that the people of Israel ate the bread from heaven which they gathered from the ground after the dew of the morning. Because this material originated from HaShem in heaven, one could figure it must have been without impurity and therefore extremely healthy for the bod...

Q: B2 Visa Stay Duration Rules

Yücel Çağla AkınWe have a question about the rules regarding the duration of stay in the U.S. on a B2 tourist visa. We arrived in the U.S. on September 3rd to visit our daughter and granddaughter and plan to stay until February 25th. Recently, we learned that our daughter is pregnant, with a due date of July 6th...

Q: Lines in Coloumn

zero_infinityI am using Iguanatex in PowerPoint. I am making MCQs questions in PPT. Here in PPT it is limited space, and I am using four coloumns and two rows to write 4 options. Like this below \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath, amsfonts, amssymb} \usepackage{multicol} \usepackage{enumitem} \pagest...

Q: What information can I obtain from power spectrum density (PSD) that I can't obtain from Fourier transform of a signal?

ArietulI am interested in understanding what is the benefit of calculating the PSD of a signal. When I apply a Fourier transform on a signal, I obtain the amplitude and the phase of its frequency components. From what i understand, the PSD calculates the power of the frequency components of the signal. ...

Q: Determining Which Points on the Perimeter of a Circle Fall Between Two Other Points That Are on Its Radius

David MooreI have a circle with a known radius centered at the origin. Radius <- 1 Horizontal_Coordinates <- seq(-Radius, Radius, 0.01) Positive_Vertical_Coordinates <- sqrt((Radius ^ 2) - (Horizontal_Coordinates ^ 2)) Negative_Vertical_Coordinates <- -sqrt((Radius ^ 2) - (Horizontal_Coordinates ^ 2)) Circl...

Q: Issues with Implementing Adaptive Step-Size Explicit Runge-Kutta Methods in C for ODE Solvers

LuguecosBackground: I am working on implementing a general adaptive step-size explicit Runge-Kutta (RK) solver in C for solving systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). My implementation is based in the theory presented in the book “Solving Ordinary Differential Equations I - Nonstiff Problems”...

Q: Why kinetically controlled enolate is not formed?

SeijiThe synthesis of Gymnamitrol by Steven C. Welch started with this reaction in this publication This is rather odd as I suppose the enolate formation should be thermodynamically stable since LDA is a bulky base, which should deprotonate the opposite acidic hydrogen. Why is it different in this ca...

Q: Various groupings of 8th, 16th, 32nd, etc. notes with beams

UserIn the book Music Theory for Dummies it was mentioned: These three groups of sixteenth (semiquaver) notes, written in three different ways, all sound alike when played. However, when I look at some sheet music, I see that different ways of beaming have been used for adjacent flagged notes. For...

Q: Countable translations of a positive measure set cover an interval?

Zhang RuichongIf $A$ is a subset of $\mathbb{R}$ with positive Lebesgue measure. Does there exist a countable sequence $\{t_i\} (i \in \mathbb{N})$ such that the union $$\bigcup_{i=1}^{\infty} (t_i+A)$$ contains an open interval?

Q: Sharpness of the Lebesgue differentiation theorem

Rohan DidmisheLet $A \subseteq \mathbb{R}^n$ be a Lebesgue measure zero set. Is it possible to find a measurable function $f:\mathbb{R}^n\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ such that (where $|.|$ is the absolute value) \begin{align*} \int_{\mathbb{R}^n}|f(x)|dx<\infty \end{align*} and \begin{align*} A = \left\{x \in \math...

Q: How to avoid an audible click when concatenating two mp4 files?

Jimmy FalconI am using a typical ffmpeg command to concat two mp4 files: ffmpeg -y -safe 0 -f concat -i !list.txt -c copy out.mp4 However,sometimes I can hear a "click" sound at the point where the two audio tracks join, because obviously a "level jump" occurs as the two audio-samples collide. Is it possibl...

Q: Individual callouts from queueable apex

Athira VenugopalI have the below code sample which is calling multiple callouts from queueable execute method. Is it ok if I'm using below approach? Process: after bulk insert of account records, I'm collecting all the accountids into a set and sending it to below queueable class for the callout public class Acc...

Q: GNS 480 - OBS resolver calibration fails

David HempyQuestion about VOR/OBS use with a GPS... I'm installing a GNS 480 in my Cessna 150. I'm retaining the Bendix King KI-209A CDI in the plane. I've got the resolver plumbed back to the GPS, but when I set up the resolver in the GPS, it says "Calibration Failed." Interestingly, on that same screen, i...

Q: Collection closed under symmetric difference and translation

KrishnarjunBasically my question is the following. Suppose $\mathcal{H}$ is a collection of finite subsets of the natural numbers (containing at least one non-empty set) closed under symmetric difference and translation. Then is it true that it always contain a set of two elements? One easy observation is...

Q: Is mathematics just "a part of physics", as stated by Arnold in 1997?

Viktor K.I've just finished reading "On teaching mathematics" by mathematician V. I. Arnold (b. 1937), it's the transcript of a talk from 1997 where he defended that mathematics is just a subset of physics (as I understood it). To me this seems utterly a wrong view, because, as Wikipedia puts it "In mathe...

Q: How to calculate standard deviation when only mean of the data, sample size, and t-test is available?

Álex RosasI found a study that reports the following data for two groups: Mean (7.5 and 8.68) Sample size of each group (26 and 22) P-value from the independent one-tailed t-test (0.055) Is there a formula to calculate the standard deviation?

Q: In what sense bootstrapping allows you to bypass certain assumptions of the linear regression method?

GT87I was reading a question about parameters estimation with a small sample, and the author asked if bootstrapping was a way to overcome the lack of power of the study. Which is not the case. But somebody wrote about the content of my question , so i got curious. In what sense bootstrapping allows y...

Q: Can anyone identify this early biplane from 1920?

Kirk SThe photo was taken in August, 1920, and I believe it was taken in France. The plane nosedived just after this photo was taken (I have 3 other photos showing the wreck). The crash didn't look terrible, as it doesn't seem it actually took off, but 'tripped' on a railroad track during taxi. Call l...

Q: Is honey good or bad for kids?

דורש דעתThe Rambam (Deot 4:12) says הַדְּבַשׁ וְהַיַּיִן רַע לַקְּטַנִּים, honey and wine are bad for kids. The Rashi on Yevamot 75b says לחם יפה לבחורים ושמן לזקנים ודבש לתינוקות, bread is good for the young men, oil for the elders and honey for the children. Is honey good for kids or not?

Q: Destruction of Books in Jihad

James SimonA quote attributed to Kitab al-Wagiz fi fiqh madhab al-imam al-Safi'i states that during Jihad: One must destroy their useless books. However, when I searched online, most results were from anti-Islamic blogs and forums that merely repeat the quote without offering any context. I would like to ...

Q: How to make machine always turn on after a power outage

delphirulesI have a Windows 10 machine (Lenovo ThinkCentre M910q) in my home that hosts a html server that should be always on, 24x7. This machine is connected to a nobreak but sometimes a power outage in my area can last for some hours and even the nobreak ends up without power, and the machine turns off. ...

Q: Gack Id -1217291834 when installing the package

PatlatusWhen I try to install a package, I receive and error UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION: An unexpected error occurred. Please include this ErrorId if you contact support: 85657452-846981 (-1217291834). Why does it happen and what is the reason of this error?

Q: Notation for Organ Registration in Bach/Árpád Kommt Ihr Töchter

GabiCould you help me with the organ notation for moving the hands up and down between keyboards? (And what's the proper term for that?) In particular what's confusing me: Do the square brackets missing the top or the bottom mean anything in particular? Or all square brackets have all the same meani...

Q: Why does it show 2 vertices under each other when in edit mode?

Bilal Chawi So I was making a donut and went In to edit mode and I saw that there was 2 vertices under each other it was really annoying this problem has showed up twice and and it happened with 4 vertices once

Q: Fibonacci Series Exercise

RedM3talThis is an exercise from the text "Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++" by B.S. : Exercise 11 of chapter 5. The following is asked: " Write a program that writes out the first so many values ​​of the Fibonacci series, that >is, the series that starts with 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34. The nex...

Q: What are the rules on carrying dairy produce in checked luggage when transiting airside in the EU?

TravellerI want to take 1kg of cheddar cheese from the UK to Cuba. I’m aware that it is not allowed to bring any meat or dairy products with you when travelling to the EU from a non-EU country. Is it permitted if transiting airside? I have searched but can’t find a definitive rule that refers to transit r...

Q: Stuck on task on decimal notation of a number

average_buffaloway_enjoyerIn the decimal representation of an irreducible fraction $\frac{m}{n}$, each digit after the decimal point (except for the first one) is less than the sum of its two neighboring digits by the same number $k$. Prove that the denominator $n \leq 819$. My thoughts on this problem: Consider $\left\{ ...

1 hour later…
Q: Does a phone's password actually matter when it comes to cybersecurity against remote threats?

lightweaverQuite often I see sites on the internet recommending that a strong password helps increase the security of your phone. I can see how a strong password would help prevent someone who got physical access to your phone from accessing its contents, but does it also protect your phone against remote t...

Q: Which was the first "business jet" equiped with supercritical wing?

O'TerrorSupercritical wings are common in today's large aircrafts. Looks like the Vickers VC10 was the first airliner using this wing but I didn't find anything related to small jets. I've been told that the CL-600 was one of the first business jets mounting such wing, I also heard that the Dassault Falc...

Q: Why would a brief power-down NOT constitute a reboot?

ConanTheGerbilWhy would a brief power-down of a windows 11 pro server not constitute a re-boot? After a recent re-boot I was investigating why a task scheduled against the trigger 'At system startup' hadn't run. Eventually I discovered that the reboot time was listed as two weeks previously - this explains why...

Q: How to make an iron star visually appealing

cecilian - MonicaWasMistreatedRelated to this question According to the accepted answer to the question above, the most likely aspect of an iron star is that of a smooth ellipsoid of cold solid metal, with polished surface, not emitting any radiation at visible frequency. I can work with that, but something slightly fancier w...

Q: Citing volatile sources

Manfred WeisWhat can be recommended for citing content on the internet that may be subject to modification or deletion without providing any means of restoring specific versions or of seeing deleted content? In my case I want to cite a comment that I left on a social network (Linkedin) because in that commen...

Q: 1Hz pulse generator using 1ppm TCXO - schematic review

Tamir MironovI am designing a PCBA intended to provide a 1Hz frequency with 1ppm accuracy. I plan to use the SiTime SiT7910AI-1Q18-B32.768 model component and connect a binary counter to it. Power input schematic TCXO connections components: Do you have any suggestions for improving the circuit?

Q: 2012 vs 2022 Chevrolet Vehicle and Coolant Consumption

Cdn_DevNot as much a maintenance question but I'm hoping to get a better understanding of how my vehicles work. In 2016 I bought a 2012 Chevy Cruze which was fairly heavy on coolant consumption. Since I bought the vehicle I've found myself topping up the coolant every two months or so, and I believe onc...

Q: Using bind9 with rfc2136 for certbot and manual edits for everything else

t777I have a bind9 file like $TTL 129600 @ IN SOA example.com. root.example.com. ( 1050 ; Serial 86400 ; Refresh 28800 ; Retry 604800 ; Expire 600 ) ; Negative Cache TTL ; @ IN NS ns.super.com. @ IN NS ns2.super.com. ; @ IN MX 10 mail.super.com...

Q: Character not importing from italic properly

MasumWhat am I doing wrong? \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage[]{unicode-math} \setmathfont{OldStandard-Math.otf}[,] \DeclareSymbolFont{alphabets}{\encodingdefault}{cmr}{n}{it} \DeclareMathSymbol{f}{\mathalpha}{alphabets}{"66} \begin{document} I am trying to replace the mathmode f only $f...

Q: How to generate and list all possible six-digit numbers that meet the specified criteria using the given digits?

tao leeDetermine the number of six-digit numbers that can be formed using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 without repetition, where no two odd digits are adjacent and the digit 4 does not occupy the fourth position. I tried solving the problem as follows, but I did not obtain the correct result. perms = Per...

Q: I'm looking for a science fiction book about an alien world being observed through a lens. The world is inhabited by a race of lobster-like beings

Eric SavelbergI read about this book in an online list of science fiction novels. I can't remember the title or author, but the premise was intriguing. In the book, an organization tries to shut down the operation of observing this alien world.

Q: Mindcrime feat. Spielberg

Jafe Solve on Penpa+ Across 1. City in North Macedonia – almost Greekish – after vacation time...? I Remember Now! (2,5) 5. Fine! The setter's got a short break to take! (4) 7. Literary cuckold Charles, as young man, got very hardcore? (6) 11. Jaws is sent regularly to get 007? (5) 12. Classic gear t...

Q: CPU does not scale down at high temperatures and overheats

9a3eediI have a Thinkpad T430 with an i7-3520M CPU. This is rated to run at 2.90GHz, but it can boost up to 3.5GHz. Previously I would use Windows 10. It is an old laptop, and CPU temperatures can get quite high, but on Windows it would never heat up to the point where it would shut off on me. It would ...

Q: Special character (\char") in index : bad display

youyouI'm currently compiling an index for my thesis in which I list languages that don't have a Latin alphabet. This is the case for Mycenaean Greek, where I have to declare each character with the command \char". My preamble is as follow : \setotherlanguage{myc} \newfontfamily\mycfont[Path=./Fonts/My...

Q: How I can show a topological space is countably compact with some given condition

Arghya SantraLet X be a Hausdorff space. If, of any two disjoint closed sets, at least one is compact, or even countably compact, then X is countably compact. I know that countably compactness <=> every collection of closed set with fip has countable intersection. Here I started with contradiction method but...

Q: wildcard character—noun or adjective?

PeterשWhat, precisely, is 'wildcard' in 'wildcard character', the latter being frequently used in texts on EDP, such as descriptions of command line syntax of programs. In particular, is 'wildcard' essentially the compound adjective 'wild-card', thus an adjective itself, or rather 'wild card' shortened...

Q: algorithm2e change color of colon (:) after Input/Output

SimonI am using this code: \documentclass{IEEEtran} \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,amsfonts} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage[ruled,lined,linesnumbered]{algorithm2e} \SetKwInput{input}{\textcolor{black}{Input}} \SetKwInput{output}{\textcolor{black}{Output}} \renewcommand{\KwSty}[1]{\textnormal{\textcolor{...

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