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Q: How to make inside corner smooth?

4dylan4 I want to make this smooth as per the black line

Q: Holding a seminar in another institution

MathMaxIf I hold a seminar upon invitation, should my slides contain my institution's logo or the hosting institution's logo?

Q: Text in table with vertical spanning not wrapping

Texnically a usernameI have a table which uses horizontal and vertical spanning of table cells (the MWE only includes horizontal spanning). I want the table to fully span the \textwidth of the document. Hence, I am ussing XXX for the colspec. The table contains short pieces of content and long pieces of content, the ...

Q: Is there a word describing a time interval that would be an antonym to "delay"?

bqbackAs an example, suppose we have two events -- A, followed by B, happening X minutes apart. From the perspective of event A, the delay between A and B is X minutes. From the perspective of event B, the _____ between B and A is X minutes. Is there a single noun that would go in the blank space that ...

Q: Is this sentence correct? - "es sich merken kann"

Alex ErmolinI'm studying some German sentences, and I came upon this one Tom hat so viele Freunde, dass es sich nicht alle Namen merken kann. With this translation given Tom has so many friends that he can't remember all their names. I don't understand why it's "es sich" and not "er sich". Is it simply a...

Q: What is a כרום?

ZeNusIn Brachos 6b it says “מאי כרום? כי אתא רב דימי אמר עוף אחד יש בברכי הים וכרום שמו. וכיון שחמה זורחת מתהפך לכמה גוונין״ Is this Krum extinct or is this bird still around? If so, what is the Krum?

Q: Problem with 3 urns and balls of 3 different colors

Roberto PalermoSuppose we have 4 red balls, 5 green balls and 6 blue balls. In how many ways can we distribute these balls into 3 numbered urns, $U_1, U_2$, and $ U_3$? Note that the balls can be distributed in any way, even if all balls end up in a single urn. My attempt: Let $R_1, R_2, R_3$ denote the number ...

Q: Why are an F-35’s missile rails angled outboard?

Romeo_4808NIn this video of Marine ordnance crews loading an AIM-9X air-to-air missile onto its launch rail at the #11 weapons station of an F-35B, it’s clearly visible that the launch rail is mounted at an angle to the pylon. Does anybody know what drove that decision to design this missile station in suc...

Q: How do I see that the different definitions for SYK are equivalent?

jrobinsI'm excited to better understand the holography within the SYK model. I enjoy a rigorous understanding, which I'm trying to achieve via the 'review' papers from Rosenhaus, Maldacena, Trunin and Sarosi Question: I am quite stuck and it boils down to understanding how the different definitions for ...

Q: How do I recreate this Sangoku?

Jim YeI am trying to recreate this Japanese Sangoku using tkz-euclide: My attempt so far: \documentclass[border=1mm]{standalone} \usepackage{tkz-euclide} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \tkzDefPoint(-4,0){A} \tkzDefPoint(4,0){B} \tkzDefPoint(0,0){M} \tkzDefPoint(0,4){D} \tkzDefPoint(60:4){C} \...

Q: What if a potential employer knows that you are working on a stealth startup on the side?

Bear Bile Farming is TortureI am a software developer. On my linkedin page, I have my most recent experience as being the founder of a "Stealth" startup. On my resume, I briefly describe a "passion project" that I've been working on for a couple of years. Questions: How do recruiters view this? How do potential employers v...

Q: breaking lines of a lengthy equation in a multiline bracket using equation*

Aref SadeghiI am trying to write an equation -first order conditions of a Lagrangian- in a multiline open bracket but due the length of the equation it doesn't look right. I am using equation* and cases from amsmath. How do I insert line breaks within each line so that the whole thing looks better? \document...

Q: \mathbb{\gamma} and \mathbb{\pi} are swapped in ConTeXt

Inverted PastryIn ConTeXt, \mathbb{\gamma} outputs a pi symbol, while \mathbb{\pi} outputs a gamma. This seems to be a ConTeXt issue, not font-related. What should I do? \startTEXpage[offset=5pt] \m{\mathbb{\gamma\pi}} \stopTEXpage

Q: I am a plant. What is my name?

Thirdy YabataNote: I created this puzzle. I am a plant from a certain game. I missed my flight because a zombie blocked the aisle that leads to my seat, and an another zombie was sat on my reserved seat, although that zombie was later removed from the plane. A few days from today, it will be solstice again, a...

Q: How can I create a new TikZ-element that takes some keyval arguments?

Peter MaierI've got the following code: \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{intersections, calc, spath3} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \coordinate (P) at (110:1.5); \draw[spath/save=g, thick] (200:3) -- (20:3) node[below] {$g$}; \draw[thick] plot[mark=x, mark si...

Q: Are there different versions of Mozart's Ave Verum Corpus?

BKEI have a photo copy of the sheet music for Mozart's Ave Verum and it seems that it is slightly different from other sheet music I found on the internet. This part specifically: For the bass part, the above has two half notes, while everywhere else I see this: Unfortunately I do not know the nam...

Q: Relations between the strong form of Newton's 3rd law and conservation of angular momentum?

MonsterRamenHow does using the strong form of Newton's 3rd law Forces between particles come in action/reaction pairs, and these forces are directed along the line of separation between the two particles. Gives us the conservation of angular momentum. Although I understand rotational mechanics intuitively ...

Q: Print the largest hidden double

thejonymysterGiven a string of space delimited words, find the longest word such that, when that word is replaced with spaces, it is still a subsequence of the remaining string. Then, replace everything, except for one such subsequence, with spaces. Print the result Example: input: that was esoteric and aweso...

Q: Can the irrotational vortex be described using spherical harmonics?

aghostinthefiguresTHE BACKGROUND: The irrotational vortex is an ideal fluid flow that can be represented via the following expressions in cylindrical $\{R,\psi,z\}$ and spherical $\{r,\theta,\varphi\}$ coordinates: $$\vec{v} = \frac{B}{R}\hat{\psi} = \frac{B}{r\sin\theta}\hat{\varphi}$$ where $B$ is some constant....

Q: How to get "root" user to appear on the GUI login page in CentOS 8?

o hayaI was wondering if there is a way to get the "root" user to appear on the CentOS 8 GUI login page, and if so, how to configure that?

Q: Is it valid to use an "infinite" number of universal/existential instantiations in a proof?

masiewpaoI was thinking about the statement that the sequential definition of a limit of a function $f: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ and the "epsilon-delta" definition are equivalent. Specifically, I am interested in the direction "sequence implies epsilon". (Please note the question is not about th...

Q: Wrong calculus in Boxplot

Angelo Aliano FilhoI want to draw a boxplot using the PGFplots as in the following MWE: \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{pgfplots} % Nice color sets, see see http://colorbrewer2.org/ %\usepgfplotslibrary{colorbrewer} % initialize Set1-4 from colorbrewer (we're comparing 4 classes), \pgfplotsset{compat = 1.13...

Q: The Clara font family removes bolded characters sequence

Fifteen12I'm using the clara font, but noticed that in boldface the font removes the character encoding "ffi", as in the MWE example below: \documentclass{minimal} \usepackage{clara} \RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc} \begin{document} Two "f" character's together are normal: Traffic. \\ But put them t...

Q: Is being an agnostic self defeating?

SyedThe definition of agnostic as per Oxford is: a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God. My question is specifically about the “nothing can be know...

Q: Where do the te'amim variants in Bereishit 48:20-22 in Simanim come from?

Colin WatsonI'm a relatively new baal keriah in the process of preparing Vayechi for next month. I happened to notice that the te'amim in my Tikkun Kor'im Simanim have a couple of slight variations that I haven't been able to find anywhere else. In Bereishit 48:20, Simanim has: וַיְבָ֨רְכֵ֜ם בַּיּ֣וֹם הַהו...

Q: How services such as FlightAware know ground speed of a GA airplane

MykolaThere is a question Why is the speed graph of a survey flight a square wave? with a Piper PA-31-150 accident, and its ground speed graph is part of the question. This made me questioning - how the gound speed of GA aircrafts is known to the services? I briefly searched for the basic info GA trans...

Q: Laptop sometimes hard reboots when scrolling in Twitter

Ole TangeThis is one of the weirdest issues I have ever had: When scrolling in Twitter in a browser, the laptop suddenly does a hard restart. This can happen multiple times a day or it can take a few days before it happens. I cannot provoke the error reliably. It started around September 2024. The laptop...

Q: Alice, Bob and Charlie - Who is lying?

SeramitiWe were given this exercise in logic class: Three friends, Alice, Bob and Charlie, are talking to each other. They make three statements: Alice says: ‘If Bob is telling the truth, then Charlie is lying.’ Bob says: ‘Alice is telling the truth.’ Charlie says: ‘Bob is lying. The question: Who is te...

Q: Which lubricant for plastic rail guides on sliding doors?

maxI'm looking to lubricate the plastic rails of the sliding doors on a vintage wardrobe. Would regular oil, mineral oil, or something else be the best option?

Q: NIntegrate cannot give high precision result for a well-behaved integral

piscoI want to obtain value of following integral to a high precision (say 30 digits), NIntegrate[DawsonF[Sqrt[t]]^2/t, {t, 0, Infinity}] Graph of integrand looks like this: . There is no singularity whatsoever. When $t$ is large, integrand is of order $O(1/t^2)$, so the integral converge. However, ...

Q: A widower with 3 children wins a female android at a football game

NrfA novel about a widower with three children in the future. He is given free tickets to the 49er game but the kicker is he asks a girl if she is a robot he gets to take her home. He wins and takes her home to his kids and falls in love with her They are in a car accident similar to the one which k...

Q: Expectations of estimators

John M.I'm studying some panel data econometric topics, and I've come across the following asymptotic properties as $N \to \infty$: \begin{equation} \theta^{\ast} \to \frac{\mathbb{E}(\beta_i)}{1 - \mathbb{E}(\gamma_i)} \quad \text{and} \quad \bar{\theta} \to \mathbb{E}\left(\frac{\beta_i}...

Q: Why does the contingency of a future disjunction make it unable to entail the same statement's current individal propositions?

RookieGeniusI'm new to philosophy and I read that Boethius said that the disjunction of "either there will be a sea battle tomorrow or not" does not make these individual propositions necessarily true today: "there will be a sea battle tomorrow" or "there will not be a sea battle tomorrow". I had a little bi...

Q: Is there any rule in Hebrew that requires pronouns to refer to an antecedent rather than a subsequent subject?

Tracy VThis question came about while studying and discussing Genesis 6:4. The Bible-hub Interlinear has both, “The Nephilim”, capitalized and, “Those”, capitalized: “When the sons of God went into the daughters of men and they bore to them Those.” It would seem that the translators recognize something...

Q: Is there any Marie Curie post doctoral call right now?

LearnerThis webpage says that the MSCA (Marie Skłodowska-Curie) postdoctoral call for 2025 ended on 11 September, 2024. Moreover, the next call will be open in April 2026. My field is mathematics. I am curious to know if this is the only option to apply for Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowship. Does it c...

Q: Date stamp gets updated when copying a file with an old date, to USB flash drive, but date stamp is preserved when copying the file to the same drive?

barlopDate stamp gets updated when copying a file with an old date, to USB flash drive, but date stamp is preserved when copying the file to the same drive? So you see this directory C:\zet has two files. One with a date stamp of 1970, that's the file (IMG_1970...jpg). (Why the date stamp is so old I d...

Q: Optimal design for large space-based radiators

N. VirgoI like hard sci-fi, but one thing that's almost always missing in hard sci-fi depictions of space ships are the radiators. In reality, heat dissipation is a really big deal in space, since the only way you can get rid of heat is by radiating it away. If your spacecraft has all but the simplest of...

1 hour later…
Q: What kind of benefit is there in being allowed to tie woolen strings onto a linen garment?

SholomThe Midrash Tanchuma (Shemini 8:2) says as follows: שֶׁלֹּא יַטְעֶךָ יִצְרְךָ לוֹמַר, שֶׁכָּל דְּבָרִים טוֹבִים אָסַר הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא לְיִשְׂרָאֵל, אָמַר הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא, כָּל מַה שֶּׁאָסַרְתִּי לְךָ, הִתַּרְתִּי לְךָ כְּנֶגְדוֹ. כֵּיצַד, אָסַרְתִּי לְךָ דַּם נִדָּה, הִתַּרְתִּ...

Q: What does "Look out, old ferret!" mean?

James MathaiIn An Uncomfortable Bed by Guy de Maupassant, a cautious narrator visits a chateau with prank-loving friends and becomes overly suspicious of their intentions. My friends were fond of practical jokes, and now and then, they did have a great time playing those jokes on me. Also, I do not care to ...

Q: Does the causal closure principle necessitate the non causal role of consciousness?

SyedThe causal closure of the physical states that every physical event has a physical explanation. In other words, whenever there is a sufficient cause of a physical event, there is a sufficient physical cause of that event. The movement of my hand is a physical event. If the causal closure principl...

Q: White screen gray image

SYD UNIVERSITYWhen I try to render image, I get a white background and solid gray silhouette of my image. Not sure if I made a mistake during shading. I will attach my Layout, Shading, and Rendering screens here.

Q: Low-budget fantasy movie scene where a sorcerer's apprentice creates a banana but has no idea what it is

plasticinsectThis was a movie I rented on VHS, back in the late 1980s or early 1990s. It was a quasi-medieval swords-and-sorcery fantasy, clearly made with a very low budget. It's tone was mostly serious, but sprinkled with humor. I can't really remember any of the actual story, but there is one very brief sc...

Q: Deriving the normal equations by differentiating the matrix form

GeekGuySo, if we have $RSS(\beta) = (\mathbf{y}-\mathbf{X}\beta)^T(\mathbf{y}-\mathbf{X}\beta)$ and differentiatiate with respect to $\beta$, and set it to zero in order to minimize it, how do we get $\mathbf{X}^T(\mathbf{y}-\mathbf{X}\beta)=0$? What I got is $\mathbf{X}^T(\mathbf{y}-\mathbf{X}\beta)+(\...

Q: Is there a reason that the McCallister house has a doggie door?

GGMG-he-himIs there a reason why the McCallister family has a doggie door since there's no mention that I'm aware of in the final film of the family owning a dog? Something in supplemental material or an earlier draft of the script?

Q: Is there a way to approximate this sum in < O(nlogn)

Conor OMalleyI am trying to approximate (or get the concrete expression) of a function which is expressed as this sum: Expanding this expression out results in 100,000 degree rational function, which is computationally unrealistic to create or use, as the terms explode past floating point limits, x only needs...

Q: Graphs of 1/|x| and sin(1/x) does not look good

Timo ChangI draw the graph of 1/|x| with the code: \begin{tikzpicture}[>=latex, scale=0.3] \draw[->] (-5,0)--(5,0)node[right]{$x$}; \draw[->] (0,-1)--(0,9)node[right]{$y$}; \draw [domain=-5:-1/8, samples=500, thick] plot (\x, {-1/(\x)}); \draw [domain=1/8:5, samp...

Q: Could the shuttle have avoided the umbilical plate if the LH2 and LOx had been piped directly to the nozzles?

ijustlovemathOne of the riskier components of the Shuttle's design (that fortunately never failed) are the umbilical doors on the rear underside of the orbiter. There are probably aerodynamic and structural reasons for this, but I was wondering if it was possible to have the fuel and oxidizer piped on the ext...

Q: Limit the difference between two sliders in Manipulate

NaraghaziConsider this Manipulate Manipulate[{x, y}, {{x, 0}, -2, 2}, {{y, 0}, -2, 2}] Each of the sliders can move freely and independently. But, I want to impose a constrain: the difference between $x$ and $y$ can't exceed $1$, i.e. $|x-y|\le 1$. For example, when $x=0$ slider $y$ can move freely from...

Q: Город (plural form)

Judicaël LamyrtilleWhy does город become города when it's plural? Isn't it supposed to be городы? Thank you.

Q: Is every non deductive argument technically a logical fallacy?

SyedAs per the IEP, a valid deductive argument is one whose logical structure or form is such that if the premises are true, the conclusion must be true. For any other kind of argument, this would imply that the conclusion is not necessarily true if the premises are true. But is this not the equivale...

Q: Anyone know of a server that will delay icmp responses? I need a ping target that will echo reliably, but with a 1000-3000ms (or more) delay

SniggerfardimungusIt's weird to think anyone would need such a thing, but here I am. I'm testing a bunch of icmp tools and am having a hard time testing them without simply faking the responses and there are reasons that doing so might give me a false confirmation on my code. I just need an icmp echo (ping) server...

Q: Can the Pythagorean theorem be proved using imaginary numbers?

DanCan the Pythagorean theorem be proved using imaginary numbers? The proof must avoid circular reasoning, of course. I asked essentially the same question at MSE, but did not receive a definitive answer, so I thought I would ask here.

Q: Can the strength of a non-deductive argument be objectively evaluated?

SyedThis question stems from an ongoing discussion I was having with @Bumble (link for anyone interested). There are certain arguments that seem on the face of it very strong. For example, simply seeing my neighbor every day for 10,000 straight days may be used as a strong enough premise to conclude ...

Q: Circle Theorem Problem - Find Angle BCD

AbidingIsHardI got into my hands this problem that should be solved using the circle theorems. I think I am rusty with this topic, so I need some help. I found out many of the angles, except for the angle BCD or any way to get there. There are 3 given angles: EDF = 15 degrees BAH = 70 degrees FOB = 180 degre...

Q: What could cause fuel dilution and an oil leak? (Ford Lehman 2712E)

IsAGuestMy father bought a boat with a Ford Lehman 2712E engine, and has been battling fuel dilution all last summer. Most recently he checked the fuel rail and high pressure injection pump with the help of two mechanics. It seemed like the issue had been solved, but no. After a couple hours running the ...

Q: Is there a classical Lagrangian system with essentially no cyclic coordinates?

Mr. EggHere is what I mean: In Lagrangian mechanics, we have the equation $$ \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm d t} \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot q_i} = \frac{\partial L}{\partial q_i},\quad i = 1,2, \cdots, n. $$ and, a cyclic coordinate is the one that is not explicitly included in $L$: e.g., if $q_n$ is a ...

Q: Is it possible to solve this non-linear integer programming problem with Mathematica?

user64494I am solving the following non-linear integer programming problem (see "The Kvant", 2024, # 9, p. 20) in 14.1 on Windows The sequence of natural numbers $a_n, n=1 , \dots , 100$, is such that $a_1 = 1$ and for each natural $ n = 1, 2, \dots, 100$, the number $(a_1+a_2+\cdots+a_n)\left(\frac 1 {a...

Q: Isomorphism-invariance and categorical properties in Set

Amanda WealthI was studying category theory when a question came to my mind. After this question, in which the topic appeared to be too broad, I'd like it to restrict the scope to the example of my current interest, namely Set. To be clearer, let me recall the necessary definitions. Two sets are isomorphic i...

Q: Can you identify a cartoon in which Flash became fat?

Doctor DoomI have this animated show/ movie scene in my mind: Flash is running and suddenly he becomes fat. Then, he goes out of breath. It may also have Mirror Master because Flash also saw his distorted images in three mirrors (possibly, images made him fat).

Q: Meaning/origin of the German term "Schließungssatz"

azimutCertain theorems in geometry are called Schließungssatz in German, like the theorem of Desargues and the theorem of Pappos, see for example this German wikipedia page. I wonder what the (historical?) reason is for the part Schließung. The German verb schließen has at least two possible meanings: ...

Q: Dolbeault cohomology of compact support

okabe rintarouHartogs' extension theorem holds for dimensions $n>1$. The proof relies on the fact that if $n>1$, the equation $\bar{\partial}u = f$, where $f$ is a smooth $(0,1)$-form with compact support, is solved by the unique compactly supported smooth function $u$. Does this mean that $H_c^{(0,1)}(\mathbb...

Q: Were the tallboy bombs launched at the Tirpitz re-fuzed as impact weapons?

ConanTheGerbilWere the tallboy bombs used to attack and (finally) sink the Tirpitz re-fuzed as impact weapons? The Tallboy bombs were originally designed to be ground-penetrating 'earthquake bombs', dropped from high altitude they would accelerate under gravity to near-supersonic speeds, penetrate the ground t...

Q: Number of inputs of states in Viterbi Algorithm

AliIn the Viterbi algorithm (trellis state diagram,) I wonder why the number of inputs to each state is the same and equals the input alphabet size.

Q: Why is there a difference between the ma-def2-tzvp basis set used in ORCA and downloaded from official website?

RTChouI am trying of calculate the electron affinity and ionization energy of Lanthanum using Gaussian 16 A03. Considering that anion is involved, diffuse functions are used, using the b3lyp/ma-def2-tzvp level. Feeling quite strange about the results, a b3lyp/def2-tzvp level is used, and all the calcul...

Q: Is oriented simple graph isomorphism GI-hard?

John P.An oriented simple graph is a graph with at most edge between each pair of vertices and where each edge has an orientation. Equivalently, it is a directed graph with at most one edge (of either orientation) between each pair of vertices. In contrast, the definition of a simple directed graph appe...

Q: Does the radius of the inner circle have a specific ratio to the outer construction?

moonwave99I am studying the underlying proportions in some arabesque patterns described in the YouTube video "Lesson 4, Starting with a more complex Islamic Art Pattern" by bassem zawdeh, and I stumbled upon the following construction: the inner red circle is tangent to the red line going through R; the ...

Q: There is a line on the transformer in my figure. How do I get rid of it? The code and its output is given

quantumjester6 \begin{document} \begin{circuitikz} \ctikzset{capacitors/height=.4} \ctikzset{resistors/width=.6} \draw (0,0) to [C, l=$C_1$] (1,1) to [R, l=$R_1$] (2,2) -- (3,3) -- (4,2) to [R, l=$R_3$] (5,1) -- (6,0) -- (5,-1) to [C, l=$C_4$] (4,-2) -- (3,-3) -- (3,-1.2) to [L, l=$$] (3,0) --...

Q: Projective automorphisms of a plane cubic curves

Xavier49Let $E$ be a smooth cubic curve in $\mathbb{P}^2$ over an algebraically closed field $k$. What is the group of the projective transformations preserving $E$ ? In characteristic $0$ the answer is known (see e.g. https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.09018), that group is a sub-group of the Hesse group, for t...

Q: closed form for an alternating cosecant sum

Slm2004Is there any closed form for the following finite sum $$\sum_{j=1}^{n-1}\frac{(-1)^j}{\sin (\frac{j\pi}{n})}$$ where $n$ is an even number? Any comment or reference is welcome.

Q: 70s or 80s sci-fi book, boy has secateur hand

Alyson ShorthouseI'm looking to identify a sci-fi book I read a few times as a tween / young teen in the 80s. Set in the future where jobs are predetermined and the body is manipulated accordingly. The main character is a young man who is a gardener, and his (probably left) hand is shaped into secateurs (pruning ...

Q: How can I give a standard macOS account admin-like privileges while restricting system reset and specific app access on the latest macOS?

NoelI’m using the latest macOS (Sonoma, as of December 2024), and I’ve set up a standard account for myself while a trusted friend holds the admin account credentials. I want my standard account to have the ability to: Install macOS updates (e.g., security patches, new macOS versions). Update apps d...

Q: how i can move collection object on a single axis with geonode with proximity

Subham Jnrhii everyone i want to create a wave effect which made out of cube with proximity node Like this istockphoto.com/video/…. problem is this node setup is not working. here us the node setup Blender file https://drive.google.com/file/d/102Z_9FHk03cF7UdciaSe5tVfCPT2xdxh/view?usp=sharing

Q: Does a boxplot assume interval data?

RonaldDoes a boxplot assume interval data? If not, is it then fine to use a box plot to represent Likert-scale (ordinal) data?

Q: How to fix my envelope detector script

user480593I am 17 years old. I'm still in 12th grade. However, I love discovering new things and learning so I can be a more informed person. So, it was suggested to me that I try to script an envelope detector in NGSpice and I have already created an AM signal. Even so, I can't do the upper envelope. I th...

Q: How to find impulse response for the given difference equation?

Lars Smith$$y[n]-\frac{5}{2}y[n-1]+y[n-2]=x[n]-x[n-1]$$ I am trying to find the impulse response of this discrete-time system in time domain. Of course I need equations but a little help with the insight on all these equations, reasons of them etc. would be great. Here is what I've done: Since I am concern...

Q: Can you achieve 3 attacks using Dual Wield [Feat], light weapons, and nick?

Play PatriceI had a discussion regarding dual wielding, light weapons and nick - that stated a properly built rouge could get up to 3 attacks per round by level 4. So this is a viability check on that process / theory. Light Weapon Property (p213): When you take the Attack action on your turn and attack w...

Q: Recent publication considering Robinson as a finitist

TomIn a recent article Denying Infinity, Erhardt seems to assume that Robinson (the inventor of nonstandard analysis) was a finitist. Many questions on this site refer to Robinson as a formalist and he typically does not appear on lists of mathematicians that are considered to be finitists (Esenin-V...

Q: Why won't my White Chocolate Ganache set in the freezer?

Barbara ForgetI melted my white chocolate per the truffle recipe: 4oz wafers (wilton), 1/4 cup cream. I put it in the freezer to set but after 8 hours it still had not set, per instructions I retempered and added more chopped wafers stirring until the new chocolate was melted. Returned to the freezer, waited ...

Q: Package jsonparse not working with \ifthenelse

EddymageI am trying to use the package jsonparse1 (github page here, with documentation). I am reading some data from json files, and I have to fill my documents depending on the json entries, therefore I (try to) use the \ifthenelse control: problem is that it seems that the result of such control is al...

Q: Existence of matrix implies rank of matrix

Mathphys meisterLet $A$ be a $(m \times n)$-matrix with real components. I want to prove that if there exists a $(n \times m)$-matrix $C$ such that $AC = I_m$ with $I_m$ the $(m \times m)$ identity matrix, then it follows that $\mathrm{rank}(A)=m$. In other proofs I found here, either the opposite was shown or s...

Q: Need to cut a small cube from a big cube

Adil Bhatti Hey can someone help me to kind a geberate this marke small cube or cut small cube from the big cube? thank u very much. followiing is the code:

Q: Finding the minimum value of a function efficiently

Someone$$x+\frac{1}{x}+\frac{2-x}{1-2x}+\frac{1-2x}{2-x},\qquad (x>2)$$ This is the function whose minimum value I want to find. I tried using the derivative but that is way too lengthy. The minimum value is $8$ and is attained at $x=2+\sqrt3$. Is there any efficient way?

Q: Is it polite to inquire an editor of a journal sending a follow up email after 15 days, provided that the previous email that was not replied?

LearnerI have submitted a research paper in pure mathematics in a good (in the sense of science citation indexing) journal published by some university in USA. It has been over 3 years in that journal since I submitted it. In the mean-time, third round of revision (a minor revision) was submitted two an...

Q: print text between special characters on same line and remove starting and ending whitespaces

Christopher KarstenI am trying to achieve getting text between special characters. You can follow the below to understand what I am trying to achieve. I have the necessary commands to do this, however I am looking for a more efficient way incase certain conditions may change based on the outcome. Below has the text...

Q: Interior stud wall height acceptable gap

dpollittI'm framing in non-load bearing walls in my basement. The total height of the basement from concrete floor to bottom of above joists varies between 97 7/16" to 97 5/8" but is primarily 97 1/2" throughout the basement. With 2x4 standard 8' stud lengths of 92 5/8", 2 top plates (3"), and one bott...

Q: Drawing a hierarchical graph in ACM format without using Tikz package Latex

Deemah AlomairI am looking to draw a classification hierarchical diagram in Latex using the ACM template. I did one using the "Tikz" package already. However, I just realized that the ACM format forbids the "Tikz" package, which is usually used to create such diagrams. The "forest" package is also prohibited i...

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