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Q: What is the most probable cause of black streaks on broccoli?

RokeJulianLockhartProblem I've purchased some broccoli, and it is pockmarked by short, black streaks: I've been informed by my father that it indicates rot, although the broccoli otherwise appears firm. A comment on Reddit appears to offer a more reliable explanation: Those black "spots" are evidence of Xanthomo...

Q: Is it accepted practice to drill holes in metal studs

Rohit GuptaI am getting a house built in Australia where I have opted for metal framing (to mitigate termite attacks). I have no experience in metal framing. As much as I can think ahead, I am getting the builder to add timber dwangs where I may want to fasten things in the future. But there will be unfor...

Q: Role of thrust during take off

slingeraapWhen a airliner takes off, it looks like after rotation and lift-off, the plane flies up in the air parallel to the length of its fuselage. Assuming lift from the wings is the major force in taking off, that should not necessarily be the case. (E.g. during landing the fuselage is typical at an an...

Q: Is any fictional knowledge purely a priori knowledge?

J KusinI suppose the alternative is that fictional knowledge is empirical. Currently I’m thinking fictional knowledge is an important issue regarding the debate surrounding a priori vs a posteriori knowledge. I'm looking for clarification on the interrelation of these terms. Please provide some analysis...

Q: Dative usage for relations (e.g., family, hierarchy, emotional etc.) and quality of relations

TruubehüeterI‘ve read the following sentence: Я не кровный родственник этой семье, но, наверное, именно поэтому я могу смотреть на всё со стороны. Here, семья stands in the dative, instead of the genitive. Is this usage of the dative case dated/archaic or regular modern usage? Generalising from this, can I...

Q: What Comes After Sum Types?

William RymanAccording to the first chapter of the HoTT book, dependent functions beget products: $$ (x : A) \rightarrow B\,x \equiv: \prod_{x : A} B\,x $$ of which $A \times B$ is a special form ($A \times B \cong \prod_{b : \mathrm{Bool}} T\,b, T\,\mathrm{false} = A, T\,\mathrm{true} = B$), and likewise, de...

Q: Why exactly are CHACHA20 TLS ciphers not compliant with the NIST guidelines and FIPS/HIPAA standards?

Bob OrtizI happen to recall that CHACHA20 ciphers are not compliant with both NIST guidelines and FIPS/HIPAA standards. As used to be stated by htbridge.com SSL tests years ago. I just found similar information a similar note here and comments about this here. What I couldn't find is why they are not comp...

Q: Can I split the rendering in external displays between the GPU and CPU?

Daniel GrosIf MacBook Pro with an M4 chip has a GPU chip that is only compatible with two external displays, can I have two external displays rendered with the GPU and one additional display rendered via Display Link? Or once I add the third I am only able to render them all via Display Link (utilizing the ...

Q: Force position of vertices in a commutative diagram using xymatrix

ultralegend5385I have the following code: \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage[all,cmtip]{xy} \begin{document} \[\xymatrixcolsep{2pc}\xymatrix{\Gamma[\mathbb{A}_k^m]\ar[d] & \Gamma[\mathbb{A}_k^n]\ar[l]_{F^\ast}\ar[d]\\ \Gamma[Y]=\dfrac{\Gamma[\mathbb{A}_k^m]}{\mathcal{I}(Y)} & \dfrac{\Gamma[...

Q: How far away is a number from being a power?

ImmanuelSuppose $n\in \mathbb N$ is given, now I would like to know how "far" $n$ is, from being a non-trivial power of some other natural number i.e. what can we say about: $\min\{|n-m^x|: m,x\in \mathbb N_{\ge 2}\} =: a$ I asked myself this question recently while working on something else related to t...

Q: Was angling tank armor a recognized doctrine during World War II?

PausePauseI've been playing the game War Thunder recently. It is common knowledge in the game that angling a tank's armor, even slightly, will significantly increase the effectiveness of protection against enemy fire. This led me to wonder: was the concept of angling tank armor consciously employed or reco...

Q: How does MuSig work in real Bitcoin scenarios? Questions on communication and steps

allexjSignature Generation Let L = h(P1 || ... || Pn). Each participant computes the digest: ai = h(L || Pi). Compute the aggregated public key: X̃ = Σ (ai * Pi) for i = 1, ..., n. X̃ is made public. Each participant randomly selects ri and computes: Ri = ri * G. Each participant sends their commitmen...

Q: Problem while replicating methylation predicting paper, looking for explanation

Junk MailI'm trying to replicate this paper (https://pathsocjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/path.5845) and I don't understand this bit from the "Data Preprocessing" section on page 4: Beta values whose corre-sponding intensities on probe-level failed a z-test with a P value threshold of 0.01...

Q: In the era where the TV show Mad Men is set, are smoke alarms not triggered by cigarette smoke?

Yu Zhang From this picture from Episode 2 Season 1 of Mad Men, I have circled two cigarettes in red and three smoke alarms in black on the ceiling. I am assuming they are smoke alarms. If they are, why are they not triggered by smoke coming from cigarettes in the office?

Q: Creates class and makes animals, then print bios

LMays#Creates the Animal class. class Animal: def __init__(self, name, age, type_of_animal): self.name = name self.age = age self.animal_type = type_of_animal def bio(self): #Checks if the animal's type begins with a vowel. if self.animal_t...

Q: Does every ring admit a faithful Artinian module?

schubeLet $A$ be a commutative (unital) ring. Does there exist a faithful Artinian $A$-module $M$? I must admit, I haven't made much progress on this question, so I have very little work to show. Obviously, dropping the faithfulness requirement, one can take $M = A/\mathfrak m$ for some maximal ideal $...

Q: AM radio over rainforest

AndoWhere to find information about the AM radio reception at tropical rainforest environment? Here in Colombia exists the more humid environment of the planet. I can't find information about am radio quality at that place. But in general terms the himidity and dense rainforest is a big obstacle? Edi...

Q: XGBoost/ XGBRanker to produce probabilities instead of ranking scores

IshigamiI have a dataset of the performance of students in exams which looks like: Class_ID Class_size Student_Number IQ Hours_Studied Score 1 3 3 101 10 98 1 3 4 99 19 80 1 3 ...

Q: Do indoor-outdoor cats really have 10 years shorter lifespan than indoor cats?

causativeI recently encountered the surprising claim that letting your cat go outdoors will shorten its lifespan by 10 years. I am wondering about the difference in lifespan between an indoor-only cat, and a cat that is cared for with a bed and food indoors but is allowed to go outside, henceforth called an

Q: Origin of the name "Boof" in Teen Wolf?

AndrewIn the 1985 version of Teen Wolf Scott's close friend is named "Boof" (though IMDB does refer to her as "Lisa 'Boof' Marconi"). Is the origin of that nickname given anywhere in the movie or in related media (a novelization)?

Q: How do Bible scholars interpret 1 Tim 3:2 in so far as it relates to the marital status of a Bishop?

Kadalikatt Joseph SibichanWe hear St Paul exhorting in 1 Timothy 3:2 (KJV): The bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt at teaching; Some versions use the phrase ' should be faithful to his wife' in lieu of ' husband of one wife' . A layman gen...

Q: What does 'seinen Mann stellen' mean in the context of Brecht's 'Galilei'?

BernhardTowards the end of Scene 1 Galilei says: Ich gebe es zu, es macht mir Spaß, ihr meine Herren Venezianer, in eurem berühmten Arsenal, den Werften und Artilleriezeughäusern meinen Mann zu stellen. He seems to be saying that he enjoys playing his part in Venetian life, but I may be misreading this...

Q: Using a lambda inside foreach()

Phil RI can use the foreach() function with a string, like so: :call foreach([37,73], 'echo v:val') 37 73 or with a Funcref: function Foobar(key,val) echo a:val endfunction :call foreach([37,73], function('Foobar')) 37 73 but it doesn't work with a lambda expression: :call foreach([37,73], {key,val ->

Q: What are the disadvantages of using an endurance gravel bike (with smooth tires) as an endurance road bike?

Sam7919The advantages (for me) would be: Common availability of 48t-34t chainrings, which are more suitable for my riding speeds. (I seldom, if ever, use the 52t/11-12t or 50t/12-13t gear combinations.) Easy availability of top-tube bolts. Those provide a non-wobbly, guaranteed-scratch-free set-up for...

Q: What circuit breaker compatible with panel

allen nguyenMy electric panel model is square d sc816d200c. I’m looking for the 50 amps circuit breaker using for installing EV charging. I took a picture of a model and then asked Lowes employee about the compatible circuit breaker. They recommended me the Homeline 50amp 2 poles standard but it seems doesn’...

Q: Is the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics antirealist?

SyedAccording to the IEP, scientific realism is the view that well-confirmed scientific theories are approximately true; the entities they postulate do exist; and we have good reason to believe their main tenets The Copenhagen interpretation is often summarized as “shut up and compute” with respect...

Q: Is there a term for a solo break without the rest of the band stopping?

IvanIn jazz, a soloist often takes over after another soloist at the end of the previous chorus, rather than wait until the first measure of their own chorus. Essentially this is a pickup bar (or several bars). If everybody else stopped playing, that would be called a solo break. However, is there...

Q: Does the study of cognitive biases overlap with philosophy?

SyedAs this article notes, Cognitive biases are systematic cognitive dispositions or inclinations in human thinking and reasoning that often do not comply with the tenets of logic, probability reasoning, and plausibility. These intuitive and subconscious tendencies are at the basis of human judgment...

Q: Isomorphism-invariance and categorical properties

Amanda WealthI was studying category theory when a question came to my mind. It is often argued that, given a mathematical object, its categorical properties are exactly those which are isomorphism-invariant. What does this mean? I'd like to make this statement more precise, and not being enough competent I'm...

Q: How do I make 3D voronoi mesh using geo nodes?

Benedicts Forester I am looking to create something like this using geometry nodes but not just across the surface of my mesh, but fully filled with simple voronoi texture pattern in 3 dimensions. Couldn't find a tutorial for this.

Q: Adjust the width of a table in a tcolorbox

DorianI would like columns of different widths to be able to fit the width of my tcolorbox. As you can see in my example, I tried to create 3 columns of different size (0.2, 0.2 and 0.6) but it exceeds the tcolorbox... Thank you in advance for your help. MWE : \documentclass{article} % Allow the usage ...

Q: Are call recording apps a reasonable accommodation under the ADA?

Stay-at-home-dadPeople who have Traumatic Brain Injuries (TMI) often suffer short- and long-term memory loss. A psychiatrist can test and give their professional opinion in a report, which carries a lot of weight with Social Security Disability approval. Using a recording app is a common solution for TMI victims...

Q: What does this dialect mean in normal Japanaese んでどないします

Kawase_K 「ほな皆々様! 明るく燦々、ニコニコしましょっ。 晴れるの待ってるボクらが お天道さんより笑わんでどないしますのっ」 The character is I suppose telling them to smile as they wait for the sun to pop out and they should laugh/smile more than the sun. What to make of んでどないしますのっ」 though? Let's smile? We have to smile? IF we don't smile what will happen?

1 hour later…
Q: existence and uniqueness of splitting fields

Quay ChernLet $F$ be a field and $f(x)\in F[x]$ be a monic polynomial. Denote by $a_1,\cdots,a_n$ the roots of $f(x)$ over $\bar F$ the algebraic closure of $F$. Then $f(x)=\prod_{i=1}^n(x-a_i)$ splits completely in $\bar F[x]$. [1] Can we directly say that $F(a_1,\cdots,a_n)$ is the splitting field of $f(...

Q: Proof that there is no closed formula for the factorial

domotorp How to prove that there is no formula for $n!$ that does only use the binary operations $+,-,*,/$ on natural numbers, powers of natural numbers, and fixed natural numbers? Similar question have been asked several times on math.SE but none of the answers there provide a formula of the specified ...

1 hour later…
Q: Use public CA wildcard certificate for initial ssh connection

Joel CoelLet's say my organization has a domain example.com and a server running a recent version of Ubuntu with the name myserver.example.com. Now let's say I'm on a Windows machine either on the local network for this server or connected to a VPN for the server's local network. The server is reachable o...

Q: Do explanations ever not compress the data they explain?

SyedMy question stems from this interesting accepted answer posed by @causative, a snippet of which is: An explanation is analogous to data compression. We have a large amount of data, that we explain with a short, simple rule. For example, you may plot a lot of (x, y) points and draw a regression l...

Q: Slow rise time for a temperature sensor

BasjI have a consumer-grade Bluetooth LE tempeture sensor like this: I noticed that, when moving this device from outside (+3°C) to inside (+20°C), it takes a huge amount of time to get to the right temperature (+20°C), probably 1 hour or 2 hours. After 10 minutes it is still at value +10°C. Questio...

Q: Dealing with cold

KobamschitzoI wonder, in everyday life, when I feel really cold outside and I want to rush indoors for warmth, how these ascetics deal with it. I udnerstand coldness is a part of reality and must ideally be experienced when it presents itself with a calm mind. I'm curious how aesthetics, like Buddha and his ...

Q: Why can`t DSolve solve this second order ode with initial conditions?

NasserThis ode from textbook. I was surprised Mathematica 14.1 on windows could not solve it, as one can solve it using Mathematica by solving for initial conditions directly. So I am hoping some debugging expert could give a hint why it could not solve it. It will be both interesting and educational ...

Q: Translation notes for different versions of the Bible?

Ryan Pierce WilliamsI was looking at the Greek of 1 John 3:12 - and I noticed how different versions translate the passage differently. Some say that Cain murdered his brother, while others state that he killed / slew his brother. While the Greek permits all of these - choosing to call Cain a “murderer” instead of a...

Q: Is the uncertainty principle a consequence of classical reference frame?

RuffoloConsider a quantum particle in a box (everything one dimensional, for simplicity). The box is isolated from everything else. We could not measure simultaneously the particle's position and momentum, because they are complementary variables, $$[x,p] = i\hbar$$. Since the system particle+box is iso...

Q: Would Europeans be effective slaves on Caribbean Plantations?

RhymehouseI've came across several stories of a type of "role reversal" where Europeans wind up enslaved by either Africans or Native Americans. I'm writing a timeline where Europe undergoes a very different history and Africa is more advanced. A Roman Empire analogue ends up exporting convicts, slaves, an...

Q: Low power light sensor for power latch circuit

spanitoI have a microcontroller that needs to be powered ON only when there is light in the ambient, otherwise it should stay OFF. To achieve this I use the power latch described here and a simple light sensor formed by a 2N7000 N-channel MOSFET, a 5mm flat top green LED and a 10kOhm resistor as shown i...

Q: Inferring Eigenstates of the Original Hamiltonian from the Eigenstates After Exact Diagonalization

Yuqi QingI am learning the exact diagonalization of quantum many-body systems. Let's take a spin model as an example. Setting $N = 4$, we have 16 states, namely $|\psi\rangle = |0000\rangle, |0001\rangle, \dots, |1111\rangle$. I can express the Hamiltonian $H$ in the $|\psi\rangle$ representation and diag...

Q: Can one ever actually use Alaska Airlines MVP Gold upgrade coupons?

JonathanReezAs a result of doing lots of flying I've received 4 vouchers from Alaska that in theory entitle me to found business class upgrades in the next year. Given their destinations map you'd only be able to use them on (relatively) short flights under 7 hours, but I figured I might as well use them sin...

Q: Why is it that our relation to death makes us authentic?

shindemoWhy is it that our relation to death makes us authentic? We cannot much, it seems, overcome death that way. Is it some conscious idea or response to our own death that makes us authentic, and if so then how can that be, how can something postponed while we are acting make us act real or fake? Th...

Q: UUID v7 implementation in python

138 AspenImplementation of UUID Version 7 (UUIDv7) according to RFC 9562, Ported from Guid.CreateVersion7() The official implementation in Python is uuid I have verified the generated result in this and this. I am now looking for a review in terms of approach, clarity, performance, etc. import uuid from d...

Q: What is the contraction spelled out for "one of"?

greeneWhat is the contraction spelled out for one of? One-a the girls said no. Onea the girls said no. One-ah? I'm writing a dialogue.

Q: How can I change from which Google account I use to pay for a subscription via Play?

Franck DernoncourtI have several Google accounts logged into my phone. Some Android app such as YouTube allows user to pay for a subscription via Play. How can I change from which Google account I use to pay for a subscription via Play? Example: YouTube allows user to pay for a subscription via Play:

Q: From start to finish but …… not only once!

yuzuoInspired by this post, but not quite the same! Based on the following... 0 → ✅❌✅✅ 1 → ✅✅❌ 2 → ❌✅✅ 3 → ❌❌✅❌❌ 4 → ❌✅✅✅ 5 → ❌✅✅❌ 6 → ✅✅❌ 7 → ✅❌✅❌✅ 8 → ????? 9 → ✅✅✅❌ ...replace each question mark with the correct symbol. Hint 1:

Q: Any ortographic and pronunciation rules for e followed by a vowel?

some_math_guyConsulting various sites I have compilled the following list or rules for the spelling and pronunciation of e: La distribution de /e/ et /ɛ/ suit plus ou moins la Loi de position, c'est-à-dire que /e/ se trouve toujours en syllabe ouverte (aller = [ale]) et que /ɛ/ se trouve souvent en syllabe f...

1 hour later…
Q: Is there any significance to the bird flying into Shelby's face in "It's What's Inside"?

galacticninjaEarly in Netflix's It's What's Inside (2024), a bird flies directly into Shelby's (Brittany O'Grady) face as she arrives at Reuben's home. This seems to unsettle her, and she later mentions it to her friends inside the house. However, as far as I can tell, the incident is never mentioned or refer...

Q: Colored prebreak in listings fails specifically with beamer

PlasmaBinturongI would like to colorize the symbol showing line breaks in code listings (prebreak option of the listings package). I am using pdflatex. The following code, taken from Colorful prebreak and postbreak tokens with listings package, works using the article class: \documentclass{article} %\documentcl...

Q: Huygens' principle or finite speed of propagation?

DispersionI am reading the paper Large global solutions for energy supercritical nonlinear wave equations on $\mathbb{R}^{3+1}$ by Krieger and Schlag and am confused by one of their steps. For context, $v(t,r)$ is radial and solves a septic nonlinear wave equation $$-\partial_{tt}v + \Delta v = F(v),$$ on ...

Q: Current year is commonly being typoed as an Amicable Number

Thirdy YabataNote: I created this puzzle. There is a pair of Amicable Number (A,B), with B being typoed as the current year. Both A and B have the same calendar, and date of Easter of year B is same as A. As for A, the next leap year after A is divisible by a prime number (the first two digits of A - the last...

Q: Origin of the idea that cranes ballast themselves for flight, in Drayton’s ‘The Owl’

Gareth ReesIn his poem ‘The Owl’, Michael Drayton lists some lessons taught by various species of bird: And every bird shew’d in his proper kind, What virtue nature had to him assign’d Michael Drayton (1604). ‘The Owl’. In Works (1753), volume 4, p. 1291. London: W. Reeve. Thus the turtledove teaches “cha...

Q: How to reduce the width of the top horizontal line in the `\sqrt` command?

tsiayiI would like to ask how to reduce the width of the top horizontal line in the \sqrt command. I noticed that the top horizontal line of the square root symbol differs in width between the STIX font and the default CM font. When I replaced the square root symbol in the stix-mathex.pfb font with the...

Q: If a (commutative) ring (with unity) has a unique minimal prime ideal, is the nilradical necessarily prime?

ultralegend5385The question is If a (commutative) ring (with unity) has a unique minimal prime ideal, is the nilradical prime? I just thought of this as the converse is true (and it follows immediately from the fact that the nilradical is the intersection of all prime ideals). My attempt: Let $\mathfrak p$ be...

2 hours later…
Q: About Sample Curve Node. What exactly does it output?

Amit KumarI was trying to understand what a sample curve node does. I read the official docs. Watched a few videos on sample curve node(There's only one video specifically about sample curve that I could find on youtube). However, I'm still not able to figure out what exactly it does. I could understand th...

Q: Integration of Differential Forms

the topological beastI am reading the book "Lee, Introduction to Smooth Manifolds" in the section on integration, and I encountered a problem with the definition of the integral. The book defines the integral of an Suppose first that $ \omega $ is compactly supported in the domain of a single smooth chart $(U, \varph...

Q: What was the reason to require MSDOS.SYS to be at least 1024 bytes in size?

user3840170Similarly to CP/M, the kernel of MS-DOS up to version 6.22 was split into two files: the (DOS-)BIOS, carrying the name IO.SYS (or IBMBIO.COM), and the BDOS, named MSDOS.SYS (or IBMDOS.COM). With MS-DOS 7.0, which is the version incorporated into Windows 95, the BIOS and BDOS were combined into a...

Q: Other than impedance, what should determine the selection of R and C in a low-pass or high-pass filter?

nuggetheadI'm having a hard time understanding how to choose values for the resistor and capacitor in an RC low-pass or high-pass filter. I think I understand correctly that... The "worst-case" input impedance is roughly equal to R, so it's safe to use R as the input impedance in building the circuit. The "

Q: Can I screw a sagging gutter to the fascia?

Charles M.A branch fell on my roof and it landed on my gutter. Because of this, the water is now pooling at one end instead of flowing to the drain. It seems that the branch bent the end of the gutter, so it's not tight against the fascia board anymore. How do I fix this? Can I just screw the end of the...

Q: How to decrease the size of sub/super script latex

Noah LaikinHow do I globally change the size of subscripts and superscripts? (I would like to make them smaller)

Q: Anime where the main character can fuse with spirits

AlmarioJohn Murphy TI had watch an anime couple of years ago which the mc can fuse with spirits. It all starts I think it's a mountain with his best friend and without knowing this best friend of his is a spirit and also when he's fuses with it he can use bow. Additionally his best friend is a water element. They be...

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