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Q: How do I interpret multiple linear regression results as % change in dependent variable

David SturgessSay I'm interpreting my MLR and writing about one of my independent variables and it is an index (0-1), the coefficient is 4.169* . My dependent variable is in units degrees celsius. How do I interpret this so that I can say "a % increase in this independent variable corresponds to a x% increase/...

Q: Mathematical questions about equivalence of actions (1d Liouville and Schwarzian)

Pefkinhttps://arxiv.org/abs/1705.08408 says the following action \begin{align} L = \pi_\phi \dot{\phi} + \pi_f \dot{f} - (\pi_\phi^2 + \pi_f e^\phi)\tag{2.1} \end{align} reduces to a Schwarzian action $L = \{f,\tau\}$. dot means $\tau$ derivative. They says we can show this by Enforcing the constraint...

Q: What does, "there is no truth in him" mean in John 8:44?

C. StroudJohn 8:44 ESV "You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies."...

Q: Can we evaluate claims reliably and with a high degree of consensus without empirical evidence?

user80226If we seek a methodology for evaluating claims that fosters a high degree of agreement among individuals, one common approach is to base evaluations on empirical evidence. According to Wikipedia: Empirical evidence is evidence obtained through sense experience or experimental procedure. It is of...

Q: Why are the walls of a spacecraft usually so thin?

Aerospace_NerdIn crafts such as the LM and even the Starship, I’ve heard the walls to be ‘paper thick aluminium’ which I feel is an extreme oversimplification. However I am aware that the walls are in-fact, pretty thin. My question is, why aren’t the walls just thicker as these crafts have to sustain external ...

Q: Why are Problem Solvers travel agents so expensive?

Lucas MyersUnsure whether this is an appropriate question for this forum, but I was looking into ways to use road bike levers with v-brakes and stumbled on this reddit post. The claim, which I have no reason to doubt, is that a single Problem Solvers Travel Agent was $15 6 years ago (at the time of the thre...

Q: Did middle japanese really have final -t?

Sierra HotelLike final -m and final -n which did exist to common knowledge, did final -t exist? Portuguese sources speak of Japanese possessing a final -t in the past, but I am unsure if it about it's existence. Does anyone know if this really was a common feature of Japanese in the past?

Q: How can I make the notion that a basis is fixed in time with respect to itself more precise?

mhdadkLet $A = (O, (e_x,e_y,e_z))$ be the standard frame in $\mathbb R^3$, such that $O = (0,0,0)$ and $(e_x,e_y,e_z)$ is the standard basis. Additionally, let $B = (O, (b_x,b_y,b_z))$ be a moving frame in $\mathbb R^3$ with respect to $A$ with the same origin as $A$ but a different basis (i.e. $(b_x,b...

Q: Which abelian varieties over a local field can be globalized?

curious math guyAs the title says, if $\mathcal{A}$ is an abelian variety over $\mathbb{Q}_p$, is there a criterion as to if I should expect there to exist $A$ over $\mathbb{Q}$ such that $$\mathcal{A}\cong A\times_{\mathbb{Q}}\mathbb{Q}_p?$$ I'm not aware of even a necessary condition, sorry for the naive quest...

Q: Learning Sitecore, how to structure Treelist data templates in Sitecore?

Yash GuptaIf I am creating a treelist, where each individual item is a base link template containing text and a general link, having below structure Home ├── About Us │ ├── Our Team │ └── Our History ├── Services │ ├── Consulting │ ├── Development │ │ ├── Web Development │ │ └── Mobile Deve...

Q: I made in Betty Crocker cake mix with vegetable oil instead of butter

LinaI used 1/3 cup of oil instead of 1/3 cup of butter in a Betty Crocker cake mix! How can I fix this?

Q: VBE multiplier with BJTs?

SRomieI came across this little circuit in an audio amplifier and I just wanted to ask if this is a certain configuration of VBE multiplier, if so what is the purpose of using the Q651 PNP BJT?

Q: Can this circular 10-pin connector be identified (in the hopes of finding a better equivalent)?

Chris HThis connector is used on Oxford Instruments cryostats. I can get spares, but it would be nice to overcome some of the shortcomings if there's something compatible . There's text "M10S" but that doesn't lead to anything helpful when paired with relevant search terms. The hexagon (slightly dama...

Q: How to check multiple hosts for simple connectivity?

chris01I need a tool that tells me if a connection to a host is open or not - no data to send or receive. Just if the connect is successful. Today I use telnet. $ telnet myhost myport Trying Connected to myhost. Escape character is '^]'. ^[^] telnet> quit Connection closed. But I need t...

Q: How to distinguish between silicon and boron with simple equipment?

Paul KolkI have a piece of brittle material and some smaller shards. It has metallic luster and quite low density (no bubbles inside the bulk).It shows no signs of corrosion despite being held at moist air for years, and it is inert to acid as well. It looks exactly like silicon in the pictures found by s...

Q: Chain falls behind rear sprockets - safeguards?

LTRFrom time to time, my chain falls off the rear sprockets, and then gets stuck between sprockets and spokes. Apparently this is because my gears are losing their adjustment. When I re-adjust them every 1-2 months, the problem does not occur. However: As an additional safeguard, I would like to ins...

Q: input abbreviation with spaces?

gcbI'm trying to add an abbreviation to some strange language syntax I don't use often and always forget, for example, on all python buffers, i'd want iab "else if" elif Those are strange use cases for an abbreviation (most of them convert a phrase to a word), alas I can't think of a better feature...

Q: How is the partcile も used after a plain verb?

JBeanなんとか立たせるも、首が座っておらず、不気味な笑顔をうつむかせている。 The character caught an evil person. He is now forcing him to stead up and his narration communicates this. As I understand it, it's "Even if I make him stand up, he doesn't hold his head up and looks down with a creepy smile" Does も here provide the same nuanc...

Q: Finding the current between two branches of resistors

ShootinLemons The task is to find the current between P and Q if there was a wire connecting them. In another similar question there's just an ammeter between them and you're supposed to find how much current it will measure. I've been wondering about this question for weeks now and I still have no idea what ...

Q: Tuples of digits with a given number of distinct elements

VosoniWhat is the correct (optimal) way of generating all possible ordered k-tuples of digits from 0 to 9 in which no elements repeat and the first element is nonzero? My current code k=3; Digs = Select[Tuples[Prepend[Table[Range[0, 9], k - 1], Range[1, 9]]], CountDistinct[#] == k &] works only for...

1 hour later…
Q: Preserving non-conjugacy of loxodromic isometries in a Dehn filling

Emily HamiltonSuppose that $g$ and $h$ are non-conjugate loxodromic isometries in a cusped hyperbolic $3$-manifold $M$ of finite volume. Fix a cusp $T$ of $M$. Can I choose a hyperbolic Dehn filling of $M$ along $T$ such that the images of $g$ and $h$ remain (a) loxodromic and (b) non-conjugate in the filled ...

Q: Spacing when using \frac command

olivers 82I have a litte problem with using the \frac command, because the text that is written before it, it will be spaced. How can i fix this? It is on purpuse that there is two lines of text one under the other. It can work if i dont have the \displaystyle in my equation (the second equation) but then ...

Q: Switching Amber Versions Mid-Project

PaulBackground: I have been running a large number of MD simulations in in the 2022 build of Amber for the last two years, as it is what I had available on my local supercomputer center. Recently, that center added a large number of new compute nodes with more, and faster GPUs. Problem: I want to uti...

Q: Defining anchor points in a custom pic

blackenedThere are possibly very useful answers in this post, but I couldn't understand them. In the example below, how can I define an anchor at north of my pic so that while drawing a line from that point, I do not need to do manual calculations to work out its coordinate, or I may want to work with a d...

Q: How defensible is it to attribute "Sinim" in Isa 49:12 to China?

GratefulDiscipleA Dailymail article embellishing news of an archeological find of a Chinese bowl fragment dated between 1520 to 1570 says: Fruitful, peaceful contact between Jewish and Chinese traders may, in fact, date as far back as the Old Testament, with a passage in the Book of Isaiah (49:12) that makes re...

Q: Should a larger lamp cord wire connect to the larger blade of a polarized plug?

RogerThe wires of an old lamp burned off inside the non-polarized plug. I have a new polarized plug. One of the two copper wires on the old lamp cord appears to be slightly larger than the other. Is it correct to assume that the apparently larger wire should go on the larger prong?

Q: How to reduce the height of curly braces around aligned environment with [t] parameter

JasperI want to reduce the height of the surrounding curly braces of an aligned environment which uses the [t] parameter. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} This is some inline text. $ \left\{ \mbox{This is some more: } \begin{aligned}[t] a&=b\\ ...

Q: Will repotting this distressed dracaena marginata make things worse?

Daniel MichaelI've been trying to rehab this plant for the past couple months. I live in the Midwest of USA and it is now winter here. The leaves on one stalk have drooped quite a bit and the leaves on the other stem have brown tips. I think I may have watered it too much and it might be in too big of a pot? I...

Q: UMG Drawing Delay

illmortemIs there any way to delay the re-rendering of a widget when you clear its children? I am trying to clear my inventory widget off all the children widgets, then re-add them (sort of a clear and refresh mechanic) but when I do so, the inventory widget flickers (in the time between clearing and read...

Q: Connecting a landline phone with a router hooked up

Grant CampbellI have the standard FTTC connection device and a NetComn NF18ACV router. Seeking better WIFi I bought a TP-Link AX3000 router but it doesn't have a phone line port. Can I just use the port on the FTTC device?

Q: Can one justifiably believe in the correctness of a mathematical theorem without relying on empirical evidence?

user80226How can I justifiably believe that a theorem is correct? Option 1: By trusting the testimony of one or more reliable mathematicians who claim to have peer-reviewed and verified the theorem's correctness. Option 2: By personally reviewing the proof of the theorem step by step, using my own cognit...

Q: In a matroid does every singleton appear in a base?

AvalloniIf $\mathcal{M}=(\mathcal{S}, \mathcal{I})$ is a matroid with non-zero rank does every singleton (as a set containing only one element of $\mathcal{S}$) appears in at least one base of $\mathcal{M}$? I tried searching for counterexamples but couldn't find any. I suppose that because Greedy works ...

Q: Why does an incorrect combinatorial calculation give a correct result, while a seemingly correct one gives a result which is incorrect?

A AI'm considering the complete 3- partite graph G on the six labelled vertices 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 which consists of the three parts (not edges) {1,4}, {2,3}, {5,6}. (These three sets form a partition of the vertex set.) To make G 3-partite complete, we need 12 edges. According to Kirchhoff's theorem,...

Q: Do conjugated cyclic matrices have the same cyclic vectors?

vanadatLet $F$ be a field and $A\in GL(n,F)$ a cyclic matrix, hence there exists a $v \in F^n =: V$ such that $v, Av, ..., A^{n-1}v$ span $V$. Now let $B \in GL(n,F)$ be a matrix which is similar to $A$, so there exists a $X \in GL(n,F)$ such that $XAX^{-1} = B$. An equivalent characterisation of cycli...

Q: How to identify an expletive / "dummy it" when sentence diagramming?

kviLLI found this diagram for the opening line of Pride and Prejudice: It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. If I'm understanding correctly, they've diagrammed "It" as an expletive or dummy pronoun.1 However, my initial ...

Q: As an adverb, which word’s more idiomatic: “clear” or “clearly”?

OmegaBoth “clear” and “clearly” can be used as an adverb. I wonder which one’s more idiomatic in vernacular. For example, when you say You didn’t say it clear(ly) I couldn’t see it clear(ly) You didn’t write it clear(ly) which one’s more idiomatic in vernacular: “clear” or “clearly”? The same ques...

Q: Showing QGIS Print layout extent in map as polygon

user154532I would like to display the extent of the various print layouts in the QGIS map as a polygon. To create a kind of overview map where the individual folder sections are shown. I know a manual workaround with geometry by expression: make_polygon( geom_from_wkt( 'Polygon((xmax ymax, xma...

Q: Is it possible to convert the dimensions that MeasureIt gives into text or Mesh for manipulation?

Bolariwan Aurèle LANIGNANIn reality I would like to create dimensions on objects and output the image in Panorama to read in a 360 reading engine. So I am thinking if it is possible to convert the dimensions into text it would be possible, I had tried to create a script for this, but I encountered problems when the dimen...

Q: How to do a systematic literature review in countries without access to databases like WoS and Scopus?

Kissa MurmurmurI need to make a PRISMA systematic literature review on a sociological topic. To do this, I need to systematically search the major databases, arriving at a list of metadata of the academic papers (articles, book chapters) that fit the search terms. For now, the important thing is finding this me...

Q: I can't count on my coworkers

dsollenI asked the people I worked with what 1+1 equalled. Alice said 2 Bob wrote 10 Charlie answered 11 My final coworker tried to give me an answer as well, but I cut her off angrily saying I hadn't asked her. Can you tell me what kind of job we all do?

1 hour later…
Q: Trying to use GDAL translate to compress hundreds of TIFF files

Stevenj279I am trying to use the code below in a batch file to process over 700 GeoTIFF images. It worked fine when I used a much simpler version of it to do a batch process for conversion of JP2 files to TIFF files as well as changing the EPSG, but after adding additional commands (to further shrink the T...

Q: Why does my model even in flat shading look weird?

andrixI am trying to model a helmet. However, for some reason, the shading looks weird even for the flat shading regime. It seems that it tries to visualize more faces/quads than there actually are. This is the model with no modifiers applied (in edit mode): I tried: recalculating normals, and merging...

Q: How to add labels to a graphics grid?

Mahdi RazazI have a grid of contour plots that looks like is there any way to add one label as "longitude" and one as "latitude" to the bottom and left sides, respectively? simple code: plot1 = MatrixPlot[RandomReal[{-1000, 1000}, {100, 100}], ColorFunction -> "TemperatureMap"]; plot2 = MatrixPlot[Rand...

Q: PSE Advent Calendar 2024 (Day 13): ‘Tis the Season for... Diamonds?

JafeThis puzzle is part of the Puzzling Stack Exchange Advent Calendar 2024. The accepted answer to this question will be awarded a bounty worth 150 reputation.< Previous Door Next Door > ‘Tis the season for... Diamonds? Wait a minute, that can’t be right. What are we supposed to be looking at? After...

Q: Does 14-50 outlet in garage require GFCI breaker even if using EVSE traveling charger?

CheeryI bought an electric car. Electrical service panels are inside of garage, right in front of where I park the car. Installed a 14-50 outlet with 6 AWG and conduit with a regular 50A breaker, right below the service panel (used unused 50A breaker from a decommissioned pool heater). Works great with...

Q: How to balance what the accepted wisdom demands vs. what the conscience demands in advising young trainees?

A HThis post is focused on the life sciences. Encouraging students to pursue a career in biomedical research is taken as indisputably the right thing to do. For example see, {https://www.nigms.nih.gov/training/Pages/Training-Modules-for-Enhancing-Biomedical-Research-Workforce-Training-R25.aspx}. Yet...

Q: Trying to find a French film I watched 5-10 years ago on Netflix

zedseven5-10 years ago, I watched a French movie on Netflix. I believe it had a French title as well, and I recall thinking it was a rather niche film, even at the time. Here's what I remember (potentially inaccurate): It was about a young man, who I believe got mixed up with some bad people. I think he...

Q: Four numbers with unique representations for 1-10 with simpler operands

Ed PeggFor four values and basic operands, there are 1170 inequivalent expressions (A140606). For example, $a+b$ and $b+a$ are equivalent. While testing my code for this, I came across the following: $\begin{array}{cc} 1 & \{\text{(((13-11)$\times $9)-17)}\} \\ 2 & \{\text{(17-(11+(13-9)))},\text{((17...

Q: Is giving simpler hypotheses higher prior probabilites the only way to define a probability distribution over hypotheses?

SyedOne can think of an infinite number of hypotheses that explain the same data. In Bayesianism, hypotheses have certain prior probabilities of being true (i.e. their probability of being true prior to coming across any evidence for or against them). Now, if one assigns prior probabilities in such a...

Q: Book about a young man who joins his uncle's mercenary naval group

PatrickI read this book at least 20 years ago. It's set in the future. Nuclear weapons are banned, so conflicts are resolved by hiring mercenaries groups as proxies. Humanity lives in domed cities on the water. The story revolves around a young man who joins his uncle's naval (as in actual water ships) ...

Q: How are Indirect Question introduced by 'nescio an'? What do they do?

user2231142Hope this is alright but my teacher is asking me to research this more but I am super confused and I feel like our grammar book doesn't really go over it. For nescio an, do we just supply it with a subjunctive? Does it display a rhetorical sense (such as: I don't know if it works" [I think/doubt...

Q: Navigating a Difficult Recommendation Letter Situation for PhD Applications

BiriBoraI am applying to some PhD programs and need three recommendation letters. Usually, the most important one is the letter from an MSc supervisor. The issue is that my MSc supervisor is very strict and has a strong personality. He has the mentality that "I invest in MSc students, and when they final...

Q: DNS not resolving - brand new Mac - Sequoia

h4ckNinjaBrand new MacBook Pro - unboxed just a few minutes ago. It's running Sequoia. DNS to external works just fine, and my other devices, including an iPhone and an iPad, work just fine with internal DNS. I run Pihole internally for both the ad-blocking benefits as well as provide an authoritative DNS...

Q: Reorder indices alphabetically in each term of a sum

BenHere is a challenge for you. I have an expression that has an arbitrary number of terms that look like expression = a[i] * f[g[y, i]] + b[i, j] * f[g[x, j], g[y, i]] + c[i, j, k] * f[g[x, j], g[y, k], g[x, i]] + d[i, j, k, l] * f[g[y, j], g[...

Q: Why are the black piano keys' front face sloped?

AaronIt's standard that the front face of black keys on the piano are sloped away from the musician. Why is that? The manufacture would seem simpler and cheaper if the black keys were square-cut like the white keys, and there are other designs, such as a rounded top-front edge, that would be more comf...

Q: Using \edef inside an enumerate environment not updating the existing value

JulesI'm trying to use the approach described in this answer to store some text for later. My code is as follows: \documentclass{article} \edef\answers{} \newcommand{\answer}[1]{\edef\answers{\answers{}#1 }} \begin{document} \begin{enumerate} \item Question. \answer{answer} \item Questi...

Q: Why must Grassmann algebras for Fermionic theories be infinite dimensional?

CBBAMA Fermionic field $\psi$ is defined as a field over spacetime taking values in a Grassmann algebra $\mathcal{G}$. Why is the Grassmann algebra $\mathcal{G}$ usually taken to be infinite dimensional? Is there a particular vector space we choose when defining the Grassmann algebra of a field theory...

1 hour later…
Q: What would an alternative to the Lorenz gauge mean? Difference vs Sum

empCanivoreHow would the mathematics of electromagnetism and physical interpretation change if the gauge used a difference instead of a sum? In other words, what would this gauge do: $$\frac{1}{c}\frac{\partial \phi}{\partial t} - \nabla \cdot A=0$$ Instead of the Lorenz gauge: $$\frac{1}{c}\frac{\partial \...

Q: Does Solomonoff's theory of inductive inference justify Occam's razor?

SyedI was told to make a separate question on this to keep focus given the implications of this question. As a reminder, Occam's razor states that you should prefer the hypothesis that has fewer assumptions when comparing hypotheses that explain the same evidence. In Solomonoff's theory of inductive ...

Q: Interval Placement

l4m2Given two intervals A and B, decide if A can be translated and placed into B. You can assume both given interval has some measure(or say length). aka. Exist d, for all x in A, x+d is in B. Both extreme points are positive integers but can be either open or close(given in input, flexible form). Mo...

Q: Checking for an increase in outliers over time

WoolynikI've been asked to test if there has been an increase in the number and size specifically of the high outliers over the years. The purpose is to show that there are more and higher extreme cases as time goes on (while the base remains the same). I have many examples and comparisons between years,...

Q: Can this locus be an ellipse?

aarbee Let $A=(-1,0)$ and $B=(2,0)$ be two points on the $x-$ axis. A point $M$ is moving in the xy-plane in such a way that $\angle MBA=2\angle MAB.$ Find the locus if $M$. My Attempt: $\tan2\theta=\frac{2\tan\theta}{1-\tan^2\theta}$ $\left|\frac k{h-2}\right|=\frac{2\left|\frac k{h+1}\right|}{1-\lef...

Q: Creating "horseshoe" polylines from lines in QGIS

FoolzRailerI need to generate “horseshoe”/U lines that can be imported into another program for hydrological adjustments. I have the correct centerlines, but I can’t quite figure out how to generate these lines around, as shown in the example. This must be done for many places, so it must be automated. I t...

Q: Why is there no strong contrast between inside and outside the tunnel in my Blender animation?

LiuuuukI created an animation in Blender of a car entering and exiting a road tunnel on a bright sunny day. However, I noticed that there isn’t much difference in contrast between the inside and outside of the tunnel. I can clearly see details both inside the tunnel and outside, when I would expect, for...

Q: Why isn't there an "exterior algebra"-like structure imposed on the tangent spaces of smooth manifolds?

KandCI'm going through Nakahara's book "Geometry, Topology, and Physics" (my background is physics, sorry if this question is obvious to math backgrounds). In chapter 5, after defining smooth manifolds, tangent and cotangent spaces, and tensor fields of type $(p,q)$ on these manifolds, he begins defin...

Q: How does a simulacrum deal with complications?

Shawn CorriveauIn DnD 5e, Simulacrum says: "The simulacrum is friendly to you and creatures you designate. It obeys your spoken commands, moving and acting in accordance with your wishes and acting on your turn in combat." But, what if someone gives vague orders, and something happens that makes that order hard...

Q: Significance of "shine" vs. "burn" in "All of You"

DLoscIn "All of You," the final song from the movie Encanto, Mirabel sings: Look at this family, a glowing constellation So full of stars, and everybody wants to shine But the stars don't shine, they burn And the constellations shift I think it's time you learn You're more than just your gift The fi...

Q: Which かなう is it in「自らの利権にかなう」?

desmo 今回の騒ぎを起こした君!君はこのバッシングで現政権の信頼を失墜させ、自らの利権にかなう、新たな政権を擁立しようと計画しているんだろうが (YouTube clip) I am not sure what this かなう here is. Is it the same かなう as in 「理にかなう」 which would fall under definition 1 「条件・基準などによく当てはまる。ぴったり合う。適合する。」 in this dictionary entry. But in the context it seems to mean something alo...

Q: Simulated Execution of Redirections

bakuninMy shell is the Korn Shell, but I think the problem (and its eventual remedy) applies to other shells as well. I usually build a "simulation mode" into my scripts to test potentially destructive/state-changing commands up front. Like this: # export SIMULATE='print -' [...] $SIMULATE /path/to/haza...

Q: Can you hack bots diagonally?

Time4TeaAccording to this Steam discussion page, you can use multitools in Jupiter Hell to hack and take over mechanical enemies. However, if your technician doesn't have the 'Remote Hack' trait, then you have to move into the bots to hack them. Does that mean you can't hack a bot that is diagonally next...

Q: C.c.c. forcings cannot introduce diamond (Kunen Exercise IV.7.57)

Yujun WeiDefinition. A $\diamondsuit$-sequence is a sequence $\langle A_\alpha\subset\alpha\mid \alpha\in \omega_1\rangle$ such that for all $A\subset \omega_1$, $\{ \alpha\in\omega_1\mid A\cap \alpha=A_\alpha\}$ is stationary in $\omega_1$. A $\diamondsuit^-$-sequence is a sequence $\langle \mathcal{A}_...

Q: Update object inside array inside another JSON object

Vlado B.I have a huge JSON object with an array of objects inside it. I have to add key:value pair to a specific object in the array. For example, let the input object is: { "a": { "b": [ { "name": "name1", "value": 1, "param": { "p1": "par1" } ...

Q: Name the book with human embassy on small island

ElasI’m trying to recall a sci-fi book. The story involves humans discovering a planet inhabited by an alien civilization. They orbit the planet in their spaceship, and the aliens eventually allow them to settle, but only on a small island, which functions more like an embassy. The aliens have a very...

Q: PHP7.4 ldap broken on focal after 13 dec 2024

Gabriele CarioliLast night unattended update (13/12/2024) on Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS (focal) upgraded php7.4 from version 7.4.3-4ubuntu2.24 to 7.4.3-4ubuntu2.26. Unfortunately, after the upgrade, the php-ldap module no longer works. Unable to load dynamic library 'ldap.so' (tried: /usr/lib/php/20190902/ldap.so (/usr/...

Q: Control label location in Manipulate

NaraghaziConsider this simple code: Manipulate[ Plot[{Sin[x], Cos[x]}, {x, 0, 8}, PlotStyle -> {u, v}], {{u, Automatic, "Sin"}, {None, Automatic}}, {{v, Automatic, "Cos"}, {None, Automatic}}, ControlType -> Checkbox] which gives I want to move the control labels, "Sin" and "Cos", to the right ...

Q: Who are the characters seen in their prison cells as G.I. Robot is escorted to his cell in "Creature Commandos"?

galacticninjaIn Creature Commandos Season 1, Episode 3, "Cheers to the Tin Man," a flashback shows G.I. Robot being escorted to his prison cell in Belle Reve Penitentiary. During this scene, we see other inmates in their cells, presumably all DC Comics supervillains: a hooded figure with a metal gauntlet and ...

Q: What factors determine the frame rate in game programming?

shingo.nakanishiI read that frame rate depends on the monitor's refresh rate, as described in the following Japanese article: https://siv3d.github.io/ja-jp/tutorial2/motion/#181-%E7%B5%8C%E9%81%8E%E6%99%82%E9%96%93%E3%82%92%E4%BD%BF%E3%81%A3%E3%81%9F%E3%83%A2%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A7%E3%83%B3 Scene::Time() や ...

Q: The ten most fundamental topics in geometric group theory

Sam Nead What are the ten most fundamental topics in geometric group theory? This is a pedagogical question prompted by the fact that I am teaching geometric group theory to (advanced) undergraduates. The number "ten" is there to give the question a bit of structure. If you think that there are only t...

Q: Maximum density of sum-free sets with respect to Knuth's "addition"

Dominic van der ZypenA subset $S\subseteq\mathbb{N}$ is said to be sum-free if whenever $s,t\in S$, then $s+t\notin S$. For instance the set of odd numbers is sum-free and has (lower and upper) asymptotic density 1/2. Question. What is the supremum of lower asymptotic density that a set $S\subseteq\mathbb{N}$ can hav...

Q: Bash extglob with ignored pattern

lonixSuppose I have these files: foo/bar/baz/test.js foo/bar/baz/test.min.js If I run: shopt -s globstar shopt -s extglob echo foo/bar/**/*!(.min).js ...that will nonetheless match the test.min.js file. How do I ignore it?

Q: Luggage Transfer at IGI Airport for International Departure on same PNR (Self or Airline)

A DWhenever I fly from Istanbul to IGI Delhi, I have to self transfer my luggage at IGI for my onward domestic India journey. This is the case even when the entire journey is on the same PNR. My question is "is it the same for connecting International Departures at IGI"? I have booked Lufthansa tick...

Q: What is the proper replacement for Query in Glassmapper V5

RameshkumarWe are working on the Sitecore upgrade. below code that is used in older Glassmapper public IEnumerable<ISitecoreItem> GetNavigation() { var NavigationQuery = "./ancestor-or-self::*[@@templateid='" + Site_FolderConstants.TemplateIdString + "']/Data/Navigation/#Main Navigation#/*"; ...

Q: How to make realistic crumbs?

RamaI am trying to make a realistic render of a chocolate donut with some raspberries in it; i am stuck in making those crumbs, i tried 2 different ways to get to my goal,the first one with geometry nodes (i don't really like it, it looks like some sort of virus) and the second one with particle syst...

Q: inserting image in overleaf

FKcosθ\documentclass[]{article} \usepackage[]{graphics} \begin{document} \begin{figure} \includegraphics{Untitled.jpg} \end{figure} \end{document} After running this code, it is not showing any image. Just a box with untitled.jpg written inside. How do I fix this? Edit: Okay, so let me say so...

Q: What has this figure to do with the Pythagorean theorem?

Turquoise Tilt The legend tells that Pythagoras was looking at the square tiles of Samos' palace, waiting to be received by Polycrates, when he noticed that if one divides diagonally one of those squares, it turns out that the two halves are right triangles (whose area is half the area of the tile). The area o...

Q: Autogyros as air vehicles on a minimal infrastructure forested world

kenodThis is a follow-up for Useful aerial recon vehicles for newly colonized worlds (partially since I realized I asked the initial question in a really unclear way). The first human colony ship has arrived in orbit around their new world (earth-like with life, 0.86g, 1.2 atm, 35% oxygen content in t...

Q: Disregard equation alignment in one line

johk95In the following align environment I use two columns of formulas, one left and one right-aligned. In the first line the left part is very long, and in the third line the right part is really long and is then forced to overflow the line and push the eq. numbering to the next line. Is it possible t...

Q: Movie where everything turns out to be the test of new VR glasses in helicopter

CodeguardThe movie was probably made somewhere after 2010 in Hollywood. According to what I remember, it had rather contemporary visual effects and overall visuals. The plot begins with CEO of some company ready to depart in a helicopter, and a few employees approaching him, begging to find just a couple ...

Q: What is an Inaugural Fund?

whoisitThere was a news today about Meta, Amazon donating to Donald Trump's inaugural fund. What is an inaugural fund? Is it official/constitutional? Is the president considered accountable for its usage? Is it considered charity?

Q: Equation of standing waves

Hoobali zakaWhile searching about the equations for standing wave, we know that the amplitude is a function of $x$ is $A(\mathbf{r})= 2 A \cos Kx$. Can the amplitude of standing wave be similarly a sine function of $x$, that is, $A(\mathbf{r})= 2 A \sin Kx$?

Q: Does a USB-C male to USB-A female adapter draw power with no connected device or cable in the USB-A female end?

WizardMy car has 2 USB-C ports and I bought a UGreen USB-C to USB-A adapter to use it with USB-A flash drives and my phone (which has a micro-USB port) via a USB-A to micro-USB cable. These USB-C ports seem to provide current even with the engine off. As I would like, for convenience, to have the adapt...

Q: How to force formulas to the left edge (border) in LaTex?

MarkHow to force formulas to the left edge (border) in LaTex? I mean that if you write formulas that do not fit into the allowed writing field, they are still visible until they "cross" the sheet border. For this, I need to move the allowed left border so that the formulas still fit the page widthwis...

Q: Do these brown rings indicate water damage?

user356155I'm thinking of buying this house, but I'm sceptical because of these spots on the ceiling. The appraiser says it "might just be from cigarette smoke".

Q: Is a center of a semisimple ring also semisimple?

CauchyChaosI have the following question: Show that the center of a semisimple unital ring is a product of a finite number of fields. At first, I thought of showing that the center of a semisimple field is also semisimple. Since the center is commutative, it's a product of finite fields due to the Wedderb...

Q: Glyph origin of 器

FishumanSomehow I'm not convinced of the classic interpretation that there is a dog 犬 needed to guard four vessels 口. Did 器 used to mean something else before being borrowed to mean "organ" or "tool"?

Q: Match pattern for function with variable number of arguments that follow another pattern

BenI have a set of patterns of the form nc[] nc[a[CR,k]] nc[a[CR,l],a[AN,j]] nc[a[AN,k],a[CR,j],a[AN,l]] ... (* and so on *) The outer function is always nc[] and the inner functions are always a[]. The outer function nc[] can take any number of arguments of the form a[x,y]. The inner function...

Q: Merging multiple JSON data blocks into a single entity

Chris DaviesI'm using an API (from SyncroMSP) that returns paginated JSON data. I can obtain the number of pages, and I can obtain the data with a tool such as curl. Each chunk is valid JSON but it only contains a subset of the total data that I need. Using jq or otherwise how can I merge the tickets[] eleme...

Q: Fantasy book with a chacter called Robin 9 finger

Sue KnightI'm trying to remember the title of a book I read maybe 30 years ago. It had a female character who was called Robin the 9 finger. This Robin character had only 9 fingers because of her bravery. That's all I remember!

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