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Q: Is there a hypothetical world in which "I" don't exist but can think?

Tristan OOFWhen I though of this question, I was contemplating the relationship between fallibilism and "I think therefore I am" - René Descartes. Is it possible for me to imagine that I actually don't exist right now or rather is it possible for you, the reader, to imagine that you don't exist right now. O...

Q: How to use KOMA fonts in scrlttr2

H. WeirauchI am used to use {\titlefont Title-like Emphasis} to typeset a few words in the style of the title font but all attributes else like in the surrounding text. It is one of the nice features provided by KOMA classes that make coherent typography easy, without sacrificing flexibility. \documentclass...

Q: Issues with Customizing Row Heights and Centering in LaTeX Tables

SakI need to create a table with custom row heights, but I'm encountering some issues. Specifically, I need to set the first row to a height of 1.5x the normal line height and the rest of the rows to 2x, while ensuring that the content in each column remains properly centered both horizontally and v...

Q: how to judge this position and find the beautiful best move?

キャベツ In this rapid game, I played Qh3 to continue attacking, while sf16 suggests a powerful move. I wonder why this move works and how to find it.

Q: Bug in Integrate involving Sec

Paul RIntegrate[2 - Sec[x], {x, 5 Pi/3, 7 Pi/3}] returns Plus[Times[Complex[Rational[4, 3], 1], Pi], Times[-1, Log[Plus[7, Times[4, Power[3, Rational[1, 2]]]]]]], but the value of the integral is real.

Q: Is there a clean method to find line segment intersections?

hanaHow can I find the intersection coordinates of a pair of line segments where they intersect at a single point? I tried using Solve to find the intersection, but I don't know how to neatly handle cases where there is no solution or infinitely many solutions, so I'm looking for a cleaner way to do ...

Q: Difference between "Who are you?" VS "Who is yourself?"

YunusThis is from the BBC, in which human's obssession with afterlife is questioned and scrutinized. At one point, there is this sentence: "... It comes down to how you define who you are. What are you? Who is yourself?..." BBC-why are humans obsessed with the afterlife (see:5:06-5:12) The question "...

Q: Finding a counterexample or proving a property

Shthephathord23Let $A$ be a set and $f\colon A \to A$. Define the sequence $A_0=A, A_{n+1}=f_*(A_n)$ i.e. $A_n$ is the image through $f$ composed with itself $n$ times. Now define $B= \bigcap_{n \geq 0} A_n$ Prove $f_*(B) \subseteq B$ and prove or give a counterexample for the reversed inclusion. My attempt: It...

Q: Is it possible that translators have mis-translated “anairei” in Hebrews 10:9?

Tracy VMy question is whether ἀναιρεῖ (anairei) should, or at least could, be translated as “take up”, as opposed to “take away” in Heb. 10:9. I have yet to find one translation that has “take up” in Heb 10:9. “He takes away the first to establish the second”. According to Thayers, “take up” is the prim...

Q: Is there a difference between Israel of the flesh and the Israel of God?

Nihil Sine Deo“Behold Israel after the flesh: are not they which eat of the sacrifices partakers of the altar?” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭10‬:‭18‬ ‭ And “And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God.” ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭6‬:‭16‬ ‭

Q: Where can one read Microsoft Knowledge Base articles?

user3840170Until sometime within the 2010s or early 2020s, Microsoft used to maintain a repository of articles called the Microsoft Knowledge Base (MSKB), containing information about various products made by Microsoft, their quirks and common problems encountered with them. Each article was identified by ...

Q: Dicta of Supreme Court vs. District court decision

Vitalii NechaevLet's say two people litigate over an issue in a US district court. One side produces a relevant dicta from one of the The US Supreme Court cases to support its position while the other side adduces a full fledged court decision on the issue at hand but of a district court different from the one ...

Q: What does the factor in HSV node do?

СергейWhat does the factor in HSV node do mathematically? Does it just multiply final value of node's calculations with values connected to factor pin? Or it uses something like linear interpolation?

Q: Best and fastest way to count number of intersection points of line and boundary region in 2d

Paul Rr1=x^2+y^2==25... I can use Reduce to find intersection points: Reduce[r1&&x==2,{x,y}] gives the points of intersection, but how to count them?

Q: Why aren't we Bumping into objects Outside of the Visible range?

garyApologies if this is too simple of a question for this site. My Physics education stopped at the Undergrad level. My 12 y.o nephew asked me and I couldn't give him an answer. At any rate, he asked, upon learning the human eye could only see within a limited range of frequency: Why aren't we regul...

Q: QoS during non-congestion

MitrixsenI am currently studying QoS and I have a question regarding queuing during non-congestion times. I would just like to confirm whether my understanding is correct regarding queuing during non-congestion. I originally thought that QoS only does its job during congestion. I thought that packets wou...

Q: Use of plurals in mixed context

Sandy KeathleyIn a language app, I encountered a translation of "2 apples" as Два яблоко I would have thought it to be Два яблоки (or Две яблоки) Is that just my English bias showing? Thanks.

Q: Operators on a Hilbert space with equal spectrum

IsaacSuppose $T_0$ and $T_1$ are two bounded operators on a Hilbert space $H$ $(T_0,T_1\in B(H))$ with $\sigma(T_0) =\sigma(T_1)$. I want to show that there exists a bijective $*$-homomorphism between $C^*(1,T_0)$ and $C^*(1,T_1)$. My attempt: Define $\psi\colon C^*(1,T_0)\to C^*(1,T_1)$ by $1\mapsto ...

Q: How thick would a coin have to be s.t. the probability to land on its "side" is exactly 1/3?

forgetful_functorAssume a coin of uniform density with fixed radius $r$ is thrown from a height $x$ with $x>r$, $|\vec\omega|=1$, direction uniformly distributed. Assume the coin "lands" on the side closest to the ground upon its surface first contacting the ground. What would its thickness $l$ have to be so that...

Q: If a nuclear war occured on Earth, what evidence could a Martian astronaut see?

dplaneAn astronaut is alone on Mars when, unbeknownst to her, a total nuclear war breaks out on Earth. Other than Houston being unresponsive, is there anything she can do to establish what happened on Earth? You can presume she's been paying some attention to the news, so the idea of war isn't totally ...

Q: Is there a metaphysical view that avoids categorizing the fundamental nature of things?

user80226In other words, is there a metaphysical view that avoids getting entangled in debates over dichotomies such as: Physicalism vs. Non-Physicalism Naturalism vs. Supernaturalism Physical vs. Mental Physical vs. Spiritual Monism vs. Dualism etc. For instance, when we introduce the concept of the "p...

Q: Extensionality in ETCS

Amanda WealthI was studying ETCS set theory when a question came to my mind. I first recall the necessary definitions. As it is customary, let's fix a terminal set 1. An element of a set X is a map from 1 to X. Two sets X and Y have the same elements if every map is an element of X if and only if is an eleme...

Q: How to disable the left-sided application switcher on Mac that shows when mouse is moved to the left side?

Sohbati I updated my Mac. One day, it suggested I switch to a new page switcher mode. I was eager to test it. After a while, I decided to move the setting back. Unfortunately, I couldn't find out how to return to the previous settings.

Q: Eigenvalues of a certain combinatorially defined matrix

Richard StanleyLet $A_n$ be the matrix whose rows and columns are indexed by pairs $(i,j)$ with $1\leq i,j\leq n$ and $i\neq j$ (so $A$ is an $n(n-1)\times n(n-1)$ matrix), whose $((i,j),(k,l))$-entry is 0 if $i=k$ or $j=l$, and is 1 otherwise. Evidence suggests that the characteristic polynomial of $A$ (normal...

Q: What is this usage of 見切られた?

Kawase_K 小柄な彼は主に尾行調査が得意で、なんでもない日は自ら進んで掃除もこなす働き者。 何故そんなに掃除が好きかと問えば、「誰もやらないからやってるだけです」と見切られたことがある———— The character is describing a collague. In the bottom part, he says "After I asked him why he likes cleaning, he told me I'm only doing it because no one else is doing it" But why is 見切られた used? As far I...

Q: Can a 4 to 20 mA current loop be measured without using a resistor?

Fabián RomoBackground There is an electrical system typically consisting of a 4 to 20 mA transmitter and receiver. simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab So far, everything is working smoothly. Now, I have a project in which I must build a device to measure the current that passes thr...

Q: What is the status of Rulfo's La Cordillera?

Rand al'ThorIn George D. Schade's introduction to his English translation of Juan Rulfo's The Burning Plain and Other Stories, he says (bold emphasis mine): Born in the state of Jalisco, Mexico, in 1918, Rulfo published his first short stories in the provincial little magazines of Guadalajara in the 1940's ...

Q: Why the loss is not considered as a "supervisory signal" in unsupervised learning?

ado sarIt is said that supervised is different from unsupervised learning due to the presence of "supervisory signals" aka labels. However, in both cases we have a loss function. Isn't the loss a kind of "supervisory signal" that guides the optimization and thus the learning process?

Q: As a US Citizen, can I sue a US company for not paying me my whole salary as a contractor from Mexico?

GabrielI’m a US Citizen living in Mexico, working as a “contractor” for a US company. They do an international wire transfer to Mexico to pay my salary. I realized they havent been paying the whole amount of what was accorded. Can I sue if they dont plan on paying me what they owe?

Q: Cellspace alternative to ltablex?

Zijad LendoI've successfully used the cellspace package to create padding for my graphicsx elements so they don't interfere with the horizontal lines from above, but extrapolating to use with ltablex doesn't work. What kind of alternative do I have for this? \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{tabularx} \usep...

Q: Cross platform raw input handling in C/C++ for Linux and Windows

FLAK-ZOSOFor some of my terminal videogames I need to accept input in raw mode, which can be done in Windows by using the nonstandard function getch coming from the header conio.h but needs a little bit more effort for Linux and MacOS. So I decided some time (more than a year) ago to write a small reusabl...

Q: How does MOND explain ‘low dark matter’ galaxies?

H. de GrachtMOND attempts to solve the rotation curve problem of galaxies by modifying the law of gravitation. However, there are galaxies (notably NGC 1277) where the rotation curves do more-or-less agree with what you would expect from GR. Using dark matter this is easily explainable by saying that the gal...

Q: Why is this integral equal to an elliptic integral?

Mihai NicaI'm trying to prove that: $$\int_{0}^{\pi}\frac{1}{\sqrt{x^{2}+1-2x\cos\left(t\right)}}dt = \int_{0}^{\pi}\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-x^{2}\cos\left(t\right)^{2}}}dt$$ (Note that $x$ is just a parameter here, the integral is w.r.t. $t$). This seems to be true experimentally ( see https://www.desmos.com/calc...

1 hour later…
Q: PSE Advent Calendar 2024 (Day 8): Look, Santa’s Baffled

bobbleThis puzzle is part of the Puzzling Stack Exchange Advent Calendar 2024. The accepted answer to this question will be awarded a bounty worth 100 reputation.< Previous Door Next Door > Look, Santa's Baffled... ... so can you help him? The Clauses were leaving North Pole Lutheran Church’s Christmas...

1 hour later…
Q: What kind of tensor is the electromagnetic field tensor (Faraday tensor)

Aryan MPI've seen the EM field tensor mostly written with 2 upper indices, $F^{\mu\nu}$. Does this imply that it's necessarily a (2,0)-tensor (that is, it has 2 contravariant components and 0 covariant ones)? If so/if not, why? Just as a note, I'm a 3rd year physics student, so my knowledge of tensors is...

Q: IRS and Govvie curves

IvanThis question has been bugging me: Can a liquid IRS curve exist without a liquid government bond curve in a given currency? Simple answer is yes, of course, why not. An IRS is just a swap of IOUs, you could have a government which does not finance itself through bonds issuance and still have bank...

Q: Sources on hirhurei aveira

jasperThere's a famous Rosh, very short, on the subject of הרהורים, and the mechanics of punishment for bad thoughts alone. Supposedly, it has opened a rich literature, but my חברותא & I are not finding much. Here is the brief Rosh on Rosh Hashanah 17b: א"ר יוחנן אלמלא מקרא כתוב אי אפש לאומרו מלמד שנ...

Q: Title of SCI-FI book series referencing "Tiger tiger" and "Stars, I have seen them fall"

Jan Van HerckA very long time ago (25 years +) I borrowed a SCI-FI book from my local library, and I pretty much forgot almost everything about the book itself, but it did introduce me to several snippets of amazing poetry. Including, but not limited to the "Tiger, Tiger" and "Stars, I have seen them fall" in...

Q: In which book of the Vorkosigan Saga does Miles says something like "It changed my opinion of media"

AlfredI believe remembering a scene in the Vorkosigan Saga where someone asks Miles whether seeing the depiction of his parents in media/journals (or any synonym) changed his opinion about his parents, and Miles answering that it did not, but it did change his opinion of media/journals. Alas, I don't r...

Q: How does the early first version of M68K emulator work?

Nicholas HumphreyContext: I'm fascinated by Rosetta 2 so I Googled a bit and reached the wiki page. It talked about the M68K emulator (embedded in ROM), and the related wiki pages says: Early versions emulated it by decoding each instruction and immediately carrying out a series of equivalent PowerPC instruction...

Q: Optimizing Masked Bit Shifts of Gray Code with AND Operation and Parity Count

wepajakegI am trying to determine the parity of the result of a complex calculation involving two uint64_t variables, value_a and value_b, along with two distinct masks: NO_SHIFT_MASK and SHIFT_MASK. These masks are non-overlapping and can be redefined or padded with zeros to optimize the calculation. I h...

Q: a key that opens any door

azza. You can find a key to open any door. b. You can find a key that opens any door. I think these sentences mean different things. I think (a) means there is a key for any door, and (b) means there is a key that can open all doors. Is that correct? Is (a) ambiguous? Could it mean the same as (b)? ...

Q: Help with relative clause questions?

Quốc Anh PhạmI have two sentences: A) I love this chair, which my father bought last year B) My city has a lot of beautiful places, which makes it a popular travel destination Here are some questions. Can anyone answer? Are the clauses starting with "which" in the two sentences above, relative clauses? In se...

Q: Can proof by contradiction be used disprove a statement?

Learning MathI'm currently taking an introductory proofs class. The textbook that we are using justifies proof by contradiction by stating that the statement $P$ is logically equivalent to the statement $(\neg P\implies(Q\land\neg Q)).$ The logic makes sense to me when we use the proof technique conventionall...

Q: How did the rebels take over al-Assad's regime in Syria so quickly?

Franck DernoncourtRebel groups took over al-Assad's 53-year-old regime in Syria in about 10 days since they first started their offensive in Aleppo. How did they manage to do that so quickly?

Q: Why would krakens go to the surface?

IMP9024The mighty kraken, Architeuthis Colossus. This giant of the deep sea measures 30-40 meters long with fully extended tentacles, feeding on whatever it can grab and fit into its mouth, including fish, smaller squid, whale carcasses, and even baby whales. However, the kraken is equally a scourge on ...

Q: What is the relevance of the phrase ' ..And he began to say...' in Lk 4:21?

Kadalikatt Joseph SibichanApropos the BHE question at When Jesus read from the Scroll of Isaiah, did he translate it into Aramaic?. We see in Lk 4:20-22 ( NKJV) how Jesus proceeds after reading from Isiah : Then He closed the book, and gave it back to the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all who were in the synag...

Q: Twin sister pretends to be the other twin to get into her man's bed

GreendrakeReleased probably in the 90s (or early 00s), this action melodrama features twin sisters in their 20s. Both wear high, medium length ponytails, and their hair looks red or orange dyed IIRC. One of the sisters is in a relationship with a man. In one scene, when this sister is away from the man, th...

1 hour later…
Q: My Ivy with sticky shiny substance on leaves

Janet ThompsonMy Ivy has aphids and a silver sticky substance on the leaves. The sticky falls to my floor and is sticky on the floor. What can I do?

1 hour later…
Q: Is one hour time between connected flights enough?

Andrew SavinykhI booked a flight to Tokyo from Auckland with JetStar, carry on baggage only, and I did not notice that the connection at Brisbane is 60 minutes only. The passenger will be traveling on a New Zealand passport, is this time between arrival and departure enough?

Q: What is the reading of the kanji for "small octopus"?

Ned ReifWhat is the reading of the kanji for "small octopus"? I read the discussion of octopus kanji here Octopus kanji: 章魚 vs 蛸 vs 鮹 but there was no mention of small ones, such as in the wikipedia page about the Hokusai print here https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/蛸と海女 where one finds 小【しょう】蛸【たこ】の方【ほう】からは口...

Q: USB with only 2 green and 2 white cables

MimiMickeyI found an old USB cord and cut the bad ends off to extend a shorter cord in a pinch. There are only 2 green and 2 white wires inside. No black,white or red. What is this and how do I connect it?

Q: How to convert the current perspective into a planar mesh?

ASD1 ASD21 How to convert the current perspective into a planar mesh? As long as there is a flat grid, it can be used for silhouette, which converts the content seen from the current perspective into a flat grid or curve.

Q: Cancel package applied to large expressions

SardinesI am using the cancel package. When the expression is large, then the size of the strike becomes abnormally large. Here is an example: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{cancel} \begin{document} Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text \begin{equation*} \xcancel{\text{This ...

Q: How do chores fit in with positive discipline?

Cdn_DevMy boys are still young (2.75 and 4.5), and they do a lot of natural helping, so I'm not entirely sure if they're ready for firm, consistent responsibilities yet, but I'm interested to know how best to make this work with positive discipline, and what age is appropriate to get chores started. At ...

Q: Objects in a perfect Vacuum

PraneelSuppose An isolated room. I somehow created a perfect vacuum (0 atm) inside the room, and placed an object inside it, will the object explode and all its molecules will be scattered throughout the room uniformly? If it is so, then a spacecraft travelling in deep space will explode? Then why the s...

Q: Bathroom remodel - shower fixtures to existing pipes?

BenI bought a new shower fixture kit but the existing plumbing is quite different from the valve types I'm seeing. The existing pipe configuration: The fixture I bought: The new fixture has all 4 connections on top of each other, where the existing pipe has the top one that sticks out: How can I ...

Q: What is the point of a single 2.5Gbps port on Deco XE75 Pro units when you have to connect anything else to a 1Gbps port?

MichaelDeco XE75 Pro units only have one 2.5Gbps ethernet port and two 1Gbps ports (per unit). Do I have to buy a switch to make any use of the faster port? The rest of my wired network is ready for 2.5, and I want the Deco mesh setup with wired backhaul, but... I just don't get what they were thinking ...

Q: Rotating object faces around itself using geometry nodes

Rick TRotating object faces around itself using geometry nodes I'm trying to rotate an objects faces around itself. See torus example: When I try and do it with a "complex" object this happens. See attached blend file:

Q: Can the translation of a book be an obstacle?

Andrey I.I have a book and I wrote it not in English. However, I have made a translation into English, a pretty good one. Will native English speakers read such a book or will they, when they see the translation, immediately realize that it is a translation and they will not feel comfortable reading the b...

Q: The height of the superscript term is too large

OTTI entered the following code in latex \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} \section{TEST} $\dot{\boldsymbol{\xi}}^{err}_{IC}$ \end{document} After compiling, I find that the superscript height is too large. But I want this result:

Q: Understanding pages in relation to heaps

myolI believe I am a little confused about what exactly a database page actually is, and perhaps also database heaps, and how they relate to each other. From my understanding; A database heap is a table which stores database pages, without using a clustered index. Pages are more like the physical ...

1 hour later…
Q: What's the background behind "They gave us the land"?

Rand al'ThorIn Juan Rulfo's short story "They gave us the land" (part of the collection The Burning Plain and Other Stories, of which the Spanish original is available online and George D. Schade's English translation is freely available to borrow from the Internet Archive), four men are walking across the d...

Q: I have send out my first mail campaign, when clicking on report I get a permission error,

JobstI send out my first mailing today, it went out ok. But when I click on ANY of the reports I get (even though I am admin): Sorry, due to an error, we are unable to fulfill your request at the moment. You may want to contact your administrator or service provider with more details about what action...

Q: Inconsistencies between frequentist significance and bootstrapping

EmmaI came across the following statement: Inconsistencies with frequentist significance testing are not unusual and can arise from various factors. Nevertheless, non-parametric bootstrapping is often more reliable when samples are independent and the sample size is sufficiently large. Is this statem...

Q: Problem with sum of the series

SteveI have been studying the Digital Control of Dynamic Systems third edition by Gene F. Franklin, J. David Powell, Michael Workmann. There is an equation which I don't understand in the Chapter 12 on page 512. Namely my problem is the below given equation (12.21) At first I don't understand why the...

Q: Symmetry of spin states with three electrons

wawaThe exchange symmetry of the spin wave function is under consideration. To simplify things I start with two fermionic particles with spin 1/2. One possibility for basis vectors for two spins is $uu, ud, du ,dd$, where $u$ and $d$ are the up and down spins, respectively. $uu$ and $dd$ are symmetri...

Q: "中圣" and the story of Xu Miao (徐邈)

Starnuto di topoIn《三国志》卷二十七〈魏书·徐邈传〉 there's a story about the origin of "中圣" as an euphemism for "drunkenness". The story is reported also at: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%BE%90%E9%82%88/23662#3-1 曹操执政时,法令禁止酗酒,但徐邈常私下痛饮以至于酩酊大醉。校事赵达询问政事,徐邈称他是“中圣人”。赵达把这话传给曹操,曹操很是恼怒。度辽将军鲜于辅劝说道:“平常喝醉酒的人称清酒为圣人,浊酒为贤人。徐邈性情谨慎,这不过是酒醉...

Q: Square root of relative Kahler differentials and families of curves

ZhiyuLet $f: X \to S$ be a smooth morphism of schemes of relative dimension $1$. Then $K=\Omega^1_{X/S}$ is a line bundle on $X$. I am interested in the following question: When does $\Omega_{X/S}$ have a square root $K^{1/2}$ on $X$? Example: start with a rank $2$ vector bundle $E$ over $S$, we could...

Q: Should one of my CPUs be up at 100% like this?

Matthew Brown aka Lord Matt Does that CPU chart look okay to you? (Yes, that is dpkg hanging but that's another story). Update Well, it has stopped happening now that I have backed off from using AMDGPU so this is purely an academic question now.

Q: Proving a matrix has rank 1

Andrew DotLet $A \in M_n(\mathbb{C})$ be a matrix such that $\text{Trace}(A^*A)=n^2$ and $n$ is an eigenvalue. Prove that the matrix has rank $1$. I don’t know how to approach this problem. I think I might have to use the frobenius norm of a matrix and the fact that the matrix filled with $1$ has the same ...

Q: Verb in plain form + に: what does it mean?

LionGate"感想を求められているのだと察した。" "自分は何も言わず、頷くに留めた。" "沈黙の感想を、彼はとても嬉しそうに受け止めた。" As far I can see, the character understand an opinion he asked of him. So he doesnt' say anything and nods. The other person is happy to receive the impression. But why is に used after a plain verb? And what grammar is this?

Q: Probability of selecting a desired chip

Shs Tht Three players, say $A,B,$ and $C$ are going to draw $5$ chips each (without replacement) out of a bag of $15$ chips numbers $1−15$. The order of selection is $A → B → C$. Given that player $A$ only selected even-numbered chips, find the probability that player $B$ selected Chip $12$. I solved i...

Q: Implication of "true name/真名" and its usage here

Memories Plastic 真名にはこういう判断の仕方もあるのか I met this sentence while reading a story containing a monologue of a character talking about "true name/真名" usage. I'm not a native Japanese and don't know much about this matter. I Hope someone can explain what this character means here about the usage of a person's true na...

Q: "Reipsa his verbis deducti sunt ad mitius consilium"

MiguelIn paragraph 41 of Epitome Historiae Sacrae, one can read: Reipsa his verbis deducti sunt ad mitius consilium. Why "ad mitius consilium" rather than "ad mitium consilium"?

Q: What exactly is the difference between bandwidth and speed?

MitrixsenI am currently studying QoS and I am often confused and tend to mix the terms "Bandwidth" and "Speed". If I am not mistaken, bandwidth is the capacity of the link, correct? While the speed defines how fast the data is transmitted? If that's the case, I am not quite sure if I understand what speed...

Q: How to handle offers of auto-transferring a paper to another journal following a desk rejection?

voidptrFollowing a desk rejection of a paper submitted to one of the Springer journals, the editorial submission advisor sent me a recommendation of other suitable journals, with an offer to automatically submit the paper in my stead. I politely declined, noting that I intend to revise my paper sufficie...

Q: A proof that 4 ≥ ∞ when using the Quantum One-Time Pad

Lysandre TerrisseA cryptographic scheme using a $n$-bit key to hide a $m$-bit plaintext is said to be perfectly secret when, without this key, we cannot get any information about the plaintext from the ciphertext. Therefore, from the ciphertext, we cannot rule out any $m$-bit plaintext. That is, every $m$-bit pla...

Q: NBG, ZFC+I, and Global Choice

Noah In Schulman's 2008 paper 'Set Theory for Category Theory', he includes amongst the axioms of NBG the axiom of limitation of size. Being well known to imply the axiom of global choice, it seems to me that since ZFC+I doesn't imply global choice, this should be inconsistent with his later remark th...

Q: How can one deduce the inversion formula from Katznelson's theorem 1.11 in his chapter VI Fourier Transform on the line under his assumption only

Ulysse KellerMy question is about Y. Katznelson's book Introduction to Harmonic Analysis, chapter VI concerning the Fourier transform on the real line. (In what follows $L^1$ is meant for functions on the line.) Theorem 1.11 states that for $f \in L^1$ we have in the $L^1$-norm: $$f = \lim_{\lambda \to \infty...

Q: What kind of connector is this white, 4 in-line, 0.1" pitch?

ariliaI found this connector inside my acoustic guitar preamp. (It's an Equis II preamp from the '90s.) Now the cables are sometimes failing and I'd like to replace the whole connector+cables or at least find a way to replace the cables It is 1 cm wide. I did a reverse image search on Google but I did ...

Q: Confusion about reversibility of a carnot engine

LorenzoI recently posted a question about entropy and the conversation changed topic to bring up an intesting question. @Chemomechanics explained that for a transformation to be revesible it is needed that the (say 2) objects are constantly in thermal equilibrium, hence the need of an infinite number of...

Q: What is the origin of "Arsch offen haben"?

c.p.I would like to comprehend the origin of Arsch offen haben I just know it means verrückt sein, blöd sein, spinnen, unverschämt sein, but is there a way to guess what it means? The origin of this idiom is not on DWDS, Redensartenindex, Duden or Wikipedia.

Q: About the number of critical points of a function

ErvandSuppose that $f$ is a totally monotone function on $(0,\infty)$, so that $(-1)^n f^{(n)}\ge0$ for all $n=0,1,\dots$, $f(0+)\in(0,\infty)$, and $f(t)\sim\frac{1}{t^{\frac{3}{2}}}$ as $t\to\infty$. Can we prove that $g(t)=tf(t)$ has only one critical point over $(0,\infty)$?

Q: If you're disqualified from being a director of a company in India (DIN disqualified) can you remain director of a company in England?

AnonymousAcademic444Someone I know has been DIN disqualified in India, but has continued to hold a directorship in the UK, and even conducted business in India for the UK company whilst disqualified. EDIT: I asked a separate question that overlapped with this one, so have deleted that and edited this one: Let's say ...

Q: What should I do to add a correction for an already submitted article?

BegnnierIf I need to make a correction to the results of a the paper that my prof submitted for publication, what should I do? What is the impact of such a correction for the authors? I got an email of the proof with the DOI awaiting confirmation.

Q: How do I run DOS 2.0 .exe and .com programs from my .exe program?

ptsI'm writing a very small .exe program in assembly, targeting DOS 2.0 (or, if it doesn't work, DOS 3.00 is also fine). It has to be able to run other DOS .com and .exe programs, wait for them to finish, get their resources (e.g. filehandles and memory) freed, and get the exit code. It has to pass ...

Q: Are malted barley flour and malted barley powder the same thing?

ToddThe question originated with "malted barley flour" vs "malted barley powder", but I also see other variations in similar product descriptions/names: malted barley flour malted barley powder diastatic malted barley flour diastatic malt powder dry malt powder Which of these are different things a...

Q: Staying in galut to avoid Gog Umagog

Curious YidThe Navi describes that the war of Gog Umagog will be devastating. People will be killed, exiled, raped, and so on, all happening in Israel. My question is, is it wrong to have the following thought- let me stay living in Galut so that I avoid all the pains of the war, and then after the war is o...

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