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Q: Difference between load factor imposed in a turn vs with wings level

Terry How does the load factor/resultant load in this picture change if instead the pilot is in wings level flight, and yanks back on the yoke enough to produce 1.73Gs of centripetal/centrifugal force? In other words, is the resultant load any different if those 1.73Gs are now acting in the same direc...

Q: Do Frobenius subalgebras form a lattice?

Sebastien PalcouxA finite-dimensional, unital, associative algebra $A$ over a field $k$ is termed a Frobenius algebra if it is endowed with a nondegenerate bilinear form $\sigma : A \times A \to k$ satisfying the equation $\sigma(a \cdot b, c) = \sigma(a, b \cdot c)$ for all elements $a, b, c \in A$. A Frobenius ...

Q: Large inter-paragraph space on first page of RevTeX document

schtandardI am preparing a manuscript using the RevTeX document class. In the second column of the first page, I get a very large inter-paragraph space. \documentclass[ reprint, ]{revtex4-2} \begin{document} \title{Super interesting findings} \author{Peter Pan} \email{[email protected]} \affiliation{Ne...

Q: 8x8 Thermo Sudoku with no clues

CrSb0001Attribution: Me Rules of Thermo Sudoku: Numbers placed in cells overlaid by a thermometer must increase in value from the circle bulb to the other end. Objective: Fill in the 8x8 Sudoku such that each row, column, and 2x4 subgrid that compose the grid contains the digits 1-8 Puzzle: Time est...

Q: Am I actually escaping Earth?

TheYoloTotoI am writing a hard-SF story where a spacecraft gets into an highly elliptical earth orbit, having its perigee at 400km but its apogee at 32 000 km (to get close to the asteroid Apophis when it arrives). However when using this website to see what would be its speed at perigee, I found 44 km/s (1...

Q: VWP for residents of non-VWP countries

MidavaloThis is kind of a follow-up to someone else's question, Can I enter the US with my still valid ESTA and B2 visa application after moving to Mexico?, where they stated: Now an officer told me that I need a B2 visa since I moved my residency from Belgium to Mexico I found this interesting/odd/unu...

Q: How can I use a pattern of every nth row reference from another sheet in excel

rudtekI'm making a sheet that is referencing another sheet. The reference sheet is blocks of data that repeat every 25 rows. for details: I want the first cell reference to be: =IF(RFA!B40>0,RFA!B40,"") in the next row down same column I set it to =IF(RFA!B65>0,RFA!B65,"") (25 difference) Id like to ...

Q: ASE-driven NWChem: How to include Mulliken charges calculation?

Miro IliašI want to include the calculation of Mulliken charges into ASE-driven NWChem. This is the input file I am using. giving this error: python3 HF_ase_nwchem.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/milias/work/git-projects/open-collection/theoretical_chemistry/software/nwchem-ase/runs/HF/...

Q: Chronology of Peter's 'Eat and Kill' Vision and Paul rebuking Peter?

GrantI've searched at decent length and I'm finding many opposing viewpoints on this. I'm trying to see what the chronology is between four events, though two are my primary concern: Peter's Eat and Kill Vision / Visit to Cornelius and Proclamation of Gentiles not being unclean (Acts 10) Paul rebuki...

Q: Can a company be fined in a value larger than the global GDP?

Cinder FallThis article below says that Google has been fined $20 decillion USD in Russia due to a failure to reinstate state-owned YouTube channels: https://www.theregister.com/2024/10/29/russian_court_fines_google/ Why this is even possible? This value is around 1,000 times (I think) larger than the entir...

Q: Consciousness: irreducible phenomenon caused by physical processes

mrnobodyTo avoid confusion, take the next paragraph as a thought experiment rather than literally. We do know that light is made of photons (not atoms.) The goal is to generate an intuition about consciousness. Argument Imagine all known entities as made of atoms. Light (a new-found entity) isn't made o...

Q: Would a torchship be legal?

controlgroupThe United Nations Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies explicitly states that States shall not place nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction in orbit or on celestial bodies o...

Q: Getting today's hebrew calender date

TheEmeritusI'm using babel for hebrew fonts because I have various package-issues with polyglossia. I was wondering if there is a way to get today's date, by the Jewish calender? This should be similar to how I'd type \today and get October 30th 2024. The only relevent package I could come across was cjhebr...

Q: How do you define functions acting on sets if the set of all sets is a paradox?

Mathemagician314Generally, functions are defined as taking an input from one set and providing an output from another set. For example, if I wanted a function that took the average of two integers, I would write it as $$f(x,y):\mathbb{Z}\times\mathbb{Z}\to\mathbb{Q} = \frac{x+y}{2},$$ where for two sets $A$ and ...

Q: Example of a discrete metric on R that attains four different values

enfieldAs per the title, I am asked to produce an example for the reals. My solution involves discretizing the euclidean metric $d(x, y) =|x-y|$, such that: $\rho(x, y) = \left\{ \begin{array}{llll} 0 & \text{if } x = y \\ 1 & \text{if } 0 < d(x,y) \leq 1 \\ ...

Q: Voltage controlled relay with very wide input range

JasonI'm still a beginner, but one thing I've gotten used to making is a simple switch circuit that goes like this: Voltage input -> FET -> 10A Electromechanical relay Voltage input is usually 3V3 or 5V, and the relay runs on 12V. So there are many FETs that will do that job without any more logic. Bu...

Q: Infinitive clauses taking object complements

A_MendesAs per my understanding, " I find {to do this} very difficult" needs extraposition and should be written as I find it very difficult to do this. Is the to-infinitive treated the same as a 'that' clause when there is a transitive verb and object complement? i.e. we need an extraposition for a '...

Q: Would 1/4 inch coating of tungsten burn off while re-entering atmosphere at 36,000ft/second?

Shannon SkaerImagine a projectile made from lunar regolith cement, 35ft long and 1ft in diameter. It is coated with 1/4inch of tungsten. Would it survive re entry into the atmosphere at 36,000ft/second, and enter the lower atmosphere in one piece? Currently, our astronauts experience temperatures of up to 500...

Q: Visible seams when change pose

XianzyngI have been working on my character model and run into an issue I can't figure out. My character is mesh divided into body parts, which resulted in seams in between the parts. I have applied data transfer from my whole mesh ( vertex data>vertex groups>nearest face interpolated & face corner data>...

Q: How to make Geonodes understand that an index sequence is a selection?

AAA YerusI've done some fancy math to achieve a specific index sequence and I want Blender to understand that this sequence is a selection of indices. When I input them to a compare node, only the indices that have the same number get selected. That's not what I want, I want the the index sequence itself ...

Q: Assuming one exists, what is the general algorithm of converting an uncontrolled gate into a controlled one?

Parzh from UkraineA.S.: I'm an amateur, don't be too pedantic. In a multi-qubit system, it is very easy to pin-point a certain one qubit and apply a given uncontrolled single-qubit gate to it. For example, if I want to apply $H$ (Hadamard) gate to the second qubit in a three-qubit system (without changing the firs...

Q: Are scans accepted as US visa photos?

PeterThe requirements of what must and must not be on a US visa photograph are quite clearly stated online. But I am not so sure about quality, there are statements made on blurriness and grain but I cannot judge at all whether my pictures fulfills them. There is not photographer near me so I would ha...

Q: What is the character [esc][cc][esc]?

WillGesc + cc + esc gives a double-struck lower-case c. It is different, however, from the double-struck c given by esc + dsc + esc (the double stroke is curved in the former but vertical in the latter). Mathematica calls this character "\ConstantC". I can't find any information about its meaning or p...

Q: Is there a flexible way to manage the \Alph command for counters (specifying the alphabet)?

VladimirI am asked to explain how to specify the concrete alphabet to output the value of a counter as a letter ( the \alph or \Alph command). I know only the default option, using the Latin alphabet. In my case, that is enough but people want to know the approach to use the other alphabets. Is there a w...

Q: AI is using machines to recreate historical battlefields

Logan13This is an English language sci-fi book written sometime during the past 20 years. It's about a man in the future who stumbles upon a World War I era soldier in a field. It turns out that this soldier wandered off from a battlefield that huge machines, directed by AI, are creating in the image of...

Q: Akhenaten, Monotheism, King Paro, and Midrashim

Rabbi KaiiBackground and Reason I am Asking I would like to know if there is any reason to believe, or disbelieve, that Akhenaten might have been the Pharaoh that faced the plagues. According to the Midrash, he did teshuva, and began trying to spread monotheism. According to historians, Akhenaten also was ...

Q: What atmosphere is required for humans to respire without breathing (like insects)?

Alexander DiazWhat kind of atmospheric composition and density is required for humans to be healthy while gaining oxygen and removing carbon dioxide through their lungs without expanding and contracting their lungs with their diaphragm, instead only by keeping their throat open for passive diffusion of air in ...

Q: Make building on mesh islands

Mateusz 88I'd like to make random height of building based on mesh islands. Also Material should match on base middle and roof(as colors on building on a picture)

Q: Why don't countries copy Estonia remote voting system, given its nearly flawless track record over 20 years?

JonathanReezEstonia has used internet voting ("I-voting") since 2005, with over 50% of voters casting their ballots online in the most recent election. It remains the only democracy in the world where the majority of voters are eligible to vote online. Additionally, Russia plans to implement it nationwide by...

Q: In this "alphametic rebus", what number is TWO?

Will.Octagon.GibsonTwo times two: Each letter in the "alphametic rebus" shown in the figure stands for some digit; different letters denote different digits, dots denote arbitrary digits. What number is TWO? TWO xTWO ------ ...O ..W ...T ------ ...... Clarification: Assume there are no leading zeros. At...

Q: Fidelity bound under composed channels?

estaven40Suppose $\mathcal{E}_1, \mathcal{E}_2$ are CPTP maps. Is the following bound true? $$F(\mathcal{E}_1 \circ \mathcal{E}_2 (\rho), \rho) \stackrel{?}{\geq} F(\mathcal{E}_1(\rho), \rho) + F(\mathcal{E}_2(\rho), \rho) - 1\,.$$ If it helps, one can assume $\rho$ is pure.

Q: Positioning the Sefer Torah poles

Eli83I was recently told that while we do gelilah - rolling the Sefer Torah - we always mean to position the "Bereshit" pole higher than "Devarim" pole. Is there any Halacha about it? any sources would be appreciated

1 hour later…
Q: Short science fiction story about "Full Contact Football"

pwiecekI'm trying to identify a short story about "Full Contact Football". I think I read it in the 60's or 70's. The teams were based on ethnicity rather than regional. One of them was something like "Golden Supermen".

Q: Make a square with the fewest number of pieces

Will.Octagon.GibsonNeat shearing: You have to make one square out of the three squares (2x2, 3x3 and 6x6) as shown in the figure. How can you do this, cutting the squares into the smallest possible number of pieces? Attribution: V. Proizvolov

Q: Where did Anna Akhmatova write, "Half of the country imprisoning, half of the country imprisoned"?

TsundokuIn Chernobyl Prayer (or Voices from Chernobyl), one of the persons interviewed by Svetlana Alexievich is a historian who says, Because the zeks didn't inhabit a separate world of prisons that were far away. It was all around us. ‘Half the country imprisoning, half the country imprisoned,’ as Ann...

Q: Why was Adam considered unique as a talking creature when the snake could speak as well?

NahumOnkelos renders Bereishis 2:7 וַיִּ֩יצֶר֩ י״י֨ אֱלֹהִ֜ים אֶת⁠־הָֽאָדָ֗ם עָפָר֙ מִן⁠־הָ֣אֲדָמָ֔ה וַיִּפַּ֥ח בְּאַפָּ֖יו נִשְׁמַ֣ת חַיִּ֑ים וַֽיְהִ֥י הָֽאָדָ֖ם לְנֶ֥פֶשׁ חַיָּֽה Hashem, God, formed the man from the dust of the ground and blew in his nostrils a breath of life and the man became a l...

Q: I'm trying to find the title to a film I saw when I was younger

Raul EvertsBecause I was younger I'm not ENTIRELY sure when I actually even watched the film was but I wanna estimate a large period between 2010-2014. It was not a 80s or 90s movie I'm quite sure. Maybe very late 90s but more likely to be from the 2000s. I remember only about three things in the film. The ...

Q: Is Soota a dwija caste?

riverChild born from Kshatriya father and Brahmin mother is called as Soota. I want to know if Soota is dwija caste or not ?

Q: Colour the vertices of a polygon

PranayWhat is the smallest polygon whose vertices can be coloured with $6$ colours such that any two colours are adjacent somewhere in the polygon? Just to clarify: the colouring should be such that every colour should be adjacent to every other colour in the polygon. Source: inspired by a question on ...

Q: Are there more different ways Motorola 68000 A-line and F-line traps were used than the Classic Mac way and the Lisa way?

hippietrailOn the Motorola 680x0 there are instruction opcodes beginning with an $A nybble or an $F nybble which are not implemented but can be trapped. Some platforms took advantage of these in their programming architecture. On 68000 a normal instruction is 16 bits. On Classic m68k Mac they used a series ...

Q: Photodiode reverse light current question

MacDara CurranI am looking at a photodiode BPV10NF and it says the typical reverse light current is 55uA. In the lab, I have found that the light current keeps increasing with light intensity well past 300uA when I put an IR LED closer and closer. What are the consequences of operating photodiodes at higher li...

Q: Using MOSFET to Control 2 LEDs Separately from Same 12V Source

Duncan BirseI am trying to control 2 LEDs from a model railway decoder. The decoder has a common positive terminal (+12 V). The decoder also has a two negative terminals - one I have called FL and the other I have called AUX1. I have used switches in this diagram to represent and simplify the inner workings ...

Q: I am seeking a 1970's short story about a lone survivor/explorer on a distant planet exploring a long deserted stone city

Shea BernardI am looking for a 1970's short scifi story from a magazine where a lone astronaut/explorer is stranded/ on an alien world in a deserted alien stone city. The city's replicators try and make food and water for him but it makes him sick, yet he continues to try. After awhile, one day, the city get...

Q: Interviewer: what's the happiest and saddest thing occurred in your entire life

A-EWas in an interview for a tech position (programmer) in a startup company. The interviewer was the owner of this company who has no computer science background and eventually he asked me what's the happiest and saddest thing occurred in your entire life. My Answer: Alright, generally interviews r...

Q: Does "He is the image of the invisible God" Imply that Jesus is not God?

Matthew MiloneColossians 1:15 [ESV]: He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. I've heard both trinitarians and unitarians use this verse as support of their position. Usually, I see attention directed toward its second clause, but my question concerns the first clause. The first c...

Q: New QEM, question about degenerate case

MakoganI am reading the new qem paper for mesh simplification with attributes. On page 5 one encounters this paragraph: The extended form of equation (2) referred to by the paper looks like this: $$Ax = -b$$ Where $A, b$ are this: I am not fully understanding how to get the attribute simplification in...

Q: Could probability amplitude for a path equal a complex number whose length is always 1 and whose angle is the action divided by Planck's constant?

Martian2020I'm reading "Zee A. - Quantum Field Theory, as Simply as Possible", where near beginning of explanation of QFT he gives what appears to be path integral formulation, he states: The corresponding probability equals the absolute value squared of the probability amplitude, that is, the square of th...

Q: Taking international flight, but skipping first leg of flight operated by different airline

John CI understand that remainder of the journey is normally forfeited if the traveller misses the first leg of the flight. But I have a slightly different query. I have a booking made through Qatar airways from to fly from Darwin (Aus) to London Heathrow (GB). The itinerary is DAR-MEL-DOH-LHR. The DAR...

Q: What Makes Single-Part Ciphertext Possible in NTRU, and Why Do LWE Schemes Typically Need Two Parts?

Terry YuBoth LWE-based and NTRU-based PKE/KEMs are lattice-based cryptographic approaches. Why do LWE-based schemes typically require two parts in the ciphertext, while NTRU-based schemes need only one single ciphertext? Is there any scheme that designs an LWE-based scheme using only a single polynomial...

Q: How to position the node with TikZ.positioning relative to specific angle?

ExplorerI want to put a node relative to another with the position of 60° left below, just as follows. I want to shift the slope from 45 degree to 60 degree elegantly (without explicitly assigning the absolute coordinates). But it seems to be no angle interface (just like below left with 45°) in tikz.pos...

Q: Spaceships for froglike aliens

rachael horwitzMy intelligent alien species, the Broaste, have reached Kardashev II. They are intelligent frogs whose physiology is very much like that of frogs on Earth - they have opposable thumbs and can walk bipedally, but get around largely through jumping, need water to spawn in, etc. I'm currently trying...

Q: (n+1)(n+12) as a product of 4 consecutive numbers

Dante RicciagliThe question is to find all natural numbers $n$, such that $(n+1)(n+12)$ can be written as a product of 4 consecutive numbers. My approach was the following: starting from the remark that if you add 1 to a product of four consecutive intergers you receive a perfect square, I can write: $(n+1)(n+1...

Q: Does Pascal's Wager refute Apatheism?

user80226Formal Version Does Pascal's Wager refute Apatheism? Informal Version If there is at least a non-negligible chance that a deity might exist to whom I could be morally accountable and with whom I might potentially develop an interactive relationship (as opposed to an indifferent deity, like in dei...

Q: Generally, are we supposed to remove all nonsignificant paths in an SEM analysis?

Lee ZhiyuanGiven that we favour parsimony in science, should we remove nonsignificant paths that are nonsignificant if they do not result in significantly worse model fit? After we remove the nonsignificant paths, and other paths in turn become nonsignificant, do we continue to remove paths until all the pa...

Q: What is bash declare built-in reporting here?

wyttenOur RHEL8 servers don't have 'nc' available, but at some time in the past someone using this shared account defined an 'nc' function: $ declare -f nc | head -1 nc () $ I am trying to determine where this function is defined: $ (shopt -s extdebug; declare -F nc) nc 0 environment $ I was expectin...

Q: Is connected open set minus compact convex set connected?

RmalGiven a connected open set $\Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^n$ and let $K\subset \Omega$ be compact. Denote the convex hull of $K$ by $C$. Is it true that $\Omega-C$ is still connected? Is it possible to generalize this to normed vector space? If $n=1$, then this is not true because we can just take $\O...

2 hours later…
Q: How to calculate density altitude using this chart?

SkyeI am trying to use the chart to calculate the density altitude. The question is : (Refer to figure 8 in your Test Guide book) If the current temperature is 90°F, PA 2000’ and altimeter is 29.70, what is the density altitude? I did 2000' plus 205 since that is the pressure altitude convertor facto...

Q: Why does a "wrong" solution lead to a right answer?

Starlight In a particular game, each of 4 players rolls a standard 6-sided die. The winner is the player who rolls the highest number. If there is a tie for the highest roll, those involved in the tie will roll again and this process will continue until one player wins. Hugo is one of the players in this ...

Q: Why are sequences and series typically taught in Calculus 2 and not Calculus 1?

Heisenberg2010As a current math student, I find the inclusion of sequences and series in Calculus 2 rather odd. Calculus 2 is a course dedicated to integration and its applications (integration techniques, accumulation functions, position from velocity, probability density distributions, work, arc length, and ...

1 hour later…
Q: Why does this Op-amp circuit output 0.75V at the ADC output?

Scott PorterGiven this schematic, with a 12V feed at VCC/2, I was expecting close to 0V at ADC_IN, however it's around 0.75V. Ideally the ADC_IN would be zero when the inverting and non-inverting inputs are equal. This will be used to measure a current of 4-20mA, converting it to a 0-1V output, however this ...

Q: How to do nothing if argument is emtpy?

Kristian NordestgaardI have a feeling this will be very simple, but I've been unable to find out how to do it. Consider this code: \documentclass{article} \newcommand{\items}[2] { \begin{itemize} \item #1 \item #2 \end{itemize} } \begin{document} \items{Foo}{Bar} \end{document} The output looks like this: Now, let'...

Q: The use of "Could"

OlaDear Members of the Forum, Could you tell me please why we use "could" in the text bellow. I read the Grammar book about the use of Modal verbs. As far as I understand, could is usually used to say that somebody had the ability to do something, or was allowed to do something, when it comes to th...

Q: Is it possible to model a Second-order growth slope factor as a mediator of another second-order growth slope factor?

eHMI am running a second-order growth model with three variables. My data spans 7 waves of data. I am currently running a multivariate growth model which models the associative relation of multiple growth factors. I have heard that there is not a real consensus on whether the double-headed arrows wh...

Q: Is there a way to access the Transform Pivot Point position using the Blender Python API?

3DMageI am currently working on an project that operates in Edit Mode. The problem I currently have is that I need to access the position of the "Transform Pivot Point" (the reference point that Blender uses when doing Edit Mode operations, i.e. Active Element, Individual Origins, 3D Cursor, Median Po...

Q: non-zero prime ideals in the ring of algebraic integers

Quay ChernIt is said that: If $P$ is a nonzero prime ideal in the ring of integers $\mathcal{O}_K$ of a number field $K$ then $P\cap\mathbb{Z}$ is a prime ideal in $\mathbb{Z}$. If $\alpha\in P$, then the constant term of the minimal polynomial for $\alpha$ over $\mathbb{Q}$ is then an element in $P\cap\m...

Q: Does Uncanny Dodge mean 'never being surprised?'

A PythonI'm trying to understand how to make sense of Uncanny Dodge. In the pathfinder 1e ruleset, Uncanny Dodge does the following: Starting at 4th level, a rogue can react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She cannot be caught flat-footed, nor does she lose her Dex bonus t...

Q: Does XeTeX insert intercharacter tokens recursively?

rabbitgrowthI was playing around with XeTeX's intercharacter tokens mechanism and wrote \XeTeXinterchartokenstate=1 \XeTeXinterchartoks0 0={b} ac \bye expecting to get "abc" but instead got ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=5000000]. <XeTeXinterchartoks> b <to be read a...

Q: How big does a planet have to be before it can form an iron core?

Miss_UnderstandsNickel-iron meteorites imply that a very large planet was totally destroyed, like in Star Wars. What's the minimum size that such a planet could have been? Everybody else believes the asteroid belt was created by colliding planetsimals. These plantesimals must have been pretty damn big. I think ...

Q: 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional

Prim3numbahThe numbers to the right are arranged in numerical order. If, 3x3 → 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 then, 3x3x3 → ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Explain your reasoning.

Q: Why can Yang-Mills mass gap fully explain confinement?

ZYKHaving a gap in the spectrum doesn't exclude massive free quarks. It only tells us that there can't be free gluons or other massless excitations in QCD. I saw this statement in the opening paragraph of this paper arXiv:1502.04135. I'm not sure whether we have a rigorous argument for this statement.

Q: Why don't I hear overtones as a chord

SBFI play piano for a while now and I was used to the idea that every key there produces a single note. Recently I've started reading the lectures on music theory that explain music sounds as standing waves of a certain frequency. Such waves tend to come with the accompanying harmonics or overtones ...

Q: Why does the Lady of Shalott say that she is "half-sick of shadows"?

MithicalIn Lord Alfred Tennyson's "The Lady of Shalott", part II, there's a mention of "two young lovers" under the moon. The Lady makes a comment upon seeing this through her mirror: But in her web she still delights To weave the mirror's magic sights, For often thro' the silent nights A funeral, with ...

Q: Partial completeness of second order logic

CarlyleIt is well-known that First Order Logic is complete, i.e. given a first order theory, every sentence which is true in every model of this theory, can be deduced from the theory, and it is similarly well known that Second Order Logic is not in general complete. However, one can still consider the ...

Q: Normal force doing work, so conservation of energy not applicable but then getting wrong answer

Khushiv BatraBefore coming to my actual question, let me write some assumptions that I believe we both agree on:-(1) Normal force can do work(for example in an elevator)(2) Normal force is always perpendicular to the contact area. questions says My doubt arises in part(b)The general solution for this part th...

Q: Why do some US states prioritize voter lists to select federal jurors?

Franck DernoncourtI read on wkyc.com (mirror 1, mirror 2): Some states, like Pennsylvania and Florida, prioritize voter lists for federal jurors, though local and state juries can be drawn from DMV and state ID records. Colorado’s federal courts use voter and driver databases for selection. Why do some US state...

Q: Fully faithful embeddings of derived category of projective space into derived category of a higher dimensional projective space

alg_et_geomLet $N>n$. Are there are any known cases of a fully faithful embedding $D^b(\mathbb{P}^n) \hookrightarrow D^b(\mathbb{P}^N)$?

Q: what does "runtime" mean in programming/software engineering?

How To Linuxquick question, i'm trying to understand what the term "runtime" means specifically in programming and software engineering. the more research i do into the term, the more it seems it could mean several different things like 1 the space of time that the program is actually executing 2 the system ...

Q: What eastern forest tree species is best suited as a cabin ridge beam?

User1974Is there a specific species of Boreal forest tree that is best suited as a cabin ridge beam? I figure certain kinds of wood might be stronger/more rigid than others. Location of site: Eastern Ontario. Trees spotted: Eastern white pine Eastern hemlock Eastern white cedar American beech Oak - spec...

Q: Why is "de la" used in "Je n'aime pas de la fiction" rather than just de? This is from Duolingo. I would have thought just de is correct

FrancophailVéritableGenerally when you're replacing a definite article you use de and when replacing an indefinite you keep it the same, right? Or am I misremembering? So when you say "I don't like fictions" that's not indefinite or partitive, so wouldn't it be "je n'aime pas de fiction" rather than "je n'aime pas d...

Q: The definition of mass density from a mathematician's perspective

apadanaIn calculus, $dy/dx$ implies that $y$ is a function of $x$. Now let's see two examples from physics: Temperature ($T$) is an intensive quantity, and the derivative $dT/dx$ has the same implication as above, because temperature is a function of position ($x$) indeed. Mass ($m$) is an extensive qua...

Q: What would be a good numerical model to simulate the transport of SO2 in the atmosphere?

J. VelontaI am a graduate student and, as part of my research, I am trying to investigate the dispersion and track of volcanic $SO_2$ injected into the atmosphere during volcanic eruptions and the influence of the Coriolis effect, the intertropical convergence zone, wet and dry deposition, and other such r...

Q: How can I center vertically a tikz picture in a tabular?

fred62I would like the tikz figure to be centred in the cell of my table and for this to work for each cell. I try a lot of option like \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{3} but it doesn't work well! In particular, the box for the first equation is stuck at the top! This is my MWE: \documentclass[french,a4pa...

Q: Is it better for a flap and/or aileron to be an airfoil shape or simply replicating the trailing edge shape of the wing?

PostmanI am designing a UAV with the goals, broadly speaking, of a short take-off and high top-speed. I've already selected the airfoil for the wing itself. The wing is going to have a single slotted flap, no leading edge devices. I was wondering if having the flap in the shape of an airfoil would provi...

Q: A short story set in near future about trying to get students into Shakespeare

JB ReviewsI'm trying to remember a science fiction short story written somewhere between the 60s and 80s about a society who are trying to make shakespeare more entertaining with nudity and humour, watching it on screen. The students or society can't get into it but in the end a woman who read the original...

Q: Prepare Bitlocker protected PC for disposal

HeinziWe want to dispose of an old notebook whose display frame is damaged. It's a Windows device with a BitLocker (TPM+PIN) encrypted SSD. I am trying to devise a strategy for protecting the data on the drive from recovery that is both simple (no disassembly of the notebook) and reasonably secure (old...

Q: Counter for SNS likes (e.g. on Facebook)

VladimirSo, a very quick question for those who know it, but for me it grew into several more related matters. My first guess was that you can use ~個, e.g. "I got over a thousand likes!" would be 「いいね!」を1000個以上をもらった! So, one more question arose right away: which verb is usually used in this case? I decid...

Q: Did YouTuber Jay Foreman draw "a fake map of the India-Bangladesh border" which subsequently "turned up in an episode of Geography Now"?

Rebecca J. Stones As everyone knows, it's not a nice feeling when you've worked very hard on something and somebody steals it. Like that time I painstakingly drew a fake map of the India-Bangladesh border and it turned up in an episode of Geography Now. Jay Foreman, Why do maps show places that don't exist?, Ma...

Q: Automatic publication list in group webpage

NYGI manage my research group website, and whenever a member of the group publishes something/posts it on the arXiv, I'm supposed to add it to the list (along with DOI, URL, status, etc.). But it's hard to keep track of them consistently, and sometimes we just forget to do it. I was wondering if the...

Q: Last board with Intel ICH 8/9/10 chipsets that had both, PCI and PCIe slots and allowed to use either as main GPU

8192KOn the brink of not being retro, but: I am trying to find the latest mainboard that has at least two PCI slots as well as PCIe slots already (at least 1 x16 PCIe 1.0) runs with Intel ICH 8, 9 or 10 chipsets is able to switch the main GPU to be used either from PCI or PCIe by a setting in the BIO...

Q: Does a Perceived Lack of Shared Knowledge Force the Speaker to use an Indefinite Article?

MJ AdaI recently found a discussion online about choosing between the articles when specific modifiers are used. The following examples were provided: [1] Have you ever heard of a fruit called the jacobo berry? [2] You know the fruit called the jacobo berry? I like to put it on cereal. In Example 1...

Q: What is the Jewish perspective of natural sciences?

Orthodox Crusader Throughout the centuries Jews have undoubtedly contributed to natural sciences, but I don't really know what the Jewish perspective on natural sciences is, do Jews believe that G-d works through natural science or do they believe that there is a conflict between the Jewish faith and natural scien...

Q: Is "adaptive" Wi-Fi speed a thing on modern machines?

xenoidI'm replacing my laptop with a new machine that has a "Meteor Lake" processor. I initially connected that machine to its predecessor by Ethernet to have the maximum speed for file transfers. While doing do I noticed that the Wi-Fi link on the new machine would connect at only 26 Mbps while the li...

Q: How to connect three 7-segment displays to a 4x4 binary multiplier

NotAEngineer159I am trying to connect three 7-segment displays to show the result. I thought about using the IC 7448 (I could also use the 7447), but I assigned 4 outputs to each encoder (first issue, as I need 3 displays since the maximum obtainable number is 225) and connected each decoder output to its respe...

Q: The Byzantine Majority Text and the referent of Acts 20:28

Mike BordenThe Byzantine Majority Text of Acts 20:28 contains reference to the Church of both Lord and of God apparently separately, as they are separated by kai. The text would say something like: to feed the church of the Lord and of God, which he purchased with his own blood. The King James version, b...

Q: Before Trigger - Validate data prior to assigning?

msingI'm wondering if there's any benefit to adding an if statement to check if data changed prior to modifying in a before trigger (assuming I'd always want that specific value). The example below is quite simple and could be done in a formula, but my question is really for when a formula field canno...

Q: Replace number from regexp capture with the output of a command using that number in sed

PRouleauI want to translate: "a b c syscall=257 success=yes" into the following: "a b c syscall=openat success=yes" I'd like using sed group capturing regexp and replacement combined with the use of the ausyscall applied to the number extracted by the regexp group. I tried the following under Linux...

Q: Intergral closure in characteristic 0

JurchikLet A be a Noetherian domain of characteristic 0, K be its field of fractions. Is the integral closure of A in K always finitely generated as A-module?

Q: Why did Misty make an exception for a few bug pokemon if she's really afraid of them?

HenkyoIf misty doesn't like bug pokemon and if she really is afraid of them, then why did she make an exception for a few of them? For example: Ash's Butterfree Tracy's Scyther Ash's Heracross I thought she doesn't like bug pokemon at all. Does that seem like a contradiction or is there a difference?

Q: 3 logicians and hats with numbers

Hemant AgarwalA puzzle from MIT Technology Review, July/August 2008: Each of three logicians, A, B, and C, wears a hat that displays a positive integer. The number on one of the hats is the sum of the numbers on the other two. All the 3 know of the above information and they know that the others also know the ...

Q: meaning of "if"

user211842https://vivfortoday.com/relationships/dear-mom/ I so wish that you had left me a letter I put myself in your shoes and imagined writing a love letter to Anna, so that if she, like me, ever had to look into the corners of her mind for memories of her mother, she would have no doubt that I had rea...

Q: Explicit description of a topos of sheaves on an internal boolean algebra

MendietaI have a question on how to calculate a topos of sheaves on an internal site. Let $F$ be the category of finite sets and functions so that the topos ${\widehat{F}}$ of presheaves on $F$ classifies Boolean algebras. Let $B$ be the generic boolean algebra. It is an internal Boolean algebra in $\wid...

Q: What is this thing on my table saw?

Mike BaranczakI have a DeWalt table saw. The throat plate looks like this. Sometimes I have a problem with the work piece sticking as I'm pushing it through, and the culprit is one of those black metal bits indicated with arrows. They're not tightly attached to the body of the throat plate, and they protrude e...

Q: What should I keep in mind when traveling to the Costa Blanca in December 2024 after the storms and floods of October 2024?

NzallI'm planning on a 3.5 week vacation to the Costa Blanca from mid December to early January. I'm taking the plane to Alicante, where my parents will pick me up for a car trip to Calpé. I've spent 29 of my last 30 winters in Calpé, the only exception being during the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020 when ...

Q: How to wrap text in LaTeX tables with multirow

jupyterI have some problem with my table.. it's overflow of the page. Here is my code. I have tried to set width but I guess it because of multirow, text is not wrapped \documentclass[oneside,a4paper,14pt]{extreport} \usepackage{multicol} \usepackage{tabularx} \usepackage{multirow} \usepackage{xcolor,...

Q: Can a Sorcerer use the Metamagic Options on spells cast from Magic Items?

TarodUnder the 2014 rules, it was accepted that you should follow the Casting a Spell rules (2014 PHB, p. 202) when using a Magic Item to cast a spell, as you're still casting the spell, even when it's through it. Now, the 2024 rules remain largely the same, so the spellcaster should follow the update...

Q: Geometry nodes not offsetting position by normals properly?

Jordan EI'm trying to do a simple noise displacement on a sphere in geo nodes, but cant seem to get it to work properly. notice the blue normal direction, yet the displacement only seems to be diagonal. what am i doing wrong? thanks :)

Q: What does "the inferior is blessed by the superior" mean in Hebrews 7:7?

C. StroudHebrews 7:7 ESV "It is beyond dispute that the inferior is blessed by the superior." Here "blessed" is eulogertai. Luke 2:28 "he took him up in his arms and blessed God and said,..". blessed/eulogesen Here Simeon blessed God. Simeon is surely inferior to God, so what does Heb 7:7 mean by "t...

Q: Installing Sediment Trap/Drip Leg for Water Heater

AA040371My OG (natural) gas water heater is installed without a sediment trap/drip leg. Since my understanding is that it is now required by code, and I am planing on selling soon, I am planning to put on one. From reading up and watching Youtube it seems pretty straightforward: shut off gas, disconnect...

Q: Any suggestions on how to model something like a tungsten carbide bur?

rick rokkettWould appreciate any suggestions on how to model a tungsten carbide bur. Being a Blender noob I tried to start with extruding a star-shaped curve, adding edge loops and twisting the model with proportional editing, but I'm stuck here. I don't how to make the cross cut maintaining good topology. ...

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