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Q: Where can I see a Pay to Anchor output in the wild?

thunderbiscuitI'm reading about the new features of the Bitcoin Core 28 release and would like to see one of those PayToAnchor outputs on either mainnet, testnet, or signet. Can anyone provide me with a link to one?

Q: Is there a non-trivial, convex, increasing sequence of prime numbers whose sum of reciprocals diverges?

Adam RubinsonA sequence $(a_n)_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$ of integers is called convex if $a_{n+1} - a_{n} \geq a_{n} - a_{n-1}.$ Is there a non-trivial (i.e. non-constant), convex, increasing sequence of prime numbers whose sum of reciprocals diverges? The Green-Tao theorem means we can get long strings of prime arit...

Q: How to synchronise paracol headings?

reaxmlI read the paracol documentation and quite don't understand it. I tried these options: Use \switchcolumn*[\section{NAME}\label{sec:ABBRV}] Use \begin{leftcolumn*}[\section{NAME}\label{sec:ABBRV}] \end{leftcolumn*}; begin{rightcolumn*}[\section{NAME}\label{sec:ABBRV}] \end{rightcolumn*} Use \begi...

Q: After banning UNRWA from operating in Gaza, what is the Israeli plan for education in the strip?

Italian PhilosopherAP, October 29, 2024 One of the bills passed Monday evening bans all UNRWA activities and services on Israeli soil and is set to take effect in three months. The second bill severs all ties between government employees and UNRWA and strips its staff of their legal immunities. Together, the b...

Q: What was the initial size of the file allocation table for a newly-formatted hard drive in DOS 3.3?

Miss UnderstandsEvery attempt to discover this yields only loads of information about drive geometries and maximum volume size. Also, if an additional FAT is needed (fragmenting it), how big are the additional extents? I want to know so I can think about caching the FAT in 640K.

Q: Why the unbound DNS failed to dig a domain?

Sun BearThis is a follow-up question to my earlier question. Below is the /etc/unbound/unbound.conf file: # unbound.conf(5) config file for unbound(8). server: directory: "/etc/unbound" username: "unbound" chroot: "" logfile: "/etc/unbound/unbound.log" pidfile: "/etc/unbound/unbound.pid"

Q: codeblock does not break across lines

Kerry CoxI am trying to create codeblocks with colored backgrounds in regular text. However, long strings do not break across lines and extend past the margins. Is it possible to add an additional option to the following MWE to permit computer code to break across lines? \documentclass{article} \usepacka...

Q: Does Ic reverse its current flow when BJT in common-emitter configuration goes from linear to saturated mode?

Jesse Alexander jr.I don't understand how both junctions of BJT are forward biased in saturation mode. Does \$I_c\$ reverses? Does the saturation happen when \$V_{BE}\$ > \$V_{CE}\$ ? Please explain the phenomenon using common emitter configuration. P.S: Consider a NPN transistor. During saturation \$V_{CE}\$ is a...

Q: Short story about huge computer that answered philosophical questions. Preceded 'Deep Thought'

DonQuixote99Spacemen arrive at the site of a huge old computer housed in a monumental building in a ruined city. The great computer was asked two questions: "What is the purpose of the universe?" and "What is the meaning of life?" The answers were found taped in a logbook: "The universe has no purpose, the u...

Q: External switch and socket enclosed in a waterproof enclosure blew its pilot light when testing without load

mindentropyI have an external switch with a pilot light and a plug point enclosed in a Legrand Plexo waterproof enclosure. We had very heavy rains recently and today I switched on the switch to check the condition of the switch and its associated socket with no load attached. To my surprise I could hear spu...

Q: Digital IDP in Egypt

user1721135I want to rent a car from SIXT at hurghada airport. In their booking process it says nothing about IDP, but apparently Egypt required IDP in theory at least. Since there are lots of police or military checkpoints and Egyptians love bakshish Id like to avoid giving any excuses. Is it allowed to us...

Q: Is a "hot cube" (analogous to an ice cube) a physical possibility?

Mark HarrisonIs it possible to fabricate a uranium or plutonium "hot cube" that could be used to keep a cup of coffee hot? Basically a piece of fissile material, shielded, and covered with a non-toxic material that could be dropped into a cup of coffee. Could it be made small enough to drop in a cup, and lar...

Q: Printing definition elements in an equation sequentially yields different lines

joshpI'm trying to get a foreach block to print elements of a define dynamically and it's putting each element on a new line: it should all be on one line like the following.... example code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{pgf,pgffor}% http://ctan.org/pkg/{pgf,pgffor} % % Define sequences \def...

Q: Was Benjamin Franklin denounced for inventing the lightning rod?

Chris B. BehrensThis article and other which have cited it make the claim that upon inventing the lightning rod that Benjamin Franklin was denounced by parties unspecified in the sources. While most people hailed the lightning rod as a lifesaver, some religious leaders objected that Franklin was attempting to ...

Q: Why and under what conditions does a neon indicator light glow in an electric field?

16-bit-appsI have a question about the ionization of low pressure neon (inside an indicator light) when put in an oscillating electric field, such as that near a Tesla coil. From reading online about the topic, I think that the field accelerates the very few free electrons already present in the gas, causin...

Q: When should I use a std::inplace_vector instead of a std::vector?

The Mad GamerThere is a new std::inplace_vector in the C++ standard library that seems to have a fixed capacity defined at compile time. I'm trying to understand a use case for std::inplace_vector instead of std::array or std::vector. It seems like std::inplace_vector has the advantage of a fixed size, like s...

Q: Precise Electronic Measurements

beardeadclownI've been looking into various electronic components and noticed rampant 5%, 10%, and even 20% tolerances and accuracies not only in basic components such as capacitors, inductors, and resistors, but even in thermocouples, thermistors, load cells, etc. That makes me question the accuracy of every...

Q: What did early Indo-Europeans wear? What are some PIE words related to clothing? I know only *wļneh2 (wool) and *lino (flax)

FlatAssemblerSo, I am interested, what did the Proto-Indo-Europeans wear? I happen to know only two PIE words related to clothing: *wļneh2 (wool) and *lino (flax). And I know that some linguists doubt that the word *lino really existed in PIE, primarily because of the lack of cognates in Indo-Iranian (Why wou...

Q: Front door uneven at bottom

Christopher TaylorThere’s a gap at the bottom and the top handle side of our front entry door. We have to push the door a little to get it to close. We’ve already made sure the frame and thresholds are level and replaced the screws so we’re at a loss. How can we fix this?

Q: How to redirect using a custom wordpress api endpoint after form submission?

BrendenI'm using a custom wordpress endpoint that I have defined in functions.php: add_action('rest_api_init', function () { register_rest_route('custom_endpoint', 'submit-application', [ 'methods' => 'POST', 'callback' => 'submit_application' ]); }); I'm using the endpoint to p...

Q: Opinion / input on visiualization needed

manofthousandnamesI need your opinion/input. I am about to submit my first paper and have such a graph (in the paper as a 2x2 plot). The plot gives quite a lot. I have a model with two varying parameters, alpha and beta, and am examining the relationship on metric 1 (y-axis). I vary alpha on the x-axis and beta in...

Q: Custom verbatim environment affects quotation marks

luchonachoI have a custom verbatim environment that changes color to red, but creates problems with quotation marks. Here is a MWE: \documentclass{beamer} \usetheme{default} \usepackage[spanish]{babel} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{newverbs} \renewenvironment{verbatim} {\semiverbatim\color...

Q: What is the definition of Force?

ojas dessaiI've come across so many abstract definitions of force—like "an interaction between two bodies" or "something that changes the state of motion or shape of a body." But what exactly is a force? One issue I see with the "change of state of motion" definition is that it assumes we're observing motio...

Q: Do solipsism and the theory that the external world is real have equal explanatory value?

SyedGiven a recent question just asked in regards to whether or not Occam's razor supports solipsism, I thought it would be prudent to ask whether the explanatory value of both theories (solipsism vs. the external world being real) are equal. To make things a bit more interesting, let's assume that u...

Q: How to obtain the frontier of a 2D Brownian walk?

Sofista 137Given the definition: The frontier of Brownian motion is the boundary of the unbounded component of the complement of Brownian motion. Graphically, the frontier is in red: How can one isolate the frontier of the Brownian motion from the rest of a Brownian walk? Thus far, I have used heuristics a...

Q: Why did James not defend Paul? Does James failing to defend Paul mean that James' faith is one without works?

TrentI am pondering this question and would like other people's help/thoughts. James, the brother of Jesus, author of the Epistle of James and leader of the early Jerusalem church, writes in the book of James, "Faith without works is dead." He clearly sees that faith leads a person to action. Yet, ...

Q: New mac usb type c keyboard arrived. There's no fn key?

c_idleI have a USB C charge touch id keyboard with no keypad. Magic Keyboard with Touch ID for Mac models with Apple silicon (USB–C) - US English The lightning one and this type c one look identical but theres no fn key. so i can't seem to change the volume (i use have "use dedicated function row" s...

Q: SSH protocol RFC clarification

user3472Good day. Was hoping one could help me understand what this means in the SSH RFC: Arbitrary-length padding, such that the total length of (packet_length || padding_length || payload || random padding) (packet_length || padding_length || payload || random padding) Total length of what?...

Q: Undead Uniforms

30KeydetMy Glorious Armed Forces have recently developed the ability to raise the dead as skeletal warriors armed with black-powder weapons. The Nation and its competitors are basically at the level of late 1700s/early 1800s Europe. The skeletons are perfectly clean upon creation (whatever flesh they h...

Q: Is it possible to obtain the sequences from polyclonal antibody protein mixture via mass spec?

John TranWe have been using pAbs from an immunized goat for quite a few years but now the goat died. We only have the antigen affinity purified pAb proteins. Is it possible to obtain the sequences? We have immunized several other goats, the resulting pAbs performed far worse than the one 'golden goat' pro...

Q: In D&D 2024, can a Paladin's Smite be counterspelled?

K.L.R.The D&D 2024 version of Paladin says: Paladin’s Smite: You always have the Divine Smite spell prepared. In addition, you can cast it without expending a spell slot, but you must finish a Long Rest before you can cast it in this way again. Does this mean it can now be prevented by a Counterspell?

Q: What happens to the unused P2A outputs?

thunderbiscuitI'm looking at PayToAnchor outputs and have a few questions: What happens to P2A outputs that are never needed in the end because their user didn't need a fee bump on their transaction? Do they just bloat the UTXO set? I had heard that those would carry 0 value, but in fact all of them do. Is th...

Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of signing international protocols?

dotancohenI notice that only about 150 nations, out of 193 UN member states, have signed e.g. the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. What are the disadvantages to a nation to sign an international convention such as this and others? For that matter, what are the advantages too? My question uses...

Q: Summation of infinite terms yields negative result

Mike BillingsToday, while solving a question in my homework, I stumbled upon a strange thing that I couldn't wrap my head around. I am not more than an amateur in mathematics, so I could barely understand the few other articles on SE with the same pattern of the question. Consider, $$S = 1 + 9 + 9^2 + 9^3 + 9...

Q: Can a Wirtinger type of argument reveal that a holomorphic, not necessarily entire, function with constant modulus is constant?

A AI've seen a few proofs of the statement that a holomorphic, not necessarily entire, function with constant modulus is constant. They all use the Cauchy-Riemann equations in one way or another. When I was out cycling an hour ago the thought struck me that maybe we could prove this faster and more ...

Q: Why does Schrödinger get more credit for quantum mechanics than Heisenberg, even though Heisenberg’s work came first?

DavidIn the 1920s, quantum mechanics went through huge changes thanks to two different approaches: Heisenberg’s matrix mechanics and Schrödinger’s wave mechanics. Heisenberg was first, publishing his matrix mechanics in 1925. His approach used complex mathematical matrices to predict quantum behavior,...

Q: Is it true that if he plays long enough there will be a series of consecutive days during which he will play exactly 23 games?

Will.Octagon.GibsonGrandmaster Lev Alburt plays at least one game of chess a day to keep in shape and not more than 10 games a week to avoid tiring himself out. Is it true that if he plays long enough there will be a series of consecutive days during which he will play exactly 23 games? Clarification: After postin...

Q: How did Schrödinger interpret the wave function before Born's probability rule?

DavidIn 1926, Schrödinger published his wave equation, introducing a new way to describe quantum systems. Later that same year, Max Born proposed the probability interpretation, suggesting that the wave function’s squared amplitude, $|\psi|^2$ gives the probability of finding a particle in a specific ...

Q: What is meant by damnable heresies in 2 Peter 2:1

Nihil Sine Deo “But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.” ‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭2‬:‭1‬ ‭ How do these damnable heresies differ f...

Q: a novel feature, tool, or part of a larger machine, method, etc

Bear Bile Farming is TortureLet's suppose that a novel invention is for a feature, tool, or part for an already existing larger machine, system, method, etc. In other words, the novel invention on its own is useless. In the claims, do I just include the novel elements, even though they would not be of any use without the la...

Q: How to respond to a student email demanding quick feedback?

LunaMy group of new masters students submitted their 1st essay. I explained in our 1st group meeting that I may take up to 2 weeks to return essay feedback to all of them. (I said this explicitly to manage expectations and as I've got a very heavy teaching workload for a few weeks). In the meantime, ...

Q: Cancellation of long term care insurance, return of certificate value

Dave DMy wife and I have been paying premiums for long-term care insurance for the past 20 years or so. Total premiums paid between the two of us is approximately $60,000. The monthly premiums have been relatively steady over that time period. The premiums have been paid with after-tax funds. We receiv...

Q: Preventing CSV Injection

OrdielI am creating an application that takes information from another system and writes reports in CSV format. I am trying to mitigate CSV Injection vulnerabilities on it. I have done some research and I got started with OWASP - CSV Injection where it suggests: Alternatively, apply the following sani...

Q: How powerful was Arizona's Sunset Crater eruption?

neubertIn around 1100 CE, maybe 20 miles from Flagstaff, AZ, Sunset Crater erupted. My question is... how powerful was this eruption? Like where on the VEI scale would it have likely fallen?

Q: bbcp (bare-bones file copy) in C

nmpaulsI have done very little systems programming, but I'm working through CS631 - Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment on my own time (I am not actually a student in the class). This is my solution for the first homework assignment: implement bbcp, an extremely basic file copy utility. I origi...

Q: How Does Deflect Attacks interact with attacks that force saving throws?

The Zach ManThe monk's Deflect Attacks feature reads (in part) When an attack roll hits you and its damage includes Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing damage, you can take a Reaction to reduce the attack’s total damage against you. The reduction equals 1d10 plus your Dexterity modier and Monk level. If you...

Q: Do “being not rich” and “not being rich” mean the same or different things? Is either ungrammatical or unheard of?

jeongWhich word should you negate with not here: the non-finite ‑ɪɴɢ verb in the first case, or its predicate adjective in the second case? Being not rich, he couldn't help people. Not being rich, he couldn't help people. Between those two cases, which is grammatical in English from a formal, writte...

Q: Asking "what time is it in Japan?", what particle?

Mr. FeynmanFirst let me say that I know that there are similar threads, this in particular. There are some things I still want to make clear. So, it appears that the most natural way to ask the question in the title would be 1. 日本は何時ですか。 I understand why in such a question one would want 日本 to be the topi...

Q: No Fallout Orbital WMDs

IkeI’ve asked a lot of people I know this, and no one has a good answer. In my world, a UN type organization has united numerous multi-solar system nations against an aggressive, racist confederation of systems. Their goal is much like the Allies’ in WWII, to pacify the confederation and return inva...

Q: How to create a patterned path with small triangles along it in Adobe Illustrator (Archaeology Limit of excavation hatchures)

user271592I am wondering how to create a dotted line with small triangles pointing out off the body of the line. I can see Adobe Illustrator has options for arrowheads but i don't want arrowheads on the ends i want them in the middle. I have attached examples of my dashed line settings and how I want the t...

Q: Help recovering funds: Wallet created with non-standard public key format (no 02/03/04 prefix)

LuciusTitle: Help recovering funds: Wallet created with non-standard public key format (no 02/03/04 prefix) I have a Bitcoin address (19CLgD8MqfWzE3BzzUGjyXKM4EP72XgYJ8) containing ~0.064 BTC that was created using a non-standard public key format. I can cryptographically prove ownership but can't crea...

Q: Has "optimism in reason" been explicitly discussed as a philosophical position?

causativeBy "optimism in reason" I mean, the belief that reason could - in theory, if taken to its logical extreme - lead to the "best" outcomes. I don't know if "optimism in reason" is the best name for this belief. That's part of what I'm asking. By "reason," I mean examining evidence and arguments in a...

Q: Is my k nonce being re-used here?

LilacrailI'm using bitcoin core 28.0 on Debian Bookworm. I enter the following into bash: ./bitcoin-cli signmessage "p2pkh-address-here" "abc123" ... and I get the signature output in the shell as expected. But if I then run exactly the same line again in bash, the newly outputted second signature matches...

Q: Weird error in "aligned" with package "mathtools"

Rachel HI get some error while using the "aligned" environment and the "mathtools" package together. See the code below. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amssymb,amsmath} \usepackage{mathtools} \begin{document} \begin{equation*} \begin{aligned}&A=B\\ &C=D'. \end{aligned} \end{equation*} \end{document...

Q: Type 200 Xs as fast as possible

Shs Tht You want to type 200 “X”s as fast as possible. Each of the following procedures costs 1 second: Typing 1 “X” ⁠Copy whatever you have written ⁠Paste whatever you copied What’s the fastest way to reach at least 200 “X”? My answer: type two Xs first (+2 secs), copy it and paste it 3 times (+4 se...

Q: What does 3EA, 3FA or 3IW mean on a potentiometer?

IvanI'm trying to figure out markings on potentiometers in a guitar amp. Below the usual "B100K", etc. there are additional inscriptions like "3EA", "3FA" or "3IW". What could they possibly mean? I'm attaching pictures. The amp is made by Carlsbro, it says "Manufactured in England", I think the p...

Q: How to populate a cell with text which is made up using characters from data in other cells?

ChrizhI have a table in Excel which has a header row and data in cells A2 (text), B2 (text), C2 (text), D2 (text) and E2 (number). A2, B2, C2, D2 are drop downs with different selectable data. E2 is a formula to automatically generate an incremental number each time a new row is added to the table. I...

Q: How to make Mathematica simplify `1 - Cos[x]^2` as `Sin[x]^2`?

xiver77By running this code v = 1/2 (1 - Sum[(2 l + 1)/l * LegendreP[l + 1, 0] * LegendreP[l, Cos[θ]] * r^l, {l, 1, Infinity}]); e = -Grad[v, {r, θ, φ}, "Spherical"]; d = FullSimplify[Div[e, {r, θ, φ}, "Spherical"]]; Print[d]; I get (2*r*Sum[(1 + 2*l)*r^(-1 + l)*LegendreP[l, Cos[\[Theta]]]*LegendreP[1 ...

Q: What "movement restrictions" does web walker avoid?

KirtMany spider-like creatures (cf. giant spider) have the ability web walker , which says: Web Walker. The [creature] ignores movement restrictions caused by webbing. What sorts of features and conditions does this ability ignore? Both the web spell and web-filled areas as a dungeon hazard (DMG 10...

Q: Writing subscript to subscript

mchaudh4I am trying to put subscript to subscript in the below term: u_{{X}_{min}} On compilation, it looks as below: When you write the same terms using microsoft equation, it looks better and more accurate as X really looks as subscript of u and min as subscript of X as shown below: How to get the s...

Q: Identity of a story anthology containing "Murders in the Rue Morgue" and "The Great Stone Face"

M. A. GoldingI think I remember two specific books which I read in the summer of 1962. One was The Wonderful Wizard of Oz one of several borrowed from the Cape May, New Jersey public library that summer. And the other was an anthology of short stories, possibly restricted to stories by American authors. It ...

1 hour later…
Q: How do idealism and solipsism explain distinct components of experience?

SyedIn our experience, we maintain distinctions between things. There are parts of experience that can be divided or abstracted away into components, whether you are a physicalist or an idealist or a solipsist. Now, if mind is fundamental, and there is no physical world, then everything is immaterial...

Q: How can change the spacing of text while using multicols and enumerate environments?

Aswin K.SI want the text 'rights' to be on the same line of the text 'One who defends his country`s freedom or'. The code I've used is : \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[hmargin=15mm,vmargin=25mm]{geometry} \usepackage{multicol} \usepackage{enumitem} \begin{document} \begin{flushleft} \vs...

Q: which future form to use

LE123*Situation: I and my son are sitting at a table in a restaurant. A waiter comes to my table. Here is the conversation: Me: I'd like a pizza and spaghetti. The waiter: What will your son be having? Me: He will be having a hamburger. Which version can I use for this context, Can I use either of t...

Q: Vertical histogram

Yaroslav BulatovWhat is the nicest way to visualize change of variables as below density as below? IE, value 2 appears 3 times, so it gets a higher bin-count than other values, but the histogram is vertical to align with the values in the leftmost plot. Here's the visualization of the leftmost plot ListPlot[{4,...

Q: Order of events in Shacharit vs Maariv: crossing the sea and drowning

Danny SchoemannIn the morning prayer, in עֶזְרַת אֲבוֹתֵינוּ before the Amida we say: מִמִּצְרַיִם גְּאַלְתָּנוּ, מִבֵּית עֲבָדִים פְּדִיתָנוּ, כָּל בְּכוֹרֵיהֶם הָרַגְתָּ, וּבְכוֹרְךָ גָּאַלְתָּ, וְיָם סוֹף בָּקַעְתָּ, וְזֵדִים טִבַּעְתָּ, וִידִידִים הֶעֱבַרְתָּ. וַיְכַסּוּ מַיִם צָרֵיהֶם אֶחָד מֵהֶם לֹא נוֹת...

Q: What happens to "Bridge Bashers"?

Peter BillIn the UK, we have lots of bridges with limited head-room, often where 19th century railway lines pass over roads that were originally intended for horses. Nowadays, modern large goods vehicles cannot use these routes, but people try, causing a "bridge bash". The most recent is reported here: htt...

Q: Locally warping space so Earth turns "inside out" and engulfs the moon

VilarinofSomething unknowable and eldritch pops up where the Moon used to be. Its presence causes space to bend, twist, contract and expand without outright breaking apart in a way that, for an observer on Earth's surface, Earth is now a sort of "shell" (from now on referred to as "Earthshell" or "ES") ar...

1 hour later…
Q: Re-orient tikz-angles labels that are drawn on a plane so that they are not distorted

JasperI am using the angles library to draw on planes in perspective, as in https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/727949/319072. I am wondering how to make the angle label appear oriented as though it were on the screen plane - like regular text. For example, in this MWE I want to re-orient the blue theta so...

Q: A Simplification of the computation of local heights in Gross-Zagier

BernieAt the end of the following document, https://public.websites.umich.edu/~asnowden/seminar/2014/gz/L07.pdf , it was stated that to prove the formula of Gross and Zagier, it is not necessary to compute the "local height symbol" when the support overlap due to a trick of Nekovar. However, Snowden di...

Q: How is the Bitcoin Public Ledger stored?

TechPro424I'm trying to create a functional replica of the Bitcoin protocol, albeit at a smaller scale, for an academic project. As far as I'm aware, the Bitcoin Public Ledger is a list of all BTC transactions ever made. But how is it stored? How is the ledger stored on every node? Is this the ledger? Wher...

Q: Agentive 'by phrase' included in passives: is it a complement? A modifier? Neither?

Salim uddinThe committee was formed by him. Is the 'by him' a complement or modifier? And when does a 'by phrase' become modifier or complement?

Q: UK visitor visa financial circumstance

IvyI am inviting my sister-in-law to visit after a denial last year (Denial letter attached). I am at a loss on how to accurately represent her finances. She is a trader who earns and spends mostly in cash which obviously is not shown in her bank statement. No invoices, receipt or any record to prov...

Q: How to calculate the number of neutrinos during neutron star formation?

Anupama MukherjeeI have come across the following problem in an Astronomy Olympiad: Formation of the iron peak elements Fe,Co and Ni by nuclear fusion marks the end of energy production in a star. If the mass of the iron core is greater than the Chandrasekhar mass (1.4 solar masses) the core cannot be supported b...

Q: Weird vertical line in altium

fedi makniAnyone know what is that green/yellow line that exist in the PCB? How to disable it?

Q: Where to find good English translations of Jewish Texts like Yalkut Shimoni?

Ryan Pierce WilliamsI’m interested in gaining access to Jewish texts like the Yalkut Shimoni. I’ve seen interesting excerpts translated, like 499 concerning the light of creation being the soul of the Messiah and I’d love to see what else is in there. Unfortunately, the Sefaria app appears to only provide the text i...

Q: When to use symmetric vs asymmetric (periodic) window functions?

bluenote10Libraries like scipy typically offer constructing window functions in a symmetric or asymmetric flavor. I'm aware of the rule of thumb: Use symmetric for filter analysis. Use asymmetric for spectral analyses like STFT. I have never really seen a good explanation of this rule of thumb, and I wou...

Q: Famous sequence generated from a figure

Prim3numbahEach of the four figures generate a number sequence. Replace the question mark with the correct number sequence. Explain your reasoning. \ \ \ \ \ \ = 1 5 10 10 5 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / / / / / / = 5 10 10 5 1 / / / / / /...

Q: What was the last major-brand x/86 PC to have a 14.318 MHz NTSC clock on the bus?

Miss UnderstandsBoca Raton put it on the ISA bus so it would be easy to build a TV monitor. The 16-bit bus was an extension of ISA, so I assume it was there. I think most 386s still had an ISA bus. 486s too, I believe. I don't remember, even though I sold them. Bonus curiosity: Did MicroChannel or EISA retain th...

Q: PDF scaled to reflect counts (size of the sample) does not align with Histogram's range

corey979Mock data: sample1 = RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[0, 1], size1 = 115]; sample2 = RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[1, 1], size2 = 57]; sample3 = RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[2, 1], size3 = 99]; sample4 = RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[3, 1], size4 = 12]; dist = MixtureDistribution[{size1...

Q: Skipping simplification in linear equation yields quadratic equation

LearnerZechWhen learning about linear equations, I can't help but notice that the equation $\frac{x}{x}=x$ can be be turned into $x=x^2$ if I do not simplify $\frac{x}{x}$ to 1: $$\frac{x}{x}=x$$ $$x*\frac{x}{x}=x*x$$ $$x=x^2$$ Notice that I multiplied both sides by $x$ on step 2, and yields $x=x^2$ on step...

Q: Why retaking with Nxd4 in the Scotch is bad?

CarabesThis line in the Scotch opening 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 d4 exd4 4 Nxd4 Nxd4 5 Qxd4 doesn't seem to be very used and I've talked with some people that claimed that it was bad, but they couldn't give me a clear reason why. [StartPly "9"] [FEN ""] 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. Nxd4 Nxd4 5. Qxd4 ...

Q: Limit of sum involving product of integrals

Chhaya gupta$$\lim_{n \to ∞}\frac{1}{n^3}\sum_{k=1}^{n}\frac{1}{(\int_{0}^{1}\frac{x^k}{2022x+2023}dx)(\int_{0}^{1}\frac{x^k}{2023x+2022}dx)}$$ I was not able to even start the problem, I was not able to solve the first integral neither had a idea to solve the product

Q: Example of a covering space of a manifold that is not paracompact

Maths MatadorLet $M$ be a topological manifold. This means that $M$ is a paracompact, Hausdorff topological space that is also locally Euclidean. It is common in textbooks on manifolds (such as Lee's comprehensive books) that a proof is given saying that a covering space $\tilde{M}$ of $M$ will also be Hausdo...

Q: The certificate could not be installed on the domain “example.com”. Unknown error

KuroMiki77I've received an old domain, but it's SSL certificate has expired. I'm trying to install a new, free certificate issued by Cloudflare. Things appear to have gone well in Cloudflare, as it claims I'm protected. However, over in cPanel, I'm unable to install the certificate. The domain, CRT, and Ke...

Q: Short-stay Schengen Visa for Germany: Which purpose?

MUNAkidJust want to ask for a question re: declaring a purpose for my Schengen visa application for Germany. As I understand, all purposes fall under "short-stay" visa. I have a letter of invitation from a sports team asking me to go to their fan club event. The event consists of museum tours, dinner/lu...

Q: Can White still castle? #3

Tim SeifertHere is a new (retrograde?) chess puzzle, directly inspired by an exchange with Laska that came up in this recent puzzle. In contrast to my usual chess puzzles, this one is relatively light on the retrograde analysis and also should be quite approachable - so if you're new to the genre, please fe...

Q: Neither as a determiner

skywatertreesWhich one of following sentences is right? Digital version of the document is not accessible neither through the web repository nor through the company archive. Digital version of the document is accessible neither through the web repository nor through the company digital repository.

Q: Is it possible for a voter to be rendered ineligible in both their prior and new states while in the process of moving?

mprIf a person moves in close proximity to the day of the election, is it possible they are rendered legally ineligible to vote in both their new and prior states of residency?

Q: A play where a corpse keeps growing and growing from one scene to the next one

AlfredI actually went to a theater to watch this play, at the insistence of my girlfriend at that time. So it was about 50 years ago. It was in French, and most probably the original, not a translation. What I remember best about it is that I did not like it at all. Besides that and what I put in the t...

Q: Is my PPL workout routine good for home workout?

HaseenPush Day: https://hevy.com/routine/W80P5FVhSiH Pull Day: https://hevy.com/routine/GtmGzF2Ncua Leg + abs Day: https://hevy.com/routine/4DuVaP0ypLZ

Q: Is there a difference between a full node running bitcoin daemon, or bitcoin-qt?

CutieI have a full node running in my office off it's own static IP. I'd like it to contribute as much as possible to the network, and share as many block with as many peers as possible. (We have a 1Gbit line, it's limited to 100Mbit, or 1/10th of our bandwidth.) It's currently running the bitcoin-q...

Q: Resubmitting a grant application for a postdoc research: how to approach changes when you think one reviewer made some mistakes

TakeMeToTheMoonI recently submitted an application for a interdisciplinary postdoc research with a grant specifically dedicated to skills development. In a scale including "outstanding, excellent, very good, good, average, poor", I received two reviews: one mentioning that the project is outstanding. The other ...

Q: How to underline in minted without impacting highlighting?

Markus KurtzFor a code review, I want to underline bad code, just like some IDEs would: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{minted} % TODO ??? \newcommand\startunderline{} % bad code from here ... \newcommand\stopunderline{} % ... up to here \begin{document} The following contains bad code: \mintinline[esca...

Q: Unique homomorphism between free groups

cansomeonehelpmeoutI've been given the following exercise If $X$ is a set, define $FX$ to be the free group having basis $X$; that is, the elements of $FX$ are reduced words on the alphabet $X$ and multiplication is juxtaposition followed by cancellation. If $\varphi:X\rightarrow Y$ is a function, prove that there...

Q: Where are the intermediate CA certificates?

floupinetteIn the folder /etc/ssl/certs/ i can well see: Symbolic links to the certificates stored at /usr/share/ca-certificates/ The BUNDLE file ca-certificates.crt which contains all certificates in PEM format I see only root CA certificates...i don't see the intermediate CA certificates ? Why ? For exa...

Q: When solving for phase, why doesnt the author consider location of the complex numbers?

Yeslin SequeiraThe following shows up in a textbook (Control Systems: Principles & Design, M Gopal, 3rd edition, example 7.1) F(s) is just a function in a complex number, mapping to another complex number (for those familiar with control theory, it's an open-loop transfer function). $\sigma$ and $\omega$ are ju...

Q: strict inequality for Fatou's lemma

Zhuozhen JiangIt is not the well-known form of Fatou's lemma. It is shown as below: let $g\ge 0$ be continuous. If $X_n$ weakly converge to $X$ then $$\lim\inf_{n\rightarrow \infty} Eg(X_n)\ge Eg(X)$$ I'd like to find a example that makes this left strictly smaller than the right. Thank you.

Q: Do citation and reference both convey these same two senses in the context of books?

Static BounceWhen you read a book there often is a little number at the end of some sentences (that are usually quotes/or information from other sources). Most of the time at the end of the book there will be a list that these numbers correspond to and next to them will be sources from which these correspondi...

Q: (Why) Is TMS really needed to reference NMR spectra?

W0lfgang23In NMR textbooks it is oftentimes stated that referencing NMR spectra to an internal standard such as TMS is necessary to make spectra comparable as the absolute resonance frequencies obtained are dependent on the magnetic field strength and thus on the NMR machine/magnet used for measurements. H...

Q: Can I raise floor height and insulation value with a layer of 1/2" EPS foam?

Brydon GibsonAll of my floors are coming up (water damage as a result of fire) in my main living space. While they're up, I've been wanting to switch the kitchen from hardwood to tile - and while I'm doing that, I'd take the opportunity to heat the floor. Doing so would require either a transition up into the...

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