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Q: Light switch that is flush or recessed (next to fridge door)

rogerdpackI have a light switch on wall next to a fridge. Replaced the fridge with a larger one. Now the fridge door slams into it. It's a normal toggle switch, not the wide kind. The faceplate gets broken and the switch gets knocked into. Also hard to teach that switch with fingers to turn it on Is it ...

Q: Proof of Real Nullstellensatz Question

John LevyI don't understand a step in the proof of the Real Nullstellensatz from Bochnak, Coste, Roy's text. When they come to prove the real Nullstellensatz, they say that by this Lemma 4.1.5. they can assume I is a real prime ideal (see underlined sentence). I don't understand why: It seems what they en...

Q: Can every quantum gravity theory be equivalent to a CFT or an EFT?

vengaqDo all theories of quantum gravity* have a duality with some CFT? Can all theories of quantum gravity be approximated by some EFT? Can CFT and/or EFT be equivalent to all possible theories of physics? *including: String theory, M-theory, supergravity, loop quantum gravity, causal sets, causal dyn...

Q: Is it safe to install programs other than with a distro's package manager?

Thomas.MWhen I moved from Windows to Linux, I have been mercifully blessed with package managers. Most of the time, the official repositories of my distro (currently Debian 12) will have the package I need. But sometimes it will not, which means that if I want to install some apps, I have to do it withou...

Q: 5 deep Apex soql: System.QueryException: SOQL statements cannot query aggregate relationships more than 1 level away from the root entity object

cropredyGiven V61 (Summer 24), we get Apex support for 5 deep parent->child relationships. This was previously available only for REST API calls. So, I gave it a try: for (Account account: [SELECT Id, (SELECT Id , (SELECT Id FROM OpportunityLineItems) ...

Q: Second Derivative for Non standard Calculus

Jonathan LeeI am trying to understand how second derivatives work in Non standard calculus (NSA). The definition of the first derivative in NSA is $ st(\frac{ f(x + ε) - f(x) }ε) $ . So if we have $f(x) = x^2 $, then the first derivative is $ st(\frac{ (x + ε)^2 - x^2 }ε) $ which becomes $ st(2x + ε) ...

Q: Could an empire rise by economic power?

RHFIn my world, which is similar to Europe and the Mediterranean in the Middle Ages, a state is situated around a strait between two large seas. Mountains make this strait the only feasible way to travel between the two seas, giving the state a copious amount of trade. The state, flush with cash and...

Q: User & hostname suddenly changed after update, now sudo and internet issues

Exquisite MongUbuntu 24.04.01 LTS Upgraded from 22.04.01 Dell precision 7550 Notification received to upgrade and did so. It said some things were partially upgraded, but everything was working normally for a day. updated firmware. everything seemed fine. Suddenly couldn’t connect to internet - suspect this is...

Q: How to substitute URLs?

daveI'm trying to search a replace an URL in a html file but it gives me strange errors. Typing :%s|https://example.com|https://placehold.co/64|g correctly highlights the previous URL but when running it, I get E486: Pattern not found: <br>. It seems like it's trying to apply the previous substitutio...

Q: Help writing block matrix

SolarKeaI'm trying to transfer this block matrix to LaTeX: Using the following code \usepackage{nicematrix}[hvlines] \begin{document} \[\begin{pNiceMatrix} \Block{2-2}{2s} & \Block{2-6}{0} \\ \Block{6-2}{0} & \Block{6-6}{2P} \end{pNiceMatrix}\] \end{document} However, I'm getting the following error: "...

Q: Why are poverty definitions not based off a person's access to necessities rather than a fixed number?

JonathanReezAccording to this report on poverty in the EU: The measure of financial poverty used here is the main indicator of poverty of the European union. this so-called “at-risk-of-poverty” rate is a relative measure in the sense of using national poverty thresholds, as it counts the number of people in...

Q: Can Christian Saudi Nationals visit Mecca?

maxI have read that only Muslims can visit Mecca and that foreigners need to apply for the Hajj visa and provide a receipt from a local Muslim center. Are Saudi citizens who are Christian able to visit Mecca without such requirements?

Q: Can a quadrilateral polygon have 3 obtuse angles?

Dor GoldreerI was messing around with quadrilaterals trying to draw one that has three obtuse angles. I couldn't create one because with 3 obtuse angles the shape would "open up too much". I have finished high school math with a perfect score but hadn't messed around with university level math yet (just to g...

Q: Strange variable scope behavior when calling function recursivly

Shlomo VEDIT: sorry. this is my first question here. Here is a minimal working example #!/bin/bash # count=0 function something() { if test -f "$1"; then # is a file ((count++)) echo $count $1 elif test -d "$1"; then # is a folder find $1 | while read line...

Q: How to resolve hostname by mDNS?

user13186444I am using Ubuntu 22.04. I want to be able to resolve hostname of a device connected to my local network. The device is publishing its hostname using mDNS. On my machine, I am able to ping device.local, but nslookup returns: ** server can't find device.local: NXDOMAIN avahi-resolve also return ...

Q: Why is a USB memory stick getting hotter when connected to USB-3 (compared to USB-2)?

U. WindlSorry if this question is not perfectly on topic, but I could not locate a better forum: I have a USB memory stick ("SanDisk Ultra Fit (0781:5583), but actually many sticks behave similar) that is usually connected via a USB-2 cable to my PC. I noticed that the tiny stick gets quite warm, even wh...

Q: How would you slow the speed of a rogue solar system?

WasatchWindI previously asked about a rogue solar system, ejected from the Milky Way and set on a course for Andromeda. After millions of years, arrival is imminent - now, the inhabitants who had been in hibernation for a fraction of that time wake up, and have to quickly find a way to stop their system in ...

Q: diagonal argument in latex

IntuitionHow can I draw the following figure in latex please?

Q: When trying to find the quartiles for discrete data, do we round to the nearest whole number?

ReubenI have 2 cases: First, I want to find the first quartile to the set data: 1,2,3,4,5. Normally we calculate the qaurtile as: Now $Q_1 = \frac{2+1}{2} = 1.5$. But they never state if its continuous (i.e., the data is the set of heights, weights, etc.) or discrete(i.e., number of people, goals score...

Q: Permutations Required to Randomly sort a deck

Dan SheppardLet $ D_n =\{s \in \mathbb{N}_{1} | s<n\} $ (a deck of n>1 cards). Assuming you 'shuffle' using a single transposition $(i,j)$ that is, you take the card in the ith place and swap it with the jth one where $i \neq j$ For $D_n$ how many shuffles $s_n$ are required before the deck is random? My def...

Q: How to use rule-based symbology for overlapping layers

Dev I am working on a map with buffer radii that overlap urban zones. How can I highlight just the area of overlap within the zone? I'm currently setting the buffer to the max-allowable height of buildings in a new scenario, and if that area overlaps with a zone that currently has a lower max-allowa...

Q: Convert 8 Bit brainfuck to 1 bit Brainfuck / Boolfuck

12431234123412341234123Goal Input is a Brainfuck program for 8 bit cells, output it for 1 bit cells. Explanation We all know Brainfuck, normally it uses 8 bit cells. But there are implementations where a cell is just 1 bit, sometimes called Boolfuck. A Brainfuck program that is written for 8 bit cells most likely does ...

Q: MANIFEST_UNKNOWN error: OCI index found, but Accept header does not support OCI indexes

Michael AltfieldWhy am I getting this OCI index found, but Accept header does not support OCI indexes error? user@disp7456:~$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer QQ==" https://ghcr.io/v2/homebrew/core/vim/manifests/9.0.1900 {"errors":[{"code":"MANIFEST_UNKNOWN","message":"OCI index found, but Accept header does not s...

Q: Does an unseen creature with a burrow speed have advantage when attacking from underground?

Cameron CraneIn a 5E game, suppose a combat starts with the average party against a Dwarf in a cave. The party rolls higher initiative and goes first. After the party has taken their turns, during the Dwarf's first turn, he calls for his two pet Xorns to attack the party. The Xorns are underground, and the pa...

Q: What would happen if someone were to wear a breathing restriction mask when sleeping over several nights to acclimatize for mountaineering?

LukeI’m an amateur mountaineer and current student in the health field wondering what the effects would be if one was to wear a breathing restriction mask (typically designed for athletes to use during exercise) every night as they slept, turning up the resistance over time. Would this theoretically ...

Q: How to survive 40c while golfing

Paul EbnerI am an avid golfer in Palm Springs. At this time of year, temperatures often reach 40C or more. What should/can I do to avoid heat exhaustion or heat stroke (short of going inside to a/c).

Q: When was EDH key exchange introduced to SSL/TLS?

paj28I'm putting together a talk on the history of SSL/TLS and one detail I can't find info on is when DHE key exchange was introduced. If someone was able to point to an RFC or OpenSSL version that would be helpful. There is mention of "ephemeral" in RFC 2631 but I'm not sure if this applies to SSL/T...

Q: How do I safely download files of an older version software I want to dissect but don't want interferring with my already installed current version?

CoinZwischenzugI use Linux Ubuntu. I want to download an old version of an open source project to cut out and re use some of its code that's no longer supported. However, it's important the current version continues to run without interference, and remains entirely unaffected by the old version's download. I do...

Q: In roulette, is the frequency of getting long sequences of reds lower than that of shorter sequences?

LDBTIn a roulette game that continues indefinitely, is it correct to say that achieving a sequence of 100 consecutive reds will occur far less frequently (perhaps once in every million spins) compared to a sequence of 10 consecutive reds? If the probability of getting a long sequence of reds decrease...

Q: Complex roots of real polynomials and real roots of their derivatives

Double DescentI have a question that popped up while working on an optimization problem. Let $f(x)$ be a polynomial of order $2n$ with real coefficients that doesn't have any real roots. I'm interested in the real roots of $f'(x)$. I'm motivated by the case $n=1$, where the real part of the complex roots of $f...

Q: figuring out the speed controller of a cassette tape motor

Jack CyberI am new to this area and for my first project I am trying to build a cassette player, I am up to the point of figuring out speed controlling of the motor, I have been analyzing this cassette player and I can't find any speed controlling in the circuit, what is the explanation for this isn't it a...

Q: How do I keep my tikz drawing on the page?

Mathematical DummyI am just learning tikz and I made a picture that I would like to add to a paper I have to write. However, I cannot figure out how to get the figure to center itself on the page. Currently when it compiles the right most 8th is off the right hand side of the page. \documentclass{article} \usepack...

Q: ODE y'=f(x)y: When y=0 only at some points

tsdTo solve for $y(x)$ in $y'=f(x)y$. I was taught to consider case where $y=0$ and $y\neq0$. For $y \neq 0$, can get $\int \frac{dy}{y} = \int{f(x) dx}$, then $y(x)=C e^{\int{f(x) dx}}$, where $C \neq 0$. For $y=0$, $y(x)=0$ everywhere. But, then I also heard someone mentioning $y=0$ and $y \neq 0$...

Q: How To "Fly" A Special Call Sign

octopusgrabbusI want to know how to mention a special call sign in my CQ. Today, September 3, 2024 is Merchant Navy Day https://forums.qrz.com/index.php?threads/merchant-navy-day-special-event-gb0mnd.924652/. Their special call is GB0MND. How do I incorporate this into my CQ?

Q: Can Christian Saudi Nationals Visit Mecca?

maxI have read that only Muslims can visit Mecca and that foreigners need to apply for the Hajj visa and provide a receipt from a local Muslim center. Are Saudi citizens who are Christian able to visit Mecca without such requirements? I am specifically interested in Saudi Arabian citizens, not touri...

Q: Can や be a contraction of ば?

いしすI was reading a text using yomitan, and when I highlighted a や that was next to the word 歌, it said 歌や was the verb 歌う in ば form but や was a contraction of ば. Now, in the context of the sentence I was reading (て本部に向かい、広い会館の中で、歌や講和を聞き ました) I think that was not the case but rather a simple や to "list"

Q: Definition clarification on topology regarding closed set

PriyaRecently started studying the subject Topology. It is my first time. I was going through the book Topology by Munkres. If $T$ is a topology on a set $X$, then every member of T is called an open set. Next, they defined closed set. A subset A of X is closed if its complement is open. For example, ...

Q: How best to cut (slightly) varying size notches in long piece of trim

susie derkinsI created a ceiling in a room in my basement by affixing short pieces of wood between each ceiling joist. The bottom of each joist is slightly proud of the ceiling boards (~3/16" but slightly variable). It was a bit laborious, but it looks pretty good (at least I think so), and it maximizes hea...

Q: what should I do if my student has quarrel with my collaborator

Mahali SindyI have a project that is a follow-up work of a senior PhD student, and my student is working on it. Due to their experience of the previous project and expertise, it is lead by my collaborator, not me. My student is junior and sometimes makes mistakes, such as careless typos, or ignoring my colla...

Q: If I am to use midi keyboard only, do I still need audio interface?

SeanI am thinking of purchasing 25 keys keyboard, but I am wondering if I need to also buy an audio interface. I will use no other instruments and no mics.

Q: Common Collector, Load Resistor Voltage Confusion

bryeUsing this link as reference: https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/textbook/semiconductors/chpt-4/common-collector-amplifier/ In this section of the book, the author was describing that the voltage of Rload follows Vin-Vbe(0.7V). This makes sense to me. However what confuses is how does VCC not affe...

Q: Is it possible to recover from a graveyard spiral?

Aircraft Enthusiast 007The Graveyard spiral is an extremely dangerous situation and is the leading cause of a controlled flight into terrain accident. It is caused by the erroneous feedback from the vestibular system that the aircraft is in level flight when in fact it is descending and banking. However, my question is...

Q: Fetch grapghQl response in next js

coderHow to fetch the response of a graph ql query from next js

Q: What difference does the USB-C connector make what orientation the cable connected to it is now?

Bondar DmitryI read a document from FTDI about USB Power Delivery where it is written that the connector (USB Plug) can determine the orientation of the cable by the CC pins, but I can’t find any information about why this is necessary? https://ftdichip.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/TN_185_What_is_USB_Power_...

Q: Unable to upgrade from Ubuntu Server 22.04 to 24.04.1

BryantI know the release was delayed until Aug 29th, but its now September and I still cannot upgrade to 24.04. This is Ubuntu Server. $ sudo do-release-upgrade -c Checking for a new Ubuntu release There is no development version of an LTS available. To upgrade to the latest non-LTS development release...

Q: How can I find Mean[data] Median[data] Quartiles[data] Variance[data] StandardDeviation[data] of a grouped frequency table

Thuy NguyenI have a data Clear["Global`*"]; data = {134, 121, 147, 158, 178, 127, 141, 175, 123, 145, 147, 132, 161, 172, 156, 123, 163, 126, 127, 163, 155, 148, 177, 142, 168, 179, 136, 164, 174, 156, 137, 130, 140, 145, 160, 169, 136, 130, 128, 148, 157, 121, 153, 156, 120, 127, 133, 169, 133,...

Q: what is Oracle view exu8con used for

DeronI once found an Oracle system view SYS.EXU8CON, and its data seems to be relevant to information of all database objects, like object id, owner, etc. It also has some columns I can't tell what they are about, like CONDITION, CONDLENGTH, and SQLVER. And I even can`t find any information on Interne...

Q: When did graduate student teaching assistants become common in universities?

nzhLooking through the literature, there seems to be very little information available on when the modern practice of using graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) became common in university science and engineering curricula. The one source that I could find Jennifer Meitl's 2008 MS thesis Graduate tea...

Q: Is there any known characterization of k-Local Hamiltonian (k-LH) to distinguish if it has an efficient guiding state?

Manish KumarIn general, k-LH promise problem, where input is given as $<H, a, b>$, is QMA complete if $a-b>1/{\textrm{poly}(n)}$. Also, if a guiding state (say, a "good" approximation to the ground state) for the Hamiltonian $H$ is provided, then there exists a BQP algorithm for the problem. Thus, assuming ...

Q: How can I connect 8 I2C modules with entirely different addresses on ESP32?

candiceI have to connect 8 different I2C modules to ESP32 without the use of an I2C expander but I couldn't figure how to do it in hardware. Someone suggested to remove the pullup resistors of each modules. As long as the amount of modules used is below 3 I don't need to remove. But if I had to use 4 or...

Q: How to run only selected lines of a shell script?

t3chb0tOn Windows it's possible to create a *.ps1 (PowerShell) file where you can write one command per line or initialize variables etc. You then open it with VSCode and select the lines that you want to execute and press F8. Is there something similar on Linux so that one doesn't have to type them in ...

Q: What is the significance of the phrase " in the name of the Lord " as in Psalm 124:8?

Kadalikatt Joseph SibichanWe read in Psalm 124: 2,3 &8. (KJV): If it had not been the Lord who was on our side, when men rose up against us: 3 Then they had swallowed us up quick, when their wrath was kindled against us:................ 8 Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth. Verse 8 could have...

Q: how to find non responsive binaries using `ps`

JohnI want to run a command using ps to find non responsive applications. This stack question has a response which I've tried to implement, but I am getting odd results from it. ps aux | awk -F' ' '{ if ( $8="D" ) print $0 }' This is supposed to return only the lines from ps where column 8 has the l...

Q: Why do the opposite of skillful virtues result in remorse?

ruben2020 "Skillful virtues have freedom from remorse as their purpose, Ananda, and freedom from remorse as their reward." AN 11.1 It is natural that non-regret arises in a virtuous person, one whose behavior is virtuous. AN 10.2 What is the basis for defining skillful virtues, that would result in fre...

Q: SwatchLegend using a table

user444I am facing a problem while adding another column to the SwatchLegend using a table. The below code is provided in Mathematica Documentations Original Code table[pairs_] := TableForm[pairs, TableHeadings -> {{"Group A", "Group B", "Group C"}, {"color", "mascot"}}, TableAlig...

Q: Decode the music puzzle

Zona CYou don’t need an instrument to solve this, although basic music reading knowledge is required. The answer is a thematic word. Z N J P M O U Y K T R E S A F T I N L N T (Attribution: I created this riddle.) Hint: Hint 2:

Q: Alternative to a single high spec'd diode

KevinMy series blocking needs to pass 8 A and I am wondering if I can use 4 diodes (rated 2 A each) instead of 8 A. We have a cost constraint, hence we are looking for an alternative to replace a high spec'd diode (8 A). Below is the idea that I have in mind. I appreciate any suggestions/lessons rega...

Q: Are all citizens of Saudi Arabia "considered Muslims by the state"?

Believe it or not...According to a May 5, 2024 article in Zawia3, a somewhat polemic Egyptian political news source, 2024 source: accurately determining the religious population composition in Saudi Arabia is challenging; all citizens are considered Muslims by the state i.e. officially there are no citizens of oth...

Q: Uniqueness of Neumann series

Nomas2Let $f$ be an entire function. Then there exist numbers $a_0,a_1,\ldots$, independent of $z$, such that $$f(z)=\sum_{n=0}^\infty a_n J_n(z),\quad \forall z\in\mathbb{C}$$ where $J_n$ is the Bessel function of the first kind of order $n$. This is called a Neumann series of $f$. Question Given $f$,...

Q: Why is notation in logic so different from algebra?

Igor F.Introductory courses in philosophical logic that I've seen introduce specialised notation like: For an outsider, this is highly confusing. I'm sure that everyone studying philosophy has been to high school and has seen algebraic problems like this: or, using just symbols and no English words: ...

Q: Geometry Nodes : Unexpected Grid Node behavior (spacing, seamless)

SillyNeveI'm really new to geometry nodes and I am trying to get a simple grid of cubes, but things aren't working as I expected. I thought making a 10x10 grid at a size of 1m² and placing cubes 1/10m² would give me a seamless grid. But I end up having some spacing between the cubes 🤔 If anyone knows h...

Q: Homeomorphism between topological subspaces

Or KalifaLet $X$ be a topological space. Take $A,B\subseteq X$ and assume that there is homeomorphism $\phi:A\rightarrow B$. Is it true that $\phi(int(A))=int(B)$? I know that homeomorphism preserve all topological structure so it seems true. But $int(A)$ can't be defined by the topology of $A$ alone, it ...

Q: "The earth was formless and void" Did the earth exist before God created the world?

Lisa NicholsGen 1:2 reads: "The earth WAS without form and void"; Form-structure void-nothing occupied the earth. "Darkness WAS upon the deep"; Total darkness upon the waters. "The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." Water was on the earth The earth was all of water. Water planet after the di...

Q: What's "the archetypal book" called?

minseongIf a book sets the standard of a field, i.e. it is the most important book that students of subject X would all read, what can that book be called? I've thought of gospel, archetype, exemplar, definitive, but none of them are quite the word I'm thinking of. I've been recommended C# in Depth as t...

Q: Is this schematic ready to be made into a circuit?

Alexander I made this schematic for a board that will be the brain of a lamp I want to build. The lamp will be able to move in 2D (up-down, front-back) with two motors which are connected via J3. The lamp has LED strips with 5 channels (RGBCCT) which are dimmable via PWM from the ESP and the mosfets. The ...

Q: Getting an UK Visa with Ricevuta

Ege DI recently applied for the permesso di soggiorno. I want to apply to an UK visa at Italy. However, I don’t know If I can get an UK visa with the ricevuta.

Q: Citrix published app asks for credentials

Andreas WinterWe use Citrix Virtual Apps & Desktops to publish applications to our users. One of our streamed applications can be started by the users and works well. But: out of the application is the ability to open files in MS Word or MS Excel. If the user wants to open a Excel file for example out of the s...

Q: Has any astronomer ever observed that after a specific star going supernova it became a Black Hole?

Markoul11Do we have any observational direct verification and historic record of a star after going supernova was turned into a Black hole?

Q: Does proficiency with an ability check that uses a tool but not with the tool itself give any advantages for D&D 5.24?

Pedro FontanarrosaSo, in the new rules (5.24) it says the following description under any tool/kit: If you have proficiency with a tool, add your Proficiency Bonus to any ability check you make that uses the tool. If you have proficiency in a skill that’s used with that check, you have Advantage on the check too....

Q: How to add a third argument to a popup_menu() callback function?

Barzi2001So far, I know that you can pass only two arguments to popup callback functions. I am wondering if there is any way to pass a third argument? Shall I rely on some sort of closure or use some "partial" functions like functools.partial() in Python? Or shall I use closures? Example: var my_fruit = [...

Q: Geometry nodes: Curve caps horizontal

minychilloIn Geometry Nodes, I create 2 spirals, then using Curve to Mesh with a simple plane and Fill Caps to true, I get this (showing just the top of the spirals here): Now, I would like the caps to be horizontal, like so: Can it be done? (using Geometry Nodes of course)

Q: Can I Use A Server In International Waters To Provide Illegal Content Without Getting Arrested?

Ariel SchneeThis is currently just a theoretical question. If I took a ship to international waters, set up servers on it, and used it to host illegal content could I do that without getting in trouble? "Illegal content" means movies, TV shows, anime, cartoons, game roms, ebooks, etc.. No porno. Strictly non...

Q: TikZ: Draw Boxes in Field of Numbers

s28I want to draw a box around a field of random numbers: I generated the number field using: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} \begin{tabular}{ c c c c c c c c c c c} 5&3&2&0&8&9&9&9&1&2&4 \\ % keep var constant on row 9&3&0&7&6&8&0&1&7&5&3 \\ 1&7&5&2&4

Q: Is there more evidence for god than Russell’s teapot?

KellyIs there any more evidence for god than Russell’s teapot? As a reminder, Russell’s teapot is related to the notion of a teapot orbiting around earth [the sun]. If there is more evidence, then I suppose it would explain why so many philosophers have seriously believed in god. If there isn’t, is th...

Q: Is there a way to assign multiple meshes to an object and switch between them?

Azaraki(Blender 4.0) My goal is to create a city, not one that's too complex, maybe like 7 or 8 different buildings in total. I want to use this city in both close-up situations where only a street's worth of buildings are visible at once and details of a single building will matter, in situations where...

Q: Largest number possible with +, -, ÷

LucenapositionWhat is the largest number that can be made using the integers from 1 to 10 under the following conditions: Addition, subtraction, division are allowed. Multiplication and other operations are not allowed All numbers must be used exactly once You can't divide by 0

Q: How to encourage horizontal growth for my rubber tree plant

MereI’ve grown this plant from a tiny sprout almost 4 years ago. But it’s only grown up without branching out. I’m afraid to cut off any leaves in the event that it doesn’t lead to sprouting, however, I’d like the plant to get a bit taller before chopping the top. Appreciate insights.

Q: Gas-giant aided interplanetary transfer system, ring vs laser

JuimyTheHyenaAs I mentioned in previous questions, my story takes place within a star system featuring several gas giants. I have been wondering how they could be exploited to make interplanetary travel more practical, besides the obvious utility as gravitational breaks and slingshots, and I think I came up w...

Q: Calculating area of intersection of two segmented polygons in QGIS

kemajuanI have two sets of polygons. One contains villages, the other farming areas. There can be several farming areas in one village. Crucially, there can be cross-village farming areas. My approach to get the area of all farming areas per village was this: save both shapefiles in EPSG:3857 projection...

Q: Find the number of distinct cubes that can be made by painting each face of a given cube in one of the 5 given colors

wzaNot all of the colors have to be used and cubes are distinct if they cannot be obtained from each other using rotations. Classic combinatorics question, the answer I have requires burnside's lemma but is there an easier way? I thought it was just 5^6 for the total amount of arrangement of colours...

Q: Using ON-ON switch instead of ON-OFF switch?

boooI need to order a switch to turn ON or OFF a circuit, which would be mounted on a PCB after the power supply. This switch has to meet various specifications (through hole right angle, i>1A, v>28V) But most of them are out of order on manufacturers website, but I find plenty of ON-ON switches. Is ...

Q: Why is charge on a conductor stable?

Amit VermaI know that charge inside a conductor should be zero and because of which all the charge of a charged conductor gets evenly distributed on its surface. But my question is: If we take a charged spherical conductor,lets say of radius$\ R$ and charge $\ Q$, the spherical conductor acts as if the tot...

Q: How do I learn more about rocketry?

Aerospace_NerdI've always been inclined to rocketry from a young age. I've done several projects on it and a lot of research. Now, with the help of a friend, I've also found this place of smart beings. I'm just curious how I can learn more. What are some good sources for learning concepts of propulsion and aer...

Q: Why am I having problems starting my service in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8?

Alberto BI'm having issues in setting up services that run with my user in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8. To debug it I created a small shell script with: /home/d608771/my_service.sh With file permissions set as: -rwxrwxrwx. 1 d608771 d608771 135 Sep 4 12:55 q.sh And the contents are: #!/usr/bin/env bas...

Q: Showing the PPPoE icon in the menu bar, in macOS Sonoma?

Ionuț G. StanIs it still possible to show the PPPoE icon in the menu bar in macOS Sonoma? I've searched in System Settings > Control Center, but couldn't find anything there. This could previously be achieved as in the image below: Maybe there's a defaults incantation that could achieve what I'm after?

Q: Geometry optimization of two or more different interacting molecules

Jay V.My question is concerned with the initial tweaking of two or more different molecules to get the optimized geometry. For example, I have one water molecule and a carbon nanotube with similar length with the water molecule. I have a structure of each of them in a cif or pdb format. I learned that ...

Q: How to Include Mathematical Expressions like \sqrt{8} Inside \qty Command with siunitx?

Marco MoldenhauerHow to include \sqrt{8} inside \qty{...}{\metre}? My Code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{siunitx} \begin{document} % works $\sqrt{8}$ % works $\qty{8}{\meter}$ % does not work! $\qty{\sqrt{8}}{\meter}$ \end{document} My Result:

Q: Do all instances of a given string get replaced under a rewrite rule?

I have Your ClockI am doing a course in uni on Automata and Formal Languages, and I think I've come across a pretty significant misunderstanding. When you have a rewrite rule in a grammar, and apply it to a string, do all occurrences of the string on the LHS get rewritten? For example, if I have the string $abbab...

Q: Can the strength of evidence for a proposition P (e.g., P = "God exists") be assessed objectively?

user77058Questions such as Is there more evidence for god than Russell’s teapot? and Is evidence for the "big bang" superior to evidence for "god"? are challenging to answer objectively without first establishing a common standard for evaluating the strength of evidence for a proposition P—whether P repre...

Q: How to resolve this calculation prompt that appears after running the drawing program?

csn899After running the code, this error message appears. How can I correct the error? NSolve was unable to solve the system with inexact coefficients. The \ answer was obtained by solving a corresponding exact system and \ numericizing the result. After running the code, the image appears normal whe...

Q: What might be the basis for the claim that "the Old Testament always defines Israel as genetic Israel"?

Dark MalthorpI was speaking with a Dispensationalist pastor and he made the claim that "the Old Testament always defines Israel as genetic Israel". I mentioned Josh. 8:33 as a counterexample, but he said that that verse is talking about the "assembly of Israel" which should be distinguished from Israel proper...

Q: Testing if a string is a hexadecimal string in LaTeX3: code review, optimization, expandability, and protection

VincentConsider the code in LaTeX3. It tests whether a string is a hexadecimal string (optionally also testing the length of that string) (a string where every character is either 0-9 or A-F). \documentclass[10pt]{article} \usepackage{xparse} \ExplSyntaxOn \NewDocumentCommand{\ishexadecimal}{o m m m}{ ...

Q: QGIS custom CRS definition error

Ádám BayerUsing QGIS 3.28.4 on Windows 10 We have a local coordinate system at our site at work, and I am trying to create a custom CRS for it. It is needed, because I have some geotiff raster images that are in this local CRS, but my QGIS project needs to be in a known CRS, eg. EPSG:3016. I know the local...

Q: Can I arxive a paper that I had already published in a journal(EPL, in my case), so that eveyone can access it?

souraj ghoshIt's been a couple of years that the paper was published in EPL. But uploading it to arXiv will make it accessible even for normal people without any institution access. I don't know about any rules or regulations or the terms and conditions that I had agreed upon. So I am asking it here. Please ...

Q: RS485 constant chip failure

ElectronnI am working on a reader device that I designed in slave mode to instantly read the information of the buttons pressed on an automation packaging machine and a master device that reads the data live from this device via RS485. The system was working without any problems at first, but after 2-3 da...

Q: Why do proofs using continuity use the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem?

andrewThis may just be goofy of me but there's a lot of proofs I've been seeing recently while learning real analysis that keep on invoking the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem, and while I understand how it's being used and it makes sense, I don't quite understand why it needs to be used at all. For exampl...

Q: Possible thermal insulator to allow Unicellular organisms to survive a Venus like environment?

ErikHallSetup Ilithyia is a fictional super earth orbiting Eta Cassiopeia A, otherwise known as Achrid. She is 1.73 times larger than Earth and orbits closer to her host star, with a solar irradiance of $2300 \frac{W}{m^2}$. When the story takes place the atmospheric surface pressure is ~0.3 bar and the ...

Q: Creating Layout of 2D Board game

CatsI am quite new to c, and I'm trying to get better in it. I want to create a simple snake & ladder game. I achieved the layout of the board that I wanted, but I'm not sure if this is really an efficient way of creating it. Could you give me some input or review to that? #include <stdio.h> #include <...

Q: Is it possible to draw a series of mutually perpendicular curves in TikZ?

sergiokaponeHere's what I need to do There are field lines (solid) and lines of the same potential (dashed), these lines are mutually perpendicular. \documentclass[tikz]{standalone} \usetikzlibrary{decorations.markings} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[>=latex, decoration={markings, mark=at position 0...

Q: micro usb is not giving 5v but instead vbus is giving 0.45v

Sumit KhobragadeI just got my first 4 layer newly assembled board from PCBway. When USB cable is connected, the board is not powering on. When I checked the vbus it's showing 0.45v. After this I checked the MOSFET q1 and q2 and they seem to be damaged. How could this have happened with just powering the board f...

Q: Sylvester primes

Sophia AntipolisSylvester's sequence can be defined recursively S(n) = S(n-1)*(S(n-1) + 1) for n >= 1 starting S(0) = 1. Since S(n) and S(n) + 1 have no common divisors, it follows that S(n) has at least one more prime factor than S(n-1), and thus by induction, S(n) has at least n distinct prime factors. This si...

Q: What is the difference between negation-eliminiation ¬E and contradiction-introduction ⊥I?

ElvisI don't understand the difference between the rules negation elimination and contradiction introduction. I am using the Open Logic Project's natural deduction proof checker proof checker. The rules on the website include: Rule ¬E m| ¬A n| A | ⊥ ¬E m, n and Rule ⊥I m| A n| ¬A | ⊥ ⊥I ...

Q: Movie from 80s or 90s about a helmet which allowed to detect non human people

JulianI remember seeing parts of a movie in the 80s or 90s about what I think was a helmet which, when using it, would tell which people were human or not. I remember a message in the helmet telling "not human"; I think it was related to a demon or something. It was similar to "They Live" but no glasse...

Q: Applying for different jobs finding out it is for the same project between different companies

Azure Blossom TreeI am a software engineer and looking for the next step on my career. I had a first interview with company A and they are keen on going to next steps. They also told me that I will work for another company's project without naming the other company and they told me the salary budget is up to X. Th...

Q: Replicating Complex Plot (branch cuts, poles, shading)

MathZillaI am trying to recreate the following 2 plots: where the function being plotted is $|e^{2ipR}S_0^{\text{well}}(p)|$ where $|...|$ is the absolute value, $R=1$, and $S_0^{\text{well}}(p)$ is given as \begin{equation} S_0^{\text{well}}(p) = e^{-2ipR}\frac{1+ipR\cdot\text{tanc}(R\sqrt{p^2-U})}{1+ip...

Q: The state of the art on topological rings - the Jacobson topology

MelanzioI was recently studying the Jacobson density theorem and I found it quite interesting. Most textbooks I've seen, including Jacobson's own Basic Algebra, only spend a few lines about the reason why it is called "density theorem" and its relationship with topology, and only focus on the algebraic s...

Q: Is there a simple way to fully change user id name in Windows 11 so it doesn't contain a space in it?

RobWith Windows 11 I have a local account user with a user name that contains a space. For example, user name John Doe. The space has caused issues in the past with some software, and is causing me more issues today. Is there a simple way to fully change over/migrate the user name to not contain a s...

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