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Q: Libreoffice printing is always in landscape format

quillI'm in the US so a page is 8.5 inches by 11 inches ie. letter size orientation PORTRAIT Whether it is an existing Writer document or a simple document of a few lines, it looks portrait oriented but when printed to a physical printer, it comes out in landscape orientation. Also a simple calc spre...

Q: set face for text in izones

Zoey HewllI'm trying to roll my own version of multiple-cursors using zones, and I'm currently a bit stuck at actually displaying the zones on the screen. I can easily set a zone as my current region by setting point and mark to the zone bounds, but I can't seem to reliably render the other zones. So far, ...

Q: Can we idiomatically say "Jack is an ordered person" to mean he is an organized person?

Fire and IceIs it natural to say someone is "ordered" in order to mean s/he is a well-organized person. From what I saw in the dictionaries, "orderly" has more of a meaning like "peaceful/well-behaved" when used to modify a person. And again according to dictionaries, we can call a place or someone's life "o...

Q: What rules of legal ethics apply to information a lawyer learns during a consultation?

HelloDarkWorldHow does laws of ethics apply to conflict of interest for consultation purposes? If Alice who is potentially involved in a lawsuit consults with an attorney and discloses confidential information to the attorney but initially hasn't hired that attorney to represent her. But later, Bob, the opposi...

Q: Why is there an "unnamed volcano" in Syria?

Buck ThornI was reading the CIA factbook's entry on Syria when I stumbled across the following: volcanism: Syria's two historically active volcanoes, Es Safa and an unnamed volcano near the Turkish border have not erupted in centuries This really took me by surprise. Hardly any geophysical feature on a p...

Q: Are there physical cases where we deliberately randomise the events?

SacrificialEquationThere are random events like flipping a coin to get head or tail, or , rolling a dice to get a number, or ,drawing a ace of spades from a deck of cards randomly etc. In quantum mechanics entangled particles spin is measured assuming randomness in orientation of spin.(Of course we can assign proba...

Q: How to translate the German word "Mitmenschlich(keit)"

mudskipperBoth German and Dutch have two distinct words "Mitmensch" ("medemens") and "Mensch" ("mens"), and the derived adjectives "mitmenschlich" and "menschlich" (and abstract nouns derived from those). In English there is only one adjective to translate both of these: "humane". However, both the German ...

Q: How to prevent my frozen dessert from going solid?

Chris R.I’m working for a kitchen in a hospital and I got the go-ahead from my boss to work on a recipe for a dessert we could sell out front to customers. It’s super simple, just lime juice, maple syrup, and watermelon. I freeze the watermelon in chunks and then either in a couple hours or the next day ...

Q: Can Ontario municipal zoning by-laws prohibit site-built tiny homes?

User1974On the Ontario government's Build or buy a tiny home webpage, there is a section called Factory-built tiny homes. In that section, there is a subsection titled Zoning: Zoning Check with your local municipality to make sure a tiny home is allowed on your property. If the zoning of your property d...

Q: Which English version of Psalm 121:2-3 expresses the Psalmist's intent best?

Kadalikatt Joseph SibichanWe read in Psalm 121:3-4 ( NKJV): He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel Shall neither slumber nor sleep. Generally, the words 'sleep'and 'slumber' are used as synonyms, the latter frequently finding place in poems. Be that as it ...

Q: Compactly supported wave packet in Schrödinger's evolution

Ioannes MariaDoes the following result hold: For any compactly supported wave packet, under free Schrödinger's evolution, it is no longer compactly supported after any finite time?

Q: Is the Oath Formula "By the Life of Pharaoh" Attested Anywhere outside of Biblical Literature?

Daniel OckrinIn Genesis 42:15-16, Joseph swears "by the life of Pharaoh." I have searched unsuccessfully for the occurrence of this oath formula elsewhere in the literature of the Ancient Near East. Can anyone provide other instances of this phrase?

Q: How can coordinates be meaningless in General Relativity?

Aidan BeecherI am fairly new to the subject of General Relativity. While looking for answers to some questions I had about it, I came across this post: Whose coordinates are the Schwarzschild coordinates? One of the answers to this person's question stated that "coordinates are meaningless". While I can imagi...

Q: Why does my passive IR occupancy sensor switch react to a nearby WiFi access point?

mustaccioI have a Leviton decora PR180 light switch and a WiFi access point (AP) mounted on the same wall above (~ 3 ft) and to the side (~ 1 ft) of it. The power-over-Ethernet cable feeding the AP runs along the stud, presumably parallel to the power cable going to the switch. It's been working fine for ...

Q: Decomposable maps of half-smash products

Thorgott[Cross-posted from MSE] For a pointed space $X$ and unpointed space $Y$, recall the half-smash product $X\rtimes Y=X\land Y_+=(X\times Y)/(\ast\times Y)$. For unpointed spaces $X,Y$ and a pointed space $Z$, suppose there is a commutative diagram of pointed maps $$\require{AMScd}\begin{CD} S^n\rti...

Q: An interesting integer classification and counting problem

SkywalkerLet $$ \Omega:=\{a_0+a_14+\cdots+a_k4^k:\;a_i\in\{0,1\},\;0\leq i\leq k,\;k\in\mathbb{N}\} $$ be a subset of natural numbers. For any integer $n\geq1$, define the counting function $$ J(n):=\#\{j:\;j\in\Omega\;{\rm and}\; j\leq n\} $$ as the number of elements that $\leq n$ and belong to the set ...

Q: Not a cross, not a word (number crossword)

AlephSquirrelJust a number crossword, but it has no Across clues, only Down clues. Leading 0s are allowed. Edit: pretend I said "well-known" instead of "important" for clue C. It might be something you don't need to look up, even if you're not a physicist.

Q: Using a shortcode to get User Emails by role as specified in the shortcode, need help to allow for multiple roles

Troy RashI have the following working code: function get_emails_by_multiple_roles ( $atts ) { $user_args = shortcode_atts ( array ( 'role' => 'role' , ), $atts ); $users = get_users( $user_args ); foreach ( $users as $user ) : $role_emails[] = $user->user_email; endforea...

Q: Making sense of どうかこうか凌いで来たように客が来る

weeab00From Kokoro chapter 21: 父はかねてから腎臓を病んでいた。中年以後の人にしばしば見る通り、父のこの病は慢性であった。その代り要心さえしていれば急変のないものと当人も家族のものも信じて疑わなかった。現に父は養生のお蔭一つで、今日までどうかこうか凌いで来たように客が来ると吹聴していた。 I don't get how the bold sentence is understood. I think 今日までどうかこうか凌いで来た means "managed to endure the illness until today" but I have no idea ...

Q: External hard disk not being connected

rnsoI recently install Debian Stable 12.7 and it is otherwise working very well. I tried to connect an external hard disk (I presume it will have NTFS partition). The light on the hard disk turns on, it starts whirring but does not connect. Following is the output of 'dmesg' command: [ 299.027072] I...

Q: Admissibility of withdrawn confession

PMFI quite often read stories like the following in the news: Bob is arrested for alleged bribery and falsification of business records. During his first interrogation, he confesses everything, and the case appears to be clear. Later on however, he withdraws his confession, probably based on a reco...

Q: Can the conflict between morality and amorality be resolved?

gaazkamQuestion inspired by another question: How can moral disagreements be resolved when the conflicting parties are guided by fundamentally different value systems? In the spirit of the aforelinked question let me propose the following scenario: Person K believes that a moral system ought to guide p...

Q: How to vertically displace a word in a sentence?

XYZI want to write the word CAR in a text slightly above of the line. How can I do it? \documentclass{article} \begin{document} I want the word CAR in this line, but a few millimeters above (that is, placed slightly higher when compared with the remaining words in the line). \end{document}

Q: Is this a 'standard' elliptic integral?

Time4TeaI have come across the following integral that I need to evaluate: $$f_1(\mu) = \int_0^\pi \frac{d \alpha}{(1 - \mu cos \alpha)^{3/2}} $$ It is given in a 2005 paper by F.R. Zypman (https://pubs.aip.org/aapt/ajp/article/74/4/295/1056228), in relation to calculating the off-axis electric field due...

Q: What is Zion's depth in the Matrix?

John DoeTank say that Zion is... "Deep underground, near the earth’s core where it’s still warm." ... but surely that would put it deep in the liquid mantle, and I seriously doubt the city is submerged in magma. Did the planet's mantle solidify due to heavy geothermal energy extraction, or did he just ...

Q: A story where SETI finds a signal but it's just a boring philosophical treatise

AveryI read a short story where SETI researchers were able to identify and decipher a signal from the region of Cassiopeia, but when the alien language was decoded, it was just a long philosophical treatise entirely about trinary logic. It seemed that interstellar travel was impossible for both us and...

Q: Risks of exposing professional email accounts?

JobHunter69I am building out a product that displays user profiles and their professional emails (either company emails like [email protected] or academic emails like @mit.edu). In order to see the user profile and their emails, you need to signup and contribute your own professional email. Would this be a secur...

Q: SINAD and ENOB calculation

bb0667I have an ADC which has 14 bit, 100 MHz sampling frequency. I collected data 6.103 kHz sinus wave. I try to calculate SINAD. However, I can't find same result as in MATLAB. Let me explain more. I create reference sinus for comparing data that collecting from ADC. For creating the reference sinus,...

Q: How can I write the following expression in LaTeX?

DebbieHow can I write the following expression in LaTeX?

Q: Difference between 失敬する and 盗む

user3856370 フレッドとジョージがケーキやら何やら、キッチンから失敬してきたんだ。 (Harry Potter (book 1) Japanese TL) Fred and George have stolen cake and what have you from the kitchen. I'm wondering what nuance 失敬する provides over 盗む in this sentence. Given the context of the sentence and the fact that 失敬 also means 'impertinence', I'm gue...

Q: How does the number of policemen required to guard a city depend on how near sighted they are?

Cathartic EncephalopathyFor simplicity let us suppose we have the unit rectangle $[0,1] \times [0,1]$ the fact that it is compact. As it is compact, it is totally bounded. In the words of H. Weyl, a city is compact if it can be guarded by a finite number of arbitarily near-sighted policemen. Mse post referencing this qu...

Q: What makes the spring equinox happen on october instead of fall on the north hemisphere?

Tito Morenno Pontes e SouzaI want to know how the position of the Earth relative to the sun determines when it's fall or spring if on both equinoxes the incidence of light is the same. What makes these two seasons different from each other?

Q: Find the radius of a circle given 2 of its coordinates and their angles.

Isaac SechslingloffI am in a real-life situation where I need to calculate the radius of a circle in a coordinate system. The circle is NOT centered at the origin. I know two points on this circle, $(1,0)$ and $(2,1)$ and they are $285^\circ$ and $330^\circ$ counter-clockwise from the CENTER of the circle (not the ...

Q: Looking for a sci-fi book I read back in high school in the 1980's. I think it was written early 1980's or even in the 1970's

MarkSummary: An alien craft lands, it's referred to by one scientist as a "cinder cone", an alien representative comes out and talks to humanity, but it was all a delay tactic. It was later discovered during an autopsy after this alien died of apparent natural causes that it looked as if the creature...

Q: Which tax treaty benefit to claim in the US in a case of dual citizenship?

John3136If I go to the USA on say Australian passport and win over $1200 then Uncle Sam keeps I think it is 30%. If I go to the USA on say a UK passport and win over $1200 then Uncle Sam lets me keep it all. Lets say I'm dual passport - Aus/Uk - but I reside and pay taxes etc in Aus. If I go to the USA a...

Q: How can I copy a clip in Ableton Live so that we need to make a change to the clip, all copies of the clip are changed accordingly?

Franck DernoncourtHow can I copy a clip in Ableton Live so that we need to make a change to the clip, all copies of the clip are changed accordingly? E.g., in Cubase one can do so via ghost copies.

Q: new versions of fancyhdr break caesar_book class

scaramoucheWhen I compile caesar_example.tex, the page numbers do not appear. They only show up if I use an older version of fancyhdr (e.g., this one). I am using TeX Live 2022 on Debian. Is this issue related to fancyhdr or caesar_book.cls? What is the correct way to fix it, instead of downloading an old...

Q: Is it true that the yetzer hara for honor never goes away?

David BH I heard someone say that the Yetzer Hara for all bad things eventually goes away with age, but the yetzer hara for honor never goes away. Is this true? If so, where does it say this?

Q: Why 2 Senators per State?

user50793What is the rationale behind the number of senators per state? The US has 2 and Brazil has 3, but why? Is there any case with one representative per state? Or, at the state level, one representative per district? What are the consequences of each number?

2 hours later…
Q: When you use the subjunctive tense for events that have happened?

Plopplop Mientras, el valor de mercado de Nvidia cayó en la última semana de agosto un 7,7% hasta los 2,92 billones de dólares, después de que proyectara márgenes brutos en el tercer trimestre por debajo de las estimaciones del mercado e informara ingresos que solo cumplieron las expectativas, decepciona...

Q: Velocity dispersion of stars in galaxies

GooseVelocity dispersion of stars in a galaxy could be useful for example in calculating the galaxy's mass, using the viral theorem. I am wondering how this velocity dispersion (standard deviation in velocities) is usually calculated. Are doppler shifts of individual stars being measured (and is it th...

Q: Should I install our toilet on top of the subfloor or on top of the PVT?

NovaSo we just bought a new home (first-time!) which had carpet in the bathroom... Our goal was to replace the carpet with COREtec LVT. Unfortunately, when we pulled up the carpet, we saw that the plywood subfloor had water damage in some parts. For comparison, here is the subfloor to left of the toi...

Q: Download facebook on ubuntu

Merazul RiyadI want to download Facebook on ubuntu. What do I need to do to install this? The answers in Desktop Facebook application for Ubuntu are not valid in Ubuntu 24.04, or any currently supported versions.

Q: Does it make sense for the governments of my world to genetically engineer soldiers?

Monty WildIn the world - and universe - of Pandemonium, humans have existed for thousands of years in parallel to humans on Earth, having crossed over during periodic collisions between Pandemonium's universe and our own. In Pandemonium, humans have been genetically engineered for thousands of years. The ...

Q: How to reconcile the effect of my time magic spell with my timeline

DmytMagic is able to achieve its mystical effects through its Pleroma. Basically, Pleromas are magical and non-physical locations and objects that serve as the sources of power for magic. Each Pleroma is connected to a specific element of magic. In this case, time magic derives its power from the Tim...

Q: Invest smaller lump sum vs investing (larger) monthly amount

Paul HoldenI am receiving monthly compensation for having to move due to the demolition of my apartment building. I have two choices for the compensation: Take the compensation, at $755/month for the duration of the construction project for the new building. This will likely take five years. Total value: $...

Q: Unclear point in definition of advantage function in PPO

DSPinfinityPlease see slide 17 at https://www.syscop.de/files/2023ws/mpcrl/lecture-joschka-pg-and-ac.pdf Could some expert explain why the terms under expectation (underlined with red) are like that?

Q: Replicating Econometrics Research

raynerkI took a course on Econometrics last year which covered OLS, GLS, panel data, binary dependent variables, instrumental variables, experiments and quasi-experiments, big data, time-series forecasting, dynamic causal effects and cointegration. From the best of my knowledge, it was broadly based on ...

Q: How do Trinitarian Christians defend the unfalsifiability of the Trinity?

Avi AvrahamBackground: Christian Trinitarians believe "that there is one eternal being of God – indivisible, infinite. This one being of God is shared by three co-equal, co-eternal persons, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit". Trinitarians generally believe that this doctrine is taught in the New Testament...

Q: Bounding proportion of phase space which is chaotic

intersticeThere are dynamical systems which have regions of phase space that are both chaotic and integrable, e.g. small perturbations of integrable systems as in KAM theory. Are there any tools for bounding the proportion of phase space which is chaotic or integrable (say, in terms of "local" properties l...

Q: Can my employer require me to wear a dirty uniform and refuse to provide additional shirts?

New2wheels-Pray4MeI've been working at my current job for six months. Initially, I was told I could wear whatever I wanted as long as I had closed-toe shoes. Recently, my employer provided me with one work shirt, a green t-shirt with the company logo, and said I must wear it every day. For the past three days, I'v...

Q: Smooth curve ellipse in geometry nodes with low resolution

Marc PI'm preparing an animation with 5 instances to travel along an ellipse. They must also always face one direction. I'm able to achieve the instance. However, because the instances are dependent on the resampling of the curve, I'm unfortunately stuck with a rough pentagon shape. Is there a way to g...

Q: How did Dwight Dixon acquire Charles Charles' watch?

KirtIn Season 2 Episode 6 of Pushing Daisies, "Oh Oh Oh... It's Magic", Dwight Dixon learns that Charles Charles' watch was buried with his daughter, Charlotte Charles. At the end of the episode, he digs up her coffin, and finds it empty (without her in it). In Episode 7, "Robbing Hood", he visits V...

Q: Fill the grid with numbers to make all four equations true

Will.Octagon.GibsonUsing all the numbers {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}, each exactly once, fill each empty white square with a number so that all the horizontal and vertical equations are true. The grey squares are not used. Attribution: Erich Friedman

Q: Sum of reciprocals of rough numbers

KrishnarjunLet $x$ and $y$ be given real numbers. We may suppose that $2\leqslant x \leqslant y$ and that $u:= \log(y)/\log(x)$ remains bounded in a compact set away from $1$ as $x,y\to\infty$. An integer $n$ is said to be $x$-rough if all its prime factors are at least $x$. Let us denote the set of all $x$...

Q: Recognize blurred characters?

伟思礼OCR failed on this in spite of my attempts to enhance it.  Can someone type a text version? I suppose it’s a representation of the surname "Groleau" but maybe I got the order wrong.  When my late father was teaching English in Guangzhou, they gave him a name seal: It’s French Canadian, pronounc...

Q: Sitecore form is not redirecting after implemented Content Security Policies

ParulI'm working on Sitecore 9 where I have implemented CSP in Sitecore using web.config. After adding the CSP configuration in web.config file, the site is still working but I have one Sitecore form where I have implemented redirecting to another page and this redirection is not working anymore while...

Q: Access to USB HSM Token

mastupristiI have an ubuntu 24.04 and a Nitrokey HSM. I use p11tool --list-token-urls to list the HSM url. When I run it from a local session it works, and it print: pkcs11:model=p11-kit-trust;manufacturer=PKCS%2311%20Kit;serial=1;token=System%20Trust pkcs11:model=PKCS%2315%20emulated;manufacturer=www.CardC...

Q: Siesta: why are the transmission spectra affected by the bias voltage?

xinbiao wangAs I mentioned in my previous question siesta: current-voltage threshold value is not consistent with the band gap value, at different bias voltages, we have different transmission spectra. Why are the transmission spectra affected by the bias voltages?

Q: How would humans actually colonize mars?

Aerospace_NerdWe've all heard several times about how Elon Musk plans to take us to Mars using Starship. Although I do believe that given the time and money this is possible, I don't understand how we shall colonize/live on the planet. Will we live using oxygen obtained from earth or do we have plans for a nat...

Q: Contradiction between the book of Exodus and the book of Ezekiel

sharon arieyIn Exodus 34:7, it says that the consequences of sin can be passed down to the third and fourth generations, but in Ezekiel 18:20, it states that each person is responsible only for their own sins. How can these two verses be understood together, and what is the significance of mentioning up to f...

Q: Maximizing the common value of both sides of an equation (part 2)

Will.Octagon.GibsonUsing all the integers from 1 to 12 inclusive (each used exactly once), along with any number of the five arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and raising to a power) and parentheses, construct an equation with the largest (and identical) number on both sides. Cl...

Q: Beta function of a marginal operator

meer23In this paper (https://arxiv.org/abs/1701.07081), they study the effect of a four-fermion perturbation $H'$ on the SYK model, and they take the form of the perturbation to be $H' = \frac{u}{2}C_{ij}C_{kl}\psi_{i}\psi_{j}\psi_{k}\psi_{l}$, where $C_{ij}$ is also an anti-symmetric Gaussian-distribu...

Q: What do pilots do if they *really* need to go to the toilet in critical parts of the flight?

Aircraft Enthusiast 007This question is a silly one, but I would like to ask anyway. What will pilots do if one of them really must use the bathroom in critical parts of the flight like when landing? I mean, like really need to go, probably because of some spoiled food or a minor medical condition. Are there any offici...

Q: Do you have to tell your friend if you have hate for him in your heart?

David I heard a person say that if you have hate towards a person in your heart you have to tell them about this because it's forbidden to keep those thoughts in your heart. Is this like if you feel rejected by the other person or like only if they said something bad about you or for other things like ...

Q: Not getting INFO-level messages from org.geotools.util.logging.Logging

Tom ChadwinAs a Java beginner, I've inherited a custom Geoserver extension, running in a Windows environment. The plugin contains logging code like this: import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.geotools.util.logging.Logging; [...] public class ReportBuilder { private static final Logger LOGGER = L...

Q: What do I need to have set up to have `getblocktemplate` work?

CoinZwischenzugI tried using the command without arguments and it just returned an error code. Do I need to have some kind of mining software setup? Does that software not already come with Bitcoin Core? How do I go about getting this software working, either way?

Q: Marie-Sklodowska-Curie actions: publish a part of the proposal just after the deadline?

John TaylorI am applying for the Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Actions Fellowship (MSCA) in physics this year. The proposal includes developing a novel theoretical method, applying it to various models, and making a framework that translates the parameters of these models to the impact on some observables. The poi...

Q: A novel (and a movie) about a village in southern France where a strange succession of events happens

AlfredI read this book many decades ago, in French original. A few years later, I saw the movie (most probably with the same title) that was made about it, also in French. I'm positive the author is French and originates from Southern France. The action is in a small village in southern France, many de...

Q: why aren't geckos neutralized by dusty environments?

Sidharth GhoshalSetup: The way gecko's feet function has been a captivating but now relatively well understood phenomenon. They have many small spatula on the feet that exploit electromagnetic van-der-waal forces on the walls to which they stick. This concept has been developed in "nano-tape" a product which is ...

Q: Why is there so much salt in cheese?

User65535The charity Blood Pressure UK is warning about the risks of salt, with particular highlight on processed pig products and cheese. I am aware is the crucial role that salt plays in the preservation of meat, it is not there just for flavour. Cheesemaking however does not rely on salt in the same ...

Q: Querying layer in QGIS Model Designer

MTH MHTdHow can I create a query in a layer using the Model Designer in QGIS, like the example shown in the picture below? How i can make this in Model Designer?

Q: How to find the x-coordinate of the point circled(non-differentiable points) in this trigonometric function graph?

csn899Clear["`*"] w = 2; f[x_] = Abs[Sin[w x]] + Cos[w x] Plot[f[x], {x, -2 \[Pi], 2 \[Pi]}] How do I find the x-coordinate of the point circled in this trigonometric function graph? SolveValues[f[x] == 1 && -2 \[Pi] <= x <= 2 \[Pi], x] // Sort SolveValues[f[x] == -1 && -2 \[Pi] <= x <= 2 \[Pi], x] ...

Q: If a Palestinian convert to Judaism can he get Israeli citizenship?

ShafeekIf a Palestinian convert to Judaism or even better to the religion of prophet Abraham, can he get Israeli citizenship ? Quran actually instructs Muslims to return to the religion of Abraham, so if every Palestinian return to religion of Abraham, they can become Israeli citizen and thus the curren...

1 hour later…
Q: Correctly modelling a continuous log dose-response relationship in meta-regression for small dosages

SamI’m looking at the effectiveness of a type of programme that can have a range of number of sessions, 1 to 20. I start with a meta-analysis (k = 70) that tells me the average effect size for that type of programme is 0.50 SDs. In my meta-analysis, the average number of sessions is 7. I want to pre...

Q: Is loss of availability automatically a security incident?

user149408Suppose you need to define for an organization what should be considered an information security incident which, when observed, triggers security incident response (investigate, contain, eradicate, recover – details of which might also need to be defined). The definition of a security incident ty...

Q: Nearly stalled on takeoff after just 3 hours training on a PPL. Is this normal?

AndyI'm doing a PPL in the UK at an established flying school. The aircraft I'm training in is a Cessna 150. Aside from a 1 hour introductory flying experience I have logged just 3 hours of flying with a qualified instructor. The lessons I've had so far have covered basic flying controls, how to "boo...

Q: Would reverse voltage kill the optocoupler over long time period?

Hazardous VoltageI got this circuit: The circuit detects the 250 VAC voltage when it is present using the optocoupler. There would be a reverse voltage on both LEDs as the input AC alternates, although the current will be low (near V peak will be approximately 1.5 mA.) The condition of the circuit could change t...

Q: Why did the Númenórean dissenters associate Míriel's use of a palantír with darkness or evil?

galacticninjaIn The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power S02E03 "The Eagle and the Sceptre," some Númenóreans oppose Míriel's ascension to the throne, considering her use of a palantír as "dark magic" and "Elf sorcery." This reaction puzzles me, given the Elves' reputation for opposing Morgoth, the embodimen...

Q: FRN are more complex than we think

confucius_is_confusedIn most books I see that Floating Rate Bond trade at par. Yet I never see a detailed proof of why this is true. When trying to go into the maths I don't find this result. I feel like it also depends on a lot of things. What is the coupon we are getting with the FRN and what discount curve are we ...

Q: Hilbert style proof systems vs Natural deductions: Some naive questions

user267839I have a couple of naive questions about Hilbert calculus / Hilbert-style deductive system and its relation it philosophically/conceptionally opposite "natural deduction" style based proof systems. Recall, that Hilbert style deductive system mainly differs from natural deduction system by consist...

Q: Is there any equivalence between standard d dimensional Gaussian surface measure and d dimensional Hausdorff measure on boundary of convex sets?

Mayukh ChoudhuryI am currently going through the papers of Nazarov (2003): "On the maximal perimeter of a convex set in $\Bbb R^n$ with respect to a Gaussian measure" (MR2083397, Zbl 1036.52014) and Ball (1993): "The reverse isoperimetric problem for Gaussian measure" (MR1243336, Zbl 0788.52010). To define the G...

Q: Is it possible to omit a verb when there’s another verb right behind it?

pheno8I found this test question on the internet and apparently the author says the correct answer is ‘knew’ not ‘know’ The movie Jaws, directed by Steven Spielberg, hit the theaters in 1975 and was a huge hit. Millions saw the movie, and even those who did not know / knew the story. According to som...

Q: Hardware debouncing of 3.3V high signal for an ESP32 turned on via optocoupler

TintenfischWith an optocoupler I detect once a button, a ring bell in that case, is pressed. The ring bell is a 4+n system, I get about +5 to +6 VDC if the ring bell is pressed. It switches an optocoupler which sets a GPIO on an ESP32 on high then: I am doing that twice, since there is a primary and secon...

Q: Why is the stall speed of an aircraft a specific speed?

Arjun KhoslaI've read in many places that the stall speed is xxx knots for a specific plane. Is the stall speed of any aircraft fixed or does it change depending on other conditions such as weight, density of air, temperature, humidity, etc.? Could an aircraft stall at a higher flight speed, depending on the...

Q: If a bimodule is "generated" by single elements, must the elements be conjugate?

kevkev1695Let $A$ and $B$ be Artin $k$-algebras for a commutative artinian ring $k$ (e.g. $A$ and $B$ are finite dimensional $k$-algebras for a field $k$). Let $M$ be an $A$-$B$-bimodule of finite length over $k$. We say that $x\in M$ generates $M$ if for all $m\in M$ there exist $a\in A$ and $b\in B$ with...

Q: Base representations, using only limited digits

Oscar LanziRecently I asw this sequence problem from Scientific American. Given the terms below, find the next three: $110, 20, 12, 11, 10, 6, ...$ As many readers probably figured out more quickly than I, the answer is all the terms are actually the same number, six, represented in base two, then base thre...

Q: How should I secure ceiling drywall with no edge backing?

VincenzoI am trying to finish my garage and I am currently in the process of putting drywall. The issue that I am facing with the ceiling is that I do not have any framing at the edges to screw the sheet to. The plan that I have in my mind is to try to detach the sheet and put it back in to make sure it ...

Q: How do I apologize to a lecturer

Akingba GladysI recently sent a message to a lecturer concerning an issue I have. I asked him to advise me as he is not a lecturer in my department. We scheduled a call and during the call he said I was rude and lack phone etiquette and then he dropped the call. I called back to apologize but he told me not to...

Q: Boost Converter Efficiency Input Current

AnroalhI'm trying to learn about DC-DC Boost converters and with the help of WEBENCH I've made this circuit: Parameters are: Vin: (4.95 - 5.05) V Vout: 17 V Iout: 300mA Efficiency: 95.2% My main questions are: Efficiency is defined as Pout/Pin. So, in order to get 300mA at the output, will I need at...

Q: Proof of the principle of explosion

ElvisThe Wikipedia page uses the following proof for the statement: P (Premise) ¬P (Premise) P ∨ Q (Disjunction Introduction) Q (Disjunction Syllogism) There are two issues, to me: this proof specifically deals with contradictions, not any false proposition; I could prove the same thing ...

Q: Why do height-by-age graphs start at 5, not 0?

User1974As someone who knows nothing about medical science or kids, I have observed that 1-year old male infants often seem quite tall for their age. And I think to my self, “That kid still has ~17 years of growing left, surely the growth rate can’t be linear…” So I looked up height-for-age graphs to get...

Q: Word that describes someone trying to make some people hate each other

jaafar NasrallahIs there a single word that exists in English that describes when someone tries to make some people hate each other or fight? So, for example, If person A and B are neighbors, so in this situation Person C tries to tell person A that person B might be taking a bit of their land. And tells person ...

Q: Does strong convergence of operators imply pointwise convergence of their unbounded inverses?

S.Z.Let $\mathcal{H}$ be a separable Hilbert space and let $A_n:\mathcal{H}\rightarrow \mathcal{H}$ be a sequence of bounded linear operators converging strongly to the identity operator, that is, one has $$\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty}\|A_nh-h\|=0$$ for all $h \in \mathcal{H}$. Assume further that $A_...

Q: Do I need to validate a Genoa MET daily ticket every time?

Nicolas FormichellaI hold a MET Daily ticket, that I validated on the metro the first time Do I need to continue to validate it every time I take a bus/metro?

Q: How to symbolically solve a coupled system of equations with Mathematica?

user64494The symbolic solvers of Mathematica are strong, however, the ones fail in some cases, for example, for the system {x^(x + y) == y^12, y^(x + y) == x^3} over the reals. Indeed, Solve[{x^(x + y) == y^12, y^(x + y) == x^3}, {x, y}, Reals] Solve::nsmet: This system cannot be solved with the method...

Q: Solution to Stochastic Differential Equation Including Heaviside Step Function

CRTmonitorThere has been several entries on solving deterministic differential equations that include indicator functions. Stochastic differential equations may introduce new difficulties. Namely, does the usual technique used in the deterministic situation, of dividing the domain into intervals, still app...

Q: Can a British judge convict and sentence someone for contempt in their own court on the spot?

DJClayworthThere are many videos of US judges imposing punishments on people who commit obvious contempt of court in their own courts in front of them. They can order the person taken to jail on the spot. Do British judges have the same power for people who are openly contempuous in front of them?

Q: Is exclusivity optimal from a utilitarian perspective? What's wrong with being non-exclusive?

user77058Infidelity is typically regarded as a moral transgression, but it cannot exist without a prior promise of exclusivity. This prompts the question: why is exclusivity so highly valued in the first place? From a utilitarian perspective, does exclusivity, whether formalized through marriage or establ...

Q: quantulum abest, quo minus . .

JPMAfter listing several wars in Europe, a sixteenth-century commentator writes quantulum ergo abest, quo minus universus orbis Christianus bello a se ipse dissideat, et suo quod dici solet gladio iuguletur? which must mean something like What little is left, then, before the whole Christian worl...

Q: What other marketable uses are there for Starship if Mars colonization falls through?

WoodySpaceX and NASA are investing a stunning pile of resources in developing Starship, the heaviest of heavy lift launchers; despite the small market for heavy launchers and the significant advantages of small satellites. SpaceX’s justification for developing Starship is colonization of Mars although...

Q: Hip pain when cycling (experienced cyclist)

Adam JonesI am an experienced cyclist (38M), I have been cycling for 30 years across MTB, gravel and road. I commute 20km per day and have completed several ultra distance events (1500km+) I have never really had much body pain from cycling over the years and had a decent bike fit 2 years ago. For the las...

Q: best way to double-bend arrows smoothly

JuliánIt is common in tikzcd to bend an arrow either left or right, but I'd like a way to do the following: You have two vertices that are not aligned in either direction, and want an arrow between them that begins and ends with the same slope, either both horizontal or both vertical; possibly you'd wa...

Q: In Lord Rosse's 1845 drawing of M51, was the galaxy depicted in white or black?

JonI've recently come across references to Lord Rosse's original sketch of the M51 galaxy, made in 1845, and found both versions on the internet — one where the spiral structure is depicted in white on a black background, and another where it appears black on a white background. This has left me won...

Q: This is where/what we have come to

Mr. XRecently I found out that remarks I had made about the Duchess of Sussex were the subject of debate on talk radio. I had pointed out to Piers Morgan, who finds it hard to leave the topic alone, that Meghan had to “learn” what it was like to be black in our society. She herself claimed that she ha...

Q: Share iPhone Hotspot through USB with Windows without installing iTunes

Ezequiel MunsI followed this guide to share my iPhone internet connection with Windows: Downloaded iTunes from https://www.apple.com/itunes/download/ (not the Microsoft Store version, scrolled to "Looking for other versions?" and clicked Windows). This file was named iTunes64Setup.exe. Used 7Zip to extract ...

Q: Escape from the magic prison

EricYou're locked in one of three magical cells (yellow circles) located at the vertices of a triangle. In each cell there're three transporters numbered 1, 2 and 3, one of which transports you to the cell in the clockwise direction, one transports you to the cell in the counterclockwise direction, a...

Q: Add independent connections for reading and writing to the database in WordPress

Álvaro FranzI want to add a read/write separation to my database in WordPress, to optimize queries. I do it as follows (with a MU-Plugin): class Custom_Read_Write_DB extends wpdb { public $read_connection; public $write_connection; function __construct() { // Initialize the master databa...

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