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Q: Assistance with an exercise on field endomorphisms

Matt DWorking through the problems in a book on field theory (Field Extensions and Galois Theory by Bastida). I came across one which I thought looked like a "routine" exercise, but has been particularly stubborn. Suppose $K$ is a field with $char(K) \neq 2$ and $u:K \rightarrow K$ a map so that $u(x+y...

Q: Identify the sequence of -3, -1, 3, 11, 27, ...

arkarwineOriginal question is - In the case below an initial term and a recursive formula are given. Find u( n ) $u( 1 ) = - 3, u( n ) = 2 u( n - 1 ) + 5$ I have tried applying my knowledge of Arithmetic Progression(AP), Quadratic Progression(QP), Geometric Progression(GP). And the most I could deduce fro...

Q: Are there any dangerous consequences when allowing spending inspiration on rerolls?

MołotIn D&D 5e Inspiration can be spent to create an advantage. My group introduced a house rule: If you fail a d20 roll you could've used Inspiration on, but before DM narrates the effects of this fail, you may spend inspiration to reroll. It doesn't count as advantage, and if you rolled with disadv...

Q: 1 Corinthians 15:4-7 a physical, or spiritual heavenly appearance

Lucas AlaminiI came across this question that I had never heard before. At the beginning of 1 Corinthians 15, we have the famous and ancient Creed of the early Christian church, however, some argue that due to the use of the word "ὁράω + (dative)", we cannot know whether Paul, when writing this creed, was giv...

Q: Stealth In Space Calculator

NosajimikiI want to make a calculator that can determine the range at which spaceships will be detected against an infrared detection system. Figuring out how "stealthy" a ship is is mostly a matter of apparent magnitude calculations which is not difficult. The calculator will allow me to put in the visib...

Q: How to draw such a diagram in Tikz with both positive and negative bars

Youra_PHow to draw such a diagram in Tikz in the easiest way? You can send a link to a similar example. MWE: \documentclass[tikz, border=2pt]{standalone} \usepackage[main=russian,english]{babel} \usepackage[tracking=true]{microtype} %========================================================== \microtypec...

Q: Why GLM don't have an error term and why shouldn't residuals be i.i.d?

Boussens-Dumon GrégoireI've read dozens on post on the subject but I cannot figure this out. From what I've gathered, GLMS don't include an error term in their formulation unlike linear models (LM). I was wondering why (or why do LM include that error term if they're the odd ones) ? I feel like this is due to the addit...

Q: Confusion on using "unless" more than once in proposition

Bob Marley I'm having trouble interpreting this highlighted sentence (from Discrete Math Rosen Textbook) properly due to using unless more than once in this sentence. I understand that q unless (not p) is the same as saying p implies q, but I'm not sure how to exactly apply that rule here for this sentence...

Q: Is the adjoint of a strictly positive channel again strictly positive?

Frederik vom EndeBuilding on the concept of positive definite operators${}^1$—denoted $A>0$—a linear map $\Phi:\mathbb C^{n\times n}\to\mathbb C^{k\times k}$ is called strictly positive if $\Phi(A)>0$ for all $A>0$. It is easy to see that this is a special case of what is commonly dealt with in quantum informatio...

Q: Why Donald E. Knuth used obeylines + gdef instead of def

Alexey IsmagilovI am trying to understand Knuth's manmac.tex. At line 436 you can find following code: \newwrite\ans \immediate\openout\ans=answers % file for answers to exercises \outer\def\answer{\par\medbreak \immediate\write\ans{} \immediate\write\ans{\string\ansno\chapno.\the\exno:} \copytoblankline} ...

Q: Why do electric arcs rise?

kaanI am a junior electrical engineering student, recently we were learning about the circuit breakers and professor showed us a video of an electrical arc which can be seen in the picture (Sorry for the quality). I wondered "if electrical arc is actually the electrons that are moving" why electrical...

Q: API Generator for Python

Hernandez Sinsel Jesus EmmanueI'm currently working on my thesis to obtain a bachelor in software engineering, and i want to get some feedback from real developers of how useful this project can be in the real life. the project is two modules, one is the http server which i created from zero using the sockets library and it h...

Q: Can we install and run Ubuntu WSL for ARM on x86_64 windows machine?

Ram CharanCan we install and run Ubuntu WSL for arm64 arch on x86_64 windows machine ?

Q: Is 1 Kings 18 talking about the daily evening sacrifice?

Myron 1 Kings 18:27-29 "At noon Elijah began to taunt them. “Shout louder!” he said. “Surely he is a god! Perhaps he is deep in thought, or busy, or traveling. Maybe he is sleeping and must be awakened. Midday passed, and they continued their frantic prophesying until the time for the evening sacrific...

Q: What's the meaning of soutenu ?

NightcrawlerThere's this card I want to learn in Mosalingua. It's written 'adorer (soutenu)'. In this case, I don't grasp its meaning.

Q: Hoop, Hoop, Hoop, Hoop, Eye-Eye-Eye-Eye

3-1-4-One-FiveThe Horrible Histories song "Learn Your Hieroglyphics" mentions a fanmade number system. Numbers are written as a sum of 10's ("hoops") and 1's ("eyes"), for example 99 is hoop hoop hoop hoop hoop hoop hoop hoop hoop eye eye eye eye eye eye eye eye eye . Then, I thought, why not turn this into s...

Q: How to name a TikZ path?

murrayHow do I name the indicated TikZ path with a name such as X and subsequently use it, for example, to draw it? The code shown does not compile! \documentclass[tikz,border=0pt]{standalone} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} % coordinates for a region X: \coordinate (X1) at (0,0); \coordi...

Q: omit continuous variable in categorical by continuous interaction

Atreya DeyI'm trying to understand whether excluding the main effect of income in this specification, is valid. Gender is a 0/1 variable whether the individual is male/female. Income and NetWorth are continuous. NetWorth = β0+β1×Gender+β2×(Gender×Income)+ϵ According to https://stats.oarc.ucla.edu/stata/faq...

Q: Integral's computation does not match WolframAlpha result

NEONSo I'm computing the following integral: \begin{align} \int_0^1 \frac{\tan^{-1}(x)\ln(x)}{x}dx \end{align} I started out with a simple integration by parts which yielded: \begin{align} -\int_0^1 \frac{\ln^2(x)}{x^2 + 1}dx \end{align} A nifty substitution $x \to \frac{1}{x}$ and adding the new int...

Q: Statement Vs Proposition Vs Premise Vs Assertion

surbjit singhI have spent a few days running around the internet trying to find a distinct and simple explanation of how all of these terms fit together. I'm aware it is quite nuanced. Could someone help me resolve this issue? I'm sure there are many others who find your answer helpful. Thank you!

Q: Strange pulldown resistor behavior with power MOSFET and Full Wave Rectifier in LTSpice

but_whyI've been having some trouble getting a pulldown resistor to behave as expected in LTspice. Here are two screenshots of my circuit. This circuit has a full wave bridge rectifier convert AC (USA household wall voltage) into DC, which then goes into a power MOSFET to drive a load (motor). The onl...

Q: Is the action of the Laplacian on the Schur polynomials known?

LeoxSince the Laplace operator $$ \Delta=\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x_1^2}+\cdots+\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x_n^2} $$ preserves symmetric polynomials in $n$ variables, its action on the Schur polynomial $s_{\lambda} $ can again be expressed in terms of Schur polynomials $$ \Delta(s_\lambda) =\sum_{\...

Q: депутат followed by a feminine name

BrunoReading a newspaper article published today I was confused by the following sentence: Об этом 20 мая заявила депутат парламента, исполнительный секретарь исполкома оппозиционного блока «Победа» Марина Таубер. Since we have "заявила" the subject is feminine. What is the subject from a grammatica...

Q: Extrusion of a parametric surface with different face and boundary colours

eldoProblem statement I want to extrude a parametric surface and colour its front faces, back faces and boundaries differently. Define plot options opts = {Axes -> False, Boxed -> False, ImageSize -> 400, Lighting -> "ThreePoint", PlotPoints -> 64, ViewPoint -> {2, 0, 0.5}}; Steinba...

Q: When I had watched TV

prof1589Dialog #1: John: "Hey, what did you do last night?" Peter: "Oh, not much. When I had watched TV, I ended up falling asleep on the couch." John: "Typical! What were you watching?" Dialog #2: John: "So what did you do yesterday?" Peter: "I came home from school early. I had dinner and then went out...

Q: Does my road bike fit me? I'm scared of injuries on long cycles!

MatildaI've been offered a second hand road bike from a friend, which is a good deal and much lighter than my old teman bike, but can't work out if it's right! It's apparently a 54" bike, while I'm 5"9. I have added photos - new bike is silver with blacked out face. Old bike is black and redded out face...

Q: How to know if you've caught a pokemon in the catching screen in Pokemon Go

PianoCat98How do I know if I've caught the Pokemon I just tapped on in the catching screen? Is it the little icon above the CP that says the Type?

Q: Why the combustion chambers of a turbine engine aren't used to spin the compressor like a firework wheel?

mandiokaiI searched here in this stack and the only question I found was this one, but I feel like it wasn't very well worded and it is also considered a duplicate. If this question is considered a duplicate of that same question, shouldn't a mod make an edit to that question and write something more akin...

Q: a man tall and strong

azz I talked to a tall and strong man like you. I talked to a man tall and strong like you. I talked to a tall and strong man, like you. I talked to a man tall and strong, like you. What is the difference in the meanings? a. The man was tall and strong, and he was also like you (in other ways a...

Q: NavigationMixin - file preview - Failed to Load inside slds-file_card div

RagulIs there any workaround to display a file preview under slds-file_card div, when I click the umage HTML: <template> <div class="slds-p-around_none slds-var-m-top_x-small slds-var-m-bottom_medium slds-m-horizontal_none"> <lightning-layout-item padding="around-small"> <div class="slds-v...

1 hour later…
Q: Short fiction about a planet with two sentient species, one having enslaved the other one

AlfredI read this novelette at least 40 years ago, in a collection, in English, which was most probably the original. It describes the first contact between humans and the natives of a planet they just discovered. Human explorers first managed to get some basic knowledge of the language and customs by ...

Q: Why did the Iranian president use an old American helicopter?

ArwenzWhy did the Iranian president use such an old helicopter, and for which, being American-made, there were difficulties in procuring spare parts? Why Iran is not buying new Chinese or Russian helicopters? Reuters reported on the 20th that Iran's state-run IRNA news agency reported that Raisi was r...

Q: Children's book about a boy travelling in space with a wolverine

IanLooking for a book about a boy travelling in space with a wolverine. That is all I can remember. Read in the 1960s, so could be written in, I would guess, the 1950s or 1960s. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

1 hour later…
Q: A silly entry: different sizes for "True" or "False" boxes in a test

JJ HenryIf I add to a class test this code: \hfill\fbox{T}\qquad\fbox{F} at the end of a question, magnifying it you'll see that the "true" box is slightly larger than the "false" one. Is it interesting to anyone?

Q: Automatically substitute hyphen(-) with \ensuremath{-} inside of the table environment

user182849Because, in my usage, most of hyphens(-) used inside of the table environment represent the minus sign, I would like to substitute them with \ensuremath{-}. Here's my try: \documentclass[10pt]{article} \usepackage{threeparttable,booktabs} \NewCommandCopy{\oldhyphen}{-} \begin{document} ...

Q: Cypher syntax file asks about commentstring on open

kjekkI am using syntax highlighting on my Cypher scripts from https://github.com/memgraph/cypher.vim. (I would open an issue there but the project and its predecessor haven't been touched in 3 years.) Works fine except when I create or load a .cypher file, or even switch to a .cypher buffer, the statu...

Q: How could I set 8CONNECTED into gdal.Polygonize()

Francisco RuizI've seen in several web pages and examples the next snippet: gdal.Polygonize(band, maskband, polygonizedLayer, ndField, [], callback=None) but I don't understand how to use the options parameter. In the examples everybody uses this []. Could anybody explain me how to set connectness 8?

Q: Three-phase to single-phase converter to power a single phase load larger than one phase can supply

chris alyuiIs there such a device (e.g. a VFD) that can take a 6 kW 3-phase service (240 V 10 A per phase) and output a single phase that will allow me to use a search light that needs about 14 A?

Q: When Bootstrap relicensed from Apache 2.0 to MIT back in 2014, could they have chosen MPL-2.0 to solve the issue they ran into?

Miles GeorgiIt seems like the issue they ran into that triggered this is that Apache 2.0 was considered incompatible with GPLv2 which was hindering adoption, based on this github issue: https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/2054 I suppose to some extent this is a complex way of asking if MPL-2.0 is compat...

Q: Repeat a linestring across a farm field at 40 inch intervals to use r.report for pixel values

Jess WoeltjeHi I am a new user to QGIS. I have googled,youtubed and SE all day today. I have found answers to most of my issues. This one has me stuck. I have included an image of the project I am attempting to create. My plan is to place a linestring on every row of this field. I need to be able to repeat t...

Q: Xbox Controller Connected But Not Detected in Linux

Michael FultonMy Xbox controller with fully updated firmware is connected via Bluetooth as confirmed by a solid white light on the controller, and the system shows as connected: Further more, xpadneo is installed as described at https://github.com/atar-axis/xpadneo But, when I try to use the controller or tes...

Q: Efficient absorption techniques for oxygen gas

AakarshThis question is somewhat vague, but I am interested in biogas treatment and a major component in biogas treatment is oxygen filtration. I know there are various methods for oxygen filtration such as using zinc or aluminum to react with oxygen forming a stable compound or using a catalyst like hy...

Q: Rubber Plant Leaves Turning Red and Dropping

MichaelWe bought a rubber plant maybe 5 months ago. Looked like it was thriving inside the OSH store we bought it from. Probably not the best thing to do but we repotted it when we got home (Miracle Grow + extra perlite). It started dropping leaves but we figured it was just acclimating at first. After ...

Q: BoM says of itself it is comparable to the Bible and contains the fulness of the everlasting gospel. Why is not Mormon doctrine taught in the BoM?

Mr. BondMany people assume that if they read the Book of Mormon they will get a good idea of LDS beliefs. However, the Book of Mormon teaches one God, not plural gods as in Mormonism. It mentions heaven and hell, not three degrees of glory. There are no temple marriage or secret temple ceremonies. It doe...

Q: How to create a crossword based on a 16 letter theme

KestyI'm making a crossword puzzle to honor someone specific whose name contains 16 characters, obviously too many for a standard 15x15 grid and also an even number which can't go in the middle row of a larger grid. Any ideas on how to create a good grid?

Q: What battery connector does the Playdate console use?

Paul StrawI'm trying to figure out what battery connector the Playdate console (https://play.date) uses, for replacement and other modding purposes. I've looked through many manufacturer catalogs like Molex, JST, TE, and Hirose without any matches. I've also been unable to find a match looking through all ...

Q: Why must challah be tamai when it is burned?

Aaron100A Star-K discussion of challah states: If one bakes without using any water, but rather bakes using only fruit juice or vegetable oil, a bracha is not recited and one cannot burn the Challah. Due to the complexity regarding this halacha, the Shulchan Aruch advises that one should always use wa...

Q: What is the difference in the usage of the verbs "lernen" and "studieren"?

KrishnaBoth these verbs return the meaning to learn or to study when entered in Google Translate, However, my German Language tutor had advised me to use "lernen" when referring to school and "studieren" when referring to university. Please verify whether this is accurate or not.

1 hour later…
Q: What is the fastest static comparison sort? What is the proper term for "static"?

Display nameIn a standard comparison sort, you perform a comparison and your next action is based off of the result of that comparison. What if this was not allowed, and you had to request all the results at the start? Let $[n] = \{1, 2, \dots, n\}.$ We say $S \subseteq [n]^2$ is a static sort if knowing the...

Q: Older fantasy book series about a boy who trains with a demon to become a wizard

JaySwolfSo I read this book series a very long time ago. No one seems to remember it except for me! From what I remember, there were 4 (I believe) books in the series. Hardcover books, yellow, green, red and blue covers. They had maps on the inside of the cover showing where they were in the books. There...

Q: How are quantum systems different from dice?

Simón Flavio IbañezI've had this question for a while: Is a state space $\mathcal{H}$ for a quantum system just a sample space in a probability space? The question arises because i can't really tell a difference between a die and a quantum superposition. A die is an object that can be perfectly modeled through conv...

Q: How to draw stacked/partially overlapped blocks in Tikz to indicate many items?

NasserI am trying to make something similar to this below (drawn using another software) but in Tikz Currently I use tikz/forest to make my flow diagrams. But I do not know how to make such stacked/partially overlapped rectangles to indicate many modules. Here is MWE I have \documentclass[12pt]{articl...

Q: How to bring to front the "fit"ted rectangle?

pbaI want to have 4 rectangles (with color X) and an bigger rectangle covering these 4 (with color Y). But, when I "fit" the bigger rectangle, I am losing the other 4. \begin{tikzpicture}[ s1/.style ={rectangle, rounded corners, draw=blue!60, fill=red!5, very thick, minimum size=40}, s...

Q: Dual UK Australian national visiting Vietnam

BeeI have dual Australian and UK citizenship/passports. I am leaving Australia, travelling to Vietnam, then returning to Australia after 13 days. I was planning to leave Australia with my Australian passport, enter and leave Vietnam with my UK passport, and then enter Australia with my Australian pa...

Q: An elementary olympiad polynomial problem.

zaqIf $r, s \in \mathbb{N}; r > s$ are such that $\mathrm{gcd}(r, s) = 1$ and there exist different nonconstant real polynomials $P, Q$ that satisfy $$(P(x))^r - (Q(x))^r = (P(x))^s - (Q(x))^s; \forall x \in \mathbb{R},$$ show that $r = 2, s = 1$. I have tried some of the typical approaches; e.g. I ...

Q: Dual space isomorphism non-canonical choice example

lightxbulbIn a lot of resources that I have read it is mentioned that the isomorphism between $V$ and $V^*$ is non-canonical, but I was never sure that I properly understood precisely what this means. I haven't studied category theory so I couldn't really understand some other answers on math.stack based o...

Q: Hamming distance in real analysis

DavidGiven two binary strings $x, y\in (0,1)^*$ such that $|x|=|y|$, then the set $$\delta{(x,y)}=\frac{|\{i\in[|x|]:x_i\neq y_i\}|}{|x|}$$ is called relative hamming distance. Given $x\in (0,1)^*$ and $S:$= a collection of binary strings, define $$\delta_S(x)=\min_{y\in S, |x|=|y|}\delta(x,y).$$ Give...

Q: Every object is is_property_readonly in python

Lala_GhostWhen I create a cube, have it select and run the script import bpy selection = bpy.context.selected_objects print(bool(selection[0].is_property_readonly)) it outputs "True". I would have guessed that it outputs "False" but it does not. Why? My goal is to test if an object is linked from a diff...

Q: Is it an offense to photograph a seahorse?

ScottishTapWaterBritain is about to undertake a mass sea-grass survey and BSAC have released this guidance on what to do if you see a sea horse. This paragraph stood out to me: If you take a photo DO NOT put it on social media - it is an offence. Keep your finding quiet, just you and your dive team, not the pub...

Q: How is a watchdog timer and the main loop related?

user23335133This is what I understand: There is a main loop in the code who's time of execution is say, n ms. Now, the developer needs to configure the watchdog timer for such a time m ms where m < n. This will make sure that none of the function block. If at all the code is stuck somewhere in the for time t...

Q: change the appearance of the \equation

M.LaI use this code to change the appearance of the equation, but it is full of errors even if at the end it gives a result, please help me to correct it. Thank you . \documentclass{article} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{environ} \usepackage{lipsum} \let\oldequation\equation ...

Q: What is the correct way to unconditionally kill a process?

FadewayI have two hotkeys for interactively looking up and killing a process on Linux: bindsym $mod+k exec --no-startup-id \ "ps axo pid,cmd | sed 1d | dmenu -i -l 20 | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kill" bindsym $mod+$sh+k exec --no-startup-id \ "ps axo pid,cmd | sed 1d | dmenu -i -l 20 | awk '{prin...

Q: What is the difference between “except” and “except for?”

DelfinoWhat is the difference between “except” and “except for?” They all went home except me. They all went home except for me. Are the two sentences both correct? Are there any situations where I must use one or the other? Could native speakers please explain it to me? Thank you.

Q: Aligning arrows in table

DamitrI have used code from the answer discussed here. The resulting arrows are not aligned with each other. For example the arrow from "12 buckets" to "5" and from "5" to "7" should be collinear. Similarly "7" to "5" and "5" to "10". Is there any way to align them so that final output looks neater? M...

Q: How to change this Bedrock command to a Java command?

Dung MehI have this Bedrock edition command: /execute @e[type=item,name=Lightning] ~ ~ ~ execute @p[name=BrownCoat67] ^ ^ ^ summon lightning_bolt ^ ^1 ^7 How can I convert it to work with Java edition 1.20.4?

Q: tips for future philosophy student

christopherIn September I will begin my first year in uni and because I have studied philosophy only in high school, do you have any tips / advice to give me? I have been thinking a lot about the different courses I will be taking and more specifically about the fact that I know very little to nothing abou...

Q: Is it possible to relocate a planet? Specifically Jupiter

HankyHMy world, Anyare, has too many people on it. Instead of having a disaster, I want them to colonize another planet. Like Jupiter. By using Jupiter’s gases, and by attaching a giant propeller, is it possible to relocate Jupiter? All of Jupiter’s gases would be used up in the process of relocation, ...

Q: Republican and Social Conservative Manifesto

HaridasaIs there any Manifesto outlining basic GOP and Social Conservative values? Regarding the latter, I want a nonchristian and if possible a neutral version for the USA.

Q: is there any spell or magic item that can give a familiar the flyby ability?

sigmudCurrently there are very few familiars that have the flyby ability. I was wondering: is there any spell or magic item that can give a familiar the flyby ability? My familiar is a tressym so he is able to fly. In case of emergency the wizard would like to send him to go scouting and/or use the He...

Q: Magento 2.4.7: Page Builder was rendering for 5 seconds without releasing locks

Jaimin SutariyaI am facing issue with my pagebuilder on server. I am using apache server for my Magento (2.4.7) instance. When I first open the category edit page on incognito mode, I open the pagebuilder, add my content and save the category. It works the first time. If I again open the pagebuilder, update the...

Q: Why are ND filters used in moon photography

TomI read/saw several articles/videos about how to photograph the moon and a lot of them use ND filters without really explaining why. What is the point in using an ND filter and the choosing a longer shutter speed. Could I not simply just not use the filter and use a faster shutter speed - as long ...

Q: Reproduce table borders issues

Vincent ISOZI have the following table in Microsoft Excel: I tried to reproduce the same in LaTeX: \documentclass[border=1cm]{standalone} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage[table,xcdraw]{xcolor} \begin{document} \begin{tabular}{l |>{\columncolor[HTML]{B9EDFC}}r >{\columncolor[HTML]{B9EDFC}}r |>...

Q: Examining Your Finger Joints

JLeePart 1 - Numbered Clues a protein filament that grows from skin follicles (4) Batman's Batcave, for example (4) MVP's M (4) better than amateurs and paid more (4) Greek region containing Olympia (4) a set period a person serves in an elected office (4) draw, scuffle, or hand, for example ...

Q: conv2 Template Function Implementation for Image in C++

JimmyHuThis is a follow-up question for An Updated Multi-dimensional Image Data Structure with Variadic Template Functions in C++. I am trying to implement conv2 template function like Matlab's conv2. The experimental implementation conv2 template function implementation (in file image_operations.h) na...

Q: Interval exercise gone wrong?

philReading "Music Theory for Guitar An Introduction to the Essentials" I try to do the intervals exercises I am pretty sure these are two errors it should be M7 not m7 it is a full 7 interval with no modification, so major it should be m2 not 2+ the sharp reduces the interval, so + makes no sense...

Q: How close will Pluto come to Earth this year (2024)?

LaskaFor reasons associated with a 1943 story, I am keen to find how close Earth will come to Pluto in 2024. According to https://theskylive.com/pluto-tracker today (21-May-2024), Pluto is now slowly heading away from the Sun at about 5km/s (on its eccentric 248-year orbit), however Earth is approachi...

Q: Usage of を in 雨の中を走る

Thuan NguyenI just came across this phrase when reading 人間失格: 雨の中を走る. I can not get my head around the usage of を here.

Q: I want to move an object but all that gets moved is a little orange dot than seems it´s pivot, help!

AnaI have an object that I want to mirror and move. But if I try to move it, I find that the axis move a little orange dot that seems to be the center pivot of the object, but it doesn´t move the object. I dont´know how to get rid of that situation. All I can move is that orange dot. How can I solve...

Q: Does Iran make its own engines for its helicopters?

against very long user namesIranian companies have 'cloned' some Western helicopter models but also made their own, more recently. Do they have the domestic capability to make engines for them though, or are these imported, if so from where? (E.g. Shaded drone engines were imported from Europe and then from China.) N.B. In ...

Q: How to Import MySQL 4.1.14 data into MySQL 5.7.44?

ususerI have a fresh install of WordPress 6.5.3 on MySQL 5.7.44-1.el7 up and running via Docker, accessible via my web browser. I also have old data from WordPress 2.0.2 on MySQL 4.1.14 saved into a directory that contains the following files: 4.0K db.opt 4.0K wp_categories.MYD 4.0K wp_categories.MYI ...

Q: Normalisation of models of elliptic curves in finite extensions and reducedness of fibres

David HubbardLet $K$ be a complete local field of characteristic 0 with residue field $k$ of characteristic $p>0$ and ring of integers $R=\mathcal{O}_{K}$. Suppose we have an isogeny of elliptic curves: $$f:F\rightarrow E$$ over $K$ and let $\mathcal{C}$ be the minimal proper regular model of $E$ over $R$. Su...

Q: Paper rejected twice, once because two true statements imply each other, once because two false statements imply each other?

templatetypedefI remember a while back finding an anecdote about a paper in set theory from the early 20th century establishing an equivalence between two concepts (I think, but I’m not sure, that it was the axiom of choice and the well-ordering principle). The story goes that the paper was rejected from one jo...

Q: Are artificial lights at night bad for Venus flytraps?

FluxI am growing a Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) on a porch. During daytime, the plant receives string sunlight. When it gets dark, an 800 lumens warm white light bulb illuminates the porch. This Venus flytrap therefore experiences very little darkness. Can Venus flytraps remain healthy if they a...

Q: I want to know the tricks to search for and find old academic journals for free

enjin2000In the research of scientific and mathematical history, efficient skills in searching for and accessing old academic journals (preferably for free) are essential. However, even when using platforms like Internet Archive or Google Books, it's often difficult for me to find what I'm looking for, an...

Q: Computing an integral using differential under the integral sign

Teodoras PauraThe following integral is in question. $$I(x) =\int_0^x \frac{\ln(1+tx)}{1+t^2}\,dt$$ My attempt is finding $I’(x)$ which is $$I’(x) = \int_0^x \frac{t}{(1+t^2)(1+tx)}\,dt + \frac{\ln(1+x^2)}{1+x^2} $$ Now we can use partial fraction decompostion for the first integral. $$\frac{t}{(1+t^2)(1+tx)} ...

Q: Excluding some values from the quintile classification in QGIS

Geo_itI am working in QGIS with a vector layer of about 8000 records and I would like to use the graduate symbology, equal count (quantile, 5 classes) with a variable that contains some records to which the value 888888 is associated with missing data (these are about 3-4 cases). How can I exclude thes...

Q: When I duplicate the shape in edit mode, it projects all faces onto the other face. How do i turn this off? I wan't it to look like the other one

Boudewijn Vis When I duplicate the shape in edit mode, it projects all faces onto the other face. How do i turn this off? I wan't it to look like the other one.

Q: Should I wait to send a revised manuscript?

Dervin ThunkWe submitted a manuscript to a well-known journal. The first round of reviews came in 6 months later. We revised, resubmitted in about 3 weeks (they gave us two weeks to r&r) and we got a new, minor revisions (after 3 months) asking us to do something that wouldn't take much time: add a couple of...

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