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Q: I have a weird space between two lines in my work

MahoneyTreeI have this wierd space on my title page: Why? This is my code: \documentclass[12pt]{report} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{titling} \usepackage[german]{babel} \graphicspath{ {images/} } \setlength{\droptitle}{-3cm} %def titelseite \title{ {\textbf {\huge Synthe...

Q: Supervisor does not want me to do my own research

Friendlyrobot222This is a bit of an unusual problem, I feel, but I am conducting a PhD at a university, where it technically is possible to graduate without any first author publications. So my supervisor wants me to do that. I work on his project and have done all of the analysis for him. He is the first author...

Q: Stability of home made wheel

laoluxI need a new wheel to support more weight (136kg combined for bike, freight and rider) and larger tires (around 42-622). Unfortunately I have not been able to find any wheels to my liking, so I am thinking about making my own. Intended use is commuting and trips on paved surfaces (though curbs fr...

Q: fflib: selector Method query giving me error of Duplicate field selected

Pj35I have created following method in my Opportunity selector class. I am passing my query fields dynamically from another class. public List<Opportunity> selectByDynamicFilter(List<String> lstOfSobjectFields,String strFilter, String strRecordId){ fflib_QueryFactory query = newQueryFacto...

Q: FourierTransform result different than expected

jp17FourierTransform[Exp[-a t]*UnitStep[t], t, w] gives the following result $$\frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi } (a-i w)},$$ but the answer should be $$\frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi } (a+i w)}.$$ Why does Mathematica return an additional negative sign?

Q: Throw warning if there is an empty line before \end{proof}

Jamesntheorem does not print the end mark if the last line of the environment is empty: (from the ntheorem manual). To avoid the end mark not printing, I want a way to warn me if I accidentally put an empty line before \end{proof}. As an example, this code should throw a warning: \documentclass{artic...

Q: Under what circumstances is it appropriate to have video cameras as part of exam proctoring?

David WhiteWhen professors proctor exams, part of our job is to answer student questions and clarify the exam, and part of our job is to prevent/catch cheating. At my university in the USA, there is also a "testing center" where students with accommodations (e.g., the right to take the exam in a private spa...

Q: Showing the Toffoli gate can be constructed from one-qubit gates using computer matrix multiplication

user2521987 I need help coming up with the code that I can use in a computer algebra system like Sage, Python, or Mathematica that can evaluate the circuit. I am not a programmer and used ChatGPT to try to help me create the code. However, I believe these are incorrect because they do not evaluate. Here is ...

Q: Matthew 22 and Psalms 110. Did Jesus lose the original meaning?

Roamer What is the meaning of the footnote (a) in Psalm 110? Ps 110:1 The LORD says to my lord: “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.” How does the footnote have significance to Matthew 22 Whose Son is the Christ? Now while the Pharisees were gathered together, Je...

Q: H^2 of symmetric group

Evan O'DorneyI'm a number theorist in need of some group cohomology lemmas, and I'm rather bewildered by the level of generality used in the literature. Specifically, the result I need is as follows: the restriction map $$ H^2(S_m, \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}) \to H^2(S_{m-1}, \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}) $$ is injec...

Q: How plausible is a Cryovenom?

Chromatic RealmsIn my science-fantasy world there is a creature that secretes a venom (called a cryovenom) whose proteins catalyze a spontaneous crystallization of the water inside the interstitial fluids and affected cells of the victim. The reaction is highly endothermic, so that the end result is that getting...

Q: Why aren’t there Seaplane AWACS?

User2334Why are there no seaplane AWACS? AWACS aircraft are excellent force multipliers, with their detection and networking capabilities. Due to basic geometry, they can allow a naval force to “see” beyond the horizon. However, they are often limited to operating off of a countries land bases, or in the...

Q: Removed wallpaper, what’s this underneath?

NickI’m new here. We recently bought a home built in 1984 and we’ve started removing all of the wallpaper. We noticed that underneath the wallpaper are patches of what looks like chipping paint and the wall is made of a hard white substance that almost sparkles and leaves a fine dust like residue whe...

Q: Inferences on ratio of branch means in randomized experiment

user1993951It's generally well known that the difference of means is an unbiased estimator of the Average Treatment Effect in randomized experiments: $\mathbb{E}[Y|A=1]-\mathbb{E}[Y|A=0]$ is unbiased for $\mathbb{E}[Y(1) - Y(0)]$ where $A\in{0,1}$ indicates treatment branch and $Y(1),Y(0)$ are the potential...

Q: Why do I measure different resistances in the same wire at different current levels?

Matthew CollierI've been doing some testing recently on the resistances of various pieces of aluminum for some applications. I've been measuring the resistances of these pieces by passing a constant current through the piece and measuring the voltage across the part. I also am taking temperature measurements of...

Q: Can every manifold be written as the union of two contractible open subspaces?

Smiley1000Let $n \in \mathbb{N}$ and $X$ be a connected $n$-manifold. Must there exist contractible open subsets $A, B \subseteq X$ with $A \cup B = X$? This question arose when toying around with the Seifert-Van Kampen Theorem.

Q: Notion of proof for first-order formulas with parameters

C7XWhen proof in first-order logic is formalized by the statement $T\vdash\phi$, it is required that $T$ is a set of sentences, i.e. formulas with no parameters. Gödel's completeness theorem states that if a sentence $\phi$ holds in all models of $T$, then $T\vdash\phi$. I am guessing that the lack ...

Q: What's the name of that famous economics paper that was written using only short words?

user47920Some time ago I came across a famous economics paper that was written using only very simple very short words. I cannot remember the exact criteria for choosing the words. All I remember is that almost all of the words were very common and very short (e.g. shorter than 5 letters). I think it was ...

Q: Why do we need seondary structure detection algorithms?

user366312There are many secondary structure prediction and assignment algorithms (e.g., DSSP, STRIDE, etc.) available. On the other hand, I see that PDB files have secondary structure information available in them. For example: the following are the lines from the PDB file 6jue.pdb: HELIX 1 AA1 GLY L ...

Q: Increase and decrease length of 2 sides of a Triangle while keeping third side's length and opposite angle constant constant

Vasile NebunuI need to find a math formula that will help me with this kind of problem. I need to use it on my game's player controller which will act as a flying/hover line on surface. Basically, what i want is that the endpoints of a moving line to rotate towards surface it is moving without; it needs to ke...

Q: Wiring broke off under hood — What did it do?

User19742010 Silverado 1500 This wire was hanging by a thread from the bolt circled in red (under the hood, below the windsheild, driver's side). The wire broke off when I touched it. What did the other end of the wire connect to? Was it important?

Q: What are these things in the wall of the spare room?

sg3333Thinking about making this small room into a guest room (maybe a window in the door or the wall, adding a bed, etc). Theres some knobs and pipes in one of the walls (2nd pic below) that I don't know what they are - can these be removed without any issues? https://imgur.com/qxpVHaR https://imgur.c...

Q: Taking an FFT of a signal that wraps around

Ayush AgrawalI have an embedded application that does some phase modulation and streams back the phase offsets it's applying over UDP. I now want to take the FFT to see the spectrum of the applied modulation. Since it's phase data, it wraps around $0$ and $2 \, \pi$, which gives me some spurs in my FFT. What'...

Q: Equivalent of describe-key for prefix keys?

JBentleydescribe-key works for complete keys. How can I instead describe a prefix key? For example, I'd like to be able to do something like this: M-x describe-prefix-key C-x And have it describe the keymap which C-x is bound to.

Q: Are the 0BSD and MIT-0 licenses public domain declarations?

curiousdanniiThe MIT-0 license begins with a copyright statement. MIT No Attribution Copyright <YEAR> <COPYRIGHT HOLDER> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restricti...

Q: naive C++ stack template class

JohnI just learned Adapter Pattern, and I have used STL for some time. I know that the std::stack is a adapter for sequence container (say, vector, list, etc,). So I try to implement a naive stack alike class. Here is the code snippet below. How to make it better? I have three main concerns. For temp...

Q: Sentence with a subordinate clause with a passive infinitival clause complement

JigsawI'm a linguist who knows some things about German, but I don't actually know German. I'm trying to come up with a very particular kind of example sentence for a syntax course I'm teaching. What I want is a sentence that has the following properties: It should have a subordinate clause. The subor...

Q: Why does the SERIALIZABLE transaction isolation level not guarantee point-in-time views of data?

J. MiniI have been told that if your transaction consists of multiple statements, then the SNAPSHOT transaction isolation level is the only way to guarantee consistent point-in-time views of data. Why is the SERIALIZABLE transaction isolation level inadequate for this task? By design, the locks that SER...

Q: Programmer vs target clock frequency

lemonI have a 16u2 programming a 1284P for a custom board I am building. The 16u2 converts USB to USART for programming the 1284P, however the 16u2 has a maximum frequency of 16MHZ while the 1284P has a maximum frequency of 20MHZ. I am aiming to use the 20MHZ crystal with the 1284P. Does the target de...

1 hour later…
Q: How should I discuss the idea of a 6th year with my PhD advisor?

xion3582I am a PhD student in mathematics, finishing up my 4th year. I am meeting with my advisor early next week, and we will discuss my plan for next year (my 5th year). I see my plan as depending on whether or not I am staying for a 6th year. I would like to plan on a 6th year for now. I am wondering:...

Q: Rear cable length

No_namePark tools says "When determining housing length at the front of the bike, make sure there is enough housing to allow for sufficient rotational travel of the handlebars — about 90 degrees for road bars, and for MTB bars, as far as they will go if interrupted or 180 degrees if uninterrupted." Why ...

Q: Aliens with an extra-set of ears- any possible benefits?

king of panesWhile doing some concept drawings of an alien species for a project of mine I somehow wound up drawing a head with two sets of ears, one pair on the top of the head and the other lower with one on each side. I considered erasing the drawing and starting over but part of me decided to keep it as i...

Q: Is TQBF in CNF is still PSPACE-complete

ywang22THUTQBF(Totally Quantified Boolean Formula) is a PSPACE-complete question. I wonder that if it restricted to CNF is still PSPACE-complete. TQBF-CNF means that the part following the quantifier is a CNF. I tried to prove that TQBF can be reduced to TQBF-CNF but failed as it need an exponential time t...

Q: What does "a receipt for the money" mean?

Loviiicollinsdictionary.com: (1) I wrote her a receipt for the money. The preposition "for" confuses me. What does "for" mean here? What does "a receipt for the money" mean?

Q: Setting font face for \mathrm in math mode

mickmixRegarding my previous question (Setting multiple language environments in LaTeX) -which is about setting different fonts for multiple language environments, I have read answers from @cfr and @Davislor and decided to try them on my lecture notes. Though, Davislor's answer is exactly what I was loo...

Q: Question about amplitude of wave

Shantanu BinekarIs it always true that: $$\text{Incident Amplitude} = \text{Transmitted Amplitude} - \text{Reflected Amplitude}?$$

Q: How did the Austro-Hungarian Compromise (1867) solve Austria's insolvency and economic issues?

GMossAfter the Austro-Prussian War, Austria faced debt/financial issues, and they resorted to unification with Hungary. I do not understand how unification with another kingdom (Hungary) could solve the economic problems. I mean, did Hungary help pay down Austrian debt? Why would Hungary even agree to...

Q: Problem with drawing a commutative diagram

DibidusI am an experienced LaTeX user, and I have drawn many diagrams in my life. My trouble right now is (I will put up a full example) \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{tikz-cd} \begin{document} \[\begin{tikzcd} 1 \arrow{r}{\alpha_1} \arrow{d}{\beta_1} &...

Q: Comparison of 2 groups with covariate

user3315563I compared 2 groups and found that their test scores are significantly different. However, I also found that they are significantly different in the mean age. I want to see if the scores between the groups are still significantly different, after removing the effect of age. The correlation betwee...

Q: esxi virtual machine ’s storage usage exceed 30% than it was allocated

user3073309We allocated 0.2 + 10.98 T but the storage usage shows it use 14T why? 2 disks are both “Thin provisioned”

Q: Manga where the bespectacled main character meets a porter girl and gets trapped in a cave fighting a monster

ItachistanI know bits and pieces, so bear with me. The main character (MC) has black hair, bad eyesight, and wears glasses. He meets this porter girl who I think goes on about wanting to be strong and I think he says he’ll help. Another thing I remember is that the MC and the porter girl are in a cave figh...

Q: "for what it's worth — used to say that one/someone is not sure whether something one/someone is about to say will be helpful or valued"

Loviiimerriam-webster.com: (1) for what it's worth — used to say that one is not sure whether something one is about to say will be helpful or valued The word "one" seems a little awkward to me here. Wouldn't it be better if we used "someone" instead?: (2) for what it's worth — used to say that someone...

Q: Why does `dict(id=1, **{'id': 2})` sometimes raise `KeyError: 'id'` instead of a TypeError?

Waket ZhengNormally, if you try to pass multiple values for the same keyword argument, you get a TypeError: In [1]: dict(id=1, **{'id': 2}) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) Input In [1], in <...

Q: Can I open Neotree in the current window instead of a in a new one?

Oneechan69When I do a command like :Neotree reveal it opens it in a new window on the left, when I want to it to show in the current window and hide the buffer that was there.

Q: Is it possible to establish a shared secret over an untrusted unidirectional channel?

Wesley JonesIt there any way to, given a unidirectional channel, say a UDP messaging protocol, to derive a secret key and transmit information securely without prior knowledge of the other party? It sounds impossible, but maybe I am overlooking something. What if the sender was to construct some kind of non-...

Q: Is it reasonable for one country to have a majority of a planet's population?

Sam MoonMy planet only has about 25 million km2 of non-frozen land. Its population is about 4 billion, of which 2 billion lives in a single country. The closest real world equivalent I can find is Asia in 1850, when China had about 55% of the whole continent's population. Considering that my continent is...

Q: English pronunciation of Ancient Greek names

Simon BranchAre there any rules for converting Ancient Greek names into an English (borrowed) pronunciation? I'm imagining an algorithm of Ancient Greek letters → English IPA that would work in 90% or 80% of cases. I have noticed the following “rules” that seem to hold: Stress falls on the penultimate syll...

Q: Will installing a kernel mode driver onto a PC compromise the entire network it's connected to?

HC_At home, my personal PC and work computers all connect to the same network, via ethernet and WiFi. A video game on my personal PC is requiring an install of a "kernel mode driver." At the risk of asking the obvious, Can this compromise my other computers that share the same network? (They're oft...

Q: Why is true time delay beamforming more expensive to implement?

RajaKrishnappaFrom what I understand, PS beamforming applied a phase by multiplying the complex expontential ($e^{i\theta}$), while TTD applies a delay ($x(t-d)$) It makes sense that multiplying a complex number to a signal is simple/inexpensive (PS beamforming) but why is applying a delay complex/expensive?

Q: According to Protestant Theology is there any ‘common denial’ that would group all heretical forms of Christianity under one?

MikeI know there are many splinters of different churches after the reformation, some that seem to be different kinds of Christians and some that seem to be opposed to the previous Christians, while still taking the name ‘Christian’. Of all these false splinters (as viewed by the originals) they also...

Q: Exercise about Order statistics from uniform distribution

MLeI'm trying to solve an exercise about order statistics. The exercise is the following: Let $U_{(1)}< \ldots <U_{(n)}$ be the order statistics from Uniform distribution U(0,1). Show that $(-\log[U_{(r)}/U_{(r+1)}]^r) \overset{\underset{\mathrm{d}}{}}{=}Z_{n-r+1}$ where $Z_1, Z_2, \ldots ,Z_n$ are...

Q: When and how did the definition of continuity in terms of function's oscillation come into picture?

tryst with freedomIn this Wikipedia article, it is described how the oscillation of a function can be used to characterize the function having a limit. So, we say a function is continuous at a point when if its oscillation at the point is zero. Historically, where does this definition come from? and what was the m...

Q: No response for a command

Kumara SenadheeraI've been using Ubuntu 24.04 on VirtualBox 7.0.16 on Windows 10 for only 3 days now. I've used several commands on a terminal and they worked fine. But "who am i" gave no response. But "grep [username] /etc/passwd/ has given the expected response. Why not "who am i"?

Q: Synonym for "turn around" in the given context?

MaxConsider the phrase, My English used to be bad, however, between 2012-2015, I lived with American roommates and conversed with them in English. That's when the turn-around came. Can somebody recommend similar phrases/words to turn-around in this context? I checked a thesaurus but I am not satis...

1 hour later…
Q: Extraterrestrial organisms similar to humans and design

mcc1789If we ever confirm that intelligent extraterrestrial organisms similar to ourselves are living on other planets, is that a fact which would make our being designed along with them more probable? For instance, let's say they not only have equal or greater intelligence, but body plans (e.g. one hea...

Q: The numbering of an equation does not show up

AkiraI have a tex file % \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{mathtools,amssymb,amsthm,enumitem,tcolorbox,fullpage,microtype,multirow} \usepackage{showkeys} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[mathscr]{eucal} \usepackage[hypertexnames=false]{hyperref} \hypersetup{ c...

Q: Increasing sequences and Wieferich primes

joroWe are trying to show that primes of the form $a(n)$ can't be Wieferich primes. For natural $n$ define $J(n)=(2^{n-1}-1) \bmod n^2$ and if $n$ is power of two define $J(2^n)=1$ (this is artificial, just to avoid triviality and by $\bmod$ we mean take the smallest residue modulo $n^2$). Prime $p$ ...

Q: Find rate of convergence of two sequence

ArpitConsider the following two sequences $<a_n>$ and $<b_n>$ given by $a_n = \frac1{(n+1)} + \frac1{(n+2)} + \frac1{(n+3)} + ......\frac1{(2n)}$ and $b_n= \frac1n$. Which of the following statements is true? (a) $<a_n>$ converges to $\log 2$ and has the same convergence rate as the sequence $<b_n>$....

Q: Extracting a subsequence Cesàro converging to the limsup of the Cesàro sums

Nate RiverLet $X_n$ be a sequence of uniformly bounded random variables — that is, there exists some $K > 0$ such that $|X_n| \leq K$ almost surely for all $n \in \mathbb N$. Write $\bar X_N := \frac{1}{N} \sum_{n = 1}^N X_n$, and $Y := \limsup_{N \to \infty} \bar X_N$. Question: Does there exist some sub...

Q: Is there a word other than "grave" for a burial place?

TevildoIs there a term which means specifically "hole in the ground in which one might expect to find a dead body"? I'm looking for a word parallel to "tomb" or "sarcophagous" or "mausoleum", but which refers to a hole in the ground rather than a building or structure. "Grave" implies there actually i...

Q: Proof That Two Tangents Can Be Drawn from a Point Outside a Circle

Oth SI am studying the properties of circles and came across a standard geometric principle that states two tangents can be drawn from any external point to a given circle. While I understand the principle intuitively, I would like to delve deeper into the geometric proof of this concept. Here is my c...

Q: Circuitikz - Label for component duplicated

BoomerangHunterI'm trying to recreate a small part of a circuit diagram for a lab report. I'm still a beginner to circuitikz and making tikz diagrams in general, but I think I'm starting to wrap my ahead around creating basic circuits. I've made the following diagram which has everything set out as I want, but ...

Q: The Canaanite in Gen 12:6

Olajide JattoThe Bible says 'And the Canaanite was in the land' in Gen 12:6. Is this referring to a specific person or this is just a linguistic error in translation that is meant to refer to the group of people.

Q: About countif but ignore empty cells with formulas in it

Yu Lun CHENI've tried different solutions from Google but none worked. I want to extract the most frequently occurring text from a column. I was trying the following formula but it only returns a blank cell which of course would the most frequently occurring value: =let(range,IR8:IR,unique(filter(range,coun...

Q: How to only print odd characters of a string in terminal?

d9ngleLet's say I have a file with content "hheelllloo" and I want to clean it up and get "hello", how do I do this in bash? echo "hheelllloo" | <?>

Q: Book series set after a nuclear war - sickly hacker genius and an Amazonian goth battle-priestess/nun

dnaurgdePost nuclear war. Set in London, but it isn't called London it is called the Metrozone or something. The protagonist is a sickly hacker genius who swears in Russian or something. He has a wrist mounted terminal called a RAT? The main female character is an Amazonian goth battle-priestess/nun. The...

Q: Wrong representation of the field of an axially magnetized ring magnet floating on the internet?

Markoul11I always thought that the field of a short length axially magnetized ring magnet resembles this illustration here of Fig. 1 similar to the magnetic field of a single current loop: Fig.1 Axial Ring Magnet Field Red is the North pole face of the magnet and blue the South pole. I was lately surpris...

Q: When embedding Einstein bot in an external site, an error No targetElement specified occurs

PatlatusWhen embedding Einstein bot in an external site, an error No targetElement specified occurs because embeddedservice_bootstrap.settings.targetElement is null How this can be fixed?

Q: Can there be interference drag in inviscid flow?

Dwight SchruteI understand that interference drag is the difference between the terms: the total drag of a configuration, and the sum of the individual drags of the components in the configuration. (It exists due to flow field interactions) So if we assume a non lift generating configuration and components at...

Q: What are the tool proficiencies for the Urban Bounty Hunter background?

svenemaI'm fairly proficient in English, but struggle to figure out what the intended tool proficiency selection is in the "Urban Bounty Hunter" background out of the Sword Coast Adventure's Guide (page 153). My gut instinct says it's B, but I remain uncertain. The Tool Proficiencies entry reads: "Choo...

Q: Pattern matching when decode Bencode. Problems with pattern name and nested pattern

李子涵I am writing a Mathematica function to import *.torrent files as Expression. The encoding used in *.torrent files are called Bencode. You can get more information on Wikipedia. Here are some examples: Bencode Expression "i-42e" -42 "3:abc" "abc" "l4:hashi99ee" {"hash", 99} "d6:length...

Q: How to recover files deleted / removed by autofs?

Trying My BestI wanted to automatically mount a directory in my home directory, so I attempted to use autofs for this resulting in autofs removing everything in my home directory. The setup was something like auto.master: /home/my-user auto.my-user auto.my-user: # Mount points for the media folder external-m...

Q: Light doesn't show in viewport

arinaI followed a YouTube tutorial and now have problem with lighting. I can't see it on my model. Dimension on Z axis is 0.75, so model isn't big. I've tried to increase intensity, it didn't help. Nodes in shading: Without light With light

Q: Producing defective matrix examples

Jeremy BrazasIt's easy to come up with examples of interesting diagonalizable matrices $A\in M_n(\mathbb{C})$ with a prescribed set of eigenvalues $\lambda_1,\dots,\lambda_n$ because you can start with your diagonal matrix $\Lambda=diag(\lambda_1,\dots,\lambda_n)$ and conjugate it by your favorite invertible ...

Q: Role of a resistor in a specific, simple circuit

balui am currently reading "make:electronics" from Charles Platt. On page 129 in Figure 3-87 i found a circuit, which i have reconstructed in the following image: The circuit is supposed to do the following: If the switch SW1 is open, transistor T1 should close and the LED should light up. If the sw...

Q: fatal error: bsd/string.h: No such file or directory

chipichippichappachapppaAccording to the answer I need to include -lbsd to the gcc command. But I have no idea where I am supposed to insert it here. I'm using Ubuntu 24.04, Linux vivobook16-m1605xa-mb089 6.8.0-31-generic #31-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Sat Apr 20 00:40:06 UTC 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux. Here is...

Q: The status of Ayer's genuine propositions

PsionmanIn the preface to the first edition of Language, Truth and Logic Ayer states ... I divide all genuine propositions into two classes: those which ... concern 'relations of ideas' and those which concern 'matters of fact'. This assertion is, in his terms, neither analytic nor verifiable. What the...

Q: how to draw circle touching two other circles near intersection

Thierry BlancI want to draw a circle with a given radius so that it touches two other bigger circles near their intersection. I am using the tkz-euclide package but could not figure out this case. The code below creates the two circles and guesses the point for the 3rd circle. \documentclass[a4paper]{article...

Q: Quake 1 access to video memory who DirectX/OpenGL

black4I have WinQuake.exe game file. I compiled it myself from source. I have a question - in software mode (without DirectX/OpenGL) what method (function) is used to access video memory? I know, for example, the DrawDibDraw() WinAPI function, but I didn’t find it in the code.

Q: Detecting sudo use without logs

Cort AmmonIs there any way to positively identify that sudo is being used to execute a command other than to identify the logs? I phrase this in the present tense because I would like to make a command fail if it detects that someone else is using sudo to change users to run a command. I've been looking a...

Q: Is invariance under rescaling of the Lagrangian lost during quantization?

TopoLynchIn classical mechanics, a field theory can be described by a lagrangian involving the field and its derivatives, $\mathcal{L}=\mathcal{L}(\phi,\,\partial\phi,\,t).$ The equations of motion for the field can be obtained by means of the Euler-Lagrange equations, $$ \partial_\mu\frac{\partial\mathca...

Q: Infinite Set of Naturals in Forcing Extension

alvoiJust a random doubt that came up while talking to a friend. Assume we have some forcing $\mathbb P$ that behaves pretty nicely, so for example we can assume it doesn't collapse $\omega_1$, it doesn't collapse $\mathbb R$, and if we call $G$ a generic for $\mathbb P$ then $\mathcal P(\omega)^V\sub...

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