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Q: Why plane cannot be weight painted?

user123511Can someone please explain to me why those two identical planes behave differently? Plane 1 can be weightpainted, while Plane 0 can't. I appended those planes from an important project file I am working on and deleted all the vertex groups, modifiers, color attributes, geo-scatter system, etc. So...

Q: Why is my hydrogen energy not equal to -0.5 hartrees?

nkamI'm trying to calculate the HOMO of various molecules in water solution. I first tried to see how PySCF calculates the HOMO of hydrogen. I ran the following code: mol_h = pyscf.gto.M(atom = 'H 0 0 0', spin = 1, basis = 'ccpvdz') rks_h = mol_h.ROKS(xc = 'b3lyp') rks_h.kernel() rks_h.analyze(verbos...

Q: Categories that admit all products but not all coproducts

Yilmaz CaddesiWhat are examples for categories that admit all products but not all coproducts.

Q: Short story. If I were a M........... The word begining M is an alien race on a planet where a few humans are living too

Judith JonesThe title might have started "If you were a M*" I read this story about 2015 but it seemed to be written some decades earlier. A small number of human men are living on a planet inhabited by an intelligent alien race. After the humans arrive many of the alien children born look very like the indi...

Q: Should I use beta readers before or after giving my manuscript to a developmental editor?

Nuada AirgetlámI completed the first draft of my debut novel, now split into three books, and enlisted a developmental editor for refinement. I'm deliberating the ideal timing to involve beta readers in the process. One option is to engage beta readers before the developmental editing phase. I seek their compre...

Q: Jacobi symbols for two-square sums of primes

Roland BacherGiven a prime $p\equiv 1\pmod 4$, Fermat's two-squares theorem discovered by Girard states that there exists two integers $A,B$ such that $p=A^2+B^2$. For all primes up to $10^7$ the integers $A$ and $B$ are squares modulo $p$ if $p\equiv 1\pmod 8$ and they are fourth powers modulo $p$ if $p\equi...

Q: Align :=, =, and =: symbols

postylemWhat is the best way to get the symbols \coloneq, =, and \eqcolon (provided by package mathtools) to align in a nice way (so the equals part of each is aligned) in an align environment? I can get the first two to align nicely by putting the & afterward and using an empty field to get the mathrel ...

Q: Does the existence of humans increase the plausibility of other kinds of designers?

Baby_philosopherThis is a question that I’ve been trying to wrap my head around that can be best illustrated as an example. SETI is a project that tries to monitor radio signals to detect extraterrestrial intelligence. It tries to detect certain sequences of prime numbers for example. If we did detect them, it m...

Q: Unable to use dvisvgm when l3draw drawing contains scoped box

Jasper HabichtI found a strange issue when experimenting with dvisvgm trying to create SVG files from DVI files. I found that if I append a box (or a coffin) to a drawing created with the l3draw package and this box (or coffin) is inside a scope, the DVI created via a run of latex cannot be converted to an SV...

Q: If an edge e doesn't belong to any mst, then what can we say about e?

CSstudentI'm trying to prove a statement "given a graph G=(V,T) and that no cycle C exists that contains only edge "e" and other edges that their weight is smaller than that of "e", prove that "e" must be in some mst". I tried to proof by contradiction, but I'm not sure what I can say about "e" when it ne...

Q: Number of surjective functions with given property

Stevineon Let $n \in \mathbb{N}, n \geq 2$ and $M = \{1, 2, \ldots, n\}$. Show that there are more than $2^n$ surjective functions $f : \mathcal{P}(M) \rightarrow \{0, 1, \ldots, n\}$ such that $f(A) \leq f(B)$ for all $A \subseteq B \subseteq M$. ($\mathcal{P}(M)$ is the power set of $M$) My first thoug...

Q: Doubt in understanding the use of Uhlmann's Theorem in BB84 security proof

HypnoticZebraI was going through the security proof of the BB84 protocol by Dr. Ramona Wolf https://youtu.be/211YsP6PxCU?feature=shared. I am having trouble following the equation (used at 8:53) for the fidelity, \begin{align*} F(\rho_{ABE},\left|\phi\right\rangle ^{\otimes m}\otimes\sigma_{E})= & F(\rho_{AB}...

Q: Can't work out why faces are wrong colour

HabaderaI have an object which I have applied a single material to with a yellow base colour. The object is definitely not yellow (see screenshot). I can't work out why. There are no other items or materials in the hierarchy. I've tried searching through many settings but no luck. I just can't work o...

Q: 135mm rear hub with QR on 130mm rear dropout spacing on older aluminum frame MTB

E2R0NSProblem: I had a rear wheel built to 135mm, but the frame is 130mm. The frame is an older aluminum MTB frame. I assumed it was 135mm rear dropout spacing (being a mountain bike) when ordering the new wheel and Shimano QR hub, but I should not have assumed. The plan is for a 2x7 friction setup, w...

Q: Using DND maps in my indie game (as a reference)

CanovichI've been considering using existing D&D battle maps for a commercial indie game I'm developing(i will use them as reference. I will create same layout with my own assets). I want to ensure that this practice is respectful to the original creators and the community. Could you advise on the ethica...

Q: How large is large for direct solvers?

timurLet us say I want to solve a large sparse linear system. It is said that iterative solvers should be better than direct solvers in this case. But how large is large? What is the exact threshold beyond which I must use iterative solvers? A thousand by thousand matrix? A million by million matrix? ...

Q: PTIJ: Can a Cohen go into a room with 60 or more sleeping people?

Rabbi KaiiThis is a question I heard in yeshiva: if sleep is a sixtieth of death: שינה אחד מששים למיתה (Brochot 57b) ... then is a Cohen, who may not be in a room with a cadaver, allow into a room where 60+ people are sleeping? This question is Purim Torah and is not intended to be taken completely seri...

Q: What is the regurgitation process?

Sébastien Le CallonnecAfter a long time fighting with an \uppercase in a \csname ... \endcsname, I came across this post that mentions the argument being “regurgitated,” which means that to capitalize a control sequence, you need to do: \uppercase{\expandafter\gdef\csname #1}#2\endcsname which makes no sense to me. W...

Q: It is coming soon!

PDTWhat would be great right now? (The answer is a phrase)!

Q: Give two points with the most similar distances to the origin

SimdConsider an \$(n+1) \times (n+1) \$ grid of points places at non-negative integer coordinates. Given two points in the grid at \$(a, b)\$ and \$(c, d)\$, we know that the distance of the first point to the origin at \$(0, 0)\$ is \$x = \sqrt{a^2 + b^2}\$ and the distance of the second point to t...

Q: Log scale of y-axis is still very small

MehdiI am trying to use LogPlot of Mathematica to rewrite only y-axis (not x-axis) of the plot as log scale. But the y-axis is still very small. By the following code r[a_] := 324/25 Exp[-(( 2 (3 - a) (3 + a) (((-(1/4) + (-3 + a)/( 2 (3 + a))) (1 + ( 2 (3 + a))/(-3 + a)))/(3 + a)))/( 3 (...

Q: if_exist macros in LaTeX 3: what are they doing if they do not check the type of things they are supposed to check?

VincentIn the documentation of interface3, for several macros with the pattern xxxx_if_exist for xxxx being bool, str, seq and many others the following appear: Tests whether the <boolean> is currently defined. This does not check that the <boolean> really is a boolean variable. Tests whether the <st...

Q: Java alternative for Kivy (cross-platform material design GUI framework)

Michael AltfieldIs there a Kivy alternative in Java? In the past, I've used Kivy to design cross-platform GUI apps in python. I like Kivy because it's: Cross-platform. One app runs on Linux, Windows, MacOS, Android, and iOS Responsive. Apps look good on small phone screens and big desktop screens Material Desig...

Q: Is there a system option to make Mathematica generate syntax error when reading code from file which has RED syntax warning in frontend?

NasserI type some equations from text books into database, which later read from Mathematica to solve. Since I do this manually, sometimes I make mistakes where I type Exp(2*x) instead of Exp[2*x] or type Sin(2*x) instead of Sin[2*x] and so on. The problem is that when reading this code into Mathemati...

Q: Subsets with Trivial topology

Martin and FriendsI was thinking about the trivial topology, in which the only open sets are $X$ and $\emptyset$, where $X$ is the entire space we are working in. My doubt is: are all the subset of $X$ compact and connected? I understand that they are all closed, since the only open sets are $X$ and $\emptyset$. B...

Q: Is it safe to connect AC earth to DC negative?

SajjSammI'm going to use a switching mode power supply in a product. When I use no earth connection in the input, the metallic body of the PSU gives a little electric shock. (it has ~70V AC with reference from my fingers.) But whenever I connect the earth connection to the input this residual voltage dis...

Q: Is there any benefit in allowing foreign lobbying in a country?

Sayaman Despite calling for a ban on foreign lobbying, in which Americans lobby lawmakers and the public for foreign interests, Republican 2024 presidential hopeful Nikki Haley has raised tens of thousands of dollars in political donations from foreign lobbyists, disclosure reports show. The U.S. ambass...

Q: Did Jesus want John to reference Isaiah 35:4-6, and recognize the miracles as proof of His divinity?

ray grantMiracle Working "God" John was near the end of his life, siting nervously in Herod's prison. He was wondering if he had made a mistake in seeing Jesus as the one he was to be the "forerunner" of. So he sent two disciples to ask Jesus: Now when John had heard in the prison the works of Christ, he...

Q: Leaving US via land border with expired visa/ESTA: What if you can't enter?

PacerierThis question is about getting out of the US by land. Has anyone with a valid destination visa/visa-free ever been refused land entry into Canada/Mexico? It appears that border guards can refuse people entry at the border for whatever discretionary/discriminatory reason. In that case, what happen...

Q: How come there is no portrait of Legendre?

CroquetaBesides the famous cartoon, of course, there seems to be no portrait of Legendre. Legendre is well regarded nowadays and he was also quite influential at his time, for example, Jacobi and Abel praised him. Furthermore, he came from a wealthy family. So it is surprising to me that there is no actu...

Q: Why policy improvement theorem can't be applied in case of function approximation?

Samuel KrempaskyPolicy improvement theorem is proven as following: $$v_\pi(s) = \sum_{a \in A} \pi(a|s)q_\pi(a,s) \leq \max_{a \in A} q_\pi(a,s) = q_\pi(\pi'(s), s)$$ What step of the proof does not hold for function approximation?

Q: Do northern areas in Pakistan have electricity and Internet?

user366312Do these towns or valleys in Pakistan's northern areas have electricity and the Internet?

Q: What is the difference between 楽天 and 楽観?

Andrew FanWhen looking through jisho.org after reading some NHK News Easy articles, I came across 楽観{らっかん}, which seems to imply optimism in terms of outlook. However, 楽天{らくてん} also carries the definition of optimism, but I'm not quite sure what the difference between the two is other than the fact that Ra...

Q: Can 42 1x2x4 cuboids be packed into a 7x7x7 cube?

mathlanderCan 42 1x2x4 cuboids be packed into a 7x7x7 cube without cutting any of them? Assume that all cuboids have their axes parallel to the axes of the big cube. I tried using https://www.jaapsch.net/puzzles/polysolver.htm but it didn't find any answer quickly enough. I also tried various coloring tech...

Q: May sick Jews wait less for meat and dairy

KirkAccording to Halacha is there any leniency for sick Jews to wait less time between meat and dairy or no? Not in a situation of pikuach nefesh but just of general health and wellness?

Q: Ephesians 4: can women have title of pastor; is it sacrilegious to call a modern day American, “Apostle”

JeffWe are relocating. Our priority is to find a fellowship. One we visit had females called pastors and their leader was called apostle. We’re uncomfortable with this. As we like the church, can we reconcile these titles biblically? Eph 4:11-13 - And it was He who gave some to be apostles, some to ...

Q: Other Darshanas which are Vaidika other than Shad-Darshana?

HaridasaOr their other Vaidik Darshanas which aren't defined in Shad-Darshana?

Q: Extension Problem from Axler's "Linear Algebra Done Right," 1.C, Problem 13. (p25)

koala13How can one prove/disprove this argument for an arbitrary number $n$ of subspaces? Let $F$ be a field such that $2 = 1+1$ in $F$ has a multiplicative inverse. Prove or disprove that for subspaces $U_1, U_2, ... U_n$ of a vector space $V$ over $F$, $$U_1 \cup U_2 \cup... U_{n-1} \cup U_n$$ is a s...

Q: 谈的谈,说的说 - what is the subject?

河南宝宝小城故事 (Small Town Stories) by the incomparable Deng Lijun has the following lyrics: 谈的谈,说的说 小城故事真不错! I get the sense that the exact translation of 谈的谈 etc is not important compared to the next line, but I'm curious how to understand and translate this. Is it referring to the stories themselves,...

Q: Is there evidence that Biden administration policies are encouraging undocumented immigration?

Brian ZMy question is similar to a closed one from five years ago, but I think it's worth revisiting and expanding on as a lot has changed since then. I'd also like to focus more narrowly on the actions of President Biden's' administration. Republicans are currently making this a top election issue, put...

Q: Punctuation Breakdown: Examining Commas in a Sentence

Noor NizarI'm hoping to get a breakdown of the punctuation in the following sentence: "It has a wider-reaching impact because, arguably, in addition to being of use to vehicle owners, it also benefits the public commuting system." Specifically, I'd like to understand the purpose of each comma and the gramm...

Q: "Do you have planned" vs "Have you planned"

ForOU So, what exactly do you have planned for your little jaunt up north? https://www.spanishdict.com/examples/jaunt?lang=en I think the above sentence should be expressed as follows: So, what exactly have you planned for your little jaunt up north? Is there something I don't understand well?

Q: multipy earths orbital speed with Square root of 2

RobertEarths escape velocity is 11.18km/s If I multipy earths orbital speed with Square root of 2 29.7827 km/s x 1.41 = 42.11 How is this speed called? I found this equation in an old german meteor book, but I don´t understand.

1 hour later…
Q: Remove first \tcbline in tcolorbox environment if there is no preceding text

kabaI'm trying to define my own proof environment where I have division of the proof into steps. I use tcolorbox to wrap the proof environment, and the steps are separated with \tcbline*. However, before that, I also redefine the proof environment to get rid of the "Proof:" prefix. \documentclass{art...

Q: What game is this person playing from a suitcase in this Tiktok video?

Reuben PottsWhat is the name of this game that this person is playing in this Tiktok video? An image taken from the video can be found below:

Q: GN: How can I check if the length of the materials list is longer than my current list and then add one to material index?

Megan LoveI come from this thread with a dilemma that I don't know how to properly solve and have presented a minimal reproducible example. Apparently it is expected behavior that Volume to Mesh node will add a hidden Empty Material that is white by default. So if you have 3 materials on your object, you w...

Q: How can a number be transformed into the form of an exponent with a specified base plus or minus a number?

csn899This number is: 9631218335423173696015738454064712512625486454282845268288357683278517\ 4664461287537804846201905350278880351665383273421210406896920475128576\ 4221918179043624419894139984279754512017898273159626328827668380262481\ 22086501773126780260091537518317926438065116542136777356394790339...

Q: Combinations probability question leads to two different answers

Wildcat09I'm confused why my two approaches are leading to different answers. Assume you have an audience of size A and some ad impressions to serve them denoted B. Assignment is independent for each ad. ETA: Each ad is served to one person only, and each person may get several ads. Assume $B \geq A$. Que...

Q: Can 60Hz notch filter remove inteference current on input leads in high impedance electrodes?

JtlIn a bioamplifier. Interference current on the leads can interact with the electrodes impedance giving rise to voltages at the differential input. My question is, can a 60Hz notch filter in the software remove it or is capacative coupling/interference current a separate phenomenon from the putpos...

Q: If God is non physical, doesn’t He then become unneeded as a cause?

Baby_philosopherIf God does physical things, those physical things presumably have preceding physical causes. Eventually, one of those physical causes will have a non physical cause that will be God Himself or will eventually lead up to God at the beginning. But there will be nothing before God in this causal ch...

Q: Dimming LEDs with MOSFET circuit causes low voltage devices to fail

Phil KlitscherI am a rookie with electronics and have an issue that is beyond me. To set the scene. I have a number of custom-made circuit boards all performing different tasks as a part of some automation I am doing. Each circuit board has it's own ESP32 microcontroller that interfaces with whatever circuit i...

Q: Filling a buffer with a repeating pattern of N bytes

Vortex 2728182818My program will clear the screen to a 24bit RGB color; in other words, it will fill a buffer with a repeating pattern of 3 bytes. So I wrote patternMemcpy to perform this operation efficiently*. It works by doubling the size of each memcpy. // Fills a buffer with a repeating pattern of N bytes in...

Q: delete using command in terminal mode of nvim

IrisIn terminal mode, commands like d or dd are not applicable for deleting texts. I think this would be useful since it is common to edit a command line. For example, if I open a terminal vim :term and type some command someCommand someArg1 someArg2 and then realize I messed up the order of argument...

Q: Why can an aarch64 ELF executable be run on an x86_64 machine?

Ys ChoI compiled a simple "Hello World" C program on Raspberry Pi 3, which was then transferred to an AMD64 laptop. Out of curiosity, I executed it, and it runs even though I did not expect it to: $ uname -a Linux 15ud490-gx76k 6.5.0-25-generic #25~22.04.1-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Tue Feb 20 16:09:15...

Q: Why are cylinders more aerodynamic than spheres?

WyattWhy are cylinders more aerodynamic than spheres? Say you have a cylinder falling vertical that has rounded ends. Now remove the cylinder part. Now you’re left with a sphere but without the skin friction of the cylinder. Where am I going wrong? (This is also one of the reasons bullets are cylinder...

Q: Manifest Mind: Does Wizard have awakened Spellbook Vision on Reactions

noralfPlayer wizard was hidden behind pillar and had the Awakened Spellbook out in play. Monster cast Hypnotic Pattern on multiple party members. Player attempted to counterspell from behind the pillar. With counterspell and no vision, the casting shouldn't work. Player argued that they can see through...

Q: Will Brokerage Be Concerned If I Swap ("Churn") Between Two Positons on a Monthly Basis?

AA040371Disregarding the "Why?" or potential brokerage/trading fees, please consider the following scenario: I have two positions, A and B. I have $100,000 in position A at the beginning of the month. I sell all of position A at end of week 1. I then use those funds to buy equivalent $ amount in position...

Q: Kosovo visa enquiry

Gaurav TapariaIndian passport holder. Are you exempt for Kosovo visa if you have a valid UK multi entry tourist visa? I cannot find this information. Please assist.

Q: present simple with how long

LeroyI have always taught my students to use Perfect tenses, primarily Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous, in sentences that answer the question "how long?, and, most importantly, NOT to use Present Simple in these cases. However, I, of course, keep stumbling upon examples from native spea...

Q: VertexLabels and EdgeLabels of Graph

Emad kareemI am using a graph function, and I want to get a specific result to install the locations of the names VertexLabels and EdgeLabels. Graph[{1 -> 2, 1 -> 3, 2 -> 3, 3 -> 2, 3 -> 4, 2 -> 4}, VertexCoordinates -> {{.0, 0}, {.3, .2}, {0.3, -.2}, {.6, 0}}, EdgeStyle -> Black, VertexStyle -> White, ...

Q: Where does the negative sign disappear?

Quin Gardiner BaxThe defining equation for simple harmonic motion is such $$a=-ω^2x$$ When we find the centripetal acceleration of an object in orbit we use the formula $$a=ω^2r$$ As a consequence of the accleration being $\frac{v^2}{r}$ The two formulas for acceleration look extremely similiar, and displacement ...

Q: Bevel : How to reproduce the model profile

WilcarI'm modeling a beveled niche based on this model. I'm beveling, but I can't find the right custom profile to reproduce the model.

Q: Finding Cumulative Distribution Function of weighted data

IlikI have census tract data where each row holds the population size and a variable value (e.g., income). I want to plot the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the TRUE population, i.e., accounting for the population size in each tract. So if my data has ~3000 census tracts, the entire popula...

Q: How to write (x - 1)^2 + (y + 2)^2 + (z - 5)^2 - 25 = 0 has the form x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - 2*x + 4*y - 10*z + 5 = 0?

Thuy NguyenWith Maple, I tried expand((x - 1)^2 + (y + 2)^2 + (z - 5)^2 - 25 = 0); and got With Mathematica, I tried Expand[(x - 1)^2 + (y + 2)^2 + (z - 5)^2 - 25 == 0] I got 5 - 2 x + x^2 + 4 y + y^2 - 10 z + z^2 == 0 How can I get the result like result of Maple?

Q: For countries without written constitutions, what power does the judiciary have to control laws passed by government?

Ben CohenIn countries, such as the US, with written constitutions, courts can strike down laws they consider to be unconstitutional. For example, a law that prohibited people saying "hello" would be struck down in the US court system for violating the first amendment which includes the right to freedom of...

Q: Reproducing Heinrich Heidersberger's Rhythmograms

eldoHeinrich Heidersberger (1906 - 2006) was born in Ingolstadt, Germany, and grew up in Austria. He studied architecture in Graz, which he abandoned in favor of art. From 1928 until 1931 he lived in Paris and studied painting at Fernand Leger’s École Moderne. There he became friends with many Surre...

Q: How small can maximal subgroups be?

Stefan KohlGiven a finite group $G$, let $p(G)$ denote the number of prime factors of the order of $G$ (counting multiplicities). Does there exist a function $f: \mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ which grows faster than $O(1)$ and such that for every finite group $G$ and every maximal subgroup $M$ of $G$ w...

Q: A stronger version of the Rosen’s subsequence theorem.

Vinay KarthikThe following question was asked in my combinatorics exam - “Let $n$ be a positive integer. Exhibit an arrangement of integers between $1$ to $n^2$ which has no increasing or decreasing subsequence of length $n + 1$.” This question has a very similar structure to the Rosen’s subsequence theorem, ...

Q: Does a pruned node have the same chainstate/ as the unpruned one? Does not seeing historical data impact transacting?

John SmithLet's assume that I have two identical clearnet-only Bitcoin Core nodes on the same ethernet LAN. I then moved 1BTC on the same day of October of 2021 to the Core Lightning wallets connected to those Bitcoin Core nodes and I then funded a private channel on the same day in each of those wallets....

Q: Should I include repeated code in my thesis appendix?

ChrisD91I'm writing up my PhD thesis and I'm not sure about the inclusion of some of the code I have written. I have a number of MATLAB scripts that I have included in the Appendix. The issue is that I have further scripts that are completely identical but use different variables. So the code is the same...

Q: Nikon D5000: Timelapse / night photography: why does auto exposure have a max of around 3 seconds?

MaaikeI am trying to make timelapses all day and night long using gphoto2. I am making a picture every 2 minutes. When looking to the results at night, I see very black pictures, sometimes there are some stars on it. When looking to the exposure, I see it has a max of 3 seconds (at ISO 1600). I set aut...

Q: Incorrect formula on Wikipedia?

ssvvThere might be an incorrect formula mentioned in the article Kronecker delta on Wikipedia. The formula I'm talking about is this: $\delta_{nm}=\lim_{N\rightarrow\infty}\frac{1}{N}\sum_{k=1}^Ne^{2\pi i\frac{k}{N}\left(n-m\right)}$ After I simplified this formula (the right side), because I saw tha...

Q: Estimation of a uniform distribution corrupted by Gaussian noise

matteogostProblem definition I have a dataset composed by $m$ observations $y^{(1)},\dots,y^{(m)} \in \mathbb{R}^2$ generated as follow \begin{equation*}\begin{aligned} y &= z + v \newline z & \sim\mathcal{U}([a,b]) \newline v & \sim\mathcal{N}(0_{2\times1}, \sigma_v^2 I_2) \end{aligned} \end{equation*} h...

Q: Wiring for a smart switch

CheetahI've got a Smart Switch which sits behind a standard dumb rocker. My issue is that I have the loop going through the switch rather than the ceiling rose. This has confused me and I can't seem to get the wiring correct. I have 3xLive and 3xNeutral. 1 Live/Neutral pair is to the ceiling rose, 1 is...

Q: Nontrivial invariant transformations for heat equations

AliIt is well known that if $u$ is a harmonic function on $\mathbb R^2$ then its Kelvin transform defined by $$ v(r,\theta) = u(\frac{1}{r},\theta)$$ is also harmonic for $r>0$. Note that the Kelvin transform is defined in all dimensions but I stated it in dimension two for simplicity. My question i...

Q: How to make this complex gradient shape?

Josh Appel Hey guys looking to make this nice flowing abstract gradient. I love how it blurs out like butter. Seen a lot like this but haven't figured it out on blender yet

Q: How Does the Ramban Deal with לֹֽא־תֹ֥הוּ בְרָאָ֖הּ?

GratefulDIsaiah 45 states in part: לֹֽא־תֹ֥הוּ בְרָאָ֖הּ לָשֶׁ֣בֶת יְצָרָ֑הּ He did not create it (earth) for a waste, He formed it to be inhabited ... But per the Ramban, the verb ברא means to create something from nothing. There is only one thing that was created from nothing - תהו. ... ואין אצלנו בל...

Q: Is there an archive of photos shot by astronauts on the ISS?

HobbesMany astronauts on the ISS take photos which get published. Is there a single archive that contains all of these? I've done several searches, but I only come across small collections e.g. on the Flickr page of individual astronauts.

Q: Who qualifies for free admission to the Louvre?

Sadig AlipashayevI'm a student in Germany and I have a student visa but I don't have a residence permit yet. Am I eligible to get into the Louvre for free?

Q: How execution time of code instructions influences signal between Arduino and DHT11?

Artur KrushI am exemining code for DHT11 from CircuitGeeks, variant without using lib. The problem is a mismatch between DHT11/DHT22 protocol and signals, which are read from sensor in scetch. Despite this, sketch is working and I would like to find out how. #define DHT11_PIN 12 unsigned long TON_TIME = ...

Q: Sharpening and Enhancing a 3D Scan Object's Detail

c0ntr07A Blender newbie here. I have an object that was scanned which has some raised details. How can I enhance those details? I am looking to sharpen the edges and raise the various levels to make then more clear when printing. The goal is to make the details really pop and be more obvious then they ...

Q: callouts direction

BROKI m lost with the callouts and the pointers directions I have read documentation unfortunately it was hard to understand for me, \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage[table,xcdraw,dvipsnames,svgnames,x11names]{xcolor} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{fontawesome5} \usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric,s...

Q: Can bad thing happen to devotee of god?

riverIf a person is complete bhakt of god. That is he always remembers god , always keep thinking about god in any situation. Can bad thing happen to such a person ? (Obviously due to bad karma committed by him in the past) Or Is he always protected ?

Q: How can you animate a roll of tablecloth flying out of the backpack?

ferumHow can you animate a roll of tablecloth flying out of the backpack? After the flight it should be laid out on the table. I'm trying to combine these two tutorials, you can see at the link, but it doesn't work. How can I solve this? https://youtu.be/rngJtuoC88c?si=V-5wCd0hhMeju1jn https://youtu.b...

Q: Phase response of non-symmetric FIR filters

DeepaFIR filters are said to have linear phase when the filter coefficients are symmetric or antisymmetric with respect to time instant n=0. I am trying to design a fractional FIR filter of group delay=1.7 using inbuilt function in Matlab,then the impulse response obtained is as follows [-0.0579 0.340...

Q: Star Trek Episode – Possible Time Travel or Alternative Timeline with No Federation

tired and bored devIn a Star Trek movie or TV episode, there is some sort of time travel or travel to an alternative timeline to Earth where they detect no Federation. But their sensors detect some Romulan ship activity at a distance (Possibly near Proxima Centauri). Could anyone please point out which movie or sea...

Q: The sick vs. The injured

JakeI'm not a native English speaker so I don't quite understand the nuance of these two words. When talking about various injuries of an individual or a group of people, which is the right word to use? To explain more, if a group of people are hurt because of an accident or physically hurt can you say

Q: Beginner Rust Todo app

DorukI am trying to use the practices that I have learnt from the rust book. Any advice is welcome. Please feel free to be as nitpicky as possible. use std::fmt; use std::io::{self, Write}; struct Item { name: String, done: bool, } impl fmt::Display for Item { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::F...

Q: Is it possible to sign Git commits on a different computer?

Danya02I'm doing some development work on an untrusted computer. I'd like to sign my commits I make from it, but I don't want my personal PGP key to touch this computer. Or maybe I'm using a PGP smart card and I can't present it to the computer because of a lack of smart card reader. Usually Git commit ...

Q: Can I hang a swing from a ceiling that is made from particle board and 2x2's? I want it to support an adult

CaitlinThis is a picture of my ceiling. I'm not constricted for space, so I could attach directly to one of the 2x2's

Q: View timestamps in human readable format

studentWhen I browse my ~.zsh_history I sometimes wish that the timestamps would be a human readable time format. Is there any mode for emacs that can view the timestamps in a human readable format (just viewing/overlaying, not changing the file). Sure I can do something like history -E 0 > hist_tmp; em...

Q: What are the risks of running a pre-SegWit Node (v12.1)?

WhoIsNinjaMany in the anti-spam faction have contemplated running a pre-SegWit node. But they're told that it is an insecure downgrade and a detrimental idea. So, Is it safe to assume that Bitcoin is not soft-fork backward compatible? What are the technical risks to the security of individual pre-SegWit n...

Q: When did the PC bus start slowing access to video RAM?

rwallaceThe PC architecture, from the original IBM PC onward, has always been designed around the idea that video memory will be on an expansion card. This was an unusual design decision; most 80s computers did not do it that way. It has advantages in terms of easier upgrades, but can have the disadvanta...

Q: How to calculate the true distance of the sun and the earth using skyfield?

Klaus RoheI'm trying to calculate the true distance between the sun and the Earth using skyfield. To estimate the distance at a time instance I use the barycentric coordinates of the sun and earth using the following Python code: eph = load('de440.bsp'); earth = eph['earth']; sun = eph['sun']; pos_earth = ...

Q: What video game is played in the movie “Drugstore June”?

galacticninjaIn the comedy film Drugstore June (2024), June’s (Esther Povitsky) brother, Jonathan (Brandon Wardell), is depicted engrossed in a first-person multiplayer team-based video game.  The player character is wielding a sci-fi/futuristic-looking gun. The game mode appears to be “capture the flag” or s...

Q: getting macro calls to indent correctly (like defun instead of functions) in common lisp code?

xdavidliuI'm editing a Common lisp (not elisp) source file; bottom right says (Lisp adoc [COMMON-LISP-USER sbcl]). I'm using slime, so I'm pretty sure that's what the adoc means. I have the following in a common lisp source file: a macro from "ANSI common lisp" by graham, along with a usage of that macro:...

Q: Does nftables allow port 22 or other ports by default?

CeSingeI installed nftables on a new Debian 12 (on AWS EC2). I am connected to the instance (the external EC2 IP) over port 22/tcp. I mention EC2 because maybe they do weird tricks. I then installed nftables with: sudo apt install nftables sudo systemctl enable nftables sudo systemctl start ...

Q: OpenMOLCAS error while running CCT in &CCSDT module

Jaafar MehrezI am trying to perform a coupled cluster calculation at the CCSD(T) level using OpenMOLCAS. My input file is the following, in which I am using default values for most of the key inputs: &GATEWAY XBAS C.STO-3G H.STO-3G O.STO-3G End of basis ZMAT H1 C1 1 1.097 O1 2 1.343 1 111 H2 3 0.972 2 106.3 1...

Q: Where exactly is the “Wilhelm Scream” in “A Star is Born” (1954)?

Giacomo1968According to this other question and answer thread that cites this interview with Stephen Altobello, the famous “Wilhelm Scream” is featured in A Star is Born (1954); bold emphasis is mine: Whoever put it in the movie in the background for one scene, that's fine; that was probably expected. But ...

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