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Q: What are examples of non-physicalist approaches to acquiring knowledge?

MarkAs a follow-up to my previous question Is non-physicalism reasonable?, I would like to know about non-physicalist ways of acquiring knowledge that philosophers have considered. What sorts of knowledge can be acquired through (partially) non-physicalist means, according to alternative views that r...

Q: Hexominos from pentominos, heptominos from hexominos

Bernardo Recamán SantosAll twelve pentominoes can be obtained by attaching a single unit square (edge to edge) to one of the squares that make up one (or more) of the following four tetrominoes: a) What is the least number of pentominoes required so that all 35 hexominoes can be obtained by attaching (edge to edge)...

Q: Solving where an Interpolating Function crosses a Region Boundary

ScienceSnakeI have a tuple curve which defines a set of points {x, y} parametrised by t. These are some fairly nasty functions built up of InterpolatingFunctions. A typical example might look something like: curve = {(0.001936 Cos[2.90772-InterpolatingFunction[Domain: {{0.,10.}}Output: scalar][t]]) /(1+1.020...

Q: Are the pressurized modules of the ISS always open to each other?

Blue Skin and Glowing Red EyesDo pressurized modules next to each other always stay open, or do the resident astronauts glide through a module, open the hatch, go through, close the hatch, and then glide through the next module, until they reach their destination? Or do they just go between modules without needing to open/clo...

Q: Interaction clarification with 'Invoke curse' and temporary hitpoints

Alex RobinsonI have recently gotten to the end of a Tomb of Annihilation campaign as a player (potential spoilers ahead) and during our final fight, a magic item was used to apply the following effect to our party: Invoke Curse. The Staff of the Forgotten One has 7 charges and regains 1d4 + 3 expended charge...

Q: How do RSA implementations avoid cases where the ciphertext and N are coprime?

rookieI'm trying to better understand RSA. One attack I've read about is when the encrypted message $y$ and $N = p\cdot q$ share a common factor. If this happens, we can easily factor $N$ to obtain $p$ and $q$. What are some strategies that can mitigate this potential issue?

Q: Identify IC marked "MC 4"

HNLinhCan anybody help me identify the IC marked "MC 4"?

Q: How to crop complex (vector) graphics in Illustrator

HansI have to crop complex (lots of strokes) floral shapes in Illustrator. To date I could not find a method that just works without manual labor and fixing afterwards. This is graphic I'm trying to crop with that green rectangle. Using Pathfinder Divide and Outline do work to some extend. But I hav...

Q: Why is the lunar relief not visible in photographs of solar eclipses?

Vladimir OrlovI looked at a lot of high-quality images of solar eclipses and noticed the following thing: In all the photographs I've seen, the lunar disk has a completely clear outline, in which it is impossible to see any irregularities due to the presence of the lunar relief. Although one should expect them...

Q: Why do Matthew & Luke report that Joseph (Jesus' stepfather) had two different fathers?

Dong LiI ran into a YouTube video that claims the Gospels of Luke and Mathew contradict on the name of Joseph's father. Luke claims that Joseph's father was a man named Heli but Mathew claims that the father of Joseph was a man named Jacob. Evidence from the Bible Luke 3:23 Jesus, when he began his min...

Q: Why does my ESP32 suffer from wifi stuttering when is next to wifi USB dongle?

Said TorresI have an ESP32 connected to Wi-Fi 2.4GHz. It is positioned next to my PC's Wi-Fi USB dongle, which is connected to the same network at 5GHz. When the PC is on (the USB dongle is active), my ESP32 disconnects and reconnects from the Wi-Fi every 15–60 seconds on average. Why does this happen if th...

Q: Frequentist probability: Can we prove mathematically what we are setting probabilities equal to, or are they just assumptions/definitions?

SteveJust as an example, let's say I am modeling the rolling of a die. We can use the frequentist definition of probability to define a probability of an event, say rolling a 6, as the $\lim_{n\to\infty}$$\frac{n_6}{n}$, where n is the total number of rolls and $n_6$ is the number of times we obtain a...

Q: the layer below the texture is visible

MikkelI have imported an obj object from Boxshot. Everything is fine except it looks like the texture is a bit transparent. You can see it on the attached image. It looks like a small reflection, but it's not. As if you can see a bit of the underlying layer. It doesn't look like that in the Boxshot fil...

Q: Ideals generated by Turing independent sets

FionaRecall that $X \subseteq 2^{\omega}$ is Turing independent if no $y \in X$ is computable from the Turing join of any finite subset of $X \setminus \{y\}$. Question 1. Can we construct a Turing independent set $X \subseteq 2^{\omega}$ such that every real is computable from the Turing join of fini...

Q: "デウス" = Jesus, instead of "イエス"?

chausiesIn the recent show Shogun (S01EP02), set in the early 1600s, an Englishman explains to a Japanese lord that there a two different sects of Christianity (Protestant and Catholic) that are essentially at war. The Japanese lord counters with "いずれもデウスが神だと信じている" (officially translated as "But you both...

Q: To understand spaces

jsx97This is a one-line bash script by Ishmael Smyrnow to clear macOS icon cache: sudo rm -rfv /Library/Caches/com.apple.iconservices.store; sudo find /private/var/folders/ \( -name com.apple.dock.iconcache -or -name com.apple.iconservices \) -exec rm -rfv {} \; ; sleep 3;sudo touch /Applications/* ; ...

Q: Is knowledge non-physical?

MarkWhat is the fundamental nature/ontology of knowledge? Is knowledge a physical state? Is knowledge a specific arrangement of physical particles in a brain, a book, a solid state drive, a GPU, etc.? Or is knowledge fundamentally non-physical, stored in some non-material (idealist? spiritual?) realm...

Q: Regarding the no right turns except buses does this also apply to school buses?

catwomenSince the bus lanes in NYC also apply to school buses I also assumed the the No right turns except buses also applied to school buses. Am I right?

Q: Stabilizing conjugacy classes of integer matrices

Ingrid$\DeclareMathOperator{\Conj}{Conj} \DeclareMathOperator{\GL}{GL} \DeclareMathOperator{\id}{id} \newcommand\Z{\mathbb{Z}}$ For an $n \times n$ integer matrix $A \in \GL_n(\Z)$, let $\Conj(A)$ be the set of $n \times n$ integer matrices that are $\GL_n(\Z)$-conjugate to $A$. Also, let $A \oplus \i...

Q: Parameterizing Teichmüller spaces of punctured surfaces

Yousuf SolimanLet $S_{g,n}$ denote a genus $g$ surface with $n$ punctures. There is a map $F$ from the Teichmüller space of the punctured surface $T(S_{g,n})$ to the Teichmüller space of the compact surface $T(S_{g})$ obtained by filling in the punctures. Is this a fiber bundle? Is the pre-image of this forget...

Q: Why did John the Baptist preach outside of Jerusalem?

Thomas SmithThis is a spin-off of an older question done by me, was Bethany beyond the Jordan a place of significance? John the Baptist preached at Bethany, outside of Jerusalem: John 1:28 This all happened at Bethany on the other side of the Jordan, where John was baptizing. Since Jerusalem was the capita...

Q: Deformation Invariance for Tensor Powers of the Cotangent Bundle

IrwinFor a family of smooth projective varieties over the complex numbers $\mathbb{C}$, it's well-known that: The Hodge numbers $h^q(X,\Omega_X^p)$ are constant in the family (since they are uppersemicontinuous functions that sum to the Betti numbers, which are topological invariants and hence consta...

Q: Confusion on the definition of a norm (in function spaces)

antHere is the definition of a norm given by my textbook; (This is from Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems by James Ward Brown and Ruel V. Churchill, Chapter 7) I'm confused by what authors say after (9). I was under the impression that the area between two curves on an interval [a,b] is ju...

Q: How could a biomancer monetize their magic

Coolcats112In my story people can wield several magic types based on science. One of these abilities is Biomancy which is the ability to control, create, and transform into organisms like plants, funguses, animals, and diseases. This Biomancy is limited via line of sight for controlling animals and the user...

Q: Growing stone fruit (peach) from Pit

davidgo(I'm in the Southern Hemisphere, in equivalent of hardiness zone 9B - I have a thriving plum tree on my property, and previously a peach tree which died of old age). Thus far I have taken a couple of pits (maybe more to come?), removed as much pulp as I could by hand by scrubbing pit under runnin...

Q: How to replace a whole-life policy?

ElrosIf I understand a whole-life insurance policy correctly, it can be viewed as a series of predefined term insurance policies combined with a savings account with a guaranteed minimum return. You "over-pay" for the term insurance in early years and the excess goes in to the savings account as your "...

Q: 30°F sleeping bag vs a 50°F sleeping bag whilst wearing layers

neubertI'll be doing a multi day hiking and backpacking trip in a few weeks with a company that recommends that participants have a 30°F sleeping bag. I'm wondering if a 50°F sleeping bag could work provided I wear some layers.

Q: The horizontal gap/kern before the comma is too large with unicode-math

AlMa1rThe following minimal example is stripped down from the sentence, “Let (𝑇, ≤) be a poset.” Feeding lualatex or xelatex with \documentclass{standalone} %\usepackage[math-style=ISO]{unicode-math} \begin{document} \((T,{\le})\) \end{document} yields a relatively small gap between 𝑇 and the comma,...

Q: Highlight dates in DateListStepPlot

RodrigoI have some data that spans across a whole year from January 8 to December 31, 2023: data = Import["https://pastebin.com/raw/jCmpsS42", "Table"]; Which is shown as a discrete plot: DateListStepPlot[Flatten[data, 1], {{2023, 1, 8}, {2023, 12, 31}}, FrameTicks -> {{Automatic, Automatic}, {T...

Q: Cohomology and base change for the structure sheaf along a smooth proper morphism

Ben CQuestion: let $f : X \to S$ be a smooth proper morphism of schemes. Under what circumstances is it true that $R^i f_* \mathcal{O}_X$ is a locally-free sheaf whose formation commutes with all base change? Cases I understand: (1) if $S$ is reduced and noetherian then $\dim_{\kappa(s)} H^0(X_s, \mat...

Q: Are there techniques to reduce the number of Pauli strings in a Hamiltonian?

squareroottwoSuppose $H=\sum_{i \in n} c_i h_i$ is a generic Hamiltonian. Is there a way to find $\tilde{H} = \sum_{j \in m} d_j h_j$ where $m < n$ is a user defined cut-off parameter that would accurately represent the ground state of the Hamiltonian $H$, i.e., $$ H \Psi \approx \tilde{H} \Psi $$ where $\Psi...

Q: Verbs with ending [ます] to [く]

vanishみんなさん、こんばんは!I know, that from a verb, that has ending: [ます] you can do a 「く」form. For example: いきます-> いく. You can do it with any verb, or there's some rules?

Q: Could ammonium azanide exist?

Radvylf ProgramsIn my first high school chemistry class, I misremembered nitrate as being $\ce{NH2-}$, rather than $\ce{NO3-}$, and wrote down a formula for "ammonium nitrate" that was $\ce{NH4NH2}$ (rather than $\ce{NH4NO3}$). Now I'm curious if that could actually exist. I tried seeing if $\ce{NH2-}$ could exi...

Q: How to make table combining multiple columns in R

a_todd12Using the example data below, my goal is to create a table (publication-ready would be great, but fine if not) where I calculate what percent of each group within each column (city, race, and gender) attend, fail, or both. So what percent of city=6 attend, what percent of city=6 fail, what percen...

Q: Why do Communist governments turn more socially conservative over time?

ApoliticalboyOne thing I noticed that a lot of Communist governments are becoming more socially conservative the more they establish themselves. Be it the USSR from legalizing homosexuality to banning Jazz, Jeans and Jews . To China, from giving women rights to reviving Confucianism. Why do regimes with pro...

Q: Did Democratic party leaning voters in the US have an alternative candidate in mind for the US presidential election in 2024?

NoDataDumpNoContributionThis week there were primary elections in a large number of states in the US for the upcoming presidential election in November 2024 and it turned out that likely the two major candidates will be Joe Biden and Donald Trump. If one of them gets elected, it will be the oldest US president ever. For...

Q: Step-by-step re-arranging of a string with randomized characters

EdeniaA sloppy code featuring algorithms to efficiently randomize the characters of a string "Hello C" and then print out in the console the re-arrangement process for every character. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> int main (void) { char characters...

Q: How to amend 2023 federal return after refund has been issued?

spuckI e-filed our 2023 federal taxes early last month, with a refund coming our way. Yesterday I received a letter from our mortgage company along with an adjusted form 1098; the letter explained they had miscalculated and misreported the interest and points paid last year on the original 1098 they p...

Q: Is there a full abstraction result for an untyped lambda calculus?

Nick RiouxFamously, the denotational semantics of PCF in Scott domains is not fully abstract. But by adding the parallel or construct to PCF, a fully abstract semantics can be obtained. Is there an analogous result for the untyped lambda calculus? Is the Scott semantics for the untyped lambda calculus with...

Q: How long could a brain theoretically survive if properly cared for?

GarrickI saw a similar post here, however, the discussion became too based on immortality in general and how memory would be affected over millions of years. Let's say a figure like Bill Gates who is getting up in age decides to extend his life by either cyber enhancement or 3D printing new organs every...

1 hour later…
Q: Is there a manslaughter version of genocide?

interfectSnopes's article on the South Africa genocide case explains that intent is an important element of genocide. Likewise, intent is an important element of murder. But we've also invented the lesser charge of manslaughter, presumably so that we can do some sort of justice when intent is absent or di...

Q: Confusion with polling data by an MCU using UART

user1245I'm using an MCU board(STM32 with HAL) and basically polling data from a device using serial protocol. The MCU sends a fixed byte array(6 bytes) to the device, and in response it receives a fixed byte array from the device(20 bytes). MCU <---UART---> Device The Baudrate is 9600, and the function ...

Q: Airline rebooked flight to one that is cheaper for them - can I insist on the shortest alternative?

EM0I booked a return ticket Stockholm (ARN) - Amman (AMM) - Aquaba (AQJ) and AQJ-AMM-ARN with Royal Jordanian Airlines. They emailed me that the first leg, ARN-AMM, has been cancelled. EC261 rules clearly apply here, as the flight departs from the EU. As I understand, I am entitled to reimbursement...

Q: What makes the Golan Heights a geopolitical region and strategically important for Israel?

Sayaman As a geopolitical region, it refers to the border region captured from Syria by Israel during the Six-Day War of 1967; the territory has been occupied by the latter since then and was subject to a de facto Israeli annexation in 1981. This region includes the western two-thirds of the geological ...

Q: How can I write a complex exponential in LaTeX so that it looks presentable?

StephanI have the complex exponential written as: \begin{equation} e^{i \frac{2\pi}{5}} \end{equation} which appears as: I have the complex exponential written as: \begin{equation} e^{-i \dfrac{2\pi}{5}} \end{equation} which appears as: Is there a 'better' way to represent this so it looks p...

Q: Australian landmarks

JafeI'm trying to make a list of prominent Australian landmarks, but I'm having real trouble with one entry. Could you help me out? Here's my list so far. Brisbane: Stranahan's Distillery Canberra: Mob Museum Gold Coast: Camelback Mountain Gosford: Kerry Park Melbourne: ?? Newcastle: Chelsea Market P...

Q: How to remove the smell of bicarbonate of soda?

user366312I used sodium bicarbonate to soften chickpea curry. Now I cannot eat it because it smells horrible. How can I remove this smell? Recipe: Soak 400 grams of chickpea in water for 24 hours Add one sliced big onion and one cubed big potato to hot oil Add tumeric powder, coriander powder, and cumin ...

Q: New record for minimally clued 5x5 Hidato

BubblerCrSb0001 has been studying the minimum number of clues to force a unique solution in Hidato for variously sized boards. They came up with a 5x5 Hidato with 5 clues but it was found that it has multiple solutions. Goal of Hidato: Fill in a grid with a series of consecutive numbers that connect ea...

Q: Manga where the main character is reborn in a game as a child villainess who hangs out with the two male leads in a greenhouse

JoshariaThe male leads wear collars for some reason and are mages, and one of them is a yandere who freezes the heroine of the game in ice in a bad ending. I remember that the male leads pretend to be kidnapped at one stage in the story. This is a black & white manga.

Q: Would you test this piece of configuration code? How do I determine which code is worth testing?

LostInComputerWe have a piece of code that decorates an interface to transparently add retry logic. Inversion of Control configuration service.AddOurRestApiClient() .AddResilienceHandler("Retry", builder => // decorate our REST API client with retry handler { // Add retry policy so request is retri...

Q: What was the original context of Margaret Thatcher's quote by Nikki Haley?

GratefulDiscipleIn Nikki Haley's speech suspending her campaign on 6 March 2024, she said: I have always been a conservative Republican and always supported the Republican nominee. But on this question, as she did on so many others, Margaret Thatcher provided some good advice when she said, quote, “Never just f...

Q: Reduce the model sequentially

MatataI was given an ANOVA table and asked to reduce the model sequentially. Here, Mix and Plasticizer are two main effects, Run is a block factor so is a random effect. I searched the online resources say: When reducing the model sequentially, you typically start by assessing the significance of high...

Q: Can minions alone finish a League of Legends game?

MarsroverrLet's say both teams in the game stop playing, and aren't disconnected by the server time limit or kicked for inactivity. Will the minions eventually finish the game by destroying all the turrets + nexus, or will the game just go on forever in a stalemate as the minions fight each other?

Q: All against all sequence alignment

El DudeI have a large set of protein sequences and would like to create a "similarity matrix" out of them (for phylo trees later). So I have to run n(n-1) sequence alignments. Wondering what library I should use for that and also what sophisticated lib would provide this all against all without me writi...

Q: Create n random points on [0,1] with minimum distance

imida kGiven a positive integer n and a small positive real number s. How to create distribution for n real numbers p1, p2, p3, ..., pn such that 0 ≤ p1 < p2 < p3 <... < pn ≤ 1 and p1, p2-p1, p3-p2, ... 1-pn ≥ s ?

Q: Finite groups and noncommutative algebraic geometry

semisimpletonDISCLAIMER: My relationship with noncommutative algebraic geometry is that of a curious, ignorant bystander. I confess that I know very little about noncommutative algebraic geometry, but I am interested in finite groups and new methods/concepts/approaches in the study of finite groups. Question ...

Q: Is it acceptable to abbreviate “Foxtrot” to “Fox”?

userMy instrument instructor pointed out that I’ve been saying “Four Seven Fox” instead of “Four Seven Foxtrot”. I realize I’ve been doing this for years now, but this is the first I’ve ever been called out on it. I don’t usually fly a plane with an “F” in the tail number but now my regular club plan...

Q: Redirection inside subshell persists after subshell closed

ErwannWithout and with the dry run, the script below executes as expected for A and B, respectively. The problem arises with the dry run for A: the output is inhibited, as if 1>/dev/null persisted after the dry run. Could someone explain and resolve the problem? function baz() { local file="$1"; sh...

Q: Can you hide inside a Steel defender?

Rick BrandonI am running a 6th level human artificer. I have a steel defender companion. My question is can my character enter the defender like it was a suit of armor in an emergency situation (e.g. if my health is low and I need to make a quick exit to get to a safe place for healing)?

Q: Does Orlah apply to blueberries

KirkAccording to Halacha, does the prohibition of Orlah apply to blueberries? Or is it not considered a fruit from a tree in Halacha and therefore that law doesn’t apply?

Q: How executable uses POSIX to keep campatible between different UNIX system?

syheliel syhelielIn my understanding, POSIX only specifies a set of APIs that OS needs to provide. But it doesn’t specify the implementation detail, specifically the assemble level compatibility. For example, on x86, you need to use syscall to get the POSIX API: 1. set `eax` to the syscall number 2. set syscall a...

Q: An exact definition of multiplication

NotMathI am looking at repeated operations, and it seems really hard to precisely define multiplication. Of course, for integers $a$ and $b$, we use the grade school definition we all know: $$ab = \underbrace{a + a + a + \cdots + a}_{b\text{ times}}$$ but what about for real numbers $a$ and $b$? For exp...

Q: How do I best identify weak points in myself along a path to academia

Silly GooseI will be graduating from university (in the states) this semester with a bachelors in physics and mathematics. I applied for physics PhD programs (in the states) this cycle and obtained a few admissions. However, I am considering taking another year to improve my application and apply to physics...

Q: How can I make this grunge texture

blender breathI saw a drum cymbal model on Blenderswap,( https://www.blendswap.com/blend/23008 )and wanted to improve the appearance of the cymbal. I have tried 2 methods, one UV mapping an image of a cymbal texture, and the other method making a circle with ridges (But results to lot of geometry). My texture ...

Q: Better SIESTA workflows system?

CampsNormally, I run all my SIESTA calculations manually and then go to post-processing the results, also manually. I would like to know which of the tools below is "better" (more complete?) in order to make a more efficient use of time when using SIESTA. Atomic Simulation Environment AiiDA SISL

Q: How can I seal improperly installed vinyl tile joints?

Amanda PI installed lifeproof luxury vinyl tile in my bathroom and want to make extra sure the seams of the tiles are waterproof. I found the Roberts 7500 seam sealer but it dried white, and the "grout" lines of my tiles are dark gray. Does anyone know of a clear option to seal vinyl tiles? I was wonderi...

Q: When does one pronounce the T in "-ut"?

temporary_user_nameIn but, brut, and chut the t is pronounced. But in lut and fut it isn't. What is the rule for words ending in -ut, if there is one? Is it that it's silent for passé simple verb conjugations, but otherwise pronounced?

Q: What would the cheapest way to demolish large amounts of buildings when damage to the surrounding area isn't a concern?

OT-64 SKOTA group of people from an alternate universe want to extract resources from the remains of a post apocalyptic US. However, a quite large quantity of these resources are locked up in large buildings. The problem is how to turn these large buildings into material that can feasibly be taken away for...

Q: Does Mary Bennet undergo any sort of character development in "Pride and Prejudice"?

MithicalIn Pride and Prejudice, of the five Bennet sisters, the one we see the least of is Mary. (Her name appears fewer than forty times in the whole book.) Mary has a reputation for sitting with her books, by herself, preferring to immerse herself in her studies rather than socializing or interacting m...

Q: How can a collision attack reveal the private key?

VancontsFrom "Mastering Bitcoin: Programming the Open Blockchain 3d edition, Ch4" : All addresses based on hash functions are theoretically vulnerable to an attacker independently finding the same input that produced the hash function output (com‐ mitment). In the case of Bitcoin, if they find the input...

Q: Dominance of connectives: Why do we teach this?

Joel CroteauThese were two actual exercises given to students I have been tutoring for a college algebra class: I have been working very hard to convince my students of the importance and utility of learning formal logic, something which I do think more non-STEM majors would benefit from understanding, but...

Q: both of my parents are dead or both of my parents were dead

Saraswati Dhakalboth of my parents are dead or both of my parents were dead which is correct example for grammar is are dead and were dead are same or not.

Q: Is intent required for genocide?

SomeoneA question was recently posted, asking, Is there an... lesser charge for genocide, covering e.g. actions with the effect of destroying, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such? Or is that a yet-to-be-named crime? Or is it not actually rightly a crime somehow...

Q: Making trivial GeoJSON file with Feature collection of points

quantI'm trying to generate a GeoJSON file with a feature collection of points to render in QGIS, however, when I load my .geojson file I don't see anything. To figure out what's going on, I've tried to get a trivial file to load. Here is an example: { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "

Q: Which Church Fathers were martyred?

LesleyI understand that Foxe's Book of Martyrs (first published in English in 1563) is an exhaustive account of Christian martyrs, both pre- and post-Reformation. However, at a daunting 1,570 pages in length, my need is for a more concise overview. Also, my assignment specifically focuses on the earl...

Q: Bi weekly salaried question!

Grace JonesI began working at my first job on February 20 and I am paid $65,000 a year as a salaried employee. My first salary check arrived, and it is only $211. Have I overlooked something? As I approach the midway point of my third week, $211 is in no way indicative of the effort I have put out.

Q: How can I download multiple SRR* files at a time when using sratoolkit's fastq-dump?

BioinfotecI have multiple SRR files to download, and their accession is in a list: SRR9004325 SRR9004326 SRR9004327 I read the NCBI document but don't find how to achieve this using the command "fastq-dump". And I noticed that if I use the command prefetch, I can download from the list file: prefetch --op...

Q: Attacking chessboard squares with 6 pieces

Will Octagon GibsonPlace 6 white pieces (a king, a queen, a rook, a bishop, a knight and a pawn) on 6 different squares of a regular 8x8 chessboard so that there is at least one empty square attacked by exactly one piece, at least one empty square attacked by exactly two pieces, ..., at least one empty square attac...

Q: How hard to brake to perfectly smoothly reach the destination?

st_phanGoal I want the get the required minimum deceleration to perfectly smoothly reach a target. (The car's AI should know how hard it has to brake to be the perfect valet.) Research "How can I maneuver an AI pirate ship for a sea battle?" sounds like it might have the answer but I honestly don't un...

Q: Implementation of java.util.stream.Stream (and friends) that reads lines from the internet without requiring you to manage the resources

davidalayachewThis streams lines of information over the internet using BufferedReader::lines. However, what makes this special (and thus, extraordinarily complicated imo) is that ALL resource management is done internally -- the end user does not need to handle the resources at all. So, no try-with-resources,...

Q: How does hot cloning a running Windows drive actually work?

Nick PI'm aware of the software options - what I mean is, how do they actually achieve this, when a running OS may be writing files such as logs, even if I try to not actively use it? I read one comment that they may use something like Volume Shadow Copy which should at least create a consistent (non-c...

Q: Cutting machine with Linux: fsck died with status code 4

R P KWe have a cutting machine which is working with Linux. I don't know a lot about Linux, so I attach a photo of the error which we get. I will be happy if someone can help.

Q: nested \ifx with extra \else error

coonlightI have this code with nested ifx (plain TeX): \def\test#1#2% { \edef\cmpa{#1} \edef\cmpb{x} \ifx\cmpa\cmpb it is x \edef\cmpa{#2} \edef\cmpb{1} \ifx\cmpa\cmpb and 1 \else and something else \fi \else it is something else \fi } \test{x}{1} % print...

Q: Will imported mesh from CAD application with bad topology be problematic for texturing/materials?

vtx22I am currently doing my first own project in Blender (rendering a PCB). The object I am using is an obj export from a PCB design software. This is the mesh: As you can see the faces and vertices are not uniform or evenly spaced. Will that be a problem when it comes to texturing/ using materials?...

Q: TikZ: Filling a rectangle with dot grid

BubayaI am trying to fill the rectangle between two points with dots in a regular way. Sounds like a pattern, but apparently, patterns cause difficulties when it comes to absolute positions. Hence, I tried the following: \documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage{tikz} \tikzset{ grid/.style={ to ...

Q: Adjust the vertical distance between \sectionrule (package sectsty) and the following text

OmmoGiven the package sectsty and the following code: \documentclass[english]{article} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{sectsty} \sectionfont{\sectionrule{0ex}{0pt}{-1ex}{0.2pt}} \begin{document} \section*{Life} \lipsum[1] \end{document} Is there a way to adjust the vertical distance between the h...

posted on March 07, 2024

From seva011 and tagged as performance-tuning,parallelization

posted on March 07, 2024

From Sean and tagged as guitar,scales,practice

posted on March 07, 2024

From petit beauté and tagged as homework-and-exercises,kinematics,projectile,textbook-erratum

Q: Why multiply by the length of other vector when taking the dot product?

FloatossI understand the formula for the dot product of two vectors: $$\vec{A} \cdot \vec{B} = |\vec{A}| |\vec{B}| \cos(\theta),$$ where $\cos(\theta)$ represents the angle between the vectors $\vec{A}$ and $\vec{B}$. However, I struggle with the intuitive meaning behind multiplying by the magnitude of ...

Q: Why do we have an infinite number of possible quantum gates?

JaafarMehrezThis question came to me during an online lecture by Prof. Nike Dattani, he mentioned that we have "an unlimited number of quantum gates". Simply my question is: why do we have an unlimited number of quantum gates?

Q: Travelling Europe with UK partner as Dutch citizen

ToluMy partner is a UK citizen and I'm a Dutch citizen but we both live in Australia. I'm wondering if the 90/180 Schengen rules apply to us if we are planning on visiting multiple EU countries for more than 90 days, but not more than 90 days in one country. How do they know we haven't been in one co...

Q: Finding the power for which an expression is a factor of a function,

Christopher YapSo the problem states as following Find the value of $n$ for which $x+2$ is a factor of $f(x)=x^{2n}-5x^2+4$ By simple trial and error, I could easily figure out that $n=2$, but I can't figure out the way to prove so. Any slight hint would help a ton. Thanks in advanced.

Q: Can air itself be theoretically considered as a (very poor) wireless ESD grounding strap?

比尔盖子There are many kinds of questionable ESD wriststraps available which claim to provide ESD protection "wirelessly". When asked about how exactly they work, they cite dubious claims about physics as their theory of operation. Many experiments have repeatedly shown that they're ineffective at preven...

Q: Range marks aren't set in lua function called from keymap

theherkI'm trying to insert a table of contents with an external process. Currently, I have this: .config/nvim/after/ftplugin/markdown.lua --- @param v boolean local function toc(v) if v then vim.cmd([['<,'>d]]) vim.cmd("w") end vim.cmd([[ exe 'r!md-toc --indent 2 %' ]]) end vim.keymap.set("n

Q: Is there a reason why demands for conditions to be attached to military aid for Israel mostly come from the Democrat side?

Sayaman The tone towards the US is marked by the fact that both heads of government are cur- rently happy not to have to deal with their respective predecessor. In the first joint meeting of Biden and Bennett, both em- phasised the spirit of cooperation. On the Israeli side, there is an effort to improv...

Q: Difference between Hindu Yoga and Buddhist meditation

Citizen and SocietyWhat are difference between the Yoga practiced in Hinduism and Meditation practiced by Buddhism? Does they differ by principles and practice, or they are same?

Q: Two-Group Hypothesis Testing

Happy CretineWill unpaired t-test, definitely reject the null hypothesis if there is a non-zero difference in the population means for the two populations from which the samples are taken?

Q: What does "obey/peithomenois" mean in "but obey unrighteousness" Romans 2:8?

C. StroudRomans 2:8 ESV "but for those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury." My emphasis. [obey/peithomenois] Can one obey unless a command is given? Does "unrighteousness" issue commands with authority? How is unrighteousness "obeyed"? ...

Q: Is it potentially against the law to publicize libel/slander that someone else made?

chausiesNathan the Nobody makes a statement about how X company is horrible, mistreats its workers, has execs that elicit sex for favours, etc. A publication (e.g. the New York Times) publishes a huge article about Nathan's claims and popularizes them, making everyone now believe that X company is terrib...

Q: Align the tops of two minipages

DuncanI would like to align the tops of two minipages. Here is a MWE: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tcolorbox} \usepackage{lipsum} \begin{document} \noindent \hfill \begin{minipage}{0.49\textwidth} What do you think of this situation? \vspace{1cm} \begin{center} \underline{...

Q: Dropping outlier from linear regression model reducing adjusted R^2

S. DolanI'm running a linear regression in R on a dataset with 8 independent variables. When I run the model with all variables: fullmodel <- lm(price ~ ., data = basedata) summary(fullmodel) I get an adj. R2 of 0.9901. However, there is a very clear outlier in the data, as confirmed by car::outlierTest...

Q: Burial Traditions

JafeThis is part 56 of the puzzle series Around the World in Many Days. Each part is solvable on its own. Dear Puzzling, The answers to these twelve rebuses are single words in alphabetical order. Your job is to solve them and group the answers to form four clues, each in turn giving a one-word answ...

Q: Standard counterexample in Hodge decomposition

user720386I am studying Hodge theory on complex manifolds; Höring's notes (https://math.univ-cotedazur.fr/~hoering/hodge/hodge.pdf p. 87) suggest, as an exercise (4.38) and I guess as a counterexample to Hodge decomposition when our manifold is not compact, that $ \mathbb{C}$ with standard Kähler structure...

Q: Does constant exposure to Dengue over a population, increases or decreases the mortality of the epidemic?

PabloI'm trying to understand the significantly higher mortality rate of Dengue in Argentina in relation to Brazil. According to this, Argentina in 2024 had 47 deaths out of 57461 cases (1 death each 1222 cases) Dengue Argentina 2024- Spanish and Brazil had 41 deaths out of 1658816 (1 death each 40459...

Q: Would any grounding be necessary through the motherboard standoffs in a wooden PC case?

NicholasI've built quite a few PCs over the years but always using premade cases. I now have a laser engraver and am interested in making a custom case out of wood. When I started in computers, back when we powered them with a dinosaur on a hamster wheel, I was always told it was important that the moth...

Q: What are the consequences that European standards being cited in law must be publicly accessable, but are protected by copyright?

ccprogIn a jugdgment published this week, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled on a complaint that some technical norms set as European Standards by a Standards Organisation are available only behind a paywall, despite them being cited by European law. The European Comission had denied to g...

Q: Cracked 2x12 Ridge Board

Kevinleary.netA medium sized white pine fell on our house and punctured our roof in a few places, and also left a crack in what I believe is our ridge board (not beam). The board is a single 2x12, and from the research I've done it appears that: Single 2x12 ridge board is cracked horizontally Crack spans betw...

Q: Why does it appear that God punishes Syria in Amos 1 for attacking Israel, even though he previously caused them to attack Israel?

Bible StudentSee Amos 1:3-4 1 Thus says the Lord: “For three transgressions of Damascus, and for four, I will not revoke the punishment, because they have threshed Gilead with threshing sledges of iron. 4 So I will send a fire upon the house of Hazael, and it shall devour the strongholds of Ben-hadad. 2 Kin...

Q: How to concatenate a variable with string in tikz for loop?

jIIIs it possible to concatenate a TikZ loop variable with a string? For example, consider the following tikzpicture \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[name=AX]{A}; \node[name=BX, at={(1,0)}]{B}; \node[name=CX, at={(2,0)}]{C}; \foreach \i in {A,B,...

Q: How can i make this table?

Aslı Bilge i want to duplicate this exact table. i'm stuck. can someone help i've tried this code so far: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Color} & Numerical Value & Color & Numerical Value \\ \hline Black & \colorbox{black}{} & 0 & Green & \colorbox{green}{} \\ \hlin...

Q: Instrumenting PCBs for current consumption

Kabangu93 I wanted to know how much current our PSOC6 MCU is consuming. Our supplier has sent us this document with locations where I can remove resistors / inductors that are in series and then I can solder my fly leads. Is this viable thing to do? And if it's not what's the down side? What's a better ...

Q: Council Tax Avoidance

Paul BI was wondering what this crime would be called Basically a patch of land has two houses on it. One house is all legal and sound. The second was built without permission/secretly etc. The family that live in the second house are officially registered at the legal house when it comes to the regist...

Q: What to do about overhead lights when taking headshots?

DianeI travel to different training events to take headshots for my company. Most locations give me a room to setup in that I can turn off the lights and use my own lighting. One location though, I have to set up in the main training room and cannot turn off the overhead lights. There is also a wall o...

Q: How can I make use of Cat 5e cabling in my home?

Harry NichollsRecently moved into a late 2000s home. There’s some Cat 5e cabling throughout the house that’s only being used for telephone outlets. I can see not all the twisted pairs are being used. There’s also a mess of cables next to the electric panel. How do I make sense of this and repurpose the Cat 5e ...

Q: Are Don Juan and Haidée both Greek, as this line in the poem seems to suggest?

CDRCanto II of Don Juan contains the following, which I found absolutely hilarious: They look upon each other, and their eyes Gleam in the moonlight; and her white arm clasps Round Juan’s head, and his around her lies Half buried in the tresses which it grasps; She sits upon his knee, and drinks hi...

Q: Children's book about a cat named Clara and a cat named Mrs. Cat

JalehMy niece read this book in a doctor's office and it ended up being very special to her so I'd like to track it down. It's about a black cat named Clara and a adult orange cat named Mrs. Cat. Clara helps get food for some farm animals. I've tried searching the words and images and can't find anyth...

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