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Q: Is an RF sampler a good way to protect my network analyzer during high voltage impedance measurements?

Chris AdamsWhen I characterise ultrasound transducers, I normally do it with a network analyzer in a shunt configuration - ie, I connect the transducer across port 1 of the network analyzer. This gives me plots of phase and resistance across a range of frequencies. Now I want to see if the impedance changes...

Q: What should I do to keep in touch with a potential employer after an interview?

Wentong ZhouAfter sending a follow-up e-mail, two weeks after the first interview i've gotten the following answer: Thanks for staying interested in the position. Yes, I have discussed your application with the other two committee members. Although your combined backgrounds in both computational chemistry a...

Q: Calculate the maximum number of decimal places with which all floating point numbers can be represented in a range in C++

Tobias GrotheI'm looking for a function in C++ that can determine, how accurate all floating point numbers in a given range can be represented as strings, without the use of e.g. boost library, etc. Please take a look at my code and tell me how it can be improved. #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <...

Q: Confused about connecting PSU to MoBo

physicsboyI have a Corsair RM650 and an AsRock A520M-ITX/A, but I'm a little confused as to which connector goes where. I have recently been told that I need to connect both the AXT and the ATX12V connectors which is fine, but I'm not 100% sure which part of the PSU these should be going into. PSU back Av...

Q: Where does nvidia-smi get it's information from?

TcllGiven how everything is a file in Linux, processes don't magically get their information out of nowhere, if you're seeing information without sudo, then that means there's a file somewhere in sysfs. procfs, or devfs that can be accessed as a user if it's not just the kernel ABI (syscalls). So wit...

Q: Switching from a bridge camera to a DSLR: is it worth it, on a budget?

user114142So I've been with my old camera for a few years now. It's a Canon SX150 IS, 16.1 mp, with 16x optical zoom I believe. I really like it, but I feel recently like I want to upgrade, so I've been looking at DSLRS, in the lower price brackets. I primarily use my camera for wildlife photography, anywh...

Q: Why is the vanishing gradient problem especially relevant for a RNN and not a MLP

PeterBeI would like to know why the vanishing gradient problem especially relevant for a RNN and not a MLP (multi-layer-pereptron). In a MLP you also backpropagate errors and multiple different weigths. If the weights are small, the resulting update in the last layers in the backpropagation will be very...

Q: Follow up question: Shelah's "Can you take Solovay's inaccessible away?"

B_WIn the answer of: https://mathoverflow.net/q/420867 The following is stated: Assume that ℵ1 is not inaccessible in L , hence a successor in L . So there is a real x which knows that the L -predecessor is countable, hence ℵ_1^L[x]=ℵ_1 , so X:=R∩L[x] is uncountable. I understand why ℵ_1^L[x]=ℵ_1 b...

Q: Can a judge make the plaintiff pay defender's legal costs?

user0306Two related questions. Situation is, Bob sues Alice, but has zero evidence (basically, extortion, hoping Alice settles to avoid legal costs and a trial). Alice decides to take things to court. In the course of the trial, the judge decides that Bob has no case due to lack of any evidence corrobora...

Q: Measuring magnetic fields in the 1-10 Hz range

LeviBI apologize in advance but I am a chemist just venturing into the world of electrical, so you may need to explain to me like a 5 year old. I have a chemistry project that involves the use of AC magnetic fields at very low frequencies, 1 Hz to 10 Hz to be exact. The field strength will be varied b...

Q: Force subdivision surface to pass through control vertices

José António Ferreira CalvárioWhen creating a subdivision surface from a low poly quad mesh, I get a very smooth and rounded surface all over on the subdivision limit surface. However, the limit surface does not pass on the quad mesh vertices. I was wandering if there is any set of parameters or any method to force the limit ...

Q: change point color in tikz polar coordinates

Philipp Bleimundim currently struggling with changing the color of single points in polar coordinates. I want to create a visualisation for the HSV colorspace by using a cylinder. Thanks to HSV shading of cone in pgfplots ive learnd that you can use point meta={symbolic={Hsb=v,u,u}} to get the right color direct...

Q: Ambiguous constructor error in gcc but not in msvc

AlanI recently learnt that we can have more than one default constructor in a class. Then I wrote the following program that compiles with msvc but both clang and gcc fails to compile this. struct A {   explicit A(int = 10);   A()= default; }; A a = {}; //msvc ok but gcc and clang fails here Live d...

Q: "Perfect" an array

Alan BagelGiven an n non-negative integers, how many numbers must be changed so that each number x appears x times? You cannot add or remove elements, only replace them with other numbers. For example: 1 6 23 6 9 23 1 1 6 can be turned into: 1 6 2 6 6 2 6 6 6 with 5 changes, which is optimal. Test cases 0 =

Q: Why is energy zero at zero bandwidth?

hanaFrom the video lecture on noise analysis by Razavi here. Can anyone explain in more detail what Razavi said here? Why is the energy at a single frequency (zero bandwidth) zero? Lets look at the energy carried by a woman's voice at 20 kHz. Can I say that this dot represents the energy carried at ...

Q: Has it been common for Lords to only address the House twice in their entire career?

TylerDurdenIt is often stated by conspiracy theorists that Lord Rothschild only ever addressed the House of Lords twice in his entire 52 year career, once about Palestine/Israel, and once about mandating the pasteurisation of milk. This is supposed to suggestively support the idea that the mandate of dairy ...

Q: I2C to 100+ PWM

Davis LastI'm currently looking for some sort of interface which can generate many (up to 100 potentially?) individual PWM outputs. I figure I2C is the best way to go about this, but I'm open to other possibilities. The only thing I've found so far is the Adafruit PCA9685, but at $15 a pop ($105 for the 7 ...

Q: SF novel featuring a member of a disbanded rock/punk group

BrunoI can't specify the SFnal aspects of the book, because I only remember the band parts, but it definitely was. Read sometime after the nineties but before around 2015. Set in USA or UK in a near "present" time, with a similar feel to "Pattern Recognition" by William Gibson. Main character was a y...

Q: Why can't we extend any field by simply adding a new symbol to it?

JesusAfter trying to recall some fundamental field theory, I got very confused at the notion of field extensions. For example, when we make $\mathbb{C}$ out of $\mathbb{R}$, we can simply think of it as adding $i$, which is a symbol for which $i^2 = -1$. So: $\mathbb{C} = \mathbb{R}(i)$. However, $\ma...

Q: Can iconic monsters like Beholders and Illithids be used via the SRD for D&D 5th edition?

Odin LaufeysonDoes the SRD of Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition now allow the use of some iconic monsters like Beholders and Illithids (Mind Flayer), since the SRD is now under CC license? Or they are still protected? Can these monsters be used if the CC-licensed SRD is used?

Q: expressions (idioms, proverbs etc) with two or more homophonic characters

goPlayerJugglerThis is a follow-up question from Other than 秘密,are there two-syllable words in Chinese where each syllable is a different character with the same pronunciation?. What are the notable or remarkable expressions (not only 成语 but also other 习惯用法、固定词组、谚语、格言 and so on) using three or more characters,...

Q: Drawing an arrow in an SIRS diagram using TikZ

LeonidasI am trying to create a SIRS (Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered-Susceptible) diagram that looks like this: I am almost there; I have all but the top arrow going from Recovered to Susceptible. Here is my current code: \documentclass[tikz, border=10pt]{standalone} \usetikzlibrary{positioning, arrow...

Q: Produce a line tkz-euclide

Paul AIs there a way to produce the segment using the following code to draw a line A-B plus 1cm to a point C, obviously without calculating the coordinates. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tkz-euclide} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \tkzDefPoint(0,0){A} \tkzDefPoint(2,3){B} ...

Q: & and &&: Align three rows of display math material

SylviaI'm aligning two equations using &. The first equation is very long. This is why I split it into two parts. How can I remove the space that is inserted between the first and the second term of the first equation? I assume that I am not doing this right. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmat...

Q: What are textured ceilings made out of?

dataengineer22This is a single family home built in 2015 in the Midwest. The textured ceiling you see below seems common around the area, even in newer homes. I'm curious what material it's made out of (drywall mud?) and whether it may contain asbestos. I heard old popcorn ceilings can contain asbestos and eve...

Q: Sorting logic and generation of letter sequence

Jocelyn MininiIn the context of experimental designs, it is common to generate the various treatment names to build the factorial design table. The table of the 2^2 design reads : For the 2^3, the table reads : And for 2^4 : I would like to generate such table for the general case 2^k. Here is what I've don...

Q: compile TN 5250 program

vdubeauI was a consultant on the IBM AS/400 for nearly 20 years. In the past I have used TN5250 to connect to the 400. Lately I've been getting a lot of emails with possible remote consulting gigs. I tried to configure the program and see the following error messages: checking for OpenSSL headers... -I/...

Q: Like force, does the rotational effect of force/torque require some finite time to travel through a real body?

NPonLet's say I am using a long wrench to unscrew a tight bolt because the formulas developed in rigid body statics states that the moment arm should be longer for minimal force application. But how long till the force/torque travels to the bolt periphery, receives a reaction torque from the friction...

Q: Making a combat-viable blind PC

T.E.D.A streamer I found was talking about the P2E Reading Ring, which is designed to give blind characters a way to read in-game. That got me wondering: How would one go about making a combat-viable PC who is blind? I'm thinking like the blind master in Circle of Iron, or perhaps even Daredevil. I'm a...

Q: Dual national in UK - one passport expires soon, the other in 9 years... can I travel?

Nicholas BIn need of some help! My girlfriend lives here in the UK with me and is a dual national - Spanish and Argentine. She has settled status here. We are due to travel to Morocco in Feburary on holiday, but her Spanish passport (which she uses to leave the UK as that's connected to her settled status)...

Q: Questioning the category of the “moral”

Julius H.Briefly: it occurs to me that taking as given the pre-existence of the terms “morality” and “ethics” structures our thinking preemptively and heavily. In the manner of discursive analysts like Nietzsche and Derrida, one may wonder to what extent we are trapped in a conceptual bubble, assuming the...

Q: How to fold a4 paper for 30 degree angle?

KhosrotashI am trying to make a $30$ degree angle by folding an $A4$ paper, but I got nothing. It seems to be easy but I don't have a clue. I can make $A=45,B=67.5,C=67.5$ triangle or make $45 , \frac {45}{2} , \frac{45}{4}, \cdots$ by folding a right angle. Is there any way to make a triangle with $30,60 ...

Q: Single '#' in old C files

g0mb4I started studying old C code (Unix v6) and I'm wondering what is the purpose of a single # in the beginning of the .c file. For example from https://github.com/lsahn-gh/unix-v6/blob/master/sys%2Fken%2Falloc.c # /* */ #include "../param.h" #include "../systm.h" #include "../filsys.h" ...

Q: Is compensation required for banned goods?

TestSuppose the government were to ban possession of a certain good, like food or drugs, and that this required holders of those goods to surrender the goods. Would the government be required to compensate the (former) holders?

Q: What's the rationale for requiring ATP applicants to be at least 23 years old?

JonathanReezThe FAA requires pilots to be at least 23 years old to acquire an ATP. But what's the rationale for this rule? I can understand why has to retire at the age of 65 but why can't we have an 18 year old captain flying a jet?

Q: issue with Sitecore 10.2 jss nextjs SXA

Jagmeet KaurWhen I am initiating sitecore jss app with nextjs, npx create-sitecore-jss --templates nextjs,nextjs-sxa --appName sitecore-nextjs-app --hostName s102demo1cm.dev.local --fetchWith GraphQL ./Sitecore folder just has config folder, however, when I am trying to deploy items with following command:...

Q: Is ochel nefesh permissible when Yom Tov falls on Shabbat?

KirkOn Yom Tov, there are certain examples of melacha being permitted that would otherwise be prohibited, based on it being permissible for the holiday’s need. My question is, does the law permitting melacha for ochel nefesh apply when Yom Tov falls on Shabbat? Or to rephrase, is ochel nefesh a posit...

Q: What is the right practice around empathy?

Jeff BogdanThis is a practice-related question. In Buddhism the goal is to not suffer, but empathy seems to mean suffering because someone else is suffering. In several places in the Pali Canon and elsewhere, compassion, loving-kindness, and sympathetic joy are mentioned, but so is equanimity. Here is an in...

Q: What is the "three-part commitment form" for Irish visa?

User01010After applying for a long-stay visa of Ireland, submitted to their embassy in Canada, I received a phone call from the embassy telling me that I should have also sent them a signed "three-part commitment" form. The person said the form, which is about asserting that I will leave the state at the ...

Q: Database-Instance using half of available CPU cores

hcmI'm looking at the following scenario: MSSQL Server 2019 Standard running on Windows Server 2016. sys.dm_os_schedulers shows 12 available logical CPU cores. Those 12 cores are split between 2 sockets. Even though they're sitting on 2 sockets, they seem to be on the same NUMA node (the server is ...

Q: Do Deutsche Bahn ICE trains to Belgium require a reservation?

NewbyteI booked a trip from Hamburg Hbf to Brussels/Bruxelles Midi, entirely with Deutsche Bahn trains. Later, I got an email from Deutsche Bahn stating the following: Due to a timetable change, your journey from Hamburg Hbf to Bruxelles Midi on 02 February 2024 cannot be carried out as described. Click "

1 hour later…
Q: Can I tell if there a break in my romex wire?

shackletonRecently my radon fan stopped working. I traced the line from my breaker in the basement to the unit. At one point in the basement, my voltage detector shows that the voltage stops/drops in the wire, just before it enters the wall to the outside of the house where the fan is located. My first gue...

Q: How to parse a raw transaction field by field?

hazelI am trying to understand all the parts of a legacy transaction. If I wanted to translate each part of the transaction to something human-readable, how would I need to go about that?

Q: Smallest number of subsets whose squares cover the whole square

Nathaniel JohnstonLet $2 \leq k \leq n$ be integers, let $[n] := \{1,2,\ldots,n\}$, and for a subset $A \subseteq [n]$ let $A^2 := A \times A$ be the Cartesian product of $A$ with itself and let $|A|$ denote the cardinality of $A$. Question: Let $f(k,n)$ denote the smallest integer $r$ for which there exist subset...

Q: Do the definition of goods include live beings such as live animals?

Mango GummyI am looking for a term that refers to both living beings and non-living objects in a legal context. Can I use goods, commodities, or items? I believe 'items' may work in this context since some animals are included as follows: Examples of restricted items include firearms, certain fruits and ve...

Q: Seeking examples of epistrophe in Tanach

rikitikitemboWhile epistrophe can include repetition of a word (or expression) in successive phrases or clauses I am seeking to identify the use of this literary technique in consecutive verses. Two examples to illustrate include Tehillim 118:10-12 which all conclude with the phrase בְּשֵׁ֥ם ה' כִּ֣י אֲמִילַֽ...

Q: What is the "Position" input of "Index of Nearest" node?

Markus von BroadyIn Sample Nearest node, I can plug an arbitrary vector or a field of arbitrary vectors. The docs seem to communicate the same thing about the Index of Nearest: Position The position for each element to search. By default, this is the same as if the Position Node was connected. I produced a simp...

Q: Why curly brackets are treated incorrectly when "commandchars" is used in "Verbatim"?

yegor256This is what I'm doing: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{fancyvrb} \begin{document} \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=+\{\}] Hello, \emph{world}! Bye, +emph{world}! \end{Verbatim} \end{document} The first line is rendered as Hello, \emphworld!, which is not correct. For some reason the Verbatim e...

Q: Estimating colored areas on an image

Tugrul TemelI have an image of a figure: I want to estimate the areas of colored regions separately. If data are available, then one could apply Integrate[Interpolation[**data**, {x-range}]. Unfortunately, actual data are not available, although the figure itself is. There are some examples in this SE, play...

Q: Our eares are converted into cates

Luke SawczakIn Archie Armstrong's Banquet of Jests (1641), there's an account of a punning clergyman: A DIVINE willing to play more with words than to be serious in the expounding of his Text, made his wit runne descant in this manner. This Diall, saith he, shewes wee muust die all ; yet notwithstanding, a...

Q: Why UniRef representative sequences in UniProt are so long?

dearname I found that some sequences in UniRef90 database are tens of thousands amino acids long. I read UniProt official documentation and figured out that these sequences are the representative sequences of clustered known protein sequences. That is, they are sequences of real proteins that do exist in...

Q: Usage of the word "gelangte"

tryst with freedom Wann und wie sie genau nach Europa gelangte, ist unklar, als sicher gilt jedoch, dass die ersten Kartoffeln den Weg über die kanarischen Inseln zu uns nahmen. I checked in dictionary and there seems to be no such word as gelangt.. but there seems to be "gelang" and "gelingt" which both seems to...

Q: Circular Queue Producer Consumer with Mutex and Condition Variable vs. Sempahore

Darnoc ElocThere is one producer and one consumer, producer must not insert data when buffer is full, consumer must not remove data when buffer is empty, the producer and consumer should not insert and remove data simultaneously. How can I optimize the performance of the code below? Is it possible to remove...

Q: Hysteresis on inverting terminal for comparator circuits?

AJ_SmoothieIf you examine 98% of circuits online that include hysteresis for a comparator, they always implement the hysteresis on the non-inverting input, like so: This is easy enough to calculate. However, let's say your input is from a voltage divider. The calculation of the hysteresis gets a bit more c...

Q: Why would I put an ASI into Con instead of taking the Tough feat?

User 23415I know that raising your Constitution modifier increases your maximum health. However, the Tough feat also does this, but gives twice as much health. What other benefits does a +2 to Con give, and when does that make it a better choice?

Q: How to select polygons from one layer that are completely inside polygons from another layer, yet have no vertices or edges in common?

Stu SmithBackgound: At 3.34.2, consider a scenario involving two polygon layers, as shown in the diagram below. The task is to select by location polygons from Layer A, compared to Layer B, that return only polygon #3. Polygon #3 is unique because it is completely within a Layer B polygon, yet it shares ...

Q: How does a stock becoming hard to borrow affect puts and calls?

rb612Here is my understanding from what I’ve gathered, but I want to confirm if this is correct (and/or if there’s something I’m missing). If a stock becomes hard to borrow, one can create a synthetic short forward position by selling calls and buying puts at the same strike and expiry. This allows a ...

Q: Why did God wait to give the law later?

Jason_In Genesis 29 NJKV we see Jacob working to get Rachel as a wife: 18 Now Jacob loved Rachel; so he said, “I will serve you seven years for Rachel your younger daughter.” Jacob ends up being deceived and given Leah as a wife: 23 Now it came to pass in the evening, that he took Leah his daughter ...

Q: Right situation for Teaching Dhamma or giving advice

KobamschitzoI often find that in real life people I know are doing things in a "wrong" way. By this I not only mean profound things related to Dhamma, but also small everyday things. Because of these small things, which are most often due to a small gap in their understanding, they keep suffering in a worldl...

Q: My University is investigating an allegation that I may have potentially breached the University’s Code of Conduct

chentey MayoAround the start of my semester this year I had a group assignment due. I had some personal issues going on with my mental health which my school is aware of; I was also a vitcim of financial fraud therefore i was going through some difficulties in my life that intervered with my studies. During ...

Q: Mass-procurable RAW munitions/WMDs in the vein of Arrow of Total Destruction?

ReubenI was thinking of running a campaign where the party runs into a group of revolutionaries who do not have access to any arch-mages (who let’s be frank embody the power structures they like to see toppled) try to MacGuyver their way to overthrow the powerful by using RAW magical items available on...

1 hour later…
Q: Permanently disable USB automount in headless PI3

jimbouI am running a PI3 headless with Debian 11.8. The PI3 has a HDD permanently connected to a USB port. This HDD is automatically mounted at boost, and I do not want that. I want to manually mount the HDD. Permanently disabling USB automount would make the deal. I have tried with fstab and the noaut...

Q: Is it wise to determine heating element temperature from resistivity?

TrisTContext I'm making an electric furnace for melting metal, and aiming to make my own controller. Everyone seems to just use thermocouples and a control loop, I thought perhaps I could just measure the resistivity from the heating element. I'm planning on using Kanthal A-1 (rated for 1400°C/2552°F)...

Q: Model-free convexity adjustment

KatieI have the settlement prices of 3-month SOFR IMM futures and I'm trying to compute the forward curve to replicate FactSet's results, but I have trouble understanding how they do the convexity adjustment. According to their white paper, At FactSet, we are using a simplified model-free approach to...

Q: Do foreign nationals have the right to a speedy trial?

gatorbackA teenager who is not a citizen of the United States is charged with a criminal offense. Does the teenager have the right to a speedy trial? If yes, at what point in time is the trial late and no longer speedy?

Q: Can なくす be written as 亡くす here?

Ned ReifWould it be wrong to use 亡くす in the following sentence? (The wwwjdic lists 亡くす as a transitive verb.) 去年【きょねん】とても多【おお】かった熊【くま】の被害【ひがい】 どうやってなくすか国【くに】も考【かんが】える The number of bear attacks was very high last year, and the government is thinking about how to eliminate them. https://www3.nhk.or.jp/new...

Q: Is this the correct isolated circuit to control a relay output from a Raspberry Pi GPIO?

PraveenI am making a circuit for an optically isolated relay output controlled by Raspberry Pi GPUO pin. I am not sure if this is the correct way of doing it. Can someone please help me out on this? Edit: Modified circuit based on answer from JustMe.

Q: Trace Distance in Bloch sphere, what is the vector of vector of Pauli matrices?

Wang SheffieldWhile reading Chapter 9.2.1 Trace distance in "Quantum Computation and Quantum Information," I encountered a question. What is the vector of Pauli matrices referring to? $$ \vec{\sigma} = (\sigma_x,\sigma_y,\sigma_z) $$ Also, why does matrix $(\vec{r}-\vec{s}) \cdot \vec{\sigma}$ have an eigenval...

Q: Proof of statement regarding bipartite graphs

VlakecTomazI'm trying to prove the following proposition as an exercise, and I'm stuck at some point. Let $G$ be a graph that doesn't contain $C_3$ or $P_4$ as an induced subgraph. Then $G$ is bipartite. My attempt at a solution was the following. Suppose $G$ isn't bipartite. Then $G$ must contain an odd cy...

Q: Using a t-test to test effect size

bazIn my line of work, I work with large data and often run stat tests to compare differences between groups. The problem I am facing is that if I use a $t$-test to measure any difference, the result will almost always be significant due to the large sample sizes. For example, I am looking to measur...

Q: I want help to finish the tree diagram

Math-ManQuestion: I have been trying to complete the tree diagram which I started (see the figure). Please help. This is what I have \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{trees} \begin{document} \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[level 1/.style={sibling distance=5cm}...

Q: What size flexible toilet supply line will fit my shut-off valve?

user180680I have a rigid toilet supply line that needs to be changed to a flexible one for a bidet seat. It seems there are 2 sizes (3/8” or 1/2”) at the compression end, however the current rigid compression end is between those measurements - 3/8” is too small and 1/2” is too big. Do I have to completely...

Q: Prove the limit using Epsion Delta Definition

LuckyianQ) Prove that $ \displaystyle \lim_{x \to 2} x^3 = 8$. This is how I approached it: $ \implies |x^3 - 2^3|<\epsilon$ $ \implies |(x-2)(x+2)^2|< \epsilon$ $ \implies |x-2||x+2|^2<\epsilon.$ then I tried to find a bound of $|x+2|^2$,by restricting the x at most away from $1$ i.e $|x-2|<1$; $-1<x-2<...

Q: The Specific Reason for the Plague of Darkness?

Gembali NoachI have found some specific reasons for each one of the plagues that GOD brought upon Egypt. Each Plague was a measure to measure punishments for the Egyptians: According to Midrash Tanchuma the first plague of blood was related to menstrual blood. The Egyptians prevented Jewish women from rituall...

Q: How is dividend good for stock/share investors?

fahmiWith every stock going ex-dividend, the stock price seem to drop by the amount of dividend per share. Few observations: The dividend seem to be earned at the cost of capital gain. The amount gained by dividend is offset by unrealised capital gain on the ex-dividend date. Also this prevents long ...

Q: Question in Stephan's TUGboat article about \expandafter

StephenIn the first page of Stephan Bechtolshein's TUGboat article about \expandafter, he described the rules of the execution of \expandafter. I think the case iii should not be listed here since the opening curly brace should be tokene rather than token1. That's to say, the author should have put iii ...

Q: Is there a simple method of attaching labels to some lines inside a "Verbatim" environment?

yegor256I have many Verbatim environments in my document, which contain source code with different characters inside, including {, (, [, <. I'm trying to find a way of attaching labels to some lines inside these environments. This looks clumsy, since I have to replace all { with \{ and all } with \} thus...

Q: Notebook starts formatting content automatically and then collapses

MMA13I am working on a notebook of size 5 MB which contains only data and Plot or ListPlot on WIN64 with MMA13.3. I am experiencing issues with this Mathematica notebook where it begins formatting content automatically by showing a dialog saying "Formatting Notebook Contents", taking a long time, and ...

Q: In terms of range, what did "eingestrichenem" refer to?

StewartI'm trying to read an old handwritten German document from 1835 which describes the range of the newly invented tuba. It says: die Bass-Tuba hingegen 4 reine Octaven durch die chromatische Scala, und zwar vom eingestrichenem, bis zum Contra C, zurückrechnet. When I run this through a translato...

Q: Name of very thin wires with insulation removed with soldering iron

SandroLast time I visited my PCB manufacturer to do some modifications on a prototype PCB, they used some very thin wire (probably something like AWG 30-35) where they just burned away the insulation with the soldering iron. Is there a name for such (thin) wires where you can burn away insulation, or i...

Q: Adjective meaning "once, and eventually to be again"

MaxI am currently on a leave of absence from my PhD. I would like to describe myself as an "[adjective] grad student", where [adjective] means something like "once, and destined to be again". Ideally it would have the flavor of words like "erstwhile" or "nascent". Does such an adjective exist?

Q: What is meant by the stabilization of a receptor?

ceno980I am reading a journal paper, and have a question about the below statement: PSD-95 is involved in the recruitment, trafficking and stabilization of N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptors (NMDARs) and α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isox-azoleproprionic acid receptors (AMPARs) to the postsynaptic membr...

Q: Travelling with two passports (dual citizen) from the Philippines to China then to Japan

Sr.py I am planning a trip from the Philippines to China and then continuing to Japan, before heading back to the Philippines. I am a dual citizen of the Philippines and Sweden. I have a Chinese visa on my Philippines passport, which I will use to enter and exit China, but can I then use my Swedish pas...

Q: Effects when 100 mmol NaHCO3 are mixed with 50 mmol HCl

chsimmons1I read somewhere that when $\pu{100 mmol}\ \ce{NaHCO3}$ are mixed with $\pu{50 mmol}\ \ce{HCl}$, a buffer arises. I'm confused, since $\ce{HCl}$ is a strong acid, and I thought the classic buffer is weak acid, weak conjugate base in equal amounts. Is it the fact that the strong acid is added in ...

Q: How would you say "body" as in when stating a law of physics?

FlatAssemblerWhen writing a Reddit post in Latin, I used the word "corpus" in the singular when stating the second law of thermodynamics: Secunda lex thermodynamicae docet nobis quia nullum corpus potest agere laborem (productum fortiae et distantiae, quod metimur in joulibus) ex sua ipsius energia internale...

Q: Are private glider pilots who are 14 or 15 years old more dangerous than those who are 16 when soloing?

SomeoneWith a student pilot certificate and an endorsement, it is legal to solo a glider at 14 years of age. When I was 14, I would have probably thought I was old enough to solo a glider, but looking back (I'm 17 now), I don't think I was mentally mature enough then. Soloing at 14 years old just doesn'...

Q: A very simple router for a PHP application

Nathan George/.htaccess ErrorDocument 404 /inc/index.php ErrorDocument 500 /inc/index.php RewriteEngine ON RewriteRule ^([a-z_-]+)$ index.php?page=$1 [L] /index.php <?php if(isset($_GET['page'])) { switch ($_GET['page']) { case 'login': require 'inc/login.php'; include 't...

Q: Is the behavior of bash -c "<single command>" documented?

aviroIt's quite known that when running bash -c "<COMMAND>" (at least in the common versions in Linux) when there's a single command without any metacharacter (except for space, tab or newline), the bash -c process will not fork, but rather replace itself by executing the <COMMAND> directly with execv...

Q: Why NDSolve can not solve this second-order nonlinear ODE

Dr. phyI try to solve: eq[t_] := ddf[t] + a'[t]/a[t] df[t] + 6 f[t] - 3 a[t]^2 f[t]^2 with f[t_] := Exp[(1/2)*(-2*(Derivative[1][a][t]/a[t]) + Sqrt[4*(Derivative[1][a][t]^2/a[t]^2) - 4*a[t]^2*k[t]^2])*t] df[t_] := D[f[t], t] ddf[t_] := D[f[t], {t,2}] and: k[t_] := Sqrt[(3 t Derivative[1][a][...

Q: In DND 3.5, what bonus on attributes can determine the daily spell slot and skill points gaining?

Terry WindwalkerI see in Pathfinder there's a saying "having a temporary bonus for over 24 hours makes it a permanent bonus", which means your headband of intellect won't bring you extra spell slots in the first 24 hours or if you remove it before you sleep. (Guess people would start wearing it when they find th...

Q: How can I put some set of machines to a group in an ansible inventory dynamically using the add_host ansible module?

Kavisha AbeynayakaI am trying to dynamically populate an inventory group called cloned_group in my current inventory . I passed the hostnames through the survey by the following names clone_machine_1, clone_machine_2, clone_machine_3. I used the ansible module add_host.The tasks were executed successfully but I d...

Q: Merge Contacts throw an error: DB Error: no such table

marcelo2605Enabling the debug mode, I got more details: Error Field Error Value Type DB_Error Code -18 Message DB Error: no such table Mode 16 UserInfo UPDATE civicrm_afform_submission SET contact_id = 123 WHERE contact_id = 456 [nativecode=1146 ** Table 'wordpress.civicrm_afform_submission' doesn...

Q: How to escape spaces on Windows path in autocmd?

MeinradI use the following autocmd to generate a template for markdown files in Vim. au BufNewFile C:/my_dir/*.md :silent 0r !C:/my_dir/template.py '%' Our IT department now forced me to move my files to a path where the folder name has spaces: C:/my new path/ How can I escape those spaces in the autoc...

Q: Making it so users that do not have macros enabled cannot see other sheets

Thomas WohllaibI am working on a project that wants all users to have macros enabled. It is a shared sheet so I cannot simply hide everything as a baseline and unhide the sheets when Open_Workbook is ran. My goal is to make it so only my designated "BLANK" sheet is shown when macros are disabled. Using the 'Bro...

Q: Heart plus diamond is spade-and-club: table puzzle

HelloWorldI found this YouTube video with a table on it showing some card suits with ampersands. You might not understand what it is about, but I still want to make a challenge about it. The input is two strings, being one of the following: heart diamond spade club You can do anything for any other input....

Q: Why is it possible to keep an object, say a book, horizontal while holding its corner?

brainfreezeWhen holding a book from its corner with two fingers in a pinched position, the fingers act as a sort of hinge, and the book is free to rotate about this corner only. The external forces acting on the book are $mg$, and the contact forces from the fingers. Since contact forces act on the axis of ...

Q: Why do the quantiles of a multivariate normal not work properly?

DenzoLet's say we have a multivariate normal distribution with two components. The two means $\mu_1$ and $\mu_2$ are both equal to 0 and the covariance matrix is a simple 2x2 square matrix with diag(1, 2, 2). I want to use this distribution to perform a sample size calculation, so I am trying to calcu...

Q: The move to protected mode on x86

ABM KWhen I learned programming, the programmer of the CPU had direct memory access. That is, the Z80, the 8086/8088, 6502, and so on. I don't know of any real use of the 186, but at least the 286 introduced "protected mode", which in reality had no impact on the MS/DOS world, besides some extra memor...

Q: Comic where Kara and Kal-el are sent to Earth in pods, Kara comes late

JackieWhat is the comic where both Kryptonians, Kara and Kal-el, are sent in pods to Earth; Kara's pod is hit by debris from Krypton exploding and goes off track and into cryo and ends up orbiting a star? (Phantom Zone maybe?) She eventually makes it to Earth, expecting Kal-el to be a baby and he is gr...

Q: Is systematic discrimination based on religion considered apartheid?

Erel Segal-HaleviThe crime of apartheid is defined as "an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime". Religion is not a racial group, as most religions allow people of any r...

Q: Enveloping algebra of affine Lie algebra is (not) noetherian

EstwaldI work over an algebraically closed field of characteristic $0$. Let $\mathfrak{g}$ be a semisimple Lie algebra, $\hat{\mathfrak{g}}=\mathfrak{g}[t,t^{-1}]\oplus\mathbb{C}K\oplus\mathbb{C}D$ the corresponding affine Lie (Kac–Moody) algebra. Prove or disprove: the enveloping algebra $U\hat{\mathfr...

Q: If I buy tickets in advance for the Intercity train and I get late, can I get another train in a later time with the same ticket?

hkotsuboI'm going to Amsterdam in April, my flight will land on Schiphol and the hotel is near Amsterdam Centraal station. I'm planning to take the train from the airport to the hotel. I've checked the NS website and saw that I have to choose tickets for a specific time. My flight will land in a Sunday, ...

Q: Generalized harmonic numbers and Riemann zeta function

Notamathematician The $n$-th harmonic number is defined as $$ H_{n}=\sum\limits_{k=1}^{n}\frac{1}{k}, $$ and the generalized harmonic numbers are defined by $$ H_{n}^{(m)}=\sum\limits_{k=1}^{n}\frac{1}{k^m}. $$ It is known result that $$ \sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{H_{n}}{n^3}=\frac{5}{4}\zeta(4). $$ Here $\z...

Q: Multi-control multi-target gate

Марина ЛисниченкоI'm using qiskit for simulation. Suppose, I have 6 qubits with indices [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and I have an operator $U$ of size $4 \times 4$, such that it operates on 2 qubits. How can we use qiskit to create a multi-control-multi-target gate such that, for example, the control qubit index is [1] an...

Q: Do my Latin phrases make sense?

SamI'm attempting to create a Latin motto or saying to be used in a short story that I'm writing and want to ensure that it makes grammatical sense. I've attempted to figure this out by myself, but just wound up confusing myself. The first phrase I have in mind is "In Life; Strife; In Strife, Knowle...

Q: Is it insider trading if I bought Boeing puts while I am inside the wrecked airplane?

hanshenrikImagine sitting in an airplane when suddenly the door blows out. Now, while everyone is screaming and grasping for air, you instead turn on your noise-cancelling head-phones to ignore that crying baby next to you, calmly open your robin-hood app (or whatever broker you prefer, idc), and load up o...

Q: How can I seal a foundation vent?

ApnaI have a foundation vent that lets water into the basement and leads to flooding when it rains. I have plenty other vents and so I would like to completely close this one. The water comes in because the water collects in the flower bed outside the house. I want to seal it. And I am looking for su...

Q: Emphasis on explaining background knowledge in PL; not much so in physics?

이희원As a CS-Physics double major undergrad entering my senior year, I have begun reading a handful of articles from both fields. Specifically, I have read some articles from programming language-related journals (eg. OOPSLA, ICSE, SIGPL) and physics-related ones (eg. Nature Physics, Physics Review, J...

Q: Binomial series

MortezaI am interested in the limit $\frac{\sum_{k=0}^n \sqrt{k}\cdot\binom{n}{k}}{\sqrt{n}\cdot2^n}$ as $n$ goes to infinity. Any reference or argument? In general what do we know about the asymptotic behavior of $\sum_{k=0}^n k^\alpha\cdot\binom{n}{k}$, where $\alpha$ is a positive real (not necessari...

Q: Show that continuity-preserving maps are homeomorphisms

paad89Let $X$ and $Y$ be topological spaces. Call $f:X \rightarrow Y$ continuity-preserving if, for all continuous functions $\gamma: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow X$, $f \circ \gamma$ is also continuous. I know that all continuous functions are continuity-preserving; that is, if $f$ is continuous and $\gamma...

Q: Representing vectors as arrays of points vs. as data structures

AcinonXI'm writing a program in Java where I need to represent the position, scale, and other 3-dimensional properties of objects in a world using vectors. I can use either of these two approaches: Represent vectors as an array of doubles with 3 elements (procedural approach) Represent vectors using a ...

Q: Convention: Comma and period in an enumeration

LereuI am writing a master thesis in maths and I use lots of enumerations in theorems. I am not sure, how I use a comma and period correctly. As I was told, there has to be a comma after an item, except the last, which has to be ended by a period. Like in the following example: But now I have a more ...

Q: Struggling finding clients

Arotiana RANDRIANASOLOI'm a freelance programmer, I have started freelancing 2 months ago just after quitting my previous company. I had a good start in the first month, but now I'm struggling to find new clients. I would appreciate any advice or referrals from anyone who needs my skills. I can work with React (Next.j...

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