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Q: How are Interplanetary Transport Network/Weak Stability Boundary paths calculated?

hi-bye125I am trying to simulate an interplanetary mission using NASA's General Mission Analysis Tool. While trying to optimise the delta-v budget, I began to think; how might one optimise and code for WSB/ITN routes in this software? How are they calculated in general? Example for illustration: Voyager 2...

Q: Exercise on sequence of a function

Henry DSubject: Seeking Help with a Mathematics Exercise Hello everyone, I hope this message finds you well. I'm reaching out to seek assistance with a mathematics exercise that has been posing some challenges for me. The exercise is as follows: Let $n$ be an integer, $n \geq 1$. We denote $f_n$ as the ...

Q: KOMA-Script TOC modification

ReRunnerBy default, KOMA-Script composes headers using sans-serif. I would like to type them in a serif font, so I used: \addtokomafont{chapter}{\normalfont} This works, but I would like the label "Contents" in the TOC to also be written in a sans-serif font. How can I do this? \documentclass[mpinclude=t...

Q: Custom derive macro to create getters and setters

DornteufelTo learn how custom derive macros work in Rust, I decided to create a simple derive macro to provide getters and setters for a given struct. It would be used like this: #[derive(GetSet)] pub struct Example { #[get] #[set] field1: String, #[get] field2: i32, } However, there a...

Q: How to keep the original phi command with another name?

Romain BricoutSince I don't usually use the "original" phi I have the following code in my preamble: \renewcommand{\phi}{\varphi} However, I'm now in a situation where I really need the "original" phi so I tried the following: \newcommand{\phialt}{\phi} \renewcommand{\phi}{\varphi} I was hoping that defining...

Q: How to read off a fixing from a swap curve?

JakcieJnrLet $F_t(T_1, T_2)$ be the forward swap rate at time $t$ from $T_1$ to $T_2$. Consider a swap that fixes at time $T$, with effective date at time $T + 2D$, and payment date 6 months later at $T + 2D + 6M$. That is, the swap fixes two days prior to being effective. My question is, which of the fol...

Q: Why are there buyers for a stock of a biotech company that was recently acquired?

ronald christenkksonThe stock of this company, Karuna Therapeutics, rose on 12/22/2023 from around 220$ to 320$ because it is being acquired by a bigger biotech company. https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/KRTX/ From the volume data on that date, obviously a lot of people sold their stocks for a very nice 45% unexpected...

Q: What does 曰く mean?

Kawase_K I understand the sentence is akin to "Ah, the sword that the glasses old man used to cut... that' s not a normal sword. It's possessed/hunted" However how is 曰く used? As far context goes, it's the first time they see the sword and it gets used, and I don't believe they ever saw it before. Googl...

Q: Is the signature field in the passport ever actually used for anything?

JonathanReezAll the passports I've owned so far had a "signature" field in them. However in my 15+ years of traveling I've never once seen anyone compare the passport signature to my current signature. Is this field ever actually used for any purposes as of 2023 or is it just a relic of the 20th century that...

Q: Why weren’t resettled Germans compensated for their confiscated land in Prussian Pomerania after WWII?

Mojo KrupMy great-aunt and her two children were expelled from their family farm in the Province of Pomerania, at Rummelsburg (now known as Miastko), near Williamshaffen. They were given no compensation. Her father, my great-grandfather, was also expelled but was compensated essentially lunch-money by the...

Q: How long (as in weeks, months, years) did Paul persecute the Church for? Is there an estimated timeframe that is agreed upon by most theologians?

TylerDid Paul persecute the Church for years, or was the timeframe shorter, as in months? What do most scholars believe regarding this? Acts 8:3 (BLB) - But Saul was destroying the church. Entering houses after houses and dragging off men and women, he was delivering them to prison. Acts 9:1, 2 (BSB)...

Q: Homotopy groups of finite CW complex finitely generated as Lie algebra

R. van Dobben de BruynThis is probably a well-known question, but I haven't found the answer on MO or MSE. It is well-known that the homotopy groups of a finite CW complex $X$ need not be finitely presented, even as $\mathbf Z[\pi_1(X)]$-module (see for instance Exercise 38 in §4.2 of Hatcher). The first counterexampl...

Q: Dot product of the electric and magnetic field as the contraction of the electromagnetic tensor and its dual

SalmonI've see in some examples, e.g. here, that $$-4\vec{E}\cdot \vec{B}=\tilde{F}_{\mu\nu}F^{\mu\nu}$$ How would you show such a relation? By inserting terms by terms inside this equation I've seen it is correct, but I would like to prove it in a more general way. I was only able to show this: $\tild...

Q: Fourier Transform and Inverse Fourier

BlueHoodieThe question is: A. Calculate the Fourier transform of the function $$ f(x) = a^2-x^2, |x| < a$$ $$ f(x) = 0, |x| > a$$ where $a \ge 0$ B. Hence, deduce $$\int_0^{\infty} \frac{\sin x - x\cos x}{x^3}\,\Bbb dx = \frac{\pi}{4}$$ HINT: Start from inverse Fourier transform and note that $f(0) = a^2$....

Q: GA4 how to see Real Time Page Paths

JohnI haven't used in Google Analytics in a long time. I want to know in real time which URLs are being visited, but the closest widget I can find is "Page Title and Screen Name" as shown in this screenshot: But because very single page has the same Page Title (the developer made this site with Ne...

Q: Did BBC Micro business software stick to 40 columns?

rwallaceThe iconic personal computer sponsored by the British Broadcasting Corporation, was most famous for its use in UK schools, so I was surprised to read in The Legacy of the BBC Micro: By October 1983, demand from schools had increased, with 25 per cent of the total sales coming from education, 35 ...

Q: Inconsistent Ohr HaChaim?

The TargumIn this Ohr HaChaim he says that Noach received the pre sinatic torah from Chanoch (Enoch) who had received it from Adam. From my understanding Noach was born after Chanochs death. This would seem to make it difficult for Chanoch to have transmitted anything to Noach since Noach was not alive dur...

Q: How can an octopus paint underwater?

Wyvern123In my story, humanity engages in World War III, ultimately bringing about their extinction. The irradiation of the ocean causes a mutation in an octopus (Enteroctopus Dofleini), enabling her to pass on knowledge to her offspring. Over the course of thousands of years, the octopus gradually become...

Q: Visiting Canada as UK citizen after arrest, but no charge

throwaway20231227I am a UK citizen looking to visit Canada in the second half of 2024 for a family event. In 2020 I was arrested and interviewed by the police on serious criminal allegations. Afterwards I was released on conditional bail (which is a status that has to be reviewed and renewed periodically) which e...

Q: Calculate the base 10 log with loops in Java without using Math

Tobias GrotheI'm looking for a simple way to calculate the logarithm without using java.lang.Math, just out of interest. Here's my try (I adopted some code parts from this answer): public class Log { public static double log10(int x) { if (x <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("...

Q: Not able to left align node at line

JufeusI want to have a node above and left aligned with my line. Here is the code: \draw (0.5,0.5) node[anchor=west, above, sloped] {Tisch} -- (3.5,0.5); I am using the Tikz package... But the node only align in the mittle above the line. Do you guys have an idea? I am quite new to latex :) Thanks.

Q: If Cov(X,Y)=Var(Y), what is the dependence between X and Y?

Jo RIn a problem I have found that $$Cov(X,Y)=Var(Y),$$ where $X$ and $Y$ are random variables. What can I conclude on the linear dependence between $X$ and $Y$? Thank you!

Q: OLS assumptions of uncorrelatedess

Brett CooperWhen dealing with data $(X,Y)$ that is not time series data, for example $X=\text{weight}$ and $Y=\text{height}$, we can use OLS to estimate the coefficients $b_1$ and $b_0$ of a linear regression model $Y=b_1 X+b_0$ only if certain assumptions are met. One of the assumption is that the residuals...

Q: Blocking sidewalk by parking in your driveway

Tina McDanielIs it the responsibility of the board of an HOA to enforce county and state laws about blocking a sidewalk. This is in a HOA community where one side of each street has a sidewalk and by using their full driveway some homeowners block the sidewalk causing people to have to walk in the street pas...

Q: How do you handle your data backend as DM?

Wurzel SeppI'm a brand new DM with zero experience in the field, though I have played a few campaigns as a player. My first campaign is almost finished, at least for the plot/writing/arc parts. My problem now is: how do I set it up at the table? To make a very long story as short as possible, here's what I ...

Q: math results as node text

lucky1928I would like to use a math formula as node text. I searched a little bit, some suggestion is using fpu library to avoid dimension too big error, below code not work, expect node text is \x/1000, so should be 16.544. \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usepgflibrary{fpu} \pgfkeys{/pgf/fp...

Q: How is geometric frustration different from (not) being frustration free?

Mark SpinelliIn the context of Ising models, some Hamiltonians can be described as geometrically frustrated - such as, I think, the antiferromagnetic kagome lattice, as well as a one-dimensional anisotropic, next-nearest neighbor Ising chain. There appears to be a competition between spin-up and spin-down qu...

Q: Why does reducing the bit size by one of NP-hard instances imply P = NP?

DairI am reading some notes on parameterized complexity located here. Under the topic of "Kernalization" (section 3, page 4) they state: When faced with the task of solving an NP-Hard problem, almost every practical computer implementation performs preprocessing steps or data reduction steps. The go...

Q: Moderncv - Align dates with linebreaks

Cpt. MeowI am writing my CV with LaTeX, using moderncv. Dates that are longer (eg. 03/2021-08/2023) are causing a linebreak. I am fine with the linebreak, but I would like to have the two lines to be aligned such that either the months are left aligned or the years right aligned (with the hyphen moved to ...

Q: Do higher end road bike require less maintenance?

Bigbob23I bought a entry level road bike CAAD optimo for around $1000 and I've noticed that the bike required a fair bit of maintenance for example creaking noises, chain rubbing, chain skipping etc. I am wondering if higher end bikes like giant tcr has less of these problems? Or is it more of the same...

Q: How to prove that Peirce's law does not hold in this logical system?

Le Grand SpectacleI consider a Hilbert system defined by the following: $A \rightarrow (B \rightarrow A)$ $(A \rightarrow (B \rightarrow C)) \rightarrow ((A \rightarrow B) \rightarrow (A \rightarrow C))$ I believe this is called something like minimal logic (?) What I would like to do is prove that Peirce's law ca...

Q: Cryptic Division 7: Nothing Under the Tree

juiciferThis is a word division puzzle which uses cryptic clues. If you're unfamiliar with either or both of those, you can click the associated link. In order to solve the alphametic, you'll first need to fill in the dividend, divisor, and quotient by solving the cryptic clues. I've left the enumeratio...

Q: How would one model this sort of shape?

MechMK1I'm trying to recreate and modify this model. My plan would be to model one of the "stars", which is in essence a star with four points, with the connecting edges "shrunk" towards the center. Then use the array modifier to create multiple copies of the star around a circle or ellipse, and finally...

Q: Why is the G flat major note written with a flat on the lower G and not the higher one?

heretoinfinityI was going over the circle of fifths as part of theory, and I was trying to write out the G-flat key signature. I put the G-flat in where the red flat is in the image below, but I realized that the signature actually uses the G closer to middle C. Is there a reason why this is the case?

Q: Please explain the use of these diode clamps on the op-amp input and output

jjavi66I come from this post Guitar Pre-Amp stage/filtering and STM32F4. I found this circuit below in the answer by Dave Branton. Why does it include 2 clamps, one at the input and one at the output? Moreover, I have simulated the circuit in PSPICE and even it suits perfectly fine with my purpose. I ...

Q: Why won't my voltage feedback system work?

İbrahim İpekVin is a constant DC source. This circuit will take a random DC input between 12.6V and 48V, and then maintain a constant output voltage of 5V using a system of voltage feedback. with the source code, float D; void setup() { TCCR0B = TCCR0B & B11111000 | B00000010; pinMode(5, OUTPUT); ...

Q: Proof of "The sum of a convergent and divergent sequence is divergent"

sla813I am simply wondering if my proof of this statement works. Suppose $x_n$ converges to x and $y_n$ diverges. Proof by contradiction. Since $x_n$ converges, for any $ε$, there exists a natural number $N_x$ s.t. $n≥N_x$ implies $|x_n - x| < ε$. Now assume $x_n + y_n$ converges to $x + y$. Thus for a...

Q: Prepare power cable for 7kw kitchen stove

watbywbarifI am replacing kitchen stove, both have same power requirements (7kw) so the installation is OK. I have made the replacement up to a cable connection. New cable has something what looks like copper shield, I have no experience so I wonder should it be removed before inserting to PVC strip connect...

Q: Horror short story, girl dying while on a Ferris wheel

mommyslilmisfitI remember the cover had a skull with either mist or fog seeping from it. There are also purple hues and shades of gray. Somewhere on the title is the word "centennial". The book was a paperback. I read this about 5 or 6 years ago. The cover felt like it was from the 80's, but the stories felt ve...

Q: Woman adopts a feral child - short story

AndrewThis is a short story I probably read in Asimov's Science Fiction in the late 1980s or early 1990s. A woman spots a feral child in a parking lot of an office building - feral children in this universe being almost as common as feral cats in ours - and in spite of the stories she's heard about the...

Q: What, if anythinng, is the flaw in SMBC's "happiness-3" comic?

BarmarToday's Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal raises in interesting philosophical issue. The comic posits a machine that makes your life perfect and happy, and asks if people would get bored of this. The response given is that this can't happen as long as the machine is working correctly. Feeling bor...

Q: Shorthand way of writing 人間?

omegabodegaI'm reading a manga and this afterword bit is handwritten. I'm assuming that the circled character is meant to be 人間, but is that a valid way of writing it shorthand or is it a completely different compound?

Q: What's the difference between "35 mile ish commutes" and "35ish mile commutes"?

Loviiiell.stackexchange.com: (1) 35 mile ish commutes Such placement of "ish" isn't clear to me. Why is it grammatical to place "ish" after "mile"? What does (1) mean? my variant: (2) 35ish mile commutes What's the difference between (1) and (2)?

Q: MacBook Air can not "see" an old-ish (2011) camera which is connected to it via USB

Peter BI have a MacBook Air (M1, 2020) running Ventura 13.5.2, and am trying to connect my camera (Canon PowerShot SX220 HS, released 2011) to it via USB. The Mac only has USB-C ports, and the camera only has a USB-A cable, but I join them using an adapter. No matter what I do, the Mac does not "see" th...

Q: The worst spaghetti code

Dannyu NDosObjective Write a full program that works exactly like the flow chart below. Each output, which is an integer, shall be through stdout, followed by a line feed. Each input shall be a line of string fed through stdin, and shall be judged to a predicate you choose for branching. The same predicate ...

Q: Why does 善悪{ぜんあく}の彼岸{ひがん} mean "Beyond Good and Evil"? In particular, how does 彼岸 correspond to "beyond"?

chausiesEpisode 9 of Parasyte is titled 善悪{ぜんあく}の彼岸{ひがん}, translated as "Beyond Good and Evil". It's also apparently the official Japanese name for the "Beyond Good and Evil" book that was originally written by famous philosopher Nietzsche. 善悪{ぜんあく} is straightforward and I've known it before. But appare...

Q: 13 Man 12 Man Cartoon Puzzle

HawkeyeOkay, I got this puzzle from YouTube It has been driving me nuts since yesterday while I'm at home with a cold. I finally decided to bring it to you guys to help me wrap my head around how this is possible (to at least help my mental health because I think I'm going nuts.) I would watch the video...

Q: How do I create a bone which controls the "global" rotation of another bone and not its local rotation

DEDI have a free floating control bone which is meant to rotate the spine of my character on the global x axis so that my character can look up and down when performing certain actions via my game code editing the orientation of this bone. This works fine when the spine is already facing forward: ...

Q: Why does the mind (my mind) continue to deviate to past experiences at any point for no reason

RemylaFor quite some time now, no matter what innocuous thing I do my mind can randomly wonder to some past experience for no reason at all other than a common bond between the memory and present action or experience. A few examples: I am making a cup of tea and my mind wanders to a conversation I had...

Q: Playing a scale with a flat 10 across multiple octaves

les_hLet's say I'm playing a keyboard solo and I'm using a C major scale with a flat 10. So I play an E in the first octave and an E flat in the second octave, but then I get very, showy prog-rocky and I go up to a third octave. Is the E natural or flat? Is the flat ten sticky across all higher octave...

Q: When does mirin need refrigeration?

user3486184I've been trying to discover when mirin needs to be refrigerated. Unopened bottles aren't kept cold, but after opening answers seem to diverge. I've read that traditional mirin is 14% alcohol by volume. Mine ("takara masamune mirin") is 12%, but doesn't appear to have added sweetener. The bottle ...

Q: I am flying from the UK to the EU. Can I bring meat products I bought previously in the EU?

Chrissy C. HauerI have some meat products I bought in an EU country. They are in factory shrink wrap, with the producing country prominently displayed. Then I went on to visit the UK. Now I am heading back to the EU, a different country. Is it allowed to bring these meat products back?

Q: Proving the set of all complex numbers with real parts greater than 2 but less than 5 is an open subset

Alex VaughanI am studying Conway's Function of One Complex Variable and have currently reached the topic of open and closed subsets. I have made up my own exercise: Prove that $\{x \in \mathbb{C}: 2<\mathfrak{Re}(x)<5\}$ is an open set in $\mathbb{C}$ under the Euclidean metric. I don't know exactly where my...

Q: How do I make a normals shader?

Seph ReedI'd like to make a shader that colors everything based off normals. It's the default shader of all shaders. How can I make it in Blender?

Q: Is it permissible to have multiple kings at the same time

KirkAccording to Halacha, is it permissible to have multiple kings govern over Israel at the same time? Like could you have different kings each governing but all accountable to say a greater king or court and they co rule over the state of Israel? Sources for this please

Q: Security Of Public Bitcoin Nodes / Servers

NeoI have been wondering about the security of using public bitcoin nodes with your wallet. E.g. sparrow wallet offers three connection options (public nodes, your own bitcoin core node or a private electrum server with bitcoin core) and the docs recommend to use your own bitcoin node / electrum ser...

Q: Plug on neutral question

KmwrestleI'm looking to add a plug on neutral combo afci/gfci breakers for a new circuit. Can this be installed over the neutral bus if a different circuit already has a neutral screwed in to that part of the neutral bar, or do I need to move the existing neutral wires first?

Q: Can anyone provide any translation of this tombstone?

Stephanie This is an old family headstone. I realize the lettering is hard to make out, Any help with translation would be appreciated!

Q: How does Wikipedia make its orbital simulations?

hi-bye125Pretty simple question; what software is used on Wikipedia to make these simulations? Some examples below:

Q: Construct a list of permuted circles containing arrows

monfnegI am drawing a picture as containing several raws addressed by any permutation of three circles with different radii. My difficulties to solve which I need clues are: 1- Inserting an arrow inside any circle with an arbitrary direction for example 30 degrees or 57 degrees 2-Implementation of a pe...

Q: Does the damage range on a Quarterstaff affect spell damage?

StevoisiakI noticed that different Quarterstaves have different damage amounts listed. I understand weapon damage affects how much damage physical attacks do, but how does it work for magical classes like Sorcerer that usually use spells instead of attacking directly? Does the damage range on a Quarterstaf...

Q: What is the origin of sense data?

John SmithDid Ayer and other sense data theorists believe that sense data are caused by the external world somehow? I don't know if this is supposed to be controversial, but I just don't see how you can deny this without denying neuroscientific accounts of perception. Also, how can sense data be about the ...

Q: More sleep vs more learning

ShababnikI'm looking for the source of an achron, I believe, who says that a Torah Scholar should get a good night's rest; while possibly foregoing some amount of learning at night so that the learning of the next day will be more dynamic.

Q: Short sci-fi story about exploring a planet to be terraformed

Ben KingLooking for the title and author of a short story. It’s AT LEAST 15-20 years old. The story follows a pair of humans exploring a frigid planet to be terraformed. The premise was that they are inspectors from an inter species coalition approves planets for terraforming into habitability on a case-...

Q: Why does Jessep say that he and Markinson both went to the academy together?

tomorwoh38hxIn "A Few Good Men," why does Jessep say that he and Markinson went to the academy together? The Marine Corps doesn't have an academy.

Q: How do capacitors stop voltage spikes?

EskimoJonesIn circuits like the one below, I don't understand how the capacitor can handle voltage spikes. I heard that decoupling capacitors deal with spikes by absorbing more of the voltage, but I don't understand how the capacitor can reduce the voltage received by the load as the voltage is same between...

Q: What was the explanation for the existence of the Klingon sleeper ship in the “Star Trek: The Next Generation” episode “The Emissary”?

Giacomo1968In the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode “The Emissary” (S02E20), the plot revolves around the following: “In this episode, the Enterprise is sent a half-Klingon, half-human emissary to help them deal with a three-quarter century-old Klingon sleeper-ship who believes they are still at war w...

Q: Why this Mooney is drawing fuel when priming

Boeing787Today at the flying club, I witnessed a Mooney startup. When the pilot primed the engine, there was a fair amount of fuel (I’m assuming) that was drained near the nose gear. What is the reason for this? And how does it work? https://youtube.com/shorts/O8dYQgQTrq8?si=ryKy-_Hezas7Gxdb

Q: Estimates of the sum of the biggest terms in a binomial expansion.

Aritro PathakPerhaps this is an easy and standard result in the binomial distribution. Consider the expansion $(a+b)^n$ where $a=(\frac{1}{2} +\delta)$ and $b=(\frac{1}{2}-\delta)$ for some arbitrarily small $\delta$. Given a fixed small $0<c<1$, one would expect for all $n$ large enough, the existence of $t=...

Q: Is 一條魚上面月亮 a valid translation of “(a/one) fish above the moon”?

Evelyn CHI’m a (very) beginner Chinese learner trying to compose some basic sentences; I’m relatively sure I have the right classifier of 條 for 魚, but (among other things) I’m particularly unsure if using 一 is necessary or idiomatic. Would 一條魚上面月亮 make sense to a Chinese speaker as “a fish over/above the ...

Q: In the musical texture “monody”, can the underlying harmony be provided with a single voice?

LeciferAccording to these wiki pages (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monody https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homophony), in Monody, ”one solo voice sings a melodic part, usually with considerable ornamentation, over a rhythmically independent bass line.” It is also said on the wiki pages that there is melod...

Q: _layouts/cp.twig cannot be found

cherrykodaI have a module that's meant to add a section to the CP. class Reports extends Module { // Public Methods // ========================================================================= /** * @inheritdoc */ public function init() { parent::init(); Even...

Q: What does Chapter XLVIII in Machiavelli's Discourses on Livy, Book I, mean?

maxI don't understand what Book I Chapter 48 of Machiavelli's Discourses on Livy is trying to convey: Chapter XLVIII He who would not have an Office bestowed on some worthless or wicked Person, should contrive that it be solicited by one who is utterly worthless and wicked, or else by one who is in...

Q: Why does dirt appear after we turn off water either to the house or under the sink?

ClassifiedI had to call the plumber to come out a few times recently to work on my kitchen faucet or bathroom faucet. Each time, he either turned off the water under the sink or turned off the water to the house. The funny thing is each time he turned the water back on, it seemed like there was sediment ...

Q: why does genesis 1:27 says man was created in God's image and then in Genesis 2:7 is when God actually creates man

Dorinda HinsonI know God Created man on the 6th day (Genesis 1:27) so I was questioning why it talks about God forming man again in (Genesis 2:7). I do get it but I need a full clarification.

Q: Image ranker/sorter

dawI'm looking for something that can as efficiently as possible help me sort a group of images based on my personal preference. I would imagine what I'm looking for would look like something that uses pivot sort, prompting the user with two photos at a time asking for their preference, until the im...

Q: What do Saturn's rings look like during a total solar eclipse, viewed from one of its moons?

SaintDiabolusAssuming the observer is standing on one of Saturn's moons, with an atmosphere and angle that allows them to see Saturn and its rings in the sky, what do the rings look like during a total solar eclipse? Are they dark? Are they illuminated with the same ring that Saturn would get from the sun beh...

Q: Does the Druid spell Wall of Lava have to be connected to an actual wall or ground?

Mynock1108Does the Druid spell Wall of Lava need to be connected to the ground or a wall? Or, can it be cast in mid air, such as in front of a flying creature?

Q: Should you define acceptance tests for vital yet simple behavior?

verified_tinkerI'm trying to practice BDD by applying it to a simple problem—in this case, the flocking algorithm, better known as "boids". Before any of the rules (cohesion, alignment, etc.) comes the most fundamental behavior: movement. The rules mutate a boid's velocity, but that means nothing unless the vel...

Q: How to connect the two mouths of a wormhole in embedding diagram?

Mohammadhere's the code that I've been using: z[r_, q_, b0_] := I r Hypergeometric2F1[1/2, 1/(1 - q), 1 + 1/(1 - q), (r/b0)^(1 - q)] - I b0 Sqrt[Pi] Gamma[1 + 1/(1 - q)]/Gamma[1/2 + 1/(1 - q)]; RevolutionPlot3D[{{r, z[r, 0, 5]}, {r, -z[r, 0, 5]}}, {r, 0, 7}, PlotStyle -> Directive[Magenta, Opacity[0....

Q: What is the name of this component and what is it used for?

kovacCan someone tell me the name and the function of the following component please?

Q: French SF novel where a weapon destroys most of humanity

AlfredI read this novel in French at least 20 years ago but it was much, much older. Not very far after the beginning, a couple of scientist investigate some remarkable thing that takes place within living cells. They know it is dangerous but they see a great potential in harnessing this new phenomenon...

Q: Can I leave Frankfurt airport during layover (Iceland to India return flight)?

Siddharth ThevarilI am an Indian citizen returning to India from Iceland with a layover at Frankfurt. I have 2 questions: Do I need a transit Visa? Since I have a Schengen Visa for Iceland, can I leave the airport during layover at Frankfurt?

Q: How to configure VirtualBox NAT network with IPv6?

Sergiy BelozorovI am running an externally-acessible server inside a VM. My local router is configured to use DDS to map my IP address to a domain I own and to forward packets to ports 80 and 443 to my Windows PC. The VirtualBox VM is configured with NAT network and following port forwarding rules: Until recent...

Q: Zero-mean preprocessing before calculating the autocorrelation

vakula85I am aware that if we do not subtract the mean value from the white noise at the beginning (if the mean is not equal to 0), that its autocorrelation function will be triangle shaped and not a delta function. I wonder why that is? I'm also wondering why the signal mean is so often removed at the b...

Q: How could a civilization artificially green large portions of the Sahara in a way that doesn't cause an ecological catastrophe in the Amazon?

Dorothy VivianApologies if I sound like a madman ahead of time. Me and a friend have been worldbuilding this alternate timeline for awhile now, and I've recently become interested in the idea of one of the factions in this world performing large desert greening projects in the Sahara and Australian outback. We...

Q: Is "+" slower than "CONCAT" for large strings?

gotqnI have always thought that CONCAT function is actually a wrapper over the + (String Concatenation) with some additional checks in order to make our life more easier. I have not found any internal details about how the functions are implemented. As to the performance, it seems that there is overhe...

Q: Do the words 'Where' and 'Wherever' mean the same in this sentence?

Subin KimI'm reading a sentence of Intellectual Property law and I've found this: -> [Where] other Acts related to intellectual property are enacted or amended, they shall satisfy the objectives and basic principles of this Act. Does 'where' have the same meaning as 'wherever'? If it does, can 'where', wh...

Q: A problem about how dominated convergence is used in the analysis of variation

Elio LiI'm reading Existence of solutions to a higher dimensional mean-field equation on manifolds and get stuck on Lemma6. When $\lambda>\Lambda_1$, with $\Lambda_1=(2 m-1) ! \operatorname{vol}\left(S^{2 m}\right)$. They proved that the following functional is not bounded below so they wanted to find t...

Q: Active character only in text mode

Agente 156I have the following code to replace ' to \textquotesingle, because I prefer this symbol when I type an apostrophe. \makeatletter \catcode`\'=\active \def'{\textquotesingle} \makeatother The problem is that when I want to write a derivate of a function it doesn't compile, I have to type \text{'}...

Q: What is molecular "tumbling" in NMR?

Krang LeeIn NMR textbooks, it is often said that small molecules tumble faster and large molecules tumble slower. What is "tumbling" exactly? When I searched for it, someone says that it is any molecular motions (translation, rotation, vibration), someone says that it is reorientation, and someone says th...

Q: Geometry Nodes: Popping Peas on a Pan (or even popcorn)

Manu JärvinenI tried to make balls to bounce nicely on a flat surface, as if you were popping some popcorn. But it gets complicated. How to do it properly? This is basically what I would like an individual pea to behave: And this is how multiple ones should behave: Especially small bounces should happen fa...

Q: NanoVNA: Smith chart units

Christianidis VasilisI am trying to understand the units NanoVNA uses for its smith chart. After calibration, for an "open", I see this: The units are: \$ 1000m-j71.4m \$ , where I suppose 'm' stands for mili, which does not make sense for the resistance, \$1000mΩ\$ aka \$1Ω -j0.0714\$ would look like that on a smit...

Q: Why did I get rejected for a B1 visa to the USA with 214(b)?

ArtyomYet, again this question, but please give me some feedback for my situation. Should I reapply for an interview in a week from now in a US consulate in another country? I got rejected for the first time today, 28 Dec, while applying for a B-1 visa to the USA with the 214(b) reason. I didn't ask th...

Q: Confusion regarding uniform boundedness

Zack mathI am estimating a sequence of functions and struggling with the following estimations. Suppose $F_n:[0,1]\rightarrow (0,\infty)$, a continuous sequence of functions. We know the following For an arbitrary $n\in {\mathbb{N}}$ and $x_0\in [0,1]$, there exists an $\epsilon_n>0$ (depending only on n ...

Q: Format particular terminal nodes and remove lines between them and their parents using forest

Kyle F. HartzenbergWhen using the forest package to draw linguistic syntax trees, how can one prevent lines being drawn between particular terminal nodes and their parents, while still maintaining them as separate "nodes" as viewed by forest/TikZ in order to facilitate programmatic formatting? Here is an example of...

Q: Relationship between Gibbs free energy and surface energy

natanovI am currently studying interface engineering, a field sometimes referred to as surface tension engineering. In the course, it has been mentioned that surface energy, also known as surface tension in the context of simple fluids, is considered a form of Gibbs free energy. I am attempting to grasp...

Q: Why is " arbeiten " at the beginning of the sentence? "Arbeiten muss ich nicht mehr"

aysana.s. heydariIs it possible that it has another grammatical role besides being a verb? For example, be an adjective, etc

Q: Question on the modulus character of classical p-adic group

Andrew$\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}\DeclareMathOperator\Sp{Sp}$It is well known for the formula of the computation of modulus character of general linear groups. For example, for the standard Borel subgroup $B$ of $\GL_n$, the modulus character $\delta_B$ over the maximal torus $T$ is calculated by $\d...

Q: Name the Dutch ancestor

KeizerHarmThe Dutch system for naming one's ancestors is a lot more interesting than the English version. For English, the sequence goes "parent", "grandparent", "great-grandparent", "great-great-grandparent", "great-great-great-grandparent"; and in Dutch those terms are "ouder", "grootouder", "overgrootouder

Q: Seam visible on sphere or torus made in Blender when using a texture atlas

Gaëtan SI'm making a game in OpenGL with C++. I have a problem with my vertices or texture coordinates - there's a seam visible on the sphere where the texture wraps around: If I use "nearest" filtering, the result is better, but it does not completely fix the issue: glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TE...

Q: How do pilots and flight attendants themselves refer to flight attendants casually?

Pearl6527If, say, a pilot is referring casually to a flight attendant friend (e.g. in an epithetical description), do they use "flight attendant"? It seems a bit of a mouthful. For example: A pilot is chatting to someone and they say something like "I have a flight attendant friend." Would they simply use...

Q: What did I photograph?

Dmitry KamenetskyWhat did I capture in this photo and how did it happen? This is straight from my camera without any edits or filters.

Q: Forcing `kernel_task` to swap memory?

AlexI have had a week-long compression process run on an MacBook. When it hit 95%, the speed suddenly dropped to just 5% CPU usage. Tracing the problem, I found that kernel_task is taking up 6.87GB, leaving roughly 1GB to the other processes. This leads to thrashing on the compression process. Tr...

Q: Leetcode problem 8 (atoi). Why is my solution so slow?

Ranch MayonaiseThis is my solution to Leetcode problem 8, the atoi problem, in Python 3. This is just a generic atoi routine that converts any string into an integer. Front leading whitespaces are ignored, and there can be a sign '+' or '-' in front. 0x30-0x39 in ASCII are digits so subtracting 0x30 gets the di...

Q: How to find rest mass?

Amit RaiI have two identical massess with rest mass $m_0$. One of them is made to move with very high velocity $v$, while other is at rest. At some point in time the moving mass collides with the stationary mass and gets stuck to it, now they both move as 1 body with some unknown velocity. My Doubt- I wa...

Q: Where are the people of Kahhori settled in America?

codeczarIn What if ...? season 2 episode 6 we see a new character "Kahhori" who is from a tribe a settled somewhere in America. What is the location of the place where the tribal people of her tribe are settled? Is it based on a real location or a hypothetical one like Wakanda?

Q: Out-front mount screw for Garmin Edge 540/840/1040

Ecir HanaI realise this might be a pretty long shot but I'll try anyway: please, does anyone know the dimensions of the screw that secures the out-front mount of Garmin Edge 540 (and possibly 840 and 1040) to the handle bar? It's the "1" in following picture:

Q: How do we know if our interpretation of our raw conscious experiences is accurate?

MarkX is a conscious agent. X has the ability to have raw subjective conscious experiences, aka qualia. But beyond merely experiencing qualia, X also has the ability to interpret their qualia, by assigning labels and concepts to them via natural language, and make inferences and decisions based on th...

Q: Is storing authentication tokens in local storage with a strong CSP safe?

Mad ScientistWhenever the topic comes up, almost every source recommends to never store authentication tokens in a place where they can be accessed by client-side Javascript. The recommendation is almost always to store them in an http-only cookie to protect them. My interpretation of this advice is that this...

Q: Memory-efficient representation of keys over a huge domain

ABuI don't know if the title of the question is accurated or not, but I was thinking of the following problem: I have a set of numbers, let's call them identifiers. Each identifier is stored on a 64-bit long integer; but in practice I only have, let's say, never more than 4 million different identi...

Q: Where are your kids?

StevishYou are a mom (or dad) with two boys, Stephen and Philip, aged 8 and 10. While you have been out in the garage, they have been in their separate rooms doing their homework before being allowed to play. When you come in to check on them, you go into Stephen's room and find no one there, but notice...

Q: Enthalpy of formation function of temperature?

AeroThermoWhy is the enthalpy of formation a function of the temperature? We can see in the dedicated tables (such as JANAF) that the enthalpy of formation changes with temperature. Doesn't the enthalpy of formation stay constant, while the sensible enthalpy of a species only changes with temperature?

Q: Sniffing BLE with multiple NRF52840-DONGLEs?

handleNordic provides hardware, firmware and software to sniff BLE in conjuction with Wireshark: https://www.nordicsemi.com/Products/Development-hardware/nRF52840-Dongle https://infocenter.nordicsemi.com/index.jsp?topic=/ug_nrf52840_dongle/UG/nrf52840_Dongle/getting_started.html https://www.nordicsemi...

Q: Were unarmed young adult conscripts killed on October 7th civilians under international law?

MathematicsStudent1122It is my understanding that in Israel, most young people are required to serve in the IDF as conscripts for a number of years and are eligible to be called up for reserve duty for a number of years after. I found this fact difficult to reconcile with the standard narrative that most of the young ...

Q: What range of rules are used in major democracies to limit candidate eligibility for high office?

matt_blackThese two recent questions partially cover the "who is eligible to stand for office" question: Is there a precedent in Western countries where a state court has prohibited a candidate from running for office? and Are there countries that specifically do not permit judicially barring candidates fr...

Q: 8.3 kW DC brushed motor controller thermal management

AhmedH2OI'm designing a brushed DC motor controller for an 8.3 kW, 24 V, 350 A forklift motor. I will be controlling only one direction so I'm using a 70 kHz PWM from an MCU. The circuit will be a push-pull transistor pair (TIP122 and TIP126) for driving the IRF3205 MOSFET. The circuit will consist of 1...

Q: What does "Happy man be his dole" mean in The Taming of the Shrew?

pygmalianIn The Taming of the Shrew, after Baptista decrees that Bianca cannot marry while Kate remains single, Hortensio proposes to Gremio that they set aside their rivalry over Bianca and work together to find Kate a husband: But come, since this bar in law makes us friends, it shall be so far forth f...

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