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Q: Is Live Text OCR data stored somewhere?

EJ MakI’m finding the Live Text feature on iOS to be incredibly useful. For example, it allows me to copy example sentences from the Duolingo language-learning app if I save the sentence as screenshot. I’d like to access this OCR data for multiple screenshots, either directly on my iPhone (iOS 17) or v...

Q: What should you do when asked by the chair to raise course grade distribution when the students do not deserve it?

Shamisen ExpertI am an adjunct in a reputable North American university. It is my first-semester teaching an upper-year/beginning graduate level course. A student raised a complaint against me to the chair of the department because they did not get the grade that they wanted. The complaint is without merit what...

Q: Calculating information for selected parts of the polygon with PyQGIS

Чайный БубликI have a polygon that is formed using Quick OSM. After that, I add an area calculation field to it, automatically using the QGIS tools. How can I use PyQGIS to get the sum of the areas of the selected parts of the polygon multiplied by 5 and display the answer in the Python Console?

Q: Log determinant form for matrix raised to another matrix

Richie Bendall$$\DeclareMathOperator{\tr}{\operatorname{tr}} \tr(\log A) = \log \det A$$ because of its well-known identity. Importantly, it is easier for a computer to find the log determinant than to compute the matrix logarithm. I want to rewrite $\tr(B \log A)$ in the same way. We apply the power rule the ...

Q: Learning eigenvalue decomposition

ArjoHow would you build a fully connected neural network that learns eigenvalue decomposition efficiently? I wanted to build NNs that can predict certain properties about matrices which are NP-hard to compute but might require eigenvalue decomposition. However, I am not sure if hardcode-calculating e...

Q: How to remove wrinkles to ease ironing

localhostWhat is best way to iron clothes with so much wrinkles? I find it’s so hard to iron. What are ways to make ironing easy?

Q: Calculating partial pressure: Difficult cubic equation in bulky Chemical Equilibrium numerical

Bongo ManThe problem, which I found in a popular book for Physical Chemistry, written by Neeraj Kumar, is fairly simple, being simply 2 equations and 2 variables, yet its simplification is a nightmare. $\pu{5 atm}$ $\ce{AB(g)}$ and $\pu{0.5 atm}$ $\ce{BC(g)}$ are introduced in a reaction vessel and the f...

Q: Good resource for web3 developer

Phill JonnyI'm new to Web3, basically just started by yesterday. As a new web3 developer, I'm finding really hard to start. The document from Ethereum or any are not easy to follow. I wonder do you have any good sources/services to start working with Web3. Thanks much for your help.

Q: Difference between seit and für in this context

Nariman AsgharianWhy is in the following sentence only "seit" the correct form? Why is "für" false? Anna ist seit einer Woche fertig mit der Schule. Why is für eine Woche not correct here? As far as I know, seit refers to an action that has already started in the past and is still going on and für refers to actio...

Q: Skylight reflection shows birefringence patterns

AlphaLifeI noticed that the skylight where I work looked white to me, but its reflection from the tiles below showed a colorful pattern. See the images below, and also a video that shows this effect from various angles. How do these patterns form, and why can't I see them directly? The skylight, its refl...

Q: Are there countries that allow foreigners to buy citizenship for a fixed fee?

Erel Segal-HaleviMost countries are quite selective in accepting new citizens. Even in Svalbard, which is very liberal in letting people live and work there, cannot in general get Norwegian citizenship. Are there countries which are more liberal in this sense, and allow every person, from everywhere in the world,...

Q: Do creative works that utilize generative AI require attribution?

cineSuppose I create content (videos, essays, etc.) that utilizes generative AI to create illustrations (e.g. Midjourney, DALL-E, etc.), do I need to cite the AI tool I used? Will I still be the copyright owner of the overall work (not including the generated images)?

Q: Fake diagram lemmas that look like they should work but don't.

Greg NisbetI got a book on homological algebra in a textbook giveaway and I'm just starting to learn more about exact sequences in preparation for reading the book more seriously. I have seen things like the following before but don't understand them: The snake lemma The five lemma The nine lemma These le...

Q: Put a picture on a full page

montarenbiciI want to include a picture, so that it covers 100% of the page. From edge to edge, no white spaces, just the picture. I use A4 paper (European style) and the picture has also A4 format, so that should not be a problem. The goal I want: one page: full with the picture next page: just another sma...

Q: Does ITIN require you to file taxes?

xqwxeqwexFor someone who is not a US resident, citizen or tax resident If he has ITIN, is he required to file US taxes?

Q: What was the OP_IF opcode used for (except for Lightning) before 2023?

Greg TonoskiThere is the OP_IF opcode in Script. What did users use the OP_IF opcode for (use cases except for Lightning) before 2023? What tools to use to extract the transactions (with OP_IF) from historical data?

Q: DigiKey and others are incorrect about cutoff frequency for an LC filter

Craft_Ohio(At least I believe this is true.) If you Google "LC filter" and "cutoff frequency" you will probably see the formula 1/(2π sqrt(LC)). An example would be this online calculator at DigiKey: https://www.digikey.com/en/resources/conversion-calculators/conversion-calculator-low-pass-and-high-pass-fi...

Q: Teaching 4.5 year old autistic level 1 how to ride bike with training wheels

Ace Cabbie4.5 year old just got a bicycle with training wheels. She just learned a few months ago for the first time how to correctly pedal and use a tricycle, and has been riding it around the neighborhood with the exception of hills. She is having an incredibly difficult time with her bike with training ...

Q: dig works only when specifying a nameserver

rocky_alpineI have a Ubuntu 20.04 Desktop installation. I am unable to access internet or reach any servers by name. The DNS lookup is failing. DNS Servers are Windows DCs, and two Cisco Umbrella proxy appliances, root@sdbuilder-NU591:/etc/network/interfaces.d# nmcli de...

Q: What was blasphemy from Paul's perspective before his conversion?

Betho'sActs 26:11 New English Translation I punished[a] them often in all the synagogues[b] and tried to force[c] them to blaspheme. Because I was so furiously enraged[d] at them, I went to persecute[e] them even in foreign cities. Footnotes [a] Acts 26:11 tn Grk “and punishing…I tried.” The participl...

Q: Movie where the main character is sent back in time to the day he met his wife at the end of the movie

RenThis is a movie I've seen when I was a kid, but I really can't remember what year it was, probably between 2000 and 2006. It was a movie in color and most probably on a DVD format. I've seen it in French, but I have no idea if it was a translation or not. I absolutely can't remember what the stor...

Q: Global Blue and getting validation when exiting EU by ferry

Andrew LazarusI made some purchases in France, for which the store prepared tax refund forms; however, I am not leaving the EU from France. I will be leaving via ferry from Spain to Morocco. Does anyone have experience finding a customs desk to validate the forms (which I can mail postpaid) at a non-airport si...

Q: Meaning of かけにかけ続けて

user3856370 とにかくあの怪獣犬から少しでも遠くに離れたい一心だ。かけにかけ続けて、やっと七階の太ったレディの肖像画までたどり着いた。 Anyway, they wanted to get as far away as they could from the monster dog. ???? and finally made it to the portrait of the fat lady on the seventh floor. かける is a word that seems to have a million meanings and idiomatic uses. I have n...

Q: What are the standard numbers for fuel consumption (kg), kg/NM, and kg/h, of Boeing 737-300?

Luthfi AhmadI'm currently working on a school project regarding the analysis of Boeing 737-300 fuel consumption. I'm working on some parameters that my supervisor gave me, which are : Total fuel consumption (kg), Fuel consumption per Nautical Miles (kg/NM), and Fuel consumption rate (kg/h) I'm curious if t...

Q: Remove accent from enumi when using xelatex

TolasoThe following code \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsthm} \usepackage{polyglossia} \usepackage{xltxtra} \usepackage{fontspec} \setdefaultlanguage{greek} \usepackage[shortlabels]{enumitem} \setmainfont{GFSArtemisia}[ Scale=...

Q: How to solve the "cold start" problem for recommender systems?

jbuddy_13Suppose you’re engineering a recommender system, what are some methodology for the cold start problem. For example, if you have a new user or a new item, how do you embed it? If you learn embeddings, for example using matrix factorization, then a new item is presented with data points like movie ...

Q: Which D&D edition is this board game inspired from?

ZachielRecently, a coworker told me they have started playing D&D with friends and they have shown me pictures of their gaming materials... and they really look like one of those introductory D&D tabletop games: character sheets on colorful cardboard, a foldable grid with built-in walls riddled with min...

Q: A breakdown of Talmudic Argument Structures

MenachemI'm not sure how to describe exactly what I'm looking for, but hopefully I'll do a good enough job that someone will have some suggestions. While every sugya in the Talmud is a Sugya-specific discussion, the types of arguments, counter-arguments, proofs, and counter-proofs remain the same through...

Q: How do you work out the matrix for controlled-U operations?

grepgrokI see this equations all over for controlled-U operations: $$ \left|{0}\right>\left<{0}\right| \otimes \mathbf{1} + \left|{1}\right>\left<{1}\right|\otimes U = \begin{pmatrix} \mathbb{1} & 0 \\ 0 & U \end{pmatrix} $$ I have been trying to work this out and can not figure out where I'm go...

Q: What is the reason for the odd syntax of [[maybe_unused]] on type aliases?

303Since C++17, there is now a standardized way to politely suggest the compiler to stop yelling aboud unused entities. When applying this to variables, functions, and old-skool type-aliases, we have to use the expected syntax which comes in the form: [[maybe_unused]] int x; [[maybe_unused]] void f(...

Q: Where is this quote in the book series A Song of Ice and Fire?

RenI'm looking for a quote in the book series A Song of Ice and Fire, but I can't remember which book or chapter. I also can't remember which character said it nor the exact quote, but it was something along the lines of: It's better be an alive man with bent knees than a dead man with stiff legs, ...

Q: Alphabetic string theory

SlowMagicAccording to alphabetic string theory, the words we see are merely the visible portions of highly convoluted loops of multi-dimensional alphabetic string. For example, here is what we see in our space-time: But if we were able to perceive the entire loop of multi-dimensional alphabetic string, ...

Q: Meaning of といって

maogencI came across this example sentence and was wondering whether it's grammatically correct and if it is, how the といって functions as a grammar point in this sentence. There's another related question on this site that seems to indicate that といって=と言って, and is similar to the grammar X という Y = "A thing ...

Q: Probability - Interview Question - Hidden Assumptions and Phrasing Issues

Yonatan HarariI’ve encountered the following seemingly simple probability interview question in my workplace: Two reviewers were tasked with finding errors in a book. The first had found 40 errors and the other had found 60. 20 of the found errors were found in common. Give an estimate on the number of errors...

Q: Are condos even worth it over investment in stocks

LightsoutWhere I live houses are extremely expensive average around 900k USD. Condos can go around 300k to 400k USD for the cheaper end. However the HOA fee often runs $600 at least and combining with property tax and other fees it's at least $700 a month. I can get a cheap rental for $1300 a month so ...

Q: Is there a way to prove we live in a universe of infinite or finite “things”?

MaxSometimes I wonder if science has limits. On one hand; logically no; there will always be something that we don’t understand and when we create new things it leads to other new things. On the other hand; logically yes. The universe cannot have an infinite amount of types of elementary particles a...

Q: Perspective of energy expended by a power supply

ThreadBucksElectrical Energy Example No1: What is the terminal voltage of a battery that expends 135 joules of energy to move 15 coulombs of charge around an electrical circuit? Then we can see in this example that every coulomb of charge possesses an energy of 9 joules. One joule is equivalent to applying...

Q: German Equivalent of my Ph.D. in Computer Engineering

yujaiyuI got my Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from an ECE Department at a US university and need a printout of my degree and institution from anabin.kmk.org. The institution I found. The degree I cannot find. I went to "Hochschulabschlüsse" then "Suchen nach Abschlüssen" and chose "USA." I can either find

Q: Generally, can a recent PhD graduate have too many academic journal articles (peer review types)?

David_AveGenerally, can a recent PhD graduate have too many academic journal articles (peer-reviewed papers)? This was suggested to me by one gentleman in my field (theology), though other professors disagreed with him. I saw an environmental scientist say something similar on LinkedIn recently, however, ...

Q: Breakthroughs in mathematics in 2023

Bogdan GrechukAt the end of 2021, Johnny Cage asked about breakthroughs in 2021 in different mathematical disciplines. A similar question has been asked at the end of 2022, so it looks like Johnny Cage originated a nice tradition. Continuing this, let me ask exactly the same question about 2023.

Q: Do servers have extra safety precautions compared to consumer computers?

JavontaeI'm sure it would have a protocol for overheating, simply by shutting down, but would a server have a protocol for failing parts? For example, failing fans, or damaged power supply?

Q: Word for faux antonyms?

AndrewSomeone recently used "on-limits" to describe something that was allowed, i.e. not "off-limits." The same person subsequently described unplugging something as "plugging it out," i.e. the opposite of "plugging it in." To be clear, this person is a native English speaker and is engaging in word pl...

Q: Was there ever a trade war between the U.S. and Canada?

Sayamanhttps://www.marketplace.org/2023/12/25/canadas-planning-to-impose-a-digital-services-tax-the-u-s-government-is-not-amused/ Now the U.S., Canada and more than a hundred other countries are negotiating a global digital services tax that would supersede those individual taxes. The U.S. tells Canada...

Q: What property of light allows it to propogate in space?

Sohaib MubashirI got this question in a university entrance exam; I'm not sure what could've been the answer. I've scoured the web and could hardly find a decent answer. The question and choices were: What property of light allows it to propogate in space? The Source The Wavefront The Waveguide The Medium I s...

Q: Blowing up along a point in the special fiber

grass manLet $p$ be a prime number, and let $\mathbb{Z}_p$ be the $p$-adic numbers. In concrete terms, what is the blow up of $\mathbb{A}^1_{\mathbb{Z}_p} = \operatorname{Spec} \mathbb{Z}_p[x]$ along the closed subscheme corresponding to the ideal $(p,x)$? Edit: For context, this question comes up in the ...

Q: Logs in Ubuntu 20.04 to investigate theft

Levan JugheliI had a strange incident. At my work I have a small server PC running Ubuntu 20.04. Week ago someone stole CPU (yes, they took case apart, removed fan, removed CPU and put fan and everything else back as it was) leaving everything else untouched. As I have an original hard drive is there a way to...

Q: How can I remove empty lists { } from a nested list?

Thuy NguyenI have a list: list={{{1},{2},{1,2},{1,2,3},{},{}},{{2},{3},{}}} I would like to remove the empty lists {} to get: {{{1},{2},{1,2},{1,2,3}},{{2},{3}}} How can I automate this using Mathematica ?

1 hour later…
Q: Are PhDs always obligated to stay involved in research, even after graduation?

zzmondo1I have the impression that PhDs are expected to always be involved in research and have (or eventually get) some sort of peer reviewed publication, even after graduation. I'm gravely concerned now about this PhD forever "branding" me into sticking to research output when this isn't the right choi...

Q: If the universe has no true center, could it have antipodes?

J-LSome time ago, I wondered where the center of the universe could be, and the answers I found were pretty much in agreement that there was no center of the universe, as paradoxical as that might seem. So I started wondering, just as the surface of the Earth has no true center, yet it has antipodes...

Q: Find median in a sorted matrix

Mason RashfordSuppose we are given a $n\times n$ matrix that is sorted row-wise and column-wise. We want to find the median in $\mathcal{O}(n\log{n})$. This is my approach: We know median is such element that is greater than exactly $\lfloor\frac{n^2-1}{2}\rfloor$ elements. In such matrix, we always know that ...

Q: Would the steel cable connecting flexible water heater anode rods act as a cathode?

T NI am planning to replace the anode rod on my water heater. Since I only have 19" of clearance to work with, I need to use a flexible replacement. Looking at the available products, most have segments connected by steel cable. Wouldn't that exposed steel cable act as a cathode - providing a shorte...

Q: Why aren't the vampire's smarter than us?

SeraphimBased off this question. As stated in the previous question, a population of Homo Sapiens crossed over to a alternative Earth where they then diverged into two populations. One that is identical to the original population and another that came to prey on the other population as they have a form ...

Q: The gods don't protect like a shepherd with a stick, why should we worship them?

Maheshan MThis with reference to a verse from Mahabharata: न देवा दण्डमादाय रक्षन्ति पशुपालवत् । यं तु रक्षितुमिच्छन्ति बुद्ध्या संविभजन्ति तम् ॥ विदुरनीति ३-४० Translation: The gods don't protect like a shepherd with a stick. Whom they want to protect, they give them intelligence. If gods don't offer pr...

Q: Unloaded buffers and the :ls! command

TomI ran :ls! (having only a vague memory of the command and not really knowing what I was going to see) and saw a short list of files (maybe 5 or 6) with 'u' in the gutter. Apart from one of the files, all were from months or years ago. I understand the 'u' means they are 'unloaded' buffers. Somewh...

Q: Who was under the authority of Jesus?

Betho'sMatthew 8:9 New English Translation For I too am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I say to this one, ‘Go!’ and he goes, and to another ‘Come!’ and he comes, and to my slave ‘Do this!’ and he does it.” Hebrews 2:9 New English Translation but we see Jesus, who was made lower than t...

Q: Clarification for proof in section 8, example 6 in Elementary Analysis (2nd ed.) by Ross

Daniel LI was wondering about the last line of equations and inequalities in the following excerpt from Ross' Elementary Analysis: It seems to me that the last inequality, i.e. $|{s - s_n}|+|s_n|<\frac{|s|}{2}+\frac{|s|}{2}$, contradicts (1) just above it. I found an errata for the book, but this is not...

Q: As a DM, how can I use Power Word: Kill without ruining my players' fun?

TackI'm currently designing an encounter with a lich for my 13th-level party. They've cruised through more level-appropriate combat encounters, and they like to come up with creative ways around difficult fights, so I'm fairly comfortable throwing this at them. HOWEVER, there is one feature of the Li...

Q: Towering Above – a jigsaw crossword

JafeThis is part 49 of the puzzle series Around the World in Many Days. Each part is solvable on its own. Dear Puzzling, This is a jigsaw crossword. Fill every row and column of the grid using the given pieces, which are slightly too long and can be used horizontally and vertically, backwards or for...

Q: How to append options to an existing .meta:n l3key?

David PurtonIf I have previously set up a .meta:n key with \keys_define:nn { module } { key .meta:n = { … } } then it's easy to replace the key with new values by calling \kerys_define:nn with new meta options. But what if I want to append to the current meta options for the key? MWE In this MWE, I want \se...

Q: Question about Orbital Resonance and the Precession of the Periapsis

DanceroftheStarsI was reading up on Orbital Resonance and came across something on wikipedia stating that the 1:2 Orbital Resonance of Io-Europa is "imperfect", what I mean is that when you simply take the period of one and multiply it by the ratio, you won't get the correct answer, they won't be equal. That you...

Q: Working with arrogant perfectionist tech lead on another team

ampreet solaireI'm working on a large project that involves two teams: a software engineering team, and a devops team. The engineering team builds a product, and devops creates the infrastructure, build systems, automation, etc. needed to build and deploy our product. My team is about 20 engineers, and the devo...

Q: Recreation with Catalan

T. AmdeberhanConsider the well-known sequence $C_k=\frac1{k+1}\binom{2k}k$ of Catalan numbers. I came across the below identity while working with certain generating functions. I thought it might be of interest to some folks here. Define the finite sum $$f_n:=\sum_{k\geq0}\binom{2n}{n-3k-2}.$$ QUESTION. Is t...

Q: Missing A Figure

Prim3numbahOut of all the elements of a specific set, a subset of 7 elements have a special property. Your job is to replace the question mark with the correct element to make this set complete.

Q: Why am I supposed to be respectful toward a person who wants unpaid labor?

spatialI am a master's student at a R1 university, who has previously published in reputed conferences (think ICML, OSDI), and have strong LoRs from the concerned professors (or I wouldn't be admitted). I recently approached a professor whose work matched with what I wanted to do, and they wanted me to ...

Q: Front (left) shifter 9100 (12s) on 11s crankset? Any reason this would not work?

tweediRetromoding a bike with disc brake at the front. The lever is a deore 6100 with I-spec EV attachment. The bike will get a crankset with a double Chainring and a 10 or 11 speed setup for the rear. I will also install a 2 speed front mech. I searched for front / left shifters with I-spec EV and onl...

Q: Impact on FCC certification due to replacement of GPS receiver module

Harsh Can anyone please guide on whether the replacement of GPS receiver with the same spec from the another brand for the cost reduction would impact the FCC approval received for the device or not? If yes then the product will need to be tested thoroughly or some specific testing would be necessary?...

1 hour later…
Q: I am trying to Duplicate Keyframes, and Its not working. What do I do?

EnfiniteI have about 5 seconds of animation, and I'm trying to copy and paste the Keyframes to make the Animation longer (it's a looped animation). Whenever I try to ⇧ ShiftD, the Keyframes don't duplicate. P.S. Not sure if this is important, but I got the animation from "Mixamo".

Q: Is a Catholic marriage valid if one or both spouses are in a state of mortal sin at the wedding?

SomeoneSuppose Alice and Bob are both Catholics, and they are getting married. If one of them has committed a mortal sin and has not been to Confession at the time of the wedding, is their marriage valid?

Q: Turning messages off does not work with an assigned symbol

Aharon NaimanWhy does the following code not turn off the message Sin::argx? foo = Sin; Off[foo::argx]; Sin[4,5] If I try Evaluate, it gives an error message: Off[Evaluate[foo]::argx] Message::name: Message name MessageName[Evaluate[foo],argx] is not of the form symbol::name or symbol::name::language. Is ...

Q: Derivative of riemann map from the unit disk to a Jordan domain with non rectifiable boundary

gaoqiangLet $\gamma$ be Jordan curve such that for each point $p \in \gamma$, there exists a neighborhood $U$ of $p$ such that $\gamma \cap U$ is non rectifiable. Let $\phi: \mathbb{D} \to \Omega$ be a conformal map where $\Omega$ is the region bounded by $\gamma$. Then what can we say about the derivat...

Q: What is the relationship between ABAB and ABり / AっBり mimetic words?

どっかのおっさんThere is a pattern in which some mimetic words that take the form ABAB have cousin words that take the form ABり or AっBり and mean something very similar, sometimes identical. For example: にこにこ・にっこり ぽちゃぽちゃ・ぽっちゃり はきはき・はっきり ぴくぴく・ぴくり(と) ひらひら・ひらり(と) ふらふら・ふらり(と) のろのろ・のろり(と) However, the meanings are n...

Q: How to solve a system of inequality and equality systematically?

Tuong Nguyen MinhHow to solve this system of inequalities and equalities systematically: $\begin{array}{l} \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {\frac{x}{{2x + 3y}} + \frac{y}{{y + z}} + \frac{z}{{x + z}} = \frac{{34}}{{33}}}\\ {1 \le x \le 4}\\ {1 \le y \le 4}\\ {1 \le z \le 4}\\ {x \ge y}\\ {x \ge z} \end{array}} \...

Q: Fraction of subsets with one-third sum

user139952 Given is a multiset $A$ of positive real numbers that can be partitioned into three subsets of equal sum (call this sum $s$). Is it true that more than $3/4$ of $A$'s subsets necessarily have sum at least $s$? The bound $3/4$ certainly can't be increased: if $A$ consists of $1, 1, 1/k, 1/k, \do...

Q: Inverse of anti-symmetric rank 4 tensors?

Dr. user44690I am trying to find an inverse of a tensor of the form $$M_{\mu\nu\rho\sigma}$$ such that $M$ is anti-symmetric in the $(\mu, \nu)$ exchange and $(\rho, \sigma)$ exchange. The inverse should be such that $$M^{-1}_{\alpha\beta\mu\nu}M_{\mu\nu\rho\sigma} = \frac{1}{2}(\eta_{\alpha\rho}\eta_{\beta\s...

Q: Does my carbon steel need to be perfectly clean before re-seasoning?

user13414After an unsuccessful first attempt at seasoning my carbon steel pan, I've been trying to strip it back for another attempt. I've done several overnight vinegar baths, added baking soda at the end, and scrubbed with steel wool. Even so, there are parts that are stubbornly remaining in place, as y...

Q: In Bitcoin Core, are blocks sent in parallel or in series?

masudaAre blocks sent in parallel or in series? I would also like to know about the implementation part of Bitcoin Core.

Q: Every smooth fiber bundle admits an Ehresmann connection?

ChoMeditIs it true that every locally trivial fibration(fiber bundle) in smooth category admits an Ehresmann connection? The converse is obviously true, and it's one of the conclusion of the Ehresmann's theorem. Suppose $(U_\alpha \subset M, \Phi_\alpha : \pi^{-1}(U_\alpha) \to U_\alpha \times F)$ be a t...

Q: Using edge attribute to set a point position using Geometry Nodes

StefLAncien(Using Blender 3.6.5) Objective: My mesh is a set of edges. A function is computed per edge, from its vertices position. This function returns a vector used to create a point cloud, with one point per edge. The following figure shows a simplified graph miming the intended process. The Mesh Line ...

Q: Have Indian forces been shooting hundreds of Kashmiris in their eyes, with pellet guns or shotguns?

FizzAccording to AA Over 6,200 people were wounded by pellets – 782 with eye injuries – between July 2016 and February 2017, according to Mehbooba Mufti, former chief minister of the region. “The Indian government should cease the use of shotguns firing metal pellets and review its crowd control tec...

Q: What is this medal? I believe it’s British army

Paul hennessey I believe it’s British army not sure from which era or conflict

Q: Structure of second homotopy group of a compact CW complex

SFeeshI am interested in the second (and higher as well) homotopy groups of compact CW complexes. I know these groups don't need to be finitely generated (e.g. for $S^1 \vee S^2$ they are not), but I'd like to know more about the structure of these groups. Below $X$ always denotes a compact CW complex....

Q: How to ensure privacy while using the crystal ball?

user6760I am forming a super secret coven or S.S. unit to overthrow the magistrates in Salem before New Year's eve of 1963. The only means of communication as well as identification is the crystal ball, these crystal balls are made of 91% glass and 9% gelatin (muahahaha!) Each SS member shall replace the...

Q: How To Auto `command -p` In All My Script?

rhuanpkI want to execute all commands within my script with command -p e.g.: command -p pwd Because there may be some command that I will execute within the script whose name is being used by some other custom user script and in this case the command command causes the system command to be executed and...

Q: fT and fmax of a bipolar transistor

bill kladisI want to find the maximum frequency of the input voltage in a Bipolar inverter. However, I cannot seem to find any formulas or equations for it. Should calculate fT, and if so, how?

Q: String and bytes range generators

InSynccharacter_range aims to be an equivalent of the native range for str and bytes (currently there's no support for step and decreasing range however): lazy and intuitive. The code are fully type hinted with mypy as the primary type checker. There are about 750 LOC. Please ignore the code style. Alg...

Q: Why does this flat plane has weird shading ? (Cycles)

Mehdi BelhousSince upgrading to 4.0 all the flat planes that I make have this weird shading on them. It's always reflections converging into the center of the plane. I still can't figure out the source of this problem. Tried changing the HDRI, fixing the normals, adding geometry. Nothing works, any clue ? NB:...

Q: Identifying incorrectly sampled recordings and finding their actual sampling rate

thanatozI have a dataset that contains a lot of recordings sampled incorrectly. This incorrect resampling could be explained in two ways: A recording S, which was recorded with a sampling rate of 16kHz, was upsampled to a sampling rate of 48kHz. This upsampled recording S was mixed with other recordings...

Q: What kind of "a"-sound does IPA aɪ depict?

RuslanFrom what I know of English phonetics, in RP there're 3 similar monophthongs (that my Russian ear associates with the same Russian letter, "а"): ʌ, ɑ, æ. So far I've learned to more or less be able to distinguish them. But there's yet another IPA symbol that's used in diphthongs like aɪ: a. The b...

Q: Why was Samson Allowed to Attend his Own Wine-Wedding Party?

A HSamson attended his own wedding celebration: (Judges, 14:10) וַיֵּ֥רֶד אָבִ֖יהוּ אֶל־הָֽאִשָּׁ֑ה וַיַּ֨עַשׂ שָׁ֤ם שִׁמְשׁוֹן֙ מִשְׁתֶּ֔ה כִּ֛י כֵּ֥ן יַעֲשׂ֖וּ הַבַּחוּרִֽים׃ So his father came down to the woman, and Samson made a feast there, as young men used to do. The word Mishteh means that...

Q: What signage do I follow for connecting flights?

MerimIt's an international flight, this is my first time flying. I'm not sure about the connecting flights, do I just follow the gate for it or do I have to go somewhere else first? I'm not planning to have any extra luggage except the carry-on luggage. I'm scared that I'll overlook something, I know ...

Q: Clean Arch: Where to put HTTP request inputs handling logic (dto) before calling the service layer

sgt-hartmanI'm refactoring a common web app (not spa but traditional server side html rendering). The design/code organization follows more or the less the Clean architecture concepts (ie: controller calls a use case layer then pass the UC response to a presentation layer). The technical environment is PHP/...

Q: Postdoc wanting to go to industry - need advice

marcI have been a STEM postdoc for almost 7 years. I am based in Australia and currently looking for a permanent position, preferably in industry. As I have not done this transition, I would appreciate it if anyone who has done this can share their experience, and address my question below. My questi...

Q: Giant bright spot on right of image in all photos?

nerdfever.comI've had a Canon G1X (mk 1) in an outdoor enclosure for the last 2 years taking a timelapse (6 images every 10 minutes). Recently all the images have a giant bright spot on the right side of each image - see attached .CR2 and .JPG, taken seconds apart today. The bright spot is not in the acutal s...

Q: How to make a smooth blur? css

VectorPlease tell me how I can make a smooth blur as smooth as a gradient from transparent to dark? .img { background: url(https://4kwallpapers.com/images/walls/thumbs_2t/13551.jpg); background-size: cover; background-position: center; width: 500px; height: 300px; position: relative; } ...

Q: Can someone be an armed guard in Gaza without being Hamas?

FizzCNN: The IDF last week also released photos and video showing young men holding guns in the air – militants handing in weapons after their surrender from Kamal Adwan hospital, it alleged. But the staffers interviewed by CNN said the men were actually civilians sheltering in the hospital after be...

Q: Colorinformation of ContourPlot3D

Ulrich NeumannFor a given plot (unknown Colorfunction) bild I would like to get the color of every single point {x,y,z}. bild = ContourPlot3D[x^3 + y^2 - z^2, {x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 2}, {z, -2, 2}, ColorFunction -> Function[{x, y, z}, Hue[x^2 + y^2 + z^2]], Mesh -> False] I tried pts=bild[[1, 1]][[1]] Cases[ ...

Q: How to comment from the start of the line in makefile-mode?

Ian MackinnonIf one highlights a tab-indented line in makefile-mode and runs a comment function (eg. comment-dwim, comment-line, comment-region, etc.), the comment symbol (#) is inserted after the initial tab, like so: target: # echo This "commented" line will be passed to the shell As explained in this ...

Q: What should someone do if he/she finds a similar working paper to his/her thesis after graduation?

academiaquitWhat should a student do if he/she finds a similar unpublished working paper (say at a recent conference) after he/she has already defended the thesis and graduated? Suppose that the other group has been working on the paper for quite some time and presented it on different occasions, but the stu...

Q: 1D Convolution vector multiplication in ANSI C code

euraadI have a code snippet here about 1D convolution in pure ANSI C code. Question: Is this most optimized C code, or can it be done in a more optimized way? In my opinion, I have remove all unnecessary statements and iteration. But is it enough? The optimization priority is: Speed #include <stdint.h>...

Q: Adjusting Edge Paths in TikZ to Avoid Overlapping Nodes and Other Edges

MarkThe following code \begin{tikzpicture}[auto,node distance=2cm,>=latex] % Posizionamento manuale dei vertici \node[circle,draw] (A) at (1,2) {A}; \node[circle,draw] (B) at (3,2) {B}; \node[circle,draw] (C) at (5,2) {C}; \node[circle,draw] (D) at (4,0) {D}; \node[circle,draw] (E) at (0...

Q: Variegated green/white plant

Pleopal14After a thorough research of this plant, including this website, I cannot determine the name of this plant. It has green/white variegated leaves and no flowers present.

Q: Delete only certain info of the attributes table and not a complete row in QGIS

DorExplorI want to delete only certain information of certain cells of the attributes table in QGIS and not the complete rows or columns that contain that word. For example, I want to eliminate all the words "glacier" of the field type and the words "O'Higgins" of the field Name but conserve the rest of t...

Q: How to install or refresh a snap in one command?

Kalle RichterI just noticed during scripting that it's very hard to ensure that a snap is installed and refreshed if already installed because snap install fails if the snap is already installed and snap refresh fails if the snap is not installed yet. Am I missing some option listed or not listed in the --hel...

Q: Output an infinitely proportional sequence

emanresu AIn this challenge, an infinitely proportional sequence is defined as a infinite sequence of positive integers such that: All positive integers are contained infinitely many times within the sequence. As more and more terms are added to the sequence, for all positive integers \$n\$, the ratio of ...

Q: How can a free electron "oscillate" in the presence of em waves?

AnkitI have been told a many times that in a region with oscillating electric and magnetic field, a free electron if left will also oscillate. But I don't think its true. I actually asked this to my instructor and he also couldn't give a satisfactory answer. Lets say there is an electron and a light ...

Q: Peak detector working in two regimes

sasssuI measured the input and output of a peak detector and a very interesting pattern occured... I expected a single straight line but got two. Why is that so? Is it due to something else in the scheme or is just a quirk of the opamp? The input I'm referring to is pin 5 on IC1B and the output is mea...

Q: Projection with same rank

MakaBakaLet $H$ be a Hilbert space (over $\mathbb{R}$ or $\mathbb{C}$), and $P$, $Q$ are two projections over $H$ such that $\|P-Q\|<1$. I am searching for a simple proof for $$ \dim\operatorname{Ran}P=\dim\operatorname{Ran}Q,\quad \dim\operatorname{Ran}(I-P)=\dim\operatorname{Ran}(I-Q). $$ To handle wit...

Q: can l3keys process multiple 'submodule'?

R. NI would like to know if I can use l3keys to process multiple submodules as pgfoption can do ? Here is a MWE to illustrate my question: a package file mypkg.sty (containing in comment the error I get when I try to compile the LaTeX file): \ProvidesExplPackage{mypkg}{2024/01/01}{v0.0.0}{mypkg tes...

Q: Theorem 4, Section 3.5 of Hungerford’s Abstract Algebra

user264745 Let $R$ be a ring with identity and $n$ a positive integer. For each $i= 1,2,…,n$ let $x_i\in R[x_1,…,x_n]$ be defined by $x_i(\epsilon_i)=1_R$ and $x_i(u)=0$ for $u\neq \epsilon_i$. (i) For each integer $k\in N$, $x_i^k(k\epsilon_i) = 1_R$ and $x_i^k(u) = 0$ for $u\neq k\epsilon_i$; (ii) for ea...

Q: What is this network switch’s VLAN toggle-switch for?

DavWEBI already use one of those cheap AliExpress 5-port ethernet switches. Conveniently, I can operate this switch on a 5V USB port. Now I have seen that there is also an 8-port version. This has two strange features that I can't clearly identify from the description. VLAN switch Uplink labled port ...

Q: What's an alternative term for "nip off to"?

mueen khurshidI am thinking of an alternate way of saying I [nip off] to the local store with my dog every day. The alternative should include a replacement for the verb ‘nip off to’ and give the meaning of going somewhere discreetly.

Q: How to remove or replace old-style (80s-90s) garage door window trim for painting and replacement?

bengel5678I want to paint my garage door, but the old brown rubber holding in the glass will clash with the color I'm thinking of. Is it possible to remove the rubber (and glass) and then replace it with a new color after painting? Garage door is a basic Raynor metal panel door of presumably 80s-90s vintag...

Q: What are the difficulties in making e-beam lithography common?

programjames3D printers are common and cheap. An e-beam lithographer doesn't seem much more difficult; laying down the photoresist seems pretty similar, and drawing lines with an e-beam doesn't seem very hard. Why are e-beam lithographers not as commonplace as 3D printers?

Q: Can preprint withdrawals lead to retraction of articles prior to the preprint?

Flaming_RiverI was a participant in research/“quality improvement” without informed consent that was life threatening. There has been an IRB investigation going on since June. And an investigation by a publisher of a journal where two articles were published with me as a participant. I am very unfamiliar with...

Q: Why are Western nations generally averse to immigration without a path to citizenship?

JonathanReezThe Gulf countries have been hosting millions of foreign workers for decades, however almost all of them were on restricted temporary visas which provided no viable path to citizenship and have thus left the country at the end of their work contract. Most were also not allowed to bring in their f...

Q: Logistic Regression using Raster Surfaces in QGIS

Andrea PaceI have been trying to use this expression in the QGIS raster calculator: 1 / (1 + exp(-(β0 + β1 * RasterX1 + β2 * RasterX2 + ... + βn * RasterXn))) The above expression has been replaced with the relevant coefficients and raster surfaces. However, the expression seems to be invalid. After testin...

Q: What happens if "equality of sets" is regarded as a defined concept instead of a primitive notion?

PedroFormulation 1 below is the one used in the classical set theory (used in the traditional mathematics), right? Formulation 1 Primitive notions: set, be element of, equality. Axiom: A set $A$ is equal to a set $B$ if all elements of $A$ are elements of $B$ and vice-versa. Instead of taking equali...

Q: All vertices have degree 3 but graph is only 4-edge-colorable?

BMBMI'm trying to figure out the coloring of the following graph. There are three "rings" in the graph that are connected, the inner ring has 5 vertices, the outer ring has 5 vertices and the middle ring has 10 vertices. All vertices have degree 3, but I'm not able to come up with a coloring that use...

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