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Q: Matthew 6:13 Reconciling "Lead Us Not Into Temptation", When The Holy Spirit Lead Jesus Into Temptation

AustinHow do we reconcile the prayer to for God to "lead us not into temptation (testing), but deliver us from evil. -Matt 6:13 ...When in Jesus own life, "...Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted (tested) by the devil." -Matthew 4:1 (The word temptation may be more consi...

Q: QGIS - Is it POSTGres or POSTGIS?

user231744I am confused, sometimes I see people in videos using PostgreSQL and other times I see PostGIS. My QGIS install has PostgreSQL. They both have the little elephant. Can anyone explain why I see two different names? UPDATE: A couple of good video for anyone looking to get started POSTGress Ex...

Q: How do AI developers for LLM fix bugs when the LLM misbehaves, given that they cannot control what the LLM learns from the data?

curiousThe traditional non AI software with if-then-else and loop statements can be fully controlled. In contrast, machine learning software behaviour is unpredictable since the developer cannot control what the software learns from the data. In particular, large language models(LLM) which is a form of ...

Q: Maximal linear sublists

Wheat WizardIn this challenge you will write code to take a list of positive integers and output all maximal linear sublists. A sublist is is a list which can be created by deleting values from the the input list. Sublists have more structure than just lists. They in a way "remember" which values are delete...

Q: If someone opens a Word document from USB flash drive but do not save it to the computer, can I access the files content after the drive is removed?

MohiIf someone opens a Word document from USB flash drive but do not save it to the computer, can I access the file content After he removed the drive? How? I already tried data recovery and automatic office recovery and I didn't find it. My office version is 2016.

Q: Converting Belt Drive to Conventional Cassette

LaoshiMy internal gear hub broke on tour in Kenya, and now I'll need to convert my bike to use locally available parts. The frame uses Paragon Machine Works sliding dropouts who makes inserts which would give me a derailleur hanger and QR axle slot. With these, will common Shimano parts fall into place...

Q: How to remove 18ga nails successfully

physicsboyI used 18ga nails to temporarily fix a bookcase together with my nail gun so I can predrill and screw together. I have since unscrewed and knocked it back apart so that I can fill, paint and then glue & screw it back together. It might be a long-winded way to do it, but I do like making things ha...

Q: What type of soil should I use to backfill around my recently extend well?

JolineMy well was buried so I had a well driller put an extension on so that it extends above ground. Now I need to add soil to fill around and slope away. The soil that was dug out and put back in around the electrical and line to the house was clay. I need about another yard of material to finish ba...

Q: Using gravity and the Higgs Field as an inertial damper

Justin Thyme the SecondEinstein allegedly proposed a thought experiment to back up his theories of relativity, about forces due to acceleration and forces due to gravity (even though the idea had been around since Newton) being indistinguishable. As well, a common McGuffin in space science fiction is some form of inert...

Q: Double hyphen in Taiwanese language carries grammatical function

Bêng-Hàn LûiIn the Taiwanese language, double hyphen carries grammatical function and is used frequently. Example: Āu--ji̍t chiah koh lâi. (Come again the day after tomorrow.) Āu-ji̍t chiah koh lâi. (Come again in the future.) The problem is that, double hyphen is converted into n-dash. I know that -{}- can ...

Q: Period of Blum-Blum-Shub

Giorgos MitropoulosReading about Blum-Blum-Shub, I have found that everyone has stressed the importance of $gcd(p-1, q-1)$ being a small number, as this leads to a large period. I found it really difficult to find a formula for the period of Blum-Blum-Shub. I understand that if $x_i = (x_0^{2^i} \mod n) \mod 2$, $n...

Q: How to stop the UI from moving when changing screen resolution

Atsinganoi Dragon Added screen resolution settings Change screen resolution in game Everything is already anchored GUI gets the hell out of the screen, moves around and goes everywhere

Q: decipher graduation date from diploma

W DI don't remember the numeric day of the month and year in which I graduated from college. The month was May and the year was 1974. My diploma shows the month, day and year in Latin: A.D. VIII KAL. IVN. A.D. MCMLXXIV What is the numeric day?

Q: Libertarian free will and major decisions

SayetsuI seem to remember some philosophers who believe in LFW posit that it only comes into play with major life decisions; you may not consciously decide to raise a forkful to your mouth, but you might deliberate on whether to take a job on another continent. I don't remember which philosopher(s) sugg...

Q: Is "1d10 rerolling 1&2" equivalent to "1d8+2"?

TrishGood old Cyberpunk 2020, 2nd edition, 2nd printing, offers two versions of rolling for statistics to players because point-Buy without rolling is for referees only. They read: Random: Roll 9d10 and total them. You have this many Character Points. Fast: Roll 1d10 for each stat (9 in all), reroll...

Q: Is there a Russian exclamation that would fit the scene below?

Chris CarrI'm writing Russian subtitles for an American film. In one scene, a character says to another: "How ya' doin'?" The second character replies, kind of half-jokingly, "Beats the hell outta me," then goes on to ask "What brings you here?" The first character replies back, "Beats the hell outta me." ...

Q: Precise asymptotic estimate of a recurrence sequence involving a square root

tommy1996qConsider a recurrence sequence defined like this: $$ \begin{cases} x_0 = \varepsilon \\ x_{n+1} = x_n + \varepsilon \sqrt{x_n}. \end{cases}$$ I am interested in estimating the value of $x_{\varepsilon^{-1}}$. I'm not very used to recurrence sequences, moreover here we have a square root (which ...

Q: In an abelian category with no nontrivial Serre subcategories, does every short exact sequence split?

Tim CampionQuestion: Let $\mathcal A$ be an abelian category. Suppose that the only Serre subcategories of $\mathcal A$ are the zero category and $\mathcal A$ itself. Does it follow that every short exact sequence splits in $\mathcal A$? Notes: The hypothesis of no Serre subcategories means that the locall...

Q: Have I well analysed the use of past perfect in this example

Yves LefolThe life of James Joyce’s daughter Lucia was especially tragic. She had shown promise as an avant garde dancer but was eventually overcome by mental illness. After multiple episodes of violent and dangerous behavior, Lucia was institutionalized in 1932, at age 25. She would spend the remainder of...

Q: Modeling something with a lot of holes

Tibi MC Can anyone give me some tips on how to model this plane? I've tried everything from booleans to modeling by hand but I always end up with a weird looking mesh that doesn't have a good topolgy.

Q: Basic question about magnetic circuits

FinnCoalI am just learning about magnetic circuits and I'm trying to solve the simplest possible circuit you can have, but I seem to be getting a nonsense unphysical answer and I'm not sure why. Say we have a magnetic core loop (with $μ \gg μ_0$) of length $L_c$ , with a small air gap of length $L_g$ , a...

Q: Semidirect product of Diffeomorphism group and Weyl transformations

SilasThis is more a mathematical question but in my string theory lecture we always divide in the Polyakov path integral by $$\mathrm{Diff}\ltimes \mathrm{Weyl}$$ and I was wondering why there is the semidirect product. Is there a simple argument for the semidirect product like for the Poincare group ...

Q: "M. Cato Censorius, quem tam e re publica fuit nasci quam Scipionem"

d_eIn Seneca Moral Letters 87 M. Cato Censorius, quem tam e re publica fuit nasci quam Scipionem, alter enim cum hostibus nostris bellum, alter cum moribus gessit, cantherio vehebatur et hippoperis quidem inpositis, ut secum utilia portaret. I don't understand "quem tam e re publica fuit nasci qua...

Q: Would Westvale Abbey be tutorable with Mausoleum Secrets?

Timothy MantorOkay so I understand that the black color indicator makes Ormendahl, Profane Prince black and thus the color identity for commander is black, but I want to make it clear that I'm wondering specifically if this makes Westvale Abbey count as a black card for in-game effects that care what color it ...

Q: Returning astronauts. Mandated race mixing after race wars

HHHThe novel is about astronauts that return to earth after hundreds of years to find race wars have mandated people can only mate with different races so ultimately everyone is the same.

Q: Are debates in metaphysics usually substantive?

HalIn the SEP article on truth, the author remarks The contrast [of the coherence theory of truth] with the correspondence theory of truth is clear. Far from being a matter of whether the world provides a suitable object to mirror a proposition, truth is a matter of how beliefs are related to each-...

Q: CE Amplifier problem

Marcus MarcheseI am new to learning about electricity and I was trying to make a common emitter amplifier. I did some research and I tried to make the circuit. The circuit amplified the signal but the signal was not clear and was cutting out. The signal I am trying to amplify is a the audio signal from an I pad...

Q: Is there biblical support for near death experiences?

MarkI'm currently fascinated by extraordinary cases of NDEs reported by individuals who have been declared blind from birth. I recently watched a 33-minute video (available here) featuring an interview with one of such blind-from-birth NDEers (title of the video: Vicki Noratuk Blind Person NDE). This...

Q: It ended with an AFTERSHOCK

pmacfarlaneI started with a single-letter English language word. At each step, I added a letter of my choice, then re-arranged the letters to make a new word. I ended up with: AFTERSHOCK How did I get there? There may be more than one solution.

Q: Does no-receptacle on >50% hardwired loads rule also apply for dedicated receptacles?

divBAccording to the answer from Can I wire my infrared heating panels to my existing circuits?, it is not allowed to have general purpose receptacles on circuits that have >50% fixed load. Does this also apply to dedicated receptacles that only feed one device? If yes, anything specific to consider?...

Q: How to limit sequential knowledge skill checks?

Nobody the HobgoblinI had this issue with a knowledge check in our last session. Such checks do not require proficiency, everyone can try them. The paladin wanted to know if he could recall anything about a god the group had learned about. After I asked for an Intelligence (Religion) check and he failed (his Intelli...

Q: 1980s sci-fi horror movie about a red mist that would kill people

Tom S.I saw this movie in the late 80s or early 90s. It seemed to me to be a sci-fi horror genre. I remember some sort of scientific group or military group were isolated. Either on a spaceship or a boat or a compound in the middle of nowhere. The point was they couldn't get away quickly. When people ...

Q: What is this connector type called?

aeroengineerI am trying to build a custom pump controller circuit but can't figure out what this connector is called. Can anyone help identify it?

Q: Why are medical professionals called Doctors?

dubiousSearching online for the origin of Doctor being used for medical professionals, the often repeated facts are: The word comes for the Latin to teach At some point medical professionals started to be called Doctor https://www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/the-history-of-doctor https://en.wikipedia...

Q: Examples of problems in P but with verifiers with many computations

YuumitaLet me first specify my question. I am looking for decision problems with polynomial algorithms but such that the simpliest or fastests verifiers do many computations. Here by verifiers I mean both YES and NO verifiers. It might be the case that this is too specific. By "verifiers with many compu...

Q: Arithmetic sequences and Artin's conjecture

Carl-Fredrik Nyberg Brodda(Sorry if this is a naive question; it is not my area!) Consider the following strengthening of Artin's conjecture on primitive roots (and Dirichlet's theorem) for the case of $n=2$: every arithmetic sequence $a + b \mathbf{Z}$ with $\gcd(a,b)=1$ and $\gcd(a,2)=1$ contains infinitely many primes ...

Q: Ground state of particle in a ring

Physical ChemistIn the ground state of a particle in a ring, the boundary conditions allow the particle to have energy equal to zero. This sounds that the momentum is completely defined and, according to the uncertainty principle, the position in the ring is undefined. Is it correct to say that, in this state, t...

Q: What is the difference between Aristotelian logic and mathematical logic?

زكريا حسناويI don't have much prior knowledge on this topic, but I am looking for a fundamental difference/difference between Aristotelian logic and mathematical logic. The difference, which I read previously somewhere, is that Aristotelian logic sets some limits that mathematical logic does not adhere to. M...

Q: Visa/ESTA requirements for spouse

Fatoumata DialloI have an Italian passport and I want to go to the USA with my husband, but he holds an African passport. What are the requirements? We actually live in the UK and he holds a biometric permit.

Q: Which Levene statistic do I report?

user356816I am writing a paper comparing quantitative values across $5$ groups. I have performed an ANOVA in SPSS 29 and have requested from the software the Levene statistic to judge if there is homogeneity in variance between the $5$ groups. The software has reported a Levene statistic of means, medians,...

Q: Why would I pick a beta prior for binomial data? More generally, how would I pick any prior distribution?

TerryStoneObviously, being a conjugate prior is useful as it saves performing tricky integrals or using a simulation, but why would I want to use a beta distribution? More generally, how does one pick an appropriate distribution as a prior at all? Obviously, the range of values the distribution can take is...

Q: What is the difference between 所 and 被 in passive voice?

Konstantinos假如借走回家看,则每本每天2分钱,挑好书后交给摊主,摊主仔细地将租书人的姓名、地址和所借小人书的书名登记在本子上,收了租金就可以拿走了,... This is from the Standard Course Book of HSK5, section 20. What is the difference between 所 and 被 in passive voice? Some examples: 地址和所借小人书的书名登记在本子上 地址和被借小人书的书名登记在本子上 我的表所偷了 我的表被偷了 我们的汽车尾巴所撞坏了 我们的汽车尾巴被撞坏了 所见即所得 被见即被得 你所用的电脑 你...

Q: Is there a name for the class of functions that don't depend on argument order?

rus9384To provide examples of such functions: $$f(x_1,x_2,...,x_n)=\sum_{i=1}^n x_i$$ $$f(x,y)=f(y,x)=x^y+y^x$$ In contrast, here are examples of functions that do depend on the argument order: $$f(x_1,x_2,...,x_n)=\sum_{i=1}^n (-1)^i x_i$$ $$f(x,y)=x^y+y$$ Is there a name for the former class of functi...

Q: What is the proper way to transfer from an old iPhone to new one?

PHVWhen I transfer from an old iPhone to a newly purchased one using the auto detect (i.e. hey we found a new iPhone nearby, click to continue), I need to log into all the apps and set up Face ID again, etc. (it's kind of like all the apps are transferred i.e. installed automatically one by one by t...

Q: What does house number "Bk" mean? (19th century UK rate books)

platyfish800What does it mean to live at "Bk 1 Worsley Street"? My guess is that 1, 2 and 3 make up part of 40 Worsley Street somehow, as 1 Worsley Court etc., or whatever "Bk" stands for. Does anyone know what "Bk"/"Ct" mean in this context? And how would these addresses would be set up - are they rooms i...

Q: Doesn’t the pool devs assemble the block?

Jake StantonFrom what I understand, in todays environment, ASIC miners only solve the math to allow for the assembled block to be added to the chain. It is the pool (not the pool of hashers but the devs of the pool itself) that actually assemble a block. These ‘pools’ only assemble but do not hash. It is t...

Q: Locator control position changes

SoonWhen only the g1 graph was drawn, the locator was in the desired position. However, when I expressed the two graphs vertically using the Coulmn function, the position of the locator changed. How can I make the locator stay at g1? Manipulate[ g1 = Plot[1, {x, 0, 1}, PlotLabel -> "g1"]; g1, {p, {...

Q: Manga where a 3,000 years old god gets bored and pretends to be a teenage girl

K I M OI think it was located in Japan, it had crazy panels! I hope somebody knows what I’m talking about, I’m not very sure about the age of the god though. The art style is similar of what you could say… 3d kind of realistic human models with a manga color style and shader, if you think of an in real ...

Q: A hilarious story where "Cyclists" does not mean what you think

AlfredThis short fiction (short story or maybe novelette) could only have been written by a woman. I read it more than 10 years ago in a collection, but it is probably much older than that. A middle age woman (the POV character) calls her mother (or perhaps her mother-in-law) to tell her that her daugh...

Q: Need help understanding したところで/ところで in this context

Quit007So in this manga (月が導く異世界道中) there are these 2 sisters where the older one made some bad decisions about borrowing money from the wrong kind of people. After being rescued the younger sister says to her: おねえちゃんお金はちゃんとしたところで借りたの? I have trouble understanding this. When looking up "..したところで" I find...

Q: Why is user.max_user_namespaces enabled in Ubuntu by default?

daisyI'm looking into kernel exploits in recent years, approx 80% of them requires user.max_user_namespaces with a positive value. This setting is disabled in CentOS since 6.X series, but enabled in all recent Ubuntu LTS releases. The conclusion seems to be "Ubuntu is more easily exploitable" due to "...

Q: Why are most Arab governments against Hamas?

Sayaman Furthermore, China seems out of its depth on the Palestinian issue. While China’s pro-Palestinian position aligns with the majority of Middle Eastern governments, its policy of refusing to call Hamas out for killing civilians inadvertently contradicts its Arab government partners. This is becaus...

Q: 2nd derivative of spline

Sundown BrownbearThis question has some similarities to a previous related question. How can I fit a spline to data that contains values and 1st/2nd derivatives? I went through the suggestions mentioned in that post, no issues with the theory but I am not sure how to implement that in R. So basically I am asking ...

Q: Proving that mixed partial derivatives can be taken in any order for for smooth functions on smooth manifolds

nomadicmathematicianThe following is a description of the partial derivative on smooth manifolds from John Lee's Introduction to Smooth Manifolds. Suppose $M$ is a smooth manifold and let $(U,\phi)$ be a smooth coordinate chart on $M$. Then $\phi$ is a diffeomorphism from $U$ to an open subset $\hat{U}\subset \mathb...

Q: Could anyone help me identify what this is? Mold? Efflorescence?

Katrina JonesI was cleaning and noticed this today. I am going to go to contact building management and see how best get started handling this as soon as I can (I'm in a co-op). I don't know what this stuff is but it's really worrying me. In the first picture it's eating away at the window frame (the peeling ...

Q: When is an upper bound on the longest irreducible program outputting something computable?

Command MasterGiven some way to to encode programs to strings with a finite alphabet, which we assume has a computable translation to/from Turing machines, a program is irreducible if no subsequence of it has the same behavior as it. Given a string $s$, we are interested in the longest irreducible program outp...

Q: Classic short story about a recurring dream of approaching death

AlvericIn this story, a man relates a recurring dream of Middle Eastern swordsmen on horseback riding hard toward him along a curve of sandy shore. They approach closer and closer each night, and he is haunted and afraid. Eventually, one morning the man is found "sliced to ribbons" (or similar language...

Q: Eating/drinking before Birkat Kohanim

KirkAccording to Halacha, one should not eat a meal before hearing the Shofar blown. Many such as rav Yosef Eliyahu Henkin were Machmir even when it comes to drinking. The source of this general principle of not eating before a mitzvah is in the Talmud of Masechet Sukkah. My question is, can a Kohen ...

Q: Can you use a braced-init-list as a (default) template argument?

比尔盖子I need to define a C++ template that accepts several 3D coordinates as their parameters. When all dimensions of these coordinates are defined as separate integer variables, the parameter list would become exceedingly long - 3 coordinates need 9 parameters, which makes the template hard to use. Th...

Q: What movie has a scene with cowboys fighting a powerful being?

RishI’m trying to identify a movie I vaguely remember. I remember one scene where cowboys are fighting a powerful being. The cowboys are NOT a main party of the movie. And something tells me they are part of a larger group of people fighting the powerful being. I feel like there were multiple groups ...

Q: Calculate difference in 90th percentiles of two samples

Jeff JarvisI have a dataset of ambulance response times before and after a quality improvement change. I'm looking to see if there is a difference in response times before and after the change. Specifically, I'm trying to report the 90th percentile values in two groups (Before and After), the difference bet...

Q: Found 2 random bags in my son's set any idea what they are?

Larry Weise Help finding what these pieces are would be appreciated. Colors are brown, tan, gray and black there are wheels and eyes if any of this info helps

Q: What does "fundamental" mean?

user107952Electrons and photons are fundamental, while chairs and tables are not. Some theories of physics also state that space or time or both, are not fundamental. But what does that mean, "fundamental"? Electrons, photons, chairs, tables, and space and time are all real, existent entities, but only som...

Q: What are outgoing and incoming connections and what is the difference between them?

Mudja AdjumWhy do we have two types of connections, outgoing and incoming? What is the purpose of one and the other? Are outgoing connections the ones where we notify of new blocks/transactions, while incoming connections are the ones where they notify us of new blocks/transactions? When we do the initial s...

Q: What English word corresponds to the HTML keyword `div`?

Samuel MuldoonMost of the tags in hyper-text mark-up language (HTML) have an English word or phrase associated with that tag. For example, the kbd tag is an abbreviation of the English word keyboard. What English word or phrase is the div tag an abbreviation of? Below is an example of code written in HTML whi...

Q: Eye donations in Halacha

KirkAccording to Halacha, is it permissible to perform eye donations or not? I ask because, unlike many other organs, the eye isn’t generally a case of Pikuach Nefesh, but there are many things in life that require good eyes. Would this be considered prohibited on the basis you don’t own your body,...

Q: The rate of people reaching the age of 65 and over in Japan is X%

Ken Adams The rate of people reaching the age of 65 and over in Japan is X%. The rate of the 65-and-over age group in Japan is X%. I know "the proportion of" works in both cases, but I'm not sure if "the rate of" does. And what if I rephrase the first sentence into the second one, does the answer change?

Q: Words referring to people who go to public places

Ken Adams1. -goer 2. visitor 3. attendee 4. patron So here are four words meaning a person going to public places that I've rounded up. I think the first two words are usable for most public places, but I wonder when I can't use the last two. For example, we might only often use "attendee" for people goin...

Q: Did Joe Biden mumble/stutter after saying "America is a nation that can be defined in a single word"?

RiemannIn a video of the Hindustan Times, Joe Biden seems to be saying: America is a nation that can be defined in a single word: Asufutimaehaehfutbw I can't help but wonder if it is a fake. US Representative Troy Nehls has used this footage in court, questioning his mental health, but the latest Heal...

Q: Meaning of "be on" and "break"?

HadimsvIn one episode of the How I met your mother series, ted is talking about his possible future wife(Robin) Here's the script: Ted: I just met a perfect woman! She was like this:( He starts to talk about Robin, how they like each other, and how they have a lot in common.) Marshall: Oh, it is on! It...

Q: Huge error bounds for midpoint rule in calculating integral

Lê Hoàng Ân[the value of K is 195]. 1I have this problem an integration approximation problem of: $$\int_0^{4\sqrt{\pi}}\sin(x^2)dx$$ with n = 4. The result is 5.01. But when I check the error bound using the formula $K\frac{(a-b)^3}{24n^2}$ (my K is 195), it's huge (being around 180). It is so weird how ca...

Q: Multi column table with continuous verticle lines

Anirban Mondal I want to create this type of table in the latex. What I did is the following \begin{tabular}{c|ccccc|ccccc|ccccc} \toprule &&& Edge count &&&&& Wedge count &&&&& Triangle count &&\\ \hline $p$ && \Romannum{1} & \Romannum{2} & \Romannum{3} &&& \Romannum{1} & \Romannum{2} & \Romannum{3} &&&

Q: I must go now. vs. I must be off now

gomadeng I must go now. I must be off now. Is there any nuance between the two sentences?

Q: What is this FPS in Radiation Hazard's "Block Mesa 64" video?

Stevoisiak18 seconds into Radiation Hazard's video Block Mesa 64, he mentions Super Mario 64 and Half Life while jokingly showing images of two different games. The left image obviously is from Donkey Kong 64, but what FPS game is the image on the right from?

Q: A curious martingale

Nate RiverDoes there exist an almost surely continuous martingale $X$ with $X_t \to +\infty$ almost surely? Remark: Note that such a martingale exists in discrete time, or equivalently in continuous time if the a.s. continuity requirement is dropped.

Q: Does Italy accept extended passports issued 5 years ago for a Schengen visa?

Aemal ShirzaiI am planning to apply for an Italy Schengen visa. I have a US Green Card, and I obtained my home country passport in 2018, which expired in August 2023. However, I recently extended my passport in Canada for an additional 5 years. Now, my question is: Will Italy issue me a Schengen visa for my e...

Q: Need to prove an app was NOT on my iPhone on a given date

WellconnectedlifeI’ve been accused by a professor of using one of my iPhone’s study apps during a test. The app by Instructure is called “Canvas Student.” Not only did I not cheat, this app that I allegedly used was not installed on my iPhone that day. I have two back ups from that time period of my iPhone saved ...

Q: What is the difference between stealing and robbing?

EnglishyI saw someone insisting "loot can be robbed" and he said there are lots of instances as below. She'll work in the New York Public Library, despite the fact that she once had her purse robbed there. (Washington Post; 1979) But I learned the difference between "steal" and "rob" like this. steal:...

Q: Bevel making the vertices cursed to dodecahedron

ʈɦɘ ʙɑɕʞ So, when I add bevel feature to dodecahedron and set it to vertices, this happens.

Q: Differentiating the adverbs of frequency

JayI can't tell the difference in meaning between the following since to me they all define doing something frequently: a)我经常在图书馆学习。 b)我一般在图书馆学习。 c)我总是在图书馆学习。 If I want to say,"I usually study at the library",do all the above apply or is there a nuanced difference in meaning?

Q: Is there a type of cabinet hinge that allows opening over baseboards?

GeordieTo fit some pre-built cabinets into a space I removed a portion of the baseboards so the cabinet is flush against the wall not thinking about the doors. Is there a type of European hinge that as it opens will pull away from the wall leaving enough clearance for baseboards? I'm fine with cutting...

Q: "NDSolve: boundary and initial conditions are inconsistent"?

Yilin Chengr = 0.04; v1 = 0.25; v2 = 0.1; sigma = Sqrt[v1 + v2]; NDSolve[{D[f[t, x], t] + 0.5 (v1 + v2) x^2 D[D[f[t, x], x], x] - r f[t, x] + r x D[f[t, x], x] == 0, f[t, 0.] == Exp[-r (1. - t)], f[t, 1.] - Derivative[0, 1][f][t, 1.] == 0., f[1., x] == 1. - x}, f, {t, 0., 1.}, {x, 0., 1.}] u[t_...

Q: Square root decay of eigenvalues for lower-triangular matrix

Yaroslav BulatovSuppose we have a $d\times d$ matrix with $k$'th row consisting of $k$ constants and the rest 0: $\underbrace{c, c,\ldots,c}_{k},\underbrace{0,\cdots,0}_{d-k}$.Rows are normalized to have norm 1. IE, for $d=5$ $$\left( \begin{array}{ccccc} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} & \frac{1}{\sqr...

Q: elisp: Why does + without parameters return 0?

zeynelIn elisp + function without parameters gives 0, (+) ==> 0. * function without parameters give 1: (*) ==> 1. Only (/) gives error: wrong number of arguments. But in Python entering + without summands give an error: + ==> SytntaxError: incomplete input. I was wondering what were the justifications ...

Q: How do I offset checker tiles in custom node group?

KaranHow do I offset checker tiles, shown in the image where the offset is 0.5? Here is the checker node group. Group input Direction 0 = Horizontal and Direction 1 = Vertical offset.

Q: How does Polymorphing the PC interact with companions / steel defender / summoned creatures

crystalkalemExample, The steel defenders attack bonus is equal to your spell attack. If you, the PC, are polymorphed, does that actively change your defenders attack bonus? I don't believe it should, because if you follow that logic to its real, ultimate conclusion, you lose the "steel defender" class featur...

Q: Meaning of 2 Chronicles 33, 6: pagan ritual involving fire and human sacrifices?

Starnuto di topo2 Chronicles 33, 6 reports: And he [Manasseh] caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom What does it mean? Did Manasseh physically sent his children to some pagan ritual involving the burning human beings (as the context seems to suggest), maybe in honor to...

Q: Python network manager class using exec()

KhodeNimaI wanted to make a small self-integrated API for my PyQt5 application. This class is a tiny chunk of the whole project: class NyvoNetHunterRequestManager(QObject): sending_request = pyqtSignal() request_sent = pyqtSignal() failed_to_send = pyqtSignal() received_vali...

Q: In ACM reviews, a speaker has a rating like "expert". How is this rating assigned

rockyIn the papers I've submitted to ACM conferences, in the reviews there is typically a field next to the reviewer that appears to give a level of proficiency in the topic. For example it might say "expert". How is that established? What significance does this rating play?

Q: Are there any notable politicians of Chinese origin in diaspora countries?

whoisitIn countries where there is a large Chinese diaspora, are there any notable politicians of Chinese origin? US, Australia are examples of countries with large chinese diaspora. I'd like to restrict to western countries here (not e.g. Singapore) A 'notable' politician is someone who has run for hi...

Q: ps -o pid,ppid,stat,exe -e | grep deleted has "(deleted)" appended to the executable path

Dave The Daneps -o pid,ppid,stat,exe -e | grep deleted generates output like this: 1777 1346 Sl /usr/bin/python3.10 (deleted) 1778 1346 Sl /usr/bin/python3.10 (deleted) 1825 1327 Ss /usr/lib/bluetooth/obexd (deleted) 2007 1 Sl /usr/bin/python3.10 (deleted) 2101 1346 S...

Q: Why has former French president Nicolas Sarkozy advocated that Ukraine should not join NATO or EU, and remain neutral?

sfxeditThis article in LeMonde - Sarkozy criticized for call to compromise with Russia - states that the former French president Nicolas Sarkozy is a strong advocate of Ukraine being neutral: France's former president suggested the war in Ukraine could be ended with referendums in occupied territories ...

Q: Playing gruppetto with accidentals

Juan ChôI am playing the Chopin's Prélude in E minor, Op. 28 No. 4, and I wonder how I should play the following gruppetto. Notice that the A note is already sharp. Much appreciate your explanations!

Q: What are #1 and #2 in the Sort[{{a, 2, 5}, {c, 1, 4}, {d, 3, 2}}, #1[[3]] < #2[[3]] &]?

metroidmanSort[{{a, 2, 5}, {c, 1, 4}, {d, 3, 2}}, #1[[3]] < #2[[3]] &] In the above code, the list is ordered based on the third element of each sublist. But what does #1 or #2 mean here? If #1 refers to the first sublist and #2 the second, then how about using #3[[3]] > #2[[3]? (it fails actually)

Q: What does adding Projection to Extra Limbs do if not to be used as Cover?

Friendly Neighborhood ChickenSo Mutants and Masterminds has something a bit weird in terms of what "Projected" means in the game. Extra Limbs specifically has the following text referencing limbs that confuses me a bit as to what its intent is. Projection: Your Extra Limbs are merely a projection of your power rather than a...

Q: How Can I Automatically Separate a Mesh into Individual Faces (meshes) in Blender?

Eco_EditorHello Blender community!! My question for today is How do I separate a selected mesh into multiple meshes based on its' faces. What I know how to do: enter edit mode, select a face of a cube, press 'P' for separate, press 'S' for selection, and repeat this 5 more times, so instead of one mesh,I h...

Q: Evaluating series expansion is very slow

Mohamed MostafaI need in my work to get series expansion of (2 E^x x HypergeometricPFQ[{1}, {1/2 + E^-x/4, 1 + E^-x/4}, -(x^2/4)])/Gamma[E^-x/2] + x^(1 - E^-x/2) Sin[x] up to $n=20$. I have tried to run Normal[Series[(2 E^x x HypergeometricPFQ[{1}, {1/2 + E^-x/4, 1 + E^-x/4}, -(x^2/4)])/Gamma[E^-x/2] + x^(1 - ...

Q: What's the name of the genre of algorithms for efficiently collecting common factors?

tutizeriI'm working with sparse vectors represented as index (array of unsigned integers) and coefficient (array of floats with the same dimension). Suppose I have many vectors of different length, and I want to add them all, summing the corresponding coefficients for each unique index. I need to calcula...

Q: Why doesn't my MOSFET work?

İbrahim İpekThis is a circuit that will take any Vin > 5 (through a diode bridge against reverse connection) and buck convert it to 5 volts. But, there is some error related to PMOSFET when I try to simulate it on Proteus. It gives the error: What is wrong with my circuit?

Q: My flight was rerouted to depart from a different airport. Is this covered in any way by EU regulations regarding passenger rights?

NzallThis morning, I was supposed to take a flight from Deurne International Airport to Alicante in Spain, with assistance from the flight agency, Tui Fly, because of my autism. This flight was scheduled to depart at 6:30 AM. The problem is that yesterday, a group of climate activists attempted to occ...

Q: Use newtx only to have its scribe letters in mathmode

SerGorI would like to use newtx onl to have its scribe letters in mathmode and "double letters" like for real numbers but in minuscule version. Default LaTeX font (CMU) should be preserved. Specifications of my problem are: I use pdfLaTeX I really don't know how to handle fonts in it Thanks in advance!

Q: Whose responsibility is VAT?

confidenthourCircumstances: I have engaged a local building company to quote for works in my home. He provided a quote of £12k, which included VAT. I called him to haggle the price, and he said that if I paid him in cash, he could reduce the price to £10k “if I didn’t want to pay VAT”. I said that I would be...

Q: Is this Hebrew reading without vocalization dots correct for Leviticus 12:4?

Michael16I read from Isaac Oliver's quote in Gentilizing Luke’s ‘Most’ Jewish ‘Moment’: Reassessing the Circumcision, Purification, and Redemption of Jesus p.8 footnote: Without the vocalization, the Masoretic Text of Lev 12:4 proves more ambiguous: bothדמי טהרה andימי טהרה could be read without the ma...

Q: What is Patrick O'Brian trying to convey in this passage from Post Captain? ('Get over, you —,')

PallieI was reading Patrick O'Brian's novel Post Captain and came across this passage: 'Get over, you —,' said the girl, in her pure clear young voice. Jack had never heard a girl say — before, and he turned to look at her with a particular interest. I'm not a native speaker and I'm not sure I unders...

Q: Work equipment used at my home

SeanPlease consider the following hypothetical situation: An employee in PEI borrows a mini excavator from his/her employer with permission from his employer. While the employee has the equipment, it became damaged. Is the employee liable for the cost of repairing the equipment?

Q: What aircraft is this compass from?

jesse_bI have come into possession of some of my grandfathers things including some aircraft parts that he had. He was a naval pilot who flew single engine fighters in WW2 and then at some point transitioned to flying helicopters (some sort of sikorsky) which he piloted in the korean war. After he retir...

Q: Simple dynamic system

HypatiaI have the following system of equations: $x_{t+1} = 3x_t + y_t$ $y_{t+1} = 2 + 5y_t$. I know how to solve it when I do not have a constant, but I couldn't write it in the matrical form. What is the method for this kind of system to find the long-term equilibrium of this system? And how can I com...

Q: Estimate the subgroup order of group of units in finite algebra in GAP

limakziLet $G$ be a finite group $p$-group and $FG$ be a modular group algebra of $G$. Is there any way to estimate the order of subgroup generated by two or more elements of $U(FG)$, where $U(FG)$ is the group of units of $FG$? For small groups it extremely easy. The larger group and field, the more di...

Q: Find joint distribution of dependent indicator functions

OskarGiven two random indicator random variables, $I_A$ and $I_B$, each with the given probability $P(I_A = 1) = p_A, P(I_A = 0) = 1-p_A, P(I_B = 1) = p_B, P(I_B = 0) = 1-p_B$. Furthermore, the conditional probability $ P(I_B = 1 | I_A = 1) = q $ is known. Is it possible to determine the joint probabi...

Q: Is this a well-known pseudo-random number generator?

DanielI have a pseudo-random number generator, that I am trying to understand. I have no relevant knowledge about math. I'm hoping that you can identify if this is a well-known algorithm and what its name is, so I can read a little about it. This is the algorithm: int random_seed = 1; void random() { ...

Q: On-Click Shortcut to Open File in Finder

NoahThere's plenty of MacOS shortcuts for opening the finder, like Cmd ⌘ O or whatnot, but I'm looking for a shortcut to hold down, and then, on a click, it will open finder to that file's location. Does such a shortcut exist? This is to specifically avoid the problem of (relatively) long combina...

Q: Find the optimal dividing line

SimdConsider the following grid of numbers: In machine readable form: [[-3 2 2 2 -1 2 0 1 2 -1] [ 0 1 -2 -1 -1 1 3 3 1 3] [ 1 -3 0 -1 1 2 2 -2 0 3] [-1 0 1 -2 0 2 2 -2 -3 2] [-3 0 -3 1 -2 1 -3 3 0 -3] [-2 -1 0 2 1 3 1 2 2 -1] [ 0 3 1 0 1 -1 -1 2 2 2]...

Q: Easiest item/spell/other for making a Tendriculos aquatic?

ElliotBuilding an a character that uses the Arms & Equipment Guide rules for having a Tendriculos as a mount (basically, raise it from a seed and use alchemy to turn off its digestive acid, then ride in its mouth). Looking for the best way to make it suitable for aquatic adventures, be that item, spell...

Q: In Mac OS Sonoma, 'Permission denied' when trying to create a file in the home directory

fredrikI'm on the latest Sonoma 14.2 and when in my user's home directory I cannot create a file. I have checked the rights and it looks okay. Sudo works but this is my home directory and it messes with me everytime i want to change .bash-files or .zsh-files. It also messes with homebrew installations. ...

Q: What is the general rule in the Martial Arts world regarding eye contact? Is making eye contact good or bad for avoiding fights?

John StrachanI am currently studying and researching good self defence techniques, and the subject of eye contact has arisen. I found on this Martial Arts forum here that one of the users claims that his Master advised the class to never break eye contact with someone you are fighting. However almost absolute...

Q: Is anti-realism coherent?

thinkingmanQuantum mechanics is said to indicate that realism may not be true. It is said, for example, that a particle is not in a defined state before measurement. But this brings two questions. A) What is a measurement? From what I am aware, this still has not been well defined B) If a particle is not in...

Q: Does this partial sum over primes spike at all zeta zeros?

martinBelow is a plot of $\exp \sum _p^x -\frac{\cos \left(x \log \ p\right)}{\sqrt{p}}$, where $p$ runs over the primes, and the $x$-values of the Riemann $\zeta$ zeros are marked with dashed lines: Below is the plot $\sum _\rho^{100} -\frac{\cos \left(\rho \log x \ \right)}{\rho }$, where $\rho$ is ...

Q: Intuitive explanation of the fact that the Calculus of Constructions is not conservative over Higher-Order Logic

Gro-TsenReading Barendregt's chapter “Lambda Calculi with Types” in the Handbook of Logic in Computer Science (vol. 2: Computational Structures) (Abramsky, Gabbay & Maibaum eds., 1992) I learned (op. cit. theorem 5.4.21) that Berardi and Geuvers proved in 1989 that the Calculus of Constructions is not co...

Q: What exactly is a long vowel sound?

Devin JohwI am having a hard time grasping the definition of the term 'long vowel sounds', a long vowel sound is defined as a sound with the same pronunciation as its letter. The long vowel a, e, i, o sounds all follow this definition, while the long vowel u sound doesn't. There are two long vowel sounds f...

Q: Is it possible to run game from another PC on my PC?

tolia kI have a PC and a laptop. My PC is weak, but it has enough storage to download the game I need. Is it possible to run my game on a laptop while keeping it on my PC's HDD?

Q: Closing LibreOffice causes logout 22.04 LTS

Upheld3228When closing any LibreOffice application, it causes an automatic logout, taking me to a black screen first then to the login page again. I've already tried uninstalling LibreOffice, both using these commands sudo apt remove libreoffice-* sudo apt autoremove sudo apt autoclean and from the softwa...

Q: Who are the space adventurers?

obviouserrorI got this puzzle from a friend and thought it was a good one for this community: In this space adventure, women from Neptune and Men from Jupiter always speak the truth, while men from Neptune and women from Jupiter always lie. In this adventure, beings from Neptune and Jupiter live alongside ea...

Q: High voltage buck converter inductor voltage rating

Felix KunzWe‘re designing a buck converter that should convert 600VDC down to 20V. For that purpose we use the ST VIPer26k. We’re currently looking for an inductor (L2). The inductance is 1mH, but we‘re not sure about the voltage rating. Does the inductor really have to be rated for the full 580V? The high...

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