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Q: Can I insulate my brick garage walls with 2x4 furring strips?

HomeinPAI have a garage that is attached to my house on one side (side shown in the picture). I want to frame and insulate the walls, but I want lose as little space as possible (since the garage isn't very large to start with and the opposite wall has only 2 inches clearance between garage door rails an...

Q: Why does applying a bezier curve modifier flip my object?

Kellen CataldoSo I have an object here, just a simple rectangle, you can see that objects wireframe mesh below Now what I want to do is turn this object into a curving ramp of some sorts, I have a bezier curve following the exact path that I want the rectangle to deform on. However, when I apply a curve modi...

Q: Problem of the Week for College Students

user23487Trinity's Problem of the Week and Purdue's Problem of the Week were both weekly problems that were excellent for college math clubs to tangle with at their weekly meetings. However, both of them are no longer posting new problems. What is a good replacement? A good answer would involve contest-ty...

Q: Why does more ice melt slower than less ice?

user386598I know that ice cubes that are larger melt slower because of their surface area. However, when you put more ice cubes in a cup, all the cubes melt slower than a cup with less cubes. I hope this makes sense.

Q: Does kanji have meaning on their own, or they inherit their meaning(s) from the words they used in?

KatherineAs the title says. I stumbled on the Reddit post today and became curious if that's true? Here's a quote from that post: Kanji don't actually have a meaning on their own, they get meaning from the words that they spell. If a kanji has multiple 'meanings' that's because it's used in multiple word...

Q: Non-Schottky SiC diodes

user1402154Hopefully this isn't too much of a shopping question. I am looking for off-the-shelf silicon carbide P-N junction diodes, but all I can find are Schottky ones. Do P-N version ones even exist commercially?

Q: How can I create a single partition from three different disks to install Windows on it?

The SlavaI have 3 disks: 1TB, 512GB and 512GB. Is there any way to create a single 2TB partition and install Windows 10 on it? Data safety is not important.

Q: Which context do Record-Triggered Flows run in?

parkerbbrownAccording to the table in the middle of this Salesforce documentation, record-triggered Flows run in system-context. At the bottom of this unofficial sf documentation, it says record-triggered Flows run in user-context. I've performed testing in our org and at least one of our record-triggered Fl...

Q: What is the meaning of "life of the collar" in Season 1 Episode 9?

Rajesh PrajapatiFrom Season 1 Episode 9 : Timestamp 04:20 Julian : What is the meaning of your son's name ? Dorothy : It does not mean anything. Its just a great name. Julian : I think you may have condemned your son to the life of the collar ? What does that sentence mean ? What is "life of the collar" ?

Q: Identify this connector and 2.5 mm pin type

Teodor ToshevCan you identify the connector type, and more important the pins? I was able to find NPP 2.5 mm pins that look the same, but apparently they are smaller than what I need... I'm attaching some photos for reference, the one on the left is the one I need (bigger one).

Q: Improving water stained unpainted garage drywall

RamNew home owner, my garage has a basic drywall finish - ie nominally sanded joints. There are also water stains all over the dry wall - I'm going to guess they washed their cars inside the garage with a house or otherwise had a hurricane with the garage door open :) I want to improve the look and ...

Q: Does code allow a tankless water heater installation above a service panel?

keerzI have an external tankless water heater above and to the side of an electrical panel. This is a work in progress, but does this arrangement conform to the electrical code? I've read what I could find about this situation and that seems to say no issues as long as the panel itself has the require...

Q: lmer for repeated measures in complete block design

LaíseI've got a completely randomized block design with 4 treatments and 3 replications (blocks). I figured that a mixed model with repeated measures as random terms should be appropriate to analyse this design. We have measured each plot (4 treatments x 3 replications = 12 plots), using means of 3 an...

Q: How do I show employers that a long commute won't hinder my ability to perform my assigned duties?

Trilla-toePhuThe Situation I have recently applied for a position in a physician's office, and I like the feel of the office as I think I would do very well there. I have had three encounters with the staff members including an initial virtual interview, a phone interview with one of the providers, then an i...

Q: A Sierpiński Carpet ratio

Frank SollThis math problem popped into my head and I wanted to share it with you: We have the Sierpiński carpet, which is a fractal built like this: Draw a square. Divide it into 9 equal subsquares arranged in a 3-by-3 grid. Remove the central subsquare. Repeat from 2 for each subsquare. You should get ...

Q: Numerically solving radial Schrödinger equation with Yukawa potential

MarcosMFloresI am trying to solve the radial Schrödinger equation using NDEigensystem but I am running into some issues. There are posts about doing this (see here for example), but I don't particularly understand the specifics such as why a shift is necessary for unbounded potentials like the Coulomb potenti...

Q: Find the smallest subarray with sum larger than a threshold

zebdaGiven a set of $n$ positive numbers $\{a_1,\ldots,a_n\}$ and a positive target $T$, find a subset $S$ from $\{a_1,\ldots,a_n\}$ of contiguous elements, that is $S=\{a_i,a_{i+1},a_{i+2},\ldots\}$ for some $i$, such that $|S|$ is minimum and $\sum_{a\in S}a\geq T$. My algorithm is an exhaustive sea...

Q: ASCII-art milk carton

noodle manThe following is an unfolded milk carton: +-----+-\|/-+-----+-\|/-+-+ | | / \ | | / \ | | +-----+/---\+-----+/---\+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----+-----+-----+-----+-+ \ / \ / \ / \ / \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ Th...

Q: Graph for derivative function

VladimirPlease help. I can't display a graph for the derivative of a function. Ls = 1.27; Is = 1.1; S = 3.6; B = 0.136; A = 2; i[t_] := A Sin[2 50 \[Pi] t]; \[Psi][t_] := Ls i[t]/Is (1 + (Abs[i[t]/Is])^S)^(-1/(S + B)) ; d\[Psi][t_] := D[\[Psi][t], t]; Plot[{\[Psi]'[t]}, {t, 0.001, 0.04}] Plot[{d\[Psi][t]...

Q: What's difference between a "stagnum" and "lacuna"?

ephesinusI'm trying to give title to a earth (no pluvial) water "puddle" of photo

Q: Mailing address for retired people in teaching applications

user760900I am applying to be a lecturer, where most of my references are professional references. I am being asked for a mailing address for references. Professionally, it seems awkward to ask for someone's mailing address. I understand this is easy in academia, as one can put down the department address....

Q: Appropriate parenthesizing of theorem title

Frode Alfson BjørdalIs there a way to ensure that we may use \label{key}[Theoremtitle] while avoiding getting "[Theoremtitle]" and instead getting "(Theoremtitle)" - as with [Theoremtitle]\label{key} in the example below. Using [Name]\label{key} created problems for the line breaking. \documentclass{article} \usepa...

Q: Kyber 512 Security Level Issue

user112982So I read parts of the following article: https://blog.cr.yp.to/20231003-countcorrectly.html But I quite dont understand it. NIST assumes Kyber 512 is just as hard as AES128 nowadays, in presence of quantum computers. The error they mention is that Kyber has the security level of 2^41 bits, inste...

Q: QGIS Field Calculator - Aggregating and Calculating Ratios Based on Y-coordinate

unknown123I am trying to use the QGIS Field Calculator to calculate the sum of a specific attribute ('demo_field') for features in a layer to the sum of the same attribute for features that share the same y-coordinate. However, I am encountering an issue with the following expression: aggregate(layer:= 'la...

Q: Does one accepted false statement allows proving anything?

SpookWhen I was studying, the mathematical analysis professor said something interesting when he was explaining the implication (logical operator), namely $(False \implies True) = True$. He said something like (from my memory): You can derive any truth from the falsehood. If we accept a single falseh...

Q: 90's movie involving a super-soldier, a fear-smelling "monster" and a trapped man & woman

Phil RigbyI remember, sometime around 1995/96, watching a movie on satellite TV in the UK. I have no idea what it is called, but would like to track down. Pertinent details about the movie, as best as I can remember: Shown in the mid-90's, so probably made in the early 90's. Plot revolved around a super-...

Q: My site has been hacked. I have managed to clean it up. But now, most of my links are looping back to the home page

Alex BrionesMy site was hacked by a Russian hacker. I know because the characters were Russian on one of the files he left. I have cleaned up the site, but many of the links are looping back to the home page. What can I do to fix this? Thanks I have Craft 2.3, php 7.1, mysql, and here is the site: camp.gsnor...

Q: Do we know that LWE is harder than Ring LWE?

Sam JaquesThe plain, normal-form, decisional LWE problem over $\mathbb{Z}/q\mathbb{Z}$ is: given a uniformly random $n\times n$ matrix $A$ and vector $b\in \mathbb{Z}/q\mathbb{Z}^n$, decide if $b=As+e$ for small $s$ and small $e$. The decisional ring LWE problem is, in $R_q:=\mathbb{Z}[x]/(q,p(x))$, given ...

Q: Cryptic PostGIS/GEOS topology error

GeolographistI'm attempting to determine 1) what "ring edge missing" means in the following PostGIS/GEOS error message, and 2) why ST_Intersection throws it for certain gridSize parameters but not for others. ERROR: lwgeom_intersection_prec: GEOS Error: TopologyException: Ring edge missing at -101448.694 214...

Q: PF2E Eidolon Grappling Capabilities?

Pj LastNameAs far as I know, there is no way for an Eidolon to obtain the "Grapple" trait on one of their attacks. A level one Summoner is granted an Eidolon and has the ability to choose from one of the following for their primary form of attack 1d8 damage (disarm, nonlethal, shove, or trip) 1d6 damage (f...

Q: Multicolumn amsmath's align environment on a beamer frame?

Thomas BenkoI make a presentation for my students. On a frame I would like to break an align environment into two columns. The columns are visibly made, but the whole equation list is in the first column. Is there a solution for this or I shall use other multicolumning package? A MWE: \documentclass{beamer} ...

Q: Does becoming a warlock mean said warlock will become a "Soul Coin" upon death?

ZchesusNote: All of this pertains to the Baldur's Gate (3) universe. I never got that deep into the lore, but a friend of mine claims that Wyll is in the wrong for because, and I quote him, "his soul is not his own". He claims that all souls return to the "pool of souls" upon death, after which they ca...

Q: Can philosophy be useful?

MeanachI cite the article by Hans Radder entitled "Everything of value is useful: How philosophy can be socially relevant", published by Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective. He concludes that many social, scientific, and personal issues can benefit from philosophy.

Q: Modelling a couch cushion with complex seams

user3455507i need your expertise, as I'am struggling with a workflow for creating this pattern on the upper side of the cushion. I followed some tutorials for chesterfield sofas, however the workflow won't apply perfectly to my demand. Here are some more images: https://www.boconcept.com/de-de/clp/osaka-sof...

Q: Perform Gray Addition

Dannyu NDosObjective Given two non-negative integers encoded in unbounded-length Gray code, add them and output the result, where the result is also encoded in Gray code. Gray code There are many equivalent formulations of Gray code, but here's an intuitive one. The Gray code encodes each non-negative integ...

Q: Why doesn't the UK government end "bona vecantia"?

political_noobIt has recently been reported that King Charles benefits from the estates of those who pass away without leaving a will or next of kin. Apparently this takes place via ancient feudal laws known as "bona vacantia" that allow the King's duchy to inherit from intestate individuals. Presumably this i...

Q: Can One Solve This Scary Sequence?

AlteringIntegralThe following terms appear in a sequence. Unfortunately they are scrambled (both the original terms and their order) Theory, Policeman?, Contest, Clarice, Bad Act, One in Rome, Fashionable, Confess, Scary Can you put them in the correct order and say why you are right?

Q: What is this quadruple-dotted X above the staff?

IsAGuestAt the end of Shiro Sagisu's Robe Des Champs (KK_A09_miyagi), there is a dotted X with brackets covering two bars.

Q: Bash parameter expansion to replace exact matches only

asmeurerIs it possible to use bash parameter expansion to replace $VAR with '' if and only if it matches some 'value' exactly? There is the syntax ${VAR#value} which removes value the beginning of $VAR and similarly ${VAR%value} which removes it from the end. This does replace value with '', but if $VAR ...

Q: Repetition of the first verb (separable verbs)

mjfnetoI am learning Chinese and I have a question about separable verbs. I understand that separable verbs are verbs that can be split by an object or a complement, such as 看书 (read a book) or 看见 (see). However, I am confused by the sentences where the first verb is repeated, such as 他游泳游得很快,跑步跑得很慢。(He...

Q: Are there any Kausal and Modal prepositions in German?

AKJI have recently studied "Temporale und Lokale Präpositionen" and learned to write sentences in TeKaMoLo format. So it struck me that whether there are any Kausal and Modal (KaMo) prepositions in writing German sentences? If so, could someone please explain with appropriate examples?

Q: How to plot the elements of a matrix in {x,y,z} coordinates?

Lucas LopesI have the {x,y,z} positions of a fullerene and after connecting the first neighbors with ~1.37 and 1.45 distances in the matrix B as the following tol=0.01; LIST={1.37,1.45}; Do[ If[ Abs[EuclideanDistance[DATAC60[[i]], DATAC60[[j]]] - LIST[[h]]] <= tol, B[[i, ...

Q: Was Defense of Children International Palestine declared a terrorist organization?

Evan CarrollAccording to this CNN interview with Josh Paul, a now resigned, former director at US Department of State, I was part of the human rights vetting process for arms going to Israel. A charity called Defense of Children International Palestine drew our attention at the state department to the sexua...

Q: Why won't Israel allow more aid into Gaza?

Sayaman Israel needs to do more to allow fuel and other aid into Gaza, the U.S. said on Tuesday as Israel's offensive against Hamas in southern areas of the Palestinian enclave intensified. "The level of assistance that's getting in is not sufficient," U.S. State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller s...

Q: Honorific suffix in exchanges between university staff

F'xI am trying to find a short summary of suffixes (honorific) that are in use in universities, in exchanges between staff at different levels. I have found a lot of advice on students addressing professors (and they usually recommend sticking to 〜先生), but I am not a student anymore… I am a (foreign...

posted on December 05, 2023

From Bob Ortiz and tagged as marlin,electronics,filament-jam,mriscoc,runout-sensor

Q: Does an inherited IRA count toward a specific bequest?

WillOThis is a question about US law. I realize there might be some differences across states. Suppose I have a $3 million IRA with my friend Nellie listed as the beneficiary. Nellie is also mentioned in my will, which specifies that she is to receive a $7 million bequest. (Suppose also that my no...

Q: Is there any benefit in trying to play a song by ear?

heretoinfinityI started playing Take Me Out To the Ball Game by ear on the piano and I find that I have been making several mistakes in knowing what note comes next. I don't know the lyrics well but I am familiar with the tune. Is there any added benefit in playing without the score? Will it make it a better ...

1 hour later…
Q: Does the expansion and contraction of a variable star affect the measured radial velocity?

JacksonI've measured the heliocentric radial velocity of Beta Cephei using the doppler shift of the helium lines, I corrected for earth's motion using the doppler shift of the oxygen in the atmosphere. I took 14 measurements over the course of 10 hours, and I found that it fluctuates between approximate...

Q: Can the chefs go?

SomebodyOn the TV cooking show Guy's Grocery Games, the chefs cannot begin shopping until Guy Fieri, the show's host, says "Three, two, one, go!" However, the words do not have to be all together. He often "hides" the words in things like this (based on a real example, but not quoting verbatim): There a...

Q: BKK transit on separate tickets without a transit visa

LabuI am a Colombian passport holder and planning to transit without luggage through BKK Airport as follows: flying from Denpasar to BKK (haven't bought the ticket yet, so I don’t know the airline) and then going from BKK to JED with Saudi Air on SV849. Do I need a transit visa to do this? If I under...

Q: Does ZFC -Union +UniqueUnion prove the axiom of union?

Greg NisbetThe unique union $\mathcal{U}(F)$ is defined as $\{x \mid [\exists! A \in F](x \in A)\}$. I saw this question earlier today, and I was wondering what one might reasonably use the unique union construction for. I think a natural first question to ask is whether ZFC -Union +UniqueUnion is equivalen...

Q: How do you create a report of reports?

Michael WestIn SPE I need to create a report where each record has a link. When the link is clicked additional parameters are provided to the second report. How would I go about creating such a report?

Q: Are high speed crystals better at something compared to 32768 Hz crystals?

ManxLet's look at STM32L4 microcontrollers, for example. I can use Low Speed External oscillator (LSE), or High Speed External oscillator (HSE). LSE can run all the time consuming very little power. It can run not only the RTC, but, thanks to PLLs, also can be used as main clock source of the process...

Q: Is there, mathematically speaking, a QFT with the following properties?

MalkounI am still learning QFT, on my own. I am using A. Zee's nice book called quantum field theory in a nutshell. It is funny too. When I got to Wick's theorem, I couldn't help but notice an analogy between a formula I came across while working on the Atiyah problem on configurations of points and Wic...

Q: How are Constructed Languages referred to?

eightbitgiraffe(Very beginner Japanese speaker here, go easy on me.) I understand that to get the name of a language, it is usually the name of the country it is associated with, then 語 appended to the end. What about languages without countries associated or conlangs, such as Toki Pona or Esperanto? My best gu...

1 hour later…
Q: Faerzress and other teleportation spells

CosmologiconIn the D&D 5e module Out of the Abyss, one effect of faerzress is: Any creature attempting to teleport into, within, or out of a faerzress-suffused area must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 1d10 force damage and the teleportation attempt fails. ...

Q: How to change of the invoice pdf file name with the invoice ID generated from admin?

Shiv Om Mishraadd in di.xml <?xml version="1.0"?> <config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:ObjectManager/etc/config.xsd"> <preference for="Magento\Sales\Controller\Adminhtml\Invoice\AbstractInvoice\PrintAction" type="Custom\Module\Co...

Q: Why does the frequency of an astable multivibrator depend strongly on the supply voltage?

OptikMore specifically, my question is why does the natural frequency of the conventional symmetric transistor astable multivibrator (STAM) vary so strongly on the power supply voltage? As a follow-up question, what can be done to reduce that dependence? Background: I have constructed and measured th...

Q: Anime involving a guy with a sword, a girl with a crystal in her chest, planes and space battles

MsurvivalI remember watching it when I was 13. The main character (MC) is a guy using a sword and wearing a red shirt or thingy and the heroine, if I remember, has pink hair and wears a white dress. They are searching for a crystal and enter a cave, and when they find it, the crystal behaves oddly and sud...

Q: Which is More Positively Effective, Math-Wise: Modifier Bonuses, or Expertise?

J ThompsonAfter my previous question about my character, I went off the deep end to find what role is needed in my party, exactly. Long-story short, we need a high DEX skill monkey. I'll have trouble with the first part, but the second was immediately doable, since Bards are good skill monkeys. After some ...

1 hour later…
Q: What are these two Cantonese words that mean "picky" ? They sound like 哦過 or 屙裹

user61794I practice Cantonese with staff at a favorite Cantonese restaurant. A waiter joked that my daughter is a picky eater with 2 words that sound like 哦過, 哦裹, 屙過, 屙裹. He was uncertain how to write it, because he left school at an early age. He attempted the first character, see below. But he confirm...

Q: What was the role of Schmidt in derivation of the Gram-Schmidt process?

Tran KhanhWhen reading the section related to Gram-Schmidt process in the book Linear Algebra and Its Applications by Gilbert Strang, I found a foot note that says: If Gram thought of it first, what was left for Schmidt. Other books taught me that the two independently developed the method and many Inter...

Q: Can't get a newline with scriptsize

Liang enhaoThis is what I wrote in the editor: \begin{array}{c} {\scriptsize mx-3x=2(2-x) \par First: } \end{array} \begin{array}{c} {\scriptsize mx-3x=2(2-x) \newline First: } \end{array} It doesn't work in the way I expected, I am using the web editor by the way.https://www.latexlive.com/

Q: Could the Bitcoin network freeze someone's assets?

MWBStrictly as an example, let's say some businessman owns a lot of Bitcoin, and he makes a disparaging comment online about a certain country that happens to have the majority of Bitcoin miners. Could this country's leadership force these miners to freeze his assets by never validating any transact...

1 hour later…
Q: How can I remove jump lines created by boolean modifiers?

Seph ReedAfter applying a boolean modifier, I'm getting these jump lines that connect a cut out to the outer perimeter. In other contexts I've made an object that has an inner and outer set of edges without needing jump lines, so I know they aren't required. Things I've tried: Decimate: doesn't do anyth...

Q: Rebuttal sent but no response from journal

Sara ElsayedI submitted a paper to a journal after which four reviewing cycles were made by two reviewers. One of the two reviewers had no comments and accepted the paper as is while the other reviewer had comments at each revision cycle.All comments were adressed but unfortunately,after about a year, the pa...

Q: Can I lose the game by flickering Platinum Angel

Tim CSuppose that I have 10 poison counters but can't lose because I have Platinum Angel in play. If I cast Cloudshift on Platinum Angel, do I lose the game, or does it return to play before state based effects are checked?

Q: \AddToHook{begindocument/end}{⟨code⟩}\begin{document} not equivalent to \begin{document}⟨code⟩?

Denis Bitouzé(This a follow up of this question about indentation of paragraphs with the standalone class.) The following MCE gives the expected result (indented paragraphs): \documentclass[varwidth]{standalone} \newlength\keptparindent \keptparindent=\parindent \begin{document} \parindent=\keptparindent L...

Q: Why is there an error showing missing } in the end despite the {}-pairs being balanced?

Nga Nguyễn Thị\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{vietnam} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsfonts} \begin{document} \begin{align*} $||x + y||^{2} &=\displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{n}|x_{j}+y_{j}|^{2} \\ &\leq\displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{n}|x_{j}|^{2}+2 \displaystyle\...

Q: How can I disable the program unclutter without remove its package?

User051209On my lubuntu 22.04 I have installed the package unclutter by the command: sudo apt-get install unclutter A description of this package is the following: unclutter hides your X mouse cursor when you don’t need it, to prevent it from getting in the way. You have only to move the mouse to restore...

Q: Tikz, semicolon and missing character

MaïeulConsider the following MWE, compiled with xelatex \documentclass{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \tikzset{boite/.style={draw,text width=14em,text badly centered}}; \tikzset{liaison/.style={ ->,thick,>=latex }}; \node[boite]{f...

Q: What type of surface mount diode is SOT-23 marked "JY L"?

Khalil MohammadWhat type of surface mount diode is this, SOT-23 marked "JY L"

Q: NDSolve ignores my NeumannValue boundary conditions

B. BrekkeI am trying to solve a simple linear differential equation for $f(x,y)$ on a square with area $L\times L =1$. I consider $(\partial_x^2 + \partial_y^2)f + \partial_x \partial_y f = 0$ with the following boundary conditions: $\partial_x f(0,y) = 1$, $\partial_y f(x,0) = 0$, $\partial_y f(x,1) = 0$...

Q: How to convert relative db to db SPL knowing microphone specifications?

AndreaSimilarly to this discussion (Is it common to have a negative-positive dB range in underwater spectrograms?), I used the 'seewave' R package to plot the below spectrograms. I limited the coloured amplitude to 0,-60 and the rest as transparent (the full range was between 0,-144. I used the follow...

Q: Indonesia visa misprint by consulate

Moos1998I have a Pakistani passport and was issued a tourist visa to Indonesia as I plan to visit Bali in January. The visa sticker has a misprint and seems like they ran out of ink while printing. Regardless, the text in the visa is almost illegible. Only the visa number is fully and clearly visible. Th...

Q: Forecasting based on revenue and advertisement

CohensiusHow to forecast revenue based on previous revenue and advertisement budget? This is how the data looks like, see full data on google sheet. From the little that I know, Excel offers forecasting based only on previous revenue, I want to forecast based on two parameters: previous revenue AND adver...

Q: Should I create private properties for primary constructor parameters in C# 12?

Prasanna Kumar JI'm using C# 12. In C# 12 I can use primary constructor: Implementation 1 : public class Calculation(int a,int b) { public int Addition() => a + b; public int Subtraction() => a - b; } Implementation 2 : public class Calculation(int a,int b) { private int _a { get; init; } = a; private int...

Q: How much time should I spend on illustrations?

WeissI am in the process of publishing my first paper in geosciences. I have developed a model for the paper and now I want to create 8 figures. However, already I've been working on it for 2-3 weeks (for 4 figures) and can't get anything else done. How much time should I spend on the figures and what...

Q: Why do I get shocked from my laptop? How do I stop it in my own designs?

Klumpy7Recently, I noticed my MacBook gave me a small shock when it was plugged in and I only touched the very corner of it with my palm. It was fine if I gave it enough contact by resting both palms on the shell. Intrigued, I went to investigate this issue and with my multimeter, I am measuring 80 V AC...

Q: What are the best practices while printing digitally created PDFs?

NiranjanI am supposed to take printouts of a few of my assignments which I had submitted digitally. I created those PDFs using (Lua)LaTeX. I don't understand the technicalities of printing much, but I have had a not-so-great experience with the printers around me in the recent past. They always ask for a...

Q: What does "dx" mean in ∫𝑓(𝑥)𝑑𝑥?

Zehan LiI have this confusion while studying indefinite integrals. Is dx a derivative of x or a notation? If it is just a notation,how can we explain that the transformation from dx to du satisfies the operational law of differentiation?

Q: libreoffice suddenly stopped working in Ubuntu MATE 22.04.03 LTS

Francesco UboldiHello I have Ubuntu MATE 22.04.03 LTS on a desktop computer. Today, suddenly, I cannot run any libreoffice program anymore. I get this error: $ lowriter /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/javaldx: error while loading shared libraries: libreglo.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or direc...

Q: Jordan normal form for compact operators

EchoThis question should be standard, but I didn't find it in the books. For a compact operator $T$ on a Hilbert space $H$, we know that every spectral value $\ne 0$ is an eigenvalue, that each generalised eigenspace $$ H(\lambda)=\bigcup_{n\ge 1}\ker(T-\lambda)^n, \ \ \ \lambda\ne 0 $$ is finite dim...

Q: Can human ear listen 4Hz frequency, if I tap my hand 4 times per second on table?

Avinash AgrawalFrequency means the number of repetitions per second. Humans can listen between 20 Hz and 20 kHz, but I have a very basic question: if I tap my hand four times on a table per second, it means I am producing a 4 Hz wave, and it is audible to me. I am sorry if I sound stupid, but I searched for thi...

Q: Role of MnSO4 in permanganometric titration

confusionfromarizonaThis might sound like a stupid question, but I have been unable to wrap my head around it. Recently in a lab I had to titrate H2C2O4 with KMnO4 in acidic medium (H2SO4). However, in the work, it requested for a few drops of a diluted MnSO4 solution. What role does it play in the reaction? It appe...

Q: If Large Language Models can do Maths, is Formalism true?

Paul RossA slightly flippant question, but curious to see what my platonist rivals might have to say! One of the proported reasons that Open-AI was having business politics trouble was the suggestion that their newest Transformer-architecture driven Foundation model was powerful enough to carry out comple...

Q: Did Huawei modem just tried to do a Man-In-The-Middle attack on me?

gtuI have a replica of Huawei B535-333 LTE modem. While I was working from home on my computer I randomly got a security alert saying that certificate for connection with outlook.office365.com was issued by untrusted company and the certificate name and site name are not the same. When I checked th...

Q: Secure remote copy with exceptions

SO_32In order to use some data that are stored and produced remotely I first download them via scp servername:/.../big_directory/* ~/. There are many files and the command includes everything. These files change unpredictably (for me), however it's just a few (over MANY) that actually change between a...

Q: What is the significance of the LDS claim that apostolic succession was lost till Joseph Smith was granted divine authority

LesleyI was recently in conversation with a lady who is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She said they are the "true" church because apostolic authority was lost after the death of Jesus' 12 disciples, and that authority was not regained until Joseph Smith met with Moroni (s...

Q: Listing all bibtex keys (NOT in LaTeX)

David InmanI have a bib file with 1,579 entries. This is being read by another (non-LaTeX) system, which I have just recently discovered has opinions about the key: e.g. all - and _ elements are removed. I would like to generate a list of all the bib keys in my file, and would like to avoid writing a home-s...

Q: Does Eindhoven Airport offer flight transfer?

McloadI'm arriving on a different airline than I'm leaving, do I need to pass through security again or can I transfer flights airside at this airport?

Q: Conditions for an interior solution to the UMP

TomUcl2003I was wondering under what set of conditions one is allowed to assume an interior solution to the Utility Maximisation Problem. In most of my classes and lecture notes, interior solutions are assumed from the outset. Intuitively, it seems to me that if the utility function is: monotone (increasi...

Q: Identifying an Actor in Star Wars: A New Hope's Tantive IV Boarding Scene?

DargscisyhpIn Star Wars: A New Hope, as Darth Vader prepares to board Tantive IV, the security team of the ship assembles in an attempt to repel the empire's boarding party. There is a close-up shot of a particular actor, the first one prominently featured in the movie, even though he is essentially a backg...

Q: Accuracy of pedal-based power meters when used with pedal extenders / pedal spacers

JimIs the accuracy of a pedal-based power meter (examples) significantly affected by using them with pedal extenders (example)? Thank you.

Q: How to solve 1 2 3 4 5 = 5 4 3 2 1 (insert five pluses to make it equal)? A thorough solution needed

AlexanderI consider it an amazing though very challenging puzzle: 1 2 3 4 5 = 5 4 3 2 1 One must insert exactly five pluses (i.e. five addition signs) somewhere between those ten displayed figures in such way that it becomes a true mathematical equality. Also, you can't rearrange/transpose the figures; no...

Q: Have there been any Spacewalks to free-flying satellites?

DragongeekTalks of a new Hubble servicing mission have made me curious: Has a spacewalk between a manned craft and a free-flying satellite ever occurred? As far as I am aware, the Shuttle visited satellites and repaired/recovered them on multiple occasions, however these were always accompanied with the r...

Q: Diploria labyrinthiformis - can we reproduce Ernst Haeckel's drawing of a brain coral?

eldoErnst Haeckel (1834 - 1919 was a German zoologist, philosopher, physician, professor and artist. He promoted and popularised Charles Darwin's work in Germany. The published artwork of Haeckel includes over 100 detailed, multi-colour illustrations of animals and sea creatures, collected in his fa...

Q: Why is Kali released as a VM?

Neil MeyerI have completed a few Bug Bounty tutorials. All of them use Kali Linux installed on VMs. Either VirtualBox or VMWare. Is there a reason why Web App Pen testing would be done from a VM? I'm just wondering if just installing Kali on my machine is a bad idea for some reason I don't know. Kali Linux...

Q: Chain drops when shifting up a gear at the front?

SRJBikeI've just gotten a new bike and run into a problem. When shifting from a smaller cog to a bigger one in the front gears, the chain consistently drops. The problem happens regardless of whether I'm on a hill or on flat ground, and regardless of how bumpy the road is. The bike is a Cannondale Quick...

Q: Chasam Sofer Biography

Jon MossDoes anybody have any recommendations for a Biography about the Chasam Sofer? I'm really interested in learning more about him and the events in his life that may have influenced his writings.

Q: Zeroes in natural numbers up to a googol

Dmitry KamenetskyHow many times does the digit $0$ occur in the list of numbers from $1$ to $10^{100}$, inclusive?

Q: JSON.deserializeUntyped Error : System.JSONException: For input string

Raphael DI have a simple REST API call sent from apex class, I a trying to handle the response body with the bellow code: String jsonPayLoad = '{"Accts":[{"Name":"ABC","Exp":25,"Languages":[{"Name":"Apex","version": []},{"Name":"Java","versions":[{"version":1.8,"certification":true,"placeholder":{"target":"...

Q: Is internationaldriversassociation.com legitimate?

Vipul SwarupI am considering two trips: UAE South Korea I hold an Indian driving license. Both these countries require that I have an IDP (international driving permit), to rent a car. I found a website that issues these for $49. But I am not sure it is legitimate and if their permits are actually accepted...

Q: Can I use p-values without hypothesis?

MelI have been working on my Master's Thesis which included a survey and its results have been put through various tests. The unusual thing about my Thesis is that I have no hypotheses at all, making it a descriptive statistical analysis. However, I have set up hypotheses just for the purpose of cal...

Q: Large energy differences across successive geometry optimization steps in SIESTA

user1420303I am trying to calculate adsorption energies of acetophenone on a 6x6x3 nickel surface with about 12 Angstrom of vacuum above it using SIESTA 5. I have arranged the molecule so that the ring plane is parallel to the surface plane, and the atom of the molecule closest to the top is about 3.5 Angst...

Q: ST_ReducePrecision function does not work properly

Matheus ClarksonI am trying to use ST_ReducePrecision to reduce the number of characters, because of the character limit in power bi cells. ST_AsText(ST_ReducePrecision(ST_Transform(geom, 4326), 0.000001)) The result that I'm geting is not what I was expecting: Original WKT: MULTIPOLYGON(((-42.49076772971744 -22...

Q: Why is SQL server dropping the seconds of values passed to a SMALLDATETIME field?

agerber85I'm using Microsoft SQL Server 2019 (RTM-CU22) (KB5027702) - 15.0.4322.2 (X64) Jul 27 2023 18:11:00 Copyright (C) 2019 Microsoft Corporation Express Edition (64-bit) on Windows 10 Pro 10.0 (Build 19045: ) I have a table I created with CREATE TABLE yokogawaReading( yokogawaReading INTEGER NOT...

Q: Issue with the Hook Modifier in Curve Distortion

O InventárioI always used the Hook modifier to distort the curves, but now this is happening. The "hook" simply isn't controlling the curve perfectly, it's like an armature with errors. Does anyone know what's going on?

Q: tikz: How to wrap the ducks in a node into several lines

Tianjian QinI want to arrange the tikz ducks inside a node in several lines: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{ducks} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[ BOX/.style = {draw=orange,rectangle,fill=orange!20,minimum height=5cm, minimum width=4cm, inner sep=0,rounded corners=5pt,da...

Q: Are Catholic children given Saints' names on Confirmation?

Kadalikatt Joseph SibichanIn a paragraph of the write-up on Roman Catholic Saints at britannica.com , it is written that many Catholics take or are given a saint’s name for their Confirmation. Normally, a Catholic child on its Baptism is given a saint's name which may be different from the child' s name as entered in civ...

Q: What happens when an anti-electron collides with a neutrino?

mr.thachWhat happens when an anti-electron collides with a neutrino? If something does happen, is a photon released after the collision?

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