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Q: Design and stimulus for a simple Mealy finite state machine

Ervin RanjanI am trying to code a state machine for the given state diagram: I module mealy(input x_in,rst_n,clk, output reg y_out); parameter s0 = 2'b00, s1 = 2'b01 , s2 = 2'b10,s3 = 2'b11; reg [1:0] p_state,n_state; always@(posedge clk,negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) p_state = s0; else if(clk...

Q: Blender sculpting

AnonymousssssHow can I remove this ring, which makes editing symmetrical along this ring?

Q: Why isn't the Global South pro-Israel like the rest of the world?

Sayaman Claiming to be neutral and even-handed, President Xi Jinping supports a ceasefire. Yet he refuses to condemn Hamas for its 7 October atrocities and criticises Israel. He knows a ceasefire would benefit Hamas – but also that it’s a crowdpleaser in the countries of the global south. What really in...

Q: Range of values which not satisfy an equation?

MathixLet $$x+5=z$$ 1. How can i obtain all the values of $0<x<10$ which don't satisfy the given relation. Edit: $x$ and $y$ are positive integers. 2. What command should i use to find the first instance and to stop the calculations. How many ways exist in mathematica to sort out only numbers which don...

Q: In Q-learning, states need to be just X and Y positions of the agent, or a state can be several other characteristics?

will The JFor example, in this article: https://www.learndatasci.com/tutorials/reinforcement-q-learning-scratch-python-openai-gym/, which explains Q-learnig, teaches the Smartcab problem, the environment is a 5x5 grid. In this example, states are positions where the agent is. In Q-learning, states need to ...

Q: Some question about the irreducible representation of Poincare group

David ShawI am writing a note about the Poincare group and I am trying to explain that argument that one-particle state transforms under irreducible unitary representations of the Poincare group. However, there are some ambiguities which confuse me. Is a composite particle transformation under an irreduci...

Q: Is there any international law that prohibits the use of nuclear weapon against another country?

Sayaman Since around 2018, Chinese experts have concluded that Washington’s nuclear posture now poses increasing challenges to China’s deterrent. In particular, they have been concerned about shifts in U.S. strategy outlined in the Pentagon’s 2018 Nuclear Posture Review. Many Chinese experts have noted ...

Q: Why am I getting heavy output distortion from a BJT amplifier when driving an 8 ohm load?

AlexHello electronics professionals and enthusiasts! Software engineer mingling with breadboards and discrete components in his spare time here. I'm trying to build a simple BJT amplifier for my electric guitar that would drive a 1 watt 8 ohm speaker. I'm stuck after multiple attempts and redesigns a...

Q: How to detect even terrain in geometry nodes?

Jack JamisonI'm trying to scatter an object on terrain using geometry nodes. Only problem is I want to only scatter if the surrounding terrain is even. I'm not talking about the angle of the normal, I want the surrounding area to be relatively flat. I've tried to use the blur node to detect, but nothing has ...

Q: Is the sum of the reciprocals of the products of pairs of coprime positive integers and their sums equal to 2?

Stefan KohlDoes the following hold?: $$ \sum_{a, b \in \mathbb{N}^+, \ \gcd(a,b) = 1} \frac{1}{ab(a+b)} \ = \ 2 $$ Numerical computations suggest this may hold, but on the other hand it would be quite surprising if that sum is indeed an integer. If it indeed holds: is this a known identity?

Q: Doesn't the applied torque in a frictionless environment continuously increase the angular velocity?

CaptainComboConsider a sprinkle working in a no-friction universe (no air drag, no friction in the bearing). If this sprinkle ejects water with a constant flow rate, shouldn’t it be accelerating forever? A fluid-mechanics text book formulates this situation as follows: In case of there is a retarding torque,...

Q: Luarandom causes infinite loop

Matthew LeingangI'm trying to get a list of unique random integers within an interval with the luarandom package. Here is a MWE, adapted from the package documentation: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{luarandom} \usepackage{multido} \begin{document} \makeRandomNumberList{1}{30}{5}% works % \makeRandomNumber...

Q: Can Q-learning be used to create new creative solutions by combining different factors and characteristics?

will The JReferences from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q-learning https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_decision_process Q-learning can be used to create new creative solutions, combining different behaviors, characteristics, reactions, facts, qualities, advantages, of materials, substances, e...

Q: hermeneutics of God of gods

Humberto José BortolossiWhat is the hermeneutics of the Bible verses that mention "God of gods"? Salm 136:2 give thanks unto the God of gods: for his mercy endureth for ever. Deuteronomy 10:17: For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality and accepts...

Q: How to correctly think about number of microstates of a system?

Johnny SmithI am currently learning statistical mechanics and am finding it a bit difficult to intuitively grasp the concept of the number of microstates for a given macrostate. As a simple example, consider the free expansion of one mole of gas from a volume $V_1$ into a larger volume $V_1 + V_2$. The chang...

Q: Off-center via-in-pad

jvtnvI am designing a board for a 0.8 mm pitch large BGA component. I will be using via-in-pad. There are some differential pairs that need to escape the pin field. The smallest my board house can do (without turning to their expensive "advanced" process) is 3 mil trace / 3 mil space. The smallest via...

Q: How can I make a more permanent connection to cheap sensors?

mosfetmuxI am working on a project that uses sensors like the one in this image. I thought I could just drop them directly into some terminal connectors but they don't fit (too short) and also I'm thinking it would be nice to have it wired in anyways. Do I have to solder it on/off every time (they are rea...

Q: How to straighten a bent tree trunk that occurs near the root

ssgaoThe tree is bent from the bottom of the trunk and is now growing bent. See

Q: Can one walk across the border between Singapore and Malaysia via the Johor–Singapore Causeway at any time in the day/night?

Franck DernoncourtCan one walk across the border between Singapore and Malaysia via the Johor–Singapore Causeway (Google Maps) at any time in the day/night? I can't find much information about crossing by foot and opening hours. I know it's allowed in the day, but I don't know whether they close that option at nig...

Q: Quid iuvat deōs precāri ut rēs āmissae tibi reddantur?

DolphínusOn page 234 line 44-45 of lingua latina per se illustrata pars 1 the following text appears: "Quid iuvat deōs precāri ut rēs āmissae tibi reddantur?". I am trying to comprehend this, but I no have clear idea what is supposed to be the subject, given the use of Quid instead of Quis expecting somet...

Q: Difference between wine and sparkling wine?

ariolaWould there be any point to using sparkling wine over ordinary white wine, when the gas will escape in cooking? I suppose bubbly might have some variant flavor profiles, but Serious Eats says that beyond sweetness and tartness, picking different (flat) wines will impact the final dish but subtly ...

Q: Why can we have misclassifications for a perfect model in logistic regression?

DSPinfinityI am reading the book: MACHINE LEARNING- A First Course for Engineers and Scientists, by Lindholm et.al. Chapter 3, page 50. Link: http://smlbook.org/book/sml-book-draft-latest.pdf Consider the logistic regression for classification. $ \hat{y}(\mathbf{x})= \begin{cases} &1 & g(\mathbf{x})>...

Q: Derating for wires in conduit

JeffCI'm wiring my workshop (standalone 200-amp service) and running wires in 1-1/4" PVC conduit under the slab from the breaker panel on one wall to another wall about 50 feet away. I have one 50-amp breaker feeding a 240v outlet and also want to run wires for 120V outlets on four 20-amp circuits, al...

Q: Calculations of mesh and nodal analysis of my dc circuit doesnt satisfy any of the KVL or KCL conditions

SpaciousCoder78So I'm working on a course project under my professor and I seem to have encountered a huge problem. I built my own circuit and solved it using mesh and nodal analysis in MATLAB, got some values but the issue is that neither of mesh or nodal conditions satisfy when I try to verify the values theo...

Q: PostGIS fields of type interval not part of QGIS' field list

robert tuwI have calculated a flight trajectory dataset from open data which has a couple of fields that can be used in GIS (3.32) without any troubles. but there seems to be a problem with fields of type "interval" in PostgreSQL/PostGIS. My first image shows the whole field-set in the PostGIS db. Two of t...

Q: Strange cymbals notation in The Free Lance March

Dylan LevineI'm currently playing cymbals for the arrangement of The Free Lance March by William D. Revelli with my high school band. However, I'm having trouble interpreting some of the notations in the music. Specifically, there are some crashes marked as quarter notes and others as a dotted quarter tied t...

Q: How to sort filenames in actual numerical order?

bill sI have inherited a collection of files that are numbered... something like: file-0, file-1, file-2, ... file-9, file-10, file-11, ... file-19, file-20, ... When I Import them, they come in scrambled order: file-0, file-1, file-10, file-11, ... file-19, file-2, file-20, ... FileNames lists the fil...

Q: How can i uninstall part of a package?

J. MiniI have installed the BSD games package. Many of the games are awful or broken, so I wish to uninstall some of them without uninstalling others. Is there an easy way to do that? Currently, I'm sudo rming them from usr/share/applications/bsdgames and usr/games/.

Q: Is it possible that priests in the early Christian community were called father before Jesus said call no man father

Chozang Matt 23:9 - And do not call anyone on earth your father, for you have one Father, who is in heaven. I am aware of the standard response to why Jesus said to call no man Father, that he was speaking figuratively. However, it has occurred to me that a better fitting explanation would be if that ...

Q: Did Sam Beckett ever jump into a period between 1993 and 1999?

DarrenIn the original Quantum Leap, Sam Beckett comes from the year 1999 and leaps back through his own lifetime. Apart from the actual premise, the show features very few sci-fi elements and episodes are mostly period dramas. The show was first broadcast from 1989-1993. I remember the scenes set in 19...

Q: Probability threshold in ROC curve analyses

Manuel LeitnerWhen conducting a logistic regression analysis in SPSS, a default threshold of 0.5 is used for the classification table. Consequently, individuals with a predicted probability < 0.5 are assigned to Group "0", while those with a predicted probability > 0.5 are assigned to Group "1". However, this ...

Q: Can the subsidiary be a party to the contract signed by its parent here?

Mudit SinghA contract is worded to state that it has been executed between Customer A and my Client B. The expression Customer A is further clarified: "which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its successors, administrators, executors, and assigns Does this mean a s...

Q: Is There a Lower Limit on the Size of Fusion Reactor?

Englishman BobIt would be really cool if you could build cybernetic arms with incredible strength, power coil guns with a man portable unit, or use power armor for extended combat. One of the ways this is justified in video games like Fallout is the use of microfusion power cells. The idea is that you could ...

Q: How can I see the different flight costs to the different cities of the continental US for a specific date?

Joe_HendricksI want to hop on a plane next Thursday and return on Sunday. It doesn't matter that much where I go, as long as it's relatively cheap.

Q: Checking CMOS battery without going into the BIOS

user2153235Today, I found my Windows 10 date and time too far ahead by about 14.5 hours. The time zone is fine, and I corrected the problem by clicking on a "Sync" button to sync with a Microsoft server. Googling indicates that the problem might be caused by a dying CMOS battery. This page describes a num...

Q: Repeating definitions in the Abstract in the Introduction?

Joseph O'RourkeIn a mathematics paper that has an Abstract immediately followed by an Introduction section, should notation that is defined in the Abstract be repeated in the Introduction? Or is it fair to assume the reader will read both consecutively, and such repetition is superfluous? For example, Abstract...

Q: Would it be possible to perform a manual flip with my camera drone?

Sovereign InquiryI have an Snaptain SP510 camera drone. I haven't flown in a while, but I'm interested in getting back to it. After seeing some videos, I began to wonder if I'd be able to perform a manual flip. I know most camera drones weren't designed to flip, which is why this one doesn't have an automatic fli...

Q: How does passive infinitive work? E.g. 'She likes to be looked at'

KyamondIt's hard to me to understand sentences like "She likes to be looked at". I know it means "She likes it when somebody looks at her" but the second sentence is natural to me and I can form it on my own while the first I can at best understand but not create by myself. Especially I'm likely not to ...

Q: How to convert timestamp value to number and then convert to human readable

deanresinI have a string timestamp key I need to convert to a number because strftime throws an error that it needs to be a number. journalctl -n1 --output=json | jq '.__REALTIME_TIMESTAMP | tonumber |= (. / 1000 | strftime("%Y-%m-%d")), .MESSAGE' but I get invalid path expression errors. I assume I don'...

Q: Shrovetide and beautification

Luke SawczakFrom the Wikipedia article on belladonna: Among the ancient folk traditions of the Romanian (Moldavian) / Ukrainian region of Bukovina in the Carpathians is the ritual for a Bukovinian girl to enhance her attractiveness by making an offering to deadly nightshade. She entered the fields on a Sund...

Q: GL_2 representation in GL_3 has wrong matrix

failedentertainmentIn Stanley's Enumerative Combinatorics Vol. 2 he asks us to consider $\varphi:\mathrm{GL}_2(\mathbb{C}) \rightarrow \mathrm{GL}_3(\mathbb{C})$ given by $$ \begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ c& d \end{pmatrix} \mapsto \begin{pmatrix} a^2 & 2ab & b^2 \\ ac & ad + bc & bd \\ c^2 & 2cd & d^2 \end{pmatrix}$$ I ...

Q: How can I implement BGP between two routers that have already been configured with different routing protocols?

zeelI have two different AS with different IP ranges and subnets, and the first router stack is running RIP, and the second one is OSPF. I want to configure BGP between "Router-PT Router23" and "Router-PT Router2," and both routers already have their own respective configurations, like the first one ...

Q: Why does the cube explode when passive rigid object has this shape?

Anton OstapenkoI have some experience in blender. But I still didn't find the answer why this explosion is happening when I make this type of a background. Here is the project file. Just press play and you will see the difference.

Q: Has UK common budget or every country has its own?

user628075How financial system works in UK? Must England, Scotland, Wales and North Ireland, fill the common budget or every country is completely independent, "keep" his money/profit for itself? Does the taxes fill the same UK budget or every country has own?

Q: Where can i find dark frames in the ESO archive?

Mich VaughanI am doing an image reduction with data from ESO but I can't find dark frames when I download the zip-folder even though I downloaded the associated callibration files. The image reduction I am doing is on NGC2264 with program ID 106.21VY and even when selecting all the data I still have no dark ...

Q: Solving A System of Two Implicit Equations

joeI am solving a system of 6 equations, and I am interested to know the solution for different rhoBar values. Here is the input parameters: (*Input Parameters*) kB = 1.380649*10^-23; absTemp = 298.15; beta = 1/(kB*absTemp); eps0 = 8.8541878128*10^(-12); eps = 78.6; f = 96485.33212; e = 1.60217663...

Q: Is this broken gas valve off?

Ali ShahWe just bought a home and were moving the dryer. The gas valve at the appliance seems to have a broken handle. Is this in the off position? I was trying to put it perpendicular to the pipe.

Q: Deligne-Lustzig varieties locally closed schemes

user267839I have a couple of questions about basic properties of of Deligne-Lustzig varieties introduced in the seminar paper "Representations of Reductive Groups Over Finite Fields" [DL76]. The central object in the paper is the reductive group $G$ over alg closed field of char $p>0$. The Deligne-Lustzig ...

Q: How might a science-fiction world's technology advance faster than our own?

JakavI'm wondering what techniques exist to make the technology change quicker in my story. I want to be able to change the setting quickly, like progressing from a computer mechanic where space travel is where it is now in the real world to a space ship mechanic in, say, 20 years. How can I make this...

Q: Are all complete lattices a pointed complete partial order, and vice versa?

RandomMathDudeA friend of mine asked for my help in drawing a venn diagram that includes the notions of partial orders (PO) in general, complete partial orders (CPO), pointed complete partial orders (CPPO), total orders (TO), lattices and complete lattices. Here are the relevant definitions: PO: A pair (W, R)...

Q: How does やがる work with `なる?

Bluegate"もう1ヶ月が経ってんだぞ!?" "一人でしたって変な感じになりやがるし" The character friend has not been playing with him for a month. From context I can gather that "Even if I try to do things alone, it feels weird!" However, I don't get why is やがる being used here? Is not "I feel weird" something automatic? It's not something t...

Q: When is a legal failing an injustice?

prof_ghostWhen is a legal failing, failing to apply the law, an injustice? Clearly, being found guilty of a crime you did not commit is bad, and if the evidence is fabricated (by the cops e.g.) then it is a clear injustice. Arguably, breaking the speed limit (and escaping 'justice') is not a failure of jus...

Q: What does the phrase "Undermine the deposit of faith" mean?

Peter TurnerBishop Strickland was recently deposed by Pope Francis, ostensibly because he tweeted something about the Pope "undermining the deposit of faith". Is that a technical term or just a euphemism for heresy? Is it licit, under the auspices of Vatican I, to suspect that the Pope could be doing such ...

Q: Does Rashi bring contadictory opinions?

ShlomyRashi on chumash is based on chazal. Sometimes Rashi appears to bring contradictory opinions and some mefarshim say that its machlokes midrashim. Is there a source or mesorah that Rashi's shita in chumash shtims with all Rashis? That Rashi wont bring down two opinions that contradict each other (...

Q: Print the banned characters based on the most common characters

FmbalbuenaThis is an answer-chaining post, so in this challenge every answer (except the first answer) depends on the previous answer. The goal of this challenge is to output the restricted characters based on the most common n characters of all answers, if happens to be a tie, then the characters with the...

Q: Prime avoidance for graded Noetherian ring with infinite residue field.

Display nameThis question is related to this question. Let $R$ be a Noetherian local ring with infinite residue field. Let $\text{gr}_IR$ denote the associated grade ring $\bigoplus_{n=0}^{\infty} I^n/I^{n+1}$. Let $P_1,..,P_n$ be $n$ homogeneous ideal of $\text{gr}_IR$, and each $P_i$ doesn't contain all th...

Q: Which is more correct when translating the name "萧熏儿" to English. Is it "Xiao Xun Er", "Xiao Xun er", "Xiao Xun-er", "Xiao Xun'er", or "Xiao Xuner"?

AnonymousWhen translating the name of someone that has an "儿" in their name to English, which one is more correct?

Q: Mysterious wires running from wall - can I remove them

loriI live in a house built in late 50s. There are 2 long cords sticking out from the wall (exterior wall) picture is attached. How can I safely remove them? Can I do it DYI? They are super long and annoying.

Q: 2016 VW Golf won't turn on

DesI have a 2016 VW Golf that I can't quite turn on. This morning, I stuck my key in the ignition, and the lights on the dash popped up like normal. As soon as I turned the key, everything went off, I heard a "pop" from under the hood, and the engine didn't start. I tried taking my key out and re-in...

Q: Doubt on too easy Deceive with FATE

RadioleaoI’m starting with FATE. Please let me understand if I miss something in the scenario below. The game is a Star Wars story of jedi+smuggler+droid hiding from empire. The scene is a conflict, in which the jedi fights troopers who are trying to catch a jedi boy. During the conflict, a trooper was p...

Q: Downsides to creating a fully modular cooking setup instead of using a fixed oven range?

handymaamI have an old and small kitchen I'm going to be rebuilding on a budget. I'd like to go with commercial-style kitchen equipment since it tends to be easy to clean, robust, comparatively less expensive than retail kitchen supplies, and usually easier to move around for cleaning or refactoring the ...

Q: What is Robert B. Laughlin saying about quantum field theory?

HansI am reading Robert B. Laughlin, A Different Universe and coming to the following passage on the relationship between superconductivity and quantum field theory. I do not understand why he says "the microscopic equations of quantum mechanics encrypted in the field theory are different from those ...

Q: Parallel diodes in a single package - is it really double current rating?

mrjayviperAs an example: https://www.onsemi.com/pdf/datasheet/mbrb20100ct-d.pdf I've seen discussion where it says diodes in parallel may not increase the current capacity. BUT the datasheet clearly says it's 20A per device (or 10A per leg) Does that mean Onsemi has extra "trickery" in their device to doub...

Q: Is it possible for a normal subgroup of a finite group have greater number of elements in the minimal generating set?

Leon KimLet $G$ be a finite group, and $1 \lhd N \lhd G$. With $G = \langle A \rangle$ and $N = \langle B \rangle$ be minimal. Is it possible for $|B|>|A| $? Main motivation behind this question was comparison between $A_n$ and $S_n$. Both groups can be generated via 2 elements, but in some sense, it is ...

Q: Plotting from a table

KZ-SpectraI want to plot data from my table to look like this f[k_, \[Alpha]_] := Assuming[0 < k < Pi, Sum[(1 - Cos[k*m])/m^(1 + \[Alpha]), {m, 1, Infinity}] // Simplify] ListPlot[Table[FindArgMin[{4 f[k, \[Alpha]] (f[k, \[Alpha]] - A^2)/.A->1, 0 < k < Pi}, {k,1}],{\[Alpha],1,5}]]

Q: Symmetry in Probability (AMC 12A 2023)

Starlight Flora the frog starts at $0$ on the number line and makes a sequence of jumps to the right. In any one jump, independent of previous jumps, Flora leaps a positive integer distance $m$ with probability $\frac{1}{2^m}$. What is the probability that Flora will eventually land at $10$? (AMC 12A 2023...

Q: Why were the ancient men who had seen the 1st house weeping with a loud voice?

Kevin D. Robinson [Ezra 3:12-13 KJV] 12 But many of the priests and Levites and chief of the fathers, [who were] ancient men, that had seen the first house, when the foundation of this house was laid before their eyes, wept with a loud voice; and many shouted aloud for joy: 13 So that the people could not discern...

Q: Which one is standard: 水溜まり or 水溜り?

HaragurodanshiThe verbs are 溜まる and 溜める, then it should be 水溜まり, but I've seen 水溜り more.

Q: Bishul akum on a dish whose ingredients are all eaten raw

Mark LSuppose you have a dish where each of its ingredients is commonly eaten raw, but the dish itself, when all ingredients are combined, is not eaten raw, and indeed would also be found on a king's table. Is there a prohibition of bishul akum on such a dish? An example would be palak paneer, a curry ...

Q: Anime with a woman saving a child from being hit by a car by shielding them with her body... only to accidentally squeeze too hard

FuzzyBootsI remember someone posting this on the r/mutantsandmasterminds SubReddit a few years ago, with the clip involving a young woman (I don't recall the hair color exactly, but I think it was brown, or possibly black) who sees a child about to be run down by a car. So she runs in and grabs them, shiel...

Q: An inequality of a complex polynomial

Hobo Let $$P(z)=c_nz^n+...+c_1z+c_0$$ be a polynomial with complex coefficients, where $c_n\neq 0$. For each $r>0$, define $$M(r):=\sup_{|z|=r}|P(z)|.$$ Prove that for any $K>1$, the following inequlity holds $$M(Kr)\le K^nM(r).$$ I believe a proper use of the Hadamard’s three-circles theorem will s...

Q: What is the probability that your life will have lasted for 100 years once you die?

Anders GustafsonYou are in a world where exactly 90% of all people live for exactly 3 years, and exactly 10% of all people live for exactly 100 years. Aside from what I mention here there is no information that can indicate whether you are someone who will have lived for 3 years by the end of your life or wheth...

Q: Besides Jamaica, are there other countries where a "Labour" (or Workers' etc.) part is actually right-wing/conservative?

FizzWikipedia: The Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) is one of the two major political parties in Jamaica, the other being the People's National Party (PNP). While its name might suggest that it is a social democratic party (as is the case for "Labour" parties in several other Commonwealth realms such as A...

Q: Count theorems like Theorem part.chapter.number

Brauer SuzukiI'm using the scrreprt documentclass, which provides parts and chapters. While I found solutions to enumerate theorems like Theorem chapter.section.number, I did not manage to obtain Theorem part.chapter.number. Either I get part.number of chapter.number. Here is a minimal example: \documentclass...

Q: Thermal Superconductors vs Pulse Lasers

SeraphimHow well can a thermal superconductor protect against pulse lasers? First off, what is a thermal superconductor? It is a material that has a theoretical infinite thermal conductivity, similar to what is displayed in near-zero helium-4. This practically means that heat can controlled to a degree...

Q: Why is the identity predicate needed?

user51462In Logic: The Laws of Truth the identity predicate is introduced as an extension of general predicate logic (GPL). The following proposition are given as motivating examples: (1) "Mark Twain is Samuel Langhorne Clemens." (2) "Mark Twain is a novelist." Smith says that while (2) can be translated ...

Q: Eating before hamotzi Friday night

MattI read somewhere online (I forgot where) that one should eat multiple different types of food and make a bracha on each before hamotzi. Then, hamotzi is said and the meal is served. Is this just a minhag? Or is there actual halacha behind this?

Q: What is the etymology of phrase "морского извозчика"

user2249675In China, Netherlands has a very popular nickname called 海上马车夫 (literally: carriage drivers on the sea, or sea coachman), so popular that it is written in Chinese high school textbooks. It is also claimed that this was how Netherlands was called in the 17th century. However, this nickname is almo...

Q: When do we need to account for permutations?

Chris JohnsonI was solving the following 2 problems: Let A be a 2n-element set where n≥1. Find the number of different pairings of A. and If there must be at least one person in each table, in how many ways can 6 people be seated in 3 tables? Assuming that the tables are indistinguishable. I know that for...

Q: Spectral density of symmetrized Haar matrix

PluviophileLet $O$ be a random orthogonal matrix (according to Haar measure) of size $n$. I found by simulations that the spectral density of $O+O^\top$ is the arcsin law rescaled to the interval $[-2,2]$. I can't find this result in some textbooks on random matrix theory and free probability that I have. S...

Q: Identifying traffic signals for colour blind people

tirthaI am colour blind and have difficulty distinguishing between red and yellow in traffic signals. However I can identify green as that is designated with a arrow symbol in Indian traffic signals. So I am sometimes in a confused state to stop or go ahead when there is a yellow or red as I cannot dis...

Q: A connected set which is not path-wise connected

space27Let $S$ be the union of $A$ and $B$ which are defined as $$A=\left\{(x,y): 0<x\leqslant1,y=\sin\left(\frac 1x \right)\right\}\,$$ and $$B=\left\{(x,y): -1\le x \le 0, y=0 \right\}\,$$ Then I am using this definition of connected set which say that $S$ is connected if it cannot be expressed as the...

Q: Should I remove the intercept when I have one dummy variable that covers all the categories in a categorical variable?

user400487I have a categorical variable that has $4$ categories, and I have two dummy variables, $x_1$ and $x_2$, that cover this categorical variable. The $x_1$ variable has values of only $1$ without any zeroes $[1,1,1,1,1...1]$, while $x_2$ has values of both $0$ and $1$ $[0,1,1,0,0,0...0]$. When I use ...

Q: Meaning of ば in the news

MauroWhile watching this news I heard this sentence: 藤井八冠が“お菓子のふじい”を食べてくれればというのは、前から思っていまして、今後もぜひ活躍していただければと思います I'm not sure about those ば's meaning: I was wondering if the second has an omitted いい, 活躍していただければいい ("I hope they will keep an active role"), but even if this is the case I'm still not su...

Q: Can battle medicine feat work together with the ward medic feat?

DT8I have made a character that has the Medic dedication and has both the battle medicine and the ward medic feats. See below for description. Can my character heal multiple allies during combat combining the 2 feats described below? BATTLE MEDICINE MEDICINE SKILL FEAT 1 GENERAL HEALING MANIPULATE ...

Q: Mysterious use of accusative instead of nominative in " delphīnus, cantū allectus, repente hominem natantem subiit eumque in dorsō suō..."

DolphínusAround the line 100 of the page 236 of Lingua Latina per se illustrata, there is the sentence Tum vēro nova et mīra rēs accidit: delphīnus, cantū allectus, repente hominem natantem subiit eumque in dorsō suō sedentem vēxit et in lītore Graeciae salvum 100 exposuit. Is this sentence we have "rep...

Q: Capturing all matches (occurences) with QGIS regular expressions

BabelProblem I use QGIS with the expression function regexp_matches() that returns an array of all strings captured by capturing groups. Regular expressions normally capture only the first match (occurence) in a string. So for example the following expression: regexp_matches('These are my QGIS strings...

Q: Is there any basis for thinking there could be a future modern-day application of the prophecy in Jeremiah 9:25-26?

Lesley Behold, the days are coming, declares the LORD, when I will punish all who are circumcised only in the flesh; Egypt, Judah, Edom, Ammon, Moab and all who live in the desert in distant places. For all these nations are really uncircumcised, and even the whole house of Israel is uncircumcised in h...

Q: Finding a suitable substitution for integral

hohnerI'm struggling to find a suitable substitution for this integral: $$ \int{\frac{\sqrt{x^2+4}}{x}} $$ I've tried $u=x^2+4$, $u^2=x^2+4$ and some trigonemetric identities, but not much progress. Can anybody help me figure out how to get to the answer: $$ \sqrt{x^2+4}+\ln\left\vert\frac{\sqrt{x^2+4}...

Q: What scientists and mathematicians were afraid to publish their findings?

Max MullerBackground I am interested in scientists and mathematicians that were afraid to publish their findings during their lifetime, and to what degree such fears hinder scientific progress. So far, I've identified three famous scientists that were afraid to publish their important findings: Nicolas Co...

Q: Adjusting a parallelepiped in tikz

JoudaBoudaI have the following code (stolen from Are there simple ways to draw parallelepipeds in tikz? and adjusted) \documentclass[border=2mm,12pt,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz-3dplot} \begin{document} \tdplotsetmaincoords{70}{60} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1,line cap=butt,line join=round,tdplot_...

Q: A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a nontrivial square root in Shor's algorithm

OmeglacA nontrivial square root of N is a number x such that x^2 = 1 (mod N) where x isn't 1 or -1. Shor's algorithm consists on finding such a number in order to find a nontrivial factor of N. However I haven't seen any proof of when it actually exists. For example if N=10 no such x exists (mod 10). Wh...

Q: Explaining deviations in simulated to experimental Cs-137 spectrum

erkooI'm comparing a Geant4 (Monte Carlo based) simulated gamma spectrum of $^{137}$Cs to my experimental results using a NaI(Tl) detector. I find good agreement between the two for the main features such as for the photopeak, compton edge and the Ba X-rays. The deviations at the compton continuum I t...

Q: Is it allowed to walk across the border between Singapore and Malaysia via the Malaysia–Singapore Second Link?

Franck DernoncourtThere are two land border crossings between Singapore and Malaysia (I am ignoring the train-only border crossings via Woodlands Train Checkpoint, and thanks dda for the link): The Johor–Singapore Causeway (Google Maps), which can be crossed by foot at any time in the day/night. The Malaysia–Sing...

Q: Microscope Transport

user140508I plan to transport a microscope on a trip from Pittsburgh to Athens Greece. It weighs about 8 pounds. It's a high school level microscope. Is it an allowable carry on item and an allowable checked bag item. Which way is better, checked or carry on. Don't want to get stopped going through securit...

Q: Anydice help with irregular dice pool

HugoBHere's the gist of it: I roll a number of different size die like 2d6, 2d8 and 1d12, looking for the highest die. I found a nifty Anydice program that helped me understand the probabilities like this. However, I'd like to know how the probabilities change when I apply a disadvantage mechanic as f...

Q: What does "shoresh neshama" mean

David BH I heard the concept called "shoresh neshama" that every person has. Is this the same as your reincarnation?

Q: How can I round a TimeObject according to a certain interval

Adar MaoriI have a TimeObject for 06:52:24, and I'd like to round it to the nearest 15 minutes (in this case 07:00). Is this possible to do in general? I know how to do it manually, by getting the hour part and then rounding the minutes, but I'm hoping to generalize it to any interval

Q: Selecting Solve results according to conditions

VladimirWhen using the Solve function I get four possible answers. How can I automatically get the option in which x and y are positive? Where to insert the conditions x>=0 and y>=0? f[x_, y_] := L x y; g[x_, y_] := x^2 + y^2 - a; res = Solve[ D[f[x, y] + \[Lambda] g[x, y], {{x, y, \[Lambda]}}] == 0, ...

Q: Short story about aliens sending messages to Earth and prime math being key to decoding

Michael TerryI read this short story probably in the 2000s, but I don’t know how old it was then. Story beats I remember: Aliens decided it was too much work to actually travel, so they just beamed messages to other planets. We receive a message and are struggling to decode it. There is the usual math stuff ...

Q: Can I use a skill to advantage itself?

RadioleaoThis is a quick question for which I don’t think there is a specific rule, but it make sense. I want to use a skill to create an Advantage, and then use the advantage to improve the same skill. E.g.: Use acrobatic to create “rolling at high speed” and the next round roll at high speed to perform...

Q: Grab first 20 bytes of 32-bytes input

dNyrMIn solidity casting or assembly, how do I grab the first 20 bytes of this 32-bytes input: 0x00010000c900c90062fceaad00000000000000000002af416812f9bb6f2fdff5? Thanks!

Q: Does the law of large numbers explain why quantum mechanics leads to statistical regularities?

thinkingmanWhen the question of why chancy effects in quantum mechanics lead to statistical regularities is proposed, it is often answered using the law of large numbers. When you have particles that can be located at with certain probabilities in the double slit experiment, of course, on aggregate you will...

Q: Establish communication with professors via email

AMSI'm a second-year engineering master's student, doing my thesis research. I've been exploring the work of professors from other institutes and would like to reach out. My goal is not only to seek help with my thesis but also to build a lasting connection and explore potential collaboration. Any t...

Q: Generating functional for fields with non-zero expectation value

Martin JohnsrudWhen doing QFT or statistical field theory of, say $N$ scalar fields $\varphi_i$, we consider the the generating functional $$ W[J] = - \ln Z[J], \quad Z[J] = \int \mathcal D \varphi \, e^{-S[\varphi] + J\cdot \varphi}. $$ Here, I denote both integration and summation over indices by a dot produc...

Q: What is the burden of proof? Has this principle ever been challenged?

MeanachI have been surprised to find that some people doubt this principle. Onus probandi incumbit ei qui dicit, non ei qui negat - the burden of proof lies with the speaker, not with the one who negates. I cite Russell's Teapot and Hitchen's Razor. Also Occam's Razor. I have seen no convincing argument...

Q: Taxiing with a crosswind

AerospaceXNeed help! Let us say we have a right quartering headwind, we should “fly into the wind” so yoke to the right then that our right aileron will deflect up and left aileron down. How does this avoid the chances of weathervaning since our right main wheel will be more suspended on the ground? That s...

Q: Predictions after Cox regression

EranI'm new to survival analysis and will apperciate your help regarding predictions after Cox regression. I'm running a cox model (using stata's -stcox-) in which I examine the effect of a continuous independent variable (ranges from 0 to 1) on the hazard to commit crime. The coefficient I get for t...

Q: QGIS smooth mapzen DEM to create a very simplified topographic map

WilcarI am using Mapzen global terrain to create a topographic map. How can I get a very simplified result like on the map of Greece? Should I use contours lines ? And how to smooth them ? (wich algorithm to use ?). What I have: What I want : What I tried : Scale reduction in symbology (but i am sti...

Q: Sequence of Images

MatteoI would as a teacher I would like to add to my pdf (usually it is an article) a sequence of images for some geometry proofs. For example, it would be nice to have something like: Draw the triangle ABC Draw the bisector of A Draw the height of AB passing through C ... For each step, I would like...

Q: what if a miner just broadcast the header and never give the body? what will happen?

longyue liwhat if a miner just broadcast the header and never broadcast the body .For example: A miner after succesfully mined some block , he just broadcast the header for all other miners and hide the body or never give the information of the body. Under this situation what will happen ? All other miners...

Q: Trying to find or match an Old Allen Bradley R450 J-Type potentiometer

Jamie BachI'm looking for any information on how to replace or repair this potentiometer. It's an AB R450 J-type potentiometer on a Brent ceramic wheel from the early 70's, I believe. I cannot find anything online that matches it. The problem being it is stuck at high speed only with only a slight variatio...

Q: Find supremum of an integral

Rudra_DLet $F$ be the set of all continuous functions $f : [1, 3] \to [-1, 1]$ such that $\int_{1}^{3} f(x) = 0.$ Then, find $$ \sup \int_{1}^{3} \frac{f(x)}{x} dx,$$ where $f \in F$. Now, my first thought was to try Cauchy - Schwarz inequality, but it can only be applied when all terms are positive, bu...

Q: Limit of a function without using L'Hôpital Rule or the classic definition of the derivative.

TEXANOProve that: $$\lim_{x\to 0}\frac{A^x-B^x}{x}=\ln\frac{A}{B}$$ Without using L'Hôpital Rule or the classic definition of the derivative. I find that $$\lim_{x\to 0}\frac{(e^x)^{\ln{A}}-(e^x)^{\ln{B}}}{x}$$ but no other ideas

Q: When evaluating for inventive step, novelty, non-obviousness and so on, does the examiner focus on the claims or the overall invention?

JoebevoI have an invention in mind, but there is a certain patent with claims that look nearly identical except for one minor part, where the existing patent differs. This minor part is in the very first claim itself. Yet, the existing patent and my invention differ wildly in outcome if this minor part ...

Q: \vbox of the fixed height with leaders is not filled whole

VladimirI am trying some samples. They make a frame around the text. I know there are already realized commands for it but I want to practice leaders, rules and boxes in LaTeX. So the examples below are kind of artificial. \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \begin{document...

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