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Q: Were cartridge slots cheaper at the back?

rwallaceI'm remembering a difference in the design of Commodore computers like the Vic and 64, versus the Atari 8-bits, and game consoles from the likes of Atari and Nintendo: they all had cartridge slots, but Commodore put them at the back instead of on top. From a technical perspective this was a minor...

Q: "Print this diamond" gone beautifully wrong

FhuviWrite a function (or a whole program) that outputs (or prints) the following ASCII art: Output: 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 4 ...

Q: How do I direct my awk command to work on column 2

kmwI would like this awk command to replace the last underscore of column 2 with a tab. As it is now, it replaces the last underscore in each line with a tab, note that each line may have a different number of underscores in the columns. I have tried many things to direct the command to work only on...

Q: No manual entry for termios

Shivam...I installed Ubuntu today to follow along with a tutorial. It requires native API call to termios library and I intend to call those APIs in my code which is in Java. I want to refer to man page of termios in terminal but when I type the command man termios I get the output as no manual entry for ...

Q: Difference between "o" and "u" to say "or"

gregI have seen o used most commonly as the Spanish word for "or". I am wondering if this can be used interchangeably with the new word for "or" that I discovered, u. By interchangeably I mean I would imagine "esto u aquello" and "esto o aquello" should mean the same right? Both should translate to "...

Q: Why gold is always measured with a balance and not with a scale?

Markoul11Why when trading gold apart of purity measurement its mass is always measured worldwide with a balance and not a scale?

Q: Building Wehnelt power supply? High voltage DC in series with low voltage AC

MagemathicianI am trying to build a power supply in the following wehnelt/electron source configuration: The high voltage power supply is a DC supply with maximum of 30 kV, milliampere current range. The filament current supply is an AC supply of only a few, certainly less than 20 V. To power the supplies, ...

Q: What do you call an environment with specific species occuring together?

KilobyteDifferent kinds of forests exist where I live. My favorite kind is composed predominantly of hemlock, striped maple, and silver birch. I've noticed these species often coexist in the same area. Other areas are dominated by red pine, or hardwoods, or beech and ironwood. What do you call areas that...

Q: Is there a popular expression in English equivalent of Russian "water wears away a stone"?

nightcoderIs there a popular expression in English equivalent of Russian of this proverb? Water wears away a stone. Meaning step by step eventually we (it) will get there (reach the goal, etc.). It also can used to mean that harm or something undesirable can be done over time.

Q: How can I drill precisely located holes at the top end of 11' steel poles?

Rick BI have 4 steel pipes installed in a square pattern, 11' tall in my backyard. I want to install steel cable (wire rope) between the pipes to attach the shade sails. I want to drill a hole straight through the middle, at the top. (I probably should have drilled the holes before installing, but too ...

Q: Can allow to be used without a subject?

Alberto GruberI'm proofreading English translations of Spanish scientific articles for journals. The translations are very good, but I keep coming across "allow to" without a subject, which sounds odd to me. The text says something like "This new method allows to streamline the process". Shouldn't it be someth...

Q: How to create a random zonogon?

Teg LouisA zonogon is a polygon that is convex and is made only out of pairs of parallel sides with the same length. Any regular polygon with an even number of sides is an example of a zonogon. When I use: Graphics[RandomPolygon[{"StarShaped", 10}]], I get something like this: When I use: Graphics[Random...

Q: Can this provide an example of incompleteness under the assumption of mere consistency?

Zuhair Al-JoharA try to capture the informal notion of "this sentence is not provable in less than $n$-many steps" where $n$ is a concrete natural. Use the diagonal lemma to coin the following sentences, per each concrete natural $n$: $\zeta_n \iff \ulcorner \zeta_n \urcorner \text { is not provable in }< S_n(0...

Q: Do attributive-only adjectives take 的?

TosakuDo attributive-only adjectives like 公共 or 男/女 take 的 at all when modifying a noun? I realize that they take 的 when in '是—的' construction. But is it correct to say 公共的建築 or 男的律師. Or can one only say 公共建築 and 男律師?

Q: At what height exactly can a relative time-locked output be spent?

Murch is on strikeAssume a UTXO created in block n with the output using a relative timelock of s blocks (s OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY). What is the lowest blockheight which may contain a transaction spending that UTXO? Bonus: At what height will such a transaction be eligible for relay on the network?

Q: Does Proverbs 14:9 mention God?

Luke VoI found it interesting that all three popular Vietnamese Bible translations say something like this (translated back to English): The fool mocks at sin but the righteous has the Lord's favor. (Fun fact: Vietnamese words don't have plural forms so it can either be "the fool" or "the fools") This...

Q: Sending MMS through CiviCRM?

Anna DavisMy org recently integrated Twilio with CiviCRM and while we're excited to start using something for SMS that's connected to the database, it doesn't look like we'll be able to send multimedia (MMS) pictures, etc. through the system. I've looked through the documentation, and there is plenty of SM...

Q: If the external world indeed exists, would the ontological nihilism idea be conclusively refuted?

Anthony KlichDescartes’ cogito has been discussed and, in many’s minds’, refuted ad nauseam. Anywhere you’ll read about ‘nothingness’, you’re likely to encounter some discussion on Descartes and his self-believed findings in the Meditations. What ‘thought’ is, the passage of time, the subject ‘I’ and the pred...

Q: How to identify ellipses in grainy images and measure their position, semi-axes and orientation?

DrotarI am trying to analyze images of elliptical laser beams that are striking 'ground glass' surfaces. I need to determine the size, position and orientation of the ellipse that represents the boundary of the beam. The images are grainy due to random scattering from the irregular surface of the grou...

Q: Confusion about weak and strong convergence

El RuñoThis might be rather elementary but I can't seem to find what's wrong with the following argument. I suppose it's something rather trivial. For operators $T\in B(\mathcal{H})$ We say that $T_i\to T$ weakly if $\forall x,y\in \mathcal{H}$ we have $$\langle T_i x, y\rangle \to \langle T_i x, y\rang...

Q: How to find out right away when a new Uniswap Pool is created with liquidity

netsparkleI want to find out whenever a new Uniswap pool is created and funded with an at least .5 ETH of liquidity. Is there a way to do this programmatically?

Q: Does Latin have minced oath interjections?

GeremiaDoes Latin have minced oath interjections analogous to English's Jeez (< Jesus), Gosh (< God), gee whiz (< geewhillikins < Jerusalem)? cf. Christianity StackExchange question "Do Catholics consider saying "Jeez(e)!" to be a violation of the Second Commandment?"

Q: Im trying to add an image to a html override file for the paypal module

atomic-agI'm working on a Magento 2.4.6 project and need to add an image next to the PayPal image in the PayPal module html file. I created a override file and verified that it's working however the image Im trying to add does not show up. I tried retrieving it in a similar fashion to the PayPal image bu...

Q: Will synthetic data (e.g. from a generative model) produce valid statistical inference?

elbord77Especially with chatGPT now, there is a lot of interest in generative models for healthcare for creating synthetic patient data to amplify patient counts, e.g. for rare diseases. These are then supposed to be used for purposes of statistical inference, e.g. to compare patient outcomes, estimate r...

Q: Looking for title of a short story about astronauts helmets being covered in moondust

GoldoxI am trying to recall a short story from around 40 or so years ago. It involves two astronauts walking on the surface of the Moon and they are effectively blinded when their helmets become covered in moondust. If I recall, they try to rub it off but some sort of static electrical effect makes the...

Q: Why can't a fiber bundle be written as a cartesian product?

CBBAMI am learning about fiber bundles and I understand both the formal definition and the intuitive picture of the space being "twisted". However one point I am having trouble with is why we cannot express a fiber bundles in terms of a product. More specifically, let $\pi: E \rightarrow M$ be a fiber...

Q: Mains Plug Soldering Wires

Dave1UKSo I have a few extension leads all are 13A rated but the cable length is too short just 1 metre. It would be cheaper for me to rewire them than buying new extension leads. I bought a reel of the correct cable rated for 13A and have rewired one. However just have a query in regards to the wiring ...

Q: What does a gold band in the third position on a resistor with 5th band being white mean?

SkiNoUAny idea how I am supposed to interpret this component? I would not have expected a gold in third position for a resistor with 5 colors. Edit: this other thread gives explanation as to how to interpret a gold in third position on a 5 band resistor, but points out that the 5th band would then be ...

Q: Does the sum over reciprocals of all sums of squares converge

stillconfusedThere is a useful result when studying lattices that the sum $\sum_{m,n}' (m^2 + n^2)^{-r/2}$ converges for $r > 2$, where the sum is taken over all pairs of integers $(m,n) \neq (0,0)$. I'm curious whether the condition $r > 2$ is really necessary or not. Does the sum $$\sum_{m,n}' \frac{1}{m^2 ...

Q: how to make normal command `ls` and the wildcard `*` in zsh

Ernest FranklyLet's consider the interaction with zsh on a mac: % ls |grep gradle gradle@7 % ls gradle* INSTALL_RECEIPT.json LICENSE NOTICE README bin libexec according to every description of the functionality of the * wildcard, the o...

Q: What are the balance considerations of changing thunder to poison damage in "elemental X" spells?

MissMisinformationIn preparation for a future campaign, I'm poking at building a homebrew cleric domain exclusive to Tiamat. One of my design goals for the build is to lean into Tiamat as the god of chromatic dragons, and keeping damage-related features as open to the full range of chromatic damage types as possib...

Q: Light effects when facing a wormhole with faster time flow on the other side

GouvernathorSimply put, let's say there is a portal that leads to the past, and that it's "catching up" : an observator from the present looking into the past sees time go faster, and an observator in the opposite direction would see it go much slower. Let's say the speed ratio is 3, for example, or n to gen...

Q: how do I indent the first line of footnotes

williamI'm new to this. I would like the first line of footnotes to be indented, like below. I don't know what the code is, and where to put it in my template. It seems the easier approach is to override the template using YAML at the top of my input document, but I don't know what to insert in the YAML...

Q: Are separated flabby (flasque) pre-sheaf sheaf?

louThe question is as in the title and comes from Justin Smith's book «Introduction to Algebraic Geometry» Appendix Proposition B.2.7. It is given without proof : A flasque-separated presheaf is a sheaf From the context, I expect that he made this statement with a sheaf of ring/module in mind. Her...

Q: Is it possible to make brace expansion copy the result of globing to an nonexistent file

TimIn Bash, brace expansion doesn't copy the result of globing to an nonexistent file. For example, in the current directory, there is a file named 1.epub, and I would like to convert it to a pdf file with the same filename except extension. The pdf file 1.pdf doesn't exist yet. $ ebook-convert *.{e...

Q: Was Jesus given power (Acts 10:38)

bob And you know that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. Then Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him. (Acts 10:38) Does this verse say that Jesus was given power by God to work miracles? If so, how can we s...

Q: How to get matplotlib-type ticks?

sam wolfeConsider the following plot, obtained with the Python plotting library matplotlib: Is it possible to get the plot ticks to have this same style in a Mathematica plot? That is, facing outwards? Furthermore, notice also how the first and last ticks are a continuation of the frame, as seen here Al...

3 hours later…
Q: What does "Q" mean?

J Mac BrownDuring the night scene in L.A Confidential (1997), Officer Bud White and Dick Stensland are stationed in a car outside a residence, observing as a man inside physically assaults his spouse: Dick Stensland: You're like Santa Claus with that list, Bud, except everyone on it's been naughty. Bud Whi...

Q: How do bleedless passenger airliners keep cabin air breathable?

ein supports Moderator StrikeWhen you web-search an answer for how airliners maintain cabin air breathability, the typical answer you get is that bleed air is the key: new air comes in from the outside and gets mixed with old air. But - these days, some airliners are bleedless, like Boeing's 787 for example... So, what maint...

Q: Is solvability semi-decidable?

Carl-Fredrik Nyberg BroddaLet $G = \langle A \mid R \rangle$ be a finitely presented group, given by a finite presentation. If $G$ is abelian, then we can verify this fact: simply verify the fact that $[a, b] = 1$ for all generators $a, b \in A$ (this can be done by enumerating all words equal to $1$ in the group). That i...

Q: The sum of the series by derivatives

prostakWe have a series $\sum_{k=3}^\infty k * \frac{(\frac{1+\sqrt5}{2})^{k-1}}{2^{k-1}}$ and I want to compute it like that: let's say that $a = (\frac{1+\sqrt5}{2})^{k-1}$. Then we have $\sum_{k=3}^\infty k * \frac{a^{k-1}}{2^{k-1}} = \sum_{k=3}^\infty k * (\frac{a}{2})^{k-1}$. I tried to present it ...

Q: Need help understanding Estimated Tax payments and safe harbor rules

AndrewI have not worked for the first half of this year and have some modest dividend/interest income that would end up being less than $1000 in taxes by the end of the year, so I have not been paying any estimated taxes on that income. However, I recently started a new job as an independent contracto...

Q: "Fleischessende" in German news - Meat-eating people?

323242323242At 1:30 in this video from today, the narrator says [...] Fleischessende [...] sollen stärker vertreten werden. Does this mean "people who are currently in the process of eating meat ought to be represented better? But according to my textbook, the participle is used for word deriviation if the...

Q: Do US citizens need a reason to enter the US?

RuslanI am a US citizen and was crossing a land border into the USA the other day. The border guard not only asked me where I was going and who I was going to see, but also seemed particularly curious and asked various follow-up questions. The same scenario then repeated itself with another border guar...

Q: Electric Piano/Synthesizer that Can Play Two Instruments

L2010I am in an office band and have to be able to play two different instruments. We are currently in a rehearsal studio that has an 88-key on the bottom and a synthesizer on top. For example, on "Roadhouse Blues," the bottom piano serves as a bass guitar and the top serves as the organ. Eventually, ...

Q: Is it possible for a planet about 1/5th larger than earth in radius to remain earthlike?

OT-64 SKOTThe planet in question has a radius of 7947km, volume 1.9408 times as large as earth, & a weight about 1.55377 times that of earth. I want the planet to be earth like, or at least earth like enough that aside from aside from being bigger most of the aspects of it's surface & mineral deposits can ...

Q: How are communist regimes nationalist?

StarckmanCommunism is supposed to be an internationalist ideology. However, in practice, communist regimes are nationalist (USSR, Popular Republic of China, Vietnam, etc.). How is that? And how does this nationalism differ from ethno-nationalism?

Q: Which "Bar" eviscerated US District Judge Aileen Cannon after granting the special master review of documents?

uhohIn CNN"s July 20, 2023 See ex-GOP lawmaker's reaction to Trump's trial date after 07:50 is the following exchange between CNN's Anchor and Chief Political Correspondent Dana Bash and Senior Legal Affairs Correspondent Paula Reid when discussing US District Judge Aileen Cannon's setting of a trial...

Q: Is there a word for when someone stops being talented?

BelmontA word for when an artist builds up their ability to paint, but over time their art starts reverting. Or perhaps a child, once magnificent at playing the guitar, begins to pluck the wrong string and slur the notes, eventually becoming mediocre.

Q: Is it possible for polar nights at one pole to be 8 & 1/2 months long without significantly messing up the climate?

OT-64 SKOTIs it possible for polar nights at one pole to be 8 & 1/2 months long without significantly messing up the climate? The length of polar nights at the south pole from what i know is a week longer at the south pole than the north due to the elliptical nature of earths orbit. What i am wondering is ...

Q: I don’t know how to word this question

JasWould I write it like this? I ran fearfully down the hallway. The thought Vampires are real!? repeated in my head several times as I avoided the horrid beasts. So like would it be correct to not only make the thought present tense but also in italics? I know if the story is written in first perso...

Q: In English, how exactly does intonation reflect stress?

stupidI have not read this book, just googling my question. Forensic Speaker Identification - Page 155 I think that 'pitch change' here must mean the change in pitch from the phoneme just before the syllable to the phoneme starting it, coupled with the change in pitch from the the phoneme ending the s...

Q: Replicating SDR transmitter and receiver (shifting of a quadrature signal)

Ladislav OndrisI am trying to implement an SDR transmitter and receiver based on the description here. def sdr_transmitter(signal: np.ndarray, frequency: float, sample_period: float): """ Encode input signal in the form of IQ values to output signal. """ Is = signal[:, 0] Qs = signal[:, 1] ...

Q: Combinatorics - Number of arrangements in a circle

X4J Let $x_1, x_2, \dots, x_8$ be some distinct people. In how many different ways can we arrange all of them in a circle such that $x_1$ sits in front of $x_2$ and, $x_3$ doesn't sit near $x_4$? I am not sure what I'm doing wrong: We can choose out of $x_3, x_4, \dots, x_8$ a subset of 3, let's s...

Q: Adding a leading zero to single digits in a comma separated string of numbers

UK1539I have a table with two columns. ID and VALUE. The VALUE column contains a combination of a string of numbers from 1 to 45. EG :- ID VALUE T123 1,6,7,9,17,22,43 T456 2,3,5,7,8,13,28,32,41 T789 1,2,4,5,6,7,9,11,15,23,34,42 I'm trying to report out the values column for comparing...

Q: Do these rock layers correspond to different years?

Jaime CaffarelThis is a close picture of a cliff in the north coast of Spain. As you can see, the rock is composed of multiple thin layers, alternating between dark and light materials. Could this be the result of anual freeze-thaw cycles of a glacier of something like that? I mean, each layer could roughly co...

1 hour later…
Q: Is GFCI and surge suppressor needed on a grounded 3-prong plug?

JohnCRecently a plumber installed a VIQUA IHS12-D4 Whole Home Integrated UV Water Treatment at our cottage. It plugs into a standard wall electrical socket with a 3-prong plug. The socket and panel are modern and inspected. The manufacturer Owner's Manual (link on above web page under Resources) says ...

Q: Read methylation data from tar files on GEO (GSE73303)

Riesz98I'm trying to analyise methylation data using GEO, in order to conduct a multi-omics analysis. The SubSeries I am referring to is GSE73303. Unfortunately, the code used to inspect it produces empty file, so I downloaded tar files, as I found on bioconductor forum (ref. this). I was able to downlo...

Q: What value of δ should I pick?

TomGiven $f(x)=\frac{1}{x-1}$, find $δ$, such as if $0<|x-2|<δ$, then $|f(x)-1|<0.01$. Original problem is below picture: From figure or formula $f(x) = \frac{1}{x-1}$ we can get $f(2) = \frac{1}{2-1} = 1$. Because we need to guarantee $|f(x)-1|<0.01$, now we have know $f(2) = 1$, so we can get $0.99

Q: Only draw partial boundary in ParametricPlot

GragarianConsider the following simple plot ParametricPlot[ ReIm[x*Exp[I*y]], {x, 0, 1}, {y, 0, 2 \[Pi]} ] resulting in . Notice the blue line between $0$ and $1$ corresponding to the boundary $y=0$ and $y=2\pi$. Is there a way to only draw the part of the boundary corresponding to $x=1$ in an "exposed...

Q: Function on the real plane that can be expressed in terms of a function on the real line

aqualubix Let $f:\mathbb{R}^2\to\mathbb{R}$ such that $f(x,y)+f(y,z)+f(z,x)=0 \text{ } \forall \text{ } x,y,z \in \mathbb{R}.$ Show that there exists a $g:\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}$ such that $f(x,y)=g(x)-g(y).$ This was question $A1$ on the $2008$ Putnam. My attempt is given below. Put in $x=y=z$ to get ...

Q: How does the Buddhist pursue meaning?

More AnonymousSo I don't think positions like existentialism exist in Buddhist philosophy. I say this because the whole framing of causality is fundamentally different in Nagarjuna's treatise of dependent origination, so one doesn't actually cause meaning (in the traditional sense) What were the Buddhist schoo...

Q: Resources for self-teaching philosophy

hamathI'm a mathematician who has taken an interest in philosophy in the past few years. I want to start with the 17th-century rationalists (mainly Descartes, Spinoza, and Leibniz) and move forward in time through the empiricists (Locke, Hume) to Kant, Hegel, and then the 19th century. I'm aware of how...

Q: How can I recreate this dirt in grooves effect?

smashingtuckI cannot seem to find any tutorials for grunge specifically inside grooves. I have tried methods using the ambient occlusion node but it just ends up looking like rust or imperfections in the metal. It is specifically the dirt in the grooves of the knurled handle I'm trying to replicate. I don't ...

Q: Thick parts along curved edge

KathyI'm making a 3d dish and I'm trying to get these thicker parts that will follow the edge on the outside and the inside. The purpose is for 3d printing, so it needs to be manifold. File:

Q: TikZ, fill the space between two paths

BowParkI would like to fill the space between the central semi-circumference and the solid black lines above. \documentclass[tikz,border=1.5cm]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{pgfplots} \usetikzlibrary{calc,intersections,spath3,pgfplots.fillbetween} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \coord...

Q: Question regarding Adiabatic Process

Sarban BhattacharyaIn an adiabatic process, that is a process in which mathematically $dQ=0$, $PV^γ=\text{constant}$. Now my question is that do we have a value for this constant? This is because just like for isothermal process we have $PV=\text{constant}=RT$ ($T$ is constant) I understand that here $PV^γ$ is not ...

Q: Treatment of pre-departure ETA requirements by Henley Passport Index

BrianThe methodology page for the Henley Passport Index says: [...] A score with value = 1 is also applied if passport holders can obtain a visa on arrival, a visitor’s permit, or an electronic travel authority (ETA) when entering the destination. These visa-types require no pre-departure government ...

Q: How many does 4 have?

RogerAI found out that 0 has none 1 has one 2 has two but 3 has none How many does 4 have?

Q: How can kaiju exist in nature and not significantly alter civilization?

M Arif Rahman WinandarI'm building a world where kaiju-sized creatures exist alongside regular-sized creatures. How these kaiju don't crumble under their own weight doesn't matter, and can be explained away by them being biologically separate from the regular creatures and not made of what everything else is made of. ...

Q: How does mitochondrial uncoupling enhance performance in muscle cells?

DrSvanHayAs far aas I understand, in mitochondria, the citric acid cycle breaks down fatty acid or glucose to produce NADH and FADH2, which are then utilized by Complexes I through IV to generate a proton gradient in the intermembrane space. This gradient powers ATP synthase to ultimately generate ATP for...

Q: Why use a concept of free will in reasoning if it's unproven?

Serg Z.The concept of free will is indeed to much religious reasoning, yet its existence is still unproven. Using an unsubstantiated assumption to prove other conclusions is problematic from a logic perspective. A few key issues with relying on free will in religious arguments: There is no scientific c...

Q: According to Luther, does guilt consciousness or guilt feeling comes from Satan?

Michael16Martin Luther's letter to Jerome Weller on his guilt consciousness Whenever the devil worries you with these thoughts, seek the company of men at once, or drink somewhat more liberally, jest and play some jolly prank, or do anything exhilarating. Occasionally a person must drink somewhat more li...

Q: Went in our crawl space the other day and noticed one of the posts supporting the main joist of our house is just supporting air

IggMonsterNot really sure how to describe it, but the main joist running the length of our house is supported by 7 posts and the center post that's right in the middle of our house is completely off-center from the joist. Not supporting it at all. I am wondering if I can just shove a new post in, not to co...

Q: Charging a high powered laptop on aircraft power

coaxialgamerI own a Lenovo Legion Y545 laptop, which uses a fairly massive 230W power adapter. I will be traveling to the US soon and would really like to be able to use my PC for more than the few handful of hours the battery will last...so I need to charge it. The issue is that aircraft plugs are limited t...

Q: On TeX hyphenating “memorandum” in British English

AlMa0Running latex from the current Debian stable on \documentclass[british]{article} \usepackage[british]{babel} \begin{document} \showhyphens{memorandum} \end{document} yields mem-o-ran-dum At the same time, https://www.ushuaia.pl/hyphen/?ln=en, which is, using its own words, “based on TeX system”...

Q: Which side is the capacitor negative on this board? (IO/10 marking)

ExpectZomibesBy2020I removed a capacitor (C1 (400v/15uf) - highlighted in the picture) from this board to test on another board and now I want to put it back but I can't figure out the polarity. The traditional symbol for negative side is not there but a (IO/10) marking which doesn't show up in Google searches. Any...

Q: Simple standalone Windows 2019 Server - DNS Manager shows 2 DNS servers, is this normal?

ZX Spectrum 48Krecently set up a Windows 2019 Essentials machine, standalone server, simple local area network with a handful of Win10 workstations The server is the Domain Controller and runs Active Directory Now, when I go into DNS Manager, it shows 2 DNS servers - is this normal? I simply ran through the wiz...

Q: How to update Bitcoin core if compiled from source?

l30I compiled Bitcoin core from source following instructions. I then installed it and that all went well, but now I've realised, I have no idea how to update it when the time comes! (this is all on Debian 12 by the way). I checked out the version that I wanted, configured/make/installed, and so alt...

Q: On a proof of the non-differentiability of the Blancmange curve

sunnyIn my nameless lecture notes, in the construction of a continuous, nowhere differentiable function (the Blancmange curve), we encounter the definition of the sequential derivative and other real-analysis concepts. I have some question about these concepts. Here's a brief background: Part 1: the B...

Q: Why is "se" used with "secum" in this quote from Livy?

tonyIn this quote from Livy (6.8.6): "ita quocumque se intulisset victoriam secum haud dubiam trahebat." "thus, in whatever direction he went, he carried certain victory with him." The reflexive pronoun, "se", is deployed with, "secum"; a bizarre translation: "he carried himself (accusative, "se") ...

Q: Fast complex absolute argmax in Cython

OverLordGoldDragonI'm thinking I implemented it optimally, but somehow it's much slower than what should be much slower, np.argmax(np.abs(x)). Where am I off? Code rationale & results Mathematically, abs is sqrt(real**2 + imag**2), but argmax(abs(x)) == argmax(abs(x)**2), so no need for square root np.abs(x) also...

Q: Identify IC AMGJ 458 (Buck ?)

stowodaIt gets 20 V at the input and puts out 5 V. Probably a buck converter with feedback circuitry on the left. Anyone an idea what IC that is?

Q: Why does South Korea spend so much money on R&D?

user366312 Gross domestic spending on R&DTotal - % of GDP, 2000 – 2022 As of 2022, South Korea spends 4.930% of its GDP on R&D. The only country higher than South Korea is Israel. What explains South Korea's high spending in this sector? One explanation could be the North Korean threat. However, does thi...

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