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Q: Why i still have errores if i disable new relic module in magento 2

Francisco MunizI have magento 2.4.4 I removed new relic module. but when I do a inspection on my website. I havea a new relic error. How can i get newrelic out of my system. I also stoped new relic service on my server. POST https://bam.nr-data.net/1/NRJS-3b583d56b6b427adda9?a=1336092316&v=1.236.0&to=YFUAMkpUXk...

Q: Diagonalize a vector

bigyihsuanDiagonalize a vector into a matrix. Input A vector, list, array, etc. of integers \$\mathbf{v}\$ of length \$n\$. Output A \$n \times n\$ matrix, 2D array, etc. \$A\$ such that for each element \$a_i \in \mathbf{v}\$, $$ A = \left( \begin{array}{ccc} a_1 & 0 & \cdots & 0 \\ 0 & a_2 & \cdots & ...

Q: Is there a mitzva to redeem a wealthy captive?

lgshostSuppose a wealthy man is taken captive, and the ransom set is an amount that he certainly can cover, but for whatever reason (perhaps mental illness) he chooses not to. Is there still a mitzva to pay his ransom so he can be set free?

Q: How would life, that thrives on the magic of trees, survive in an area with limited trees?

FaeologyIn my fantasy world, there's 'magic' which is produced by trees; flowing from the roots up to the branches, which send out the magic into the atmosphere, allowing it to flow through all life. Humans are able to utilise this magic in various ways (controlling the shape and movement of wood etc) wh...

Q: Determine Endianess of some ARM binary image?

TomblaromI have been advised to analyze an ARM binary image from an Cortex M3 (STM32) for training. It has been directly extracted from flash beforehand and passed to me. However it's unknown whether this image is in big or little Endian byte order. Running a strings command on the bin, does not return an...

Q: Do any democracies with strong freedom of expression have laws against religious desecration?

Italian Philosophers 4 MonicaSweden is considering law change to stop public Koran burnings, Aftonbladet reports | Reuters An Iraqi immigrant to Sweden burned the Koran outside a Stockholm mosque last week, causing outrage in the Muslim world and condemnation from the pope. The Swedish Security services said such action lef...

Q: How would trees which contain magic react to being cut down?

FaeologyIn my fantasy world, trees inhabit the magic that flows through all life. This magic contains the energy of both earth (roots) and air (branches), foregrounding the balance that is needed in both people and animals. The magic flows from the trunk, up into the branches and into the atmosphere, whe...

Q: The real and the imaginary part of a vector

Sanae KochiyaIn an infinite-dimensional Banah space $(X, \|\cdot\|)$ with a countable Schauder basis $\{x_n\}$, define: $$ F_r: \operatorname{Span}(\{x_n\}) \rightarrow \operatorname{Span}(\{x_n\}), \hspace{0.3cm} \sum_{i\leq N} \lambda_i x_i \mapsto \sum_{i\leq N} \operatorname{Re}(\lambda_i) x_i $$ and: $$ ...

Q: Co-author uses ChatGPT for academic writing - is it ethical?

Dmitry SavostyanovI am writing a paper with a co-author. I spent a considerable amount of time (several months) writing a first draft of the paper. I then sent it to co-author asking them to revise the draft and add their contribution in specified sections. The co-author returned the draft within a few days. The r...

Q: Comparing two definite integrals analytically

Nothing specialHow do you find which one is greater analytically: $\displaystyle \int_{0}^{\int_0^1e^{-x^2}\mathrm dx} e^{x^2}\mathrm dx$ or $\displaystyle \int_{0}^{\int_0^1e^{x^2}\mathrm dx} e^{-x^2}\mathrm dx$? SMMC is an international undergrad level math competition (Eastern counterpart of the Putnam). Thi...

Q: What brands offer single wrapped vegan chocolates in Southeast USA?

GoldfishlaserMy office typically purchases a bag of mixed chocolate candies such as Hershey's, Snickers, KitKat etc. My office manager is looking to provide vegan chocolate options as well. Vegan chocolate bars are easy to find, but single wrapped servings seem trickier. We are located in Southeast USA so opt...

Q: What is Mrs. Ferrars putting into her mouth?

steelersquirrelIn Sense and Sensibility (2008), there is a scene where Mrs. Ferrars is biting into what looks like gold rocks. As you can see from the picture, the object is hard and not very easy to bite into: What is Mrs. Ferrars putting into her mouth in this scene? Is this some type of food?

Q: Canonical Commutation relations in gravity

dennisThe canonical commutation relations in gravity are sometimes written $$ [\gamma_{ij}(x),\pi^{kl}(y)]=\frac{i}{2}(\delta_i^k\delta_j^l+\delta_i^l\delta_j^k)\delta(x-y)\tag{0} $$ where $\gamma_{ij}$ is the 3-metric. This means \begin{align} [\gamma_{11}(x),\pi^{11}(y)]&=i\delta(x-y) \tag{1} \\ [\ga...

Q: Disprove Euler's sum-of-powers conjecture

x27ca61aProblem statement: In 1769 Leonhard Euler formulated a generalized version of Fermat's Last Theorem, conjecturing that at least \$n\$ \$\text{n}_{\text{th}}\$ powers are needed to obtain a sum that is itself an \$\text{n}_{\text{th}}\$ power, for \$n > 2\$. Write a program to disprove Euler's con...

Q: How do members of a given denomination understand what happens on events from other denominations?

WoJI watched a UsefulChart video on Jewish denominations, which I found very educative as an atheist interested in history. It was not clear however whether the various denominations can share/understand a religious event at a synagogue of another denomination (or another place where a religious eve...

Q: Problem with Association in DynamicModule

AlanHow can I understand the success of the first append but the failure of the second, here? (Mma 13.3.) Is there a ready work around? DynamicModule[{g = 0.05}, {Manipulator[Dynamic[g], ContinuousAction -> False], Append[List[], Dynamic[g]], Append[Association[], "test" -> Dynamic[g]]} ]

Q: Creating a new list from two lists

Tanmoy PatiI have the two lists $A=\{1,2,3\}, B=\{a,b,c\}$. I want to get a new list $C=\{1 -> a,2->b,3->c\}$, which is just adding $->$ sign in between. I tried A={1,2,3}; B={a,b,c}; C={}; W="->"; Do [ f[i]=A[[i]]*W*B[[i]]; AppendTo[C, f[i]]; ,{i,1,3} ]; But it is flipping the sequence in $C$ list. How...

Q: Volume gets lower when left and right audio channels are combined

Stelios LiakopoulosI noticed that the volume of a speaker gets slightly lower when combining the left and right channels versus having ONLY one of the 2 channels connected to the speaker. I know that combining the left and right audio channels by simply connecting the wires is not a good idea and might damage the d...

Q: What is the function of G Major in the key of B Major

IcedKlementiReferencing the song in context: Yoake To Hotaru At around 3:30, the chord progression goes from Cm - Dm - EM - GM#5 - Abm from what I can see in the video. In this case, what function does GM#5 perform in this progression, since G is not found in the key of B Major?

Q: How many times do two circles intersect?

DaronSuppose you have two compact convex sets $A,B \subset \mathbb R^2$. Their interiors intersect, but neither is contained in the other. Do the boundaries intersect in at least two distinct points? Obviously in general the intersection might be a singleton. Take two discs tangent to each other: But...

Q: Should I include high school teaching activities in an academic CV?

kmfI am a PhD student in economics. Before starting the PhD, I graduated with an MA in engineering. During my MA, I worked as a high school teacher in computer science. Should I list this activity on my CV in the ``teaching activities'' section together with my TA jobs, mainly as a signal of ability...

Q: Op-amp gain circuitry

JonathanFor background, I have an LV-25P voltage sensor that is used to measure AC voltages. The output of this sensor is an induced current that causes a voltage drop across a resistor I have connected to ground. The maximum output that will be obtained across that resistor is from -4.55V to +4.55V. Thi...

Q: Biocompatible, high refractive index medium for 780nm?

Isabela SousaI am trying to find a medium for optics experiments on living cells. We’ve been using yeast cells (saccaromyces cerevisae and boulardii) and need a medium with refractive index greater than 1.4 for 780nm (25°C) and in which the cells are still able to live and reproduce in. I’ve been trying to mi...

Q: Is there a useful measure of density of decidable sentences in PA?

Colin McLartyEssential undecidability of PA says every complete extension of PA includes a non r.e. set of new "axioms," all undecidable in PA.  In that sense lots of sentences of PA are undecidable in PA.  And it is trivial to design a measure on, say sentences of PA with Godel number below $n$, where the se...

Q: How much Piracy Supression do I need to secure a system?

ordagoSay I need to supress the piracy on system Zulei Cro: I want to calculate the number of corvettes I need to have patrolling the system, but my math is somehow wrong. So the system is currently unprotected because the Trade Value (65.16) is greater than the Piracy Suppression (0). So if I add 7 c...

Q: Alternator vs Battery Power

14407What provides electricity to the electrical system of a Cessna 172? Is the alternator connected to the electrical components directly and battery is only used in the event of an alternator failure? If the battery is only used as a backup solution, why does it require a continuous charge to it? Th...

Q: Are glass cockpit or steam gauge GA aircraft safer?

Someone - On StrikeAll else being equal, considering the reliability of instruments, human factors, etc., is it safer to fly in a piston-single GA airplane with steam gauges or with a glass cockpit? In other words, if I want to buy an airplane (hypothetical; I'm definitely not buying an airplane any time soon) and ...

Q: Does an island need five colors, if there is a unique color assigned to the sea?

andrewHSuppose you specify that the sea must be a royal blue, and no land territory is allowed to be. Does the map then need five colors? Or can the island necessarily be colored with three (non-royal blue) colors?

Q: Verb splitting noun and adjective

GeremiaThe concluding prayer of the prime office says: ℣. Dóminus nos benedícat, ✠ et ab omni malo deféndat, et ad vitam perdúcat ætérnam. Why does the verb (perdúcat) split the noun (vitam) and the adjective (ætérnam) that describes it? Is this to emphasize ætérnam, by making it the final word? Why n...

Q: Arc of Many Hues

matt_ruleWhat does the below image depict?

Q: Sources on inequity in precalculus sequence

TomKernI'm trying to put together some thoughts on the importance of a strong college precalculus sequence (mainly I'm thinking College Algebra, where much of my experience is) for addressing socioeconomic inequality in the United States. While I'm curious to hear the thoughts of matheducators.stackexch...

Q: Why does a running ping process keep working during an internet outage, but restarting ping doesn't?

stuXnetFor the last few months, I'm struggling with regular internet outages, affecting all devices on my local network, forcing me to power cycling my cable modem. Today I noticed that I can reproduce this issue - or a similar one with the same symptoms - by installing a game with Blizzard's Battle.net...

Q: Does this definition of harassment have any legal basis?

Seeking answersDoes the following definition of harassment have any legal basis? The gym’s dignity and inclusion policy states: “Harassment is a form of unlawful discrimination. It is unwanted conduct related to a protected characteristic which includes sex, gender reassignment (or transgender status), race (w...

Q: In Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989), when does this shot of Sean Connery happen?

ClockworkI was replaying a Super NES video game titled Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures (1994) which has us playing through the stories of the three movies of the (then) trilogy. When you run out of life, the following Game Over screen is shown, with the face of Sean Connery (portraying Henry Jones Seni...

Q: How to deal with a client who is constantly distrustful towards me?

Dennis82I work as a freelance web developer. There is one important client that I'm currently doing a large project for. Most of the time he is easy going and friendly, but there have been many times he suggestively accused me of taking advantage of him. Few examples: During a call he asked if I've seen...

Q: Competition prep question: 168 ways to stitch colored patches into 4 x 4 grid so that no patch touch another of the same color

Simon SI'm helping the high school son of a friend prepare for a maths competition. This question has me stumped. The answer is $168$, something I've confirmed by writing a program that brute force checked every option. How does one find the $168$ otherwise? For instance: The top left $2 \times 2$ sub ...

Q: What is this computer and what software it is running on?

Yu ZhangIn the movie, Stand by me, at the end, Gordon is finishing his book on a computer and using some kind of text editor. The text editor is extremely basic and has no formatting options visible. I am wondering if this is a real computer back then, 1986, and it is a r...

Q: How can we solve this?

Halcyon Abraham RamirezWhat is the logic used to solve this problem?

Q: How to create an already-resolved future

CarsonI have a function that returns a std::future. I have added a cache to the implementation, and I would like to optionally return a value immediately if it does not need to be recalculated. How can I create an already-resolved future? // Class declarations shortened to minimal example to communicat...

Q: How to reduce size of my equation to fit properly in my beamer presentation slide?

Drimitive WatsonI am preparing slides using beamer. However, my equation has exceeded the page margin. I have tried several solutions given on this website, but with those solutions, my .tex file is not compiling. Here is the code of my original beamer slide: \documentclass{beamer} \usepackage[english]{babel} \u...

Q: What did Stephen mean when he said: “the Most High does not live in houses made by human hands?”

Montana BurrIn Acts 7:44-50 we read: 44 Our ancestors had the tabernacle of the covenant law with them in the wilderness. It had been made as God directed Moses, according to the pattern he had seen. 45 After receiving the tabernacle, our ancestors under Joshua brought it with them when they took the land f...

Q: Arduino UNO Power interruption

WoodenfishDo you have to upload the UNO after the applied power is disconnected? Does the UNO retain the code without any power? And when the power is disconnected, if the code is retained, will the timers retain their values? Thanks

Q: Can I build a lvl 1 character with an uncommon weapon if they have access to it?

Aria NicholasI'm looking to join a local Pathfinder Society game, and I'd like to rebuild a character from a failed AP. They are a gymnast swashbuckler that uses a bladed scarf as their primary weapon. What I'm running into is that I was told that I can only use common options to build the character at level ...

Q: How many witnesses’ testimony constitute or transcend reasonable doubt?

Seeking answersAlice punches Bob. Or stabs him. Either way it was from behind and he did not see who did it before going unconscious, but the entire thing was witnessed by Charles. However there was no other evidence of Alice’s crime like video footage or the like. Charles testifies as to what he witnessed. Is ...

Q: If hypothetically we lived in a time when a Buddha were to arise, how could we acknowledge him as being perfectly enlightened?

MinervaAssuming that in a hypothetical multitude of so-called "enlightened masters", a future Buddha would actually arise and we were alive at that time, how would we be able to recognize him? The question could also be valid for acknowledging an Arahant or any enlightened person not necessarily a Samma...

Q: Suggestions on performance

YoshiroI have following piece of code that is called by a program many thousands of times as part of Monte-Carlo simulation. using gprof, I see that 38% of the time was spent on this function. Are there any obvious areas of improvement in this code? double StudentTCopula::uniform_to_default_time_student...

Q: How can we be sure that black hole's singularity is not a missunderstanding?

AntoniouThe newtonian gravitational potential is given by: $\phi=-\dfrac{GM}{r}$ Which was used by Schwarzschild to arrive to the metric tensor and the so called singularity at $r=0$. Nonetheless, I can't get why is it necessarily the case that a singularity should form. From Newtonian formulas, we would...

2 hours later…
Q: When a customer buys a product with a credit card, does the seller receive the money in installments or completely in one transaction?

WillyAssuming a customer buys a $2,000 computer with a credit card and will pay in 12 months, will the seller receive those payments in 12 installments? or will he receive them all in one payment?

Q: Creaking sound, stem extender/steerer tube assembly

Derek LawrenceIn the last few weeks a creaking sound has developed somewhere in the stem/stem extender/ steerer tube assembly. I noticed it when going over bumps, but only when my hands are on the handlebar. Riding hands free there is no creak. I managed to recreate the sound while stopped by gripping the ha...

Q: How do I translate "take them down with me" into German?

odduse_of_languageIn English there is an expression: to "take someone down with you." For example if a gangster is fleeing from the police and is expecting a shootout, he might say, I'm taking two of them down with me. In other words if he dies he expects to kill two of his opponents first. Is there a concise co...

Q: Can I replace a 2 prong receptacle with a 3 pronged if I install a GFCI breaker?

gcrI know I can install a GFCI outlet in the home run section of a circuit and install 3 pronged receptacles in anything downstream, even if they are ungrounded. What if instead of installing the GFCI outlet at the first box, I install a GFCI breaker in the panel? Am I still in code compliance? I ha...

Q: Trying to replicate Matrix Object from C4D in Blender

ArifI am trying to figure out if there is a way to replicate this? Basically being apply split a Mesh Object into an array of cubes or spheres. The video here is a visual representation of what I am trying to do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfGGdaiS1Bo

Q: \ifcommandkey is printing values despite the key having no value

vgnshiyerI am a complete begineer to latex. I have a command like below which is supposed to print if the key consists of a value. However, when I do not pass the key coursework, it still prints 'Relevant coursework:' Whereas it should have printed nothing. --test.cls-- \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \Provides...

Q: Apocalyptic scifi movie with the Earth getting hotter and hotter

Jocelyn hairWhat’s the name of the movie about the Earth getting hotter and hotter? The main character gets trapped in a house with a family of cannibals. She is rescued, I remember, by a young guy she had mat in a tunnel. No one can go outside so they have to stay covered or under something all the time. I ...

Q: What causes of multiple simultaneous oscilloscope traces in single channel?

15 VoltsObserving three simultaneous signals on a single channel - 802 Hz, 1161 Hz, and 1714 Hz sine waves - yields the following oscilloscope output: Expected is a single line, but multiple fluctuating lines are present. Similarly, placing a 470uH inductor on an induction cooker produces the similar p...

Q: Pin Change Interrupt Flag timing on 1284P

Delta_GI want to ask about pin change interrupts on a 1284P chip using MightyCore. I have a question about the timing of multiple interrupts on one port. Specifically, if I am servicing a PCINT vector and another pin in the port changes while I am in the ISR, will it generate another interrupt immedia...

Q: Renaming multiple files with mv gives "zsh: no matches found: *.pdf"

ClosetsClosetsClosetsSo I have these files: Movies % ls -l *."pdf - yts" -rw-r--r--@ 1 staff 1848890 Mar 18 00:11 Scanned Document 1.pdf - abc -rw-r--r--@ 1 staff 1848890 Mar 18 00:11 Scanned Document 2.pdf - abc -rw-r--r--@ 1 staff 1848890 Mar 18 00:11 Scanned Document 3.pdf - abc -rw-r--r--@ 1 staff 18...

Q: TeXShop directive for LuaLaTeX and latexmk

xFioraMstr18Is there a TeXShop directive (something like % !TEX TS-program = lualatex) that I can place at the top of my document and can tell TeXShop to compile using LuaLaTeX with latexmk? That is, a TeXShop directive that does the equivalent of latexmk -lualatex file.tex.

Q: Planted my super sonic tomatoes too close, am I screwed?

LiberatorSo I started a garden this spring (late May) and got 6 super sonic tomato seedlings among a few other vegetables. Due to financial constraints, I wasn’t able to buy a huge raised bed, just a 67"L x 20"W x10”H oval (7 cubic feet). So I did what I could with the space and planted the tomatoes aroun...

Q: How to reference height of video in background in scale in filter_complex in ffmepg?

rdrg109I have one video with resolution 480x360 (i.e. aspect ratio 4:3). I know how to change the aspect ratio of that video by inserting it on top of a 16:9 colored background. Here's a minimal working example of what I'm doing: The following command generates a sample video with resolution 480x360 (i....

Q: Clustering Algorithms with Periodic Boundary Conditions

Saha_1994I've been working on a project that involves the clustering of data with periodic boundary conditions. Like simulation of extra-framework water species. Specifically, I am looking for clustering algorithms that can effectively handle datasets where periodicity plays a significant role. Upon searc...

Q: Class vs Functional Group: Imprecise Language?

ChengAlcohols, carboxylic acids, esters, alkanes etc are classes of organic compounds, not functional groups, no? (alkanes contain no functionl groups!) In other words, a class is a type of compound, while functional groups specifically refer to a group of atoms (or more generally a bonding sequence)....

Q: radio communication in the Spanish Civil war

angel diezwas radio communication used by fighter pilots during the Spanish Civil War? Fiat CR32, Messerschmitt Me 109 and Polikarpov I-16 were typical aircraft but I have no information about radio communication during dogfights. Can anyone help?

2 hours later…
Q: The shorter the message, the larger the prize

SimdAndrei and Belle have been set a task by their “friend”, Carroll. Carroll has promised them money depending on how well they do. Carroll will give a 99 bit array to Andrei and a possibly different one to Belle. They don’t see each other’s arrays. Andrei gets to send one message (made up of bits)...

Q: Why Natasha's family escaping from Shield team in opening scene?

KeechuluAfter escaping from Shield team, Natasha's family flew from Ohio to Cuba: This is Shield car chasing Natasha's family in opening scene. Why Natasha's family escaping from Shield team in opening scene?

Q: Pass options to package loaded as tabularray library

CanyonTabularray emulates commands in some other packages and therefore requests that you enable them with \UseTblrLibrary instead. One such package is siunitx. When loading siunitx normally, one could pass options to it; unfortunately, when one loads siunitx as a tabularray library, one cannot pass op...

Q: What would the consequences of abusing my fictional drug be?

Demiurge777In this world there exists a potent psychogenic drug named Soma(lifted from Brave New World because I like the name and vibe). The effects of the drug are thus. In small doses the drug ‘softens’ the brain and improves neuroplasticity. For example, if you took a dose you would be able to better m...

Q: How to fill Major Gaps in a Plot

BubbleQueenAs stated in previous questions, I am still in the Skeleton Stage of planning. I have a fairly developed first few chapter as well as a few key scenes much further along in the book (not that I'm going to use all of them but they're there). I also have a very vague and undetailed ending to the bo...

Q: What is the opposite of 'avatar'?

Monty WildI am using the word 'avatar' in my work in the sense that an avatar is the physical representation of some higher entity. We could say that a particular person, animal or object is the avatar of a deity, or that a symbol or picture is the avatar of a person, or that a player-character in a compu...

Q: Python library to obtain atomic orbitals of atoms in the lowest energy state

mleI want to code an UHF code. Hence for each atom I need the lowest energy electronic configuration. Is there a python package/library that already does it?

Q: What is the difference between chronic stress and anxiety?

StarckmanThe answers of this question, which are partly based on this website, explain that a prolonged stress is called anxiety. But that is also the definition of chronic stress. So what is the difference between anxiety and chronic stress?

Q: Euler's Method for fast moving particle trajectory

jasoneI'm trying to figure out how a magnet affects the trajectory of a particle travelling near the speed of light downwards towards the ground. The equation for the force of the magnetic field is pretty difficult to solve, so I'm using Euler's method to approximate it. However, no matter how many tim...

Q: An exact sequence involving THH

Sal GardDisclaimer: I'm a relative beginner in this area. I'm trying to prove that if one has a commutative ring $R$ and a prime number $p$, then there is an exact sequence of the form $$\DeclareMathOperator\THH{THH} 0 \rightarrow \pi_n(\THH(R)_{h\mathbb{T}})/p\pi_n(\THH(R)_{h\mathbb{T}}) \rightarrow \pi...

Q: Why was there a second saw blade in the first grail challenge?

Sembei NorimakiIn Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, in order to reach the Holy Grail room, three challenges must be passed. In the first challenge, only the penitent man will pass, which involves kneeling before God. People who fail to do so get their heads cut off by an horizontal saw disc cutting at neck he...

Q: Stock Android always using 100% physical memory, free up with ADB

Muhammad Ikhwan PerwiraI have non-rooted phone, I just realized why Android is bad in memory management. I'm monitoring running progress in ADB shell with top. I can see memory is about 100% used. How do I stop unnecessay process with ADB shell? Also, I can't scroll down top command it show weird char ^[[b. I think tha...

Q: face rig for my character model

Games nrGreeting everyone , I have a similar question I asked here with this topic but just different model and different idea so here is my character model I created , first I want to animate the face rig , but this is a bear character kind of , so I want to rig the eyes the face the nose everything , d...

Q: Technically speaking, how are transactions recovered with a private key?

trex005I have tried searching for this answer but I must not know the right keywords or something because I can't find an explanation anywhere. There are 2^96 addresses per private key and ~865,000,000 transactions. If I have a private key and want to recover my transactions, it would seem that I would ...

Q: What does "in place of" mean?

KeechuluIn Black Widow (2021), group of snipers are targeting a female: Sniper: Firing in place of three. Five, four...She made us. Target deployed smoke. What does "in place of" mean? I can't understand the use of "in place of". It is not a countdown.

Q: Differentiability implies continuity proof doubt

AlejandroI have a question in one of the steps taken to prove that a differentiable function at a point a is also continuous there. On Spivak book, the proof is done in the following manner: Looking at the limit as h approaches zero of the difference f(a+h)-f(a) we say that is equal to the limit as h appr...

Q: Avoid mounting usb devices over existing mount point

YMOZI'm using Ubuntu 23.04 and I'm assuming that Ubuntu is using autofs to auto mount. I'm unfamiliar with autofs configuration. When I connect my labeled external drive(s) via usb, they automatically mount based on label in /media/user/label. However, if /media/user/label already exists (nothing mou...

Q: minimal enclosing k-gon of binarized image

matheoremSimilar to my previous post. I have a binarized image with 4 disk-like dots. I want to find a minimum quadrilateral enclosing 4 dots as below and extract the coordinates of 4 corners(yellow points) of this quadrilateral. Or if I have three dots. I want to extract corners of enclosing triangles. ...

Q: Non-continuous group homomorphism from p-adic field to C*

WindiLet $F$ be a p-adic field. A character on $F^\times$ is defined as a continuous group homomorphism $F^\times\longrightarrow\mathbb{C}^\times$. But is there any way to construct a non-continuous group homomorphism $F^\times\longrightarrow\mathbb{C}^\times$? Is there even any such homomorphism?

Q: I am looking for a manga with female mc in eyeglasses. She is not an immortal in the world full of immortal

Muhammad KamilWorld full of immortal, gore is considered as comedy and pretty much if someone got sick they just need a gun to kill themselves just so they can regenerate and return to life. However Female Mc is a part of organization in secret, where she is not an immortal and can disable the immortal if the ...

Q: Effect of back-transforming forecasted mean of log returns to get forecasted mean of price

QMathWhen trying to forecast time series, say forecasting the level of a stock index so we can forecast the future values of an option, it tends to be helpful to analyze the log returns versus the original levels as these are additive across time, can be more numerically stable, etc. Assuming that we ...

Q: Chamber of Reflection

Jacob CreutzfeldtBackground A ray of light is fired from the top left vertex of an MxN Chamber, where M a denotes the width and N denotes the height of the chamber. The ray of light advances one grid space per second. Given that T is the number of seconds to be simulated, calculate the number of reflections in th...

Q: How do airlines know and confirm if I have a valid visa during check-in? (without asking me)

BelongSeveral times now when travelling to different countries I noticed that the airlines don't ask me for the visa during check-in. Some of them go through the whole passport looking for the visa while others don't and seem to go for completing the check-in process. I might be wrong of course as some...

Q: Ratio between largest and smallest prime factor

PeterFor a Carmichael-number $N$ let $p$ be the smallest and $q$ the largest prime factor. Consider $r:=\frac{q}{p}$. We could call a Carmichael "balanced" , if $r\approx 1$ , say $r<1.1$. Can $r$ be arbitary close to $1$ ? In the Carmichael numbers upto $10^{16}$ , the number with the smallest rati...

Q: Help finding garden hose to kitchen faucet adapter

KatyI am having a hard time figuring out which adapter to get to hook my garden hose up to my pull down kitchen faucet. I included some photos, I would appreciate any help.

Q: How to stop when moving a face other faces change too (In edit mode)

gotta stay high all the timeIm editing 3 faces. However, the ones that are near to them get affected too. I want to not affect them. As you see below, the red line is what i don't want to happen. Basically. When im changing the 3 faces, i don't want the faces near them be affected.

Q: What does Yelena mean by "Enough"?

KeechuluIn Black Widow (2021), Natasha encounters Black Widow committing suicide: Yelena: Do you believe me now? Natasha: How many others? Yelena: Enough. What does Yelena mean by "Enough"?

Q: Convexity induced by the restricted metric.

Tian VlašićLet $(M, g)$ be a metric space. For a pair of points $x,y \in M$, we shall define the metric segment joining them as the following set: $\left [ x,y \right ]_g = \left \{ z \in M : d(x,z)+d(z,y)=d(x,y)\right \}$ Now, we will say that $C \subseteq M$ is convex set if for all $x,y \in C$ it holds ...

Q: Why does this journey to the moon take so long?

Tim RichardsI remember the Apollo missions and I'm pretty sure it took about three days to reach the moon. India’s space agency is set to launch its homegrown Chandrayaan-3 moon mission from the southeastern island of Sriharikota, at the Satish Dhawan Space Centre on July 14 at 2:35pm local time (09:05 GMT)....

Q: What is the meaning of these lines

Diana Bloom Are these pedal signs? I have never seen one in bach pieces

Q: Momentum transfer from flowing fluid to solid object

Riccardo Zanardi In collisions’ physics, in particular imperfect elastic collision, the transfer of momentum between a solid body to another, can be described with the formula: $$p_{1i} + p_{2i} = p_{1f} + p_{2f}$$ with: $$p_{1f} = m_1 \left( \left[\frac{m_1-m_2}{m_1+m_2}v_{1i}\right] + \left[\frac{2m_2}{m_1+m_2}...

Q: What's the difference between 明白了and 知道了?

TatianaWhen should i use it? In what situations? For example, if they explain something to me or ask me not to do something, then these words are interchangeable or not, what shade?

Q: I can't connect my washing machine properly. Please help

LisaI got an old washing machine From my grandparents but I can't seem to fit the hose into the tap. There are in my opinion 2 problems, there are 2 male connections instead of a female and a male and I think the size is not right. Thanks so much for your help! The hose to the washing machine: The ...

Q: Probability Theory is Applied Measure Theory?

Miles GouldSo I’ve taken a probability theory class and I’m studying for a measure theory class next quarter. While I always knew probability theory incorporated a lot of measure theory, it seems to me like it really is just applied measure theory. It incorporates some other notions like Bayesian probabilit...

Q: Why doesn't an induction heater and an induction ring launcher produce the same effect?

YassinI want to know why an induction heater and an induction ring launcher don't produce the same effect. Both seem to use AC voltage to power a solenoid(which induces a voltage in a pipe) so why doesn't the induction heater launch the pipe inside it, or the induction launcher just heat the "projectile"...

Q: planes able to shoot their own tail

Sembei NorimakiIn Indiana Jones and the last crusade, there's a scene where Indiana is piloting a plane and his father is acting as a gunner. When shooting to incoming enemy planes, he accidentally shoots his own tail, forcing an emergency landing. According to Indiana Jones Fandom page the plane represents a ...

Q: Which field is more rigorous, mathematics or philosophy?

user107952I don't know if this question is best suited for this stack exchange, but I couldn't think of a better stack exchange. I want to know, which field of study is more rigorous, mathematics or philosophy? Personally, I believe it is mathematics, because philosophy has a lot of imprecise concepts, lik...

Q: Ising model phase transition when external magnetic field is non-zero

dfphysicsiIn the Ising model, when the external magnetic field is absent, it has a second order phase transition, because there is a discontinuity in the magnetic susceptibility vs Temperature, T (and magnetic susceptibility is the second derivative of the free energy). When the external magnetic field is ...

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