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Q: Digital signature with private key on exchange

ArkaikI think I understand how asymmetric cryptography works. However I don't really understand why some exchanges use the signature generated by hashing the payload with the private key. From my understanding, if a public/private key pair is generated for ciphering, the payload is encrypted with the p...

Q: Is the GL(2,R)-representation of smooth, odd and 0-homogeneous functions on the punctured plane irreducible?

JaSchLet me preface this by saying that I have next to no background in representation theory. I come from geometry but the following representations showed up naturally in my work. We let $ V = C^\infty \left( \mathbb{R}^2 \setminus \left\{ 0 \right\} \right) $ be equipped with its standard Frechet s...

Q: What happens when we take the derivative of an implicitly defined function?

user1206899Consider the function y(x) implicitly decided by this equation: $\sin(xy)=\cos(x+y)$. The graph on plane looks like this: According to my textbook, we can take the derivative of both sides with respect to x to obtain the derivative y'(x)=[some function of x and y]. In this case y'(x) = -(\sin(xy...

Q: Automatically rename files for OneDrive

gernophilI have hundreds of files with invalid symbols for OneDrive (\/:*?"<>|) and I want to automatically rename them on my Mac so they can save up to the cloud. OneDrive for macOS does not seem to have the auto-renaming option, it just throws an error and bypasses those files for upload. I looked at ...

Q: Can one do tikun chatzos without waking up at midnight

yosefkornIf one is up til halachic midnight, does one have to go to sleep to say tikun chatzos or can one recite it anyway.

Q: Combine 1,3,3,7 to get 10

Karl KarlsenI tried lots of combinations but could not find a solution. Each number has to be used exactly once, the allowed mathematical operators are +-*/().

Q: Problems in NP with non-trivial certificate

Command MasterFor all NP-complete problems I can think about, the problem statement says very clearly how to test a certificate. I'm looking for interesting problems with NP which have non-trivial certificates. I can think of two ways for this to happen: It isn't obvious that the problem is in NP. The only ex...

Q: How can i select items with negative scale value in python to Blender?

Adam SzalaiHow can i select items with negative scale value in python to Blender? Additionally script should only check items with sufix _kill in their name but that i can do with chatgpt :P Thank You!

Q: Getting ArcGIS Pro to run latest version of Python code

Matthew BorishAs a seasoned user of ArcMap with extensive experience in Python and .tbx development, I've run into a problem while transitioning to ArcGIS Pro. In ArcMap 10.8, any edits I make to my own imported module .py files are reflected as expected when I run scripts; the tools employ the revised code ac...

Q: Can a totally ordered set with a last element but no first element exist, or is this contradictory?

Max MaxmanCan a totally ordered set with a last element but no first element exist, or is this contradictory? An example of such a set would be a set that is ordered from largest to smallest, with there being no largest element: "...... > 5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1" or vice versa such as - "....... < -3 < -2 < -1 < 0"

Q: SFDX: exports.getOrgApiVersion is not a function

Maciej ZadwornyI am trying to retrieve source from org using SFDX and VSC. When I run the command I get an error: 18:51:03.608 Starting SFDX: Retrieve Source from Org exports.getOrgApiVersion is not a function Using Macbook Pro M2 if that's relevant.

Q: I want to create a table like this with the curly bracket at the end

Pfeffernase1337 This is what I've ended up with so far. It would also be really nice if someone could help me inserting the 2^2x5 and the 2x11 in-between the existing columns please. \setlength{\tabcolsep}{12pt} \paragraph{} \begin{tabular}{c c c c} $n\mod19=3$ & $n\equiv3\pmod{19}$ & $n\equiv3\pmod{19}$ & $19$...

Q: Modular option for tikz lecture heading

xyz04I have a setup I use for lectures, for some lectures how would I be able to leave the date section empty and have the frame be built completely and not have a gap in the top. Any help would be greatly appreciated. \newcommand{\lec}[3]{ \setcounter{chapter}{#1 - 1} \date{#2} \cha...

Q: Will my Navigo Pass be replenishable next year?

gatorbackNYC OMNI "tap & go" passes are refillable and do not expire for 5 years. The French equivalent is Navigo: I purchased a weekly pass for 5 + 30 Euros. Can I reuse the pass next year in Paris? 2 years from now?

Q: What is a canonical embedding?

ATWI‘m taking a course in functional analysis and have to show that $ L^1(\mathbb R) \subsetneq (L^\infty(\mathbb R))^* $ "in the sense of canonical embedding". What does this mean exactly? Unfortunately, "canonical embedding" is no term we defined in the lecture so I assume it is some "common term"...

Q: What characterizes a future-proof ebike drive system?

Nathan KnutsonEbikes had their origins in modular drive systems that were assembled by enthusiasts and specialty companies choosing their own motors, batteries, battery controllers, motor controllers, and displays. Systems of this kind can offer a high degree of user control and modular repairability. The land...

Q: What's the name of this business model and what's the cognitive mechanism involved?

DevinThe business model I'm referring to is quite common nowadays: SAAS businesses offer free access to their product or service without any barriers, except for limits on usage. Once they have amassed a large user base, they abruptly close off access to the free version, eliminating the free trial op...

Q: Do homeomorphisms preserve topological structure?

EmilI think something is missing in the definition of homeomorphism I saw. It just said it maps the collection of open sets to the collection of open sets in a bijective way. What exactly makes this preserve topology? I can think of weird situations where each individual open set is mapped to totally...

Q: CiviRule condition base on contribution page?

erinI'd like to send users a notification email when someone donates from a specific contribution page - is this possible? I don't see contribution page in the list of condition options in CiviRule.

Q: Who are the blond boys in Marvel Meow Infinite #10?

TrishMarvel Meow is all about cat hijinx, and the Infinite run stars Loki as a cat starting around the mid of the 12-issue run. In #10, there's something going on in the park with Ogeode (they brawl, mayham, Dr. Strange saves the day...). And then come two panels that appear rather interesting to me: ...

Q: Does Trump have the right to waive a jury trial and request a bench trial in the classified documents case?

JohnFxIn the Federal criminal case against Donald Trump in the Mar-a-Lago classified documents case, does former president Trump have the ability to waive a jury trial and request a bench trial? Given Aileen Cannon's history in cases involving the defendant, and potential bias towards the person who ap...

Q: What is a logical constant, exactly?

user2901512I've done some background research, reading up on several sources, and each seem to give examples of what logical constants are, but none seem to give a comprehensive list and/or set of criteria for what a logical constant is (except for Wikipedia, but I don't possess the necessary PhD in philoso...

Q: What parts of a spaceship would still work 100 million years later?

ZagsA spacecraft designed for interstellar travel is discovered 100 million years later. What pieces of it still work, what parts would be easily repairable, and what would still be even vaguely recognizably intact? Alternatively, if nothing would work, what percentage of the ship would even be lef...

Q: Finding the double integral over a polar region

CodedRosesI am not sure if I simplified wrong, and if I didn't, how would I go about integrating this? In the problem statement, the region is $$D = \Big\{(r,\theta) \mid 2\le r \le 3, \frac{\pi}{3} \le \theta \le \frac{2\pi}{3}\Big\},$$ and the function is $$f(x,y) = x^4+2x^2y^2+y^4.$$ So converting this ...

Q: Do More Legislative Seats Make Gerrymandering Harder?

ohwillekeIn a system of single member districts, elected for an entire legislative body all at once, is it easier to gerrymander the map to favor one party over another in a two party system, with more districts, or with fewer districts, or does it not matter? For example, in Virginia, there are 100 seats...

1 hour later…
Q: Is it possible to disable sweeping edge on a sword item with commands in 1.20.1 Minecraft?

TheEngineerGuyI am working on a weapon datapack that is a lot like the Forge mod Spartan Weaponry. I am currently creating a dagger and I want to disable the sweeping edge ability from 1.9 while still having 1.9 combat (attack cooldown, shields, et cetera). I have done some research and I cannot find many reso...

1 hour later…
Q: Who was J. M. Gandhi?

SomosI am looking for more information about J. M. Gandhi who is the creator of Gandhi polynomials. A MathSciNet search finds only one J. M. Gandhi with 35 publications in Number Theory, 3 in Combinatorics, and 5 others. The author also wrote about Genocchi numbers. The OEIS has several references. Th...

Q: Computational modelling of sand pile

TomI'm currently working on a computational model of the way sand acts when being pushed around, say, by a bulldozer. Specifically, I'm trying to determine the dynamic equations which govern the way that sand will move under gravity from an arbitrary intial configuration (say, a narrow tower) toward...

Q: On The Role of The Axiom of Specification

Camelot823In Halmos' book on Naive Set Theory, the author elucidates the role of the axiom of specification in developing the realm of set theory. According to Halmos, the axiom of specification is useful for asserting the existences of sets given by other axioms. Examples he gives in the book have to do w...

Q: Why is auto keyword useful for compiler-writers in C?

Chi_IrohI'm currently reading "Expert C Programming - Deep C Secrets", and just came into this : The storage class specifier auto is never needed. It is mostly meaningful to a compiler-writer making an entry in a symbol table — it says "this storage is automatically allocated on entering the block" (as ...

Q: Is my employer allowed to make me work without pay?

CdoyAs the title says: A coworker and I had recently made a mistake at work. In response to this, our manager decides we have to work for two extra hours on our next shifts unpaid. Is this legal? I work in the State of Georgia in the US, by the way.

Q: latest time for davening shacharit

yehoshua nisanovI have heard many opinions regarding when one can stop saying shacharit. I heard some people say chatzot, some say the 4th hour. I heard some rumors that Sephardim only goes up until the 4th hour. I also heard that the brachot of kriat shema only goes up to the 4th hour. Can someone please clarif...

Q: short story with real estate

kollosI'm searching for a short story. It was in one of Ellen Datlow's yearly anthologies of Fantasy and Horror, and is definitely pre-1995. The story is about a man going out to a house he's thinking of buying and he ends up trapped in the room. I want to grab the anthology without having to buy all t...

Q: Do cyclically presented groups of positive word length four relators satisfy the Tits Alternative?

ShaunI finished an MPhil a year ago that focused on the following question. I've moved on to a different area of group theory now, so I thought I'd ask it here. Definition: Let $w\in F_n$ for the free group $F_n$ on $\{x_i\mid i\in\overline{0,n-1}\}$ and $n\in \Bbb N$. A cyclically presented group is...

Q: Why "previously learned knowledge" is a natural phrase in English, although "learn knowledge" is not?

joy2020 Learning transfer refers to the degree to which an individual applies previously learned knowledge and skills to new situations. - source I already know that the phrase "learn knowledge" is grammatically correct, but it is not commonly used in English because the verb "learn" already implies t...

Q: French accented chars disappearing in latex3 functions

Bob MoraneI'm trying to write some Latex expl3 functions. I'm new to this so maybe the problem is obvious but well... I want to code macros where I can call a command with one argument and count how many time a given argument has been passed. Then I output the totals in a sorted list. Everything works ok b...

Q: What's it called when the Melody and Harmony are half a measure out-of-sync?

chausiesAs an example in caveman speak, the melody goes ONE-2-3-4-ONE-2-3-4, and the harmony goes 1-2-THREE-4,1-2-THREE-4. I'm not sure this is actually an example of what I'm talking about, but in the intro of (Zaveid's battle theme, 12 seconds in), there's a melody goin...

Q: Why is rock and metal often cold to the touch but wood and plastic is not?

user16217248In a room at normal room temperature, certain materials, such as metal, glass, ceramic, or rock, will feel cold to the touch, but others, such as wood or plastic, do not so much. Which physical properties do the former materials have in common that cause them to be cold to the touch but the other...

Q: Are individual indexes necessary on columns that are included in a compound primary key?

InteXXI have this M2M join table: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[RecipientsDonors] ( [RecipientId] [int] NOT NULL, [DonorId] [int] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_RecipientsDonors] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [RecipientId] ASC, [DonorId] ASC ) ) I also have these two indexes: CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [I...

Q: Why does my basement utility sink that drains my washing machine stink?

PandaThe washing machine in my basement drains into this utility sink. On the end of the washing machine discharge, there is a lint catcher. Can anyone tell me what this white pipe is that comes up and is open at the top near the sewage stack? There is a bad sewage smell that comes out the top of this...

Q: Why the default LN channel limit is set to 16777215 sats?

Jeffrey HuI assume this default limit of 2^24 is set by some purpose in BOLT #2. But what's the meaning of that? Or is there any test/experiment to support this number?

Q: Raven matrix like puzzle

JMorI found this puzzle on TONI test and it was hard for me. It is the last item on the test. Can someone help me to solve and explain the solution?

Q: Plausibility of using orbital mirrors to dig a canyon

AtlanSo I'm working on a sci-fi setting, a scorching hot desert planet where colonists live in canyons. The problem is, canyons are naturally formed by water- something this desert planet is very lacking in. So that got me to thinking of ways of making an artificial canyon. I don't wanna go with nukes...

Q: What does 讲好中国故事 really mean?

NanningYouthReading the Chinese language mainstream media,I often encounter the words 讲好中国故事but do not really understand what that means. Since when news media has begun to tell stories,that is, something unreal or fictional? Do readers of news media like to read such stories?

Q: How can I get multicols to list across instead of down?

James Da Silva ChenPreamble \usepackage{multicols} \usepackage[shortlabels]{enumitem} \begin{document} \begin{multicols}{2} \begin{enumerate}[(a)] \item Item 1 \item Item 2 \item Item 3 \item Item 4 \item Item 5 \item Item 6 \end{enumerate} \end{multicols} \end{document} With the multicol...

Q: Rear derailleur not staying on largest gear

Alex L.When I try to shift up to the largest gear, the derailleur moves up, and the chain moves on to the gear, but then comes back down. Upon closer inspection I found that when I hold the shifter, it shifts up and seems fine, but after I let go of the shifting lever, the derailleur moves back to the s...

Q: How to compare loan interest rate to savings account interest rate?

DonutI don't understand how to compare my loan's interest rate to my savings account interest rate. My savings account states: The Interest Rate on your account is 4.0249% with an Annual Percentage Yield of 4.10% Interest on your account will be compounded and credited on a monthly basis. My loan st...

Q: Does differential impedance matter for USB 2.0 connectors?

user44627On PC motherboards you commonly see 0.100" headers used for USB 2.0 connections, often for a cable running to ports on the front of the PC. Here's an example. https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/tripp-lite/U024-003-5P-PM/7243242 USB cables are supposed to have a differential impedance of 9...

Q: How to understand the differences and similarities between the orders in Greek and Latin alphabets, for memorizing?

TimLetters in Greek alphabet are ordered similarly to those in Latin, but not exactly the same. Is there any reason for the differences? I ask the question for finding a way to understand and therefore memorize the order based on Latin alphabet.

Q: "Artificially" time dilated photons

CosmoIf you bang on the table you create a single thump, but if you keep doing so with shorter and shorter intervals, eventually it'll start to sound like a note with a particular pitch. Now, if I used a stationary device to emit a blue photon towards a stationary detector every 1 millisecond, and if ...

Q: tikz-feynman diagram is cut off the page in standalone document

Meng. GWhen I use the tikz-feynman package to draw a Feynman diagram, the PDF output is so strange. It looks like it has been cut. I thought it was because the real center point of the Tikz picture is not what it seems. \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage[compat=1.1.0]{tikz-feynman} \begin{document...

Q: optimization of code on smartpy

Kinwhat are the codes that costs more gas in a operations and what are the features that should be used less inside smart contract to avoid gas exceeds? Like is it costly to use local variable or calling onchain view of another contract ?

Q: "Don't rock the boat" attitude

EPRAITWhen someone tends to hesitate to acknowledge a problem and avoid involving trouble even if needed, is it ok to say in a negative nuance that He/She always has a "don't rock the boat" attitude. I found the below definition at Collins Dictionary and considering that, it seems that not rocking th...

Q: InterpolationOrder creates a sharp valley even if I increase the number of points. How to have a smooth curve?

KheeyalI have a set of data as the following data = {{-(1/10), 0.1231238244553477`}, {0, 0.11842669584606009}, {1/ 10, 0.11295156506691292`}, {1/5, 0.10626995173555345`}, {1/4, 0.10225817762630054`}, {27/100, 0.10051846336254686`}, {7/25, 0.09963726811580004`}, {29/100, 0.09877358379658636`},...

Q: Not getting this meaning of 'pourtant'

bobsmith76This is from Proust: Ces charmes d’une tristesse intime, c’était eux qu’elle essayait d’imiter, de recréer, et jusqu’à leur essence qui est pourtant d’être incommunicables et de sembler frivoles à tout autre qu’à celui qui les éprouve, la petite phrase l’avait captée, rendue visible. And for th...

Q: Risk of solar panel overcharging 12v battery?

User1974I've purchased a used boat that came with the following: D18S/T3 Battery: AJC 12V 18Ah Sealed Lead Acid – AGM – VRLA Battery (photo) SunForce Solar Panel: 1.5 Watt, 12-Volt Solar Power Sports Battery Maintainer (photo) The solar panel is continuously connected directly to the battery. That make...

Q: Literally-Connecting Wall

happystarThis puzzle is a variant on the well-known connecting wall puzzles. May contain traces of grid deduction and happy stars 😊 Rules: Your goal is to fill all the empty squares in the main grid (left) with either path tiles or happy star tiles (right). Each word/phrase must be connected to a happy...

Q: Get all empty location in collection using geometry node

Riki maruI have multiple 'empty' instances of a cube with a geometry node. The nodes increase the z-scale of each instances along the y-axis. However, the instances only reference the location of the original cube instead of each individual empty. i tried the collection info node but it dont have 'locatio...

Q: Do Quantum fields describe reality or are reality?

Adolphus the DilerI have been told that Quantum fields are the real "fundamental" of reality and particles are excitations in these omnipresent fields. I have also been told by no less credible sources that Quantum fields are instead simply a good mathematical "abstraction" and a fine way to quantum mechanically "...

Q: Why doesn't the trace operator preserve regularity?

LillaThe trace operator maps $H^1(\Omega)$ into $H^{1/2}(\partial \Omega)$, I have used this fact several times, and know of references where to find the proof. Let us assume that the boundaries are arbitrarily smooth. The trace operator then maps $C^1(\Omega)$ into $C^1(\partial \Omega)$. Do you hav...

Q: Adding a new insignificant coefficient to the regression, that is collinear

JoeVictorProblem This is more of a theoretical question than a practical one... Let's say I have three Random Variables: $Y$, $X_1$, and $X_2$. With the following properties: Cor($Y$,$X_1$) > 0 Cor($Y$,$X_2$) = 0 Cor($X_1$, $X_2$) > 0 You run two regressions: $$ Y = \alpha * X_1 + \epsilon $$ and: $$ Y ...

Q: Unusual approach to assess a predictive model's performance?

dwolfeuContext: I am working on a predictive model. Let's call it $f$. The outcome that $f$ is trying to predict is binary. It makes predictions as probabilities, i.e. for a given input $x$, $f(x) \in (0,1)$. Its performance seems to be so-so: The AUC is 0.67 and the average precision is 0.73 (compared ...

Q: How do I simulate z-fighting of low poly against high poly for a single mesh?

JustineI'm fairly new to shading and materials. While playing around with my low poly and high poly model I came across this effect, and I really like it. I got it like this by viewing both models at the same time so both their surfaces peek through. Is this something that can be done with procedural sh...

Q: Does the measure of the ark of the covenant have any important significance?

user450072Exodus 25:10 In Exodus chapter 25 verse 10 it says: 10 “Have them make an ark[b] of acacia wood—two and a half cubits long, a cubit and a half wide, and a cubit and a half high. My question is: Given that 2.5+1.5+1.5=5.5 cubits ,half the measure of 5,3 and 3 which are equal to 11 when added, and ...

Q: What does Java driver v3.0+ "partially compatible" with Cassandra 4.0 mean?

alecelaWe are planning to upgrade our Cassandra 3.0.14 to Cassandra 4.1.1 and we're checking the compatibility of our current Java SDK version(3.3.0) with Cassandra 4.1.1. I have tested it with our current implementation and there doesn't seem to be any issues. Based on this link: https://docs.datastax....

Q: Why is loud music much louder after pausing and resuming it?

OverLordGoldDragonIf I pause a sufficiently loud song (in headphones) for several seconds, then resume it, I perceive it as deafeningly loud, even painfully. Yet, if I first lower the volume, resume, and then gradually increase it over a span of as little as two seconds, there's no problem. Like turning on lights ...

Q: Why do GA4 Total reported sessions not equal the sum of sessions by dimension

GeoffAtkinsFor one of my larger clients, we're seeing a discrepancy between the sessions (and users) reported for each traffic source, and the total sessions reported in GA4. This occurs whether we are using default channel groups or source/medium as the dimension. The GA4 property in question applies to a ...

Q: Reasons for low-tech in sci-fi

pinegulfMy sci-fi world is stuck in a low-tech state. What would be the underlying reasons? In Dune, it's the recent Jihad against machines. In the 40k setting, it's religion. In MechWarrior, it's an apocalyptic war after the Star League. In Foundation(s), it's due to lost tech after the falling empire. ...

Q: A question about a limit with two parameters

SebastianoDetermine the values of the two real parameters $a$ and $b$ such that $$\lim_{x \to 0}\frac{\sin x-(ax^3+bx)}{x^3}=1$$ I immediately have thought of the Hopital theorem. We have: $$\lim_{x \to 0}\frac{\sin x-(ax^3+bx)}{x^3}=\lim_{x \to 0}\frac{\cos x-3ax^2-b}{3x^2}=\lim_{x \to 0}\frac{1-b}{3x^2}\...

Q: Word for the collectively leadership and important roles in a society

Rewan DemontayI am seeking a term for what can collectively be referred to as "the leader and/or the most important and powerful roles" in the hierarchy of a society. I have an example from the YA series Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter. Warriors are the generic members of society. Meanwhile Leader, Deputy, and Me...

Q: Proving the Replica Trick works

Felix B.The replica trick attempts to calculate the expectation of the logarithm $X=\log(Z)$ of a random variable $Z$. The wikipedia article describes the logarithm as the limit $$ \log(Z) = \lim_{n\to 0}\frac{Z^n -1}{n}, \quad\text{or}\quad \log(Z) = \lim_{n\to 0} \frac{\partial Z^n}{\partial n} $$ But ...

Q: How to write time signatures in emails and texts

RichardTime Signatures I was always taught that a time signature should be written as a fraction without a line However, this is a bind, or even impossible, in emails, Word and texts, etc. So, I am wondering what the acceptable form is now, when using such a medium to give a time signature? Examples: ...

Q: Asymptotic efficiency of IQR

zantooxI was wondering about the asymptotic efficiency of the Interquartile Range (IQR) in the Gaussian case. I have calculated it empirically using a Monte Carlo estimator, and it appears to be equal to that of the Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) (36.75%). However, I have not found any literature on th...

Q: Discovery of Evidence - Context, Significance and Meaning?

abelenky(In US criminal proceedings) The Prosecution must provide all evidence against the Defendant to the Defense before the trial begins in the "Discovery process". Is the Prosecution also required to explain the evidence and describe how they intend to use it? For example, could they provide a big li...

Q: Does being under water affect Invisibility?

BucketThis came up with our game last night, with the players suggesting it would be easier to see a creature invisible under water, and I suggested that an aquatic caster might, know a version of the spell that is 'better' under water than the default. So does casting invisibility under water effect i...

Q: Superscript horizontal alignment on flipped integral symbol

MonoidoidI'm trying to define a command in latex that gives me a flipped integral symbol as I haven't been able to find it in any existing package. So far this is my attempt: \newcommand{\cocoendtni}{\operatorname{\vphantom{\sum}\mathchoice {\reflectbox{$\displaystyle \int$}} {\reflectbox{$\int$}}...

Q: Does one need to buy tickets in advance for Deutsche Bahn train?

TriceratopsI want to take a train of the Deutsche Bahn from Cologne to Frankfurt. Do I need to book and order a ticket in advance (e.g. from their website: https://www.bahn.com/en/ ), or can I buy it at the train station when I arrive there?

Q: XOR for more TRNG data?

KL391If I have TRNG data as input (A1,A2,B1,B2,C1,C2) - can I xor it to provide more TRNG data A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H ? A1 = TRNG1 A2 = TRNG2 B1 = TRNG3 B2 = TRNG4 C1 = TRNG5 C2 = TRNG6 A = A1 ⊕ A2 B = B1 ⊕ B2 C = C1 ⊕ C2 D = A2 ⊕ B1 E = B2 ⊕ C1 F = A1 ⊕ B2 G = A2 ⊕ C1 H = B1 ⊕ C2

Q: Can I add a second occupant to a hotel room at check-in?

devrobfI have a business trip to London, and have booked my hotel through my employer. It's a large multinational so it has its own internal system for booking, meaning that I don't have full control over the booking process (such as, the number of occupants). However, it's a large double room, so I s...

Q: What are Astral Diamonds made of?

Richard WintersIn any edition of Dungeons and Dragons, or in any related fiction in any campaign setting, is there official word for what Astral Diamonds actually are? Lacking that, any hints or clues in any published work? Presumably they are diamonds from the astral plane, but given that the astral plane is...

Q: Proof of □P ⊢ □¬¬P in modal logic system K

l0ner9I need to prove the aforementioned formula in modal logic system K, which I am having trouble to do. Of course, this should be easy to prove if I had access to axiom T, but since it's system K, we can use axioms of necessity and K, the axiom of distribution. I'd be thankful if someone provided he...

Q: Why isn't frame of reference called reference point?

FMBA frame of reference is the perspective you have on a happenstance. But isn't it a viewpoint or point of view? As in, a literal point, from which something is observed? If so, why is it called a frame and not a point? Does frame of reference literally crops a section of existence as the perspecti...

Q: Pursuing a Masters from a low ranking university? Will it reduce Phd opportunities

engrI got BS Electronics Engineering degree from a Leading Government Engineering University of Pakistan almost 10 years ago. Now I am 33 and I am considering to pursue masters in Bio medical Engineering from a low ranking private university (despite the fact that it is private and low ranking, it i...

Q: Use of the pronoun "einer" in the Genitive

Dr.DoomSo I've written another sentence and would appreciate if someone helped me make sense of the pronoun "einer" and its inflection. Das Konzert fand während einer der heißesten Wochen des Jahres statt, aber da wir an dem See waren, war es okay. Am I correct in my understanding that there has to be...

Q: How to consolidate John the Baptist and Jesus?

VNPython(Jesus): What did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet. This is the one about whom it is written, ‘Look, I am sending my messenger (Elijah) ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you.’ Luke 7:26‭-‬27 NET (John the Baptist): So they asked him, “Then who ar...

Q: Why didn't Gandalf identify the troll's swords?

Michael FosterElrond identified the swords by their runes in The Hobbit: Elrond knew all about runes of every kind. That day he looked at the swords they had brought from the trolls’ lair, and he said: ‘These are not troll-make. They are old swords, very old swords of the High Elves of the West, my kin. They ...

Q: How do you read "10/10"?

CocobopHow do you read "10/10", as in "10/10, no notes"? it is a score! The "no notes" comes from the acting community, I think: you've done so well, that the director has no notes to give you to improve the scene. Ten ten? Ten slash ten? Ten over ten? I've only seen it written and I have no idea how...

Q: IR LED with transistor

GrammerkingI’m trying to design a IR remote controller. I tried to design IR LED driver. I designed this circuit for IR driver. I used ESP8266 for first test for IR LED. I used though-hole version of MMBT2222A (2N2222A). I tried to design Ic current for one LED approximately 100 mA. And also I chose hfe=40...

Q: Can one pretend to sin in order to save his life?

שלוםIf someone is attempting to coerce a Jew into committing a sin publicly - aside from the three major sins - and his desire is just that he should violate the Torah - not for a personal gain - would he be allowed to pretend to sin?

Q: Favorite Economics Podcast?

PapayapapWhat is your favorite Economics podcasts? More on the research side please. Since I have too few words, here are mine: https://www.aeaweb.org/research/podcasts I used to like EconTalk, but it's not really about Econ anymore.

Q: What does it mean to have two colors in the fill section?

OokerWhat does this fill color mean? How did it come up? What is the use of it? There is no explanation in both The Fill and Stroke Dialog — Inkscape Beginners' Guide 1.0 documentation and Inkscape tutorial: Basic | Inkscape.

Q: Martin's magic teapot

Dmitry KamenetskyMartin really likes tea. In fact he likes it so much that he made his own magic teapot. The first time he pours from it he gets black tea, the second time he pours milk, and finally he pours tea with milk. Upon closer inspection the teapot has no buttons or electronics, so how does it work?

Q: Is it possible to design an antenna with constant antenna aperture (that doesn't vary with frequency)?

ChristianAs per the title, I'm interested to know if it's possible, either theoretically or practically, to have an antenna design which has a constant effective aperture (antenna aperture - these are the same thing right?) over some (non-infinitesimal) frequency range. If so, what are the conditions requ...

Q: On summability of functions in weighted Lebesgue spaces

Ramponio VerniaI consider a (continuous) function $V \colon \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}$ such that $V \geq 1$ and $\lim_{|x|\to +\infty} V(x)=+\infty$. Let $u$ be a measurable function on $\mathbb{R}^n$ such that $$\int V(x) |u(x)|^2 \, dx < \infty.$$ Let now $p>2$ be a real number. Under what (general) assumpt...

Q: What telescope is Polish astronomer Kazimierz Kordylewski holding in this April 1964 photo at the Jagiellonian University Observatory in Krakow?

uhohThe following questions touch on Kordylewski clouds Can dark matter accumulate at Lagrange points? Are dust-dust collisions necessary to explain Kordylewski clouds at Earth-Moon L4/5? Aren't the cross-sections, number density timescales too small? The Wikipedia article links to the image below....

Q: Calculus at competitive level or Olympiad level

πααρτθ ΣαρθιWhat are the topics of Calculus which can be useful for competitive level and the students are not exposed to it ?

Q: Get default field values on pre-existing elements

Eric Andersonrelated to How can I populate a dropdown via table field type using the default values? I created a table to be used for ordering a display via the order of the table, with a bunch of default values in place. When I apply the table to already existing categories, none of the default values displa...

Q: Buffer accuracy in virtual layer differs from accuracy in PostGIS view

Michele CordiniI used virtual layer query to create a buffer for a point as this allowed me to transform its SRID using the PostGIS function ST_Transform, which is not possible with the ready-to-use Buffer algorithm of QGIS. The query is: SELECT st_buffer(st_transform(st.geometry,3003),75) as geometry, s...

Q: The code calculates correctly a math sequence that converges. Is there a problem with the readability, style or the structure?

J123Thanks for taking the time to read this. I could use a few pointers. I have written much better code but wrote this as a quick test. There is obviously a major issue/s somewhere except for the functionality as the was dismissed immediately. There is another question on same code but a differen...

Q: Is there a coding library that exists to determine prepositions of place for a given word?

daveslabI'm writing a program that will do some language processing in French, spitting out sentences composed from various data points. For example, "Jean t'a appelé hier à 15h12", because in the database there is a record for an inbound phone call yesterday at 3:12PM from one of your contacts, Jean, ju...

Q: How does "thou" equal "oneg"?

KevinWhile doing a crossword today, I came across the clue "Thou". The correct answer ended up being "oneg". I can't make heads or tails of this, no matter how I parse it. How does "thou" relate to "oneg"? Things I considered/tried: oneg - whole word. Googled this and only came up with a Jewish wo...

Q: To what extent does Indiana Jones need glasses?

Jack B NimbleHenry 'Indiana' Jones Jr. sometimes needs to wear glasses but most of the time doesn't seem to need them. Are they prescription? Are they needed for reading (inconsistently)? Is he trying to look smarter than he is? In Raiders of the Lost Ark he seems to wear them while at the university but not ...

Q: Linear regression when observations may not be independent

FredMasterI conducted an experiments where each participants played 5 rounds. For each round and for each participant I collected information regarding the dependent variable $y$ and the independent variables $X$. Using linear regression to understand how $X$ drives $y$ I was wondering if any of the two be...

Q: Is a Flow formula comparing strings for capitalization changes possible?

sreeserI have a flow automation that is triggered based on text changes in a few different fields. In cases of an update, we have some scenarios where users will change values in capitalization alone, from "smith" to "Smith". I had (incorrectly) thought that using "Is Changed" would recognize this type ...

Q: Is there a good reason for the IRS to seize ATF 4473 Forms?

SCDI recently had someone angrily bring up on Facebook the IRS raid of Highwood Creek Outfitters on June 14th, 2023 where they apparently seized several years of ATF 4473 forms, forms used to document gun ownership transfer. I'm having difficulty finding many unbiased records of the situation, since...

Q: How do you write the Hadamard operator on two qubits in braket notation?

Aislin_367I understand how to write the Hadamard operator on one qubit in braket notation using $$\newcommand\bra[1]{\left\langle#1\right|}\newcommand\ket[1]{\left|#1\right\rangle} H=\sum_{i,j} \bra{w_{j}}H\ket{v_{i}} \ket{w_{j}} \bra{v_{i}}$$ where $$H_{ij}= \sum_{i,j} \bra{w_{j}}H\ket{v_{i}} $$ From my u...

Q: Identify vehicle from tail light

Harry CovertCan you tell me the make/model/year of the vehicle with this tail light?

Q: How would you attack this problem?

ArsenI have come up with a problem in a previous exam in one of the courses I had back in university but can't out how to solve it. It goes like this: Determine real numbers a and b so that the integral.. $$\int_0^1 \left[\left(\frac{1}{1+x^2}\right) - (ax + b)\right]^2 dx$$ is as small as possible. I...

Q: Short story involving a future in which janitors run the world

webrangerlI have been searching for a short story that I believe was from a paperback collection/anthology I read in the 60's-70's about a time traveler on his first trip, going forward to a futuristic city. The city is highly automated. He wanders around but the first person he talks to that seems to have...

Q: Finding input for bitwise operation with known result.

samsepiolConsidering the following situation. x ^ (((x << 0xf) & 0xffffffff) & 0xefc60000) = y If result y is known, is it be posible to find the unknown value of x ? If so, how can it be done? All I know that value x =< 0xffffffff

Q: How to route an IP address?

HSHATAI am trying to route an IP address (camera sensor) to an edge server through a 5G network. The camera sensor is connected to a 5G Modem. The camera IP address is, the 5G link IP address is, and the edge sever IP address is I am using Linux machines on all equipmen...

Q: Is it too much to create a book cover for a potential book for an interview?

ElleZiI have a TT assistant professor interview coming up. I am proposing a monograph and wanted to include a visual to go with it. Is it too much to include a fake book cover to show interest/determination? Or do you think it would look good?

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