The following evaluates to $\approx 149.162$ in 13.2 Mathematica. I can't figure out how this value is obtained, every other method returns Indeterminate or stays unevaluated.
I want to try using DMol3 software for my research studies of doing optimisations and DFT calculations. Anyways I was unable to find a download link. Is it available for free? if so can anyone please help me with this?
I want to understand order relations using their underlying implication mechanics and what this means for certain results, specifically looking at preference relations.
Using the logical rules of implication Is the following correct:
$x \ge y \implies x > y \lor x = y$?
Or should this be:
$x \...
What character am I? What am I from?
The clues:
Graduation hat
a movie Script
a puppetMaster
an Office
a Turtle
a Car
a Dent
a Flame
a Field
a Mobile phone
a Man
a Ball
a Line
a Phone
a Board
Linked: How are we related?
A magic portal between our world and another earthlike one opens near a large city of a first-world country in the present day. Governments on both sides learn about it and take control within days.
The aliens on the other planet are at a similar tech level to us (including weaponry!) with relati...
I have a question regarding the Hilbert space $l_2(\mathbb{N,C})$ of all complex valued quadratically summable sequences.
Suppose we have a complex valued sequence $(b_n)_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$ and suppose that for all $(a_n)_{n\in\mathbb{N}}\in l_2(\mathbb{N,C})$ the series $\sum_{n\in\mathbb{N}}a_n\...
We had runners on 1st and 3rd with 1 out. While stealing second, the ball was lined to 2b. The second baseman did not touch the runner who is now standing on second. They slowly walk over to tag the runner. The runner on third was tagged up and decided to take home. He scored before the out ...
My work has an isolated network that developers write applications to run inside of. These developers often write Python code. This Python code often requires modules from the Python Package Index (PyPi) to be downloaded using something like pip. In order to allow these developers to run their so...
Given a book coming to us from ancient Greece/Rome (no reason to necessarily limit just to those two, if there's a wider answer), is there a standard way for me to find out how the text came down to us?
As a motivating example, I was reading about Aristotle's History of Animals, and on its Wikipe...
I noticed that the ID number of my entries has increased to almost 50.000, but I have around 1.000 entries and 2.000 files. I understand that other things like categories also affect that number, but it still seems high.
I looked at the database and found that whenever I add an entry, around 200 ...
am writing the lore for a currently in-development open-world freediving adventure game and am stuck with trying to keep some things scientifically founded.
Overall the game style is closer to realistic than to stylized or cartoony (it's a 2.5D game to make this feasible in a small studio) and th...
Suppose a random vector $(X, Y )$ has joint probability density function $f(x, y)=3y$ on the triangle bounded by the lines $y = 0, y = 1 − x$, and $y =1+ x.$ Compute $E(Y \mid X ≤ 1/2 ).$
I'm confused about how to write the range of integral for obtaining the marginal distribution of $x$. After...
Via stubs are defined as the part of a via that is not used for signal transmission. Via stubs cause all sorts of problems, but I just don't understand why they happen in the first place.
Can't you just not make a via stub and keep only the part of the via used for signal transmission?
I can see ...
Good day.
I'm trying to run a ping6 on IPv6 addresses pulled from /etc/resolv.conf.dnsph. It seems though, as if awk is stringing the IPv6 addresses onto one line.
$ grep ^nameserver /etc/resolv.conf.dnsph |awk '{print $2}'
$ ping6 $(grep ^nameserver...
I'm working with ascelike-new journal template (located here). The editor asked me to remove figures from the submitted pdf. Since the journal uses an online system to compile the uploaded tex files, and I cannot manually delete the pages with the figures. I tried many existing solutions (example...
What is the shortest FIDE classical game a grandmaster lost? It can be either resigning or checkmate. The opponent doesn't necessarily need to be GM. Forfeits don't count. Only serious games count, instead of resigning after one or two moves as a form of protest like [this][1.]
Hey so I don't see this in similar questions, so I'll post it. Basically, I've finally gotten a good job after several years of searching after I graduated uni. I'm making 80k starting and it's bound to go up (I think) since it's in software/engineering. I'm honestly at a bit of a loss as to what...
After looking around in the internet, I could not find a sufficient proof how every operator in QM has to be linear. Many sources claim that the linearity of the Schrödinger equation implies that, however I was not able to find a proof for this. I even asked ChatGTP for help but he only provided ...
I'm looking to book an apartment in Moscow for 2 weeks this summer. What alternatives exist for, which shut down their operations in Russia last year? Ideally it would be a platform that lets me put down a reservation using a Visa/Mastercard but Mir could also work as a worst c...
Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a small category, and $A, B \in \mathcal{C}_0$ objects of $\mathcal{C}$. Suppose that for every $X ∈ \mathcal{C}_0$ we have bijections $f_X : \text{Hom}_{\mathcal{C}}(A, X) \tilde\to \text{Hom}_{\mathcal{C}}(B, X)$ such that postcomposition with every $g : X \to X'$, 'commute...
I asked Bard to "Write Mathematica code for Newton's Method" and it returned
newton[f_, x0_] := Module[{x, i, err},
x = x0;
err = 1;
While[err > 10^-6,
x = x - f[x]/D[f[x], x];
err = Abs[x - x0];
x0 = x;
f[x_] := x^3 - 2
x0 = 1
newton[f, x0]
Although the code does not...
I received a reminder from Service Canada regarding my CPP plans. I need help making sense as to what they wrote. I'm trying to pick the best strategy to maximize total income. These are the details:
If your pension starts before age 65, it will be reduced by 0.6% for each month (or 7.2% per yea...
Let $M$ be a sufficiently nice Lorentzian manifold of dimension $\geq 3$. It's known [1] (see also [2]) that the differential and even conformal structure of $M$ is completely encoded in the causal relation (i.e. the relation on points of $M$, where $p \leq q$ if there is a causal path from $p$ t...
I seem to have defective capacitors on a board and I am looking at buying new one to change them.
The actual capacitors are green. I noticed that the green ones are more expensive than the black ones (same voltage same capacitance) so I was wondering if there was a difference between them.
I'm looking for necessary and sufficient conditions for an abstract simplicial complex so that it has a geometric realization that is homeomorphic to a manifold. I can't seem to find a single reference for this online. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There's a PC claims, "Since I haven't moved in this turn, I ready my 5-foot-step after my full-round attack to move to the left (which is still within the enemy's reach) when the enemy attack or cast a spell on me, so it won't hit me if it is targeting my current block" during a 1-on-1 fight.
I apologise if this was asked before. I couldn't find a suitable question in spite of searching all possible keywords.
I got rejected for an entry-level quantitative analyst position at one of the largest companies in Germany without an interview, even though I fulfilled all requirements. The rej...
What is the equivalent of the term "dramaturge" in (Classical) Latin using the root "δρᾶμα"? Is "scriptor dramaticus" an appropriate option? Smith & Hall provides "fabularum scriptor", but I am specifically looking for a term with the δρᾶμα root.
I am curious that how to deal with the message or randomness overflow in pedersen commitment?
For more details:
For ec pedersen commitment: The two generators are G and H two messages and randomness are $m_1$, $m_2$, $r_1$, $r_2$
so the two Pedersen commitments are $Gm_1+Hr_1$ and $Gm_2+Hr_2$...
My setting I've been working on for the past few years has giant floating creatures (I know, very original) that the local sapients often live on like sky islands, maybe cultivating some kind of airborne algae on them. With a gravity of 1.18g (or as low as ~0.6g if necessary), how dense would the...
I'm having trouble with this problem from my linear algebra course. The problem is:
A new restaurant owner decides to have 20 tables for her guests, a certain number of tables with space for 4 people, some with space for 6 people and also one or more tables with space for 8 guests. In total, the...
Am composing a modern violin-piano duet here, would love the piece to actually be playable for a violinist (am a pianist myself), so would really appreciate your expertise here:
"Can double stopping (on violin) be done on pizzicato, and what are the melodic limits of doing so? By double stopping...
The drop out rates for America and Germany in University are similar at about 30%. I believe a common explanation for both is that there is not enough screening for the people who go into college.
However, googling tells me that Britain is about 5% ish. Why is their dropout rate so low?
In 3+1 dimensions, define the Dirac operator as
$$\tag{1} \not D = \gamma^\mu (\partial_\mu -i A_\mu )$$
where $A_\mu$ is a $U(1)$ gauge field. Define the following inner product between spinor fields:
$$\tag{2} \langle u ,v \rangle = \int \bar{u}v .$$
It's easy to show that $i\not D$ is hermitia...
Consider the following equation for a fixed $\lambda \gt0$: $$x\lambda^3\sqrt{x}\exp\left(-\frac{x^2\lambda^4}{2}\right) = C, \ \ \ C\gt0$$ I think the equation doesn't have a closed form solution. If we consider, $$f(x)= x\lambda^3\sqrt{x}\exp\left(-\frac{x^2\lambda^4}{2}\right)$$ then by taking...
How do I know area of a parallelogram is well defined? That is, how do I know choice of base and relative height does not matter?
My original question had to do with triangles which is more of a headache (three choices of bases and relative heights) but I suppose I should tackle the s...
Let $X$ be a random variable and $Y=f(X)$ where $f$ is a deterministic function. Moreover, assume that there exists a deterministic function $g(.)$ such that the following probability is small.
\mathbb{P}[g(Y)\neq X]\leq\delta.
Assume that $X'$ is another random variable...
I've been trying to find the inverse of the matrix
\begin{pmatrix}1&0&-2&1&0&0\\ 3&1&-2&0&1&0\\ -5&-1&9&0&0&1\end{pmatrix}
using row reduction, but my process seems to be incorrect. Here are the steps I took:
\begin{pmatrix}1&0&-2&1&0&0\\ 3&1&-2&0&1&0\\ -5&-1&9&0&0&1\end{pmatrix} $\underrightarro...
Hello =) I am attempting to reverse engineer a communications protocol to some obsolete equipment. Communication happens on an RS485 line.
I have captured several exchanges and seem to have figured out a bit the structure.
What I am missing at the moment is to see how I would calculate the last 2...
I'm trying to think practically about how a circuit might get implemented on a real world quantum computer and have a specific question about circuit set-up. Imagine my computer is such that I can only probabilistically create entanglement. Thus, rather than trying to perform entanglement steps...
Can someone please help me with an example on how to create a QueueWorker in D9 add items and run it inside hook_ENTITY_TYPE_presave() ? or anywhere in the .module ?. Basically, what I want is to add an item to the queue and run it soon after a node save. The business doesn't want to wait 15 min...
I've heard in a online shiur from Rabbi Daniel Glatstein that the Chafetz Chaim wrote an explanation on the connection between honey and Torah. Why is Torah compared to honey, e.g. sweetness. The Chafetz Chaim seems to explain that if you put bread into honey, it will eventually turn into honey (...
This Wiktionary article mentions that the term for “planet” is 行星 and that it was “[c]oined by Alexander Wylie and Li Shanlan in 1859,” from characters meaning “travel” and “star,” which makes sense as planets are, to the eye, “traveling stars”—their position changes (slowly) from one night to th...
(This is a "hard sci-fi" chemistry question.)
Silicate glass is malleable when hot, stiff at human-compatible temperatures, transparent, and chemically inert. It's cheap and easy to make, perhaps even by lucky accident. As such, it gave humans indoor sunlight, bottles, lenses, chemistry equipment...
The original sentence is:
I think 〜者と裏付け is the abbreviation for 〜者という裏付け. And my question is: should I add a だ behind 〜者, so that the sentence becomes:
I think the modified...
I have certain questions(applicable to Schengen and UK visas), I tried looking for them here but couldn't understand the difference between these terminologies:
How is Visa Withdrawn(after the biometrics) treated, do they consider the withdrawn application for future applications?
Is Visa refusa...
I have used
\hl{\mbox{\sout{This is my text which I want to highlight and strike through. The text does not go to the next line, instead it goes beyond the page.}}}
But the sentence is not broke...
This question is prompted by a question in which "software piracy" and copyright issues come up.
Some suppose that the commandment refers to stealing as defined in UK law, t...
The novel started with a man trying to escape a society where being psychic was illegal. He succeeds and sets up a ranch where he has a lot of children and no blue eyed children can leave. This goes on for generations until one child is born with blue spots in brown eyes whom is allowed to leave ...
If a material is simultaneously doped with acceptor (p-type defect) and also donor (n-type defect), with suitably adjusting the doping level, can the material be controlled as intrinsic type (or μF is located in the middle of bandgap)?
If I control multiple Seedborn Muse, do I untap each permanent I control once or that many times? This makes a difference if a permanent I control has a stun counter on it, because then multiple untaps can have different effects.
I want to know about how variational autoencoders work. I am currently working in a company and we want to incorporate variational autoencoders for creating synthetic data. I have questions regarding this method though, is this the only way to generate synthetic or artificial data? Is there a dif...
Consider the system
which has the unique equilibrium point $(0,0)$. I want to find the invariant manifolds for this system. The Jacobian at the origin is
which has eigenvalues $\lambda_1=1$ a...
We are programmatically removing items using item.Delete() in C#. Deleted items that were linked to other items are appearing as broken link
When manually deleting in Sitecore we get options like below img
But when removed from code it not removing links.How to remove links programmatically bef...
I have a polygon shp with agricultural fields and a point shp representing GPS locations. I would like to create separate point layers for each field the features intersect. Below is a screenshot of my data.
A selection the code would need to make and then extract looks roughly like this:
I tho...
There is a common saying, "Christ is risen. He is risen indeed." What is the bible meaning? And what does this mean from the perspective of a person who is alive on this earth today? How can this help the person?
I've often heard this means a person who is dead (spiritually) can be risen agai...
As an exercise with IIR allpass filters, I am trying to compensate the phase of a lowpass Linkwitz-Riley filter using the Matlab integrated function iirgrpdelay.
The code I am using is the following:
close all;
fs = 48000;
NFFT_half = 4097;
% Design Linkwitz-Riley 24
fcut = 300;
I've seen some discourse online that best practice is to design the 'focused' and 'hover' states of buttons differently.
I was wondering if there is any practical reason or accessibility requirements to have the the 'focused' state visible at the same time as the 'hover' state (e.g. if a user use...
The ring of representations of the symmetric group is isomorphic to the ring of symmetric functions. The Schur-Weyl duality relates the irreducible representations of the symmetric group and that of the general linear group. Using the Schur-Weyl duality, is there way to find the ring of represent...
In the following sentence:
Old Connections, a telecommunications museum in Seattle, with a working exchange from the 1940s, shows/showed how telephones brought us together, but also tore us apart.
I feel both shows and showed can be used here. But my teacher told me the standard answer was sho...
I am trying to draw the following six hemispheres next to each other with their centers aligned on a horizontal line. I am using Alenanno's answer to the question.
I have done this just for the hemisphere with z > 0 using the following code taken from the question.
New Jersey v. Andrews is relatively new case law. Has it ever been successfully challenged at the district court level?
I'm aware of several cases where the state has seized a citizen's smartphone with a search warrant; then, citing State v. Andrews, has compelled said citizen to reveal their pho...
This is history question, but one with clear answer.
I would like to know when(txid) was first transaction with fees ? From my understanding in beginning there was more space than transaction so there where no fees.
Additional, if anybody knows, block when at least 50% of transactions had fees ? ...
My window well has been filling with water - the base takes about 15 mins to fill before I have to empty with the manual pump - not very efficient especially at 3am. I’m in CO and we have had days of nonstop rain.
The top of the well slopes out and I have 2 tarps over the well. But the water stil...
I have the give wave-train:
and I extract the given set of points:
points = {{496.04173755848626`,
257.544927690344`}, {487.67960442364995`,
290.993460229689`}, {474.30019140791205`,
319.42471288813226`}, {465.93805827307574`,
381.3044980859205`}, {454.23107188430504`,
Once upon a time, in a remote and small village situated far away from the hustle and bustle of the cities, lived an old farmer who had a farm. During his teenage, he found love and tied the knot with a woman from India and decided to stay back in her country. Together, they lived a contented and...
The eyelets at the lower end of my frame's seatstays are not aligned with the dropouts (to allow attachment of a vertical rack strut). The misalignment is around 13°.
Two questions:
What options do I have for mounting a rack on them?
Is this in any way "normal" for rack eyelets?
I believe the o...
Given a specific density matrix $\rho$ that corresponds to an entangled quantum state, I would like to find a class of operators (that might be $\rho$ dependent) that tranform (with high probability) $\rho$ into other (possibly close) quantum states that have the same (or similar) entanglement. H...
I want to add length constraints to my line feature column 'type' depending on the field value, to make it impossible to create a new line longer than x m.
Below is a screenshot of the categorised 'type' values with the corresponding length constraints I would like to add.
Is this possible?
I do...
I am writing a final year project report and I would like to acknowledge a friend who is a doctoral student.
Is it appropriate to write
Special recognition is due to Dr. Jane Doe for her support..."
I don't know whether she will present her dessertation before I submit my report but given the c...
When watching Starlink launches I noticed the MECO/stage separation usually occurs at about 2m30s with the speed of about 8000 km/h and altitude about 65 km. After the separation the first stage with its engines shut reaches apogee of altitude at about 130 km just with its inertia while still hav...
In one of my Asset collections, I assigned Manager access level for one user group.
However, when I am trying to access this collection using one of the the user that belongs to the user group, it is showing me the option of "share collection link". When I click on this, I am getting an error "Yo...
Scenario: I am a first time DM, playing with two of my best friends, who are first time players. One of them plays a Dwarf Cleric, the other one a Woodelf Fighter. We played "Dragons of Stormwreck Isle" and have transitioned into "Curse of Strahd".
The cleric player enjoys the combat since they c...
I have the following box plots, which compares the time diffs. The data is collected from two different devices, which measure accelerometer data. I have done this analysis to compare the sampling frequencies.
The code is given here:
#calculate time delta and do a box plot
# array values multip...
Sentinel-2C, the third Sentinel-2 satellite of the Copernicus program, is planned to be launched in 2024.
Currently, the Copernicus SENTINEL-2 mission "comprises a constellation of two polar-orbiting satellites placed in the same sun-synchronous orbit, phased at 180° to each other".
Whilst this p...
I read a book where a woman wakes up on the side of the highway remembering she’d been captured by zombies(?) who took strips of flesh off her back. Someone saved her then left her on the road. She remembers there was a little girl with her and searched for her.
I remember another scene where she...
I don't get the chance to speak in English often.
I've been told in doesn't need to be in this sentence, but does its inclusion make the sentence grammatically incorrect?
Suppose I have got a unitary matrix and I want to introduce random noise to simulate data corruption. How to introduce the noise in a proper way such that the corrupted matrix is also unitary?
Suppose a postdoc spent 3 years going through a heavy divorce but was still working full time. But it meant he didn't focus on good career development. Can and should he include this in his CV when applying for assistant professorship jobs?
Sometimes in applications they ask "include details of c...
I will soon have a self-transfer at AMS, arriving from LHR on British Airways and continuing to TPE on EVA Air, both non-Schengen. I have two separate tickets.
I was initially planning to take cabin luggage only so that I can easily remain airside and walk to the next gate, but I am now thinking ...
I have received a weird message from Windows (see picture). I would like to know what this exactly means.
I have only used the Edge browser (if it even has to do with it) maybe twice. Also sometimes if I search in the search bar I might by accident opened Edge with the search.
Almost everyday I c...
Still getting to grips with writing add-ons. Can I add a custom menu for my own add-ons that are available on specific modes (say Modeling, UV editing and Rendering) that appear in a separate menu (say "myAddons") instead of relying on the Object menu alone?
Does that make sense?
I write my documents using Overleaf. Now I want to switch to VS code.
My document contains many tables (longtable) with a large number of references. Furthermore the document contains a glossary, many *.svg files. In Overleaf this document is compiled without errors with lualatex.
Overleaf is usi...
The top picture is from Buccaneer and rest are from F4 FGR2. There's not any sealing mechanism between the joints, so these can’t be fuel or hydraulic related. They might have something to do with the blown air slaps/flaps systems, I'm not sure.
Typical 4-br type 80s-ish build suburban house in the south: downstairs ac is super-powerful; upstairs ac is fair. Hard/impossible to keep the upstairs below about 75 say in summer.
The problem is the attic gets INCREDIBLY hot.
I installed a which was a huge h...
Suppose we have a function $f_0:{\mathbb R}^3\rightarrow {\mathbb R}_+$ that satisfies the following property
&\mathbf{v}_1^2 + \mathbf{v}_2^2 = \mathbf{v}_1'^2 + \mathbf{v}_2'^2\newline
&\mathbf{v}_1 + \mathbf{v}_2 = \mathbf{v}_1' + \mathbf{v}_2'
\quad ...
I'm specifically wondering this in the context of ossobuco, but this probably goes for a range of stew recipes. Every ossobuco recipe I've come across tells you to dredge the meat in a (light) coating of flour before browning and subsequently stewing it. Now, I get that the flour has a role to pl...
If one is interested in the 'hosting is distribution' aspect of the license, but you don't want the anti-Tivoization, what are the alternatives to the GNU Affero General Public License?
The original Affero General Public License version 1 is still around. It's incompatible with GNU GPL licenses. ...
A list of my thoughts/assumptions
we have a good understanding of how stars live and die, so a "healthy" star (I assume you would only build a Dyson sphere around a star that's going to last a long time) gradually fading to nothing (as the sphere was built) would be strange
it would be unlikely ...
Is it true that Brian Kernighan while developing rm accidentally tested the project so that it removed itself? I heard the story from somenbody but could not verify that it is true.
Let's say I have the following table,
b=Flatten[Table[{i, j}, {i, 1, 2.25, 1.25}, {j, y - 5, y - 8, -3}], 1]
then c is equal to,
c = b - ConstantArray[{0, 8}, 4]
and the out put is
{{1., 27}, {1., 24}, {2.25, 27}, {2.25, 24}}
y is 27 and 24 which is fine
d equal to
d = c - ConstantArray[...
My project has just over 100 layers, necessary for background reference info and all turned off until I need them. The overall task is to create a polygon layer that draws together information from multiple sources, adds professional assessments/scores and corrects for errors in the base data (ev...
I'm doing simulation with Quantum ESPRESSO, and it's my first time to run it on a server using ssh. I ran some calculations yesterday then I logout using the command exit, when I checked the calculations today I noticed that file.out is stuck in the same line sense the morning, so I assumed that ...
I'm not sure how to 'responsibly' balance my model to account for this. I could predict a probability and give that to the business ('predict_proba' in SKlearn) but experience in the past has thought me that I should be the one (they put it on 0.9 because they felt more safe that way).
I'm consid...
This question is related to this question, but a different case is considered.
Consider you have a blue text with a figure* and a figure, followed by a red text with another figure*.
Because Latex puts the figures too far in the document and even puts the third figure on a separate page, you plac...
I have been reading a paper about accumulators (title of the paper: "Universal Accumulators with Efficient Nonmembership Proofs"). It mentions "auxiliary information" about a function, which I couldn't quite understand. Can anyone explain the term in this context?
I was requested to draw the graph of a finite state machine whose language is exactly
$$L = \{ w \in \{0, 1\}: w \text{ has $2k$ ones and $3q$ zeros }\}$$
In other words, there must be an even number of ones and the number of zeros must be a multiple of $3$.
I have failed in my attempts to draw t...
This was evidently a question in a recent Calculus 1 exam paper.
$$ \int_{0}^{0.5} \frac{(16x^2-8x+1)\exp(\cos(\pi x)}{\exp(\cos(\pi x)+ \exp(\sin(\pi x)}dx $$
I have several attempt to find an analytical expression for the anti-derivative if the integrand but fail on every occasion. My only reso...
Huh. I am just confused...
If I type in this:
echo "Hello, World!"
I don't know the name of it but it prompts me for the next line. You know the PS2 thing... Or if you type echo \ and press Enter. Basically the next line thing.
I mean I know that ! is a Special Variable that you can use to...
I'm using Scalable capital to invest in ETFs, without previous experience in the financial markets.
About half a year ago, I started putting a little bit of money in what is probably an obscure ETF, Amundi MSCI Eastern Europe ex Russia UCITS ETF EUR (C). It has a high nominal value, so I now own ...
Director Oliver Stone and Prof. Joshua Goldstein have created a film named "Nuclear Now", arguing in favor of installing more (modern) nuclear power plants to combat climate change and generally. In this interview on the Hill's 'Rising TV', Prof. Goldstein makes the following claim around 19:10 :...
We are asking ourselves if complements of proper classes could be sets in ZFC. We are discussing about the validity of the following argument:
Let A be the class {$x\mid \varnothing \in x$} and let R be the Russell class {$x\mid x \notin x$}. Since R belong to A then A must be a proper class.
Tyre pressure is to be adjusted when the tyres are cold; as per my car's manual. But how can I be sure that they are cold? The nearest gas station to me is 5 km (3 miles) away.
I bought a used light fixture. It has three black wires, three white wires, and a ground wire.
The electrical wires coming from my wall only have one white wire and one black wire. How do I safely connect the new light fixture wiring to the wall wiring?