I would like to list all the feature classes of my SDE database, except those who starts with the letter M.
Any ideas please ?
import arcpy
fcs = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()
for fc in fcs
print (fc)
I was looking to add this premise of a weapon for a character I'm writing. I remembered this style existed in Breath of the Wild as an Eightfold Blade. While it does have a hilt, it is only a very small circular guard with no ricasso. The main thing that I'm focusing on is the name of swords that...
So I‘m in my third semester studying Computer Science at a German university, so I‘ve only scratched the surface of Theoretical Computer Science, namely Logic, Formal Languages, Automata Theory, Computability and Complexity.
I know some people doing physics and engineering, and I always get this ...
According to Hegel, he claims that both contradictory concepts are eventiually found to be included in the upper one. I don't really know what this means, it sounds like a ridiculous joke.
The documentation for Raku's is-prime function says the following:
Returns True if this Int is known to be a prime, or is likely to be a
prime based on a probabilistic Miller-Rabin test.
Returns False if this Int is known not to be a prime.
I do a lot of code golfing in Raku, and it's very conv...
Below I generate a list of numbers between 1 and 15. I then set the value at position 10 to Nothing and as expected the value at position 10 is changed. This is as expected.
In[1]:= b = Range[15]
b[[10]] = Nothing;
Out[1]= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}
I am analyzing an open-source BMS project based on a BQ76920 from Texas Instruments and checking its datasheet to understand their features and applications.
The schematic of the project seems to be consistent with the datasheet but my question is:
Could I use it for only 3 cells in series instea...
Some house context: apx. 1300sq.ft. built in 1960, block basement foundation and stick frame, asphalt roof in a relatively rural setting with high winds in plant hardiness zone 6. We usually cool by opening screened windows & doors and running box fans in them once daytime temps cool off, then tr...
The ‘skeleton’ of the game works, making it playable, so I’m mainly just looking for renditions and feedback on both the code, and the actual game.
Here’s the things I’m already working to fix/add:
Add color to text
Add startup menu
Find a way to put names in commander fights OR alternatively ha...
Consider this data. I would like to plot it via it Fourier discrete sine transform. However, I am getting a slight offset, as seen here
pdat = ListPlot[data];
ur = FourierDST[data];
n = Length[ur];
pdatFour = Plot[Sqrt[2/(n + 1)] Sum[ur[[r]] Sin[Pi/(n + 1) r s], {r, 1, n}], {s, 0, n}];
Workshop link: https://github.com/bitcoinops/taproot-workshop/
In the section 0.2.4 Programming Exercise: Distributivity of scalar operations we implement the following code:
a_key = ECKey().set(a)
b = random.randrange(1, SECP256K1_ORDER)
b_key = ECKey().set(b)
c = random.randrange(1, SECP256K...
Problem is "Constructing a DFA accepting set of all strings whose 10th symbol from the right end is $1$ over $\{0,1\}$"
The NFA is easy
but DFA has to have minimum $2^{10}$ states.
I've tried to see the pattern by constructing 2nd and 3rd symbol from the right.
I mean, when it...
In many academic papers algorithms are described. They seem to use similar "syntax".
Is there a standard for this language? If I want to describe an algorithm, would I improvise my description?
For example, note that papers in general use
a <-- b
to assign a, not a = b. But where is that standard?
Empirically, these $2$ sums are supposed to be equal:
$$\sum_{k=0}^n \sum_{j=0}^k a_j b_{k-j} = \sum_{k=0}^n a_k \sum_{j=0}^{n-k} b_j$$
I failed to prove it with a "change of index" and now I am thinking the only possible way to solve this is to use $\sum _{i+j \leq n}$ which has always been a...
What does -UUU:----F1 exactly mean in a terminal Emacs mode-line?
I have heard, that U means somethings like UTF-16, but why are there three U's? What is F1 for? Why are there -?
In academic journals, sometimes the new approach they describe seems so promising that companies may want to use those designs or designs made/inspired from the principles mentioned in the publication. When an invention is publicly displayed, it loses its novelty and hence cannot be considered as...
I feel like it is normal to get some rust, especially over the winter season, where it is wetter and I have been using my vehicle less. Can you tell if they need replacement from the picture? Car is 5 years old and has less than 20k kms.
From chapter 10 of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee:
Mr. Tate jumped off the porch and ran to the Radley Place. He stopped in front of the dog, squatted, turned around and tapped his finger on his forehead above his left eye. “You were a little to the right, Mr. Finch,” he called. “Always was...
Is it possible to adapt this into update query which has to seek a free sequence of 3 bytes or (0x000000) and replace it with a new sequence if the data is split like this every 3 bytes? The issue is that cast/replace wont work with undefined data which is 0x00.
The varbinary data is divided ever...
Like I said in the title, I'm looking for an adjective, preferably a kind of ''fancy'' one that I can use to describe a character who has frequent changes of mood, often in a very sudden or extreme way. It also causes problems for people around her.
It's not fickle, by the way, which describes a ...
I have a set of data (called MyList), and I need to extract every value that appears after a certain marker (in this case 1000000000). Unfortunately the number of values in between the markers are not known in advance, which means that Partition can't be used. I can't extract each value manually ...
I was given this circuit in a circuit analysis course and found out using KCL/KVL that all the currents in blue are zero and Ix = -2A. I understand that the current source is connected with both terminals to the same node, so the 2 amperes is coming in and out of the A node.
I know that in a tes...
Not me, but a friend.
They found some paycheck inconsistencies for them and a bunch of other employees, and asked about it. The response from management was "oh, oops. We'll fix it"
A few days later she came in to fill a shift for someone, but was blocked from coming in and told she was fired. ...
The description for the item says that you activate the item by removing the stopper, where it pours out a 60 foot radius cloud. This cloud expands until it reaches a maximum radius of 120 feet, and the cloud persists until the bottle is closed. The bottle can only be closed if you speak it's com...
I'm trying to switch medium power 110V AC loads (10-20A) and I'd like to use an automotive rated relay. Naturally most of these are rated for DC loads.
Would it be ok to use a relay like this to switch a 110V AC load? My understanding is that typically there could be issues the other way round (A...
I want to replace this HVAC transformer but I don't know any of the specifications or ratings for the existing one. This is hooked up to the heater in my garage/shop and the heater fails to kick on occasionally.
I found this question: Are HVAC Transformers Interchangable (if their power ratings m...
This morning, I took flight VS156 from LAS to LHR, aboard a 787, tail number G-VSPY according to flightradar24. The pilot made a strange announcement before takeoff - specifically, that due to a recent maintenance procedure, the pilots would not be able to raise the gear for the first 10 minutes ...
1st time DM here. My level 3 party (DnD 5e) used the immovable rod and some rope to escape through the window of a collapsing tower in the latest session. This left the immovable rod out of range of the Sorcerer's mage hand.
The wizard wished to use his spider familiar (re-skinned as a large ant ...
How to test whether an expression contains a particular pattern ?
I made a function for myself that tests whether an expression contains Plus or not.
f[X_] := (FirstCase[{X}, HoldPattern@Plus[__], False, Infinity] =!= False)
It worked correctly for ...
I read many times articles talking about possible job losses caused by technological changes referring to Creative destruction as a hint that eventually as many jobs will be created thereafter. Often to strengthen the concept the writer adds the example of Britain were the Luddites fears were dis...
I have always heard that mutual intelligibility between the Sinitic languages of China is low. However, I am confused by the sociolinguistics of Hong Kong cinema in 1980s and 1990s. Films from that period often contain extensive dialogue in pure Mandarian (as when a character is from the mainland...
I can't figure out why I can't make the title row in this tabularray environment to be small caps (seems to happen as soon as I add the row{2} = {font = \bfseries, cmd = \textrm},, but I can't override it by adding row{1} = {cmd = \textsc},.
I just KNOW I am doing something stupid...especially be...
Home hobbyist here. I've been doing a lot of theoretical resistor, voltage divider, Ohm's law, and Kirchhoff law type problems just for practice, and ran across this older video on YouTube, which presented this problem:
I didn't have a problem solving it, but it got me to thinking: Is it possibl...
Context. I worked on an intermediate-value-theorem problem that asked whether $f(x) = x^{10} - 10x^2 + 5$ had a root in $(0, 2)$. I solved the problem by computing $f(0)$ and $f(2)$, both of which are positive, making me try again. However, I (incorrectly) thought to myself --- that's a parabo...
Does Acts 21:20–26 tell us that it is OK for a Christian Jew to continue to observe Jewish rituals?
Paul's letter to the Galatians tells us that Gentile Christians do not need to keep the Law of Moses and the Jewish rituals. Even that no one can be saved by keeping the Law of Moses, an impossibl...
Pretty straightforward question, really: what are the topical constraints of cross examination with reference to examination?
Suppose party A calls witness W to the stand to ask them questions about the alleged motive and means for the crime.
Party B now cross examines W but would like to use the...
I am working on using the Hadamard transform as a way to map randomly generated values and then apply statistical tests as defined by Nist or other institutions. One resource online I found particularly helpful, yet I do not seem to have the mathematical intuition to understand some parts. The py...
A fun result of Conway shows that the length of terms in the Look-and-say sequence approach a constant ratio which is the root of a certain degree 71 polynomial, which can be found at that link.
What is the Galois group generated by the roots of this polynomial? One would expect it is $S_{71}$; i...
I am sorry for my naive question but the more I get acquaint with LaTeX packages, the more I wonder who are those people behind the packages. Some of them are very complex, with exhaustive 1000-pages manuals, which I suppose to be a huge effort to pull it off... Do they earn money to create such ...
I'm looking for a short word that means "not mindless". An example usage might be:
There is evidence that any _____ creature has the ability to count
small values.
(Thinking of studies such as bees being able to count and do simple math.)
The problem I'm running into is that most lists of anton...
I don't speak or read Russian myself, but I'm trying to find some genuine and natural-sounding Russian equivalents of a couple of English phrases.
The first is "keep your shirt on," a colloquial and slightly irritable way of telling someone "calm down" or "don't worry". I found a phrase on a coup...
Suppose I would like to compute (time ordered) vacuum expectation values for a quantum field theory by using the path integral approach. Using the Lagrangian for the theory, we define a generating functional $Z[f]$ where $f$ is the source term. The vacuum expectation values are obtained by taking...
My client seemed happy with my final design for a set of labels for supplements.
Honestly I felt a little rushed at the end of the final edits.
We were trying to figure out how to portray the flavors for the products in the labels and it seemed that we had found a solution.
I sent all the final a...
I am confusing about the relationship between z-score and the normal distribution.
Do we apply z-score normalization to get a data with normal distribution, or given we have a normal distribution, we can apply and use z-score?
What is the exact relationship?
I made a geometry node where objects are placed on a curve at random distances.
I also used a realize instance at the end.
But the error "can't apply constructive modifiers on curve. Convert curve to mesh is order to apply" came up.
How can I fix it?
In this following context, how should I know the phrase 'play of blind chance'?
What does the word 'play of' mean?
Does it mean 'creating of'?
P.S. shows that the sum of mental and physical phenomena known by the
conventional name “person” or “individual” is not at all the mere play
of ...
For example, these multi-word expressions or lexical units can be listed in their very basic forms on thefreedictionary.com:
leave one's mark
leave mark on
develop from
develop from someone
fight shy of
fight shy of something
be fighting shy of doing something
be out of one's shell
I am trying to add some code to my document, but whenever there is a space inside a string in the code, it shows up with a bucket(?) thing. I have provided the code and the output below:
A space should be added automatically between Chinese and English characters, like the picture below which is compiled using overleaf in web browser
But the same .tex file is not correctly compiled in vscode, which means there's no space added automatically
Here is my working sample, which incl...
Today, I received the news that my "Payback phase" for my student loan has begun. I was afraid this day would come soon, but it came quicker than I anticipated. However, I got the news that I don't have to pay back yet. I have 2 years until my mandatory payments start, but if I wanted to, I could...
There are a lot of clefs: G, F, and many C clefs. And it is not trivial to read some clef is you are familiar with another one. I think music comprehension would be made easier if we only used one type of clef. To be precise, I propose to teach just one clef (I don't care which one, but I will us...
I am running a campaign soon with a player who has a very interesting PC concept for a cleric whose religion is animism. Story details aside, I came up with this homebrew class based on consultation with the player about the concept and am now trying to determine if it is balanced and whether it ...
I'm trying to streamline my workflow. I want one keystroke to
slurp the token that my cursor is on, setting it in the search register
enable hlsearch to show where else it is in the buffer
not move the cursor
report the number of occurrences of this search pattern in the buffer
When hitting the...
split splits a file into pieces which in total consumes the same storage space (doubling the consumed disk space).
ln can create a symbolic link (symlink) to other (target) file while not duplicating the file and thus does not consume double the space of the target file.
due to the lack of storag...
Mántra–Brā́hmaṇayor Veda-nāma-dheyám.
"The name 'Véda' is given to the Mántra and the Brā́hmaṇa."
—Āpastamba-şrāuta-sūtrá 24.1.31
Ádhi-Dāivam áth' ā́dhy-ātmam
ádhi-yajñam íti trayám
Mántreṣu Brā́hmaṇe c' āivá
Şrutám íty ábhi dhīyate.
"The three-fold knowledge pertaining to the Gods, the soul,...
Context: Newbie at cleats, and using Decathlon SPD SL 3 bolt cleats for road bikes.
Is it easier to unclip using a shoe with higher stiffness index? I currently use a shoe that is around 6-7 on the stiffness index. Is it easier to unclip if I changed to a shoe that is around 10 stiffness index (f...
If you'd like to print this:
One Two Three Four
1 2 3 4
using this:
new Columns()
.withColumnSeparator(" ")
.withPad(" ")
// .alignLeft()
// .alignRight()
.addLine("One", "Two", "Three", "Four")
.addLine("1", "2", "3", "4")
I would like to create something like this to illustrate linear models.
Here is my code so far, generated using Mathcha, just to have an idea of what I would like.
%uncomment if require: \path (0,300); %set diagram left star...
A light signal is received from outer space at a frequency of 982.002MHz
Calculate the wavelength of the signal and identify a corresponding earth unit.
By using the exact value of the unit convert the frequency back into a speed to reveal a well known constant.
In comments to Is the Garmin G1000's heading indicator based on a Magnetic compass?, it's claimed that the GMU44 magnetometer is not a magnetic compass.
I don't understand this claim, as the device is a magnetometer, which senses the Earth's magnetic field, meaning it's aligned to the magnetic po...
[See updated question below] I'm debating someone who is making this argument: "Most religions believe all other religions are wrong, and their religion is right. Therefore the consensus is that all religions are wrong."
I think this is faulty logic. In my view, since most believe one is right, a...
When I first met the integral
$$I=\int_0^{\infty} \frac{\tan ^{-1}(a x)-\tan ^{-1}(x)}{x} d x,$$
I tried to use Feynman’s Technique by considering the integral with parameter $a$
$$ I(a)=\int_0^{\infty} \frac{\tan ^{-1}(a x)-\tan ^{-1}(x)}{x} d x, \quad \textrm{ where } a>0
I am confused on dealing with the positive or negative sign when finding the two square roots of a complex number. For example I am solving a similar question to the one here: link
In the answer it is written: $$z^{1/2}=\sqrt{9\left(\cos\frac{\pi}{3}+i\sin \frac{\pi}{3}\right)}$$
Then: $$=\color{...
Romeo and Juliet is listed as one of Shakespeare's tragedies and, personally, I found it one of the more affecting ones. With that in mind I was gobsmacked to learn that there's apparently a dirty joke right at the high point of pathos in the play. When Juliet says:
O happy dagger! This is thy s...
WE read in Is 7:14 (KJV):
Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
Of course, the Gospels speak of the Virgin Birth of Jesus . But, before the Gospels were recorded, there must have been a way in which t...
Using C++17, I have a method that takes a function with a parameter that must be a reference. Right now, I do not get a compilation error when I pass a lambda taking a non-reference parameter. I want this situation to not compile.
How can I achieve this? Also which implicit conversion kicks in an...
In contrast to Europe, the UK has drive left policy. It is not easy to follow the rules, coming from Europe. Is there a written or in person training for this?
I have found this:
but this does no...
Here the lines:
I have no idea how to make the little bump. If only it were straight lines :)
Colors are:
green: #9DC634
orange: #F39614
pink: #F39614
purple: #AB7CB5
Thanks for your help
In this question the multiplication of two impulse functions is discussed
However, what if I have two shifted impulses say:
$z(t) = \delta(t-\tau)\cdot \delta(t-\beta)$
Now if I want to integrate $z(t)$ how would I go about it? Let's say the integral is:
My question is with regards to the implementation from the Qiskit textbook.
From my understanding the algorithm is for finding out what an unknown bit-string is which in the classical case requires N operations where N is the length of the string.
My question is in the below snippet, is it not do...
I want to override vendor/magento/module-page-builder/Controller/Adminhtml/ContentType/Image/Upload.php. please help me.
I want to allow webp extension in code using the override method.
For today, I will listen(obey) to your arrangement(s). I'll do whatever what you let me do.
The above English translation was made by me.
I've been stuggling to understand the below sentence.
you let me do something then I do something.
Directly reading above...
Currently in production I check if two dates are identical in apex by doing date1 == date2
I see in the documentation that there is also isSameDay
Would you know if using == between two dates is a good practice or if it is better to use isSameDay?
Let Y be a lognormally distributed random variable with mean $\mu_Y$ and standard deviation $\sigma_Y$. Assume $\ln(Y)$ is normally distributed with mean $\u$ and variance $\sigma^2$. According to my source, the mean of the lognormal distribution satisfies
I am building interior wooden cills and from a 3m x 250mm board/plank (25mm thick) I need to remove a rectangular section about 50mm thick along most of its length, giving something like:
I have a circular saw and jigsaw but no plunge saw or table saw or router, as well as regular hand saws and ...
I'm using this - opamp.
I'm powering the MCP6V81 off +0.5V and -5.0V supplies. So the supplies are very unbalanced. Will this cause us any issues? Such as output offset, and drift?
Also, in the absolute maximum voltage rating, it is mentioned as Vdd-Vss = 6.5V.
Is it the difference between two vo...
A field(Example__c, Text 255 char) can have a value of alphanumeric(numbers and/or letters) type and character length
should ONLY be either:
3 character value
7 character value
12 character value
I have written the below validation rule:
I am doing light loads ~30-40kg, and I am pretty comfortable with holding the barbell vertically up using my elbow when doing cleans. Why is it recommended to keep it on the delts? Refer
I am using a 3 axis gyroscope (Android device) to record angular velocities using a sensor data logger application.
When the device is placed stationary, the gyroscope recorded the following values:
X: 0.003
At an instantaneous time t.
If I resolve the vector components to fi...
In Latin there are words which look & sound English-y; but, do not mean the English things which they resemble e.g. Latin word, "infestus", does not mean English, "infested"; but, "hostile". There is a possible linkage: a body which is doing the infesting may well be hostile. Still, the meanings ...
It's a finance paper. Is there any problem with adding somebody with a Master in English as a coauthor, since he could help me correct the grammatical mistakes and make the paper more readable?
I want to study the theory of sheaves from a categorical point of view with an emphasis on applications in algebraic topology and differential geometry and I'm looking for a good introductory book to the subject with these qualifications in mind.
I know that the theory of sheaves is fundamentally...
Consider some Mathematica notebook where there is some preliminary code followed by chapters, sections, and subsections that must be evaluated using the code. Say, there are Chapter 1, Chapter 2, where there are sections 1.1, 1.2, and the subsections 1.1.1 (in 1.1), 1.2.1, 1.2.2 (in 1.2).
Would i...
What's the title of movie where a man was abducted by beings believed to be aliens and finds out they were from the future. They came back in time because the genetic manipulation in the future affected the diversity and civilization will be condemned because of it. So they came back to abduct pe...
Let $(M, g), (N, h)$ be two Riemannian manifolds and $u: M \to N$ a smooth function. I would like to know how to show that, for $x \in M$,
$$|\nabla u|^2(x) = g^{\alpha \beta}(x)h_{ij}(u(x)) \frac{\partial u^i}{\partial x^\alpha} \frac{\partial u^j}{\partial x^\beta}.$$
I know that in the case $f...
I am learning the concept of $L^2_w[a,b]$ space - space of square-integrable functions on the interval $[a,b]$ - in the context of Hilbert spaces. After struggling to show that the space of continuous functions is not complete, I came to wonder if the $L^2_w$ norm is in fact a well-defined norm.
I like to ground my games with a cinematic scope and my players may come up against a dragon pretty soon. The dragons are very much feral and evil and so I am looking to show their feral nature.
If a player was knocked to making death saving throws, could the dragon (using D&D 5e Mechanics) pick ...
In ECDSA, when parsing the public key a test is made to ensure the public key really lies on the curve. What vulnerabilities appear if one does not do this?
Magnetic dipoles in a rest frame behave as a mixture of dielectric dipoles and magnetic dipoles in another moving frame. However this is sometimes controversial due to Mansuripur's paradox (see Griffiths 2013 article about it). According to a deleted answer in another question, there is a covaria...
I would like to prepare a flow chart for my thesis outline in LaTeX, which looks like the following figure. I was trying to adapt the following code, but I got stuck to arrange C, D and E. I was wondering if anyone could help me?
Thank you in advance!
Is anyone on this platform a Talmid or Alumnus of the Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem (and learns/learned under R'Asher Arieli)? If so, I have a few questions:
It seems very much like there is no structure there- I'm coming from a yeshiva where everyone has a designated Makom where he Davens, learns, a...
I read somewhere you can use vegetable peelings to make a good vegetable stock, I loved this idea of producing even less waste but I have 2 questions.
Are there any vegetable peelings I shouldn't use, eg. Butternut Squash has a really hard skin is that okay to use
Will I get loads of pesticides...
I was just learning the Mishna Berura and Aruch Hashulchan on this topic, and one thing that seemed to be strangely taken for granted by the Mishna Berura, without any source for it that I can find, was the individual's (even in a minyan with a Shliach Tzibbur) recitation of the word "Emes" at th...
I reorganized my shapefiles folders. Now the layer file paths are broken.
I have tried the solutions showed in the QGIS User guide (chapter 6.2), but :
I dont want to process my layers individually, since there are far too many of them.
The "Auto-Find" in the "Handle Unavailable Layers" dialog, ...
In my low-fantasy setting there is a civilization of blind people living in a very safe and isolated region of the world. Thinking about how this civilization could have developed throughout the centuries I realized that many alternative development paths not requiring sight involve very flammabl...
There are n married couples at a party. Each person shakes hand with every person other than her or his spouse. Find the total number of hand-shakes.
My method was Total person =2n
1 person can makes handshakes with 2n-2 people , and there are 2n people in the room . Total handshakes= 2n(2n-2) . ...
In a sci-fi setting, I was told it was important to follow scientific principles to some extent. Neglecting these principles can create confusion and disbelief among readers or viewers.
For example, if you're depicting spaceships or advanced technology, I was told it's essential to explain how th...
Interestingly, China is selling some non-trivial weapons like ballistic missiles to the "traditional US ally" Saudi Arabia.
Is it possible to know if China sells more weapons [e.g. in terms of value] to the Saudis than to Iran, in recent times? (I'm aware that publicly available sources may be sk...
Back in 2018 we had a life insurance policy that was set up in 2007, we were selling our house and buying another, our broker wanted to make sure we were covered as we were taking on a bigger debt. She advised to keep the old policy because it was excellent and take out what she called a top up ...
I love that Deseq2 has altHypothesis="lessAbs" !!!!!!! I've used it a ton for RNA-seq. However, now I'm working with mass spect data using limma. Is there a way to make limma do the same thing?
My field is mathematics. I am editing a preprint for submission to a journal and one requirement is an abstract length of 150-250 words. I find it quite surprising that there is a minimum length for the abstract. My abstract has 60 words and three statements: The result, the method, and the halfw...